Owner-Operator Service Agreement

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Owner-Operator Service Agreement


This agreement is signed on 2024.


A. Stall Owner 甲方
Name: NRIC:
B. Stall Operator 乙方
Name: NRIC:


1) Stall location 摊位地点 :___________________________________________________________

2) Monthly Service Fee 每月服务费用 :__________________

3) Operating Term 服务期限 :_______________________ to _______________________

4) Service Scope 服务范畴

Stall Owner hereby engages Operator as the exclusive operator of the Stall during the Term as agent for and
on behalf of Owner, and Operator hereby accepts such engagement.

5) Other Responsibilities 其他相关费用的承担方式

- The following expenses are the responsibility of 下列费用将由 【 】承担:
Service and Conservancy Charges 市镇会杂费 □ Owner □ Operator
Rubbish Removal 垃圾收集费 □ Owner □ Operator
Dish Washing 碗碟清洗费 □ Owner □ Operator
Utilities 水,电,燃气费费 □ Owner □ Operator
Other Operating Expenses 其他营业费用 □ Owner □ Operator

- All repairs necessary to maintain stall’s daily operations shall be done by or under the direction of the
*Owner / Operator, at the *Owner’s / Operator’s expense.日常的摊位维修由 *甲方/乙方承担。

6) Termination or Amendment 合同更改或解除

If either Party would like to amend the terms or agreement of the agreement, it shall notify the other Party at
least 30 days in advance. Upon mutual agreement, the amended terms or termination will be effective once
mutually agreed to and signed. 合同期间,如果任何一方有意修改条款或解除合同,应至少提前 30 个

Operator and Owner have duly executed this Agreement the day and year first above written.

Stall Owner Stall Operator

______________________________________ ————————————————

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