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Consumer Behaviour – Assignment

Batch: 2022-24, Semester – 3.

Type of evaluation: Group of 5/6 (as created and shared)
Submission: Due by early September 15th 2023
Objective: The objective of this assignment is to assess the student’s expertise with the
application of the concepts of Motivation, Personality, Perception, Learning, culture, and
consumer decision making in marketing
Project description: the student is to choose a brand from a product category (Restrict the
brand to one category. E.g. if you are choosing Yamaha it should be restricted to either two-
wheeler OR music OR water sports. No group shall be allowed to select the same brand from
a category) and study in detail the brand’s marketing program. The primary thrust is on the
explicit communication of the brand (advertisement, sales promotion, personal selling, direct
marketing, public relations, word-of-mouth, and event sponsorship). The student is also
expected to the implicit communication like price, product, and distribution. They shall
include a ½ sheet pictorial depiction of the Marketing program as the first page (immediately
after the cover)
Based on their understanding, they are to explain/ elucidate on the following.
Instructions: The students may do good to adhere to the following

• Use appropriate theories, models & their illustrations while answering the question
• Use of charts, flowcharts and table when possible as opposed to long paragraphs
• Use of bullet / numbered points when arguing
• Hand written & illustrated the assignment will have a five percent bonus mark
Assessment :The assessment will be 30% based on overall group performance and 70% will
be based on individual contribution. The submissions will clearly mention the individual
contribution of each member ( which section the individual has worked on)
Section 1 (4-6 pages’ maximum)
What is the motivation for the products use? (the motive being created/ stimulated by the
marketer) – Use the motivational process diagram to explain the same.
What needs are being satisfied by the product (use Maslow’s hierarchy)
What self-concepts are involved in the usage products? Use a table to elucidate your answer
What is the brand’s personality – use Aaker’s 5 types of brand personality. If the brand is
depicting multiple personalities, please clarify.
How would you describe a typical user of the product? Provide at least five demographic and
five psychographic (lifestyle, values, beliefs, personality…) descriptions of the person

Section 2 (2-3 pages’ maximum)
Based on their promotions, describe how they are taking their customers through the brand
perceptual process (use the perceptual process diagram & apply it to your brand)
What semiotics are they using? Use the object/ sign/ Interpretant framework.
Classify their signs/ semiotics (into icon, index, symbol) and justify your answer
Section 3 (3-4 pages’ maximum)
What learning objective do they have for their brand (create, change, OR sustain certain
What learning theory/ theories are being used by the marketer to develop appropriate brand
knowledge and attitude? Elucidate your argument
Draw a possible associative network for the brand that is in your mind.
Section 4 (2-3 pages)
What are the cultural influences on the product category?
Which groups influence the product purchase?
Section 5 (2-3 Pages)
What is the commonly exhibited consumer behaviour?
What route to information processing does the consumers exhibit for the category?
Map a consumer journey for the product purchase.

Rubrics for assessment

Section Good (80-100%) Average (60-70%) Poor (40-50%)

Section 1 (5 marks) Clearly able to Able to describe the Able to describe the
describe the product product usage product usage
usage motive, need, motive, need, motive, need,
associated associated associated
personality, and self- personality, and self- personality, and self-
concepts concepts. However, concepts. However,
lacks conceptual lacks conceptual
clarity . clarity and exhibits
some confusion
between the
Section 2 (5 marks) Able to clearly Able to identify the Able to identify the
identify the application of the application of the
application of the perceptual process perceptual process
perceptual process by the brand, and by the brand, and

by the brand, and their use of their use of
their use of semiotics but semiotics but
semiotics exhibits some lack of exhibits lack of
conceptual clarity conceptual clarity
and confusion
between the
Section 3 (5 marks) Clearly identifies allIdentifies most of Identifies the
of the brand’s the brand’s learning learning objectives
learning objectives, objectives, and the of the brand but not
and thecorresponding the relevant theories
corresponding learning theories to the objective
learning theories used.
Section 4 (5 marks) Clearly identifies theIdentifies either Inadequate
cultural/ sub-culture clearly only cultural/ identification of
& group influence on sub-culture OR cultural/ sub-culture
the product category group influence on & group influence on
the product category the product category
Section 5 (5 marks) Clearly identified the Clearly identifies Clearly identifies
type of consumer only two of the three only one of the three
behaviour, for the product for the product
processing and
customer journey for
the product/
Presentation (5 Aesthetically Presentation and Poor presentation,
marks) presented, formatting are formatting and
formatted, and acceptable but not illustration and
illustrated very aesthetic visually unappealing.

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