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Which among the following is a Smart

Learning Goal? I 0 CorreLt

( I have to learn all technologies

@ I will certify in NLP this year

I will certify in NLP, Machine Learning and

Deep Learning this year

Which of the following goal will help you, in

your learning, if you have the habit of
procrastinating? I0 Lorrect

[..___o__s_e_h_av_i_o r_a_l _G_o_a1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

Subject Area Goal ]

- - - - - - - - ~

__w_o_r_k_-h_a_b-it_G_o_a_l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

Specific Knowledge Goal ]

' - - - · - - ~

Using the GROW Model you can identify

your learning goal, reality, obstacles,
options & way forward . I \::(,} Correct

[ @ True
6 ·30
. 0 0 700 -:::::::- ~
KB/S -:-: ~ ,,I I ~·

Taking steps towards reproducing

successful times helps you in achieving
learning goals. I0 Co, r2ct

@ True ]
' - - - · - - ~

[ 0 False ]
' - - - · - - ~

As per Pomedero model taking short

breaks after 25 minutes of learning will
reduce your learning ability. I 0 Correct

() True ]
~ - - - ~

<!l _False _ _ _]

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: s I Failed: o

Quiz I @ English I 0 Sm

✓ Completed

~ continuous learning, quiz, achieving

What can prevent Communication from
taking place at all? I 0 CorreC1:

[@ Absence of Channel
[ ( Absence of Team
[ ) Absence of Feelings
Which of the following increase at
workplace through effective
Communication? A. Loyalty. B. Efficiency.
0 CorreCl:

[ ( Only A
[o Only B
[~ Both A and B
Which non-verbal aspect makes the most
impact in verbal face-to-face
communication? I 0 Correct

@ Eye Contact ]
' - - · _ __ _ ,

[ 0 Professional Attire iiill]

6 ·• 31 0 0 3 00 -:::::::- ~
KB/S -:-: ~ ,,I I ~·

Which of the following can be considered as

part of digital Communication? A. E-mails.
B. WhatsApp messages. I ~ Correct

' - ·
Only A
_ __ _ _ _ ,

() Only B ]
' - · _ _ ____,

@ Both A and B ]
- - - - - - · _ __ _ _ _ ,

Which of the following is the benefit of

effective communication in an
organisation? I ~ Correct

Improved Technical Competence

@ Increased Productivity ]
' - - - - - - · - - -

Better Adherence to Office Timings

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: 5 I Fa iled: o

Quiz @ English I 0 Sm

6:31 0 0 ~~,~ '9: ~ ,,ii GD

Physical form, qualifications and

achievements are all the attributes of
Personal Brand, which you need to build
your persona. I 0 Co,, ec(

[( True
_ _ _ _]
[ (!) _ _ _ _]

Which are the correct steps to establish a

Personal Brand? (Select all that apply.) I
0 Correct

[ !!'ii Identify unique strengths ]

' - - - · - - - -

Follow the best practices used by


~ Create a branding strategy based on the

target audience

~ Build a reputation for your brand

D Collaborate with competitors to make

your brand bigger

As per Anna Jones, aggressive
communication is more effective to
rrHY'IYY"II 1nir:::ita ::: i i : : lii'u1 c I ii isl liiilr:::inrl :::ic thic
6 ·· 31 0 0 80 0 ,:::::::, -
Ksis -:-: ~ ,,I I ~•

As per Anna Jones, aggressive

communication is more effective to
communicate your Personal Brand as this
forces people to take notice. ~ Lorrect

[ .;. . _
Tr_ue _ _ _ _]

(!) False ]
' - - · - - ~

Which of the following hold true for

successfully communicating your Personal
Brand? (Select all that apply.) I 0 Correct

~ Investing in your development

Getting mentored ]
- - ~

- - - - - - ·

~ Connect others
' - - - · - - -

~__s_p_e_a_ki_n_g _e_n_

_m_ u_n_ic-at_e_s_im
_ p_lY___________]

What are the things to remember while

sharing content on Social Media? (Select all
that apply.) I0 Correct

Ir.A Show your engagement by posting 3-4

6 ·32
· 0 0 140 -:::::::- ~
Keis -:-: ~ ,,I 1 ~•

Show your engagement by posting 3-4

~ times in a week

[ I] Over-posting
Keep the lines of communication open
~ with your audience

~ Analyse the data associated with your


[ Answer Again ]

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Quiz I @ English I @ Sm

✓ Completed

~ effective communication quiz, personal br ...


~ Like

Privacy Policy
Ta: : : : e : : f Q a: :: i: a •
6 ·32
· 0 0 90 0 ,:::::::, -
Keis -:-: ~ ,,I I ~•

Why being able to Communicate effectively,

even under Stress, is important? (Select all
that apply.) I0 Correct

~ To enjoy better physical and mental


~ To be a good leader and colleague

[____l _ T_o_p_r_a_
ct-ic_e_a_s_se_r_ti-ve_n_e_s_s _ _ _ _ _~]

~ To establish relationships & build


A person in a heightened sense of emotion

can have trouble choosing their words
carefully or expressing things in an
appropriate way. I0 Co, rect

@ True ]
' - - · - - ~

/ False ]
' - - · - - ~

Emotional Intelligence plays a big part in

Effective Communication. Being sensitive to
your emotions and the emotions of others
allows you to: (Select all that apply.) I• •
Cor, ~cc:
6 ·32
. 0 0 °62
KB/S -:-: ~
-- ~ ,,I I ~·

[ Cause less stress

[~ Display genuine curiosity
[~ Be empathetic
[~ Build rapport
What are some physical ways that can help
to combat Stress? (Select all that apply.) I
0 Lorrecc:

~ Practice progressive muscle relaxation

~ Engage in short periods of exercise

Ground yourself by letting go of your

active senses

While Communicating under Stress, it is a

good practice to share tangential
information to ease and lighten the
environment. I 0 Correcl


@ False
6 ·· 3 3 0 0 84 0 ...... -
Ksis -:-: ~ ,,I I ~•

Traditional communication methods are

still widely used only because of the ease of
access and convience that they provide. I
0 Correct

() _True _ _ _ _]

@ False ]
' - - - · _ __ _ _ _ _ .

Which of the following are important

etiquettes of Digital Communication?
(Select all that apply.) I 0 Correct

~ __u_s_e_i_
us_iv_e_p_r_o_n_o_u _

Use abbreviations to communicate


~ Use a friendly tone for approachability

_ s_e_c_i_
ea_r_a_n_d_c_o_n_c_is_e_p_o_in_t_s ________]

[ ] Use the opportunity to lay out your


With in-person interactions being rep.

by virtual meetings, what helps in ·•
maintaining flow of conversation in a
6 ·33
• 0 0 700 ...... -
KB/S -:-: ~ ,,I I ~·

meeting? I0 Correct

n_d _b_e_h a
cu_e_s_ _ _ _ _~]

@ Use of emojis and action buttons

Asking questions in-between


While Digital Communication enables face-

to-face communication across time, space,
and culture it is ineffective in enabling
participatory communication. I ~ Correct

True ]
· - - - - - - ~

@ False ]
· - - - - - ~

In Digital Communications, what are the key

points that help keep your audience
engaged? (Select all that apply.) I
0 '--vr1 C:Ll

~ Set meeting expectations ahead of

virtual event

LJ Avoid u~ing pl~tform tools as they c• •

cause d1stract1ons
. 0 0 °14
KB/S -:-: ~
-- - ,,I I ~·

Avoid using platform tools as they can

cause distractions

Involve the use of visual aids, such as

presentation slides

Make use of chat function to encourage

~ conversation

[ Answer Again ]

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Quiz @ English I @ Sm

✓ Completed

~ effective digital communication, quiz, digit...


