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2022-2023 SPRING prep.
noun Class:

Centrary ofact
_______________ that he earns a
lot, m!ke !s
through f!nanc!al

A. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the

given sentence?

1. Contrary to what researchers expected, cash payments

worked only for a limited period, and then they stopped
motivating the students.
a) The cash payments students received to feel more motivated were
stopped, as a result, students’ motivation dropped, which was what
researchers had already expected.

b) Paying students cash motivated students only for a certain amount
of time, after which students lost their motivation, surprising
c) Researchers admitted that the reason why student motivation
decreased was the fact that students got cash payments for a limited
amount of time.
d) In contrast to researchers’ beliefs, students felt motivated even
when they stopped receiving the limited cash payments.
2. On the other hand, many other social scientists claim
that this generation may be the most connected generation
a) Although people agree that this generation is more connected,
most scientists oppose this view.
b) In contrast to what many social scientists say, it is known that this
is the most connected generation ever.
c) Despite the claims of all social scientists, it is believed that this
generation is the most connected one.
d) However, a number of social scientists suggest that possibly, no

other generation is as connected as this one.
M!nor!ty - az

3. Four out of the five participants who experienced the only far

fake surgery said it was so helpful that they would gladly major!ty
recommend it to a friend.
a) Either four or five participants said that the surgery was fake,
and as a result, they were happy that they had not recommended it
to their friends.
b) The majority of the participants would happily advise a friend to
have the fake surgery as they found it really beneficial.
c) It was really helpful that at least four people recommended the
surgery to a friend despite the fact that it was fake.
d) The fake surgery, which was very helpful, was recommended by
the participants to most of their friends.

B. Choose the correct answer.

1. It is a legal _______ that you have insurance for your car.

a. challenge b. requirement c.
incentive d. variety
2. The company _______ medical benefits to all employees.
a. encourages b. influences c.
provides d. avoids
3. The UN was criticized for its _______ protection ·
individual African countries.
a. profitable Kat ⑧ yetes!
b. inadequate c.
appropriate d. official

4. Employers want to keep skilled _______ because of the high

cost of training.
a. structure b. privilege c.
labour d. manufacture
5. Reducing speed limits should _______ fewer deaths on
the roads. Andence
a. lead to b. result from sonuy
c. be
capable of kapas!omak d. get on with !y! geç!nmek
6. The ancient Egyptians physically _______ the dead in the form
of mummies in order to ensure a
good afterlife.
a. preserved b. adopted c.
expanded gel!şt!rme d. established kurmak
7. Ann, who was bullied by her manager, ______ evidence to prove that
he was guilty and that he should
be punished.
a. estimated Joher b. gathered p!c c. enforced
varsaymek X
d. realized
8. If mankind fails to address the problem of pollution, future
generations will face the terrible _______ dev!se


of our inaction. cat
a. witnesses tank b. consequences c. devices
Y alet
d. measures
9. It is important for people with diabetes to constantly _______ their
insulin levels.
a. oblige b. own ⑧ c. monitor
d. disturb
10. Parents have to find ways to show their children that
they _______ their feelings and reactions. be!nsecet
a. hesitate
d. conform
b. respect
⑧ c. absorb

11. Kate has just been appointed chief executive officer (CEO) of
a major _______. atamden

a. regulation b. strike h!t go

on str!ke
c. tax


d. corporation
12. The book I got out of the library _______ the information I
needed to finish my report, so
I'll have to find a better one.
a. imported
b. desired
c. exported ⑧d. lacked m!ss!ng
13. My grandfather was given official _______ to immigrate to the
US in 1955.
⑧a. permission et!r!lme b. flexibility c.
scholarship d. upbringing 14. Difficulties with the
English language _______ a serious disadvantage to new

ertaguner!c, kulenteeeeee

a. remain
geren b. pose
d. fluctuate !n

15. Children who try to meet their parents’ expectations all the time
_______ anxiety and low self-esteem.

Fener Özdereme
⑲ suffer from
a. b. interact with c.
consist of durmeh d. identify with
16. The judge said that the fine would _______ as a warning to
other drivers.
a. settle yerlesmek
d. discriminate götüren
b. serve c.
C. Complete the paragraph with the correct answer.

