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ESCA Ecole de Management

Academic year 2023- 2024

Teacher’s name : Anouar Hasbaoui

Competition: Think Out Of The Box

Morocco will jointly organize the world cup 2030 with Spain and Portugal. The magnitude of
this universal event is very crucial to many stakeholders such as government entities, privates’
companies, NGO and also academic institutions. As leading business school in MENA region,
ESCA is fully engaged to contribute to the success of this national strategic project. This
competition entitled « Think of the Box » is aimed to integrate students to be aware of the
future challenges and how they can take benefits from the world sport event.

This competition will allow students to :

 Fully understand the challenges of the organisation of the world cup.

 Enhance their sense of creativity and innovation;
 Increase their proactive capabilities;
 Increase their team spirit;
 Analyse the benefits and the risks of the global event;
 Generate comprehensive thinking;
 Communicate an defend their ideas and choices appropriately using academic English;
 Raise their environment and social responsibilities;

What are the participants ?

1. First year IBA 2 groups
2. Second year IBA 1 group
3. Third year IBA 1 group
What is required ?
Each group will have to :
 Hold periodical meeting.
 Focus on one sector (you can form many subgroups if you want to takle many
sectors) ;
 Show the link between the sector and the global event;
 Propose innovative ideas, projects, tasks, activities to allow the selected
sector(respectively companies that operate in such sector) to fully benefit from the
global event ;
 Proposed ideas can be : future investments , new products and services…etc.
 Prepare power point presentation of 25 to 30 mn.

Assessment criteria
To assess the group proposal we will use the following criterion:
 The importance of the proposed ideas and projects;
 The number of proposed ideas;
 The number of sectors
 The way the propositions are presented and defended

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