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Shiela Mae S.

Amosco BSIT 222-1A

As I stand at the threshold of my NSTP graduation, I am filled with a mix of emotions -

pride, gratitude, and a sense of accomplishment. The journey through the National Service
Training Program has been transformative, shaping me into a more responsible and socially
aware individual. In this reflection paper, I would like to share my experiences, the lessons I
have learned, and the impact NSTP has had on my personal growth and commitment to serving
the community. Attending the Red Cross seminar has been a transformative experience,
enriching my knowledge and skills in lifesaving techniques and emergency response. In this
reflection, I aim to share the invaluable lessons I have learned, the impact of the seminar on my
perspective, and my newfound commitment to making a difference in times of crisis. Throughout
the Red Cross seminar, I was exposed to a wealth of lifesaving knowledge and skills. From
basic first aid techniques to CPR ,One of the most significant takeaways from the Red Cross
First Aid Seminar was the acquisition of essential life-saving skills. Through comprehensive
training, I learned how to administer CPR, handle choking incidents, stop bleeding, provide
initial treatment for various injuries, and respond to medical emergencies. Each session
equipped me with practical tools to respond effectively during emergencies. I learned to assess
situations, provide initial care, and ensure the safety and well-being of those in need.

One of the most profound lessons I gained from the seminar was the importance of empathy
and compassion in times of crisis. The instructors shared stories of their experiences,
emphasizing the significance of providing emotional support and reassurance to victims and
their loved ones. Witnessing their dedication and genuine care for others inspired me to
cultivate a compassionate mindset, recognizing the critical role it plays in offering comfort and
solace during difficult times. I feel prepared to take immediate action in crisis situations, knowing
that my training has equipped me with the necessary skills to potentially save lives. This
newfound confidence extends beyond emergencies, positively impacting my everyday life as I
feel more capable and prepared for unexpected challenges. I am grateful for the opportunities
the seminar provided me to learn, grow, and make a positive impact on humanity.

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