Blackmagic Script

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Blackmagic script

This story is about three friends who have been close since primary school,
Mira, Ryan, and Jimmy. Mira continued her education abroad, while Ryan
and Jimmy started their own businesses. After many years had passed,
Mira completed her studies and returned to her home country to work.
The next day, Mira messaged Ryan and Jimmy to meet up with them.
(Message scene) SCENE 1
(Meeting scene) SCENE 2
Mira: “It's been a long time since we last met. You both look almost
unrecognizable to me.”

Jimmy: “You're the same way. You're even more beautiful now. Luckily, I'm
already married. Otherwise, I would have married you. Hahaha.”

(Mira just smiled and asked.)

Mira: “Tell us about your wife, Jimmy. If she doesn't mind, introduce her to

Jimmy: “Ahhhh, my wife. She's very supportive and kind, and God willing, next
week she'll be with us hanging out here.”

Mira: "That's great, Jimmy. How about you, Ryan? You've been quiet all this
time, I've noticed."

Ryan: "It's nothing, Mira. I've just been thinking about work."

Jimmy: "How's your business going now, bro?"

Ryan: "My business is doing fine, Jimmy. But I'm short on some staff, and that's
what's worrying me now."

Jimmy: "Why are you so worried, Ryan? We have Mira here. Besides, she just
finished her studies. You can hire her as your staff."

Ryan: "Well, that's an interesting idea. Mira, would you like to work with me in
the creative marketing department? You have a degree in Multimedia, right?"

Mira: “Serious, Ryan? I was just planning to look for a job. Alright, boss. I'll
work with you. Hahaha.”


They were chatting there, and Mira kept secretly looking at Ryan because
she had actually been harboring feelings for Ryan for a long time. Without
Mira realizing it, Jimmy had been observing her actions and just smiled
because Jimmy had long known Mira's true feelings.

Mira messages Ryan every day, both day and night. At one point, Mira
invited Ryan to meet in the park alone because she wanted to confess
something to Ryan, her long-held feelings for him.

Scene 4 (Taman area Rumah Garry)

Mira waited for Ryan's arrival at the park.

Ryan: "Hey Mira. I'm sorry I'm late. I had a little issue at home."

Mira: "It's okay, Ryan. I just arrived as well."

Ryan: "So, what is it that you wanted to say, Mira? I can't stay long. My wife
asked me to buy some groceries for dinner."

Mira fell silent for a moment and contemplated upon hearing Ryan
mention that he was already married. Ryan noticed Mira's silence and
tried calling her several times. After a few attempts, Mira finally snapped
out of her thoughts.

Ryan : “Mira… Mira…Hello, can you hear me?”

Mira : "Forgive me. What were we talking about earlier?"

Ryan: "Talking? What do you mean? You're the one who invited me here and
wanted to say something."

Mira: "Oh, right. It's nothing. I just wanted to thank you for giving me a job
with you."

Ryan: "Is that all? My goodness. It's not a problem. I do need employees too.
Alright, I'll be going now. See you at the office tomorrow."

Mira: Yeah. Bye Ryan.

Mira felt angry and vowed to separate Ryan from his wife, no matter what
it took.

Mira: "How dare you break my heart like this, Ryan. I swear. I will get you no
matter what it takes."
SCENE 5 (Luar kolej/ Mana mana tempat luar kolej)

Ryan and his wife were strolling around. Ryan called Jimmy to invite him
to hang out with him and his wife. Meanwhile, Mira was walking alone.
Suddenly, Mira saw Ryan and his wife from a distance. Mira thought to
herself, "This is my chance to get you, Ryan. Hahaha, wait, you wretched
woman, Ryan belongs to me! You're not worthy of him." Mira took out her
phone and tried to take a picture of Ryan's wife. However, her actions were
suddenly noticed by Jimmy from afar. Jimmy felt uneasy seeing Mira's
behavior. Jimmy called Ryan and told him he couldn't join them because
he had something to take care of.

Ryan: "Where are you, bro? My wife and I are near the usual spot where we
always hang out. Come over, let's have coffee."

Jimmy: "Of course, I can do that. I'm actually nearby your area."

Ryan: "Okay, bro. I'll be waiting for you."


