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A-Z Google Ads Guide

100x Learners

Ultimate Guide on Learning Google Ads Even If You Are a Fresher.

Saketh Vadapally
Founder & CEO- 100x Learners
100x Learners

Index 0

Custom Columns 8
Custom Column: Profit 8
Custom Column: ROAS 8

Google Help Center 9

Best Practices 9
Finding New Customers: Keywords for Effective Targeting 9
Optimize Display Campaigns on the Google Display Network 10
Connect with Mobile Users 11
Show the Right Message 12
Basics | Getting To Know Google Ads 16
Guide to Google Ads 16
Calculate and Improve Your ROI 18
Optimize your Website for Mobile 20
Optimize your Ads for Mobile 21
Create Successful Search Campaigns (Optimizing) 22
Create Ads and Campaigns 25
Quality Score 25
Ad Rank 26
Ad Rank Thresholds 27
Creating Effective Search Ads 27
Creating Effective Responsive Display Ads 28
Impression Share 28
Ad Rank 29
Q&A 30
Very High Search Lost IS (Rank) 30
How to Look at Search Impressions Columns (PSP 237) 30
Losing Impressions to Rank? 30
3X Shopify Training 31
Backend General Information 31
Setting Up Google Properties 32
Digital Marketing Kasim’s Course 35
Foundations of Google Ads 35
Why Google Ads 35
Core Concepts 35

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Pre-Work 37
Optimization Recommendations 37
On-Site Best Practices 37
The Four Campaigns 39
Building Your Campaigns: Account Creation + Branded Campaign 40
Text Ads: Best Practices (technical) 40
How To Write Ad Copy That Converts 40
Highest Performing CTAs 40
Extensions Best Practices 41
Conversion Tracking: How GTM Works 41
Dynamic Ad Campaigns Best Practices 41
Building Your Campaigns: Remarketing / General / Competitor 42
Why Run A Remarketing Campaign (10% Monthly Budget) 42
Why Run Competitor Campaign (10%) 42

Paid Search Podcast 43

PPC Questions & Answers Show 43
How Do I get more conversions without increasing CPA? 43
How to make an e-commerce campaign work if the product selection is bad? 43
Do you like SKAGS? 43
How to Use Modified Broad with Multiple words 44
Improve Landing Page Quality Score 44
How to build remarketing list for low traffic websites 44
Too many conversions? 44
Landing Pages v Normal pages 44
Mobile & Desktop 50/50 traffic 45
What are Engaged Visitors? 45
Should You Use SKAGs for Small Budget Accounts? 45
How Do I Get Conversions With A Small Budget? 45
Should Extensions Be Campaign or Ad Group Level? 46
Create device specific campaigns? 46
Super Videos 47
Advanced Bid Adjustments 47
Should You Increase Your Client’s Budget 48
PSP: All Podcasts Notes 49
01: Into to Google Ads 49
02: Keyword Research 49
03: Keyword Types 50
04: How to build and structure campaign 50
Real estate Patreon podcast 50
Where they go wrong 50

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Keywords 50
Advanced tips 51
05: Google Ads Bidding Strategies 52
06: Google Ads bidding tactics 52
07: How to Manage Bids 52
08: 5 Ads Issues that keep up at night 53
10: Ad Structure and Common Mistakes 53
Mistakes to look for 54
11: How to Write Great Ad Copy 54
Patreon #1: eCommerce Launch Day 01 55
Patreon #2: Drafts & Experiments (never live) 55
12: Landing Page Advice 55
13: Ad Extensions 56
16: How to Manage Google Campaigns Month 01 56
90: Ad Reporting Tips 56
The Ultimate AdWords Management System 57
Episode 50: Reporting Columns (Campaigns) 57
The Secrets to Getting More Conversions in Google Ads 58
Episode 131: How to manage manual bids 58
First Month Goals 58
Determine Profit 58
Improve Search Impression Share 59
No Conversions (Super Patreon Video) 59
Landing Page Checklist 59
119: Advanced Bidding Options 60
PSP Insider (Episodes 1, 3, 4) 61
#1) Sales Call PSP Insider 61
1) Starting The Call 61
2) Transitioning To You 61
**Talking To A Business Owner?*** 61
3) Explaining What You Do… 61
4) Sales Pitch 62
5) Laying Out The Processes 62
#3) Local PPC PSP Insider 63
#4) White Label PSP Insider 64
Cash Cow #1: Agency’s 64

Books 65
Advanced Google AdWords 65
Chapter 1: Understanding Search Theory 66
Ideas 66

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Why do people use Search engines? 66

Turning Concepts into Words 66
Understanding Search Results 66
Purpose of Ad Copy 67
Landing Pages Lead to New Customers 67
Ads Should Be Helpful 67
Goal Alignment: Google v You v The Searcher 67
Best Practices for Applying Search Theory 68
Chapter 2: Performing Keyword Research 69
Understanding the Buying Funnel 69
How do consumers flow through your buying funnel? 70
Understanding Keywords 70
What are keywords? 70
Types of Commercial Keywords 70
Explicit 70
Problem 71
Symptoms 71
Product Names or Brand Names 71
How to use these Commercial Keyword Types? 71
Informational Keywords 71
Finding Keyword Ideas 72
Starting Your Keyword Research 72
Do You Know Your Keywords? 72
How Many Keywords Should You Have In Your Account 73
Creating Keyword Lists 73
Using Long-Tail Keywords 73
Wide v Deep Keywords 73
Keyword Match Types 74
Which Match Type Is Best? 74
Using Negative Match 75
Implementing Negative Keywords 75
Negative Matches 75
Putting Negative and Positive Keywords Together 76
Researching Negative Keywords 76
Using Advanced Organizational Techniques (match types) 77
Adding multiple match types to the same ad group 77
Restricting Match Types by Ad Group 77
Restricting Match Types by Campaign 77
Taking Control of Your Ad Display 77
Best Practices for Conducting Keyword Research 78
Chapter 3: Keyword tools 79

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Preview 79
Google Keyword Planner 79
Generating Keyword Ideas 79
Building Your Account With The Keyword Planner 80
Google Trends 80
Best Practices for Using Keyword Tools 81
Chapter 4: Writing Compelling Ads 82
Preview 82
Do your ads reflect the search query? 82
Granular Account Organization 82
Writing Effective Ads 82
Calls to Action 82
Using Emotion 83
Developing Unique Selling Propositions 83
Distinguishing Features and Benefits 84
Benefits, Features, and the Buying Funnel 84
Ad Copy Format to Start Utilizing Features and Benefits 85
Employing Themes That Get Clicks 85
Utilizing Numbers in Ads 85
How Strong Is Your Call to Action? 85
Writing Informational Ad Copy 86
Utilizing Negative Ad Copy 86
Don’t forget the Display URL 86
The Quest for the Holy Grail of Advertising 86
Best Practices for Writing Compelling Ads (Review Checklist) 87
Chapter 5: Creating Landing Pages That Convert Searchers into Buyers 88
Does Your Landing Page Answer the Searcher’s Question? 88
Destination URLs 88
Using Destination URLs for Tracking 88
Choosing Landing Pages That Increase Conversion Rates 89
Choosing Landing Pages Based on the Type of Query 89
Differentiating Local Business Queries 90
Crafting Perfect Landing Pages 90
Employing Usability, Trust and Web Technology 91
Best Practices for Usability 91
Best Practices for Landing Pages 91
Chapter 6: Learning Advanced Optimization Techniques 92
Optimizing for Traffic 92
Optimizing for Conversions 93
Best Practices for Advanced Optimization Techniques 94
Chapter 7: Demystifying Quality Score 95

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What Quality Score Influences 95

What happens when you Increase Quality Score 95
How Quality Score Affects Ad Rank 95
Quality Score Factors for Search 95
Extra Parts of Quality Score 95
How to View Quality Score 96
Landing Page Quality: Making Your Pages Relevant 96

Google Certifications 97
Guide #1: Google Search Certification 97
Unit 1 97
Unit 2: Explore the Value of Google Search 100
Unit 3: Understand the Google Ads Auction 105
Unit 4: Deliver the Right Message with Text Ads 107
Unit 5: Search Ad Extensions 109
Unit 6: Automated Bidding 116
Unit 7: Search Audiences 118
Unit 8: Optimization Score 121
Unit 9: Performance Planner 122
Guide #2: Google Ads Display 124
Unit 3: Reach Users on Google Display Ads 126
Unit 5: Deliver the Right Message 127
Guide #3: Google Measurement Certification 128
Unit 1 - Achieve Your Goals 128
Unit 2 - Measure what matters 130
Unit 3 - Expand Your Strategy (Google My Business) 134
Guide #4: Advanced Analytics 135
Chapter 1: Data Collection and Processing 135
Guide #5: Google Ads Shopping Cert 141
Unit 1 - Google and Retail Businesses 141
Unit 2 - Drive Shoppers In-store with local product ads 142
Unit 3 - Promote your brand with showcase shopping ads 143
Unit 4 - Reach more Customers with Shopping Campaigns 144
Guide #6: Google Ads Video Certification 145
Unit 1: Discover the Value of Youtube 145
Unit 2: Connect with your Audience on Youtube 147
Unit 3: Video Ad Formats 151
Unit 4: Creative Essentials for Youtube 156
Unit 5: Youtube for Action 158

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Custom Columns

Custom Column: Profit

- Formula
- ((Conv. Value) x (avg profit margin)) - ((avg # of conversions for ROAS) x

Custom Column: ROAS

- Formula
- Conv. Value / Cost

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Google Help Center

Best Practices

Finding New Customers: Keywords for Effective Targeting

1. Align keywords with business goals
a. Think holistically about how customers could reach you
i. Why: keywords should reflect all different search queries
b. Align keywords and their management with your overall business goals
i. Why: different keywords have different purposes (Buyers funnel)
c. Analyze your keyword list and delete low search volume keywords
i. Why: reduce clutter and improve ROI
2. Manage Match Types for Growth and Control
a. Use broad match to capture long-tail queries, reserve exact match for your
primary volume and highest value keywords
i. Why: maximize coverage on queries relevant to your business
b. Don’t create granular variations for phrase/exact match keywords
i. Why: already expand automatically to cover close keyword variations
3. Find new targeting opportunities in Google Ads
i. Use DSA
1. Avoid continual updates
4. Expand the Reach of Existing Keywords
a. Maximize the presence of your keywords by improving their ad rank
i. Why: higher ad rank = lower bids needed = better ROI
b. Extend your reach to users that aren’t on by targeting search
i. Why: get more volume from the same set of keywords in your account
5. Refine your Traffic with Negative Keywords
a. Make negative keyword additions a regular part of account maintenance
i. Why: save money by avoiding irrelevant clicks
b. Focus on where it will do most good
i. Why: Your Ad account’s health depends on adding impactful negative

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Optimize Display Campaigns on the Google Display Network

1. Set your display campaigns up for success
a. Check that you’re accurately tracking website conversions
b. Keep search and display campaigns separate
i. Why: optimizing comes down to different messaging contexts
c. Think beyond last-click attribution
i. It’s important to account for all touchpoints
2. Reach the right audience at the right moment
a. Re-engage past site visitors with remarketing
i. Why: avg it takes consumers 6x touchpoints to purchase
b. Enhance your remarketing with similar audiences
i. Why: can grow conversions up to 38% compared to remarketing alone
c. Find additional customers with keyword targeting and in-market audiences
i. Why: both can deliver new highly-qualified customers
d. Use auto-targeting in display
i. Why: you can drive more volume based on your performance goals
3. Match the message and bid to the moment
a. Use both responsive and image ads in multiple sizes and formats
i. Why: avg → advertisers see 50% more conversions at a similar CPA
when they use both responsive ads and image ads compared to image
ads alone
b. Automate your bids
i. Save time and improve performance
4. Optimize for better display performance
a. Exclude underperforming site categories and placements
i. Why: avoid content that your target audience isn’t likely to visit

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Connect with Mobile Users

1. Connect with mobile users
a. Create ad text that appeals to users across devices
i. Why: CTA’s are compelling across devices
b. Use IF functions or Ad customizations to speak directly to mobile users
i. Why: you can highlight any CTA’s or offers that work well on mobile
c. Elevate your mobile ads with Ad Extensions
i. Why: extensions deliver additional info and provide alternate ways for
customers to interact with you

d. Deliver a seamless experience across channels
i. Using remarketing and customer match tools
2. Deliver great mobile site and app experiences
a. Customize the experience for mobile users with mobile URLs
i. Why: mobile users expect great on-site experience
b. Align mobile landing pages with a customers’ place in purchase funnel
i. Why: if certain keywords tend to assist, rather than complete, mobile
conversions, your landing pages should reflect that
c. Make phone numbers clickable on mobile sites
i. Why: provide great UX
3. Measure the Full Value of Mobile
a. Account for both the online and offline value of mobile conversions
i. Why: mobile interactions lead to offline actions
b. Track important mobile interactions
i. Why: you can update your strategy/investment based on interactions
c. Account for mobile interactions by including them in your “conversions” column
i. Why: get a more complete picture of performance by counting mobile

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Show the Right Message

Create Effective Search Ads
1. Ensure you do these 3 things:
a. Optimize your ad rotation
b. Implement 3-5 ads (+ 1 RSA) per ad group
c. Implement at least 3 extensions for each ad group
2. Remember
a. Successful marketers need to deliver the right message for the right moment
3. Write Compelling, Genuine Ad Copy
a. Craft messaging that focuses on user benefits
i. Why: users respond to ads that speak to their needs
b. Tie your creative messages to your keywords
i. Why: users tend to engage with ads that appear most relevant to search
c. Avoid generic language in your ads → use specific CTA’s
i. Why: generic CTA’s show decreased engagement with ads
d. Monitor ad strength for insights into how users reach with your ads
i. Why: ensure you’re delivering the right messages to the right users
4. Craft messaging that reflects your brand and the products and services you offer
a. Focus on your headlines
i. Why: content and quality of your headlines matters and will determine
how well your ad performs
b. Be mindful of your character limits
i. Why: longer increases clickable space, but shorter ones perform better
for people already searching for your brand
5. Set up your ads for success
a. Implement all ad extensions that make sense for your business
i. Why: ads with multiple extensions perform better with only 1 ad extension
b. Use keyword insertion and ad customizers if you use a lot of ads
6. Test and optimize your creative messages
a. Test and iterate your ad text
i. Why: learn users’ preferences and improve your performance by honing
ad headline text
b. Add 3-5 ads per ad group (+1 RSA)
i. Why: Multiple versions give you more options to succeed in each auction
c. Pick the right metrics to understand how your ads are performing
i. Why: not just CTR → drive more impressions/clicks/conversions
d. Focus your testing efforts on high-value campaigns
i. Why: prioritizing your testing efforts where it matters most
e. Optimize your ad rotation

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Enhance your Ads with the Right Extensions

1. Understand the benefits of ad extensions in Google Ads
a. Enable all extensions that make sense for your business
i. Why: make ads more useful and engaging to users (plus more clicks)
b. Control CPCs with your bids, not by removing extensions
i. Why: get same # of clicks for less $ by using ext
c. Make your ext as relevant and high-quality as possible
i. Why: ext are automatically chosen based on previous performance/user
context/available space
2. Manage your ad extensions in Google Ads
a. Know which ad extensions require upkeep and stay on top of them
i. Why: some are automated, but not all of themse
b. Enable these Ad Extensions at the Campaign/Ad Group Level
i. Sitelink
1. Use at least 6 per ad group (aim for 10)
a. Both mobile-preferred and standard
ii. Call
1. Set up phone numbers across offerings for tracking
iii. Callout
1. Use 4 per ad group
a. Highlight key company attributes that are distinct from what
is already mentioned in your ads/sitelinks
iv. Structured Snippets
1. Use as many relevant snippets as possible for each header
a. 12 characters or fewer
b. Specific unique points of products/services
c. Enable these Ad Extensions at the Account Level
i. Location Extensions
ii. App
d. Automatic Extensions
i. Seller ratings
ii. Dynamic structured snippet extensions
3. Report on and improve your ad extensions
a. Monitor the coverage of your ad extensions
i. Why: you won’t automatically receive impressions just because you set
them up
b. Learn what appeals to your customers based on the performance of your ext
i. Why: they are auto-optimized, but you can still review their performance

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Create Effective Responsive Display Ads

- 3 critical elements of a display ad
- Image / message / design
1. Determine whether you’re optimizing for more efficiency or control
a. Efficiency → use RSA
b. Control → standard image ads
2. Craft a message that is relevant and compelling
a. Tailor your display ads to the different stages of the purchase funnel
b. Include unique selling points/prices/promotions
3. Make the most of your RSA
a. Provide as many distinctive headlines/descriptions/images as possible
i. At least 5 of each
b. Write your long headline so it can stand alone, make full use of 90 character limit
c. Make your description text different from your longer headline
d. Upload images with a strong visual focus and minimal text overlay
e. Include your logo
f. Add a dynamic feed → show more tailored ads to people who previously visited


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Using Quality Score to Guide Optimizations

1. What is Google Ads Quality Score
a. Why: quality score is a helpful diagnostic tool, not a KPI
2. Diagnose keyword quality using Quality Score and other Metrics
a. Why: focus your efforts on high-value areas where you can affect change
3. Follow up on your Quality Score Diagnosis
a. Why: pay attention to the BIG THREE components
i. Ad Relevance
ii. Expected CTR
iii. Landing Page Experience
4. What matters and doesn’t for ad Quality
a. What Matters
i. The users device (laptop/tablet/desktop/mobile)
ii. Relevance to the User’s Search intentions
iii. Performance on related keywords
b. DOES NOT Matter
i. How you structure your account
ii. Running your ads in other networks
iii. Ad’s placement on page

