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ArtCAM Art-Read Handout

Art-Read Handout
ArtRead generates a relief from imported digitised data. This data can either be Laser ASCII
data, from a physically probed model (called toolpath reader), from a Renishaw cyclone
scanner or from a 3D scanners laser scanner.

Lady Portrait Example

 Create a New model of size X100 Y 100 with the datum in the centre and
a resolution of around 1570 x 1570

 Select ArtRead.

The Load Data button appears on the Assistant


 Select the Load Data button.

 From Examples 2/handout-files, select the file lady.ris (3D scanners Ris)
and press Open.

The RIS information file appears

detailing the scan information, for
example how many scan lines were
taken. This information cannot be
changed. The model would have to
be rescanned if it was not scanned
in correctly.

Issue ArtCAM Pro 6 1

Art-Read Handout ArtCAM

 Select OK.

The relief information box appears, giving the information of the

generated relief, such as size, height and if there were any invalid
points. Any invalid points, can be given a height, or can be left at Z

Note: Using the width of 35.1 containing 551 pixels, we can work
out the matching resolution for a 100x100mm model, pasting it as
actual size should be around 1570 pixels per side.

 Leave the height at 0 and press OK.

The values are shown in the assistant and a Save Relief

button appears.

 Press F3.

The digitised relief is shown.

Note: This is not an ArtCAM
relief. It needs to be saved to
produce an ArtCAM relief.

2 Issue ArtCAM Pro

ArtCAM Art-Read Handout

 Press Save Relief.

 Save the relief in C:/temp as my-lady.rlf.
 Press Close.

The digitised relief is removed from the ArtCAM model and the ArtRead page of the
Assistant is closed.

 From the Relief Menu, select Load Relief.

 From C:\temp, select the file lady.rlf.
 Select Pasting and press OK.
 Select Centre in Page, select Paste and then Close.

The relief has been pasted in and has matched the current
resolution of the model.

The relief has a platform of 1mm, as displayed on the 3D

clipart form as Minimum Z. A start height of –1 when pasting
in will remove the platform.

Note: Using the matching resolution, all of the scanned detail is shown, including any
imperfections on the physical model. A higher resolution
would not change the model, but take longer to machine and
is unnecessary.

If this relief is pasted into a model of resolution 400 x 400,

then each scan point cannot be used to represent the model
and the result is smoother, but the detail, such as in the hair
braids is lost.

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Art-Read Handout ArtCAM

4 Issue ArtCAM Pro

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