In Afghanistan, sons are more valued than girls as only they

can _____ the father’s wealth and pass down the family surname.

Therefore, families that do not have any sons turn their daughters
into ‘bacha poches’. In Afghanistan, having a son is a sign of
prestige and _____ in society. As well as social _____ and
2 3

prestige, the economic need is another reason for this tradition.

Many Afghan families _____ the bacha posh tradition to _____
4 5

the shame of not having any sons. In Afghan society, women are
blamed when they give birth to a daughter since it is believed that
they _____ the sex of the child.

1. a) allow b) encourage c)
prevent d) inherit
2. a) requirement b) acceptance c)
expectation d) behaviour
3. a) conflict b) approach c)
pressure d) isolation
4. a) demand b) adopt c)
accuse d) assume
5. a) expose b) undermine c)
realize d) overcome
6. a) determine b) achieve c)
supervise d) conduct

D. Match the sentence halves.

1. According to a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation, _________
2. As the demand for jobs has increased, _________
3. To many people, India seems to be a country _________

4. Recently graduated foreign students can hardly get work permits _________
neuer ↳ perm!tt!on
a. where women are equal to men.
b. the government is now trying hard to support the older generation by providing as many jobs
as possible.
c. as a result of a new regulation about foreign students in France.
d. children between ages 2 and 5 use mobile technology for 40 minutes a day.

E. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in


1. In the past, the Earth being flat was a common

assumpt!on that many people held
even though they had no way of confirming it. (assume)
2. His career as a journalist was full of
distinguished _____________________.
ach!vement (achieve)

3. African Americans have been victims of human rights

v!olat!on for centuries.
(violate) !hlal etme
4. Residents of the small town believe that
construct!on ofa factory will have a

significant impact on the production of agricultural products.

5. Laws in some countries
severely _____________________
restr!ct freedom of expression.
6. Peter _____________________
!nhert 5 million dollars from his
uncle, who was incredibly rich.
7. More and
more young people are leaving rural areas to find _________________
____ in the cities. employment

met demed
(employ) expectat!on
F. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the
box. There are TWO extra words.



berabere Argement
bias -taraf yolk dad
faraway conducted study -
requirements concerned
↳worry about !ntern
karşılığından scraz!yle
- I

1. In return for the high taxes they pay, the people of Denmark receive
many social and
f!nanc!al Statu
welfare ___________________ from the government.
2. There has been widespread public ___________________debate over the
introduction of genetically
modified food.
3. I am happy that we have finally found a house that seems to meet
all of our __________________.
4. There is nothing new in the fact that news reports

from ___________________ places are often wrong.

5. Lately, awareness about environmental issues has been rising. More
and more people are
cacerned about the dramatic increase in the levels of
air pollution in our cities. More
people are now worried about the increasing levels of air pollution.
6. Tests ___________________ by an American university indicate
that while a dog's memory lasts no
more than 5 minutes, a cat's can last for up to 16 hours.
7. The government is being widely criticized in the press for failing to
l!m!t violent crime
in cities.



1 Music has been around for centuries and is widely used as a

means of communication even when there was no other common
language. For example, in all cultures, the music of the ancient flutes
and drums, the religious songs and the lullabies sung by mothers to
their babies have played a major role in people’s lives. This
connection that people have with music attracted the attention of
advertisers about a century ago. They observed the emotions that
music created in people and concluded that music could have
significant effects in promoting products. Today, they still support
this idea and they make every effort to include music in product
2 It was during World War II that an advertising “jingle”, a short
piece of music that includes a slogan and a product name, was
broadcast over the radio in the US. Made for Pepsi-Cola with the title
“Nickel, Nickel”, the jingle has been considered to be one of the most
successful jingles ever written. It was recorded in more than 55
different languages for the US citizens all around the country. Before
“Nickel, Nickel”, no other jingle was heard on the radio across the
US. It was played hundreds of times a day and people never seemed
to get bored of listening to it. Advertisers had successfully created a
catchy jingle: In a short period of time, thousands of people could
remember its melody and words. Moreover, consumers could easily
recognize the name of the product thanks to the famous jingle.
3 The link between music and advertising became even stronger
in the late 20 century. Specifically, in the 1980s, some advertisers