[J Like

Privacy Policy
Terms of Service

, ,) ,._

! J <I' •t t

6 ·33
· 0 0 840 -- ~
Keis -:-: ~ ,,I 1 ~•

Which of the following emotion causes

people to avoid people with certain values,
beliefs, or behaviors, thereby affecting their
interpersonal communication? I
0 Correct

[ ()
' - ·
- - ~
@ Disgust ]
' - · - - ~

[U Hostile ]
' - - - · - - ~

What kind of emotions make people want

to withdraw from social interaction? I
0 Lorrect

[.____)_ Je-al-ou-sy_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

@ Anxiety ]
' - · - - ~

( Anger ]
' - · - - ~

Which questions you need to ask yourself

to start to understand your emotions• •
order to communicate better with ot
(Select all that aPP IV) 'e .,,
. 0 0 °57
KB/S -:-: ~
-- ~ ,,I 1 ~·

(Select all that apply.) I 0 Correct

What is the purpose of my

._, communication with others?

How should I make the other person feel

while communicating?

_ ow
_ d_o_1_f_
e e_1_a_n_d_h_o_w_do_ 1_kn_o_w_?_ _ _~]

~ How do others feel, and how do I know?

Which of the following actions can help you

in managing your emotions? (Select all that
apply.) I ~ '-vrrect

~ Exercise ]
' - - - · - - - - -

[____o_ is-t r_a_ct_y_o_u_rs_e_lf- - - - - - - - - ~ l

[____v_e_n_t_o_u_t _n_e_
e1-in_g_s_ _ _ _ _~]

Which ability helps a person to understand

and relate to the feelings of someone else?
0 Correct

[ Emotional Quotient
• 0 0 °00
KB/S -:- ~
-- - ,,I 1 ~·

~ Distract yourself ]
" - · - - - - -

__v_e_n_t_o_u_t _n_eg

Which ability helps a person to understand

and relate to the feelings of someone else?
I ~ Lorrect

_o_t_io_n_a_l _Q_u_o_ti_e _
n t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

@ Empathy ]
' - - - - - · _ _ ______,

Sympathy ]
' - - - - - · _ _______,

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: 5 I Failed: o

Quiz @ English I @ Sm

✓ Completed

~ effective communication quiz, emotion a ...

56 li kes
6:34 0 0 J~,~ -::=-:~,,ii GD
Which of the following questions need not
be answered when talking with an
employee from their point of view?
0 LOr, cC{

[__c_) _ w_ h_
at-·s_i_n_it_f_o_r _m_e_?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

[---_ _w_h_y_s_h_o_u_1d_1
_c_a_re_?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

@ How do I make myself understood?

Which of the following should NOT be done

to create a communication friendly culture
in the office? ~ CorrecI

[---_ _s_e_e_m_p_a_t_
he_t_ic_ _ _ __ _ __ _~ ]

{) Be humble ]
· - - - - -

Emphas_ize the i~portance of not

0 expressing emotions

[___ E_x_p_re_s_s_e_m_o_t_io_n_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

Which of the following is NOT a tip for

improving communication? ~ Corr

Simplify and stay on your message

6 ·34
• 0 0 °04 ...... ~
KB/S -:-: ~ ,,I I ~·

Simplify and stay on your message

( Engage your listeners or readers

(!) Respond immediately ]

' - - - · _ _ ___,

Make sure you are being heard and


When communicating, it is better to think of

the audience as a general body and address
them generally rather than think of them as
individuals and treat them as such. I
{✓) Lorrecc

[ 0 True ]
' - - - - · _ __ _ _ _ _ ,

® _False _ _ _ _]

Which of the following is NOT a

communication skill? I 0 Lorrect

C) Listening ]
' - - - · ------

0 Clarity

@ Groomin
6 ·35
· 0 0 520 ,:::::::, ~
Keis -:-: ~ ,,I I ~•

Choose the correct combination that

represents the golden rule of
communication: I 0 Lorrect

Words 7%: Tone of voice: 55% Body

language: 38%

Words 55%: Tone of voice: 38% Body

language: 7%

Words 7%: Tone of voice: 38% Body

language: 55%

What is the first stance of communication?

~ Lorrec(

Words ]
' - - - · - - ~

®_ P_o_st_u _
r e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ ]

Handshake ]
' - - · - - ~

What does building trust depend on?

0 Correct


Verbal communication
6 ·· 3 5 0 0 26 0 -:::::::- ~
Keis -:-: ~ ,,I I ~•

Alignment of verbal and non-verbal


What is the best non-verbal cue when

conversation is getting heated?
(2) Correo:

@ Smile ]
' - - · _ _______.,

Eye Contact ]
' - - - - · _ _ ______.,

Gestures ]
' - - - - __
· ______.,

What do hand gestures convey? (Select all

that apply.) I ~ Correct

[ !!.i Enthusiasm ]
- - - · - - ~

_ e_

Being Reserved ]
' - - · _ _______.,

[ Answer Again ]

I o

My Results Passed: 5 Fa iled:
6 ·35
· 0 0 770 -:::::::- ~
Keis -:-: ~ ,,I I ~•

If another person makes eye contact, it

means the person is showing positive
interest. ~ Correct

[ 0 True ]
' - - - · _ __ _ ,

[ 0 False ]
' - · _ __ _ ,

As per psychology, which body language

implies that the other person is not
receptive and is closed to the conversation?
0 Correct

[~_ _A_v_e r_t_in_g_e_y_e _c_

on_t_a_ct_ _ __ ______]

c!)- -S-it-t i-ng
_ cr_o_s_
ed_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

' - ·
Shaking legs
_ __ _ ,
Smiling without crinkles around the eyes

Which smile follows a microexpression?

0 Correct

[ 0 Genuine smile

@ A smirk or potential smile

6 ·35
· 0 0 aoo
KB/S -:::::::-

-:-: ~
~ ,,I I ~•

If someone tilts their head while you are

speaking, it means the person is:
0 Lor. c;~..:

c _) _ N_o_t_i n_t_e_re_s_te_d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

__1s_ lis_t_en_i_n-g to_ y_o_u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

ou_ a_
re_a_ lia_r_ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

) Is judging you ]
' - - - - · _ __ _ . .

If a person is looking here or there, that

person is processing the information and
not averting it. ~ '-0rrecc

[ @
' - - - ·
- - -
' - - - - ·
__ __..
[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: s I Failed: o

Quiz I @ English I 0 Sm

6 ·36
· 0 0 Keis -:-: ~ , 1II
970 -:::::::- - ('7T)

what are the principles of effective

listening? I ~ Correct

[~ Empathize with the speaker

[~ Put the speaker at ease
[ Ask questions frequently
[~ Get rid of distractions
Which of the following is not a part of active
listening skill? I ~ '""v', ec(

Be Attentive ]
' - - - - - - - ·- - ~

_ar_iz_e_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ]

__N_o_t_in_g_d_o_w_n_ ev_e_ryt
_ h_in_g_________]

[ Paraphrase ]
' - - - - · - - ~

Which of these is not a step in the listening

process? I ~ Correct

[___T_o_s_t_o _
p _ta_l-ki_n_g _ _ _ _ _ _ _•
6 ·36
. 0 0 aoo
KB/S -:::::::-
-:-: ~ - ,,I I ~·

[ Receiving
[@ Misinterpreting
[ ( Responding
Which is not a type of listening skill?
(✓) Lorrec(

[ Appriciative
[@ Talkative
[ Rapport
[ Selective
Which of these types of listening is followed
by skilled listeners? I ~ Lon ~'-L

[ Focused listening
[@ Evaluative listening
[ Attentive listening
Which of the following characteristic is most
important for a person to be able to
communicate effectively in different
situations? I (0 Correct

[ ® Self-confidence ]
' - · _ __ _ .

