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IECEx Certificate of Conformity INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION IEC Certification System for Explosive Atmospheres {or ndes and details of the IECEx Scheme vist wrviacex com Ceortiicate No. sCBXx BUT 17.0033X Page 1 of4 Contticate history: Issue 1 (2021-08-25) Status: Current seve No: 2 tpsue 0 (2017-12220) Date of lesue: 2022-00-09 Applicant: Rotork Instruments Italy s.r. Via Portico 17 - 24050 Orio al Serio (BG) - aly Htaly Equipment: ‘SOLDO™ Limit switch box series SF (SIF), SS (SIS) Optional accessory: Type o! Protection: Intriste safety "i", dust tight enclosure "t" Marking: Exia ICTS...74 Ga Exia INC Tz0045°C. .To90118°C Da ExibICTS...74 Gb. Exib NG T45°C, .7135°C OD or Exh II T8S%C...7120°C Dd ‘See details in the equipment ceseription ‘Approved for issue on behalf ofthe IECEX Dionisio Bucchieri Crification Body: Postion: Head of ECEx CB Signature: (for printed version) Date: (for printed version) 4 Ths contest and senedule may only be reproduced in tl 2. The corfest el raster and remae the property ofthe esting body 3. The Siaus and authentic of hs certeate may be verted by wb vv ex com or Us of his GR Code Certificate Issued by: Eurofins Product Testing Italy S.r. 45 eurofins Via Guorgn’ Product Testing 1.21 10156 Torino “ : italy IECEx Certificate of Conformity Cortntcate No. IECEx EUT 17.0033K Page 2 of 4 Date of Issue: 2022.00.09 Issue No:2 Manutacturer: Rotork Instruments Italy s.r. Via Portico 17 - 24050 Oriol Serio (BG) - aly Htaly Manutacturing locations: This certficate is issued as verification that a sample(s), representative of production, was assessed and tested and found to comply with the IEC Standard ist below and that the manufacturers qually system, relating fo the Ex products covered by this cetiicate, was assessed and found to comply with the 1ECEx Quality system requirements. This cetiicae Is granted subject tothe conditlons as set out in |ECEX Scheme Rules, IECEx 02 and Operational Documents as amended STANDARDS: The equipment and eny acceptable variations fo It specified in the schedule of this certiieate and the Identied documents, was found ta comply with the folowing standards EC 60079-0:2017 Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements, Ezdiion:7.0 EC 60079-11:2011 Explosive atmospheres - Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety" Ezlion:6.0 TEC 60070.31:2013 Explosive atmospheres - Part 31: Equipment cust ignition protection by enclosure" Ezltion:2 This Certficate does not inaicate compliance with safety and performance requirements ‘other than those expressiy included in the Standards listed above. ‘TEST & ASSESSMENT REPORTS: ‘A sampie(8) of the equipment listed has successfully met the examination and test requirements as recorded in: Test Report ITEUTIEXTR17.0037/01 Quality Assessment Report: GBITSIGARO9,0004/08, IECEx Certificate of Conformity Cortntcate No. IECEx EUT 17.0033K Page 30f4 Date of Issue: 2022.00.09 Issue No:2 EQUIPMENT: Equipment and systems covered by this Cette are as follows: The limit switch box series SS with body in stainless steel and SF with body in aluminium alloy material (also referred to SIS and SIF respectively) are electrical devices used io indicate the position, for exampie in valves and actuators, by means of electrical signal and visual Ingleator. Details related to the equipment are reported in the annexed document. ‘SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF USE: YES as shown below: Apglicable to al versions: - Potential electrostatic charging hazard, see instruction manual for details Applicable only to intrinsically safe version: - SF enclosures are mainly made of aluminium material and then a proper installation has to be observed when placed in environment Classified as Zone 0 and Zone 20 to avoid an ignition hazard due to impact oF fiction. - Each stitch involved in the equipment has to be powered only by a single channel of certified intrinsic safety barier. Where changeover ‘contacts are included in switches, only one contact atime can be used and then no common electrical connection of two intinsic safely barrier can be achieved, IECEx Certificate of Conformity Cortntcate No. IECEx EUT 17.0033K Page 4 of 4 Date of Issue: 2022.00.09 