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Stock Trading

The purpose of this guide is to inform the reader of the process of using stocks for profit in TORN. This document will
outline when to buy and sell and the risks involved.

Learn Each Stock:

When it comes to stock trading we can’t tell you exactly when to buy and sell. You need to study the stock and learn
its peaks and valleys. Once you find them you need to understand that those are not set in stone. Stocks can spike
up higher than every before and it can plummet to zero(in theory anyway).

The stock clique of “Buy Low, Sell High” applies to torn. The graphic below is an example of what you are looking to
understand about every stock. Learn one, use it to make profits, then start learning another. The more you learn the
more profit you can make

How do I do this:
We don’t have many tools to help you with this. You mostly just need to follow the stock, but there are some charts
that can help.

Torn itself provides historical charts and some high and low point information.
You can only view that in the city though. If you are flying you can use Tornsy. It uses more technical looking charts,
but allows you to view while flying, so you can get some valuable study time in.

Passive Income:
Every stock has a threshold where if you own a certain number of shares you unlock a bonus. Bonuses range from a
monthly dividend, to a weekly item, to passive bonuses. These bonuses tend to require a fair bit of money to invest,
several hundred million on average, but can be as cheap as a few million dollars or as expensive as 5+ billion.

Below is a chart that goes over all the stocks, their thresholds, and their benefits

Name Acronym Shares Type Frequency Benefit

Torn City Investments TCB 1,500,000 Passive -- 10% Bank Interest Bonus

Torn & Shanghai Banking TSB 3,000,000 Active 31 Days $50,000,000

Symbiotic Ltd. SYM 500,000 Active 7 days 1x Drug Pack

Crude & Co CNC 7,500,000 Active 31 days $80,000,000

Mc Smoogle Corp MCS 350,000 Active 7 days 100 Energy

Feathery Hotels Group FHG 2,000,000 Active 7 days 1x Feathery Hotel Coupon

Performance Ribaldry
Network PRN 1,000,000 Active 7 days 1x Erotic DVD

Wind Lines Travel WLT 9,000,000 Passive -- Private Jet Access

Syscore MFG SYS 3,000,000 Passive -- Advanced Firewall

Big Al's Gun Shop BAG 3,000,000 Active 7 days 1x Ammunition Pack

Evil Ducks Candy Corp EVL 100,000 Active 7 days 1000 Happy

Torn City Health Service TCHS 150,000 Active 7 days 1x Box of Medical Supplies

Lucky Shots Casino LSC 500,000 Active 7 days 1x Lottery Voucher

International School TC ISTC 100,000 Passive -- Free Education Courses

Torn City Motors TCM 1,000,000 Passive -- 10% Racing Skill Boost

Torn City Clothing TCC 7,500,000 Active 31 days 1x Clothing Cache

Legal Authorities Group LAG 750,000 Active 7 days 1x Lawyer Business Card

Eaglewood Mercenary EWM 1,000,000 Active 7 days 1x Box of Grenades

TC Media Productions TCP 1,000,000 Passive -- Company Sales Boost

Grain GRN 500,000 Active 31 days $4,000,000

Home Retail Group HRG 10,000,000 Active 31 days 1x Random Property

The Torn City Times TCT 100,000 Active 31 days $1,000,000

Empty Lunchbox Traders ELT 5,000,000 Passive -- 10% Home Upgrade Discount

Messaging Inc. MSG 300,000 Passive -- Free Classified Advertising

TC Music Industries TMI 6,000,000 Active 31 days $25,000,000

Insured On Us IOU 3,000,000 Active 31 days $12,000,000

50% (Virus) Coding Time

I Industries Ltd. IIL 1,000,000 Passive -- Reduction

Tell Group Plc. TGP 2,500,000 Passive -- Company Advertising Boost

West Side University WSU 1,000,000 Passive -- 10% Course Time Reduction

Yazoo YAZ 1,000,000 Passive -- Free Banner Advertising

Munster Beverage Corp. MUN 5,000,000 Active 7 days 1x Six Pack of Energy Drink

Alcoholics Synonymous ASS 1,000,000 Active 7 days 1x Six Pack of Alcohol

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