moved beyond jingles and they started to control the music of famous
artists. Because they paid these artists large amounts of money, they
were able to use their songs freely in TV commercials. By using
popular music in commercials, advertisers could attract the attention
of a specific consumer group. For example, soft drinks advertisers
chose artists like Madonna, who was popular with teenagers. With
the help of Madonna’s music, Pepsi-Cola appeared more trustworthy
in young people’s minds. In other words, these consumers associated
their favourite song with the quality of the product, telling
themselves that the product was good and therefore, worth buying.
4 Unfortunately, the connection between music and advertisers
has not always been accepted with enthusiasm by fans. For example,
when the song “Revolution” written by John Lennon, who was
against consumerism, was used to advertise sports shoes in the 1990s,
his fans were not pleased. Nike, the shoe company, received
thousands of letters complaining about its TV commercial.
Additionally, it had to pay a lot of money to those who said that the
company had broken copyright* laws. This shows that choosing the
wrong music to advertise a product can actually be quite risky.
5 Today, modern advertisers still look for good music to use in
commercials. Sentence Insertion: See question 7 How much a
company will make after using a successful pop song in its
advertisement is not possible to say exactly. The value of good
music, however, is big because of its psychological effects on
humans. Lively pop music creates feelings of pleasure and
satisfaction. When the music that is used in a commercial is
entertaining, it leads to positive feelings in viewers. Furthermore,
scientific studies show that music also has some physical effects on
humans. For example, in an experiment, the heartbeat of 95% of the
participants increased when they listened to lively dance music.
Based on these results, it can be concluded that a commercial with
lively music affects the viewers greatly and it raises their interest in
the advertised product.
6 All in all, in advertising, music links the consumer to the
product. In commercials, while the viewer is affected in a variety of
ways, music serves the advertiser’s main goal: to make consumers
buy the product.
*copyright: the legal right to control the production and selling of a
book, play, film, photograph, or piece of music

1. Choose the best title for the text.

a) The History of Advertising b) Music
in the Advertising Industry
c) How to Create the Perfect TV Commercial d)
Consumer Attitudes to Pop Music

2. “they” in paragraph 1 refers to _____

a) products b) effects c)
emotions d) advertisers

3. What makes “Nickel, Nickel” unique?

a) It was written to celebrate the end of World War II.

b) No other advertising music has been more successful.

c) It was the first jingle to be played on the radio all over the
d) People in 55 countries could listen to it.
4. The word “catchy” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
a) attention-getting b) confusing c)
long-distance d) insecure

5. According to paragraph 3, in the 1980s, _____.

a) teenagers were influenced by the songs of their favourite
b) soft drinks manufacturers were trusted by consumers because
of their good quality products
c) jingles were the most effective way of product advertising
d) advertisements were an opportunity for musicians to become
6. According to paragraph 4, which of the following was
NOT a result of using the wrong advertising music in Nike’s
TV commercial?
a) John Lennon’s complaint against Nike b) unhappy
John Lennon fans
c) legal problems d) increased
expenses for Nike

7. SENTENCE INSERTION: One of the following sentences

has been removed from paragraph 5.
Choose the sentence that fits the best.
a) Moreover, many people cannot live without music.

b) In their search, they are prepared to pay millions of

c) Therefore, advertisers have used all types of music to
advertise cars.
d) Companies believe that advertising helps them to improve
product quality.

8. According to paragraph 5, which of the following is

a) People who listen to pop music are typically unhappy.
b) Viewers who watch TV commercials with lively music are
not interested in the product.
c) Lively dance music has an effect on a person’s heartbeat.
d) Companies are sure they can earn a lot of money when they use
pop music in product advertising.

9. Which of the following questions does the text answer?

a) In order to remember a commercial, how many times should
viewers watch it?
b) How do people react to slow music?
c) What effect did “Nickel, Nickel” have on product sales?
d) What forms of music have been popular in human history?

