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I. Writing:
- up: rise, grow, reach, double, treble, increase, climb, soar, surge
- down: decrease, decline, plunge, plummet, fall, drop
- no change: remain, stabilize, stable, the same, level off
- fluctuate
- fast: sharply, dramatically, significantly
- slow: steadily, gradually, slightly
- recover, bounce back (before “sharply”)
- show: illustrate, represent, demonstrate, indicate, depict, give information, provide data
- number: the number of, the amount of, how much/many, the changes in, data, figure, statistic
- over the period of ___ years, starting from ___
- overview: as can be seen, as can be observed, in general, overall, what is striking from the [___] is
- percentage: figure, proportion, data, ratio
- in contrast / by contrast = differently
- meanwhile / while / whereas / on the other hand/ however
- compared to / in comparison to
- negligible = not dramatical, insignificant
- moreover / furthermore / in addition = additional / what is more
- enormous / remarkable / noticeable / significant
- advantages: positives, pros, merits, benefits, on the plus side, on the upside
- disadvantages: negatives, cons, demerits, issues, drawbacks, problems, on the downside
- build = construct = put up = expand = enlarge = erect = appear
- change = modernise = alter = transform (into) = convert (into) = relocate (into) = string up = overhaul
- disappear = demolish = remove = knock down = flatten = pull down = tear down
- cut down = chop down
- vital (a) = important, necessary, essential

II. Idiomatic language:

- as pretty as the picture: very beautiful
- decked out: decorated
- all the bells and whistles: the best features
- packed with cutting-edge technologies: very modern
- taking a beating: very durable
- fire on all cylinders: at best performance
- out of this world: stunning
- last a lifetime: very long-lasting
- have a soft spot for something: like them a lot
- bolt out the blue: a pleasant surprise
- let my hair down: relax
- burn the midnight oil: work long hours
- go the extra mile: put more effort
- top-of-the-line: the best, high quality
- cost an arm or a leg: expensive
- the best of both worlds: the best combination
- right up my alley: suitable for me
- let off steam: relax
- get my brain in gear
- melt-in-your-mouth: soft, smooth
- on top of that: ngoài ra
- a good bang for the buck: đáng đồng tiền bát gạo
- settle down: live
- there’s no place like it on earth: it’s great
- itchy feet: want to travel
- the ins and outs: everything
- couch potato: lazy
- be out and about: out in nature
- a breath of fresh air: surprise
- off the beaten track: in remote areas
- day in day out
- hail-fellow-well-met: very friendly
- down to earth: practical
- have their heads in the clouds: over-imaginative
- eager beavers: hard workers
- more heaven and earth: do everything
- a stone's throw away: close
- things go south: things go bad
- state-of-the-art: modern
- have a whale of a time: enjoy one’s self
- round-the-clock: non-stop
- bread and butter: income
- nine-to-five: during the day
- at the moment’s moment: immediately
- anything in between: and so on
- everyman for himself
- paddle their own canoes
- fast-paced
- pit people: make people compete
- steal each other’s thunder: outshine
- break the ice: favorite
- got it down to something
- the real McCOY
- leave someone in awe: surprising
- tell them apart
- the focal point: attractive
- take the the spotlight
- feast for the eyes (on somebody / something): thưởng thức cái đẹp
- bring me back to my sense
- give myself a little treat: reward myself
- coming down in price: lower price
- dirt cheap: very cheap
- a little steep: expensive
- pay through the nose: pay lots of money
- over the hills and far away: very far
- godsend: needed
- cost a fortune: very expensive
- transfixed: stunned
- the jack of all trades: can do a lot of things
- a pain in the neck: difficult
- lives up to its reputation: do what expected
- a rip-off: expensive
- hands-down: no objection
- the best since sliced bread: very good
- rocket science: complicated thing
- easy on the eyes: attractive
- as easy as falling off a log: extremely easy
- channel surfing: the reading, watching
- on the internet, no one know you’re a dog: no one who you are
- call it a day: stop working
- in layman’s terms: very complicated
- problem exist between keyboard and chair: users make mistake
- red herrings: distractors
- hit the books: read books
- graphic illustration
- in deep water = get into deep water: be in serious trouble
- wouldn’t hurt a fly: be gentle and not do anything to injure / offend anyone
- as happy as clam
- as bald as coot: little or no hair
- as dry as a bone: extremely dry
- watch them like a hawk: pay very close attention to something / somebody, make sure nothing bad or
unexpected happens
- shooting fish in a barrel
- pull the plug (on something): prevent activity by no longer giving money to support
- attached by the hips: như hình với bóng
- prohibitive (a) = expensive

III. History:
- civilisation (n): nền văn minh
- descended into (phrase): rơi vào - they had descended into civil war and cannibalism
- cannibalism (n): ăn thịt đồng loại
- worst-case scenario (n): tình huống xấu nhất
- lie ahead of something (phrase): phía trước cái gì đó
- interpret (v): explain meanings of something
- blame (n) (v): khiển trách
- catastrophe (n): thảm khốc
- folklore (n): nền văn học dân gian
- historical (a): belongs to history
- historic (a) = important
- stem from (v): was caused by