[...__o__L_e_a_d_e_rs_h-ip_s_k_i1_1s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

[___c)- -K-in_d_-_he_a_r_te_d_n_e_ss_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

During a conversation, you should pay

attention to your own and your
interlocutor's body language: I0 Correct

@ True ]
' - - - - · _ __ _ .

[ 0 False ]
' - · _ __ _ .

How does positive visualization help in

improving your verbal communication
skills? I ~ '-orrect

C) It helps to respond thoughtfully

It gives a mental boost which translat

into a physical one
6 ·37
• 0 0 Ksis -:-: ~ , 1II f°77l
290 -:::::::- -

Which of the following can be the powerful

foundation of an effective verbal
communication? [Select all that apply]
0 Lorrecc:

[ !ii Honesty ]
' - · ----------

[~_l _A_m
_b-ig_u_ity_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

[_____A_u_t _
he_n_t_ic-it_Y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

' _l_ A_u_t_
ho_r_it_a_tiv_e_t_o_n_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

Which of the following is NOT a

communication barrier? ~ Lorrect

') Cultural differences ]

' - · - - -

[ !l Using colloquial phrases ]

' - · ----------
[___s_p_e_e_ch_ d-iff-ic_u_it_Y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

C Differing opinions and prejudices

[ Answer Again ]

6 ·37
• 0 0 170 -:::::::- -
KB/S -:-: ~ I I II ('7T)

A closed question is a good way to find out

about the other person's opinion. I
✓) Lorrect

rr_ue _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

@ False ]
' - · _ _______,

Asking right questions help in learning and

building relationships. I ~ LorreC\.

@ True ]
' - - - · __ ______,

Fa-lse _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

Why do people ask questions? Select all

that apply. I ~ Lorrect

~ to understand what they are reading

~ to help deepen their understanding

~ to make connections and visualize

IJ to interrupt conversations

IJ to make others uncomfortable

6 ·37
• 0 0 300 -:::::::- -
KB/S -:-: ~ ,,I I ~·

Listing obstacles is a good way of asking

questions to find focus areas. I ~ Lvrrect

@ True ]
' - · - - - -

( False ]
' - - · _ __ _ _ . ,

Wait time is essential to think critically.

l✓) Lorrecl

[ ® True ]
' - - - - · __ ___.,

) False ]
. . . _ . _ _______,

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: 5 I Failed: o

Quiz I @ English 0 Sm

✓ Completed

~ quiz, asking right questions, communicatio ...

6 ·3g
· O 0 Keis -:-: ~ , 1II
520 -:::::::- - (7T)

Effective Virtual Communication is a

necessity in today's business
environment. I6 Correc(

@ True ]
' - - - · - - - -

) False ]
' - - - - · __ _______,

Which of the following needs to be

eliminated to ensure seamless Virtual
Communication? I 0 Lorrect

@ Micromanagement ]
. _ ________,

[___r _e_a m
_ -B_u_i_

[ Virtual Communication Tools ]

In order to ensure organizations meet their

goals while working remotely, employees
need to understand effective virtual
communication practices and put them into
action. 0 Lorrect

@ True ]
" - · _ __ . ,

[_ _ _
Fa-lse - -•
6 ·3g
. O 0 2 00 -::::::- -
KB/S -:- : ~ I I II f°77l

Schedule regular communication keeps

people on track and gives everyone the
discipline of a team check-in. I 0 Lorrect

@ True ]
' - · ------

[ 0 False ]
' - · ------

What helps you automate all the boring,

tedious tasks so you can focus on the
important ones? I 0 Correo:

@ Workflow Automation ]
- - - - -_ ________,

t ) Flexible Automation ]
- - - - - · ------

- -F-ix_e_d_A_u_to_m
_ at- io_n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: 5 I Failed: o

Quiz I @ English I @ Sm

✓ Completed
6 ·390
· 0 510 ~
KBis -:-: ~
- ,,I 1(77")

What is the ability to offer empathy, open-

mindedness, and helpful feedback based
on what you hear? I0 Correct

_ u_n_
ic_a _
t io_n_ _ _ _ _ ____,]

[-_)_ G_o_o_d_c_o_11_a_bo
_ r_a_ti_o_
n _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

[ - - -D-ig
_i_ta_l _L_

For effective communication skills, it's

important to focus on their facial
expression. I ~ Correct

[ ® True ]
' - - - - - · _ __ ,

< l False ]
' - - · _ _ _.,

Everyday Effective Communication skills is

what prepare us for come complex
settings. I ~ Lorrect

[ ® True ]
' - · _ __ . ,

[ 0
' - ·
__ _,

Which one of the following is a vital A

component to Effective Communicati~
6 ·39
. 0 0 2 00 ,:::::::, -
KB/S -:-: ~ ,,I I ~·

0 Correct

[---_ _c_h_o_o_si_n_g -th_e_ pe_o_p_le_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

[---_®__c_h_o_o_si_n_g -th_e_ r_ig_h_t_c_h_an_n_e_i _ _ _ _ _~]

e _ri_g-h t_p_l_
ac_e_ _ _ _ _ _~]

Effective Communication in the workplace

involves tactics that eliminate
misunderstandings, ambiguities and
questions between individuals to foster a
more cohesive, seamless and supportive
environment for task and project
completion. I ~ LorrecL

@ True ]
· - - - - - - - - ------
) False ]
· - - - - - -

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed : s I Failed: o

Quiz I @ English I @ Sm

✓ Completed •
6 ·40
• 0 0 °03
KB/S -:::::::-
-:-: ~
- ,,I I ~·

Written communication is NOT:

0 Lorreo:

~ A creative activity that requires time

A well documented mechanism of


@ An instant communication mechanism

l A one-cycle event ]
' - - - - · - - ~

Which of the following is an advantage of

written communication? I ~Lori'-\..'-

It is not suitable for long distance


It can take time to compose edit and


It is better for simple and non-complex


0 It is apt for mass distribution

___ written communication refer.

the sender de! ivecin~ a message for the
6 ·40
. 0 0 300 -:::::::- -
KB/S -:- ~ ,,I I ~·

receiver's benefit. I 0 Correct

[__o__i_n_st-ru_c_t_io_n_a_l - - - - - - - - - - ~ ]
[__c_) _ T_r_a n
_s_a_c_ti_o _
na_i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

a1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

- - - - - are a form of written

communication used internally for business
operations. I Correcr 0
@ Reports ]
~ . -----------
[___<_) _ Le-t te-rs_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,]

[ 0 Telegrams
' - - - - - · ------
A good written document should NOT:
(Select all that apply.) I ~ Lorrecc:

__, Be inoffensive
[~ Be rigid in nature

Be opiniated
6:40 0 0 ~J,i ~ ~ ,,ii GD

To understand the non-verbal mode of

communication better, it is essential to first
check the context. I 0 LOrreo:

[ @ True ]
' - - - · ----
False ]
' - - · - - - - -

Mehrabian and Wiener suggests that only

_% of message is sent through words. I
0 Correct

[ 10%

[ (e) 7%

[ ) 35%
_ _ _ _]
Which of the following refers to vocal
communication that is separate from actual
language? I ~ Correct

