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Key words:
The Shema
 Kippa The Shema is a prayer
 Yad from the Torah that is
 Torah used in morning and
 Rabbi evening services in

Hebrew ‫את התורה‬ synagogues as well as
being said at home by
 Synagogue Jews to express belief
 Bat mitzvah in one God:

According to Jewish belief, God has many qualities:

o One - Judaism is a monotheistic religion. According to Jewish

teachings, God does not have multiple parts. God is one.
o Omnipotent - God is all-powerful.
o Omnibenevolent - God is all-loving.
o Omniscient - God is all-knowing.
o Omnipresent - God is everywhere at all times.
o Transcendent - God is not limited in ways that humans are, eg he is
beyond the constraints of time and space.
o Immanent - God is present in the world and sustains it.
o Eternal - God has always and will always exist. He is without
beginning and without end.
o The creator - God made everything in the universe.
o The lawgiver - God created humans to live in a certain way, and he
gave them many spiritual and ethical rules or laws. There are 613 of
these laws in the Torah.
o The judge - God will judge everyone and punish those who disobey his
o Merciful - God shows compassion.


Shekhinah (also Shekhina or Shechina) is the Hebrew word for ‘presence’,

which in Jewish theology explains God’s presence on Earth.

The earth shone with His glory.

— Ezekiel 43:

Jews believe that God continues to work in the world today through his
divine presence. This is called Shekhinah.

Although the word Shekhinah does not appear in the Hebrew scriptures,
the Torah includes many descriptions where humans experience
a divine presence:
 In Genesis, the first book of the Torah, God is present in Gan
Eden when Adam and Eve eat from the Tree of Knowledge.
 In Exodus, the second book of the Torah, God’s presence
guides Moses through the wilderness to the Promised Land.
 When the Jews arrive in the Promised Land, God instructs Moses to
build a tabernacle, a temple that can easily be moved from place to
place, where

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