Chapter 3 PR2

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Research Design

The main objective of this study was to determine the factors that influences senior high

school students in choosing their academic track to Senior High School of Pangasinan School of

Arts and Trades. The researchers used a descriptive research design to investigate the research

objectives and gain a new perspective on the data collected.

This study does not cover the whole population of Pangasinan school of arts and trades.

This research uses (population) sample from the 13 section of grade 11 learner’s from

Pangasinan school of arts and trades. The data gather through survey questionnaire in every



The target population of our study are the senior high school students during the first

term of the academic year, 2023-2024 of Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades in the

municipality of Lingayen. These students belong to four different strands of Senior High School

program, namely: Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Accountancy and Business

Management (ABM); Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS); Science, Technology,

engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

With the population size of 632, the researchers will consider a sample of 245

respondents determined using the formula for computing sample size with a 5 percent margin of

error. These samples shall be randomly selected through stratified random sampling with the
SHS strands being used to define groups and SPSS to randomly determine the samples.

Additionally, respondents were informed that their responses would remain anonymous and


Research Instrument

This study shall make use of survey questionnaire instrument to provide data on the

variables being studied. A validated questionnaire will be distributed to the grade 11 students of

Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades. The questionnaire is composed of the following. The

first part gather data regarding the demographic profile of the respondents which includes their

name(optional), sex, and age. Second part of the questionnaire is about what course did the

student chose, following the list of all the available academic track at Pangasinan School of Arts

and Trades. Part three seeks to determine what are the factors that influenced their decision,

together with the listed factors which affects the decision-making in choosing an academic track.

Lastly, asking about their satisfaction with the chosen track using the Linear Numeric Scale.

Possible responses are limited to a five-point rate, (1) very unsatisfied; (2) unsatisfied; (3)

neutral; (4) satisfied; (5) very satisfied.


Name (optional)

Age: _________ Sex: ___M ___F

1.What academic track did you chose for Senior High School?
o STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
o HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences)
o TVL (Technical-Vocational-Livelihood)
o Information Communication and Technology (ICT)
o Hotel and Restaurant Technology (HRT)
o Beauty Care Services (BCS)
o Electric installation and maintenance (EIM)
o Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)
o Automotive Servicing

2. Is the chosen course your first choice?

o NO

3.What factors are influencing your choice of academic track? (Select all that apply)
o Personal Interest
o Career Aspirations
o Family Recommendations
o Peer Influence
o Academic Strengths

Other (please specify): ____________

4. On a scale of 1-5, rate your satisfaction to your chosen course.
___ (1) very unsatisfied
___ (2) unsatisfied
___ (3) neutral
___ (4) satisfied
___ (5) very satisfied.


Dear sir Jonathan Estrada,

We, the grade 12 students of Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades, are writing to seek

your approval for conducting a survey within our school community. Our group, consisting of 10

members, is interested in exploring the factors that influences students' decisions when choosing

the right academic track for Senior High School (SHS). Our survey aims to gather insights that

will contribute to a better understanding of the diverse perspectives and challenges faced by

students during this crucial decision-making process. We believe that the results will not only

benefit our group's academic pursuits but also provide valuable information to enhance the

overall educational experience at Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades. We assure you that we

will adhere to all school policies and guidelines, ensuring a smooth and non-disruptive survey

process. The collected data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and used exclusively

for research purposes.

Thank you for considering our request, and we look forward to your positive response.


Jan Lois Dela Cruz Jesse Dulay

Jael Pasilliao Carlo Jay Bonifacio
Kurt John Aquino Den Mark Gerona
Ian Russel Dela Cruz Christian Paul Gutoman
Micaela Cerezo Cedric Vince Fernando
Sir. Jonathan Estrada

Data Collection Procedure


The researcher followed proper protocol in the conduct of the study. First, the researchers

validated their survey questionnaire questions with the help of the teacher in-charge. Then the

researchers will secure permission of the school Principal of Pangasinan School of Arts and

Trades to survey with the target participants to obtain data needed for the research. When the

letter is ready and approved, the questionnaire will be distributed to the Grade 11 students.

Questionnaires shall be retrieved the same day as they were given to ensure a higher return

percentage of questionnaires

Plan for Data Analysis

The data gathered will be tabulated and calculated using Microsoft Excel. As a result,

descriptive statistical tests like frequency and percentage, weighted mean and standard deviation,

and standard deviation were used to fully describe and show the factors that influence senior

high school students’ academic track selection decisions.

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