Using Google Analytics and Ads together

1. Import goal completions and ecommerce transactions
2. Create custom remarketing lists
3. Understand which ad campaigns, ads, or keywords drive on-site engagement
4. Monitor % of new sessions

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Basics | Getting To Know Google Ads

Guide to Google Ads

Create An Effective Ad Group
1. Create a Campaign
a. Pick a Campaign Goal (1 per campaign)
i. Know what success means to you
b. Set your bid strategy and budget
i. Set avg daily budget
c. Make your Ads Show
i. 3-5 Ad Groups per Campaign
1. 3-5 ads per ad group
d. Create Ads
i. Key Idea: Imagine what your customers are searching for
ii. Be clear about what you are promoting
1. Keyword MUST appear in headline
iii. Be relevant
1. Give an answer or solution to the customer
iv. Match description to the headline
v. Match the Ad to the Landing Page (Quality Score)
1. Give the searcher what they want and what the ad promised
vi. Make sure the Ad is approved
vii. Appeal to customers on Mobile
1. Mobile landing pages that are special
2. Special incentives
3. Good extensions
e. Ad Extensions
i. Why: take up more digital real estate + incentivize people to take action
on the ad
ii. How Many: 4 per ad
iii. Types
1. Sitelinks → direct people to specific pages on your website
a. Add at least 4
2. Callouts → extra text space to add unique business info
a. Add at least 4
3. Structured Snippets → Highlight specific aspects of business

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g. Stay Engaged
i. Set up conversion tracking
1. Why
a. See which keywords/ads/ad groups/campaigns are best at
driving valuable customer activity
b. Understand your ROI and make better ad spend decisions
c. Track device/browsers
2. Types
a. Website actions (purchases/clicks/sign ups)
b. Phone calls (directly from ads/website/mobile)
c. Offline
d. Local (interact with an ad that’s specific to physical store)
3. How to set it up
a. Create the Conversion
i. Googel ads > measurement > conversions > + >
website > name > description of action > value >
count > conversion window (time) > create
b. Set up conversion tracking tag
i. Add 2 codes
1. Global site tag (every page)
a. Adds visitors to “all visitors”
remarketing lists
2. The event snippet (individual pages)
a. Tracks actions that should be
counted as conversions
b. Different conversions = different tags
c. How
i. Install tag yourself in code
ii. Use google tag manager
1. Copy the conversion ID/conversion label
ii. Check campaign performance weekly

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Calculate and Improve Your ROI

1. Investigate (#’s)
a. Calculate your Revenue (hard): Conversions x $ per conv = total revenue
i. Your total # of conversions
ii. How much you spent on Google Ads
b. Calculate your costs (estimate): Budget + business overhead = total cost
i. Avg revenue from conversions
ii. Operating costs (not including advertising)
c. Calculate your Minimum ROI: total revenue - total cost = total profit (ROI)
i. Always greater than calculation (brand exposure can’t be tracked)
2. Refinding your Keywords and Bids
a. Invest in keywords that produce results (aka profit)
i. Are the keywords specific and targeted to the right people?
ii. Are you capturing the different ways people search?
iii. Filter out irrelevant terms
3. Optimize your ads and landing pages
a. More relevant and engaging ads are to customers, more likely they’ll generate
b. How to gauge ad performance
i. Sort by CTR
1. Get clicked on most often
2. Generate the most conversions
3. Have the best conversion rates
4. Bring in conversions at the lowest cost
c. Best practices for optimized ads
i. Match your ads and keywords
1. The headline needs to be related
ii. Group your keywords by theme/product/service
iii. Create different versions of your ads
1. 3-5 different ads in an ad group
2. Try different headlines and CTA’s
3. Including certain keywords
4. Prices or promotions
iv. Use a strong call-to-action
1. Encourage customers to perform the action that you want them to
take on your site
2. More specific CTA matches the keywords/landing page the better
v. Highlight what makes your offer/business unique
vi. Use ad extensions
1. Take up more digital real estate

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d. Optimize your landing pages

i. Make sure your landing page matches your ad and keywords
ii. Landing page should mirror the CTA in ad text
iii. Website is mobile-friendly
1. Simple navigation
2. Easy to contact
3. Fast loading speeds
iv. Provide useful and unique content

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Optimize your Website for Mobile

Why Mobile is Important
- Mobile-friendly sites show up higher in SERP
- More than 50% of all searches on google
- Majority of advertising traffic comes from mobile
- Not friendly → 5x more likely to bounce
Is your Website Mobile-Friendly?
- Simple navigation
- Easy to contact
- Fast loading speeds
Is your Website Designed for your specific business goal?
- Increase Online Sales
- Simplify site navigation
- → streamline site menu and keep everything visible without having to
zoom in to read
- Make info accessible
- → use expandable product images
- Help people make their purchase
- → keep business directions front and center
- Allow people to resume from a desktop
- → allow shopping cart features
- Get more phone calls
- Use click-to-call buttons/links
- Condense your menu options
- Make it clear that calls are the best way to get in contact with your
- Avoid Distractions
- Make it easy to contact by phone
- Drive more online leads
- Simplify your forms
- Data entry is limited and easy to do with thumbs
- Limit scrolling and zooming
- Take up space available on mobile-screen
- Choose your data fields wisely
- Simple to access and easy to validate
- Encourage store visits
- Encourage store visits above all
- map/location button/icon to store and include store hours
- Keep content limited
- Avoid distractions
- Info and Awareness
- Simplify Navigation
- Keep consistency across devices + provide a home page link

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Optimize your Ads for Mobile

1. Upgrade to Expanded Text Ads
2. Use the right ad extensions for mobile
a. Sitelink → Drive online sales
i. Skip right to page needed
b. Location → drive in-store visits
i. Directions easy
c. Call → drive phone calls
i. Increase CTR by 4-5%
3. Best Practices for Writing Effective Mobile-Ads
a. Relevant / Compelling / informational
b. Grab attention with compelling headlines
i. Include keyword(s) for relevancy
c. Use a strong CTA
i. Tells visitors what to expect and encourages action
d. Make the most of your description text
i. Highlight unique selling points and why you are what they need
e. Rotate multiple ad variations
i. 3-5 ads per ad group
4. Make sure the Landing Page matches your Ad
a. Mirrors CTA in ad text
i. Provide a clear path to take that action

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Create Successful Search Campaigns (Optimizing)

- Create Specific Ad Groups with at Least 3-5 Ads per Group
- Google will show your most relevant ad / highest performing one
- Create very specific ad groups

- Boost your ads with at least 4 extensions

- Free to add / typically increase your CTR and ad quality
- Only show when predicted to get you better results
- Best → use at least 4 different extension types to your account or campaign
- Universal Extensions
- Sitelink → direct people to specific pages on your website
- Add at least 4 to each ad group
- Callouts → give you more space to add text (business as a whole)
- Add at least 4 callouts
- Structured Snippets → highlighting specific aspects of products/services
- Add at least 4 snippets

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- Additional Extensions for business goals

- Goal: Get customers to by from your business locations
- Location
- Call
- Affiliate location
- Callout
- Goal: Get customers to contact you
- Call
- Message
- Goal: Get online sales and other website conversions
- Sitelink
- Callout
- Structured snippets
- Promotion
- Price
- Review
- Goal: download your app
- App
- How to add extensions

- Make sure you’re not missing out
- Understand missed moments
- Impression share: how many times your ad could have been shown BUT
- Budget / bid / ad quality (aka ad rank)

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- Increase Impression Share
- Increase Budget
- Improve Ad Rank
- Create better ads
- Improve your landing page UX
- Raise your bids or adjust bid type (automatic)
- How to get more insights about bidding

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Create Ads and Campaigns

1. Set up campaign for success
a. Set up conversion tracking on your website
i. Set up conversion actions for your account
ii. Copy a piece of code (tag)
iii. Paste the tag to your website
b. Target locations where your customers are (not just where business is located)
c. Add as many relevant keywords as you can
i. Main categories > terms/phrases might use > plug into KW Planner
d. Write ads that directly relate to what your customers want to buy

Quality Score
● What is it
○ Ad Relevance
○ Landing Page Experience
○ Other
■ Geographic signals
■ Different ads in each ad group
■ Non-exact query matches
● How To Get Higher QS?
○ Give your users what they are looking for
● Benefits of High Quality Score
○ Lower CPCs
○ Better Ad positions
○ Eligibility for Ad Extensions
● How to fix…
■ Create more compelling ad text
■ tailored to the user’s search
■ highlight benefit
■ experiment with different CTAs
■ Be more specific
○ Ad Relevance
■ Match the language of your ad text more directly to the user search
■ Move keywords to smaller ad groups with more targeted creatives
■ Speak more directly to the user intent
■ Add negative keywords for unrelated search queries
○ Landing Page Experience
■ Send traffic to more relevant LP’s to the user’s search query
■ Tell users what to expect in ad copy

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■ Follow through on CTA used in ad copy

■ Mobile —> easy navigation
● Ad Quality Tips
○ Does Matter
■ User’s device (mobile optimized)
■ Relevance to user’s intent
■ Performance on related keywords in your existing account
○ Does NOT Matter
■ Structure of account
■ No campaign/ad group/account level quality score
■ Running ads in other networks
■ Ads placement on SERP
■ all ECTR is adjusted per position

Ad Rank
● Ad Rank Factors (6)
■ Bid
■ Quality Score
■ Ad Rank Thresholds (ad must achieve these to be eligible)
■ Competitiveness of Auction
■ Context of the person’s search
■ Search Term + Location + Device + Time + Nature of + Other Ads +
Organic results
■ Expected Impact from your Ad extensions
○ To Improve Your Share of Top + Abs. Top Impressions Share
■ Improve Quality Score
■ Increase Bid
● Why Ad Quality Matters
■ Ad Auction Eligibility
■ This determines what Ad Rank Thresholds appear for your ad
■ Actual CPC
■ Higher the quality = lower CPCs
■ Ad Position
■ Higher quality = higher ad positions
■ Ad Extensions Eligibility
■ Ad Rank determines if you’re allowed to display ad extensions

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Ad Rank Thresholds
● Definition:
■ Determining factors of the ad if it can appear at the auction
● Dynamic Factors
■ Ad Quality: consumer experience
■ Ad Position: high/low on page
■ User Signals:
■ Location
■ Devices
■ Time of Day
■ Topic & Nature of search
■ Other ads + organic search results
■ Competitiveness of Auction

Creating Effective Search Ads

● Best Practices
■ Optimize Ad Rotation
■ Implement 3-5 Ads (1 RSA) per ad group
■ Use at least 3 extensions per campaign/ad group
1. Write Compelling & Genuine Ad Copy
1. Craft messaging that focuses on user benefits
2. Why: Users respond to ads that speak to their needs
3. Tie your creative messages to your keywords
4. Why: users tend to engage with ads that appear most relevant to their search
5. Include #s, price, promotions, registered symbols
6. Sale Principles
7. Urgency, interest, motivation/triggers, scarcity
8. Use specific CTA’s
9. Why: generic CTAs often show decreased engagement with ads
10. Use Metrics to see ad effectiveness
11. CTR
12. User engagement (Google Analytics)
2. Create Messaging Based On Your Brand + Products/Services You Provide
1. Focus on headlines
2. Test longer and shorter character usage

100x Learners

Creating Effective Responsive Display Ads

1. Craft A Message That Is Relevant and Compelling
1. Tailor your display ads to the different stages of the purchase funnel
2. Include unique selling points, prices, promotions
1. Make The Most Of Your RSAs
3. Provide as many headlines, descriptions, and images as possible
1. At least 5 of each to start
4. Write your Long Headline so it can stand alone
1. Use full 90-character limit
5. Make your Description Text different from your longer headline
6. Upload images with strong visual focus + minimal text overall
1. make sure they’re relevant
7. Include Your Logo
1. will increase # of placements you’re eligible for
8. Add a dynamic feed
1. tailors ads to people who have previously visited your website
2. Test and Optimize Your Display Ads
1. Test multiple creative messages and images
2. Set ad rotations to optimize automatically
3. Rotate fresh display ads every month
4. Want offline sales —> use location extensions or local catalog ads

Impression Share
● What It Is
○ Impression Share (IS) = impressions / total eligible impressions
● How To Use
○ good way to understand whether your ads might reach more people if you
increase bid or budget
● Location Metrics (SERP)
○ Search top impression rate (Impr. (Top) %) = Impressions on top/Impressions
○ Search absolute top impression rate (Impr. (Abs.Top) %) = Impressions on the
absolute top/Impressions
● Performance Metrics (adjust bids to improve location)
○ Search Impression Share = # of impressions received on search network /
estimated # of impressions eligible to receive
○ Search top impression share
■ Search top IS = Impressions on top/eligible impressions on top
○ Search absolute top impression share
■ Search abs. top IS = Impressions on absolute top/eligible impressions on
○ Search Lost IS (Budget)
■ how often ad didn’t show above organic results due to low budget

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○ Search Lost IS Abs. (Budget)

■ estimates how often your ad wasn’t the very first ad above the organic
search results due to a low budget
○ Search Lost IS (Rank)
■ how often your ad didn't show anywhere above the organic search results
due to poor

Ad Rank
○ Search Lost IS Abs. (Rank)
○ estimates how often your ad wasn’t the very first ad above the organic search
results due to poor Ad Rank
● How To Improve Impression Share
○ Increase Campaign Budget
○ Increase Bid
○ Decrease Location Targeting
○ Improve Ad Quality
■ Create very specific ad groups —> more relevant to searchers
■ Choose keywords carefully —> more relevant to the search query (more
specific, 2-3+ words)
■ Include keywords in ad text —> shows searchers this ad is directly related
to their search
■ Create simple ads —> what makes your product/service stand out from
■ Use a strong CTA —> tell them what to do and what to expect on landing
■ Test multiple ads —> different offers and CTA phrases to see
what’s most effective
■ Review metrics —> CTR + Conversion Rate

100x Learners

1. Very High Search Lost IS (Rank)
1. How to fix: Bids first
1. Improve Ad Rank (look deeper than just quality score x bid)
2. Looser keyword match types (improve ECTR)
3. Website fixes —> page loading speed/mobile friendly
4. Include ad extensions
5. Keyword fixes —> try higher search volume keywords
2. How to Look at Search Impressions Columns (PSP 237)
1. Are you happy/profitable with conversions?
1. Basically is ROI profitable?
2. Look at Search Impressions Share —> Is it under +75%?
3. Search Lost IS (Rank)
1. Low %: means Bids are losing very low % of the time
2. High %: means Bids are losing very high % of the time
3. Losing Impressions to Rank?
1. Bids are too low
2. Also check out Impressions top/absolute top to get an idea of results

100x Learners

3X Shopify Training

Backend General Information

- Common Error
- Create data feed and account gets suspended
- Inventory (ISBN/UPC/GTIN)
- Having your own barcodes are VERY important
- Use this website
- Why?
- Google optimizes campaign off code (can physically see the product
- Uses barcode off of a reference point
- Dropshipping?
- If you already have a UPC data you can leverage it for shopping
- Invented A New Product
- Go to this website
- Selling “packs” of products
- 2/3/6/etc
- Different UPC for different variables
- Sizes of Products (small/medium/large)
- Can be same UPC code
- Customizable products (engravings)
- Can be same UPC code
- Not as useful for shopping ads
- Weight
- Google uses this data automatically for shipping costs
- What to include
- Product + box weight (full shipping)
- Free Shipping
- Go to “shipping info” in shopify settings
- Custom’s Information
- Choose correct country (imported to GMC)
- Based on what country you sell in
- Shopify Settings Page
- Legal (Missing = Google Suspension)
- Refund / Policy / Terms of Service
- Use template and customize to store
- Shipping
- Search google for template

100x Learners

Setting Up Google Properties

1. Google Analytics
a. This shows advanced ecommerce analytics + website performance
i. This is a secondary version of tracking (behind Google Ads)
b. Leave boxes checked (allows Google more data to look at)
c. Email notifications aren’t needed (unless you want news for new features)
d. Set up data stream
i. “Web”
i. Online store > Preferences > Google Analytics
1. Paste Global Site Tag Code “gtag”
2. Check “enhanced” button
ii. Why not into the theme header?
1. That won’t allow us to turn on ecommerce analytics
2. Google Tag Manager
a. Smart Shopping needs a remarketing tag
i. 33% of smart shopping campaigns are remarketing
b. Setting it up
i. Account Name
ii. Container Name → include URL for firing properly
c. Tag Manager Code
i. First Code: paste into theme header (this is used for remarketing)
1. Shopify > Online Store > actions > edit code > layout > paste right
before closing head tag “</head>” > save
ii. Second Code: paste into <body> tag
1. Contact web developer
2. Don’t NEED this
3. Google Ads
a. New Account
i. Switch to Expert Mode (fine print on bottom on “what’s your main
advertising goal” page)
ii. Create an account without a campaign (fine print below campaign goal)
iii. Confirm business information
iv. Explore your account
v. Switch view
b. Tools & Settings
i. Audience Manager
1. Create remarketing list (blue button)
a. Audience Name: website visitors
b. Match any rule (leave blank)
c. Page url contains (homepage URL)
d. List: doesn’t matter

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e. Membership duration: 540 days (1.5 years)

f. Create Audience
4. Link Google Ads Remarketing Tag With Google Tag Manager
a. Create Google Tag in GTM
i. Google Tag Manager > Tags > New > Name (Remarketing tag) > Tag
Configuration > Google Ads Remarketing (pick the one you just created)
b. Fill out Google Ads Tag Data Source
i. Google Ads > Tools & Settings > audience manager > Google Ads Tag >
create new data source >
c. Enter Google Ads info into GTM Tag
d. Publish GTM
e. Test:
i. Green = Good
ii. Blue = something is missing
iii. Red = tag not published (every time changes are made)
5. Set Up Google Merchant Center
a. Set up
i. On website
ii. Shopify
iii. Updates/Invitations
iv. Read terms and service
v. Create account
b. Continue with merchant center
6. Google Channel (Shopify Application)
a. Why: Bypasses manual data feed and starts smart shopping
b. Add application to shopify
i. Add + connect google account
ii. Overview
1. Go through store requirements
a. Valid payment method
b. Create online shopify store
c. Confirm you have refund policy + terms of service
d. Confirm payment method on site is valid
e. Confirm contact methods (at least 2)
i. Physical business address / phone / email
ii. These need to be visible
1. Footer / Terms of service / etc
2. Free Listings
a. Surfaces across Google (leave it)
3. Marketing
a. Smart shopping campaign > get started > verify account
#’s match >
b. Configure product feed settings
c. Configure shipping settings (auto import)

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d. Connect Google Ads account

i. Add billing information
4. Product feed
a. Pending products
5. Create campaign (in shopify)
a. Activity name = campaign name
b. Daily budget = leave it for now
c. Publish activity
d. Check → Google Ads dashboard (PAUSE/RENAME
7. Google Merchant Center
a. Paste your shipping policy URL to activate your campaigns
b. Once products are live → they will appear in smart shopping campaigns within
the Google Ads Dashboard
c. Check you are linked in Google Ads
i. Tools & settings > Linked Account > GMC code

**Google Smart Shoppings are best when other campaigns are running**
- Additional data point to use for visitors coming to your website
- WIll reduce the time needed for optimization from Google

100x Learners

Digital Marketing Kasim’s Course

Foundations of Google Ads

Why Google Ads

- Google knows…
- What you want
- What you know
- What you do
- How productive you are
- When you work
- Who you communicate with
- If you’re lying…

Core Concepts
- Paid v Organic
- Up to 4 ads per search
- Ads in the maps
- Marked with subtle “ad” tag
- Ad Rank
- Your Bid
- Quality of your ads and landing pages
- Competitiveness of an auction
- Context of the search
- Expected impact from your ad extensions and other ad forms
- The Goal = Conversion
- Biggest goal → tracking conversions
- No tracking = not knowing what is working
- Specify the goals you want users to do
- Conversions are the KPI for campaign health and success
- Keywords
- Empathy, empathy, empathy
- Semantic architecture → take a step back from your business
- What are your customers searching for?
- Indications of intent
- How do your prospects think of you?