Issue No:2 DETAILS OF CERTIFICATE CHANGES (for issues 1 and above) ~The equipment has been assessed according tothe standard IEC 60070-0:2017. + Anew limit switch box configuration thet includes SMT End of Line monitoring encapsulated resistors has been agded, + Anew limit switch box configuration featuring surge protectors has been added, + Postion transmitters have Been Included inthe list of already cetiied devices that can be mounted inside the mit switch box. +The temperature ciasses and the maximum surface temperatures have been ace in relation ta the ambient temperature range and power supply parameters for greater flexibly. Annex: ‘Annex to CoC IECEX EUT 17.0033 X Issue N. 2.0 i Be IECEx Certificate of Conformity UrOFINS | ten EPY.22,.RBL.02/2113020 page 1 of: Annex to certificate IECEx EUT 17.0033 X Issue N. 2 Equipment description The limit switch box series SS with body in stainless steel and SF with body in aluminium alloy material (also referred to SIS and SIF respectively) are electrical devices used to indicate the position, for example in valves and actuators, by means of electrical signal and visual indicator. These are mounted on actuator or manual valve with external lever or gear. The cable entries are machined according metric ISO 965-1 thread (M20x1.5 or M25x1.5), NPT thread (¥ of 3%’) or alternatively can be plain. The limit switch boxes can be configured by the manufacturer according one of the following mi configurations: + Main Configuration 1: Box with simple apparatus switches. Up to four contacts SPDT (or 2 x DPDT) electromechanical or reed type. + Main Configuration 2: Box with simple apparatus switches + SMT End of Line monitoring encapsulated cesistors Up to four contacts SPDT (or 2 x DPDT) electromechanical or reed type. + Main Configuration 3: Box with simple apparatus switches + THT End of Line monitoring (not encapsulated) resistors Up to four contacts SPDT (or 2 x DPDT) electromechanical or reed type. + Main Configuration 4: Box with Ex certified inductive proximity switches Up to four proximity switches. + Main Confiquration 5: Box with Ex certified transmitter and potentiometer. Upto one position transi ter mechanically connected to the internal camshaft and the potentiometer. Up to two contacts SPDT (or 1 x DPDT) electromechanical or reed type, and one position transmitter mechanically connected to the internal camshaft and the potentiometer. + Main Configuration 7: Box with Ex certified inductive proximity switches, Ex certified transmitter and ‘potentiometer Up to two proximity switches and one position transmitter mechanically connected to the internal camshaft and the potentiometer. Configurations with a lower number of switches can be realized. The limit switches are mounted on circuit board or dedicated support plate and are interfaced to the camshaft; this component intervenes mechanically (or electromagnetically) on the switches changing their state. ‘Some PCBs used in the above mentioned configurations can also include resistors used to draw a small quantity of current from the associated apparatus and then allowing to identify remotely a potential wiring interruption or short circuit (this technique is called End of Line monitoring). When the equipment is marked according the intrinsically safe requirements it can be powered up only by means of intrinsic safety barriers (associated apparatus). IEC Be IECEx Certificate of Conformity ae EPY.22,.RBL.02/2113020 page 2 of: In this case each switch has to be connected to an individual channel of intrinsic safety barrier and in case of presence of double throw contact (e.g. SPDT and DPDT switch) only one contact at time can be used and then the common connection of two intrinsically safe barriers is forbidden, Depending on the ambient temperature range all the above mentioned configurations can be also provided with a maximum number of two surge protectors (up to two independent channels each one) connected in parallel with the limit switches; the reactive safety related electrical parameters Li and Ci of these devices are taken into account by the manufacturer in the final input parameters marked on the Ex equipment. The limit switch boxes can also be used without their connection to the intrinsically safe apparatus only for use in Zone 21 and in this case the protection type is “th” and EPL is “Db”. The equipment can be manufactured with different o-rings and gaskets materials, these variants define the extension of the equipment ambient temperature ranges as follows: EPDM gaskets: -50°C + +80°C. = Do not open in a gas/dust explosive atmosphere - Due to risk of static hazard the enclosure must be only cleaned with a damp cloth - Do not open when energized - For safety instruction refers to IOM of protection: Box with simple apparatus switches. 