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School Feapitsat,Inc.

Grade Level Grade 12

Teacher Raymart P. Fajiculay Learning Area Fundamentals of
Teaching Date January 18, 2024 Quarter Second Quarter

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
 Identify what are the different forms of business
 Know the advantages and disadvantages of each form of
business organizations.

A. Content Standards The learners identify the five form of business organizations and
determine the advantages and disadvantages of each form of
business organizations.
B. Performance Standards The learner independently or with his/her classmates will be able to
determine under what form of business organization is a certain
C. Most Essential Learning The learners:
Competencies 1. Discuss the different phases of economic development;
2. Differentiate the various forms of business organizations;
II. CONTENT Definition of the different forms of business organizations,
advantages and disadvantages of each form and example of the
forms of business organizations
a) a. Teacher’s Guide Curriculum Guide
b) b. Learner’s Material
a. a. Additional
Materials from PowerPoint Presentation
Learning Module
Resources for
Development and
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the
new lesson

• Preliminaries "Good morning class."

• Prayer
• Greetings "Shall we all stand for a prayer. May I request Dave to lead us to
• Attendance checking prayer?"
"Good morning once again. How's your day? I hope we all feel
great. Before we will start the class, Marineth may I request for
you to kindly check the attendance of your classmates?
Are you excited to learn new things on Organization and
Management? "Attendance is checked.
"As additional reminders, as young adults, I demand you to
• Reading of the House behave and act like one. Disturbing the class with your phone
Rules rings or loud chat or inattentiveness is a sign of disrespect."

"May I ask, what can you remember from our lesson last meeting?
• Reviewing of the May I request June to give her brief insights.
previous lesson "Thank you, June, you are right. Last time, we discussed about
what business organization is.
•May I ask Jerry to give the definition of business organization?"
"Business organization describes how businesses are structured
and how their structure helps them meet their goals. In general,
businesses are designed to focus on either generating profit or
improving society."
“Great. Thank you, Jerry.”
“After all of you learned the definition of business organization,
today, we are going to study the different form of business
organizations, an example of each form, and the advantages and
disadvantages of the various forms of business organization.”
• Reading of the
The following are our objectives in this topic. At the end of the
lesson, you will be able to:
 Identify what are the different forms of business
 Give and list down different example of each business
 Determine the advantages and disadvantages of each form
of business organizations.

B. Establishing a
purpose for the lesson

• Motivation "Class, who among you wants to be a businessman or a business

woman when you grow up?”

“It’s great to know that almost all of you wants to be a

businessman and a business woman. But let me ask you another

“What kind of a business do you want to build when you grow up?
Why do you want to build up a business like that? What are the
advantages and disadvantages of it?”

“Kindly listen to this song for you to learn the answers on my


Business Organizations (A Best Song Ever Parody) (

What have you learned about the lyrics of the song? Jason, what
are your thoughts?"
“You are correct. There are five different types of business
organizations, and each has advantages and disadvantages. It is
crucial that you all understand the type of business you plan to
start and that it will undoubtedly yield a high return on

ACTIVITY "Now, this morning, we will have a written work. I will give you a
question that you need to answer.”

Direction: Answer the question to below.

If you are to build or join a business organization, what business

organization is it and why? Explain your answer very well.

"This time, I need one student in each group to share with us his
or her answer.”

ANALYSIS "Do you think it is important for you to know all the five kind of
business organization? Why yes and why not?”

“Now that you already know all the kind of business organization,
I also shared all the advantages and disadvantages of each kind.
Is it also important?”

“Now that you already know the different type of business

organizations and also its advantages and disadvantages, now
answer this question. What kind of business organizations are you
going to build in the future? Why?”

ABSTRACTION "Class, all the questions that you answer a while ago only let you
remember all the kind of business organizations, its advantages
and disadvantages. By knowing all of these, you will now be able
to make a proper decision of what kind of business are you going
to build in the future.”

APPLICATION "Now class, let us make visit all the business near our school and
let us ask some of their customers on how they think the business

“By doing this, all of you will be able to decide correctly on what
kind of business are you going to establish.”

IV. EVALUATION The teacher will give an assignment to his student to make a table
list of all the business on their barangay. Sole proprietorship,
partnership, cooperative, corporation, and one person corporation.




Name of Principal

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