1 B

2 -

3 -

4 -

5 -

6 A -

7 -

9 -
1 In 1959, Times of India, an Indian newspaper, published the story
of a six-year-old boy who was returned to his parents after living with
wolves for four years. According to the story, the boy, when two years
old, was stolen at night as he was sleeping with his mother outside their
house. When the mother woke up, she saw a wolf running away and
realized that her baby was gone. Four years later, some soldiers, who
were hunting in the forest, found the child together with wolves near
Agra, a city in India.

2 For many, it may sound quite unbelievable that a boy can live
among animals until he is six years old. However, such stories have
always been common in India, where the climate is warm enough in
winter for a child to live outside. Also, researchers think that being
over 12 months old at the time of disappearance might increase the
chances of survival without parental care. According to the story in
Times of India, 13 feral children who survived were reported in India in
the first half of the 20 century. However, none of these children could

be returned to their parents except for the boy of Agra. This news
excited many scientists around the world because they would be able to
conduct studies both on the boy and his parents. They thought, as a
result, they might discover the influence of heredity on the
development of a child who spent his early years without any social

3 William Ogburn, an American sociologist, travelled to Agra to

visit the boy and his parents as soon as he heard the news. When he
met the boy, Ogburn observed that he could not talk, but made some
animal sounds instead. Also, he was eating uncooked meat without
using his hands. When Ogburn asked his parents about the boy’s
behaviors before he got lost, they reported that they had not realized
any abnormality in their child’s body or behaviors before they lost him.
They said he could even talk. Ogburn also interviewed one of the
soldiers who found the boy. The soldier reported that the boy never
talked to him and never seemed happy for being rescued. However,
unlike what was written in Times of India, the soldier said that there
were no animals near the boy when he saw him. Besides, he added that
he found the boy almost 50 kilometers away from the place where he
was stolen by the wolf. “In fact, 50 kilometers is a long distance for a
wolf to carry a child,” said the soldier.

4 Later on, Ogburn wrote an article about his observations and

interviews in Agra. In the article, he claimed, “Believing that the boy
of Agra was raised by animals is the easiest way to explain why he has
animal traits and behavior. However, the study I conducted in Agra has
shown that we do not have enough evidence to support this
explanation. Also, because the boy was able to talk before he got lost,
we cannot suggest that he had inherited learning disabilities. After my
observations in Agra, I am sure that the boy lived without any human
contact for four years and never went through a normal socialization
during these years”. Ogburn added that it was impossible to fully
understand the reasons for his behavior without conducting more
detailed studies.

Answer the following questions according to the text.

1. REFERENCE: What do the following refer to?

a. They (para 2): _____________________

b. he (para 3): _____________________

2. FIND THE WORD: Find the word that has a similar meaning in the
text as the following.

a. to organize and carry out (para 2): _______________

b. an unusual part or feature of something that may be worrying or
dangerous (para 3): __________
c. facts or signs that show clearly that something is true (para 4):
d. qualities, characteristics (para 4): _______________

3. Which of the following best summarizes the first paragraph?

a. Whether the boy of Agra was stolen by wolves or not is unknown.
b. Times of India was the only newspaper that published the story of
an Indian feral child.
c. Before the boy of Agra, many other Indian children had been
stolen by animals.
d. A boy was found in India four years after he was stolen by a wolf.

4. Which of the following suggests that the boy of Agra might not be
raised by wolves?
a. The boy’s behaviors after he returned his home
b. The boy’s parents’ answers to Ogburn’s questions
c. The report given by the soldier who found the boy
d. The story published in Times of India

5. According to Ogburn, animal traits seen in the boy of Agra can

only be explained by _______ for now.
a. his learning disabilities
b. heredity
c. social deprivation
d. his being raised by wolves

6. According to the text, what environmental factor helped the boy of

Agra stay alive for years?

7. What makes the boy of Agra different from other feral children
found in India?

8. What does Ogburn need in order to have a better explanation for

the boy of Agra’s behavior?