Jimmy: "Bro, I won't be able to make it today because there's a little issue at the

SCENE 6 ( Chonglin )
Jimmy followed Mira to a particular location. Mira met with a shaman.
Jimmy overheard Mira's conversation with the shaman, revealing her
intention to harm Ryan's wife. As soon as Jimmy heard this, he left the
scene. After getting some distance, Jimmy tried calling Ryan. However,
Ryan didn't answer because his phone had run out of battery. After
multiple attempts to call Ryan, Jimmy messaged him and conveyed
everything. But on WhatsApp, Ryan's messages showed only one tick,
indicating that they had been sent but not delivered or read.
Mira : “Sir…..

Shaman : "I know why you've come here."

Mira: "You're truly great, sir. Please help me."

Shaman: "I will help you. So, what do you want?”

Mira looked at the shaman awkwardly and simply told him that her
intention was to harm Ryan's wife.

Mira : "This is a picture of a woman. I want you to kill this woman!"

The shaman looked at Mira and, without saying a word, began reciting a


Jimmy hurriedly left the place and he repeatedly failed to reach Ryan
through phone calls.

Jimmy: "Where is this guy? Please, answer."

Jimmy then messaged Ryan.

Scene 7 (rumah garry)

Ryan and his wife were chatting before going to sleep. Suddenly, Ryan's
wife complained of feeling unwell and asked Ryan to get her a drink from
the kitchen. Ryan rushed to the kitchen to fetch the drink. Upon his return,
he was shocked to find his wife unconscious. He hurriedly approached her
and tried to wake her, but she showed no response. Ryan then checked her
pulse at her neck and wrist and realized that she had passed away. Ryan
cried as he grieved over his wife lying there. Afterward, he reached for his
phone to call an ambulance, but it had run out of battery. Ryan began to
charge his phone and turned it on. Suddenly, he noticed several missed
calls from Jimmy and a message from Jimmy. As he read the message,
intense anger welled up in his heart.

Ryan's wife: "Darling, I'm not feeling well today. Could you please get me some

Ryan: "Alright, dear. Just a moment."

After returning from the kitchen, Ryan was shocked to find his wife
unconscious there.

Ryan: "Darling! Oh God. What happened to you? Wake up, dear. Wake up."

Ryan checked his wife's pulse and found that she had passed away. Ryan
cried as he mourned his wife's death and searched for his phone. Suddenly,
he noticed several missed calls from Jimmy and a message from Jimmy. As
he read the message, intense anger welled up in his heart.
SCENE 8 ( belakang kolej, ala ala baru balik dari kubur)

After burying Ryan's wife, Ryan talked with Jimmy about seeking revenge
for his wife's death. However, Jimmy advised Ryan not to seek revenge and
instead suggested they meet with an Islamic scholar (Ustaz) to protect
themselves. Jimmy felt that Mira might use black magic to win Ryan's
heart, and he believed seeking spiritual guidance and protection was the
best course of action.

Ryan: "Jimmy, I will avenge my wife's death. With my own hands, I will take
that worthless Mira's life."

Jimmy: "It's not worth it, Ryan, to respond to evil with evil. How about we meet
with the Ustaz to seek help in protecting yourself? I'm sure Mira will use black
magic to get to you."

Ryan: "Yeah, you're right, Jimmy. Let's go there right now."

Jimmy: "Let's go."

SCENE 9 ( Surau Kolej )

Ryan and Jimmy met with the (Ustaz) and shared their story with him.

Ustaz: "Hmm... Mira's actions are truly condemned by God. Don't worry, I will
try to recite sacred verses for you. God willing, He will protect you, Ryan."

Ryan: "Thank you, Ustaz. Here's a thousand ringgit for you."

Ustaz: "It's okay, Ryan. I'm helping you sincerely. But if you want to give, you
should put this thousand ringgit in the mosque's donation box. It will be more
Ryan nodded and placed the thousand-ringgit donation into the mosque's
donation box. They both thanked the Islamic scholar again and then left.

As suspected, Mira returned to the shaman to cast a spell on Ryan to make
him fall in love with her.

Shaman: "You again."

Mira: "Yes, it's me again. I have another request."

Shaman: "Don't tell me you want to kill someone again."

Mira: "No. I want to make the man in this picture fall in love with me."

Shaman: "Hmm, such a desperate woman. Fine then!" (starts chanting)

However, suddenly, the shaman fell backward and died. His eyes bulged,
his tongue protruded. Then, Mira heard a voice, and she screamed, begging
for forgiveness, before she too died on the spot.

The Voice : "Your actions have exceeded the limits, Mira. Therefore, you will
get a punishment commensurate with your actions. I will take your life to be
judged now."

Mira: "Please... forgive me, God... Noooooo..."

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