Chapter 2 Past Tenses

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Chapter 2

“Past Tenses”

1. Simple Past Tense

• Pengertian

Simple past tense merupakan salah satu jenis tenses yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan
suatu hal di masa lalu. Supaya ada gambaran, coba kamu lihat percakapan di bawah ini.

Simple Past Tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu tindakan
atau kejadian yang terjadi di masa lalu. Jadi, kejadian yang diceritakan, dimulai dan
berakhir di masa lalu.

• Kegunaan

Tense ini memang biasa digunakan dalam percakapan, ketika pembicara

menceritakan kejadian yang sudah berlalu. Bisa juga digunakan ketika kita menulis cerita
tentang pengalaman di masa lalu. Selain itu, kamu juga bisa menemui
penggunaan tense ini dalam buku-buku dongeng yang bercerita tentang kisah-kisah di
masa lalu.

• Pola Simple Past Tense untuk Kalimat Verbal

Positif Subject + Verb 2

Negatif Subject + did not/didn’t + Verb 1
Interogatif Did + Subject + Verb 1 ?

• Pola Simple Past Tense untuk Kalimat Nominal

Positif Subject + was/were + Complement

Negatif Subject + was not/ were not + Complement
Interogatif Was/Were + Subject + Complement?

2. Past Continuous Tense

• .Pengertian

Sebenernya Past Continuous Tense itu hampir mirip sama Present Continuous Tense.
Inget, ya, ‘Continuous’ itu nunjukkin hal sedang berlangsung. Tapi karena namanya Past
Continuous Tense, berarti kejadiannya itu di masa lalu. Pokoknya, kalian harus ingat,
kalau ‘present’ itu berkaitan dengan masa sekarang, sedangkan ‘past’ itu berkaitan
dengan masa lalu. Jadi, Past Continuous Tense bisa menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau
aksi yang terjadi sebelum (began before), selama (was in progress during), dan bisa juga
berlanjut setelah (continued after) kejadian atau aksi di masa lalu.

• Rumus/Pola/Formula
Positif Subject + be(was/were) + verb-ing + O
Negatif Subject + be(was/were)not + verb-ing + O
Interogatif Be(was/were) + subject + verb-ing + O?

• Fungsi Past Continuous Tense

o Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi atau dilakukan pada waktu tertentu di
masa lampau. (My family and I were having dinner together last night at 7 p.m.)
o Untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang sedang terjadi ketikakejadian lain mulai
terjadi di masa lampau. (I was doing my homework when my mom knocked on the
door last night)
o Untuk mengungkapkan dua kejadian yang yang sedang terjadi pada waktu
bersamaan di masa lampau. (I was doing my homework while my brother was playing
games last night.)


1. My mother was in the kitchen, she ……. Some cakes for four hours ago.
a. Cooked
b. Cooking
c. Cooks
d. Cook
2. Ibnu: Hi Ghina, what did you do last night?
Ghina: Hi Ibnu, ……………….
a. I am watching drama series on VIU last night.
b. I watch drama series on VIU last night.
c. I watched drama series on VIU last night.
d. I watches drama series on VIU last night.
3. Dony registered himself for an online game competition …….
a. Tomorrow
b. Yesterday
c. The day after tomorrow
d. Next week
4. I ………the backflip when I was younger.
a. Could did
b. Could do
c. Can did
d. Can do

The following dialogue is for question number 5 – 7.

Ghina : I thought you got the invitation yesterday.
Dony : Yeah, I …….(5)
Ghina : Then why didn’t you …….(6) last night?
Dony : I’m sorry. My mom ……..(7) last night.

5. a. did
b. do
c. done
d. don’t

6. a. show
b. showed
c. shown
d. showing

7. a. need
b. needed
c. needs
d. needing

8. I forgot to close the cage so the bird just ……. Away.

a. Fly
b. Flew
c. Flown
d. Flying
9. I ……. The ball to you, but you didn’t ……. It back to me. The coach said so.
a. Throw – Threw
b. Throw – Throw
c. Threw – Throw
d. Threw – Threw
10. You can’t blame us for what happened. We ……. Not here when It happened.
a. Were
b. Was
c. Are
d. Is
11. Lisa: What just happened? I heard you got robbed last night.
Maya: Yeah, I …………. In my room when the robber sneaked into the house and took
my computer and television.
a. Am sleeping
b. Was sleeping
c. Were sleeping
d. Slept
12. I ……. My homework when my brother, Wills, played playstation in his room.
a. Is finishing
b. Am finishing
c. Was finishing
d. Were finishing
13. Ibnu and I …….. a motorcycle when you called me, so I couldn’t answer your phone.
a. Are riding
b. Was riding
c. Is riding
d. Were riding

The following dialogue is for question number 14 – 15.

Sastra : Dony, I sent you a message a few hours ago. Why have you not replied to it?
Dony : What message? I’m sorry. I was having class when you sent this message. Is there
anything I can help you?
Sastra : Yeah, did you know where Ghina was drunk last night? She lost her phone but
could not remember where she had been last night.
Dony : Ibnu, Ghina and I was partying at Thegar’s house. So probably she lost her phone

14. Based on the dialogue above, why did Dony not reply to Sastra’s message?
a. He was taking a break.
b. He was not checking his phone when Sastra sent him a message.
c. It’s been a while since Sastra sent the message.
d. He was having a class when Sastra sent the message.
15. The underlined phrase in the dialogue is wrong. Which of the options below is the correct
choice to replace it?
a. Is partying
b. Was party
c. Were partying
d. Are partying
16. Masyur ………inspiration by visiting an art gallery in the city a few days ago.
a. Is seeking
b. Was seeking
c. Were seeking
d. Are seeking
17. …….Ghina sleeping at this time last night?
a. Were
b. Was
c. Is
d. Are
18. Were Ibnu and Sastra ……….. to this café last week?
a. Come
b. Came
c. Coming
d. Comes
The following dialogue is for question number 19 – 20.
Sastra : ………(19) Ibnu and Wills ……..(20) in this library yesterday?
Ghina : Yes, They were.

19. a. Was
b. Were
c. Is
d Are
20. a. Coming
b. Come
c. Came
d. Comes

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