[ 0 Verbal ]
' - - - · ----
@ Paralinguistics

0 Proxemics
6 ·40
. 0 0 aoo-:::::::-
KB/S -:-: ~ - ,,I I ~·

People, at times, also study eye gaze to

determine if someone is being honest. I
0 Lorrect

[ @
' - - - ·
False ]
' - - · -----
Which of the following can also alter
physiological reactions, judgments, and
interpretations? I 0 Co,, e'-t

Psychology ]
~ · - - - - '

[___®__A_P_P_ea_r_a_nc_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

' - - - ·
- - - - -
[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: s I Failed: o

Quiz I @ English I 0 Sm

✓ Completed

6 ·41
· 0 0 830 -:::::::- -
Ksis -:-: ~ ,,I I ~•

Examples of language barriers include

using jargon, abbreviations and: I
0 \...Uri C:1-L

[__®__u_n_f_a_m_il-ia_r_e_x_p _re_s_si_o_n_s _ _ _ _ _ _~]

[__) _ F_ix_e_d_e_x_p_r_
es_s_io_n_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

u i_a_r _

Environmental factors like room lighting

and temperature can impede listening. I
Q) Correcc

(~ True ]
' - - - · ------

[ ) False ]

Effective Communication in the workplace

can have a significant impact on nearly
every aspect of a company's productivity
and success. ~ Correct

[ @ True ]

0 False

Using the right comm11oicariar channel is

6 ·41
. 0 0 aoo
KB/S -:::::::-

-:-: ~ - ,,I I ~·

Using the right communication channel is

vital to for effective communication: I
✓) Correct

@ True ]
' - · _ __ _ _ ,

[ 0 False ]
' - · _ __ _ _ ,

Which of the following can be called a

'perceptual' barrier to communication?
0 LOrrecc:

[~_c_)_ N_e_g_at- iv_e_F_e_e_li_ng_s_____________]

( )__c_u_1t_u_ra_1_N_o_rm
_ s _____________]

[ @ Pre-made Assumptions ]

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: 5 I Failed: o

Quiz I @ English I 0 Sm

✓ Completed

~ rvf-f,... rt- i \/,... r. ii I ii I ii ii I Ii ii Ii ii I I •

11 I I it--:, I -fl 1 1 /"\ n r\/ r,
6 ·42
. 0 0 ° 03 ,:::::::, -
KB/S -:-· ~ ,,I I ~·

What is effective influence? I 0 Correct

Building lifetime relationship

Building balance between building

relationship and getting results

[..__ _G
t s_o_n_l_
Y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,]

By asking the right questions you might lose

your leverage to communicate and
influence. You might be perceived as
troublemaker. I vv Correct

@ True ]
' - - - - - - · - - - -

False ]
' - - - - - · ----
To influence people, you should
communicate with. _ _ _ _ I 0 Correct

Reasoning, Authority, Inspiration,

Common goal

Credibility, Authority, Collaboration &


Reasoning, Trust, Inspiration &

6 ·42
. 0 0 ° 00 -:::::::- -
KB/S -:- ~ ,,I I ~·

Reasoning, Trust, Inspiration &


The Colin James Method of Matrix

Leadership helps communicate with
influence I 0 Lorrect

@ True ]
' - - - - · _ __ _ _ ,

False ]
' - - - - · _ __ _ _ ,

Select the ways that will make sure others

are hearing and understanding what you
say. Select all that applies. I '-:::.J '-or, cLL

[____~_ s_e _b ri-ef_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

~ Be focused ]
' - - - · _ __ _ _ ,

~ Listen ]
' - - - - · _ _ ___,

Use action ]
' - - - - · _ __ _ _ ,

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: 5 I Failed: o

6 ·42
· 0 0 860 ,:::::::, -
Ksis -:-: ~ ,,I I ~•

Habits that you should cultivate to enhance

your verbal communication skills I
(0 Lorrec[

[...__®__P_r_ac_t_ic_e_M_i_nd_f_u_in_e_s_s _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,,]

['-_ _T_a_lk_b_e_fo_r_e_l_
is-t e_n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

[..___ _s_p_o_
ou_s_s_p_e_a_ki_n_g _ _ _ _ _ _~]

) Smiling ]
' - - - - · - - ~

Verbal Communciations are descriptive and

evaluative. Therefore, we need to make
choices that are appropriate when
communicating verbally. ~ Lorrect

@ True ]
' - - - · - - -

False ]
_ _ __
[. . . _ _ _

What are the goals of verbal

communication in the workplace? Select all
that apply. I (0 Correct

~ Resolve

~ Persuade
6 ·42
. 0 0 ° 07
KB/S -:::::::-
-:- ~
~ ,,I I ~·

[~ Persuade
[~ Inspire
[ I] Organize
Select the examples of verbal
communication for team members. Select
all the apply. I ~ Correct

[ I I Giving credit to others

~ Conveying messages concisely

[~ Requesting Feedback
Tailoring messages for different
I l audiences

lntrapersonal communication cannot be

considered as verbal communication as it is
communication with self. I ~ Correct

[0 True
[@ False
6 ·44
· 0 0 ~ 940
~ -:-: ~
Ksis -:::::::- - ,,I I,.-;::;::-)

When you're listening to others, pay as

much attention to them as you can. Which
of the following should you notice about
the speaker? A. Their words. B. Quirks in
their body language. I 0 LorreLt

() Only A ]
' - · - - - -

Only B ]
' - · ----
@ Both A and B ]
' - - - - · - - - -

There are 6 steps that can be used for

strategic communication . Five of them are
Aim, Review, Message, Story and Aud ience.
Which is the sixth step? I ~ Lorrecc:

( ) Paths ]
' - · ----
@ Channels ]
' - · - - - -

[ 0 Ways ]
' - · - - - -

There are 7 C's of Communication. Six of

them Clear, Concise, Concrete, Correct,
Coherent and Courteous. Which is the
seventh one? I 0 Correct

6 ·44 0 0 ~ 006 ,,I I,.-;::;::-)
. . . .. .. ~ -:- ~
KB/S -:::::::- ~·
• -


seventh one? 0 Correcc:

[ Carefree ]

[ @ Complete ]

[ Codified j

Which of the following can hinder your

capability to communicate effectively? I
0 Correct

c) Lack of familiarity with the audience

@ Lack of focus ]
' - - - - · _ __ _ _ _ ,

[...__c)__L_a_ck- of_h_i-gh_-_so_u_n_d_i n_g_w_ o_rd_s_ _ _ _ _]

The ability to communicate with people is

the most sought after skill in managers and
team members. I Correct 0
@ True ]
' - - · _ __ _ _ _ . . .

0 False

r Answer A.P-ai o l
6 ·45
· A
V '0 ~ 83
~ Ksis0 -::::::-
-:-: ~ - ,,I I ~

Why is it necessary to format your CV?

(Select all that apply.) (2) Lu,, ec(

si_o _

7 To show your formatting skills

~ Easy to read ]
' - · --------

What do recruiters look for in a resume?

(Select all that apply.) I ~ Lorrec(

(!.i Key Skills ]

' - - - ·--------
[ !ii Position titles ]
' - - - · --------

~ Company ]
- - - - - - - - - ~

[. .___~
_ _A_ca_d_em
- ic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

t iv_i_
t ie_s___________]

Which of the following hard skills should

your CV focus on? (Select all that apply.) I
(2) Lorrec(

~ Industry-specific skills
6 ·45
· A
V '0 ~ 24
~ Keis0 -:::::::,
-:-: ~ - , 1I I L;:;...J'

[ !.I IT system knowledge ]

" - · - - - -

[ !a Languages ]
" - · - - - -

ifi-ca_t_io_n_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

Problem Solving and Communications

Which of the following should be a part of

your CV structure? (Select all that apply.) I
(2) Carree(

~ Personal Details ]
' - - - - __
· _.,

[ !a Professional Profile ]

[ !a Core Skills ]
" - · - - -

[...__ __,
t o_g_ra_p_h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

You should list your work experience in

reverse chronological order and education
details at the bottom of your CV.
(2) Correct

@ True
Your Personal Brand is how you promote
yourself. It is the unique combination of
skills, experience, and personality that you
want the world to see. I ~ Lu,, e'-I

[ @ True
- - ~
' - - - - - ·
False ]
' - - · - - ~

Why is Personal Brand necessary?

