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Casili, Mallig, Isabela

Academic Year 2023-2024
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. identify adverb of affirmation and negation;
B. use words or expressions that affirm or negate;
C. choose the correct adverb of affirmation and negation; and
D. apply affirmation and negation in real-life situations.


Topic: Adverb of Affirmation and Negation
Reference: English Learner’s Material Grade 10 pp. 210-218
Instructional Materials: Slide presentation, visual aids, laptop, and activity sheets
Focus skill: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Viewing
Values Integration: Respect, Cooperation and Collaboration
Learning Competency and Code: Use words and expressions that affirm or negate (EN10G-IIe- 28)


Teacher’s activity Student’s response

1. Greetings
Good morning my dear students! Good morning, ma’am! We are fine and still
How are you today? doing well, ma’am.

That’s good to hear! So, can I expect

your active participation from this
class? Yes, ma’am!

That’s great!

2. Prayer
So, before we formally start our class,
let us first ask the guidance of our
Almighty God and let us enlighten
our mind to completely understand
the lesson for this morning.
Emmanuel, will you please lead us
the prayer. Okay ma’am. Let us all bow our heads and
feel the presence of the Lord.

Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom

God’s love commits me here, ever this day be
at my side, to light and guard, to rule and
Thank you for that prayer, guide. Amen.

3. Classroom Management
Before you take your seats, I would
like to request everyone to arrange
your chairs properly and make sure (Students arrange their chairs and clean the
there are no trashes around you. classroom)

4. Checking of Attendance
Okay, is there any absent for today,
None, ma’am
That’s good to know. I am glad that
everyone understands the reason of
coming to school regularly.

Let’s have our classroom rules.

Please read, Sheena. Classroom rules:
1. Be a good listener and follow
directions carefully.
2. Be respectful to your teacher and
3. Be quiet when someone is
4. Be reminded to raise your hand
before you speak or stand.
5. Mobile phones are not allowed
during class hours.
Thank you, Sheena! Did you
understand all the rules, class? Yes, ma’am!

If so, I am hoping that no one will

violate it. Okay, class? Yes, ma’am!

Before that kindly read our learning

objectives, Mhea. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should
be able to:
A. identify adverb of affirmation and
B. use words or expressions that affirm or
C. choose the correct adverb of affirmation
and negation; and
D. apply affirmation and negation in real-life
Thank you, Mhea. So, are we clear situations.
with our learning objectives?
Yes, ma’am.
Great, let us all achieve the learning
objectives today.
1. Review
Before we proceed to our new lesson,
let us first have a short review about
the topic Technical and Operational

What is all about technical? Technical is mostly refers to the aspect of

Yes, Alethea. explaining or describing any terminology,
Yes, you’re right!
How about operational? Operational is the process of defining a
Yes, Keilah. word/term of how it is used in a sentence or
using context clues.
So, Technical is mostly refers to the
aspect of explaining or describing any
terminology and when we say
operational it is the process of
defining a word/term of how it is used
in a sentence or using context clues.

I can see that you are now familiar

with technical and operational we can
now proceed to another interesting
lesson for today.

2. Motivation
Before that, we will be playing a
game called “Guess what”. I will
flash sentences and you will identify
it. If the sentence connotes positive
message, raise your green flag but if
not, raise the red one.

Are you ready? Yes, ma’am.

1. She is not that smart nor


Kindly raised your answer class.

Why did you answer red flag It is negative ma’am because of the word not
Vina? smart nor intelligent ma’am.

Is she correct class? Yes, Ma’am.

Fantastic! Kindly give her 2 claps. (Student claps 2 times)

2. I can say that Ana is beautiful

inside and out.

Kindly raised your answer class.

Why did you choose green flag
Angelo? My answer is green flag ma’am because the
sentence claimed that Ana is beautiful, and I
think it is on the positive side ma’am.

Is he correct class? Yes, Ma’am.

