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ArtCAM ARTSurface

ARTSurface is a separate programme that is on the ARTCAM installation CD, which will
turn an IGES file into an ArtCAM relief. The accuracy of the relief depends upon the original
IGES file and the tolerance to which the relief is generated.

Embossed Glass Example

 Open ARTSurface.

 Select File  Open.

The Import Surface File form appears. This

allows you to control what direction the
relief is orientated when the file is read in.

Issue ArtCAM-PRO 1
ARTSurface ArtCAM

 Select Browse and locate the file Examples2\handout-files\glass-up.igs

and select Open.
 Leave direction as Z+ and select OK.

The glass iges file is displayed with a red bounding box

around it. The bounding box shows the extent of the
relief. As the bottle is standing up, when a relief is
made down the Z-axis, the bottle shape will be

To keep the bottle shape, the File must be imported

again, along the Z-axis.

 Open the file glass-up.igs, with the Direction set as X+.

The glass is in the correct orientation, but the

bounding box needs to be altered to run
along the centre of the model and just a little
bit wider and longer.

 Select the edit bbox icon.

2 Issue ArtCAM-PRO 6
ArtCAM ARTSurface

This allows you to adjust the values of

the bounding box by minimum and
maximum values. It also allows you to
set the resolution of the relief to

 Set the Xmin as -10, Xmax as 180, Ymin as -40, Ymax as 40, Zmin as 0
and Zmax as 36 and press Apply.
 Leave the Resolution as 0.2 and press OK.

The relief has been calculated. This

can be saved and then opened in

 Select the Save icon.

 Save the relief in C:\Temp as glass.rlf.
 Close ArtSurface.

Issue ArtCAM-PRO 3
ARTSurface ArtCAM

 In ArtCAM, load the relief glass.rlf.

The relief is displayed. Another relief

can be pasted onto the bottle to
generate the emboss.

 Paste the relief Pegasus.rlf onto the glass, once it has been rotated,
scaled and moved to suit.

 Invert the relief.

4 Issue ArtCAM-PRO 6

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