(2) CorrecI

@ It helps you to highlight your strengths

and passions

ou- to_t_h_e_w_o_r_ld- - - - - ~ l

[ It builds your confidence ]

Which of the following points should be

considered while building a brand story?
(Select all that apply.) (v l.orrecl

rm_ in_e_y_o_
u r_ w
_ hY
_ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

~ Understand your product

~ Understand your audience

6 ·48
. 0 ~ 900
~ -:- : ~
KB/S -:::::::- - I I II (7';"'\1

[....__ _u_n_d_e_r_st_a_n_
d _y_ou_r_n_e_e_d_ _ _ _ _ _~]

When you consistently tell your story and

share snippets of your personality with
your audience across social media, you will
notice more people actively engaging,
following, and sharing your content. I
<;i) LL,r, ~\..l

(!) True ]
' - - - - · ------------

) False ]
' - - - - · _ _________,

Effective Personal Branding will

differentiate you from the competition and
allow you to build trust with prospective
clients and employers. I ~ Correct

~ True ]
' - - · ------------

False ]
' - - · ------------

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: s

I Failed: o
6 ·48
· 0 ~ 190
~ -:-: ~
Keis -:::::::- - , 1II ('77") 1

Which of the following points you should

observe about your posture and
surroundings for an automated interview?
(Select all that apply.) ~ Lorrec[

Sit farther back from the camera to avoid

~ giving your interviewer the "under-chin"

~ Sit up, be attentive, and check your


IJ Block your background by some screen

How much time is usually given to craft the

answer to a particular question in
automated interviews? I ~ Lorrect

) 30 seconds ]
' - - - - · - - - -

40 seconds ]
' - - - - · ----
[_ _ _1_m
_ in_u_te_s______________]

@_ 2_ m_in_u_
t e_s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

Which of the following points you sh• •

observe about your body language d
thP .::ii 1tnm.::itPcl i1 .t. 1 ::i.
6 ·48
. 0 ~ 200
~ -:- : ~
KB/S -:::::::- - I I II ,.-;::-:;--)
Lc:!...J 1

Which of the following points you should

observe about your body language during
the automated interview? (Select all that
apply.) I ~ Lorrect

~ Take a breath in between your sentences

~ Show your excitement for the position

you're applying for

~ Smile every now and then ]
' - - - · _ __ _ _ _ _ ,

Which of the following is the right purpose

of the one-way video interview? I
(✓) Lorrec1

Confirm that the candidate meets the

0 basic requirements for the job

Confirm that the candidate is physically

perfect for the job

Confirm that the candidate is comfortable

0 with on line mode of working for remote

Your location does not matter in auto

interviews. I 0 Correct
6 ·48
• 0 ~ o11
~ -:- : ~
KB/S -:::::::- - I I II ('7';"'\1

~ Smile every now and then ]
' - · - - - -

Which of the following is the right purpose

of the one-way video interview? I
0 Correct

Confirm that the candidate meets the

0 basic requirements for the job

Confirm that the candidate is physically

perfect for the job

Confirm that the candidate is comfortable

with on line mode of working for remote

Your location does not matter in automated

interviews. I 0 Correct

True ]
' - · _ __ . ,

® _False _ _ _ _]

[ Answer Again ]


My Results Passed: 5 Failed: o
6 ·49
• 0 ~ 790
~ KBis -:- : ~
-:::::::- ~ ,1 II Lc:!..J

It is not important to check the social media

sites to get information about the company
before an interview process. I ~ Lorrect

[ 0 True ]
' - · - - - - -

[ 0 False ]
' - · - - - - -

Researching an employer beforehand helps

you to: I~ '-orr ect

C) Give answers to the interview questions.

C) Strike a good bargain on your salary.

@ Better align yourself to the company


Which of the following services will help you

to give you an edge for staying updated on
a company's profile. I (0 '-V', ~(1:

[0 Google Expeditions
[0 Google Express
[@ Google Alerts

6 ·49
. 0 ~ 700
~ -:- : ~
KB/S -:::::::- - I I II Lc:!...J

Researching a company will help you take

the right decision I 0 CorrecL

® Tr_ue _ _ _]

C) False ]
' - · ---------

Interviews of the CEOs of the target

company is a good source to gain more
insights on the company's profile. I
0 Correct

[ ® True ]
~ - ---------

) _False _ _ _]

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: s I Failed: o

Quiz I @ English I 0 Sm

✓ Completed

~ interview skills, digital fluency, resea

Which of the following should an effective
cover letter do? (Select all that apply.) I
(?) Lorrec(

!j Address the employer ]

' - · _ __ _ _ ,

~ Give the employer an idea of who you


~ Briefly explain why you're a good fit for

the position

~ Provide your contact information to get

in touch with you

Suggest your reference and contacts in

the company

74% of recruitment decision-makers prefer

receiving job applications that include cover
letters. I0 Correct

@ True ]
' - · - - - -

() False ]
' - · _ __ _ _ ,

When should you send a cover letter• •

(Select all that apply. ) I 0
6 ·50
. 0 ~ ooo-::::::-
~ KB/S -:- ~ - I I II (77)1

[....__~__r_h_e_J_·o_b_p_o_s_t i_n_g_r_e_q _
u i_r_
es_ o_

~ The employer or recruiter asks for one

during the interview process

Irrespective of requirements you should

send a standard cover letter for all job

~ You're sending your application directly

to a person and you know their name

~ Someone referred you to the position

A.I.D.A is the acronym for a commonly used

sales letter formula. What do the letters of
this acronym stand for? (Select all that
apply.) I0 LOrrect

[~ Attention

[~ Interest

[~ Desire

[~ Action
6 ·50
. 0 oo
~ 3KB/S
~ -:::::::-
-:- ~ - I I II Lc:!...J

[_ _ _A_t_tr_a_ct-io_n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

Your cover letter is a sales letter - much like

the ones created by direct marketers and
copywriters to sell products and services. I
0 '-0rreo:

[ @
' - - ·
_ ________,
False ]
' - - - - · _ _ _______,

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: 5 I Failed: o

Quiz I @ English I @ Sm

✓ Completed

~ digital fluency, cover letter, creating cover I. ..


