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Princess Marielle P.

De Leon
12- Maxwell

I considered my lola (Sabina De Leon) as my mentor because she is the one who took
care of me since I was a little, and she would share some of her experiences in life that helps
me to learn from it. My lola grew up living a difficult life, she only finished elementary school
because she have to work in the farm to help her mother and siblings that is why she always
tell me to finish my studies because that's her dream and she didn't want me to experience
the hardships she experienced, and that made me admire her more. Whenever I made a
mistakes or problems, she will always discipline and scold me because she says that its for
my sake and I totally understand it. Having a mentor is necessary because they are the one
who will guide and help us to learn experiences and also they always give motivation and
support, that is why they play a big role in our life.

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