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- Offers
- Match to the search
- Every step of the funnel is a closing opportunity
- Maintain continuity of the offer from ad/landing page/product
- Be value based
- Don’t be the cheapest, be the best
- Your core offer isn’t always the right offer
- Features v Benefits
- Show prospects the end result (aka solving their problem)
- Show empathy!!
- Not all keywords are equal
- Research phrases
- Should, why, can , how, where, etc
- Qualifier phrases
- Best, top, reliable, near me, etc
- When possible, start from the bottom of the funnel
- The Magic Formula
- Specificity + Continuity = Success
- Google Ads Flywheel
- Assume
- Get comfortable with failing further
- Learn
- Test your assumptions
- Observe
- Launch long enough to accumulate enough data
- Don’t stop 3 feet from gold
- At least 100 data points
- Optimize
- Take what you learn and apply

100x Learners

- Assumptions (YOU NEED THESE FIRST)
- Product/Service
- Completed Avatar → Empathy
- Customer Value Journey
- Website with product/service pages
- Not squeeze page sites
- Every product/service page dedicated pages
- Chris Mercer’s Workshops
- Google Tag Manager
- Google Analytics
- The Foundation
- What is your offer?
- What is your budget?
- What is your goal?
- ROAS / # of Leads / CPL / CPA
- Estimates & Projections
- Use excel document

Optimization Recommendations
- On-Site Optimization (light)
- Define what landing pages will you be sending traffic to
- Home page (remarketing & branded)
- Service/Product specific pages
- Very Clear Statement of Value
- Multiple Conversion Conduits (CTAs)
- Clickable Phone # + email address
- Forms (open/closed)
- Primary & transactional (where applicable)
- Social Proof
- Logos / Reviews / Case Studies / Video
- Mobile friendly

On-Site Best Practices

- Separate thank you pages (conversion tracking)
- Call tracking software
- Call Tracking Metrics (recommended)
- Privacy Policy / Terms & Conditions / Shipping / Return
- Google Site speed optimization (pagespeed insights)
- SSL certificate is best

100x Learners

100x Learners

The Four Campaigns

- Brand: 10%
- Allows you to direct traffic (controls where you want them to go/do)
- Protect business from competitors
- Very inexpensive
- Establish authority
- Monitor your conversion paths
- General: 70%
- Searches for your offer/service
- Competitor: 10%
- Use pivot points - Don’t be aggressive or lie
- Use their weakness as your benefits
- Retargeting: 10%
- Very important long term
- On average: 20-80x impressions before purchase digitally

100x Learners

Building Your Campaigns: Account Creation + Branded Campaign

Text Ads: Best Practices (technical)

- Headlines (2+1)
- Display URL → use it to your advantage
- Title case
- Use numbers (improve CTR by 200%+)
- % / $ / Dates
- Understand ad copy hierarchy
- Titles → then descriptions
- Include keyword(s)
- Maintain continuity from ad to landing page
- Always be testing (2 ETA + 1 RSA)
- Clear CTA
- Extensions (granular)
- Dynamic Ad Features

How To Write Ad Copy That Converts

- Empathize → Help them solve their problem
- Build authority (early and often) → show your authority
- Direct NOT Cute
- Unique selling proposition
- Ask questions
- Confront objections right away
- Be concise and specific
- Features tell, benefits sell

Highest Performing CTAs

- Get
- Buy
- Shop
- Try
- Learn

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Extensions Best Practices

- Use all applicable
- Add as many as you can
- Consider call only during business hours
- Be careful with repetition
- Turn off automated extensions

Conversion Tracking: How GTM Works

- Tags: Workhorse (what you want the system to do)
- Tell analytics when someone sees my page
- Tell FB when someone becomes a lead
- Let google ads know when someone buys
- Triggers: The Logic (when you want the system to do it)
- Here when I want you to do the thing that I want you to do…
- Do (this) when (this happens)
- Variables: Additional information needed to get the job done
- Account number
- Order forms

Dynamic Ad Campaigns Best Practices

- Local area
- Specific offer

100x Learners

Building Your Campaigns: Remarketing / General / Competitor

Why Run A Remarketing Campaign (10% Monthly Budget)

- Reengage interested prospects
- Build your brand authority
- Increase Visibility
- Improve your sales cycle
- Increase conversions
- Relatively inexpensive

Why Run Competitor Campaign (10%)

- Why
- Compete for your competitor’s traffic
- Capture high commercial intent traffic
- Attract consumers who are ready to buy
- Position yourself as an authority in your space
- Know Your Competitors
- Who else is bidding on your phrases?
- Competition v Alternative (pivot points)
- Does your competitor offer things you do not?
- Pay attention to irrelevant or administrative phone calls
- Break up competitors by ad group

100x Learners

Paid Search Podcast

PPC Questions & Answers Show

How Do I get more conversions without increasing CPA?

● Search Impression share (lost due to budget >0%)

● Expand Ad Schedule
● Expand Ad Locations
● Copy over to Bing
● Keywords
○ PAUSE all low-performing keywords
● Review demographics
○ look at age conversions
● Review devices
○ any suck more than the other?

How to make an e-commerce campaign work if the product selection is


● Are you showing up (impressions?)

● Great Ad copy?
● Correct Search terms?
● Not getting conversions? (out of your control)
○ get CPC lower
○ get CPA lower

Do you like SKAGS?

● NO
● Google says the exact opposite

100x Learners

How to Use Modified Broad with Multiple words

● Replace space with “.”

● Ex: +spine.surgeon

Improve Landing Page Quality Score

● test website speed

● Write normal language
● Test keyword density
○ Use googles keyword tool for URL
● Use a clear CTA
● Easy Mobile navigation

How to build remarketing list for low traffic websites

● Get more traffic through organic

● Remarket on different platforms
● Build higher on remarketing list

Too many conversions?

● check and remove brand conversions

● Check for duplicate conversions

Landing Pages v Normal pages

● LP not necessary

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Mobile & Desktop 50/50 traffic

● look at conversion metrics

○ Cost per click
○ Conversation rate
○ Cost per conversion
● Search Impressions Share
○ Campaign > segment > look for which devices have better impressions share
○ Can always create another campaign to test

What are Engaged Visitors?

● Bounce Rate: <90%

● Large time on site
● Multiple pages

Should You Use SKAGs for Small Budget Accounts?

● No, just limit # of keywords

● Aim for simple accounts

How Do I Get Conversions With A Small Budget?

● Focus on search terms

● Focus on core services
● Every click needs to count
● Add more categories/subcategories for keywords
○ geo-targeting services
○ niche services of main service
● Add variety of keywords on CORE Idea

100x Learners

Should Extensions Be Campaign or Ad Group Level?

● Can be Account/Campaign/Ad Group

○ deeper = higher priority

Create device specific campaigns?

● no, just segment by device type

100x Learners

Super Videos

Advanced Bid Adjustments

- This is for after optimizing the account
- Good Cost per conversions
- Quality search terms
- Good keywords that drive equal traffic
- Bidding: handled (maybe even transitioned to automated)
- So what can you do?
- Ad schedule
- Location
- Devices
- Interactions
- Increase bid adjustments on certain ad extensions
- Ex: increase call extension

100x Learners

Should You Increase Your Client’s Budget

- Don’t give a reason because of the Google status bar

- There a lot of factors involved (Metrics)
1) Search Impressions Share
a) Search Lost IS (Budget)
i) Is it limiting?
2) Cost / Conv.
a) Too high CPA?
i) Pull down bids
3) ROAS (that is profitable)
a) And you’re seeing a high “Search Lost IS (Rank)”
i) Increase the budget
i) Might increase CPC / CPA
ii) Might lose volume of impressions
4) Position
a) Segment > Top v Other
i) Look into how much of market they are appearing in
b) Impr. (Top)
i) Increased CPCs BUT higher chance of conversions (more clicks)
5) Auction Insights
a) Shows relative position compared to market share
i) A powerful image to share with a client
ii) This can help a client visualize what raising a budget can do
b) Metrics
i) Impression Share
(1) % that your ads show when eligible
ii) Overlap Rate
(1) % the competitor overlaps with your ads
iii) Position Above Rate
(1) % the competitor shows above your ads
- “Are you happy with the return you’re getting?”
Don’t scale before they’re happy with the ROAS

100x Learners

PSP: All Podcasts Notes

01: Into to Google Ads

● Why use Google Ads
○ Only pay for your clicks
○ Massive impressions
○ Motivated leads / Quality Traffic
○ Control
■ Budget
■ Targeting
● Types of Marketing
○ Search
■ Think more like phone book, solving people’s problems at that moment
○ Display
■ Use for remarketing only
■ Doesn’t make sense to show products/services if you have no idea they’re interested
● Does it work?
○ Google is growing every year

02: Keyword Research

● Think about how people search
○ Psychology of search
■ Put yourself in searchers shoes
■ Different keywords
■ Expectations
● Keyword Funnel
○ Top of funnel (Research based)
■ Broad keywords
■ Most volume
○ Middle funnel (Aware of problem)
■ Trying to find how to fix
○ Bottom funnel (decision)
■ Specific services
■ They want someone to help problem
● Keyword Research
○ Look at clients website
■ What message is most important?
■ Title tags
■ Who are they targeting?
■ What services do they provide?
○ Tools: google keyword planner
■ Drop service page URL
■ What message is it seeing?
■ Keywords you haven’t thought of
○ Come up with themes
■ General terms
■ Geo location

100x Learners

■ Personal
■ Business
○ Use google
○ Google auto suggest
○ Look at organic results and searchers intent
● Don’t use competitors and siip

03: Keyword Types

● broad: start, be careful (narrow down)
● Broad modified: great
● Phrase: great
● Exact: use only when know $$ keywords

04: How to build and structure campaign

● Low budget
○ Phrase and exact
● High budget
○ All keyword types
● Develop a HUGE negative keyword list

Real estate Patreon podcast

Where they go wrong

● Lack of focus on a minimum budget

● Budget: $1,000+
● Not knowing what funnel keywords they want
○ WIDE up top and NARROW down
■ Realtors near me
■ Homes near me
● Go for deep funnel keywords
● Rule out
○ “realtor” phrase/exact match


● Mid Funnel
○ What are they
■ realtors near me
■ realtors Geo keywords (realtors Milwaukee)
○ Feelings
■ DITCH if a low budget
● Low Funnel

100x Learners

○ go for quality of leads and control traffic

● Geo Keywords
○ Open BUT
■ limit budget allocated to this
■ put demographic targeting
■ 20% income
■ above 35 age
■ remove unknown
■ maybe target just with kids
○ Caveat
■ search: real estate broker
■ someone searching this is knowledgeable
● Keyword Modifiers
○ Core Word + Modifier +Secondary Modifier
○ Realtor +Dallas +700s
○ Realtor +Dallas +4 bedroom
● Deep funnel Keywords
○ amenities (could be difficult for volume)
● How to get started
○ geo keywords (not big towns, narrow down)

Advanced tips

● Youtube
○ use content
○ target anything you want!
● Segmented Remarketing List
○ don’t remarked to ANYONE on website
○ remarket specifically to each neighborhood you service
● Landing pages
○ use lead magnets INSTEAD of just forms
■ add to email lists
■ instead of just phone calls/form submissions
● Say you won’t contact right away
○ maybe say texting?
● Conversions for leads?
○ calls
○ form submissions
○ landing page lead magnets?
■ make it enticing for giving info
● Placements
○ tons of site for display ads
○ use exact websites that are important to each area
● Look for corporate relocation in tourist spots
○ advertise in other countries searching for that
○ ex: advertise in germany
■ search: realtors in nashville TN

100x Learners

05: Google Ads Bidding Strategies

● Why use manual bidding?
○ YOU know which keywords have the highest value
● CPA too High?
○ lower by 20-30% and see data
● Top position value?
○ More ego than actual results
● Jealous of competitors keywords
○ Each business is unique
■ Show how YOU are unique
■ Find your own keywords

06: Google Ads bidding tactics

1. Perform google search with keyword
1. How competitive is the keyword?
2. Keyword research
1. Obvious keywords
1. Google keyword planner
2. Look at suggested bids
3. Setting bids
1. Based off of match type (why? Based off of CPA)
1. Broad = Tier C
2. Phrase = Tier B
3. Exact = Tier A
4. Manual downsides
1. Takes daily management

07: How to Manage Bids

1. Strategy
1. Know clients goal
2. What to look at
1. Search terms (keywords pulling)
1. Which are most valuable
2. CTR
3. CPC
2. Search impressions share
1. Lost due to ad rank/budget
3. Extra tools
2. Look at search terms and is it qualified traffic that will convert?
1. Look at funnel
2. Identify which terms are more valuable
3. Client goals
1. Most clicks
1. Don’t need highest position
2. Lower bids and keep CTR down
2. Conversion

100x Learners

1. Not enough qualified traffic? It’s okC don’t spend and waste money
4. Monthly bid management
1. Look at search impressions share
1. Types
1. Lost due to ad rank
2. Lost due to budget
2. What to look for (+80%)
1. Budget: want 0%
1. Raise or lower
2. Ad rank: want -<15
2. Look at positions
5. Tools
1. Mobile bid adjustments
1. Great for phone calls
2. Scheduling adjustments
3. Experiments

08: 5 Ads Issues that keep up at night

1. No Conversion
1. Focus on search queries
1. CTR
2. Quality traffic
2. Google tag manager
3. Use google analytics for goals
1. Thank you page as goal
2. Tracking every conversion as a lead
1. Make each conversion unique
3. Tracking brand keywords as conversions
1. Inflated data
2. Separate brand into own campaign

10: Ad Structure and Common Mistakes

Ad structure checklist

● Heading
○ Research competitors
■ How to be unique
■ What is the common way
○ What needs to be in it
■ Make it about the searcher
■ Relevant
■ Peak interest
■ Emotion!!
■ Ext > Internal Problem
■ Keyword
■ Local?

100x Learners

■ Service/Product?
■ Qualify Traffic
● Description
○ 1: feature/benefit OR what to expect on landing page
○ 2: CTA
■ Qualify Traffic
○ Remember: short snippets!!
● Display URL
○ Use it for keywords

Mistakes to look for

● not using display URL properly
○ Inclde keywords (more bold $
● Using brand names in headline
○ Doesn’t direct the user
○ Not brand marketing
● Getting too detailed of product in description
○ Not making it about the customer
● Use lowercase letters (like sentences)
○ Always use capitals
● Not using keyword anywhere in ad
● DKIs
● Bad grammar or abbreviations
● Not using all space available
○ More digital real estate
● Using run ons for descriptions 1&2
○ Not using a “.” after description 1
● Not using shorter snippets
● Don’t use a scammy or stupid website URL
● Not testing Ads
○ Always testing at the same time
■ CTR / Conversion Rate
○ Not just 1 in an ad group
● Editing an Ad = reset data & quality score
● Not Qualifying Traffic
○ Through Ad Copy

11: How to Write Great Ad Copy

● Write Ad copy in ad groups
○ Duplicates or subtle differences
● Make sure it’s present tense for the searcher
● Need benefits / features?
○ Look at clients website
■ Pages
■ H1 and H2 tags
○ Interview business owner
■ What makes you unique?
■ What makes you important?

100x Learners

■ What do you want to present to public?

