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Good afternoon ! examiners and everyone . I am PTV .

Prior to beginning the presentation, I have a small question : “ How would you respond to a product if its
salesperson genuinely persuaded you to buy it ?” I believe most people have the answer that would consider
buying that product.

Although the quality of product or service is vital, the way it is marketed and sold is even more critical to the
growth of a business.

Today I’m going to present about there are many ways to become a successful business, in which sales skills
are an important key to get it .

My presentation is divided into 3 parts : The 1ST is the explanation , the 2ND is the necessary of the sales
skill and the LAST is the case study of Joe Girard .


1. The explanation of the saying

a. The explanation of “how to sell”

( oh so yeh..) Let’s begin with the explaination of “how to sell” or we can call it “ sales skills”

Sales skills are the characteristics and competencies sales representatives depend on to support customers in
making purchases and resolving issues.

Effective sales people acknowledge that creating a successful buyer experience uses many interpersonal
skills, is more than a consumer’s satisfaction with their purchase, and deals with overall brand engagement.

Customers seek quality interaction and a fulfilling buying experience.

A positive buying experience influences brand loyalty with customers, improves the likelihood that existing
customers will refer new ones, and helps meet sales goals.
b. The importance of sales skills
 Generate revenue directly :
Unlike any other skill in business, sales key skills are the holy grail of generating direct revenue.
Why the start-up companies first build their sales team before anything else? Because they know if
they don’t build a sales team, don’t them the team in the market, don’t make the sales to the
customers; then they don’t earn any money. It’s that simple. If you want to earn more or earn your
first buck in a business, learn to do sales
 You will learn to ask powerful questions :
Sales skills is a series of questions answered well by you for your customers either through ideas or
via products and services Whenever you are in front of the prospect (the prospect can be anyone from
the interviewer to the customer in the market), you need to ask a set of powerful questions so that
they understand that the number one purpose of your selling is helping them
 Giving value first
Sales key skills are important not because they can make you money or make your ideas become
viral. Sales are important because it gives value even before customers realize this. For example, if
you go for an interview and use briefcase technique and offer an analysis of the company’s previous
quarter’s sales, would you add value first? Yes, because you are doing it even before the company
hires you to do the analysis. Sales is an opportunity to add value in prospect’s life

 And that’s why sales skill are so very important

[ Now , we will move on to the next part ]

2. The necessity of sales skills

a. The improvement of communication skills
The root of sales success is the ability to gather and provide information in a way that makes your
prospect want to do business with you. Your value proposition, your pricing, even your product’s
features — none of that matters unless you’re able to get your prospects to talk to you and also
listen to what you have to say.
As you gradually hone your sales skills, you also set up the ideal environment for imroving
communication skills, in which you can learn how to :
 Read the body languages and control them - That’s because using sales skills requires an extremely
high level of observation and judgment , that is the foundation allow you to read others’ body
language so can anticipate the direction a conversation’s heading,
 Speak in specifics - Great salers are not persuasive because they speak in dramatic, sweeping
rhetoric. They’re able to convince people because they can point to specific
b. The elevation of collaboration skills
One of the biggest causes of failing to sell is not collaborating enough with prospects. In today’s
sales world, buyers want to be a part of the selling process. They want to collaborate to ensure
they get the best solution for their organization. Collaboration is one of the key selling skills you
need to develop in order to be successful with buyers.
Your relationships with customers and coworkers will grow as your sales skills become better and
fostering collaboration.
 Customer collaboration - In today’s sales world, buyers want to be a part of the selling process. They
want to collaborate to ensure they get the best solution for their organization
 Co-worker collaboration - We have a tendency to think of a sales person as alone wolf–someone who
works independently. However, in a new age of sales to the throne being able to collaborate with
others and learn from your fellow sales reps can be an invaluable asset
3. The case study of Joe Girard
a. Joe Girard’s background
Selling is more than simply a job; it is an artistic application of skills. While there are many other
people in the globe who work in this business, Joe Girdard is still a unique name because he was
able to make his name in the world records book and earn the title of "the greatest salesman".
 Joe Girard was born in the eastern city of Detroit, Michigan, USA in 1928.
 From the age of nine to the age of twenty, he had to put in a lot of effort to support his
 Joe Girard met a nobleman at the age of 25 who assisted him in the construction of the
Abraham Saperstein Monastery.
 The company went bankrupt when he was 35, and he was saddled with massive debt.
 Girard, then 35, stepped into a Detroit car dealership and begged a doubtful sales manager
for a job as a salesman  And this is a crucial milestone in Joe Girard's eventual success.
b. The success of Joe Girard
Joe Girard sold his first car on his first day at the car dealership.
He had sold 18 cars and trucks by the second month. At this point, Joe knew he could sell cars 
this is the first flourish that foreshadows his future success
For 12 straight years, Joe sold more new retail cars and trucks than any other salesperson. More
as an individual than most dealers sell in total. No other salesperson has ever retained this title for
more than one year, and not for both cars and trucks.

 In 2001, Joe was inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame, the only salesperson ever to
receive that honor.
 Joe is renowned for selling more new vehicles than anyone else in the world.
 During his fifteen-year selling career, Joe sold 13,001 new cars and trucks, all at retail.
This record still has not been broken.
 Joe Girard was honored by the Guinness Book of World Records for selling more cars
than any single person in history, 12 times achieving the top vehicle sales in the world. In
his best year, he sold 1425 units, all retail.

What is his “secret weapon” ?

It is mastering the use of sales skills in order to attract clients and turn them into loyal
customers through communication and building connections to collaborate with them .

 Create a reliable communication

Joe Girard once stated that one of his favorite tactics is to call and talk to his customers. He
will randomly select a customer phone number from the directory and will begin by asking,
chatting about their recent situation in the most natural way, thereby capturing customer
psychology and offering the best solutions to make customers buy a car.

Most of his customers rate Joe Girard with a very pleasant attitude in communicating with
them, they feel like they are talking to their friends.

 Build a strong relationship with customers.

Joe achieves this in an unusual method - He sent out nearly 13,000 greeting cards a month to
his customers, celebrating everything from Halloween to Groundhog Day . Every year he
commissioned an artist to draw up 12 cards and then send them out He would send out one card
every month. Each card had the same message, “I like you.” So on Valentine ’s Day, major
holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, Joe’s clients received a card. It is said that with Joe’s card
coming every month, his clients considered him a part of the family.


That is everything i wanted to talk about sales skills

Finally, I want to point out once more that One of the most significant factors is the quality of
the good or service, but how it is presented and sold is even more crucial to a company's

Thank you so much for your attention , i will be happy if uoi ask me question about my topic

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