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The 30-Day Gratitude Challenge – Daily Prompts

If you want to be more grateful in a sustainable and impactful way then this

is often said to be the best way to do it.

What’s more, it’s super easy and literally only takes a few minutes per day.

All you need to do, for 30 days, is once per day write down three things that

you’re grateful for.

Just three little bullet points!

Try to vary what you write and if possible give a little detail, so one day, for

example, you might be grateful for:

 Your dog snuggling up to you last night while you watched TV

 The delicious breakfast you had this morning

 The cute text your friend sent you

Then the next day just repeat with what you’re grateful for then!

If you know you’re going to get bored doing the same thing each day then

this is the challenge for you.

This challenge does take a little bit more work than the simple version but is

still super fun and helps you grow that gratitude!

Day One: Write down three things you’re grateful for

We start the first day of this challenge in exactly the same way as the simple

30-day challenge, by writing a quick, 3-bullet point list of what we are

grateful for specifically that day.

Day Two: Donate to a charity

Choose a charity whose work you are grateful for, that doesn’t mean they

have to have directly helped you, but a charity you are happy with exists is


Then donate! This can be as easy as popping your loose change in a

collection box or you could even set up a monthly payment for a few dollars

to go to them.

Day Three: Text a friend with a compliment saying how grateful you are
For example, maybe you have a best friend that’s always there for you, send

them a text telling them what a wonderful listener they are and how

thankful you are to have them in your life.

Day Four: Write down three of your best features

Maybe you’re a great problem solver, make the best brownies in the world or

have the shiniest hair. List out your three best features and be grateful for

your gifts!

Day Five: Tell someone you love and appreciate them

Just tell them! Maybe it’s your partner, a family member or a fur baby, just

make sure that person (or animal, no judgment here) knows that you love

Day Six: Pay it forward
Buying your morning coffee or perhaps you’re having a sneaky fast-food

dinner, ask the cashier if you can pay it forward so when the next person

comes to pay you’ve already covered some or all of their bill!

Day Seven: Write down three things you love about your home
Your home should be your sanctuary so give your space some love and list

out three things you’re grateful for about your home.

Day Eight: Make someone food

Whether that’s dinner for your partner or housemate or maybe some cookies

to bring into work, make someone some food that they can enjoy.

Day Nine: Hold the door for someone

An easy one but it can make all the difference in someone’s life, especially if

they’re carrying bags of shopping!

Day Ten: Write down three things you’re grateful to your body for
Maybe it’s something big like helping you get through that surgery last

month or something smaller like getting you up and down your apartment

stairs each day.

Just write down three things you’re grateful to your body for!

Day Eleven: Only positive talk today!

No complaining allowed! For today reframe everything in a positive light!
Day Twelve: Smile at three people today
A quick smile to a stranger can really brighten someone’s day and make

them feel loved!

Day Thirteen: Say thank you to someone

You can even write a thank you note! But basically, let someone know how

thankful you are to have them in your life.

Day Fourteen: Reframe Past Hard Memories

Think of something bad that recently happened to you, and then reframe it

in a positive light so you can be thankful for the experience

Maybe you dropped your coffee just as you purchased it, or perhaps your

doggo got sick which lead to a mountain of vet bills. Try and see if you can

find a positive in the situation, like perhaps now your doggo is even

healthier than before!

Day Fifteen: Write down three things you’ve accomplished that you’re
proud of
Getting your degree, running a marathon or Marie Kondoing your home;

think of three things you’ve accomplished in your life that your proud of and

write them down!

Day Sixteen: Take five minutes to do nothing

Sometimes we need to be doing absolutely nothing to realize how lucky we

are, so take a pause for five minutes today.

Day Seventeen: Treat yourself
Do you love new skincare or have a favorite dessert? Treat yourself to

whatever it is your craving and appreciate the joy that that item or

experience gives you.

Day Eighteen: Volunteer

Someone will certainly appreciate your efforts for giving back, so choose a

cause that means something to you and volunteer.

Day Nineteen: Call and speak to someone you haven’t spoken to in a

We all have friends or family where more time has passed than it should

since you last spoke, so pick up the phone and see who they’re doing.

Don’t forget to thank them for being a part of your life!

Day Twenty: Write down three foods you’re grateful exists

This sounds a bit of a silly one, but we mustn’t forget that in some places in

the world food is a seriously scarce resource. So write down three foods you

appreciate having in your life.

Day Twenty-One: Compliment a stranger

Tell that girl on the subway how much you like her dress and where did she

get it? Or tell the cafe owner where you get your lunch that they have

sandwich making skills beyond belief.

Sometimes a compliment from a stranger can be even more potent than

from someone who loves us, so make someone’s day today!

Day Twenty-Two: Cover someone’s chore

Maybe you could do your roommate’s dishes, put the bins out instead of

your partner or do that report for a coworker. Taking an item off someone’s

to-do list is always appreciated and can really make their day!

Day Twenty-Three: Focus on self-care today to show your appreciation

for yourself
Whether that’s a long bubble bath or trying a new hobby, focus on self-care

for you today and make sure your soul knows it’s appreciated.

Day Twenty-Four: Tidy and clean your space

Looking after and caring for something shows your appreciation of it, so

take some time to tidy and clean your home.

Day Twenty-Five: Write down three people you’re grateful for being in
your life and why
Sometimes we do take people for granted, so now is the time to think about

who you’re most grateful for being in your life.

Don’t forget to write a quick reason why as well, often the “why” is even

more powerful.

Day Twenty-Six: Send a gift

Unexpected gifts are delightful, send a little something in the post to

brighten someone’s day!

Day Twenty-Seven: Go for a walk outside and pick out three things in
nature you’re thankful for
The sun on your face, the beautiful flowers… Take time to notice what you

most appreciate when out walking in nature.

Day Twenty-Eight: Write down three things about your appearance you
love and are grateful for
We live in a world that is constantly telling us how we look isn’t good

enough. Today we’re going to throw that sentiment away and focus on three

things you adore about your appearance.

Write them down so you don’t forget them next time you’re having a bad

hair/body/skin/everything day!

Day Twenty-Nine: Declutter that “stuff” draw

Decluttering is very much an exercise in appreciation.

Take each item in your hand and decide if you want to keep it. If you do,

thank it for it’s service and put it away where it belongs. If you don’t, again

thank it for it’s service and donate it for the next person to love.

Day Thirty: Write down three things you’re grateful to this challenge
Did it put you back in touch with a friend you hadn’t spoken to in a while,

help remind you how incredible your body is or give you a new appreciation

for the space you live in.

30-Day Gratitude Challenge – Conclusion

And just like that, we’ve crossed the finish line of our 30-Day Gratitude


Give yourself a massive high-five – you did it! Over the past month, we’ve

shared laughs, maybe a few happy tears, and a whole lot of thank-yous.

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