Unlike what was written in Times of India, the soldier said that there
were no animals near the boy when he saw him. (para 3)

Based on the sentence above, which of the following cannot be


a. Times of India confirmed that the soldier saw animals near the boy.
b. The article in Times of India mentioned animals near the boy.
c. Either the article or the soldier’s statement is incorrect.
d. The soldier saw the boy.


Answer the following questions according to the text.

1. REFERENCE: What do the following refer to?

a. They (para 2): _____Scientists (around the world) _____

b. he (para 3): _____the soldier_____

2. FIND THE WORD: Find the word that has a similar meaning in
the text as the following.

a. to organize and carry out (para 2): _____conduct________

b. an unusual part or feature of something that may be worrying or

dangerous (para 3):__abnormality__

c. facts or signs that show clearly that something is true (para 4):

d. qualities, characteristics (para 4): ___traits___

3. D
4. C
5. C
6. The climate (in India) is warm enough in winter for a child to live
outside. / the warm climate in winter

7. He could be returned to his parents (unlike other feral children).

8. (He needs) more detailed studies (to have a better explanation for the
boy of Agra’s behaviors.)

2022-2023 SPRING


1 A recent report by the American Association of University Women (AAUW) found that although women
have made progress in sciences and maths, cultural attitudes still do not allow them to achieve greater success.
With the report, the AAUW aimed at finding not only the reason for this limited success but also ways of
increasing the number of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. “We have studied
carefully all the research that has been done so far,” said Catherine Hill, the main author of the report. “We have
found that small things can bring about a change in attitude. For example, teaching children that ability in maths
is not fixed or unchangeable, but that it grows with effort and work and can sometimes make a big difference.”

2 Changing attitudes is not easy, but it becomes more difficult when it is transmitted by educators and teachers.
Five years ago, Lawrence Summers, a university professor, caused a heated discussion. He suggested that the
small number of women in sciences is mainly due to the fact that men and women are born with different brain
structures. The AAUW investigated whether natural physical differences between the sexes can explain why
there are more men than women at the highest levels of science and maths. The report admits the fact that there
are differences in male and female brain structures. However, it argues that none of the studies have found a
connection between them and the mathematical abilities that men and women have.

3 According to the AAUW report, the girls’ performance is affected negatively by teacher feedback stating that
they do poorly at maths and science. In one experiment, college students with similar abilities in maths were
divided into two groups, each consisted of both boys and girls and they were tested on their ability in maths. One
group was told that boys performed better on the test, while the other group was told that there was no difference
in performance between the sexes. SENTENCE INSERTION: See Question 5 In the first group, which was
told that boys do better, boys indeed did much better, with an average score of 25 compared with the girls’ score
of 5. In the second group, which was told there was no such difference, girls scored 15 and boys 16. The
experiment proved that girls have less confidence in their abilities in maths than boys with the same achievement
levels. As most people choose careers where they believe they can do well, girls’ lack of confidence in their
skills may explain why fewer young women prefer scientific careers.

4 At the highest level of abilities in maths, boys have always represented the largest number, but the report
found that this is changing quickly. Thirty years ago, a study was carried out among mathematically talented
teenagers. The findings of this study indicated that boys outnumbered girls 13 to 1. However, now, boys
outnumber girls only about 3 to 1. “Biological factors are not responsible for such a change because biological
characteristics change over very long periods of time,” Ms Hill said. “Factors related to biology could partially
explain why boys outnumber girls, but they are clearly not the only ones. The report found that the reason why
there are fewer women in sciences is closely related to important social factors such as cultural attitudes. As a
result, science remains an area largely dominated by men. “Until women and men are equally represented in
sciences, the AAUW will continue to send the message that women are capable of being more than great
mothers,” said Ms Hill.
Answer the following questions according to the text.

1. What do the underlined words refer to?

a. them (para 2) _________________________
b. they (para 4) __________________________

2. Which of the following arguments does the AAUW disagree with?

a. The brain structures of boys are different from those of girls.

b. Social attitudes towards women limit their contribution to sciences.
c. It is possible to develop maths abilities through studying and practicing.
d. Biology might fully explain the differences in people’s abilities.