20V :100mA =P: 750mW —LikOuH Cis OuF + Box with simple apparatus switches + SMT End of Line monitoring encapsulated resistors 30V li: 100mA Pi 300mW Lit uH Cis OuF + Box with simple apparatus switches + THT End of Line monitoring (not encapsulated) resistors Ui: 30V 1: 100mA = Pi: 280mW —LitOuH Cis OuF “Box with Ex certified inductive proximity switches and/or Box with Ex certified transmitter and potentiometer. The safety related electrical parameters correspond to those defined for each individual already certified Ex Equipment internally installed. Note: Ci and Li parameters related to the channels where switches are wired are higher respect to those above mentioned if surge protectors are involved. in this case the parameters of the surge protector are ‘summed to the parameters of the switch to which itis wired, U: 250 Vac; I: 1A: P: 2.47W. Note: Surge protectors are not allowed in this version. aie EPY.22.REL.02/2113020 Routine tests None icate of Conformity eurofins page 3 of S Relationships between materials, ambient temperature range, temperature limits and electrical parameters Box wi Sipe apparaus Swiches, Extended ambient | Marking (EPLs Ga | Warking (EPLs Gb | Electrical Material_| temperature range (°C)_| andior Da andlor Db parameters Surge Protector alowed “50°C s Tas +40°C lor EPOM gasket Ui30Vi ti 100 | but upper Tas imted O'S Tas H40°C for |Exie ICT Ga expictece [mare 7samw: | as follow. silicone gasket ExialllOTAS*C Da | exible TaS'¢ Db [Lm OuH: Ce OUN | Ta +<0°C @ TaTAS'C “SO°C < Ta 2 155°C Tor Ta +55°C @ TSITI00"C EPOM gasket urs0V;ti 100 | Ta 75°C @ TATI35°C O'S Tas +85°C for |Exia ICTS Ga Exiblc Ts Ge | mA, PE 750 mv: silicone gasket Exis IC T360°C Da_| Exip IC TEO"C Db_| U0 ul; Civ OuHt_| Lowar Ta is limit to Ui-30V; i 100] 40°C, fox Dust marking 60°C s Tas +80°C tor |Exie ic Ts Ga ExibiicT4 Gy [mA PL 750 mv, | the EPL is restricted to EPDM gasket Exig lic T85C Da_| ExipllICTES*C Db | U=0.uH Cie Oust | 09. Ur-30V. 100 orcs Tasst0s¢ Exielio Ts Ga ExibiIc TG | ma; PE 750 mi AU/ss_|forsitcone gasket | Exia iC Tap110°C Da | Exio nC TI10°C Ob |Ui= OuH; Cis Ou LN Box wih simple apparalue suilches + SMT End of Lins morilorng polled ressiow Extended ambient Marking (EPLs Ga | Marking (EPL® Gb Evectrical Surge Protector Material temperature range () ‘andlor Da) ‘andlor Db) parameters alowed “40°C = Tas +40°C Tor EPOM gasket Ui 30.5: 100 Zo°c< Tas 40°C for Exia lic T6Ga ExiblleT6.Ge | ma; Pi-300 mi; silicone gasket Exia ING Typ58°C Da_| Exip NG TSS Ds _|LvOult: ce OUH_|N SiC = Tas +55°C for POM gasket Wi 20 v5: 100 Zo'es Tas +85°C for Exia lic T$.Ga Buibile TSGb— | ma, Pi 300 mi, silicone gasket Exia INC Tsp70°C Da_| ExibINC T70°C Db _|Le Ou: Ce OUH_|N UE-30 VI 100 40°C s Tas +70°C for EPOM | Ex'a ic T4 Ga Exile T4Go_—_| ma; Pi 300 mW. gasket xia IC Tap85°C Da_| ExibINC TASC D> [Le Our COUN |W Ur-g0V. 1. 100 40°e°e sTa< +100°C for | xi icT4Ga BxibileT4Ge | mA; Pi 300 mi; A118 _| sicone gasket Exia Il Tyn115°C Da | Ex INGTI15°C Db |UeOuH Ck OuH_|N = Box wth simple apparalus suitches + THT End of Line monforng resstos (not poted) Extended ambient Marking (EPLe Ga Marking (EPLs Gb] Eecirical Surge Provectar Maternal _| temperature range CC) ‘ansior Da) ‘ansior Db) peremeters lowes “50°C 2 Ta ¢ ¥40°C Tor EPOM gasket UE 30 V5 1: 100 30°C s Tas +40°C for Exia llc T6Ga Exile TeGe | mA Pi: 280 mi, sticone gasket Exia INC Tap56°C Da_| ExibINC TSS°C D> _|LFOuH Ce OUH_|N “50°C = Tas +55°C for EPDM gasket UE 30.51: 100 30°C < Tas 455°C for Exia lic TS Ga Bxwile Tse | ma; Pi: 280 mv; silicone gasket Exig lO Ta7C Da |ExivINCT7VCDs |tie Oud cou |N UE30 Vs Te 100 -50°C + Tas +70°C for EPOM | Exia ICTS Ga Exile T4Ge | ma, Pi 280 mV, gasket Exia lO Tas86°C Da_| Exib ING TBE’C Ds |Lie Out: Ce OUH_|N Ui: 90 Vf: 100 