Amazing! Kindly give him 2 (Student claps 2 times)


3. You look absolutely stunning.

Kindly raised your answer class.
Why did you choose green flag
Athea? My answer is green flag ma’am because of
the word absolutely stunning in the sentence,
and I think it is on the positive side ma’am.

Is she correct class? Yes, Ma’am.

Brilliant! Kindly give him 2 claps. (Student claps 2 times)

4. He is not feeling well during the


Kindly raised your answer class.

Why did you choose green flag The word not feeling well in the sentence
Mitch? makes it negative ma’am, so I choose red flag

Is she correct class? Yes, Ma’am.

Impressive! Kindly give him 2
claps. (Student claps 2 times)

5. The view of Simmacbot,

Mountain Province is truly breath

Kindly raised your answer class.

Why did you choose green flag
Justine? The word truly breath-taking ma’am
concludes that it is in the positive side
because the writer acknowledges the beauty
of the place.

Is she correct class? Yes, Ma’am.

Terrific idea! kindly give him 2 (Student claps 2 times)


Excellent, class! You did a great job!

Kindly give yourselves 5 organized

3. Presentation of the Lesson

Now, we have here another activity. I
will group you into four and arrange
the given puzzle. This game called
“Fix Me”. After you fix the puzzle,
kindly paste it on the board.

Are you ready class? Yes ma’am.

Count off from one-four for your (The students count off).

Before going to your corresponding

group kindly remember our classroom
rules so that you are guided with it.

Kindly read, Jenissa. Classroom rules:

1. Be a good listener and follow
directions carefully.
2. Be respectful to your teacher and
3. Be quiet when someone is
4. Be reminded to raise your hand
before you speak or stand.
5. Mobile phones are not allowed
during class hours.
Thank you.

Group 1 will stay here, group 2 will

stay here, group 3 will stay at the
back of group 1 and lastly, the group
(Students go to their corresponding area).
4 will stay at the back of group 2.

Yes, ma’am.
You have 3 minutes to finish this
task, are we clear?

The first group who finished the task

is group 1 so you may now get your
prizes in front.

(Student claps).
Let us give them 5 organized claps.

And around of applause for everyone

(Student claps).
for giving your best.

4. Discussion
Now, those pictures you pasted on the
board is connected to our topic for

Ma’am I think it is all about adverbs of

Who can guess our topic for today?
affirmation and negation.
Yes, Marian?

Yes, ma’am.
Is she correct class?

(Student claps 2 times).

Absolutely, kindly give her 2 claps.

Our topic for today is all about the

two kinds of adverbs which are
adverbs of affirmation and negation.

Any idea about adverbs? I will give 5

points who can answer this question.
Ma’am I think adverb describe a verb or
Yes, Precious? adjective.

Precisely, you have now 5 points.

Kindly read the definition of adverb, An adverb is a word that can modify or
Carlo. describe a verb, adjective, another adverb, or
entire sentence.

Thank you, so when we say adverb,

they are words that can be describe a
verb, adjective, another adverb, or
entire sentence.

Adverbs are usually formed by

adding -ly to the end of an adjective
(e.g., “quick” becomes “quickly”),
although there are also other adverbs
that don’t have this ending.

Here are the examples of adverbs, Examples: Ali walked quickly.

kindly read Jerwin. It is an incredibly exciting film.
Actually, I’m not sure.
Charlize never answers her phone.

So, as you can see, they are usually

formed by adding Ly to the end of an
adjective such as? The adverbs that are on the sentences that are
What are those in the sentence, formed by adding Ly, are quickly, incredibly
Shaina? and actually.
(Student claps 2 times).
Great, let us give her 2 claps.

How about the adverb that don’t have

the ending Ly? The word never ma’am.
Yes, Crisha?

Exactly, the word never. Adverbs

usually have -ly as their ending but do
you wonder why the word never is Ma’am because, there are also adverbial
considered as an adverb? phrases, series of words that play the
grammatical role of adverbs.

Absolutely, there are also adverbial

phrases, series of words that play the
grammatical role of adverbs.