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6 .. 51 0 oo
~ 9KB/S
~ ,:::::::,
-:- : ~ - I I II Lc:!...J

Which of the following are measured about

candidates with the help of Psychometric
tests? (Select all that apply.) I ~ LOrrect

J Domain Knowledge ]
' - · - - - - -

['-_ _s_o_c_ia_l _Et- iq_u_e_tt_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

[ !!Ii Mental Capabilities ]

' - - · -----
[ !!Ii Behavioral Style ]
' - - · - - - - -

Psychometric tests are done with the

candidates at the time of face-to-face
interview. I ~ Lorrect

[_ _ _
Tr_ue _ _ _ _]

[ ® False ]
' - - · - - - - -

Which of the following is a self-introspective

Psychometric test? I8 Correcc:

['-_ _T_h_e_c_a_li_
fi i_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

6 ·51
. 0 0 ~ 0KB/S
63 -::::::- -
-:- : ~ I I II Lc:!..J

[@ Myers-Briggs Test
Psychometric tests are not used to assess
emotional intelligence of the candidates. I
~) Lorrecl

) True ]
' - - - - - · ----
@ False ]
' - - - - · - - - -

Which of the following personality trait is

gauged in candidates using the
Psychometric tests? (Select all that apply.) I
(?, Correct

[...__~_ _o_p_en_n_es_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

n t_r_
a t-io_n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

~ Agreeableness ]
' - · - - - -

IJ Aggression

[ Answer Again J
6 .·52 0 ~ 300
~ -:-: ~
KB/S -:::::::- - ,,I I ~·

What is normally the purpose of phone

interviews? I0 Correct

0 Verifying the identity of candidates

) Checking the expertise level of


@ Screening candidates ]
' - - - -_ __ _ _ _ . .

Which type of interviews can be conducted

on many candidates at the same time? I
9) Cvr, '-~I

[ 0 Panel Interviews ]
' - - - - · _ __ _ _ _ . .

<)__M_u_1t_i p
- l_e_1n_t_e_rv_ie_w_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

__G_r_o_u_p_i_n t_e_rv_i_ew_s - - - - - - - - ~ ]

Which type of interview judges how you'll

respond when juggling various high-priority
tasks, dealing with challenging clients, or
facing a difficult co-worker or manager? I
0 Correct

_ t_e_rv_i_
ew_ _ _ _ _ _•
6 ·52
. 0 ~ o16
~ -:-: ~
KB/S -:::::::- - ,,I I ~·

__s_t_re_s_s_i_n_te_rv_i_e_w_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

( - -G
- ro_u_p_l_n_te_r_v_
ie_w_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

Which of the following steps you should

take to ace a face-to-face interview? (Select
all that apply.) I 0 Correct

Make sure to brainstorm solutions to the

~ employer's problems before the

Figure out who you will be taking your

~ interview with in advance and get
information about the interviewer

Establish a rapport by treating your

interview like a conversation

Do not show your enthusiasm. It will

make you sound desperate and you will
be short-changed .

Which of the following steps will help you in

succeeding in a panel interview? I
0 Lon c:\..L

O Telling all the panel members about

Linkedln profile
6 ·53
. 0 ~ oKB/S
~ so -:::::::-
-:-: ~ - ,,I I ~·

Telling all the panel members about your

Linkedln profile

Giving copies of your resume and your

0 cover letter to every panel member

Making eye contact only with the panel

members sitting at the center on the

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: 5 I Failed: o

Quiz I @ English I 0 Sm

✓ Completed

~ interview skills, digital fluency, job intervie ...


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What types of cases are generally
presented to the interviewees to gauge
their mental ability to solve problems? I
(✓) Correcc:

() Highly complex cases ]

' - · - - - -

__s_t_r_a i_g_h_tf_o_rw_a_rd- ca_s_e_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

_ is-te_d_ ca_s_e_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

What kind of response to case-related

questions will make you distinct from the
other candidates? (Select all that apply.) I
l✓J Lorrecc:

Directly answering the question in most

~ obvious way of thinking

~ Answering by contextualizing the case to

specific industry

~ Answering by weaving in facts that have

emerged earlier on in the interview

By stating implications the case has for

~ the company's business

Thi:i inti:irHii:i\Mj!LI I, 11 .L I fi, 11 llll!lli , , I tn h.:::n,i:i .:::i

6 ·53
. 0 oo
~ 2KB/S
~ -:::::::-
-:-: ~ - ,,I I ~·

The interviewer looks forward to have a

conversation with the candidates when the
format of the interview is that of a case
interview. I ~ Correct

@ True ]
· - - - - -

False ]
· - - - - - - -

Which of the following questions seek to

assess a candidate's ability or skill at job
interviews? (Select all that apply.) I
(0 CorreLt

~ What did you like or dislike about your

previous job?

~ What were your responsibilities in your

last position?

What is the highest level of education

you've completed?

~ What was your biggest accomplishment?

Which of the following questions seek to

assess a candidate's personality at jo • •
interviews? (Select all that apply.) I
~✓J Lorret.t
6 ·53
• 0 ~ o
~ os -:::::::-
KB/S -:-: ~ ~ ,,I I ~·

Which of the following questions seek to

assess a candidate's personality at job
interviews? (Select all that apply.) I
0 LorreLL

O What makes you different from the


IJ What steps do you take to avoid errors?

~ Have you ever changed someone's


~ Why do you want to work for this


[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: 5 I Failed: o

Quiz @ English 0 Sm

✓ Completed

~ digital fluency, interview skills, quiz, intervi. ..

1 li kes •
From the given list what should you do
before an interview? 0
Lor. C\..L

Write down what you intend to say

~ during an interview and practice the
same by speaking it

Write down what you intend to say

during an interview and read it several
times to remember it

Prepare specific examples to share,

rather than specific answers

How should you greet your interviewer?

(Select all that apply.) I ~ LorrecL

~ With a friendly smile
' - - - ·- - ~
~- -W
- it_h_a_f_ir_m_ ha_n_d_s_h_a_ke_________]

s_y _a_n_
n_ou_ n
ng- yo
_ e_ _ _ _ _~]

Which of the following preparations help

immensely in acing a job interview? (Select
all that apply.) I 0 Correcc:

Practicing how to respond to quest

with a friend in daily wears
6 ·54
. 0 oo
~ 2KB/S
~ -:::::::-
-:-: ~ - ,,I I ~·

~ Practicing how to respond to questions

with a friend in formal clothes

~ Developing a special routine you can

follow for the interview day

Which of the following should be your body

language while waiting for the interview?
(Select all that apply.) 0 LorreC1:

~ Sit with your back straight and shoulders


~ Rest hands on your lap or armrests

~ Keep feet flat on the floor or crossed at

the ankles

Keep the volume of your voice low while

taking calls

[_____v_ o_u_ s_
m_i1_e_a_11_t _
he_ _ti_m_e_ _ _ _ _ _ ___,]

Keep continuous and intense eye contact

during the interview to look confident and
self-assured. I 0 Correct

6 ·54
• 0 ~ o
~ KB/S -:-: ~
26 ,:::::::, - ,,I I ~·

You smile al l the time

Keep continuous and intense eye contact

during the interview to look confident and
self-assured. I0 Correct

[_ _ _
Tr-ue _ __...]

@ False ]
' - · -----
[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: 5 I Failed: o

Quiz @ English I @ Sm

✓ Completed

~ interview skills, digital fluency, interview eti. ..


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I ' ...

, 1 • t,

6 ·55
· 0 ~ 94
~ o -:::::::-
KBis -:-: ~ - ,,I I ~•

In a mock interview you should be assertive

to such an extent that the flow of the
interview session should be decided by
you. I ~ Lorrecr

[ ( ) True
[@ --~]

Who should be your mock interviewer?