● Description 1:
○ Qualify (w/ numbers)
○ Price or discount
○ Feature or Benefit
● Feature v Benefit
○ Feature
■ Fact about business
○ Benefit
■ How it affects them
■ Why they want it
■ What problem it solves for them
● Mobile Specific
○ Mobile preferred ads

Patreon #1: eCommerce Launch Day 01

● Campaigns
○ Search:
■ Budget: $12.00/day
○ Remarketing:
■ Budget: $1.00/day
○ Shopping
■ Budget: $2.00/day
● Keywords
○ Phrase match (so much volume)
■ ROAS is #1 priority
■ keep CPC down

Patreon #2: Drafts & Experiments (never live)

● How to set up
○ All Campaigns > Drafts & Experiments (left side)
○ New Draft > Select campaign > Name + Description

12: Landing Page Advice

● Questions IT SHOULD ANSWER FOR USER (from user POV)
○ Am I in the correct place?
■ How as an Ads Manager?
■ Take users to the most relevant place
■ Page Elements
■ images
■ headlines
○ Is this what I expected?

100x Learners

○ Do I trust this website?

■ Real Pictures and Video
■ Real people
■ Testimonials
○ How long will this take?
○ What is the CTA?
○ Should I click the back button?

13: Ad Extensions
● Purpose: Grab attention
○ Get more real estate
○ Improve Ad Rank

16: How to Manage Google Campaigns Month 01

● Day 1
○ Ads approved?
○ Check volume of impressions
○ Check the Bids
○ Search Query Data
■ Negative keyword ideas
○ Keywords
■ Problem keywords
● Week 1
○ Search Impression Share
■ Lost due to Ad Rank
■ Lost due to Budget
○ Device Breakdown
■ best and worst performing
● Routine Management (Daily/Weekly/Monthly)

17: What Real Life Management looks like

● Headlines
○ General
○ Emotion
○ Features
○ Price

90: Ad Reporting Tips

● What’s Important
○ Conversions
○ Competitors
○ Search Terms + Keywords

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○ Little tidbits
■ search impression share
■ device type
■ competitor analysis
● How to View the report
○ Conversation
● Freelancers

● Agencies

The Ultimate AdWords Management System

● Negative Keyword Ideas
○ Search Term Report
● Find Lower Funnel Keywords
○ search term report
● Managing Ads
○ Pausing bad performing Ads
○ Create new tests

Episode 50: Reporting Columns (Campaigns)

● Basic Metrics (in-order)
○ Clicks / Impressions / CPC / Cost
● Decision Level Metrics
○ CTR (3-6% competitive)
○ Conversions
○ Search Impression Share
○ Search Lost IS Rank + Budget
○ Phone calls
○ In-Valid Clicks
● Expert Level Metrics

● Final Columns (In-order)
○ Campaign Type
○ Clicks
○ Impressions
○ Avg. CPC
○ Cost
○ Conversions
○ Conv. Value
○ Cost / Conv.
○ Conv. Rate

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○ Search Impression Share

○ Search Top IS
○ Search Abs. Top IS
○ Search Lost IS (Rank)
○ Search Lost IS (Budget)
○ Optimization Score
○ Invalid Clicks
○ Optional
■ Call Details
■ Message Details

The Secrets to Getting More Conversions in Google Ads

● Focus heavy on CTA in Headline #2
● Find Highest Producing Keywords (even if not targeting)
○ Search Terms > Look back lot of data > Sort by Conversion column > search terms with highest or
conv. rate = target those as actual keywords

Episode 131: How to manage manual bids

1. Quality search terms
2. Profitable CPC
3. Spending full budget

Ad Rank = Quality Score x Max Bid

Quality Score = eCTR x Ad Relevance x LP Experience

Impr. = Avg. Position

Search Impression Share = % of ad showings in search

First Month Goals

1. Profit —> Conv. Value / Cost (ROAS)
2. Quality Search Terms / Traffic —> Bounce Rate / Pages / Session Duration
3. Search Impression Share

Determine Profit

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Improve Search Impression Share

1. Improve Ad Quality
2. Raise Campaign Budget
2. Raise Bids
3. Decrease Location Size
4. Increase Locations? —> Increase bids

No Conversions (Super Patreon Video)

1. Address value of campaign
> Metrics
— Positioning
- Impression Absolute Top (positioning)
- Search Impression Share
- Auction Insights (standing with competitors)
- Position above rate + overlap (beating)
— Search Terms
- Quality Traffic
- Traffic Value (low funnel/high-intent)
— Segment: Top v Other
— Google Analytics
- Bounce Rate
- Pages viewed per session
- Time on site
2. Address value of your work
> Show Bad Search Terms
- Show Exclusions (shaping traffic to better)
> Point to New Ideas (new settings)
- Device traffic
- Speed good for them?
- blocking any?
- Ad Schedule
- Locations
- Audiences
> Test New Ideas
- Experiment
- Set up a new experiment
- Ad Variation Tools
- Testing new ideas

Landing Page Checklist

1. Content
1. Real pictures and videos
2. Normal website pages
3. Clear headline
4. Use local locations
5. Service pages
1. Don’t use blog style formats

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6. Credibility
1. In business since X
2. Map view
3. License / certified
2. Conversion Tracking
3. Technical
1. Web-speed
2. Mobile optimized
3. Click to call on mobile

119: Advanced Bidding Options

● Best option to start: manual (value tiers)
○ Type A
○ Type B
○ Type C
● Automated Breakdown
○ Clicks: starting new campaign
○ Conversions: target CPA once history of winners

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PSP Insider (Episodes 1, 3, 4)

#1) Sales Call PSP Insider

1) Starting The Call

- How Can I Help You?
List for key points: main problem
Bad agency / no results / not understanding /
How can YOU solve this?

2) Transitioning To You
> Option 1: Access to Account (Aka Live Audit)
— Don’t be too negative (don’t make them question the value of PPC)
— Don’t go too deep + Provide value (talk like a business owner)
— Checklist
— Conversion tracking?
— Top search terms?
— Problem keywords?
— Search impressions share (budget management)
— Ad Copy (unrelated? Boring? same as every ad group?)
— Including Negative keywords (all exact? basic ones? adding?)
— Closer
Targeting: are they correctly targeting the location (not “interested” in)
> Option 2: No Access to Account
— Explore Pain Points
— Review website (what they want to advertise)
— Budget?

**Talking To A Business Owner?***

— Don’t let them push you to industry specific jargon keywords
> Break it down to the basics
— My job to get people to find you
— Don’t get caught up in the deep details…focus on what you need

3) Explaining What You Do…

— Be clear with what you offer!
1. Search Engine Marketing (Access + Manage Google Ads)
— Not FB, Blogs, admin tasks —> I can recommend _____
— Google Ads Services
— Daily monitoring / weekly management / monthly reporting
— It stops after the click
— List all specific services in a list

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4) Sales Pitch
— Specify how you can fix their main point
— Be clear on what you’re delivering
— No promising # of leads/phone calls
— Point to clear factors of success
— I want to know are you getting good quality leads…
— I want to know are you getting more leads…
— One thing I can control —> Search terms
— Every click should be a potential customer
— Experience in Industry if you have it
— Common Questions
— “But does it work?” —> yes, it does
1) We control what they show up on —> your offer
2) We can control the cost to show up (manual)
— Quality of traffic + Cost of Traffic
— “How are you different” —> Nothing magical
1) business to business owner
2) I personally run ads
3) I focus on quality of traffic
4) Transparency
— “Do I need a landing page?” —> Be like water
- Professional v Searcher

5) Laying Out The Processes

1. Send Onboarding form
> once complete I can start build
> Be done within 5 business days
2. Send Invoice
> Get started today
3. Build
4. Send video walkthrough of new account —> wait for confirmation
> walkthrough campaigns/settings/keywords/ad copy
4. Once Approved it’s good —> start campaign

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#3) Local PPC PSP Insider

Why do it

● become THE ppc guy in area

How to do it

○ Optimize for local city
○ Listings
■ Yelp
■ Twitter
■ Facebook
○ Content
■ Blogs
■ YouTube
● Paid
○ Small budget
■ Search and remarking
● Cold outreach
○ Look at local businesses using ads
■ Niche + city
○ Look for flaw in ad
■ Easy optimizations
○ Email or Call
■ Compliment
■ Reaching out to help
■ Explain flaw
■ How to fix it
■ Who I am
■ Save time
■ Save money
■ Do it right
■ Free audit?
○ Education
■ Cold calling works 7th edition
● Local agencies
○ Web design
○ PR
○ Print
○ Radio and Tv
● Indeed
○ Part time / freelancers / area
● Up work
● Host Local trainings (event brite)
● Chamber of commerce (join)
○ Advertise
○ Network

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○ Host training
● Podcasts
○ Local city small businesses
■ Interview members
○ Niche podcasts

#4) White Label PSP Insider

● Cash Cow #1: Agency’s

○ What kinds?
○ Web design
○ PR
○ Print
○ Radio and Tv
● Tip #1
○ Look for small-medium marketing agencies around US
■ BONUS: no PPC services listed
○ Say you can do the work for them when someone says yes
■ Offer them flat rate service
● Tip #2
○ Pricing, be cheap
● Tip #3
○ Show them the process of what happens
○ Give them a form that they can fill out for clients for you
■ Budget
■ Website
○ MMC? Use a gmail
○ Need to jump between MCC?
■ Fluid (tool)
● Contracts?
○ Don’t do contracts, client by client
● What to expect
○ Client emails/questions (less than 24 hours)
● Reporting?
○ If yes —> Higher price
○ No —> cheaper price
○ Tips
■ Make it super simple/broke down
○ Don’t COACH, get clients off their backs
● Tip #4
○ Boundaries
■ No weekly meetings
■ No direct talk to clients
● Tip #5 (video sharing softwares)
○ Tools
■ Jump Share
■ Drop Share
○ Use this to answer questions

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Advanced Google AdWords

1. Understanding Search Theory: ……………………………………………………
2. Keyword Research: ………………………………………………………………….
3. Keyword Research Tools: ………………………………………………………….
4. Writing Compelling Ads: ……………………………………………………………
5. Landing Pages: ……………………………………………………………………….
6. Optimizing for Traffic / Conversions: …………………………………………….
7. Quality Score …………………………………………………………………………..

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Chapter 1: Understanding Search Theory

- #’s tell the story of your marketing, but it’s the actual people who make your advertising
- You must think about how search engines are used in everyday life
- Understand not only how people use search engines, but also how they decide to click
on an ad form the SERP will help align your marketing efforts correctly
- The website must be aligned with the searcher’s interest to not just browse and leave

Why do people use Search engines?

- People want to find a specific piece of information (use to find answers to questions)

Turning Concepts into Words

- Search queries = thought processes
- Different categories of searches: Example (computer is slow and can’t create tables in
- The actual question: How do I make my computer faster
- A shortened version of the question: make computer faster
- The answer to the question: computer memory
- Description of the problem: computer won’t run excel
- Symptom of the problem: slow computer
- Description of the cause: out of memory error
- Product parts: 8GB card
- Brand names: apple computer

Understanding Search Results

- After the search button is clicked = expectations are set
- Humans = every time you conduct action → you have an expectation of results
- Fitting Ads into this process
- You don’t want every click → you only want clicks that are likely to turn into

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Purpose of Ad Copy
- This moment is when you can connect with a searcher
- “I have the answer to your question, click me and find the answer”
- You must write ads that meet the expectation of the searcher and yet can communicate
to that same person that your website can deliver the answer to their question
- Headline → needs to draw attention from other ads
- Ad Copy → tell a visitor why you have the answer to their question
- Remember → ad also needs to be faithful to your products/services
- Never lose sight of what makes your company money
- Ads should never be written to please the advertiser (nor the CEO)
- The ad should be written to convey to the searcher that you hold the key to their

Landing Pages Lead to New Customers

- Should rarely be the homepage > page with the most logical connection to search query
- Avoid paying for non-converting clicks but showing relevant LP to the search query
- A good landing page will turn shoppers into buyers
- Consumers buy or not buy based on the content of your advertising, not it’s form

Ads Should Be Helpful

- Ads should lead searchers to answers
- Ad copy needs to reflect both the search query AND recognize where within the buying
cycle the searcher is
- Start thinking of ads as pieces of information

Goal Alignment: Google v You v The Searcher

- Searcher’s Goal: looking for the answer to a question
- Google’s Goal: wants the searcher to always find the answer to their question quickly
and continue to use their property
- Advertiser’s Goal: control when and which ad shown > take the searcher to a landing
page and make money
- AdWords are ruled by a search results quality control team
- Relevancy trumps dollars
- Remember: advertiser and google only make money from each other if a searcher is
- Align yourself with the searcher first

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Best Practices for Applying Search Theory

- PPC marketing is new and ever-changing, evolve your marketing to find success
- More consumers using search engines as their starting points for finding info = more
advertisers finding success with search marketing
- Search process starts with a question
- Keywords are individual thought processes
- Meet someone’s search result expectations with both ad copy and landing pages that
answer their questions
- Advertising is NOT advertising when it is information
- Help the searcher find the answer to their question
- CTR and Conv. Rate will increase
- 3 Goals per search page
- Google + Searcher + Advertiser
- Align yourself with the searcher

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Chapter 2: Performing Keyword Research

Understanding the Buying Funnel

1. Awareness (High Funnel)

a. First job of a marketer → make sure consumers know your product exists
b. Keywords
i. Very general | high-volume | low-converting
ii. Example: tv, plumber, real estate
2. Interest (High funnel)
a. Want consumers to think about your product and HOW it will make their lives
b. Keywords
i. Focus on benefits
3. Learn (Mid Funnel)
a. Consumers need to learn about products so they have enough information to
make informed purchasing decisions
b. This stage they will start to compare products/companies
i. Examine features/differences
c. Search query uses industry jargon and gets more specific + brand names and
service specialties
d. Showcase both benefits and features for consumers
e. Example: Samsung LED tv, Chicago QuickBooks accounting firm
4. Shopping Phase
a. Start looking at specific product specifications (compare similar products)
b. Keywords are specific and indicate a certain level of knowledge of the product
5. Buy
a. The consumer made up their mind and willing to purchase
i. The only question left is where to buy
b. Keywords
i. Often product or company names
c. Will examine prices/shipping costs/return policies

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How do consumers flow through your buying funnel?

- There are no limits to the buying funnel
- 5 minutes to 5 years
- Customers can jump into any part of the funnel at anytime
- Be careful with how you use jargon in the buying process
- Every keyword you use falls into the buying funnel SOMEWHERE

Understanding Keywords

What are keywords?

- Just thoughts put into words
- When choosing a keyword → you are telling a consumer that you can help them find the
answer to their question

Types of Commercial Keywords

- Explicit
- Easiest to research
- Have the highest search volume of all keyword types
- They directly describe the product/service
- No creativity needed
- Examples
- Dermatologist
- Computer memory
- Plasma TV
- Examples
- Plumber
- North Chicago plumber
- Chicago plumbing services
- Emergency plumber
- Saturday plumbing

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- Problem
- Describe the conditions or problems that your product/service solves
- “Curing” searches
- Examples
- Acne
- How do I get rid of acne
- Can’t run excel
- Toothache
- What toothpaste will help cure a toothache
- Examine your products/services
- Think of what you SOLVE for a consumer
- HOW you make their life better
- Symptoms
- Describe symptoms of the actual problem
- Examples
- Oily skin
- Slow computer
- Product Names or Brand Names
- Common keywords late in the buying funnel

How to use these Commercial Keyword Types?

- Use each keyword in the sales process and create a story with them
- Examine different scenarios customers will be in

Informational Keywords
- Harder to monetize for selling products/services
- Create for high-funnel and building awareness
- Examples
- How to turn off the water in the basement
- How to install memory in a computer
- Candle burning times

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Finding Keyword Ideas

- First consider your themes instead of actual keywords
- What’s a theme?
- Collection of closely related keywords (Ad Groups)
- Break down every type of service you provide or PROBLEMS you fix
- Trouble grouping your keywords → Use the TWO WORD Rule
- Pick 2 root words that will be used in every keyword in the ad group

Starting Your Keyword Research

1. Begin by analyzing your website and website navigation
a. Look into offline marketing material if you have it
2. Analyze top competitor sites
a. Navigational structure different?
3. Analyze organic search results
4. Use Google Analytics
a. Keywords triggered in search terms
b. Top pages
a. Always keep the searcher in mind
i. They will make you profitable
b. Always keep your products in mind
i. Selling those items is how you satisfy the searcher
ii. Make sure keywords are an accurate reflection of your products and

Do You Know Your Keywords?

- Understand the keyword and common context it is used in
- Look at the organic results
- Look at PPC ads...are they targeting the right industries?
- Look at keyword report

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How Many Keywords Should You Have In Your Account

- No magic # → The answer is relevancy
- Should only have relevant keywords in your account
- Green / Yellow / Red (intent)
- Some Items to consider
- Examining Your Keywords
- Must be able to determine user intent of keyword
- Determining the Right # of Keywords
- Depending on size of keyword list, may need a bid management system
- Understanding the Google Ads Account Limits
- Campaigns = 10,000
- Keywords = 5 million

Creating Keyword Lists

- Break down products into types/attributes/adjectives

Using Long-Tail Keywords

- Advantages
- Less competition on these search queries
- Lower CPC
- Easier to match user intent with proper ad copy and proper landing page

Wide v Deep Keywords

- Start with lazy build → Wide root keyword list → narrow into deep root keywords

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Keyword Match Types

- Broad Match
- Format: no formatting
- Trigger: search query containing any words in any order (+ similar searches)
- When to use:
- research potential search queries (deep keyword ideas)
- When targeting very small area/few impressions
- Modified Broad Match
- Format: +keyword
- Trigger: order does not matter, must have broad keyword + modified broad
- Phrase Match
- Format: “keyword”
- Trigger: must contain keyword in the same order you typed (+- words after)
- When to use:
- New accounts (lot of control)
- Exact Match
- Format: [keyword]
- Trigger: must type search box exactly what’s in ad group

Which Match Type Is Best?

