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E-Gov Products and Services

Implementation of CCTNS Project

in Tamil Nadu
The ambitious Crime and Edited by yyThe system was not an integral
R. GAYATRI part of the functioning at the ground
Criminals Tracking Network

level i.e. in the Police Stations.
odernization of
& System (CCTNS) project the Police force
yyManual record keeping was not
was conceived as one through use of
yySharing of information was not
technology has
of the 31 Mission Mode been attempted effective.
by several states A need to build a new system was
Projects of India’s National and the Centre with varying levels felt in accordance to the experiences
e-Governance Plan (NeGP) of success. Some of the important gained from the past efforts. The
examples are Crime Criminals CCTNS project was conceived with
for transforming Police Information System (CCIS) software the mission of transforming the Police
into an IT-based force and to improve
into an IT-based force and by National Crime Records Bureau
the delivery of citizen-centric services
(NCRB), eCOPS software by Andhra
to improve the delivery of Pradesh, CAARUS software by Tamil by enhancing the efficiency and
effectiveness of the Police Stations.
citizen-centric services. The Nadu, and the Thana Crime Tracker
It is achieved by creating a platform
System by West Bengal. The CCIS
project was approved by was an early attempt at creating a
for sharing crime and criminal related
information across the Police Stations
national level database of crime and
the Cabinet Committee on criminals. The data entry, however, is
in the country.
Economic Affairs (CCEA) in carried out at the district level. Forms OBJECTIVES
were filled up manually at the Police
June 2009. The outlay of Stations and sent for data entry. These
yyMake Police Department
citizen friendly and transparent by
R 2000 crores was made in early efforts carry certain limitations: automating the functioning of Police
the 11th Five Year Plan for yyThe focus was on data collection
for the monitoring agencies to be yyImproving delivery of citizen-
the CCTNS project. used in statistical analysis, records centric services by effective use of
management, etc. technology


Deputy Director General, NIC

Technical Director

16 | | October 2014

E-Gov Products and Services

yyProviding Investigating Officers

with tools, technology and information
to facilitate investigation of crimes and
detection of criminals
yyImprove Police functioning in
various other areas such as Law and
Order, Traffic Management etc.
yyFacilitate interaction and sharing
of information among Police Stations,
Districts, State/UT Headquarters and
other Police Agencies
yyAssist the Senior Police Officers in
better management of Police force CCTNS-Tamil Nadu Architecture
yyKeeping track of the progress of
cases, including those pending in the The System Integrator (SI) for the 13th March 2013. Using the system,
courts project is NIIT Technologies Ltd acknowledgement for the Community
yyReduce manual and redundant (NTL). The Network Connectivity Service Register was provided to the
record keeping Provider is Bharat Sanchar Nigam citizens by all Police Stations. Because
The beneficiaries of the CCTNS Ltd (BSNL). The core application of CIPRUS, 6 manual registers were
project are the citizens, Police software, Common Integrated Police replaced with digital registers in all the
Department, Ministry of Home Affairs Record Updation System (CIPRUS), Police Stations in the state.
and external departments like courts, is developed by the National CIPRUS captures details of all cases
jails, hospitals, Passport Offices, Informatics Centre (NIC). The State registered at the Police Station and
Transport Department, etc. Project Monitoring Unit (SPMU) is automates the process of disposing the
handled by PricewaterhouseCoopers cases, including the investigation and
Pvt. Ltd (PwC). prosecution.
The State Police Department has been STATE CAS – CIPRUS CIPRUS MODULES
divided into 4 Zones, 12 Ranges, 33 The approach for the CCTNS-TN yyRegistration
Districts and 6 Commissionerates provided by NIC is a hybrid model. yyInvestigation
and covers a total geographical area The Client Server technology (for
of 1.3 lakh sq kms. As per the MHA yyProsecution
Police Stations) and Web technology
approval, the CCTNS project is yyStaff Management
for dissemination of crime and
to be implemented in 1482 Police yyStation Data Bank
criminal related information to all the
Stations, 900+ Special Units and 479 yyQuery & Reports
Supervisory Officers (from Inspector
higher offices, which will be a large
of Police to the Director General
scale implementation. Hence, a pilot FEATURES
of Police) form the consolidated
phase implementation was planned yyComplete integrated solution with
database of Police Stations (using the
to understand the requirements/ customized NIC Linux, PostgreSQL
Replication software) at the State Data
challenges at the field level and to and CIPRUS Application
standardise the processes/procedures.
The CIPRUS application developed yyWorkflow based application with
One district in each zone was selected
4 different roles viz., Duty Officer,
as the Pilot District (three districts and by NIC was implemented on pilot
Investigating Officer, Record Keeper
one Commissionerate) in order to locations from Nov, 2011 and was
and Station House Officer
gather the experience of implementing used for capturing 10 years legacy
the project in different zones. data of all 1482 Police Stations. yyProvision for all type of cases like
More than 9 lakh legacy crime crime, L&O, accident, prohibition
IMPLEMENTATION details of all stations were captured and other types
STAKEHOLDERS and the CIPRUS was in place at all yyWell defined 22 events for
The CCTNS implementation in locations from Nov, 2012. CIPRUS investigation of all types of cases
Tamil Nadu is enabled by 4 external application was formally launched by yyDrill Down Report features for all
agencies that carry out key functions. the Hon’ble CM of Tamil Nadu on 18 abstracts and more than 100 reports