IV. Neuroaesthetics:
- crucial (a) = main
- intricacy (n): phức tạp
- perceptual (a): tri giác
- curing (n): định kỳ
- contradict (v): mâu thuẫn (trái ngược)
- verification (n): xác minh
- intrigue (v): make secret plans to do something illicit or detrimental to someone → bất lợi / arouse the
curiosity or interest → hấp dẫn
- entirely (adv) = absolutely, completely
- foolish (a) = stupid, idiotic
- underestimate (v): đánh giá thấp
- illustrate (v): minh họa

V. Color:
- pale color: light / bright color
- alter a mood (v): change feelings / emotions
- range of colors: color scheme
- evoke (a) feeling(s) (v): make strong feelings
- upbeat (a): positive
- garish (a): colorful
- convey an idea (v): express an idea
- affect subconsciously (v): effect somebody without his / her awareness
- negligible effect = minor effect
- profound change = major change
- dull (a): boring color
- fast (a) of a dye: bền, khó bay

VI. Medicine:
- placebo effect: medicine doesn’t work
- pharmaceutical company: medicine producer
- patent (n) = copyright
- preeminence (n): the best time of a company → thời hoàng kim
- hinge on = depend on
- exploit (v) = use
- unravel (v) = elucidate → làm sáng tỏ
- baffled (a) = confused
- therapeutic (a): effective in curing illness / improve your health
- drug-vetting (n) = clinical trial (n): drug testing
- prescribe (v): kê đơn thuốc
- symptoms (np): triệu chứng bệnh
- undergo (v) = experience
- well-being (n) = feeling of healthy, happy and comfortable
- medication (n): is used to treat an illness
- crucially (adv): extremely important or necessary
- cardiovascular (a): relating to the heart and blood vessels
- incorporate (v) include something as part of something larger → kết hợp
- rehabilitation (n): phục hồi chức năng
- therapy (n): liệu pháp
- lobe (n): one of the parts of brain → thùy trán
- jawbone (n): xương hàm
- allergy (n): dị ứng

VII. Place:
- mountainous (a) = alpine
- the outskirts = the suburb → ngoại ô
- rural area = pastoral area = provincial area
- seaside city = coastal city
- urban area = metropolitan area = metropolis
- mild (a): khí hậu dễ chịu
- commotion (n) = noise
- indigenous people = native people → người bản địa
- infrastructures: cơ sở hạ tầng
- domestic (a): nội địa
- offshore (adv): ngoài khơi
- onshore (adv): trên bờ

VIII. Art:
- pantograph (n): thước (dụng cụ vẽ)
- conglomeration (n) = collection
- lithography (n): in dập khuôn
- nuance (n): difference / aspect
- stereotype (n): khuôn mẫu
- palette (n): bảng màu
- typography (n) = font
- abstract painting: tranh trừu tượng
- monochromatic painting: tranh đơn sắc
- pottery (n): đồ gốm
- artelier (n) = gallery: phòng trưng bày
- awe-inspiring (a) = beautiful
- focal point: tâm điểm
- impressionist painting: tranh phái ấn tượng
- visual art form: nghệ thuật thị giác
- ornate (a): trang trí công phu

IX. Explore:
- mandate (v): to give official permission for something to happen → yêu cầu, ủy thác
- concrete (a): xác thực
- unearth (v): khai quật
- remnant (n): tàn dư
- derive (something) from something (v): nguồn gốc từ
- downfall (n): sự sụp đổ
- durable (a) = sturdy (a): bền
- stark (a) = strong
- legacy (n) = heritage (n): di sản
- artefacts (n): cố vật
- burial site (n): nghĩa trang
- estate (n): tài sản
- entomb (v): chôn vùi
- fossilisation (n): quy trình hóa thạch
- sediment (n): trầm tích
- variation (n): biến thể
- distortion (n): sự biến dạng

X. Population:
- density (n): mật độ
- derelict (a) = abandoned (a): bị bỏ rơi, không ai thừa nhận
- descendant (n): hậu duệ
- authority (n): chính phủ / chính quyền
- policy (n): nội quy
XI. Person:
- considerate (a) = kind, thoughtful
- conscientious (a) = attentive, careful

XII. Economic:
- crisis (n): cơn khủng hoảng

XIII. Jobs:
- consultant (n): người cố vấn
- referee (n): trọng tài

XIV. Biology:
- wildlife conservation (n)
- hunt = poach (v)
- deforestation (n): phá rừng
- afforestation (n): trồng cây gây rừng
- flora (n): hệ thực vật
- fauna (n): hệ động vật
- extinction (n): tuyệt chủng
- in danger of extinction = endangered (n): nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng

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