- Two major considerations
- Budget
- Small budget → increase as you find profitable keywords
- Start with exact match, then modified broad and phrase
- Large budget →
- Start with modified broad or broad match
- Differences with bids and keyword match types
- Exact → Highest $ Bid
- (force higher Ad Rank + know intent)
- Should have highest conversion rate
- Phrase → Little lower $ Bid (-15% Exact)
- Modified Broad → lower $ Bid (-35% exact)
- Broad → Lowest $ Bid (-50% exact)
- Reach
- Less controlled keywords will bring in more data to know which keywords
are your most profitable

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Using Negative Match

- What are they
- Filtering words that do not add value to the search
- What should happen when adding negative keywords to an account?
- Conversion rate should increase
- Why: showing ad for queries more relevant to product
- CPA should decrease
- Why: limit ads on less-relevant results → lower # clicks
- CTR should increase
- Why: more relevant search queries

Implementing Negative Keywords

- Places to Use Negative Keywords
- Ad Group
- Only affecting keywords in that ad group
- Best For → ensuring the correct ad group shows when two or more
possible keyword matches within the same campaign
- Campaign Level
- Will affect every ad group

Negative Matches
- Negative Broad Match
- Format: -keyword
- Trigger: any showing within search query
- Do not match to misspellings or plurals
- Extra
- Can use multiple words
- Negative Phrase Match
- Format: -”keyword”
- Trigger: same as normal phrase match
- Negative Exact Match
- Format: -[keyword]
- Trigger: exact match

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Putting Negative and Positive Keywords Together

- First → determine when you want your ad to show and when not to be displayed
- Helpful when keyword by itself does not convert, only when adding extra search
words does it convert

Researching Negative Keywords

- How to research?
- Search Terms Report
- What keywords cost too high to maintain a profit?
- If you don’t want to lose particular traffic from expensive keyword, create
separate Ad Group
- Google Keyword Planner
- Make note of keywords that are unrelated to your business

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Using Advanced Organizational Techniques (match types)

1. Adding multiple match types to the same ad group

a. What → add a keyword to an ad group multiple times, each a different match
b. Pros
i. Fewer total ad groups
c. Cons
i. Limits writing ad copy that you know the user intent
ii. Only control for bidding? Make sure exact match has highest bid
2. Restricting Match Types by Ad Group
a. What → each ad group will contain only one match type
i. Use negative keyword match types to ensure correct type is being
b. Pros
i. Write ad copy based on match type (and user intent)
c. Con
i. Campaign can be overwhelming
3. Restricting Match Types by Campaign
a. What → each campaign has only one match type
i. Use negative keyword match types to ensure correct type is being
b. Pros
i. Easily adjust bids and budget by match types
ii. Write ad copy for each match type
c. Cons
i. Too many campaigns to effectively manage
ii. Harder to keep track of budget

Taking Control of Your Ad Display

- What do negative keywords do?
- Should raise your CTR, lower your CPA, and increase your Conv. Rate
- What to watch out for with adding negative keywords?
- If your total # of conversions drops dramatically, reduce negative keywords
- Higher CPA? Lower bids to profitable level

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Best Practices for Conducting Keyword Research

- Every keyword falls into a section of the buying funnel
- Keywords can be broken down into 4 major aspects
- Explicit | Symptoms | Problems | Product names, numbers
- Start keyword research with
- 1. your website
- 2. competitor website
- 3. Natural search results
- Make sure you know your own keywords → use ad copy to differentiate products
- Need more keywords → create keyword lists (ad group + company)

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Chapter 3: Keyword tools

- Understand where keywords fall into the buying funnel
- Start with wide keywords and then move deeper into intent
- Keyword Research Process:
- Own Website
- Competitor Website
- Natural Search Results

Google Keyword Planner

- Why use it
- Primary Use: research new keywords
- Secondary Use: get detailed keyword traffic estimates

Generating Keyword Ideas

- Remember → Keywords = thought processes!
- Ensure
- Accurately describe products/services you offer
- Problems they solve
- Conditions someone may be in when they need your business
- Steps on Keyword Research
- Choosing how to find ideas (keywords in general)
- Picking your ideas (Ad groups)
- Estimating traffic
- Using Keywords
- Find wide keywords
- Then dive deeper into each wide net
- Using the URL Finder (Crawler)
- Your Website
- Competitor website
- Thesaurus (with keyword)
- Top authority sites of industry
- Blogs of industry

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- Advanced Options and Filters

- Geographic
- Languages
- Search volume (avg monthly searches)
- Bid prices (go 30-50% higher than you are planning to find more keyword ideas)
- Impressions share (use <50% to find ideas which have little exposure)
- Competition levels
- Keyword Options and Filters
- Narrow for only relevant results (leave “off” when finding wide net)
- Adult keyword ideas are not displayed by default
- Google does not show keywords that are already in your account (want on?
Useful when using ad impression share to find low impression share keywords)
- Filter keywords by include/excluding specific term
- Ad Group and Keyword Ideas
- You need to figure out how to correctly organize keyword ideas by theme

Building Your Account With The Keyword Planner

- 3 possible ways
- Choose your Ad Groups and Keywords to build/expand directly from tool
- Best for newer PPC advertisers
- Find new keywords/ideas that are not currently in account then add directly to ad

Google Trends
- Shows search queries over time
- Seasonality and holiday spikes
- Think of the daily factors of life that drive search and buying behavior
- Unique ways of using Google Trends
- Don’t know which service you should offer? Compare trends for marketing efforts
- Look at location as well
- Determining your messaging (product positioning)
- Look at what features of your product/service are searched the most
- Shapes your ad copy to address consumer’s greatest questions
- Determining consumer interest
- What locations

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Best Practices for Using Keyword Tools

- Start with Google Keyword Planner
- Find wide ideas
- Then dig deep (search intent)
- Organize themes (ad groups)
- Estimate your traffic
- Use Google Trends
- Overall search volume
- Determine messaging

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Chapter 4: Writing Compelling Ads

- Ads are the only part of your Google Ads account that they will ever see
- It must say → “I have the answer to your question!”

Do your ads reflect the search query?

- Your goal → have enticing ad copy that causes a user to “cross the bridge” from a
search result and arrive at your website
- Do not need to be gimmicky
- Just need to quickly convey to the searcher that you have the answer to their
question on your website
- What should it reflect?
- Keywords your targeting
- User’s search query → bring user closer to answering question

Granular Account Organization

- Keywords in an Ad Group are highly related and you can’t separate keywords out
- + ad copy should reflect every single keyword in your ad groups
- If you can’t narrow it down, your ad group is not granular enough

Writing Effective Ads

- Ad copy must promote your goals for success (determine goals of campaign)
- Your ad should display your product’s features and benefits
- You want to make sure that consumer identifies with your ad copy
- Use their language

Calls to Action
- Direct a consumer to take action
- What do you want someone to do once they arrive at your site?

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Using Emotion
- Ad must touch on
- Logic
- Information
- What people want
- More control
- Independence
- Freedom
- More time
- More money
- Better health
- Better appearance
- Promotions at work
- To feel included
- Social advancement
- To be appreciated
- Security
- Confidence
- Enjoyment
- What people try to avoid
- More work
- Unacceptable risk
- Doubt
- Criticism
- Guilt
- Embarrassment
- Pain
- Feeling stupid
- Being ignored

Developing Unique Selling Propositions

- Why should someone buy from you instead of your competitor?
- YOU MUST ANSWER THIS → marketing statement that are for top-of mind
- Create USP that is a core of your business
- Be unique and stand apart from the crowd

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Distinguishing Features and Benefits

- Feature: fact of your product/service
- Easy to list bullet points
- Ex: 8 gb memory / 14-hour battery life / weight: 1.92 lbs
- Benefit: something the product/service will do for you
- How will the service/product make your life better?
- Why should you spend money on this?
- $ Million Question → What’s in it for me?
- Evoking emotional responses
- Turn a feature into a benefit by adding “so”, “to”, “will” and completing the
- Ex:
- The laptop has a 14-hour battery life so you can be productive on an
international flight
- Having 8 GB of memory will easily let you analyze a million rows of excel
files to find the most profitable keyword

Benefits, Features, and the Buying Funnel

- Buying Funnel and Ad Copy
- Awareness and Interest Phases
- Searchers Intent:
- Don’t know much about your product or services
- Ad Copy:
- Emphasize why your products will make someone’s life better
- Why should they want to learn more about your services
- Use benefit-driven ad copy
- Don’t use jargon → confuses searcher
- Learning Phase
- Searcher’s Intent:
- Consumer’s research transitions from understanding the benefits
to learning about the features (facts)
- Ad Copy
- Mix both features and benefits
- Shopping Comparison Phase
- Searcher’s intent:
- Already understand product
- Ad Copy
- Showcase features (why you’re better than other competitors)
- Never forget benefits though (that’s why they buy)
- Can use jargon

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Ad Copy Format to Start Utilizing Features and Benefits

**When a keyword doesn’t fit into one phase of the buying funnel**
● Captivating Headline
● Feature (Fact)
● Benefit (WIIFM)
● Display URL

Employing Themes That Get Clicks

- Headline → captivate the audience
- Draw the consumer’s eye to read description lines
- Or use it for benefit/feature right away
- Description Lines (2) → show off aspects of your product/service
- benefits/features/prices/USPs/etc
- Themes to use
- Ads that include prices/discounts
- Ads focused on testimonials
- Ads that convey information
- Ads that include negative information

Utilizing Numbers in Ads

- Themes
- Number ranges
- Exact numbers
- Tips
- Stand out from competition
- Use discounts or deals if they use prices already

How Strong Is Your Call to Action?

- Types
- Straightforward
- Benefits
- Promise what they get

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Writing Informational Ad Copy

- Address either common objections or questions in ad copy itself
- Give info that helps consumer make a decision on which product to buy
- Reflecting the Consumer’s Question
- Valid way to increase CTR
- Including Testimonials or Reviews in Ad Copy
- Show social proof
- Doesn’t have to be in ad copy, tell them what people say and prove on landing

Utilizing Negative Ad Copy

- Draws attention
- Be careful → draws attention to website/brand

Don’t forget the Display URL

- Look at different ways it can be interpreted

The Quest for the Holy Grail of Advertising

- Why not just copy a competitor ad?
- Different website / different sales pitches / different benefits and features
- Just because company is using ads → NOT mean theyre effective
- How to Examine Competitor Ads?
- Be unique and show a different message than the rest
- Ad Formulas (start with → test)
- #1
- Compelling Headline
- Customer Benefit
- #2
- Compelling Headline
- Feature
- Customer Benefit
- What to test
- Conv. Rate
- Avg sale amount
- Profit per sale

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Best Practices for Writing Compelling Ads (Review Checklist)

1. Develop granular ad groups for all ads are appropriate for keywords
2. Ensure the ad corresponds tightly with the search query
a. Does it show the consumer how you can help them find the answer?
3. Does the Ad make sense and understandable?
a. Will the consumer understand jargon in the buying funnel?
4. Is there a Unique Selling Proposition?
5. Showcase features if being compared
6. Utilize benefits to connect emotionally with the searcher
a. Benefit → why it will make their life better
7. Does it direct consumers to take action?
8. Test different ad structures
9. Are there Ad Extensions
10. Does the ad stand out from competitor ads?

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Chapter 5: Creating Landing Pages That Convert Searchers into Buyers

● First impressions last a lifetime
○ Trustworthy, friendly, easy to use = increases odds of buyers

Does Your Landing Page Answer the Searcher’s Question?

- Questions to Answer
- Am I in the right place?
- Does your page answer their question
- Is this what I expected?
- Should be an extension of your ad copy
- Ad sets the expectation for the landing page
- Do I trust this website?
- SSL certificates
- Does it look scammy
- How long will this take?
- Make the process seem quick
- Set time expectation
- What should I do next?
- Does your landing page have a clear CTA?
- Where should I go next?
- Once they know WHAT to do, HOW do they do it?
- Clear path of action?
- Make sure path stands out

Destination URLs
- 3 Ways to Send Traffic in Google Ads
- Ad Level
- Every click goes to same landing page
- Individual Keyword (why: tracking purposes)
- Keyword level URLs for landing pages
- Why → tracking purposes (not needed if well organized ad groups)
- Display Network Only: Targeting method

Using Destination URLs for Tracking

- What: adding additional parameters to destination URLs
- Understanding the basics

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Choosing Landing Pages That Increase Conversion Rates

- Best Page → direct answer that answers searcher’s question
- People enjoy being lazy
- People do not want more work
- You are the expert on your website

Choosing Landing Pages Based on the Type of Query

- 3 Main Types of Keyword Queries
- Transactional (Commercial)
- Intent to buy
- What to do: Send to the most easy/simple product/service page
- Informational
- Searcher looking for specific piece of information about topic/concept
- What to do: Look at keywords and think like a searcher
- What scenario does your LP need to address?
- THEN take them to product/services to solve said scenario
- Navigational Query
- Searcher trying to navigate to specific website or web page
- Difficult to monetize (searcher is looking for specific company or web

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Differentiating Local Business Queries

- Ask Basic Questions FIRST (figure out WHERE to send user)
- Who is your target audience?
- Locals
- Understand specific use of geography
- Want to know if you serve their area
- Want directions to business
- NonLocals (travelers)
- Want to know how close something is to the
- Airport / hotel / shopping / major attractions
- Landing Page → Show what is around location
- Who travels to whom?
- Customer travels to business (ex: best buy/lawyer)
- Business travels to customer (ex: plumber/lawn care)
- Where are the products solved?
- Online
- In-Store

Crafting Perfect Landing Pages

- Perfect Landing Page = answers the searcher’s question and accomplishes your
marketing goal

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Employing Usability, Trust and Web Technology

- Usability
- If readers don’t trust or cannot navigate your website, they will click back
- Technical Factors for Usability
- Make sure font size is readable (also think of readers demographics)
- Browser types work after updates
- Is your website fast for everyone
- Use SSL certificates
- Is your information above the fold (CTA / Major benefits / Conversion actions)
- Psychological Factors That Increase Conversion Rates
- Social Proof (testimonials and Reviews)
- Associations
- Coupons or Discounts
- Using images to direct a consumer’s focus
- Color of website
- Green = trust and money
- Red = aggressiveness
- Blue = calming
- Black/White = Neutral
- Don’t overuse buttons

Best Practices for Usability

- Allow the customer to find the answer to their question
- Allow the searcher to easily find info about products/services
- Instill a sense of trust
- Showcase your authority
- Make the conversion process easy

Best Practices for Landing Pages

- Landing page must answer the search question (fulfill their needs)
- Send the user to a page on site that is the farthest logical page within buying funnel
dedicated to search query
- Site must be friendly and trustworthy
- Use social proof and authority on subject

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Chapter 6: Learning Advanced Optimization Techniques

Optimizing for Traffic

- Exploring Strategies to Show Your Ads More Often
- Raise Your Daily Budget
- CPC/CPA should remain stable
- Lower Your Bids
- Ads may receive more impressions
- Creating and Reading an Impression Share Report
- Lost due to Rank
- How to fix → Raise quality score or increase bid
- Lost due to Budget
- How to fix → raise daily budget or decrease bids
- OR → remove least profitable keywords
- High daily budget?
- Keyword was in news, unusually high search volume
- Changes based on day of the week/month (losing impressions
- 1 Minute Account Visibility Report
- Budget Issue?
- Raise budget or lower CPC
- Rank Issue?
- Quality Score 0-5 → raise quality score
- Quality Score 6-10 → need to raise your bids to receive more
- Being shown but not enough impressions?
- Add new keywords
- Expand schedule
- Expand geographic reach
- Ad being shown but need more clicks?
- Increase CTR
- Increasing Page Views
- eCommerce
- Create landing pages with one product focus
- Remember options or lack of options you give searcher on your website
- How to Increase (Give additional or related information)
- Related articles / products
- Recommended articles / products
- Buying Guides
- Top-Read Articles / Top-selling products

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- Search Box

Optimizing for Conversions

- Ad Copy
- Writing Ad Copy That Sells
- Qualify your traffic (filter unlikely converters)
- We have the answer to your question if you want to perform this
one action, if you don’t want to perform this action then do not
cross this bridge
- Examples:
- Call us to schedule a visit
- Buy an HD TV
- Fill out a form to receive free quotes
- Test for Quality Score
- Quality Score / Traffic / Conversions
- Landing Pages
- Must decide:
- Dedicated LP designed only for conversions/single actions
- Page of existing website
- Dedicated LP
- Best Use
- Form actions
- Receiving quotes / contact info / subscribing
- Pro
- Not overwhelming users for choices
- Remember Google LP Criteria
- Relevance / Navigation / Transparency about business and PI
- Best Practices
- Primary action above the fold
- See how users use your site before making a conversion action

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Best Practices for Advanced Optimization Techniques

- Impression Share Report will identify why your ad is not being shown
- Hitting budget?
- Raise your budget
- Lower your max bids
- Not reaching budget?
- Increase ads CTR
- Add more keywords
- Increase Conversion Rates
- Visitor should feel that the landing page is what the ad was describing
- CTA should match both ad copy and landing page
- Claims/pricing/discounts should be echoed on the landing page
- Create synergy between the ads and landing page
- Same offer on landing page then ad
- Principles of Increasing Conversion Rates
- Have a clear CTA
- Have a clear path to action
- Offer a compelling benefit and message
- Ensure your information is accessible to all
- Ensure the user has the correct information to make a decision
- Make the conversion process painless
- Testing
- Test Ad copy and landing page layouts

