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At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to;

a. determines the characters of Rafunzel;

b. classifies the different characteristics in the story of Rafunzel;
c. appreciates the value of Rapunzel through performing highlight episode.


Literary focus - RAPUNZEL - " The triumph of good over evil" Jacob Grimm and
Wilhelm Grimm. ( Originally a German fairy recorded by the brother
Grimm in their collection. " Children and household Tales in 1812".
Reference: Fiction story- inspire kids to aware a bad behaviour. " Gothels plan of
Isolating Rapunzel from all others ultimately foiled. https://www.firstcry.
Language focus- Structurally the story follows the typical Grimm structure, being
dialogue oriented and fairy simple, with straightforward yet
eloquent language.
Reference: Structure grammar for innovating dialogue, teacher will exercise the
thinking skills. htts://www/lesson/rapunzel-summary-history.html:text.
Materials: Activity card, Pictures, laptop, and visual aid.


a. Preliminary Activities

Teacher Activities Students Activity

1. Prayer

→Everyone! I am requesting to please stand

for our prayer.
→ (The students will stand to take a pray with
their teacher.

→Who can volunteer to lead the prayer.

→ (One of the students will proceed into the

front to lead the prayer)
2. Greetings

→Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi →Good Morning teacher, wallaykumussalam

Wabarakatuhu. Good morning class! warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu

3. Checking of Attendance

→Class I'll gonna check your attendance, if I →(The students will listen and if their name
call your name say handsome if you're boy and call they say handsome and pretty)
pretty if you're girl.

→Yes sir , we do have.

4. Passing of Assignment

→Class! everyone have an assignment?

→( Students will pass their assignment
→Since everyone have an assignment, to the according to the teacher instructions)
asign leader, kindly collect your assignment.

5. Classroom Rules
→"keep silent teacher"
→ So class what are you doing if the teacher is
in front.

b. Developing Activities

1. Reviews

→ Class! what was the last topic that we →(Students will answer the question)


2. Drills/Motivation

→" Presenting a picture puzzle of Rapunzel"

Instructions: The students will be divided into

two; each group will be given a picture puzzle
that they are going to arrange.
→ The teacher will be distributing the cut →The students will be do their task.
pieces of picture.

c. Presentation of the topic


me introduce you the one on the most popular
Disney story which is "RAPUNZEL" →The students listen attentively.

d. Discussion

→Fairytales take us to a land of hopes, dreams,

and magic. Kids love listening to fairytales as
bedtime stories as these stories make them
experience different emotions like wonder,
surprise, pity, love, affection, etc. Rapunzel’s
fairytale revolves around the theme of love
between a young prince and a girl, who
defeated everything that came in the way of
their love to be with each other. The story of
Rapunzel in English is a well-known fairytale
that kids love. This story is about a girl with
beautiful long golden hair who was locked up
in a tower by an evil witch. The tale goes on to
tell us how she defeated the witch and lived a
happy life with her prince.

→Origin And History Of Rapunzel

Rapunzel is originally a German fairy,

recorded by the Brothers Grimm, Jacob
Grimm, and Wilhelm Grimm, in their
collection “Children’s and Household Tales” in

→Story Type of Rapunzel

The story of Rapunzel is a classic fairy tale and

has been enjoyed by kids for a long time.

→The main characters of the fairytale are

Rapunzel, the prince, and the witch.

→Rapunzel: Rapunzel is a beautiful girl and is

the story’s main character whose beautiful,
long, blonde hairs are the most talked about.
She was locked in a tower by a witch, which
made her lonely and sad.

→The Prince: The young and handsome

prince was the only person who ever saw
Rapunzel, other than the witch, and was madly
in love with her. He defeated all the obstacles
that came his way to be with her in the end.

→The Witch: The Witch was an old lady who

lived alone and made everyone’s lives
miserable. She locked up Rapunzel in the
lonely tower and did not allow her to meet or
see anyone.

→Story Of Rapunzel for Children

Once upon a time, a couple lived in a faraway

land. They lived a very lonely life, and their
only desire was to have a baby. The house next
to theirs had a beautiful garden with lots of
fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers. The
garden belonged to a witch, and no one ever
dared to enter that garden.

One day, the woman saw a beautiful plant

called a rampion, which was used to make
salads, in that garden. She then expressed her
desire to make some salad for herself from that
plant to her husband.

→Later that night, her husband sneaked into

the garden and got the rampions for her wife.
After some time, there was a loud knock on the
door. As soon as the husband opened the door,
he saw the evil witch standing there.

→The husband, terrified, started asking for

forgiveness from the witch.

“I am so sorry, but my wife wanted to have

rampions, and I could not say no to her,” said
the husband.

→“Oh!” exclaimed the witch and continued,

“Well, in that case, I’ll let you and your wife
have all the rampions in my garden, but on one

“What condition?” exclaimed the couple.

“You’ll have to give me the child that your

wife delivers,” said the witch and left.

The couple tried begging her for forgiveness,

but the witch was gone.

A few months later, the couple gave birth to a

beautiful little girl with golden hair. The same
night, the witch came to their place and took
away their daughter.

“Oh, my my! You are so beautiful! Let me

name you Rapunzel,” said the witch, took
Rapunzel to a tower with no doors, and locked
her up there.

After a few years, Rapunzel grew up into the

most beautiful young girl with blonde, long
hair. However, she was still stuck in the tower,
all lonely and miserable. She often sang sad
songs by the window to curb her loneliness.

Every time the witch visited her, she said,

“Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let down your hair,”
and Rapunzel used to let down her hair, and the
witch used to climb up with the help of her
One day, a young prince was passing through
the forest nearby when he heard Rapunzel’s
sweet voice singing a song.

“What a beautiful voice!” exclaimed the

prince. “Who is singing this beautifully in the
middle of this forest?”

Curiously, he followed the voice when he came

across the tower, in which Rapunzel was

“What a strange tower! Why are there no doors

in this tower? How am I supposed to know
who this beautiful voice belongs to?


→The teacher will sum up the story of

"Rafunzel" while the students listening.
→The students listen attentively and share
→Now class let's always remember that every their feelings based on how they understand
fairytale Disney story of the RAPUNZEL it the story.
takes us to a land of hopes, dreams, and magic.

→ Rapunzel is a classic fairytale and has been

enjoyed by kids for a long time.

→ The main character of the fairytale is

Rapunzel, the prince, the witch.


Instructions: The class will be divided into two

groups; each group will be select highlight
episode f Rapunzel and present into the front.

→The students listen attentively.

→The students will do their task and present
into the front.


Instructions: Get ¼ sheet of paper, and number your paper from 1-10.

1-3 Rapunzel it takes us to a land of _____, _____, at ______.




4. Rapunzel is a classic fairytale.

5. Give at least one main character of Rapunzel.

6-10. How does Rapunzel become a lesson in the children?


Instructions: In ½ sheet of paper make a reflection about the story of Rapunzel.



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