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More about Equations HM.


Graphical solution of simultaneous equations, one linear and one quadratic

(1) The linear equation gives a straight line graph and the quadratic one gives a smooth curve.
(2) The solutions of the system are given by the coordinates of the points of intersection of the two graphs.
(3) The number of solutions may vary from none to two
Case 1: Two solutions
Case 2: One solution only
Case 3 : No real solutions

Case 3 Case 2 Case 1

Algebraic solution of simultaneous equations, one linear and one quadratic

(1) The method of substitution is used.

Either or , whichever is more convenient, is substituted from the linear equation into the equation.
The values obtained are substituted back into the linear equation to find the other unknown.
(2) The number of solutions may vary from none to two
Case 1: Two solutions
Case 2: One solution only
Case 3 : No real solutions
These cases may be distinguished by the discriminant of the resulting quadratic equation in
( or in ) after substitution.

More about Equations HM.HUANG

Solving quadratic equations using a given quadratic graph

Given the graph of

To solve ---(*)

Rearrange (*) so that it becomes

Draw the line

Then the -coordinates of the points of intersection of the line with the given graph are the roots of (*)

More about Equations HM.HUANG

Solve the simultaneous equations

From (1) ---(3)

Substitute this expression for in (2)

Substitute these values for in (3)
When ,

When ,

the solutions are and

Solve the simultaneous equations

From (1) ---(3)

Substitute (3) for in (2)

More about Equations HM.HUANG
Substitute these values for in (3)

When ,
When ,

the solutions are and

Show that the following system of simultaneous equations has no real solution

From (1) ---(3)

Substitute (3) for in (2)

全式倍大 4 倍


there is no real root for equation (*)

Hence the system has no real solution

Find the value(s) of if the simultaneous equations has only one solution

Substitute (2) for in (1)

More about Equations HM.HUANG

the simultaneous equations has only one solution



Given the graph of , solve by adding in suitable straight lines

This leads to

More about Equations HM.HUANG

At the points of intersection, and , and

the roots of are and

The perimeter of a rectangular platform is m. If the longer side is decreased by m and the shorter

side by m, the area of the platform becomes that of the original area. Find the original dimensions of
the platform.

Let m and m be the lengths of the shorter side and the longer side respectively
Given ---(1)

From (1) ---(3)

From (2)


Substitute (3) for in (4)

More about Equations HM.HUANG

When ,

When ,

Both sets of solutions are valid.

the original dimensions of the platform may be either m m or m m

Consider two natural numbers, each of which consists of digits. Each number is obtained from the other
by reversing its digits. If the sum and the product of the two numbers are and respectively, find
the numbers.

Let and be the digits in the ten’s place and the units’ place respectively for the first number.
Given Sum




From (1) ---(3)

More about Equations HM.HUANG
substitute (3) for in (2)

When ,

When ,

Both sets of solutions give the same pair of numbers

the two numbers are and


The sum of Peter’s age and his father’s is . The sum of the reciprocals of their ages is . Find their

Let and be the age of Peter and his father respectively

Given ---(1)


More about Equations HM.HUANG

From (1) ---(3)

substitute (3) for in (2)

or (rejected)

When ,

Peter is years old and his father is years old

The length of the diagonal of a rectangle is . If its area is , find its dimensions.

Let and be the length and width of the rectangle respectively

Given ---(1)

More about Equations HM.HUANG


From (1) ---(3)

substitute (3) for in (2)



For , or (rejected)
For , or (rejected)

When ,

When ,

Both sets of solutions give the same rectangle

the dimensions of the rectangle is m m

More about Equations HM.HUANG
The total surface area of a solid cylinder will remain the same if the radius is increased by cm and the
height is decreased by cm. If the radius is doubled and the height remains the same, the total surface
area will be increased by . Find the height and radius of the solid cylinder.

Let and be the height and radius of the solid cylinder respectively



From (1) ---(3)

substitute (3) for in (2)

or (rejected)
When ,
the height and radius of the solid cylinder are cm and cm respectively

More about Equations HM.HUANG

The figure show the graphs of the equations and . The curve cuts the

-axis at and and cuts the -axis at . and are the points of intersection of the curve and the

straight line.
(a) Find the values of , and

(b) Solve the simultaneous equations

-2 3


-intercept: Substitute


Substitute into the equation , we got

Sum of roots: ---(*)

More about Equations HM.HUANG

Product of roots:
Substitute into (*) , we got
, and


From (2) ---(3)

Substitute (3) for in (1)

Substitute these values for in (3)

When ,

When ,

the solutions are and

More about Equations HM.HUANG

In the Figure, is the origin. The curve (where is a constant) intersects the line

at the points and . is the mid-point of .

(a) Write down a quadratic equation in such that and are its roots.

(b) By considering the sum and product of the roots of the quadratic equation obtained in (a), find
(i) the coordinates of
(ii) in terms of
(c) Another curve (where and are constants) passes through the origin and the

(i) Find the values of and
(ii) If is the mid-point of , find

More about Equations HM.HUANG


substitute (3) for in (2)

which roots are and


Sum of roots:

Product of roots

As lies on the line ,
Substitute into , we got

(ii) As and lie on the , so and

(c) (i)

More about Equations HM.HUANG

Substitute into the equation, we got

Substitute and into the equation, we got

(ii) If is the mid-point of , then

As , so


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