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Chapter 7: Demystifying Quality Score

What Quality Score Influences

1. Your actual CPC
2. Your first page bid
3. Your top of page bid
4. Your minimum bid
5. Ad Rank for the search network
6. Eligibility to appear on specific display sites
7. Whether a placement targeted ad will appear

What happens when you Increase Quality Score

- Pay less for clicks and increase your ad’s visibility (shown higher in SERP)

How Quality Score Affects Ad Rank

- Ad Rank = max CPC x ((Quality Score x .8) + (Ad Extensions x .2))
- 50% Ad Rank = Bids
- 50% Ad Rank = Quality Score and Ad Extensions

Quality Score Factors for Search

1. eCTR
a. CTR by position
b. CTR of Display URLs (by Ad Group)
2. Relevance of Keywords
a. Ad copy and Ad Group
3. Landing Page Experience
a. Fast
b. Ads match landing page and answer user query

Extra Parts of Quality Score

1. Landing Page Quality
a. How relevant are your landing pages to the keyword? (theme)
2. Landing Page Load Time
a. Compared to other pages hosted in same location
b. Watch out for redirects and hosting problems

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3. Device
a. Users have different intents on each device type
4. Ad Performance by Location
a. Higher CTR in certain locations
5. Account History
a. Examines entire account (keywords and ad copy)
b. Most recent history matters more than overall history

How to View Quality Score

- Keywords only (campaign or Ad group level)

Landing Page Quality: Making Your Pages Relevant

- Crawlable + Indexable
- Use a robots.txt file
- Relevance
- Page should answer the searcher’s question or shows how to receive answer
- Doesn’t have to be keywords, topically related
- Test: Use keyword planner and test URL and see what keywords come back
- Transparency
- Info about business and offers
- Claim in ad copy (free shipping/discounts) → put that info on landing page
- Navigation
- Searchbar
- Links
- Homepage
- About Us
- Contact us
- More about product/service
- Privacy policy
- Misc.
- Avoid pop-ups on landing page

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Google Certifications

Guide #1: Google Search Certification

Unit 1
Why Google Ads
- Business Goals
- Drive Sales
- Get leads
- Increase website visits
- Influence consideration
- Build awareness
- Promote app
- Principles of Google Ads
- Relevance: Connect the right people at the right time with the right message
- Control: Complete control over budget (monthly/daily/per ad)
- Results: Pay only for results

Support Business Goals with Google Ads

- Search
- Appear in search results in SERPs/Youtube/partner sites
- WHY > Notice brand, consider products, take action
- Display
- More than 2 million sites/apps > reaching 90% of people on the internet
- Ads get matched to content related to your business/customer’s interest
- WHY > increase exposure/reach audiences w/ specific interests/touchpoints
- Video
- Only pay when people choose to watch your video
- Help bring the business story to life
- WHY > reach the target audience at scale and capture their attention
- Shopping
- Promote products before even selecting ad
- WHY > advertise inventory, boost traffic, more qualified leads
- App
- WHY > increase engagement and app installs

Specialized Campaign Types

- Local
- Store visits or in-store sales
- Discovery

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- Engage with customers through Google properties (ex: Gmail)

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Optimize your Campaign

- Device Targeting
- Location Targeting
- Language Targeting (browser level)
- Bidding Settings
- Bid Limit: max CPC for ads in an ad group
- Budget Settings
- The average amount of spending daily
- Ad Extensions
- Location / Sitelinks / Calling / FAQ / Info

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Unit 2: Explore the Value of Google Search

Recognizing the Value of Search

- Every day > 3.5 billion searches
- Google’s Mission > organize all this available information and make it accessible and

Is it Right For You?

- Do you want your business to appear when users are researching and comparing
different options?
- Do you want your business to show up on search results when businesses similar to
yours are showing up?
- Do you want to learn about what users are looking for and the ads they’re engaging with
so you can come to an informed decision on how to add more value to their lives?
- Do you want your business to be there at the exact moment someone is looking for the
kinds of products or services you offer?

Master the Foundations of a Google Search Campaign (campaign set up)

- Campaigns: created around a marketing goal and set up based on actions you’d like
customers to take
- Marketing Goal: the main goal you want to achieve
- Sales / Leads / Website Traffic
- Networks: where you want your search ad to appear
- Devices: desktop / mobile / tablet
- Can choose customizable ads for different devices
- Locations: customers located in or who show interest in geographic location
- Languages
- Budget: amount spent per day
- Bid Strategy: manual or automated

How to Get the Right Customers to See Your Ads (ad group set up)
- Ad Groups: create groups with themes in mind (similar services)
- Ex: kid bikes / mountain bikes / road bikes
- Ads: the actual display of ad text
- Keywords: phrases that prompt ad to show up

Extra Search Campaign Settings

- Ad Extensions: Location information, site links, phone number
- Start & End Date: specific dates
- Ad Scheduling: schedule days/hours of the week

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How are Ads Chosen?

1. Search is performed
2. Auction starts
3. Google ranks all the ads (based on bid and ad relevance)
4. Search displayed

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How to Control Which Searches Prompt Your Ads

1. Think like a customer: keyword research
2. Think about business goals: Sales/Leads/Traffic
3. Keyword Match Types (Broad to Narrow)
a. Broad match (default match type)
i. Why: widest possible audience, doesn’t miss any searches
ii. How: default
iii. What Happens: shows ad if a keyword (or variation) included in search
b. Broad Match Modifier
i. Why: wide audience, slightly narrowing down
ii. How: +keyword, +keyword
iii. What Happens: prompts ads to appear for any combination (must contain
all listed keywords)

iv. Example:
c. Phrase match
i. Why: more flexible than exact match, but more targeted than broad match
ii. How: “keyword”
iii. What Happens: prompts ads to appear ONLY if keywords within “ “ match
the search term (cannot be any extra words between, only before/after
d. Exact match
i. Why: match with very specific user searches
ii. How: [keyword]
iii. What Happens: ad ONLY shows if search means same thing as keyword
(no extra words before or after)
e. Negative
i. Why: bad connotation/no product/wrong area
ii. How: -keyword
iii. What Happens: ad won’t show if someone includes the keyword in search

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Complimenting Keyword Strategy w/ Dynamic Search Ads (DSA)

- 15% of daily searches have never been made before

How DSA Works

1. YOU: Specify pages of website/daily budget/ad template
2. The customer enters a search term
3. If your content is relevant to the search > Google dynamically generates ad headline and
destination URL to the best matching page on the website

DSA Targeting Options

- Landing Pages from Standard Ad Groups
- Easiest option → Includes all webpages for current ads across accounts
- Categories
- Based on website content → Google creates targetable categories (sets of
landing pages organized by theme) → YOU decide which sets of pages to
target/how to group pages/level
- URL Contains
- Target pages of your site containing specific strings
- Ex:
- URL Is
- Target specific URLs
- Great for special offers page
- Page Feeds
- Create a group of products that can be grouped together

Benefits of DSA
- Reach and coverage of unknown keywords
- Efficiency and time savings of not having to create endless ads
- Transparency and control

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Unit 3: Understand the Google Ads Auction

Ad Rank
- Ads must be relevant to the search
- Highest ad rank shows top position

Factors of Ad Rank
- Main Factors
- Expected CTR
- Ad landing page experience → easy UX, transparent about business, technical
- Ad relevance → matches searchers intent
- Secondary Factors
- User’s device
- User’s location
- Time of day

How Ad Rank Influences Actual CPC

- Higher quality ads = lower costs, better ad positions, more success

Improving Ad Rank
- Quality Score
- An estimate of the quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages

Quality Score
- Expected CTR / Ad Relevance / Landing page Experience
- Ad extensions is factored into Ad rank

How you can find your Quality Score in Goole Ads

- Google Ads Interface >
- Quality Score
- Landing Page Experience
- Ad Relevance
- eCTR

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How to improve Quality Score

- eCTR
- Be specific in your ad: include keywords in ad text
- Experiment with different CTAs: always test
- Highlight unique benefit: stand out from competitors
- Create time- or location- ad text: test different seasons/holidays ad copy
- Ad Relevance
- Add negative keywords: prevent unwanted searches
- Be specific on mobile: test mobile-specific creatives
- Be Local
- Include relevant search terms in your ad copy
- Landing Page Experience
- Send traffic to the right landing page: pages related to the search query
- Be Consistent: continues conversation from the ad and follows offer/CTA
- Site Transparent/Trustworthy: contact info/state what business does
- Loading Speed: quick speed and prioritizing content above the fold
- Rethink Mobile: make sure navigation is mobile optimized

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Unit 4: Deliver the Right Message with Text Ads

What’s a Text Ad
- A simple way to get business in front of people when they’re searching for products or
services like yours on the Google Search Network
- They should…
- Be informative
- Relevant
- Engaging

What Makes a Text Ad

- Show above and below Google Search Results
- 3 Things
- Headline
- Up to 3 headline fields (30 characters each)
- First 2 required
- Tips
- Check to see the mobile view on longer headlines
- Include a keyword in the headline
- Description
- 2 description fields (90 characters each)
- Mobile: google shows the highest performing text
- Tips
- Highlight what makes business unique
- Include prices/offers
- Empower customers to take action
- Shows website address
- 2 optional path fields can be added to display URL (15 characters)
- Tip
- Match ad to the landing page

How to Create a Text Ad in Google Ads

1. Sign in to your Google Ads Account
2. Page menu on left > select Ads & Extensions
3. Select the + button and choose the Text Ad Option
4. Enter URL/headline/description > preview
5. Satisfied > save Ad

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Best Practices for Excellent Google Ads Creatives

- Implement 3-5 ads per ad group
- Optimize your ad rotation for clicks or conversions
- Use at least 3 extensions for each ad group

What are Responsive Search Ads

- RSA let you create ads that adapt to show more relevant messages to your customers
- What you need to do:
- Supply the headlines/description/URLs for Google
- Up to 15 headlines per ad
- Up to 4 descriptions per ad

Benefits of RSA
- Flexibility
- Relevance
- Reach
- Performance

RSA Important Note

- Create at least 1 RSA for each Ad Group
- Ensure at least 2 expanded text ads in that Ad Group

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Unit 5: Search Ad Extensions

Ad Extensions
- Universal Extensions
- Sitelink
- Callout
- Structured Snippets
- Other Extensions
- Location
- Affiliate Location
- Call
- App
- Price
- Promotion
- Message

Why Ad Extensions Matter

- Improve UX
- Increases engagement
- Better Ad Quality
- More Qualified leads

What do Users Want

- Relevant information: every query is looking for a specific answer
- Information based on their moment: quick results to meet intent/interest/location/etc
- Ads that contribute to their experience: provide users with the right info and the right time

How are Ad Extensions Served

- At any time, up to 4 extensions can for a query or device

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Universal Extensions
- Sitelinks
- Why: Direct to specific sections of the website
- Driving store sales: store hours/locations/find a store
- Online conversions: special discounts/new offers/CTA
- Raising brand awareness: our values/business story
- What
- Additional links that appear under ad text
- Benefit:
- Increased Engagement: boost avg CTR
- More Conversions: reduce # of steps for users to perform an action
- Easy to Manage: add and update Sitelinks to account/campaign/ad group
level automatically without bidding/adding keywords
- Tips/Best Practices
- Add as many Sitelinks as you can: 8-10 per campaign (at least 2)
- Select the right landing pages
- Guide the user: clearly state title and what they will find
- Callout Extensions
- Why (serve multiple marketing objectives)
- Drive store sales: free pickup in-store/no lines at checkout
- Online conversions: 365-day returns/free shipping over $
- Brand awareness: zero-waste policy/organic material only
- What
- short/specific (25 characters) snippets of text
- Benefit
- Boosts engagement: a powerful way to highlight value-added attributes
- Easy to implement: just add 25 characters
- Tips/Best Practices
- Be Brief → short&specific as possible, include at least 6 of them in
- Be Appealing → unique offerings can apply high-level for the whole
- Be Concrete → super specific details about product/service
- Think Bullet Points → quick to the point, sentence case beats title case

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- Structured Snippets
- Why
- Great to highlight specific aspects of your products/services
- When
- Amenities: WiFi/breakfast/pool/gym/spa
- Types: loose fit jeans/tapered leg jeans/relaxed fit jeans
- Destinations: Las Vegas/NYC/Rome/Cancun
- What
- Allow describing features of a product/services
- Benefit
- Get more qualified leads → more likely to convert once educated
- Tips/Best Practices
- Focus on the essential → headers selected provide info that’s useful and
attractive to users
- Values → 4 values should be added to each header (at least 2 values)
- Be relevant → values that apply to each header must make sense in the
context of the chosen header

Avoid Confusion (Structured Snippets v Callout Extensions)

- Structured Snippets highlight specific aspects of the products/services offered
- Callout Extensions highlight what makes a whole business unique

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Other Extensions
- Location Extensions
- How
- Served from GMB account
- What
- Give directions to the business
- Business address | Phone # | Map marker
- Mobile → link to directions to the business
- Benefits
- Drive more store sales: find a nearby store
- Drive online sales: users more confident to buy online if local store for
- Increase performance: avg → 10% boost in CTR w/ local extensions
- Boost visibility: add bid modifier to users closer to the store location
- Report store visits: required to report store visits in data results
- When
- Drive foot traffic to physical locations
- Encourage customer visits
- Tips/Best Practices
- Keep the information updated: NAP
- Adapt Bids: bid more aggressively for users to are closer to stores
- Advanced location settings in Google Ads
- Affiliate Location Extensions
- How
- Format →
- Headline and URL for manufacture’s website
- Ad Text for the manufacture’s product
- Nearest retail location
- What
- Give directions to retail partner locations
- Benefits
- Drive more store sales: help consumers find a nearby location that sells
your products
- Drive online sales: consumers have time to buy online
- Report store visits: required to be able to use data report
- When
- Ideal for manufacturers → find products at local retailers while providing
option to buy online
- Tips/Best Practices
- Maximize local reach
- Adapt bids → bid more aggressively for users to are closer to retail stores

- Call Extensions

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- What
- Display phone number
- Benefits
- Convenience: generate calls directly from ads
- Qualified Leads: more engagement with connection options
- Flexible Scheduling: dates/days of week/times of day should appear
- When
- Business over the phone
- Value calls as much as clicks to website
- Tips/Best Practices
- Measure the impact → enable phone call conversions reporting in
account settings
- Provide great service → make sure staff is trained to answer phone
- App Extensions
- What
- Driving traffic to your website or the app store from a single text ad
- Benefits
- Increase visibility and grow installation base
- When
- App promoting
- Only way to app impression
- Tips/Best Practices
- Be clear →
- headline link direct to the website
- app extension links to app store
- Show it → implement the extension to serve both brand and generic
- Be Inclusive → don’t limit extension to keywords orientated to mobile app
- You still have links going to the website from the headline
- Price Extensions
- What
- Showcase services/products alongside prices
- Benefits
- Better customer experience by setting clear expectations
- When to Use
- Easy to compare multiple options
- Tips/Best Practices
- Be granular and relevant to user queries
- Make sure that the descriptions relate to the headers
- Don’t use promotional copy in descriptive lines
- Don’t repeat headlines and description lines
- Promotion Extensions
- What

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- Quickly and prominently display information about promotions without

having to update every single ad
- Benefits
- Show below ad in an eye-catching format
- When to Use
- Highlighting special offers and sales ($ or % discounts for
- Tips/Best Practices
- Select special occasions and events
- Flexible scheduling
- Message Extensions
- What
- Adapt to a new communication style (mobile-only format)
- Benefits
- Convenience
- Consumers can interact with your business on their own terms
- Prequalification
- Give users the chance to ask questions/review
products/pricing/engage in other ways they cannot on the website
- Ability to generate leads
- Receive messages from users and put in queue to call later when
convenient for them
- When to Use
- A great alternative to calling (set appointments/ask questions)
- Tips/Best Practices
- Optimize Your Message Extensions → clear CTA, prefilled message to
- Schedule message extensions → show when a live person is available to
- Provide great service → reply to texts in a professional and timely manner

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Ad Extensions Best Practices

- Use the right # of extensions
- At least 3 but recommended to have 4 (max)
- ALWAYS enable
- Sitelinks/Structured Snippets/Callouts
- Keep them fresh and updated
- Change link text/URLs whenever something new needs to be communicated
- Monitor Performance
- Monitor at the ad group level

Automated Ad Extensions
- What are they
- Every account opted into automated ad extensions
- Which ones automatically
- Sitelink
- Callout
- Structured Snippets

Advertiser-Provided Extensions
- Google recommends implementing in order to achieve most # of impressions

Dynamic Sitelink Extensions

- Between 2-6 dynamic Sitelinks can show with a specific ad (but depending on device)

Seller Ratings (stars) Extension

- Automated extension if the business is highly rated in quality service
- How is the score generated
- Google Customer Reviews (GCR)
- After purchasing on the website
- StellaService
- Independent company that evaluates customer service performance of
online businesses
- Google-led shopping research
- Similar to StellaService
- Google Consumer Surveys
- Collects ratings for domains/businesses
- Third-Party Review Sites
- Yelp/etc

Checking the Performance of Automated Extensions

- Google Ads Account > Left side menu “Ads & Extensions” > Automated Extensions

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Unit 6: Automated Bidding

What’s Automated Bidding

- Performance
- Influence how visible your ads are and the amount of interaction you get in each
unique search query
- Auctions
- Moving target
- User Journey Complexities
- Location/time/device/etc

Benefits of Google Ads Automated Bidding

- Machine learning
- Time saved
- Auction timed bidding
- Depth of signals used and cross-analysis

