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Department of Education

Region XII
City Schools Division of Tacurong
Kalandagan Elementary School
SY 2023 – 2024


February 12, 2024

I. Objectives
At the end of thirty (30) minutes, the students can:
a. identify sentences and non-sentences; and
b. appreciate the use of sentences and non-sentences.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Sentences and Non- Sentences
B. Reference:
C. Materials: laptop, smart tv, chalk, activity sheet
D. Integration: EsP, Music

III. Procedure
A. Motivation

At first, the teacher will display different pictures through power point presentation and then,
she will ask his/her students to describe the given pictures.

B. Discussion

Sentences and Non- Sentences

 Sentence is a group of words. It gives a complete thought and idea.

Examples: Scarleth is singing and dancing.
Makmod and Norma are playing.

 Non- Sentence is a word, clause, or phrase that does not form a complete sentence.
Examples: a flower, the chairs, a child, books,

C. Generalization
The teacher will ask his students to give some examples of non-sentences. Also, she will
let her students differentiate sentences from non-sentences.

D. Application

Write S if the given statement is a sentence and NS if it is a non-sentence.

IV. Evaluation
Group the items (A-J) below as to sentences and non-sentences. Write only the letter of
your answers in the table.

Sentences Non-sentences

V. Assignment
List three (3) sentences with the help of your parents, siblings, or guardians. Write it in your
English notebook.


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