3. Which of the following CANNOT be understood from paragraph 3?

a. If they are encouraged, girls do better than boys at mathematics.

b. Psychological factors play an important role in the maths performance of both sexes.
c. Females are greatly affected by what other people think of them.
d. Despite being as good as boys at maths, girls trust themselves less.

4. All of the following have resulted in low participation of women in science EXCEPT:

a. Negative cultural attitudes towards women

b. Women’s lack of confidence in their scientific skills
c. Women choosing careers outside a scientific field
d. Girls’ limited brain capacity

5. SENTENCE INSERTION: A sentence has been removed from paragraph 3. Choose the sentence
fits the best.

a. The study was not completed due to a lack of women scientists.

b. Indeed, the group members wanted to hear the feedback.
c. The results were quite different.
d. However, nothing has changed.


“Until women and men are equally represented in sciences, AAUW will continue to send the message that
women are capable of being more than great mothers,” said Ms. Hill.
According to Ms. Hill, ______________.

a. women will be equally represented in sciences when they stop being great mothers
b. women can be great mothers as long as they are not equally represented in sciences
c. AAUW will stop giving its message when both sexes are equally represented in sciences
d. AAUW will send its message until the society understands that women are great mothers



Answer the questions according to the text.

1. What do the underlined words refer to?

a. them (para 2) _________(differences in) male and female brain structures______________
b. they (para 4) __factors related to biology / biological factors__________

2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. C
2022-2023 SPRING


1. When given rewards, employees are usually more willing to ______.
a. reduce spending b. take responsibility c. lack motivation d. increase
market share
2. Most telecommunications companies consider the needs and wants of their _____ when offering their
a. customers b. recipients c. owners d. managers
3. You need to take a(n) ______ opinion if you want to advance further in your career.
a. unreliable b. poor c. expert d. artificial
4. It was very ______ of you to humiliate your best friend in front of others. The poor girl was so embarrassed.
a. kind b. rude c. emotional d. rational

5. In order to conduct scientific ______, you are required to have basic knowledge of mathematics.
a. research b. exploration c. imagination d. search
6. You shouldn’t have ______ Jane to the party, especially when you knew that she was extremely angry with
a. defied b. tried c. kept d.
7. One of the greatest challenges of our time is to ______ the environment from further deterioration.
a. seek b. search c. protect d. avoid
8. If you are interested, you can find ______ books on gardening in our local library.
a. plenty b. much c. numerous d. a lot
9. The government is planning to ______ the current education system with a newer, more progressive and more
creative one.
a. repeat b. replace c. resist d. respect
10. The job description does not ______ enough information to clarify the required responsibilities of the
a. demand b. express c. appreciate d. include
11. The recent car crash has done severe ______ to the interior of the vehicle.
a. damage b. disruption c. interruption d.
12. As I have been unemployed for nearly a year, I should immediately start ______ a job.
a. looking up to b. looking after c. looking for d. looking up
13. Emily does not have enough ______ to continue her university education after a very rough year at home. Her
parents’ divorce affected her badly.
a. destination b. requirement c. motivation d. treatment
14. Tony did not ______ to see Susan at the meeting since he thought she had left the country two weeks earlier.
a. expect b. except c. accept d. affect
15. After moving to the city, a family who once lived in rural Turkey cannot easily abandon the ______ that they
used to have. It definitely takes time to adjust to city life.