Google Ads Smart Bidding

- Enhanced CPC
- Target CPA
- Maximize Conversions
- Target ROAS

Bidding Strategies
- Awareness-based
- Why → increase visibility for certain queries and locations
- Bid strategies to choose from → target impression share
- Use case → raising awareness of brand and campaigns (brand terms)
- Consideration-focused
- Why → drive as many clicks as possible within a set level of spend
- Bid strategies to choose from → maximize clicks
- Use case
- budget-constrained campaigns focused on driving clicks
- Drive more click volume
- Maximize traffic when extra budget is received
- Upper funnel keywords that have high assist value in conversion

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- Why → tracking actions post-click and trying to maximize the # of conversions
- Bid strategies to choose from
- Maximize clicks
- Target cost-per-acquisition (tCPA)
- Sets bids to help increase conversions while reaching your avg
CPA goal
- Enhanced cost-per-click (eCPC)
- Adjusts your manual bid up/down based on each clicks likelihood
to result in a conversion
- Use Case
- Maximize Conversions
- Want max # of conversions for a campaign
- Want to spend a fixed budget
- Don’t have explicit CPA/ROAS goal
- tCPA
- Maximize # of conversions w/out considering order value
- eCPC
- Set the core bid manually w/ an added layer of real-time
- Revenue-focused
- Why → tracking revenue associated w/ conversions + want to maximize at a
specific return on ad spend target (ROAS)
- Good fit = @ least 50 conversions in past 30 days (search)
- Bid strategies to use from
- Target ROAS
- Automatically sets bids to help get as much conversion value as
possible at the target ROAS you set
- Use case
- If you want to automatically optimize bids to maximize revenue within the
target ROAS

Overview of Auto-bidding Strategy for Campaign Goal

- Target Impression Share = Visibility
- Maximize Clicks = Traffic
- Target CPA = Conversions
- Target ROAS = Revenue

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Unit 7: Search Audiences

How to Tailor Search Audiences to Campaigns

- Create audience lists
- Layer those audience lists onto her ad groups
- Condition bids/creatives/keywords
- Send the right message to the right message with the right bid

Audience Solutions
- Combine the search intent with insights to reach the right customers at the right bid and
right message

How Google’s Audience can help you reach groups of customers

- Awareness
- Detailed demographics
- Affinity audiences (strong interest in a given topic)
- Consideration
- In-Market audiences → google infers what people are searching to buy
- Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) → engaged with website/youtube in
the past
- Similar Audiences for Search → find new customers that share behaviors of your
remarketing audience segments
- Conversion and Loyalty
- Customer match → upload data into Google Ads and reach custom segments
- RLSA → engaged with website/youtube in the past

How Audience Solutions can Enhance your Search Strategy

- Variable Bidding
- What
- Layer at least 1 audience group on top of the search campaign
- Bid differently for that audience based on their value to your business
- How
- Increase your bids on certain audiences
- Ex: bid higher on people passionate about “keyword”
- Decrease your bids on certain audiences (using RLSA)
- Why you should care
- Not wasting money and finding warm leads

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- Keyword Expansions
- What
- Expand your keyword set to larger set terms and more broad terms
- Engage the mid- and upper-funnel for greater reach
- How
- Create Ad groups that target generic keywords and only show ads to
certain audiences
- Why you should care

- Creative Customization
- What
- Reach different audience segments with unique messaging that
resonates with them
- How
- Build ad groups catering to specific audience lists
- Ex: creating Ads that show only to people who signed up
to mailing list (offering a discount)
- Why you should care
- More relevant ads = better UX = leading to higher CTR = better
campaign performance

Google’s Search Audience Solutions (auto included for conversion-based bidding)

- Affinity Audiences
- Users who’ve demonstrated a qualified interest in a given topic
- Detailed Demographics
- Reach customers based on their activities on
- In-Market Audiences
- Differentiate between interest and intent

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Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)

- Requires 1,000 users before the remarketing list can be used
- Allow you to serve unique Ad creatives and set Ad Group bids differently based on past
interactions with your website
- 3 main groups
- Never heard of you
- Ex RLSA: “new user offer”
- Visited site before
- Ex RLSA: bid higher for warm leads
- Reached checkout page and abandoned cart
- Ex RLSA: special “return offer”
- Smaller groups
- Visited site in past 28 days but didn’t convert
- Visited site in past 7 days but didn’t convert
- Added an item to the basket but didn’t convert
- Reached “thank you” page (converted)

Customer Match
- Upload your own CRM data into Google Ads
- Email address/mailing address/phone #
- Why compliment your Audience Strategy with Customer Match

Similar Audiences
- Leverages RLSA to find new customers with similar characteristics

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Unit 8: Optimization Score

Why Optimization Score (found on Google Ads Recommendation Page)

- 0-100%
- Benefits
- Instant/Customized/Scalable

How does it work

- How is it calculated
- Over 50+ key aspects of account (stats/settings/industry trends)

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Unit 9: Performance Planner

How does it work

- Determines optimal bids and avg daily budget allocations across all your campaigns to
help increase the # of conversions you can achieve for any future spend scenario

The Process
- Generate a forecast of what your campaigns will achieve for a future period
- Using Google’s seasonality data/insights → predict results of optimal bids/avg daily
- Choose a spend point → reallocating spend between campaigns to improve ROI

How it forecasts campaign performance

- Forecasting → search ad auctions
- Simulation
- Machine learning
- Validation

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Best practices for Performance Planner

- Create separate plans for each marketing objective
- Set bids and budgets using non-last click conversions
- Regularly check your plan

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Guide #2: Google Ads Display

What’s the value of Display ads?

- Powerful intent signals: ads are placed among the most relevant content
- Massive-scale: 90% of internet
- Measurable performance
- Easy campaign set-up: indicate marketing objective, then follow steps

Intent Signals and Machine Learning

- Understanding user mindset
- Effective machine learning (automation/bidding/targeting/ to reach right users at right
- Unique insights (1 billion users total/3 million websites)

Display Campaign Types

- Smart Display
- Uses full automation
- Inputs
- What ads will say
- Images you want to use
- Daily budget
- CPA performance targets
- Eligible
- @ least 50 conversions on display (or 100 in search) in past 30 days
- Benefits
- Simplicity: budget/bid/creative assets
- Insights: standard reporting + supplemental reporting
- Scale: 3 million websites/apps
- Components
- Automated Bidding: specify target CPA/target ROAS
- Automated Targeting: where campaigns run
- Automated Creatives: auto-generated from building blocks
- Who should use it?
- Great for remarketing and re-engagement prospecting
- Limited budget so reach more visibility
- Target additional customers beyond manually targeted campaigns

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- Standard Display
- Full control over all aspects of a display campaign
- Manually set targeting/bidding/ad formats
- Manual Control
- Targeting (3 marketing objectives)
- Build awareness: increase how well people know your brand
- Influence consideration: encourage people to explore your
- Drive action: get sales/leads by motivating people to take action
- Bidding (4 main strategies)
- Enhanced CPC
- Automatically adjusts your manual bid up or down based
on likelihood to result in a conversion
- Maximize Conversions
- Drive as much conversion volume as possible within your
- Target CPA
- Auto sets bids to help increase conversions while reaching
your average CPA goal
- Target ROAS
- Auto sets bids to help get as much conversion value as
possible at the target ROAS you set
- Ad Formats (2 main formats)
- Responsive Display Ads: greater efficiency and scale
- Uploaded Ads (image & AMPHTML): greater control

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Unit 3: Reach Users on Google Display Ads

Why Display Targeting

- Choose the targeting option that aligns to your marketing campaign goal

Marketing Goal: Build Awareness (TOP FUNNEL)

- Why: reach a broad audience and maximize your brand exposure
- Tools
- Demographic Targeting
- Combo of declared/inferred data
- Affinity Audiences (best option)
- 100 segments of online behavior → find passionate people
- Custom Affinity Audiences
- Create custom-made audiences to reach niches

Marketing Goal: Influence Consideration (MID FUNNEL)

- Why: engage users that are actively researching products or services
- Tools
- In-Market Audiences
- Potential customers that demonstrated purchase intent of same products
- Custom Intent Audiences (best option)
- Define and reach people that have the intent to purchase
- Enter keywords or URLs that represent your audience
- Similar Audiences
- Finds users that have same interests as an uploaded list or remarketing

Marketing Goal: Drive Action (BOTTOM FUNNEL)

- Why: re-engage users that have already shown interest in your brand (or visit website)
- Targeting Options
- Remarketing
- Target people who’ve demonstrated high interest in website/app
- Ex: Cart abandoners
- Standard Remarketing
- Target people who’ve demonstrated standard interest in the website
- Ex: visited website but no purchase
- Dynamic Remarketing
- Target people with specific ads that include products/services they
- Ex: viewed product but no conversion → show ad with exact

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Unit 5: Deliver the Right Message

Display Ad Format Options (2)

- Efficiency
- RSA: auto-adjust to the available ad space (run native and non-native inventory)
- Control
- Limit reach but complete control of branding

Responsive Display Ads

- Default ad type
- How it works
- Assets needed
- images/videos/headlines/logos/descriptions
- Google will automatically create ads
- Key Benefits
- 50% more conversions at a similar CPA
- Automation
- Reach
- Simplicity
- Creative Testing
- Google A/B tests on it’s own

Uploaded Ads
- Created outside of Googles Ads (ex: in google web designer)
- Uploaded via .zip file
- Can only run in Banner-eligible slots
- Qualify as many auctions as possible, run both RDA/Uploaded ads in campaign
- Benefit
- Complete creative control

- What
- Enable faster and more secure ad experiences across all platforms
- Benefits
- Faster ads drive better performance (6x faster)
- Lighter ads (3x lighter load)
- Safer ads build trust (need validation before served, reducing risk of malware)

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Guide #3: Google Measurement Certification

Unit 1 - Achieve Your Goals

Types of Objectives
- Business Objective
- Broad, top-level goal for company
- Ex: increasing profit, profit margin, volume in units sold
- Marketing Objective
- These support the business objective
- Media Objectives
- Goals for each channel of marketing objectives
- Ex: youtube campaign, shopping campaign, search campaign
- Campaign Metrics
- Individual metrics to measure the success of media objectives

Customer Journey
1. Make sure people see your business
2. Lead people to think about or show interest in your brand
3. Get people to do something (aka purchase service/product)
4. Make people care enough to be a repeat customer or advocate for your business

Customer Buying Funnel

1. Awareness
2. Consideration
3. Action

Marketing Objectives Metrics

How to Turn Business Objectives into Marketing Goals

1. Select business objective (profit/revenue/volume)
2. Select service/product
3. Select funnel part
4. Decide on metrics (KPI)

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a. Proxy (close resemblance to KPI) if cannot be tracked

i. Ex: not possible to measure impact of a campaign on brand consideration
1. Proxy the increase in searches for the brand name

Google Ads Attribution Models

- Rule-based Attribution → assign a value to each touchpoint in conversion path
- Last interaction → receives 100% of credit for conversion
- First click → the first TP receives 100% of credit for conversion
- Position based → 40% credit both/last interaction, 20% evenly to middle TP’s
- Time decay → multi-touch model that gives credits to TP closest to conversion
- Linear → credit is even to every single TP in buyer journey
- Data-driven → machine learning determines best way to give credit
- Data-driven Attribution → algorithmically evaluates individual customer paths
- Credit is dynamically attributed to each TP according to impact on conversion
- Eligible
- At least 15,000 clicks on Search
- Conversion action at least 600 within 30 days
- Where in Google Ads
- Tracking website, call, imported conversions

Google Ads Optimization (testing)

- Bidding → adjust bids based on different auction signals
- Creative → customize assets to serve the right message to the right user at the right
- Targeting → reach those most interested in business with specific audience targeting

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Unit 2 - Measure what matters

How Conversion Tracking Works

1. Set a conversion action to measure what you consider to be a valuable customer action
2. Google ads will provide a snippet of code (Conversion Tracking Tag)
3. Add CTT to website or app
4. When customer perform conversion action(s), the tag will send data to Google Ads

Understanding conversion columns

1. Conversions → # of conversions you’ve received
2. Cost/Conv (Cost per conversion) → average of how much conversions cost
a. cost/conv. = total cost / conversions
3. Conv. Rate → how often an ad click or interaction leads to conversions
a. Conv. rate = # of conversions / total interactions
4. Conv. Value/Cost → ROI (measrue the value of conversions v. how much you are
a. Conv. value/cost = total value of your conversions / total cost of clicks on ads
5. Conv. Value/click → how many conversions you receive according to clicks
a. Conv. value/click = total value of all conversions / total # of clicks
6. Value/Conv. → how much (avg) each conversion is worth
a. Value/Conv. = total value of conversions / total # of conversions
7. Conv. Value → total value of all conversions

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Conversions in Google Analytics

- Goals
- Custom goals
- Destination → specific page
- Duration → how long someone on website
- Pages → how many pages someone visited
- Event → specific action took on website
- 3 Basic options for creating goals
- Using a goal template
- Creating custom goals
- Creating a smart goal
- eCommerce Transactions
- Why → ask deeper question about sales
- How → enable ecommerce in your reports, add code to website

Measuring in Analytics v Google Ads

- Attribution Differences
- Google Ads
- By default → customer’s journey will give conversion credit to last google
ad the customer saw/clicked
- Analytics
- Gives conversion credit to whatever engagement was the last one in the
customer’s journey
- Example

- Date of Transaction
- Google Ads
- Conversion credit to the time of the last impression made before click ad
- Analytics
- Date the purchase occurred
- Example

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- Reporting Freshness
- Google Ads
- Reports on conversions every 3 hours
- Analytics
- Imported into Google Ads every 9 hours
- Conversion Count Differences
- Google Ads
- Does not have a concept of “sessions” and counts multiple conversions in
a given date range

- Analytics
- You can count conversions either by configuring goals or eCommerce
- Goals
- Count interactions within the context of a user session,
rather than counting each individual interaction

- Transactions
- Multiple times in a session (as long as each transaction
has a unique transaction identifier)

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How to Set up Offline conversion tracking

1. Enabling website and lead tracking system
2. Preparing your data for import
3. Importing data
4. Import GCLID script into all web pages for offline conversion tracking

- Google Click Identifier = random string that gets appended to a URL every time an ad is
- What does it do
- Stores information about that click

Track Calls to a phone number list on a website

- How
- Google provides business with a unique phone number that helps identify and
measure calls after clicking on an ad

How Tagging Works

- Implement a global sitewide (1 per account)
- Include an event tag (each conversion action you want to track)

Set up Sitewide Tags (part 1 of tagging process → event tags are part 2)
- What does it do
- Measure how a customer engages with your site after clicking an ad
- What is it
- Small snippet of code that you’ll place on every page of your website
- Auto-tagging
- Settings > account settings > TAG the specific sitewide URL
- Option 1: Use the updates Google Ads Conversion tracking Tag (gtag.js)
- Why → make sure Google Ads can measure all conversions (regardless of
- What → sets new cookies on your domain with GCLID parameter
- How → simply copy and paste between <head> tags of each web page
- Option 2: Use google tag manager with the new conversion linker tag
- If you already have google tag manager set up on website
- Update tags without changing code on page
- How → add conversion linker tag to landing page URLs
- How → tag manager overview page > add a new tag > tap configuration >
conversion linker > choose triggering > all pages > tag a naem > save
- Link Analytics and Google Ads accounts

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Event Tagging
- What can be measured
- Page loads and clicks

Optimize Your Data

- Improve your Conversion Rate (rotate ads, A/B Test)
- Specific keywords
- Search Terms report reaching the right audience
- Keywords > search terms menu > search terms report
- Negative keywords to further refine audience traffic
- Include prices in ad to qualify leads
- Refine your bidding
- Bid higher for lower-funnel keywords (higher user intent)

Unit 3 - Expand Your Strategy (Google My Business)

Benefits of GMB
- Engage with customers
- Respond to reviews
- Communicate with customers
- Get calls and directions
- Let customers make bookings right from the listings

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Guide #4: Advanced Analytics

Chapter 1: Data Collection and Processing

1. Data Collection
a. Hit: URL string that sends information about your users
b. 3 Main Hits
i. Page View: User loads webpage with tracking code
ii. Event: User interacts with element on a website
1. Action
2. Category
3. Label
4. Value
iii. Transaction (eCommerce): Pass product info to Analytics
c. Other Hits
i. Social Hits
ii. Page Timing Hits

2. Categorizing into Users and Sessions

a. New v Returning Users
i. Unique ID with a browser cookie
1. Can be cleared or not allowed by user
a. If so → GA will count as a new user, not return
2. Each new device = new user
b. Sessions
i. Begins when page view hit is started
ii. Ends after 30 minutes of activity
1. Can be changed in “configuration settings”
c. Other Data Sources
i. Measurement Protocol
1. Must pass manually with a customized tracking ID
ii. Google Account Linking
1. AdWords
2. AdSense
3. Google Search Console

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3. Applying Configuration Settings

a. Data Filters
i. View the data you want for reports
1. Rules that are applied to data
ii. Reason why?
1. Transfer data that shows up in a view
b. Goals
i. Destination (pageview) → User lands on a page of website
ii. Event → User performs a particular action
iii. Duration → Based on sessions over a set amount of time
iv. Pages/Screens per Session → User views set amount of pages/session
c. Data Grouping
i. Channel Grouping → incoming channels
ii. Content Grouping → Based on Organization of website
d. Dimensions
i. Define a group of data that is specific to your business
ii. Can be used: secondary / primary / segment
e. Metrics
i. Any metric that is not predefined
f. Imported Data
i. Third-party data source

