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Title: Lean Methodologies and Techniques for Modular Construction:

Chronological and Critical Review

Author: Filomena Innella; Mehrdad Arash pour, M.ASCE; and Yu Bai

Published: J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2019,

Modular construction involves building modules in factories and assembling them
on-site. It combines manufacturing and construction, making it suitable for lean
production methods. Lean production, known for improving productivity and
quality, is now being applied to modular construction, though its full potential
hasn't been realized yet.

The paper explores how lean techniques can be used in modular construction,
covering all stages from design to supply chain management. It reviews lean
methodologies and tools in manufacturing and traditional construction to
understand how they can be applied to modular construction. This overview helps
practitioners understand lean strategies, potential benefits, and challenges for
future projects.
Lean Construction:

1. Identifying and Reducing Waste

2. Improving Flow and Reducing Variability
3. Adding Value to the Final Product
4. Techniques for Reducing Waste
5. Continuous Improvements
Lean Construction Techniques and Tools

Last Planner System:

Benefits of lean management in the modular construction industry.

Modular construction is a modern method that sets itself apart from traditional
construction by using prefabricated modules made in controlled environments.
This approach promises significant boosts in productivity and quality. However, to
fully unlock its potential, we need to integrate lean production principles and

The paper reviews lean production theories and techniques and discusses how
they apply to different sectors, including manufacturing and traditional
construction. It explores implementing lean techniques in modular construction
across all production stages, such as design, manufacturing, transportation, on-
site assembly, and supply chain management. The aim is to identify potential
benefits and obstacles.

Lean manufacturing aims to reduce waste, improve flow, increase product value,
and foster continuous improvement. The paper looks at waste identification in
modular construction and proposes effective techniques to distinguish value-
adding activities from non-value-adding ones.
It analyzes the relationship between design management and lean production,
emphasizing the importance of product standardization for lean effectiveness.
Lean strategies for workforce management and layout design are explored.

The paper also delves into lean strategies for supply chain, transportation, and
assembly management. It suggests adopting JIT principles, integrating simulation
tools, and combining lean and agile principles to minimize waste.

Obstacles to lean implementation in modular construction include traditional

mindsets and resistance to change. However, the benefits, such as increased
productivity and cost reduction, are evident from case studies. Lean
implementation also enhances sustainability, safety, and job satisfaction.

Although lean techniques have proven effective for waste reduction and profit
increase in modular construction, further research and case studies are needed to
fully explore their potential. Specifically, lean strategies for transportation and
installation processes require more exploration. Integrating advanced technology
to support lean techniques could further enhance the modular construction
industry's potential.

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