0's Tas+100'¢ for | ExialicT¢Ga ExibilcT4 Ge | ma, Pi 280 mv; Aliss _ |siicone gasket Exia ilo Typtt6°C Da | Exip MC T116%C Db |LivOubt: ce OUH_|N aie icate of Conformity **eurofins EPT.22.REL.02/2113020 page 4 of S = Roa cored lve CRT Exionded ambient | Mating Pls Ga | Marking (EPLs Gb | Eleiical Mateiat_| temperature range *c) | andor ba) andor) parameters | surge Protector alowed OCs Tes 78°C ker EPDM gasket xia CTO..74.Ga forcstas sore | Exialic aiiss__|‘orsiicone gasket | Tau(t3*14yC Da input Y but upper Tasted as $0" 3 a5 +80°C Tor eters ae | 0% EPDM paiet parameter are Sarc @ TemTas'C oC sTa= +105°C expicTs..race_|Baseden [Ta tesrc @ ram 00c a |torsticone gasket Ext INC THrae7}"C Dw | OMPOTENS | Ts Ec @ TaMI9EC Cs Tas SOC EPDM gasket . Lower Tas lites to 40°C, ‘ores tas 105 ExBICTS,.14 Gb for Dust marking the EPL ie ss___|torstcone gasket Exile Tarr De festteted to 03 = Box wh etied postion wansmiter ‘Exended ambient | Marking EPLE Ga andar | Warking (EPLs Gb | Elecica Materal_| temperature range C) | Da) andlor parameters | Suige Protector alowed Exia ICTS Te Ga input -s'cs tas 400°C tor |Exip NC T(1a+7)C Db parameters are EPOM gasket Note: H/nen postion | - Dases on (SoCs Tas+85°C | transmitters involved components. ass |torsticons gasiet” | Pt Da eno alowed cetfeates—_|N 7 HoH WIR cated postion Waeniar and angle apparels WAEDSE Extended ambient | Marking (EPLs Ga andlor | Waring Pla Gb] Eletica Materet_| temperature range (°C) | Da andor OB) paremeters__| Surge Protectr alowed Exia TOTS Ga input -s0'C < Ta «75%C tor | Exib IC T(T2120)'C 0b parameters are EPDM gasket NoteWhen postion |- Based on Secs tas ssc | tansmiters moled campanents wiiss |tersiione gesket” | EPL Do sot alowed eerste [IN = Goxih red inductive awiohes and postion vansmiter Exiended ambient [Marking (EPL Ga andlor] Warkng (EPLs Gb — | Elec Mateel_| temperature range *) | Da) andor DB) purametes | surge Proteder alowed "bat upper Ta mite os foo Ta saz'c @ TorTestc Tassre@ TT ioc Tat75'C @ TaT135°C a Input 50°C = Tas +64°C for | ExibIIC T(V=*20)'C Db parameters are | Lover Tasted to 40°C, EPOM gasket ‘Note When postion Dasedon | for Dust marking the EPLis Soestasses'c | tenemtters mated temponents | reeincted i900, auiss |voreticonegesiet” | 261 Das rot aloned seruheates 4S eurofins IECEx Certificate of Conformity sooner EPT.22.REL.02/2113020 page $ of S = Boxhaving ype of proteaton Ex aring ‘Suge Excended ambient (EPLsea_ | Marking (EPLS Gb Protector Materal_| temperature range o) | andlor Da)_| ansior Dp) Electcal parameters alowed ASS —[-s0'Cs Tas 70°C Tor w EPDM gasket, ‘SoCs Tas s70°C tor | slcone gasket Exth IC T8S'C Db _| The equipment can be used within the SOC tas +000 tated parometers of he intemal W EPOM gasket . Components wink ever exceeding the $200 s Tas ¥85°C for folowing vaues Scone gasket Exto ic T100°C Db | U: 260 Vac “30°C Tas +1050 | ria w stlcone gasket exw ucriz0°cop [pa 2am Notes: Note 1 - The equipment temperature range is delimited by the worst component ambient temperature range. Example: Box with certified positon transmitter and certified inductive switches. Transmitter ambient temperature range: -40°C ~ +85°C Inductive switches ambient temperature range: -60°C + +100°C The equipment temperature range in this case Is -40"C + +85°C (the version with silicone gasket has fo been selected), Note 2 - When the surge protector is installed the safety related input electrical parameters marked on the limit switch box include the reactances parameter Ci and Li as given by the surge protector certificate (summed to those of the inductive switches when present). Note 3 - When the equipment contains switches, these have to be of the same type. Note 4 - When already certified proximity switchesftransmitters are involved in the equipment, the marked temperature class is related to the maximum ambient temperature as described by the certificate of these devices. Furthermore, when more than one already certified proximity (with eventually one transmitter) are included, the marked ambient temperature values for each temperature class/maximum surface temperature and group of supply parameters are reduced to take into consideration the local ambient temperature inside the mit switch box.

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