I think you can now fully understand

what adverb right class. Let us
proceed to adverb of affirmation.
Adverbs of affirmation are words that
Kindly read the definition Ynie.
declare that a given statement or fact is true
or positive. It involves making positive
statements or declaring the truthfulness or
validity of a particular statement or

Thus, we can say that adverbs of

affirmation are the kind of words that
declare what the speaker is saying, is
certain to happen, and there remains
no room for doubts. Remember that
these types of words can be used only
when one is sure about something. If
there is any confusion, we cannot
apply them in a sentence.

For you to understand better here are

Examples: I can probably go there.
the examples. Kindly read, Erica. He will surely give you money.
We are definitely leaving tomorrow.
She clearly states her concern.
They are really staying tonight for sleep

The adverbs of affirmation states positively

What did you notice to the sentences? true and valid ma’am. The words are also
ending with Ly that made us easily find the
words of affirmation.

Exactly, the words are ending with -ly

that made you easily find the words
of affirmation and it states positively
true and valid.
(Student claps 2 times).
Let’s give her 2 claps.

I have a list here of affirmative words

that can be used in making a sentence
that is to affirm kindly read. List of Affirmative words: Absolutely,
assertedly, clearly, truly doubtlessly, exactly,
alright, obviously, positively, really, sure,
surely, yes, certainty, by all means, verily and

Now who can give me a sentence that

has adverb of affirmation?
Surely, we will join the reunion.
Yes, Moises?
(Student claps).
Fantastic you are correct. Let us give
him 2 claps.

Another example. Yes, I do the cooking and cleaning.

Yes, Diana?

Precisely your answer is correct. Let (Student claps).

us give him 2 claps.

Last one who can give me a sentence

that has adverb of affirmation? She is absolutely gorgeous.
Yes, Crisha?
(Student claps).
Absolutely your answer is correct. Let
us give him 2 claps.
Yes ma’am.
Is adverb of affirmation clear to you

Okay, let us now proceed to adverb of


Adverbs of negation are words that declare

Kindly read what is adverb of
that a given statement is false or negative. it
negation, Princess.
involves making negative statements or
expressing the falsity or invalidity of a
statement or proposition.

Thank you, adverbs of negation

Thank you, adverbs of negation are
adverbs that indicate the opposite of
what is expected. They specifically
negate in action, thought or phrase in
some way. Common adverbs of
negation include words like never,
not, and nothing. Adverbs of negation
specify that something may not be

Here are the examples for you to

understand more what adverb of
Examples: He is not very active.
negation is. Kindly read, Nathaniel.
I contradictorily did the correct thing.
I have never seen him.
The siblings hardly ever meet each other.
He no longer takes interest in his work.
I noticed that the adverbs used such as not
What did you notice to the sentences? very, contradictory, never, hardly, and no
longer are negatively impact the sentence that
a given statement is false of negative.

Precisely, you are correct. Adverb of

negation makes negative statements
or expressing the falsity or invalidity
of a statement or proposition based on
the adverbs used.

I have a list here of negation words

that can be used in making a sentence List of Negation Words: Nothing, nowhere,
that is to affirm kindly read. not at all, contradictory, almost, invalidly,
never, no, not or words n’t such as haven’t,
rarely etc.

Now who can give me a sentence that

has adverb of affirmation?
Nothing’s going to stop us now.
Yes, Leiden?
(Student claps).
Absolutely your answer is correct. Let
us give him 2 claps.
I will never love him back.
Another example.
(Student claps).
Fantastic, your answer is correct. Let
us give him 2 claps.

Last one who can give me a sentence She didn’t like it.
that has adverb of negation?
(Student claps).
Precisely your answer is correct. Let
us give him 2 claps.

Before we jump into the activities

who can tell the words of affirmation,
I used when you answered my
questions correctly in our discussion
earlier. The words of affirmation you told whenever
Yes Crisha? we answer right are, precisely, absolutely,
and exactly ma’am.