a. rewards b. habits c. drawbacks d. threats

16. It is claimed that the number of people involved in organized ______ has actually decreased. However, we keep
reading about smuggling or theft cases in the newspapers almost every day.
a. debt b. circulation c. crime d. revenue
17. If you want to get a pay rise from your boss, you have to ______ it at the right time, at the right place.
a. ask for b. desire c. decide d. rent
18. European capitals such as Rome, Paris, Berlin, Brussels and Amsterdam ______ millions of tourists every year.
a. disturb b. suffer c. distract d. attract
19. Lisa was ______ of cheating in the exam when some study notes were found under her desk.
a. approved b. accused c. replaced d. taken
20. There is a wide variety of cosmetic ______ on the market that you can use to protect your skin in the summer.
a. pesticides b. images c. products d. peers
21. Parents should not ______ their children from showing affection to stray animals. These animals need to be
loved, as well.
a. fear b. check c. control d. prevent
22. Some technology companies try hard to increase ______ loyalty so that their customers will keep buying their
a. firm b. brand c. price d. cost
23. Local companies should always try to improve the ______ of their products in order to compete with the
foreign ones.
a. quality b. quantity c. status d. expense
24. Jim’s wife thinks that it is meaningless to buy ______ flowers instead of real ones.
a. original b. artificial c. rare d.
25. It is very hard to keep up with the rapid pace of ______ advances since there is always a new product in the
a. functional b. practical c. technological d. controversial
2022-2023 SPRING Class:


1. When given rewards, employees are usually more willing to ______.
a. reduce spending b. take responsibility c. lack motivation d. increase market
2. Most telecommunications companies consider the needs and wants of their _____ when offering their
a. customers b. recipients c. owners d. managers
3. You need to take a(n) ______ opinion if you want to advance further in your career.
a. unreliable b. poor c. expert d. artificial
4. It was very _______ of you to humiliate your best friend in front of others. The poor girl was so embarrassed.
a. kind b. rude c. emotional d. rational

5. In order to conduct scientific ______, you are required to have basic knowledge of mathematics.
a. research b. exploration c. imagination d. search
6. You shouldn’t have ________ Jane to the party, especially when you knew that she was extremely angry
with Mark.
a. defied b. tried c. kept d. invited
7. One of the greatest challenges of our time is to _______ the environment from further deterioration.
a. seek b. search c. protect d. avoid
8. If you are interested, you can find ______ books on gardening in our local library.
a. plenty b. much c. numerous d. a lot
9. The government is planning to ______ the current education system with a newer, more progressive and more
creative one.
a. repeat b. replace c. resist d. respect

10. The job description does not _______ enough information to clarify the required responsibilities of the
a. demand b. express c. appreciate d. include

11. The recent car crash has done severe ________ to the interior of the vehicle.
a. damage b. disruption c. interruption d.
12. As I have been unemployed for nearly a year, I should immediately start _______ a job.
a. looking up to b. looking after c. looking for d. looking up
13. Emily does not have enough ______ to continue her university education after a very rough year at home.
Her parents’ divorce affected her badly.
a. destination b. requirement c. motivation d. treatment

14. Tony did not ______ to see Susan at the meeting since he thought she had left the country two weeks earlier.
a. expect b. except c. accept d. affect
15. After moving to the city, a family who once lived in rural Turkey cannot easily abandon the _______ that
they used to have. It definitely takes time to adjust to city life.

a. rewards b. habits c. drawbacks d.


16. It is claimed that the number of people involved in organized _______ has actually decreased. However, we
keep reading about smuggling or theft cases in the newspapers almost every day.
a. debt b. circulation c. crime d. revenue

17. If you want to get a pay rise from your boss, you have to ________ it at the right time, at the right place.
a. ask for b. desire c. decide d. rent
18. European capitals such as Rome, Paris, Berlin, Brussels and Amsterdam _______ millions of tourists every
a. disturb b. suffer c. distract d. attract
19. Lisa was _______ of cheating in the exam when some study notes were found under her desk.
a. approved b. accused c. replaced d. taken
20. There is a wide variety of cosmetic _______ on the market that you can use to protect your skin in the
a. pesticides b. images c. products d. peers
21. Parents should not _______ their children from showing affection to stray animals. These animals need to
be loved, as well.
a. fear b. check c. control d. prevent
22. Some technology companies try hard to increase ______ loyalty so that their customers will keep buying
their products.
a. firm b. brand c. price d. cost
23. Local companies should always try to improve the ______ of their products in order to compete with the
foreign ones.
a. quality b. quantity c. status d. expense

24. Jim’s wife thinks that it is meaningless to buy ______ flowers instead of real ones.
a. original b. artificial c. rare d.
25. It is very hard to keep up with the rapid pace of ______ advances since there is always a new product in the
a. functional b. practical c. technological d.

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