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The great Ice Age or Glacial Period, was a time

when a great mas s of ice came down gradually from the north
and covered parts of the world.It came down over North
America, and a similar mass of ice came down over northen
Europe and western Siberia .
When did this happen?It is thought that it
began nearly 1,000,000 years ago, When did it end?In the
United Kingdom it may have ended only a few thousand years
ago, and in some parts of the world it still has not really ended.
The glacial period still remains in Antartica and Greenland.
Millions of square miles of Central Europe
were buried under a ward in front of glaciers creeping ice sheet
which reached as far south as London,Rumania and the
southern tip of Russia.
When the Ice Age came,animals from the
Arctic migrated south-ward in front pf the glaciers.Animals
which could not stand the new, colder conditions were forced
to migrate to warmer regions, or die out.Native wild animals
now only found in America are merely a remainant of the many
varities of beats known to have lived there before the Ice Age.
Man, of couse,was able to adapt his life to
the colder climate. This probably helped him ghain in
intelligence because more difficult living conditions made him
use his mind and ingenuity in order to survive.
Plant life also moved south in front of glaciers,
and moved back again as the glaciers melted.But many kinds of
plant simply died out.
08:51:34 AM19-05-2015


You can get a pretty good idea of what
causes an earthquake from thinking about what
happens during an earthquake. During an
earthquake,there is a trembiling of the ground It is
this trembling of the earth which may cause
buildings to fall.
So an earthquake is a trembiling or
vibration of the earth's surface .What makes it
happen?Well, the rock of earth 's crust may have a
"fault", a kind of break in the crust.The earth blocks
shift. Sometimes the sides of the fault move up and
down against each other.At other times, the sides of
the fault shift lengthwise.
But when one rock mass has rubbed on
another with great force and friction,we have a lot
of energy being used.This vast energy that comes
from the rubbbing is changed to vibration in
rocks.The vibration is what we feel as aan
earthquake.And this vibration may travel thosands
of miles.o

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