Okay, very good you can now get Thank you, ma’am.
your reward.

So, are we clear with adverb of Yes, ma’am.

negation class?
None, ma’am.
Any question?

So, if none bring out your ballpen and

you will answer the following

Direction: In the same group, you will
be given a red and green paper. For
the green paper you will be writing
sentences that belongs to adverbs of
affirmation and for the red one you
will be writing sentences that belongs
to negation. Take note the sentences
you will make are based on real life
situations, you can base on our
examples earlier. You have 5 minutes
to write as many as you can and 2 (Students are answering).
minutes to read all your sentences in

Time is up, class! Kindly read your (Students reading their outputs in front).
outputs in front.

All right! You all did a great job,

class! It’s nice to see that all of you
cooperated well in this activity. I (Students clap).
appreciate all your efforts, class!
Let’s give a round of applause for

Now, I want you to test if you really
understood the topic.
Let us review.
An adverb is a word that can modify or
What is adverb? describe a verb, adjective, another adverb, or
entire sentence. Adverbs can be used to show
manner (how something happens), degree (to
what extent), place (where), and time (when).

Precisely, Thank you!

Adverb of affirmation are words which
How about adverb of affirmation? declare that a given statement or fact is true,
or positive. It involves making positive
statements or declaring the truthfulness or
validity of a particular statement or

Very Good, Thank you!

Adverbs of negation are words which
How about adverb of negation? declare that a given statement is false of
negative. It involves making negative
statements or expressing the falsity or
invalidity of a statement or proposition.

Absolutely correct.

All right! You all did a great job,

class! It’s nice to see that all of you
cooperated well in this activity. I (Student claps).
appreciate all your efforts, class!
Let’s give a round of applause for

Teacher’s activity Student’s response

Direction: Complete the sentences below by
choosing the adverbs of affirmation from the
given choices. Encircle the correct answer.

1. It was ----- an act of courage that Answer key:

saved the lives of millions. 1. D
a. Not at all 2. D
b. Not 3. B
c. Never 4. A
d. Definitely 5. B
2. After the lecture is over, I am -----
going to the gymnasium.
a. Never
b. Not
c. Also
d. Surely
3. He is ----- a great teacher.
a. Not
b. Truly
c. Not at all
d. Never ever
4. I will ----- help you.
a. Definitely
b. Never
c. Not at all
d. Not
5. I am ----- about his success in
which ever field he chooses.
a. Doubtful
b. Sure
c. Not sure
d. Confused

II. Complete the sentences below

by choosing the adverbs of
negation from the given
choices. Encircle the correct

6. My friend ----- have a bike, so we

go cannot go together. Answer key:
a. Doesn’t 6. A
b. Certainly 7. C
c. Definitely 8. A
d. Also 9. A
7. If you don’t speak assertively, 10. C
----- one will ever believe you.
a. Every
b. Some
c. No
d. Any
8. He pledges to ----- disrespect his
a. Never
b. Ever
c. Surely
d. Sure
9. I was expecting him to deny, but
---- he accepted.
a. Contradictory
b. Never
c. Absolutely
d. Certainly
10. I ----- have a driving license.
a. Sure
b. Truly
c. Don’t
d. Definitely

Time is up, class! Pass you papers in


All right! You all did a great job,

class! It’s nice to see that all of you
cooperated well in this activity. I
appreciate all your efforts, class!
Let’s give a round of applause for


Teacher’s activity Student’s response

In a ½ sheet of paper. Write 5-8 sentences (copying the assignment)
on the topic “Should cellphone be banned in
schools” using adverb of affirmation or

Do you have any questions regarding your

assignment? None, ma’am

Alright! I'm happy that you learned Goodbye ma’am, goodbye classmates. See
something new today. That's all for today you tomorrow
class. See you all tomorrow.

Submitted by: Richna A. Lozano Submitted to: Rowena C. Acosta, LPT

Student-Teacher Resource Teacher

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