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Medical Systems GmbH

90530 Wendelstein

SW_Update 040428.doc

Company Confidential

GE OEC Service Manual Fluorostar

Prepared by:

Peter Wittmann, Wendelstein Date

Revision History
Revision Date Evaluation
SW_Update 040428.doc 28.10.2004

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Table of Contents

1. REQUIRE................................................................................................................ 3

1.1 USB Stick...........................................................................................................................................................3

1.2 SW Pack for Fluorostar ...................................................................................................................................3

2. PREPARATION ...................................................................................................... 3

2.1 USB Stick...........................................................................................................................................................3

2.2 SW upload to USB Stick...................................................................................................................................3

3. SW UPDATE .......................................................................................................... 4

3.1 Check Bootscreen on User Interface...............................................................................................................4

3.2 Upload SW Pack to Fluorostar........................................................................................................................5

3.3 Start SW Update...............................................................................................................................................6

3.4 SW Check”(during boot up” ...........................................................................................................................7

3.5 SW Check “manuall” .......................................................................................................................................8

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1. Require

1.1 USB Stick

00-906135-01 USB2 Blister, 128MB, TEAC UF507TSM
on Fluorostar tested USB Stick

1.2 SW Pack for Fluorostar

from e-Mail / Globe / …. or *.zi_

2. Preparation

2.1 USB Stick

If you use” 00-906135-01 USB2 Blister, 128MB, TEAC UF507TSM”
=> nothing to check
if you use you own USB Stick than check
=> Format = FAT 16
=> no Password protection

2.2 SW upload to USB Stick

Unpack / unzip SW_PACK with Windows
Rename SW_REVxx.xx.xx.zi_ or *.zip (if necessary)
Connect your USB Stick to your PC/Notbook and locate USB Drive

example f:\

Open File with WINZIP and extract File “fluorostar.update” to your USB-Stick (Example f:\)

Please check if following file stuctur now on your USB Stick (example f:\)

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Eject our USB Stick

3. SW Update
System Power „ON“

3.1 Check Bootscreen on User Interface

and check installed SW REV for B380 and B356


B380/A:5.60 B356_A.5.60
- B380/B:5.61- - B356_B.5.61-
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explanation: B380/A :5.60 “A” SW for PCB B380 is REV 5.60 and SW is not active
B380/B :5.61 “B” SW for PCB B380 is REV 5.61 and SW is active
(see active indicator before and behind - - text)
B356/A :5.60 “A” SW for PCB B356 is REV 5.60 and SW is not active
B356/B :5.61 “B” SW for PCB B356 is REV 5.61 and SW is active
(see active indicator before and behind - - text)

3.2 Upload SW Pack to Fluorostar

Select „PI“ Patient Information on Userinterface

Service Menu
Enter Service Password „3107pw“
Use „next page“ several times to navigate to
Button “SW Update” is visible

Enter Menu “SW Update”

Menu Point
USB Stick upload available SW REV from USB Stick
CDROM only for Production
Network only for Production
Available Versions show a List of all SW Versions in this System

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Enter Menu “USB Stick” to upload available SW REV from USB Stick
INFO: that is not a update !!

After upload you see a List of all SW Packs in this System

Select this SW REV you want to install and press “OK”

or use the Back arrow for cancel

3.3 Start SW Update

Select „PI“ Patient Information on Userinterface
Service Menu
Enter Service Password „3107pw“
Use „next page“ several times to navigate to
SW Update

Enter Menu “Available Versions” to show a List of all SW Versions from this System

Select this SW REV you want to install and press “OK”

Confirm Upgrade / Downgrade with “Start Update”

System is checking which SW Module must be updated

Update time can be between 10 sec. and 30 min !!

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you see the Update Status

ATTENTION for Userinterface with B380 (A) SW up to 5.66

(checked during Bootup on User Interface)

Important advise:

There is a problem in systems with SW Version up to 5.66 (for B380 (A)).

While the data are transferred from IPC1000 to B380, the beam on the display, that shows the
progress of the update, may disappear even the transfer is still going on. This happens around
38% of progress. You can take the still changing hexadecimal numbers as an indicator, that the
update is continued.
Do not switch off the system as long as the hex numbers are changing !
After the update is really finished, the system executes automatically a re-boot.

After SW Update the System reboot automaticly

3.4 SW Check”(during boot up”

during boot-up System checked for each Module the actuel loaded SW REV
if Update done successfully
=> System boot up with no Messages
if one or more Module are not correct updated

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=> System boots up with “SW-Conflict” Messages

if System boots up with “SW-Conflict” Messages please restart the SW Update a sec. time

3.5 SW Check “manuall”

Select „PI“ Patient Information on Userinterface

Use „next page“ several times to navigate to
“SW Version”

Fig .3

If Version: REVXX.XX.XX in blue color than is SW is correct installed
if Version: REVXX.XX.XX in red color flashing than SW is not correct installed
=> please make SW Uodate a several time

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