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Letters to the Editor

References optimising outcomes.2 Currently, the Philippines only has 99 devel-

opmental paediatricians, with a majority (52%) practising in the
1 Jarrett OM, Gim D, Puusepp-Benazzouz H, Liu A, Bhurawala H. Factors con- National Capital Region. The scarcity and inequitable distribution of
tributing to neonatal readmissions within 28 days after birth to a level 4 hos- trained paediatric practitioners nationwide result in underreporting
pital. J. Paediatr. Child Health 2022; 58: 1251–5.
of cases, poor early detection and missed multidisciplinary referrals.
2 Gribble J. Factors contributing to neonatal readmissions to a level
On top of this, financial and logistical challenges hinder prompt
4 hospital within 28 days after birth: The effect of neonatal fluid load-
access to a multidisciplinary team for long-term holistic manage-
ing. J. Paediatr. Child Health 2022; 58: 1492.
ment.3 Even if the Philippines is rich in competent health practi-
3 Noel-Weiss J, Woodend AK, Peterson WE, Gibb W, Groll DL. An obser-
vational study of associations among maternal fluids during parturi-
tioners, the lack of a centralised system for recruitment, training,
tion, neonatal output and breastfed newborn weight loss. Int. retention and placement of health workers leads to inequitable
Breastfeed. J. 2011; 6: 9. deployment, hence poor patient utilisation.4
4 Lamp JM, Macke JK. Relationships among intrapartum maternal fluid intake, To ameliorate these, policies and programmes are
birth type, neonatal output, and neonatal weight loss during the first institutionalised to support patients with disabilities in the
48 hours after birth. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Neonatal. Nurs. 2010; 39: 169–77. Philippines. Frameworks for implementing health programmes
5 Watson J, Hodnett E, Armson BA, Davies B, Watt-Watson J. A random- for children and laws conferring benefits for persons with disabil-
ised controlled trial of the effect of intrapartum intravenous fluid man- ities exist. However, challenges in implementation, and skewed
agement on breastfed newborn weight loss. J. Obstet. Gynecol. distribution of health resources still hinder equitable access to
Neonatal. Nurs. 2012; 41: 24–32. these services and benefits.
6 Dahlenburg GW, Burnell RH, Braybrook R. The relation between Therefore, it is clear that gaps exist in case reporting and ser-
cord serum sodium levels in newborn infants and maternal intra-
vice delivery for Philippine paediatric patients with developmen-
venous therapy during labour. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 1980; 87:
tal conditions. Family and community engagement must be
strengthened by effectively implementing enabling policies that
will improve these patients’ access to competent health profes-
sionals for timely holistic interventions.

Dear Editor, Rafael L G Valenzuela

Julian E D Mendoza
College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila, Manila,
A multidisciplinary approach is critical in developmental pae- Philippines
diatric care. Unfortunately, economic instability, financial
incapacity and fragmentation of health services hinder achiev- Accepted for publication 31 May 2022.
ing holistic care. In a high-income region like Queensland,
Australia, paediatric cases in rural clinics are dominated by Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest
developmental conditions (59.2%), much higher than the with regard to the present work.
national average (33.8%). Counterintuitively, these patients
are less likely to be referred to allied health services for co-
management (rural 24.9% vs national 35.9%) due to chal-
lenges accessing these services.1
Thus, in a low-middle income country like the Philippines, where
developmental disabilities are often neglected, incidence and referral 1 Kardell LD, Lee J, Pinidiyapathirage J, Brumpton K. Managing behav-
rates are expected to be worse. Data on incidence and referrals are ioural and developmental paediatric conditions in rural outpatient
lacking due to research scarcity and absence of a centralised data clinics: An insight to the challenge ahead. J. Paediatr. Child Health
network. Currently, most data are sourced from tertiary hospitals 2022; 58: 1145–50.
with subspecialists in developmental and behavioural paediatrics. 2 Reyes AL, Herrin JA. A five-year review of referrals to the developmen-
Hence the community caseload of developmental disabilities in the tal pediatrics section of a major tertiary hospital. Acta Med. Philipp.
2009 43: 12-7.
Philippines remains largely undetermined.2 A 5-year review of
3 Reyes CM, Reyes CC, Arboneda AA. Health practices of children and
referrals in a Philippine major tertiary hospital revealed that 1300
women with disabilities. PIDS Discussion Paper Series; 2017.
children are seen annually for developmental concerns.2 Addition- 4 World Health Organization. Human resources for health country pro-
ally, a patient would need to wait at least 6–8 months before being files: Philippines. WHO, WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific;
evaluated by a developmental paediatrician, posing a significant 2013.
concern for these conditions where early intervention is vital to

1490 Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 58 (2022) 1489–1495

© 2022 Paediatrics and Child Health Division (The Royal Australasian College of Physicians).

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