(Select all that apply.) I ~ Lorrecr

~ Someone who you are comfortable


~ Someone whose opinion you value and


] Someone who is a stranger to you

Mock interviews help us clarify responses to

certain questions and help us to work on
areas that we are prone to be weak in. I
0 Lorrecc:

@ True

Which of the following statements is NOT
true about mock interviews? I ~ Lorrect

Helps to reduce stress and anxiety

Helps to boost your confidence

Assists in familiarizing with the situation

@ Assists in passing the interview

Questioning the feedbacks that you receive

during a mock interview is a good
practice. ~ Lorrecc:

Tr_ue _ _ _]

@ False ]
' - - · __ __.,

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: 5 I Failed: o

Quiz I @ English I @ Sm

✓ Completed •
Why should you ask questions at the end of
an interview? (Select all that apply.) I
{✓) Lorrect

~ It shows that you are interested in the


It shows that you are polite towards the


~ It shows that you want to know about

the company

IJ It shows that you do not lack curiosity

What should your end-of-the-interview

questions be about? (Select all that apply.)
(2) Correct

About Other Candidates ]

' - - · _ __ _ ,

~ About the Role ]
' - · - - - - -

_b_o_u_t_t_h _
e _P_ro_c_e_ss_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

~ About the Company

\/\/hirh ,.._ft-ho f : .II. iiiiii: ii t t ii t a t I it •. '\C" \/r'\ I I

6 .· 55 0 ~ 20
~ KBiso -:::::::-
-:-: ~ - ,,I I ~•

Which of the following questions you

should NOT ask at the end of your
interview? ~ Lorreci:

What is the most valued skill at your


What is the best thing about this


How has the company progressed over

the last 5-7 years?

@ What will my weekly working hours be?

Which of the following interviewer-related

questions you should ask at the end of the
interview? (Select all that apply.) I
0 Correct

~ For how long have you been associated

with the company?

~ What do you enjoy the most about

working here?

How has your career graph evolved.

being hired by this organization? · •
6 ·56
• 0 ~ 20
~ o -:::::::-
KBis -:-: ~ - ,,I I ~•

What kind of rapport do you have with

your colleagues?

Which of the following team-related

questions you should NOT ask at the end of
the interview? I 0 Correcr

How many team members have same

qualification as me?

How am I expected to collaborate with

my future manager?

Which other departments does this team

work closely with?

O Can you describe the team culture?

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: 5 I Failed: o

Quiz I @ English I C9 Sm

✓ Completed

6 ·56
· 0 s1 62
~ o ,:::::::,
Keis -:-: ~ - ,,I I ~•

Which type of attitude you should show in

an interview? I 0
Co,, c:Lt

"I know everything" attitude

"I don't know everything" attitude

@ "I am ready to learn" attitude

"I know as much as is needed for this job"


What should you do with your phone in an

interview? I ~ Lorrect

' - - - - ·
Switch it off
- - - -
<. _) _
[..___ K_e_e_p- it_ o_ n_ th_e_v_i_
b r_a_te_ m_o_d_e_______]

' - - · ----
Keep it silent

[ 0 Keep it normal ]
' - · - - - -

Which of the following you should check

before your virtual interview? (Select a
apply.) I ~ Lorrect
6 ·56
· 0 ~ i9o
~ -:-: ~
Ksis -:::::::- - ,,I I ~•

Which of the following you should check

before your virtual interview? (Select all that
apply.) I ~ Correct

[~ Camera Focus
[~ Video Quality
[~ Audio Quality
[ 1] Virtual Backgrounds
Which of the following aspects of body
language you should ensure are correct in
your virtual interview? (Select all that
apply.) I ~ Lorrect

[~ Eye Contact
[~ Body Posture
[- Leg Movements
To get a sense of what the company's vibe
is like, visit its social media channels. I
(0 Lorrect

@ True
6 ·57
. 0 oo
~ 2KB/S
~ -:::::::-
-:-: ~ - ,,I I ~·

Dressing appropriately for a job interview is

an important part of making a good
impression and coming off as professional
as possible. I ~ CorreLL

@ True ]
' - · __ _____,

False ]
' - - - · --------

Which of the following steps you should

take while going for a job interview? (Select
all that apply.) I 0 Correct

~ Avoid revealing clothing and anything

that doesn't fit properly

~ Check for stains, snags, pet hair and

holes on your clothes

~ Choose clothes that make you feel

comfortable and confident

Match accessories, wear the latest style

and put on make-up

Which aspect of the company you should

research before choosing a dress for • •
interview? 0) Correct
6 ·57
. 0 ~ 200
~ -:-: ~
KB/S -:::::::- - ,,I I ~·

[0 Company's Profile
[@ Company's Dress Code
[o Company's Review
If you wear a suit to an interview for a camp
counsellor, or a T-shirt to an interview at a
bank, it'll send the message that you don't
truly understand what's involved in the
role. I 0 Correct

@ True ]
_ ________..

' - - - - ·

[ ) False
' - - - - · _ _ _______..

The Hiring manager can gauge your goals,

status, reliability and competency from
your clothes. I0 Correct

[ (!}
' - - - ·
_ _ _______..

[ 0 False ]
· - - - _ ________..

[ Answer Again ]

6 ·57
· 0 ~ 92
~ o ,:::::::,
Keis -:-: ~ - ,,I I ~•

Following-up after an interview reaffirms

your enthusiasm for the position and
reopens the dialog between you and the
interviewer. 0 Correct

@ True ]
' - · - - - -

False ]
' - - - · - - - -

How to deal with the post-interview period

after an interview with HR manager? (Select
all that apply.) I 0 Carree[

Wait for interviewer's call/email

~ Keep the conversation/dialogue going

[ !!".Ii Continue your job search ]

' - · - - -

ng- yo_u_r_s_k_n_
is_ _ _ _ _ _~]

You should send your interview follow-up

email within _ _ _ _. I ~ Lorrect

2 _days _ _ _ _]

[_ _ _
, w
_ eek - - - •-
6 ·57
. 0 ~\). sKB/S
oo -:::::::- - I
-:-: ~ ,,I ~·

@ 24 hours ]
' - · - - - -

A follow-up email is a message to your

Interviewer that: (Select all that apply.) I
0 Correct

Serves as a reminder for the hiring

~ manager about why you're a fit for the

~ Gives you a second chance to make a

good impression

~ Helps you move conversation along

] Shows your eagerness for the job

Your follow-up email should be long and

outline your reasons for seeking the job.
(✓} Lv, , ~\..(

True ]
' - · - - - -

@ False ]
· - - - - -

[ Answer Again ]

What are the various types of Group
Discussions (GD)? (Select all that apply.)
0 Lorrecl

[____r_o_p_ic_a_l _G_ro
_ u_p_ D_is_c_

~ Case Studies ]
' - · _ _ _____,

~ Abstract Group Discussions ]
' - - - · _ __ _ _ _ _ ,

1 _J_ G
_e_n_e_r a_l_G_r_o _
up_ D_is_c_
u s_s_io_n_s_ _ _ _ _ _]

Which of the following are included in the

evaluation criteria of GD? (Select all that
apply.) I t_:::Q Lorrect

[______c_o_n_te_n_t_o_f _D_is_c_u_
ss-io_n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

Aggressive Assertive Response

[ l!".i Reasoning Skills ]

' - - · - - - - -

~ Communication Skills

~ Leadership Quality
~ Leadership Quality ]
' - · _ _ _______,

A person who initiates GD, plays a crucial

role as he sets the foundation on which the
GD proceeds. 1 0 Correc1:

@ True ]
' - · _ ________,

False ]
' - - - · _ _ _______,

Interrupting others when they speak is a

good tactic to use during GD. I ~ Correct

True ]
' - - - · _ _ _______,

@ _False _ _ _]

Which of the following candidates should

avoid in GD? I 0 Cot, ec1:

[...__®__o_o_m_i_n_a-tin_g_o_t_h_e_r _m_e_m_b_e_rs_ _ _ _ ___,]

C Keeping the discussion on track

[ ) Jotting down their ideas
6 ·59
· 0 ~ s20
~ -:-: ~
Ksis -:::::::- - ,,I I ~•

What is a digital handshake in a Virtual

Interview? 0 Lorrecc:

A 30-second pitch introduction pitch from

0 the interviewee

A 30-second pitch introduction pitch from

the interviewer

A 30-second pitch introduction pitch from

the interviewee and the interviewer

Dressing up for Virtual Interviews is not as

important as it is for real on-site
interviews. I ~ Lorrec(

[0 True
[ @ False
_ _ _]
Which of the following is NOT a best
practice for Phone Interviews? I ~ Lorrect

Keep Your Voice Serious & Calm

0 throughout the Call

Do Your Research

o ,-,.,n-,,-,., \, ;;;;; fs l :::: ftl: ::::I :: •.