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E-Gov Products and Services

Number of 1482 Police Stations is updated online

Sl. No Type of Cases Traced Location
Cases Traced using the replication tool configured at
1 Missing Persons 1 Kanyakumari District
these stations which is further updated
2 Vehicle Matching (Stolen / Recovered) 8 Madurai City
3 Passport Verification 7 Tirunelveli – 1 at the State Data Centre. Though there
Kanyakumari – 2 are 25 stations where no connectivity
Tiruvarur - 2 is feasible, an offline solution has been
Virudhu Nagar - 2
provided so that data generated from
4 Driving License Verification 2 Virudhu Nagar
these stations can also be updated
yyStation Statistics – for the SHO to complainants of Community Service periodically depending on the volume
get the first hand information of the Register (CSR) cases of the data.
station activity as and when SHO logs yyAll reports are generated during
in to the system Till date, 26 lakh crime details and
the time of investigation viz., Seizure 3.58 lakh Community Service Register
yyBetter Staff Management System Mahazar, Witness Certificate,
details are available on the Server.
to monitor the leaves, quarter’s Confession Statement, Post-Mortem
allotment, duty roster, field duty of the Report, Medical Memo, Arrest Card, Around 500+ cases are entered daily
Police Station officials etc. Remand Reports, Inquest Report, on the CIPRUS application and are
Charge Sheet, etc. channelized from the SDC Server for
INFRASTRUCTURE AT THE POLICE review/query purpose.
STATIONS B. Web Enabled Model for
yy1 server + 3 client machines at all Supervisory Officers – At all levels WAY FORWARD
Police Stations (from station to state level) Efforts are in place to provide:
yyReplication of the Police Station data
CITIZEN SERVICES yyE-mail/SMS alerts for the citizen
to SDC through VPNoBroadBand/
Presently, Tamil Nadu is having a and officers of the particular complaint
VWiMax/Satellite Connectivity -
single integrated portal, both for & crime details
Symmetric DS (replication tool)
officers and for the public, which was
yyIncremental Data pushed to SDC yyGeneric query on crime and
formally launched by the Hon’ble CM
depending on the network availability of Tamil Nadu on 13th Mary 2013. criminal details
yyRetrieval of data (MIS) by higher yyRole based reports for review and
In consonance with the twin directives
officers using citizen portal information
from MHA and the State IT Ministry,
certain services need to be provided yyRole based dash board services
BENEFITS ACHIEVED for the public as part of e-Governance yyIntegration with external and
A. At Station Level initiative. The services that are internal stake holders like courts, jails
yyCompleted Implementation of provided on the public portal as part etc.
STATE-CAS (CIPRUS) in all the of e-Services can be classified as:
1482 Police Stations with 10 years yyOnline complaint to Police SUCCESS STORIES OF CIPRUS &
legacy data within 2 years time – as CCTNS PORTAL
against 3 years time given by NCRB yyOnline information to Police
yyKnow the status of complaints The success of CCTNS has already
yyCIPRUS put in to use for been reaped by the Tamil Nadu
registered by the citizen
registration, investigation and Police. The system has enabled tracing
prosecution stages of the cases in all yyMissing persons and unidentified
dead body photos with search facility the missing persons within 2 days.
1482 Police Stations.
So far, 6 un-identified dead bodies
yySeven different registers generated yyMatching of lost & recovered
vehicles and mobiles were identified using the system.
by the CIPRUS application are The process of Passport verification
maintained electronically by yyFacility to apply online for certain
licenses-Arms License, Gymnasium, has been done using the Convicted
abolishing the manual register
Video Library, Browsing Centre etc. Accused Search. Vehicles involved in
maintenance at all the 1482 Police
Stations of Tamil Nadu - FIR Index, crime are also tracked down using the
yyMobile Tracking
Loose Leaf Index, Name War Index, portal.
yyViewing FIR/CSR status
Rowdy Register, Community Service
For further information:
Register, Motor Vehicle Case Register OTHER SERVICES SHRI P. KRISHNA PRASAD
and Ordinary Petty Case Register. Besides services, provision is made for SIO & DDG
yyAcknowledgement provided assisting Supervisory Officers in their NIC, Tamil Nadu State Centre
to all the complainants/counter day to day tracking activity. Data from E-mail:

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