4. Storing Data and Generating Reports

a. Data → Dimensions → Make up reports in Analytics
i. Rows = Dimensions
ii. Columns = Metrics
b. Dimension Scopes
i. Hit Level
ii. Session Level
iii. User Level
iv. Product Level

5. Creating a Measurement Plan

a. Business Objective
b. Strategies
c. Tactics
d. KPI (Metrics)
i. Macro/Micro Conversions

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Chapter 2: Setting Up Data Collection and

1. Organize your Analytics Account
a. Organization > Account (unique GA ID) > Property (can have multiple properties)
i. Views → Raw / Test / Master
1. Sales?
2. Marketing?
3. Etc
b. Different websites but want same tracking?
i. Use cross-domain tracking
1. Use Google Tag Manager
ii. GA 360 users can combine views (RollUp Reporting)
c. Properties have unique Property ID’s
d. Keep in mind
i. Can grant user permissions at either account/property/view level

2. Set up Advanced Filters on Views

a. Types of Filters
i. Predefined
1. Already created by Google
ii. Custom
1. Custom created by You
a. Ex: mobile device only / campaign / traffic source (CPC)
b. Regular Expressions (REGX)
i. Advanced filtering option to extract or output certain data

3. Create Your Own Custom Dimensions

a. You define what they are and their value
i. Reporting on users
ii. How?
1. JavaScript Tracking Code on webpage
2. Send data as a traditional parameter to GA
b. How to set up
i. Admin > Property > custom definition > custom dimensions > create new
ii. Name > Scope (how broad data is categorized) > Active/No Active
iii. Copy Code
iv. Paste into website code
1. Use Google Tag Manager

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4. Create Your Own Custom Metrics

a. How does it work?
i. JavaScript Tracking Code on webpage
ii. Send data as a traditional parameter to GA
b. How to Set Up
i. Admin > Property > Custom Definitions > Custom Metric > new
ii. Name > Scope > Formatting Type > Min Value > Max Value > Active/No

5. Understand User Behavior with Event Tracking

a. How to collect?
i. Add JavaScript for each element you want to track
b. Be mindful of how you name events for reporting concerns
c. Where to find event reports?
i. Behavior > Event Reports

6. More Useful Configurations

a. Channel Groupings
i. Acquisition > Channel
ii. How to edit default channel groupings
1. Admin > View > Channel Settings >
iii. Max 50 new channels per view

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Chapter 3: Advanced Analysis Tools and Techniques

1. Segment Data for Insight
a. Types of Segments
i. User segments
1. Span multiple sessions
2. Max date range = 90 days
a. Ex: age and gender
ii. Session segments
1. Span single session
a. Ex: Goal completed
b. Can compare different segments for reporting
i. Up to 4 at one time
c. Create Own Custom Segment + Custom Sequences
i. Can import from gallery or share segments

2. Analyze Data by Channel

a. By default → last-click attribution model
b. Multi-Channel Funnels (MCF Reports)
i. Crediting assisted conversion + time from initial interest to purchase

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Chapter 4: Advanced Marketing Tools

1. Introduction to Remarketing
a. How to Enable
i. Admin > Property > tracking info > data collection > Remarketing (ON) >
Link adwords account
b. Create Remarketing Audiences
i. Admin > Property > Audience Definitions > Audiences > new audience >
select view/account you want it attached to > next step > define your
audience (can import segment if want more options)
c. These audience lists will be auto added to AdWords Account (search/display)
i. Search: at least 1,000 users before eligible
1. Demogrpahics dimensions not eligible

2. Better Targeting with Dynamic Remarketing

a. How to set up
i. Link AdWords with Analytics > enable advertising features (retail business
must link with Google Merchant Center) >

3. Course Summary

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Guide #5: Google Ads Shopping Cert

Unit 1 - Google and Retail Businesses

How Can Google Help the Buying Journey

- Accelerate
- Challenge: Increase profitability
- Solution: Accelerate
- Machine learning data
- Personalize customer experience across channels
- Connect
- Challenge: Increase traffic and acquire new customers
- Solution: Connect
- Embrace that people are shopping anywhere and everywhere
- Drive Action
- Challenge: Increase sales
- Solution: Drive action
- Remove all friction from the shopping experience
- Easy checkout process
- Save cart items for purchase at a later time
- Enable quick mobile-site speed
- Provide relevant and up-to-date information
- Store address
- Hours
- Locations
- In-stock products
- Let shoppers buy online and pick up in-store

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Unit 2 - Drive Shoppers In-store with local product ads

Local Inventory Ads

- What
- Display local inventory to people searching on google
- How does it work
- Click on local inventory ad
- Drives them to websites local storefront page
- Either google-powered or merchant-hosted
- Page displays local inventory & prices relevant to shoppers search terms
- Also → store hours, directions, etc
- Goal
- Drive consumers to brick-and-mortar stores to complete a purchase
- Benefits
- Promote your in-store inventory
- Bring your local store online
- Measure the performance of your ads

Local Catalog Ads

- What
- Highly visual and easy to browse mobile ads that reach viewers of display ads
- How does it work
- Use feed data from LIA ads to reach viewers of display ads
- Goal
- Drive foot traffic to local stores by highlighting store-specific products, inventory,
prices, and store information
- Benefits
- Feature your product inventory → promote store deals
- Complement your print marketing goals → act as an extension
- Measure and optimize

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Unit 3 - Promote your brand with showcase shopping ads

Showcase Shopping Ads

- Goal
- Influence shoppers at the start of the buying journey (high-funnel) to help
discover brands
- What
- Present a collection of relevant and related products
- How do they work
- Mobile - Collapsed Ad
- Broad queries

- Mobile - Expanded Ad

- Where do they appear
- Unique to Google Search
- Benefits
- Differentiate brand, website, merchandise from familiar retailers
- Drive users down the purchase funnel

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Unit 4 - Reach more Customers with Shopping Campaigns

Shopping Campaigns
- What
- A simple and flexible way to organize product inventory and manage shopping
- How does it work
- Upload product data to Google Merchant Center
- Create different shopping campaigns
- Benefits
- Better engagement
- Better qualified leads
- Easy campaign management
- Broader presence
- Powerful google reporting

Shopping Ads
- How they work
- No keywords
- Google Merchant Center Data to show as
- Where they appear
- Top ad placement or top right-hand side of SERP
- Google partner networks as well
- Features
- Google Customer Reviews
- Product ratings
- Merchant promotions

Smart Shopping Campaigns

- What
- Automatic campaign handled from the GMC
- Combine SSC and Display Remarketing campaigns
- Where
- Drive sales across all of Google’s networks

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Guide #6: Google Ads Video Certification

Unit 1: Discover the Value of Youtube

Mission of Youtube
- Give all of our participants a voice and to show them the world
- Over 2 billion active users per month

Why Users choose Youtube

- Rich and diverse content
- Engage with creators
- Connect with a community

Youtube Platform innovations to increase users

- Mobile live streaming
- VR180
- YouTube TV
- Premieres
- Youtube on TV screens
- Stories
- Youtube Go

Why Creators choose Youtube

- Freedom to develop the content they want
- expression/opportunity/information/belong
- Reach billions of people worldwide
- Infrastructure and resources
- Income

The engine of the Youtube EcoSystem

- Develop the content on Youtube
- Grow communities and foster ongoing engagement
- Drive revenue for Youtube

Why Advertisers choose Youtube

- Audience attention/engagement → Personal primetime
- Google data and tools
- Proven results

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Marketing Funnel
- Awareness
- Reach consumers to introduce a product/message/brand on mind
- Ex: Extra Reach/Unique Reach/Ad Recall
- Consideration
- Invite your customers to engage with your messages during high-intent, opinion-
shaping moments
- Ex: purchase intent
- Action
- Take meaningful actions you can measure
- Ex: online conversions/store visits/sales lifts/lead capture forms

Advanced Audiences
- Life Events
- Affinity
- In-Market

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Unit 2: Connect with your Audience on Youtube

Benefits of Youtube Audience Solutions

- Real-time data
- Powerful signals
- Cross-device reach (Google/Maps/Youtube)

Customer Journey (aka Funnel)

- Awareness (top-funnel)
- Audience Solution
- Demographics + Detailed Demographics
- Affinity Audiences
- Custom Affinity Audiences
- Measurement Solutions
- Unique Reach
- Ad Recall
- Awareness Lift
- Consideration (mid-funnel)
- Audience Solution
- In-market
- Life events
- Measurement Solutions
- Views
- CPVs
- Consideration Lift
- Action (bottom-funnel)
- Audience Solution
- Custom Intent
- Customer Match
- Remarketing and Similar Audiences
- Measurement Tracking
- Conversion Tracking
- CPAs
- Geo-Experiment (CPG only → Consumer Packaged Goods)
- Store Visits
- Media Mix Modeling (via 3rd party)

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Detailed Demographics
- Parenting stages
- Parental status
- Household income
- Homeownership status
- Marital status
- Education
- Employment

Power of Google Signals

- Affinity ( PASSIONATE ON TOPIC) → reach people based on consumption habits
- People who are truly passionate about a topic (Not just interested)
- A holistic picture of someone’s lifestyle/interests/consumption habits
- Ex: resort information for luxury travelers
- Custom Affinity → reach a unique audience to deliver a unique message at scale
- Niche user groups that deliver substantive reach
- Unique audiences created from keywords/URLs/inputs from apps/map locations
- Ex: movie trailers for people that love similar films

How to Build Audiences

- keywords/places/website URLs/app downloads

Affinity Audiences on Youtube

- Based off of consumption habits → great for awareness campaigns
- How does it work
- Signals → start from search/maps/android downloads/youtube
- Survey → validates signals using surveys
- Scale → machine learning models find similar people on Youtube
- Current Affinity Categories on Youtube

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Intent Audiences
- In-Market Audiences (bottom funnel)
- Who
- Highly-qualified consumers ready to make a purchase/intent to purchase
- What
- Connect with people who are actively researching/intending to buy a
- Example
- An auto advertiser that wants to reach people who are currently in a
market for a new car
- Life Events
- Who
- Consumers at important transition points in their lives
- What
- Engage with people in the middle of important life milestones and likely to
make major purchase decisions
- Example
- A mattress company that wants to reach people who are moving
- Custom Intent Audiences (search google for your keywords then target on youtube)
- Who
- Consumers who’ve searched for specific products/services
- What
- Reach people who have turned to to research products prior
to purchase
- Example
- Travel company that wants to reach people researching their next
- Remarketing
- Who
- Consumers who’ve interacted with you already
- What
- Reinforce messaging with people who’ve visited your website already or
interacted with your Youtube videos/channels
- Example
- An electronics company that wants to reach people who watch an
unveiling video for their new phone
- Customer Match and Similar Audiences
- Who
- Consumers that you have CRM data for
- What
- Re-engage existing customers with uploaded personal data
- Example
- Credit card company that wants to reach existing users for upgrades
Audience Solutions for 1st Party Data → Use Cases

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- Remarketing: upsell/retain/exclude existing customers

- Customer Match: upsell/retain/exclude existing customers
- Similar Audience: find new customers that are similar to existing ones

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Unit 3: Video Ad Formats

Ad Formats
- Awareness

- Consideration

- Action

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Billing for Ad Formats (align the bidding type with the overall marketing objective)
- CPM (Cost-per-thousand impressions)
- CPV (Cost-per-view)
- CPD (Cost-per-day)
- Maximize Lift (brand lift bidding solution to optimize bids)
- tCPA (Target Cost Per Acquisition)
- Maximize Conversions

Summary of Below
- Bumpers (non-skippable)
- Bumper Ads = Deliver more reach and brand awareness
- Bid: CPM
- Goal: Broad reach with max attention
- Key Benefit: non-skippable 6 second
- TrueView (skippable)
- TrueView For Reach = drive awareness
- Bid: CPM
- Goal: Impressions
- Key Benefit: lowest CPMs
- TrueView In-Stream = driving consideration
- Bid: CPV + Maximize Lift
- Goal: Impressions Create connections with consumers: 30+ seconds goal
- Key Benefit: only pay
- TrueView Discovery = capitalize on key moments of discovery
- Bid: CPV
- Goal: reaching an audience that’s actively seeking to discover content
- Key Benefit: Running on the Youtube Home Feed at an efficient price
- TrueView For Action = convert attention and intent
- Bid: tCPA+ Maximize conversions
- Goal: Drive website actions or lead generation
- Key Benefit: customizable and consistent CTA throughout
- Masthead (placement)
- Masthead = drive awareness
- Bid: CPD or CPM
- Goal: Drive awareness/focus on high impact/reach)
- Key Benefit: runs on YouTube Homepage and home feed ($$ placement)
- Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads = drive awareness
- Bid: CPM (auction (low CPM) or reservation buy (guaranteed impression)
- Key Benefit: 15-20 seconds non-skippable/most similar to TV ads

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Bumper Ads (Awareness Stage) (CPM = Cost-per-thousand impressions)

- What
- 6-second, non-skippable, in-stream ads → drive reach/frequency/brand aware
- Extra
- Designed for a mobile-first world
- Deliver more reach than any other ad format
- Benefits
- Lowest CMP among in-stream video formats
- Maximum Reach → reach viewers on the go & efficient CPM
- Brand Impact → combining with longer-form formats are best
- High Attention → capture audience attention in just 6 seconds
- Best For…
- Broad Reach
- Low CPMs
- Video Completion

TrueView Ads (all 3 stages)

- What
- A skippable in-stream ad format that allows users to choose to engage with video
- Playable before/during/after other videos
- Marketing Objectives Overview

- Awareness: TrueView for Reach (CPM)

- What
- Drives awareness and optimizes for highly efficient reach
- Bought on target CPM
- Optimizes for impressions (not views)
- Key Benefit
- Highly efficient reach to drive awareness at the lowest CPMs

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- Consideration: TrueView in-stream (CPV and Maximize Lift)

- What
- Skippable ads that count toward an advertiser’s view count
- If played longer than 11 seconds
- Only charged when…
- Watches 30+ seconds of an ad or completion (if ad is <30
- Takes action from the video
- Ex: clicking on the link/downloading application
- Bidding
- Bought on a CPV or using Maximize Lift
- Benefits
- Create connections with consumers
- Reach consumers by sustaining their attention
- Impact audience by telling the brand’s story

- Consideration: TrueView Discovery (CPV)

- What
- Runs as a promoted video on the Youtube Home Feed/Watch
Feed/Search Results
- Bidding
- Best Suited for…
- Reaching an audience that’s actively seeking to discover new content
- Driving users to their brand channel to view more content
- Running on the Youtube Home Feed at an efficient price

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- Action: TrueView for Action (CPA and Maximize Conversions)

- What
- Skippable in-stream ads that drive website actions
- Bidding
- tCPA
- Maximize conversions
- Features
- Customizable CTA to drive actions
- Consistent CTA through ad (completion of ad → end screen promoting
CTA for over 5 seconds)
- Lead form extensions
- Conversion-based Smart Bidding optimizes ad delivery to users to take
more action
- Goal Format
- Drive website actions or lead generation using CBSB
- Best Suited for…
- Advertisers looking to promote website actions
- Leverage the power of Google’s automated bidding strategies
- Eligibility
- Must have conversion tracking enabled


- Largely mobile-first (75%+)
- Benefits
- Added efficiency
- Similar lift as video ads on youtube
- Most audience segments carry over
- Brand controls (inventory types and content exclusion)
- Outstream Ads (vCPM) → Awareness Stage (unique to GVP)
- More than 50% of the ad must be in view for at least 2 seconds to be billed
- Where → news article/mobile game (aka anywhere outside of a video stream)

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Unit 4: Creative Essentials for Youtube

Tools to validate your ideas or spark new ones

- Think With Google
- trendspotting/nowcasting/deep audience insights
- Browse case studies
- Past trend reports
- Google Trends
- Analyzes what people are searching for
- Discovery
- Messaging
- Planning
- Google Surveys
- Paid surveys

Designing an Effective Video for Google Video Ads

ABCD’s of Creation
- Attract → hook your audience (framing/pacing/people/audio elements)
- Brand → see/hear your brand (integrated products/logos/audio cues)
- Connect → make the audience think/feel about your brand (storytelling/message/people)
- Direct → get them to take action (audio & visuals)

Fundamentals for Youtube

- Build for attention → use an emerging story arc to hook viewers
- Build for sound on → 95% of video is played with sound on
- Build for mobile → 70% of watch time is on mobile

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Tell Your Six-Second Story (Bumper Ads)

- Focus on a single, simple purpose
- Budget time to establish the ad and stick the landing (2 seconds)
- Don’t forget pictures and text

Telling stories on Youtube

- Tease your audience with short ads
- Amplify your message with long-form ads for reach and impact
- Echo your message to spur action

The Direct shot

- Stick to one concept (describes when a video ad changes based on a person’s viewing

The follow-up
- Viewers served one longer piece of creative, followed by shorter ads reminding them of
what they watched

Youtube Reporting Must-Knows

- Who: Demographics
- What: watch time
- Where: traffic sources & devices
- How: Audience retention

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Unit 5: Youtube for Action

What is Youtube for Action

- Umbrella term for any solution that drives a specific action from Youtube

Why Youtube for Driving Action

- Scale
- Attention
- Intent
- Action

Measuring Conversions for TrueView for Action

- Clicks
- User clicks an element of the ad and converts within 30 days = CTR conversion
- Video Engagements
- User watches 10 sec of ad and converts within 3 days = Video engagement for
Smart bidding campaigns (tCPA & Max Conversions)
- Impressions
- User sees just an impression of the ad and converts within 24 hours = view-
through conversion (VTC)
- Store Visits
- Users clicked on an element and entered store within 30 days
- Users who have watched 10 seconds of the ad and visited store within 10 days
- How to be eligible?
- Thousands of clicks / multiple stores / GMB profiles verified


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