6 ·59
. 0 ~ oKB/S
~ oo -:::::::-
-:- : ~ - I I II ('7';""")1

Which of the following statements are TRUE

about Phone Interviews? I ~ Lorrec(

[_ _ _P_a_y_A_t_
t e_n_ti_o_n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

Multitask by Jotting Down Important


_ c_t_iv_e_
lY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____,]

What should you do if a call comes to you

for Telephonic Interview suddenly and you
are not ready for it? I ~ LorrE.~L

Move to quiet surroundings and take the


' - - ·
Do not answer the call
- - -
Take the call and inform the interviewer
that you will call later

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed : s I Failed: o

- - ---
Oui7 ~ Fn P'li ~lii CD kiM
7 ·01
. 0 ~ 600
~ -:- : ~
KB/S -:::::::- - I I II r;::-;-)1

Blue Prism is a RPA tool used widely in the

industry. I ~ Lorrect

@ True ]
' - · - - - -

[ False ]
' - · - - - -

Which of the following are the benefits of

RPA tools? I ~ LO,, e'-l

~ Helps you to automate large numbers of

the processes

~ Helps you to increase scalability

] Helps in connecting different devices

A well-controlled and scalable RPA platform

in any organization needs a partnership
between: 1
~ Lorrect

HR and IT ]
· - - - - -

[.. __®__o_p_e_r_a_tio_ n_ a_n d_ _1T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

Support and IT

r"'\. __ _ n n A · - __ _
7 ·01
· 0 ~ ,o
~ Ksiso -::::::-
-:-: ~ - , 1 II r;::-;'"")1

One RPA process can work with only one

application. I ~ Correct

@ True ]
. . _ _ _ _ _ . - - - -

[ 0 False ]
' - - - · - - - -

What are the two things necessary for the

execution of a complete RPA solution? I
l✓) Lorrec(

[ 0 Operation Studio and HBO ]

' - - - · - - - -

@ Process Studio and VBO ]

- - - - - - _ ______.

[ 0 Automation Studio and RBO ]

' - - - - · - - - - -

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: 5 I Failed: o

Quiz I @ English I 0 Sm

✓ Completed

~ robotic process automation, rpa, digi.

7 ·02
· 0 ~ 91
~ o -:::::::-
Keis -:-: ~ - , 1 II r;::-;'"")1

Data Analytics is the science of examining

raw data with the purpose of drawing
conclusions about that information. I
0 Carree(

@ True ]
' - · _ __ _ _ _ . ,

False ]
' - - - · _ _ ____.,

Big Data professionals analyze:

0 CorrecL

@ System bottlenecks ]
' - - - · __ ____.,

[...__ _H_is_t_o _
ric_a_l _in_f_
o r_m
_a_t_io_n_ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

[...__ _o_a_ta- er_r_o _

rs_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

The Two Schools of Statistics are

Frequentist Statistics and Bayesian
Statistics. I ~ Lorrect

@ True ]
' - · _ __ _ _ _ . ,

[ 0 False
__ ]
' - · ____.,

Frequentist statistics deals with chan.

your mind about actions. l✓J Lon ect
7 ·02
. 0 ~ 300
~ -:- : ~
KB/S -:::::::- - I I II r;::-;'"")1

Frequentist statistics deals with changing

your mind about actions. I ~ Lon c:Cl

[ @
' - - - - ·
- - ~
[ 0 False ]
' - - - - · - - ~

Google AdWords combined with Google

Analytics is an Action Tool Package. I
0 '-orren:

[ @
' - - - - - ·
- - ~
[ 0 False ]
' - - - - - - - ~

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: 5 I Failed: o

Quiz @ English I @ Sm

✓ Completed

~ big data analytics, digital fluency, qui.

1.1 K likes
One of the Very Primitive Forms of
Blockchain was: I0 Correc(

C) Lash Tree ]
' - · - - - - -

@ Hash Tree ]
' - · - - - - -

[ 0 Mash Tree ]
~ . _ __ _ _ . ,

Which of the following is NOT a type of

Blockchain? I ~ Lvr, e\..(

c) Private Blockchain ]
. - - - - -

['"-___c_o_n_so_r_ti_u_m_ s_1_o_ck_c_h_a_in_ _ _ _ _ _~]

@ Confidential Blockchain ]
' - · - - - - -

While using Blockchain, fragmented

internal systems are centralized allowing
interoperability. I CorrecL 0

® Tr_ue _ _...]

0 False

Cryptocurrency is the Technology tha

ct:1nu:::1c ;::ic tht:1 R i tln 1ii 11 1h I I I ,., ll!J,:::ir th;::it fnrmc
7 ·03
. 0 ~ oo -::::::-
~ 4KB/S -:- : ~- I I II ( 7 , )1

Cryptocurrency is the Technology that

serves as the Distributed Ledger that forms
the Network. I ~ Correcr

' - - - ·
- - ~
@ False ]
' - - · - - ~

Bitcoin allows anyone to send money

across borders almost instantly and with
very low fees. I0 Correct

@ True ]
~ · - - ~

False ]
~ · - - ~

[ Answer Again ]

My Results Passed: s I Failed: o

Quiz @ English I (5) Sm

✓ Completed

~ blockchain, digital fluency, quiz

Al dates back to 1956 but has recently sky
rocketed because of exponential rise of
data. I ~ Correct

@ True ]
' - · - - - - -

(J False ]
' - · - - - - -

Select the components of Al from the list

below. (Select all that apply.) 0 Lorrect

[ !!':ii Machine Learning ]

· - - - - - - - - - -

[ !!.I Computer Vision ]

' - - - - - -----

J Neuro Linguistic Programing

ng_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _~]

[___o_a_t_a_P_ro_c_e_ss_i_ng_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

Machines learn by doing the same tasks

over and over again. However, every time it
takes a new approach to do the tasks so
that the result can be attained quickly. I
0 Lorrect

7 ·03
• 0 ~ 700
~ -:-: ~
KB/S -:::::::- - ,,I I ~·

Machines learn by doing the same tasks

over and over again. However, every time it
takes a new approach to do the tasks so
that the result can be attained quickly. I
0 Lorrecr

[ C) True
[@ False
Facial Recognition is an example
of_ _ _ _. I 0

l) Machine Learning ]
' - - - · _ _________,

@ Computer Vision ]
' - - - · _ _________,

r) Deep Learning ]
' - - · _ _________,

[ )
' - - ·
_ _ ________,
[__o__P_a_tt_e_r_n _R_e_co_g_n_it-io_n_ _________]

In Machine Learning, a model is chosen

after training of data. I 0 Lorrecr

[ 0 True

7 ·03
• 0 ~ o19
~ -:-: ~
KB/S -:::::::- - ,,I I ~·

n _R_e_co_g_n_it-io_n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~]

In Machine Learning, a model is chosen

after training of data. I0 Lorrecr

[ (" True
[@ False
[ Answer Again
My Results Passed: 5 I Failed: o

Quiz I @ English I C0 Sm

✓ Completed

~ ai quiz, quiz, artificial intelligence, digital fl ...


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