00520-Monitoring The Effectiveness of CP in Service aGST

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Paper No.




Craig K. Meier
Corrpro Companies, Inc.
581 Sigman Road
Conyers, Georgia 30208

John H. Fitzgerald III, P.E.

Corrpro Companies, Inc.
1350 Berkshire Road
Grosse Pointe Park Michigan 48230


Above ground tank owners are increasingly faced with regulations and company standards regarding
release prevention and corrosion control. In particular, tank inspections are also required. Many
inspections are revealiig that corrosion is taking place and that metal loss has occurred. Corrosion is
occurring frequently despite the fact that cathodic protection has been installed and maintained. This
paper discusses why corrosion occurs on tanks which appear to have effkctive cathodic protection. Case
histories are presented. Techniques for installing monitoring tubes under in-service tanks are presented as
is a discussion of improving cathodic protection monitoring and the mitigation of corrosion. Concepts
regarding extending the life of thinned floors through cathodic protection and leak detection per API
standards are reviewed. Also, the use of directional drilling for the installation of monitoring equipment
and impressed current cathodic protection are covered.

Keywords: aboveground storage tanks, cathodic protection, cathodic protection monitoring,

directional drilling, impressed current cathodic protection, release detection


Every now and th~ the owner of an above ground storage tank is shocked to discover that the floor is
leaking or has thinned to an unacceptable thickness even though the tank had been provided with
cathodic protection for many years. Often this problem is attributable to lack of adequate monitoring of
the protection. Many monitoring programs utilize tank to soil potential measurements taken at the rim of

@l 999 by NACE international. Requests for permission to publish this manuscript in any form, in part or in whole must be made in writing to NACE
International, Conferences DMision, P.O. Box 218340, Houston, Texas 77218-8340. The material presented and the views expressed in this
paper are solely those of the author(s) and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association. Printed in the U.S.A.
the tank and these potentials may not be indicative of conditions under the tank. Figure 1 shows the
typical measurement technique.

Through the use of monitoring tubes directionally drilled under the tanlq one can make an accurate
assessment of the effixtiveness of the cathodic protection Often such measurements have shown that
while adequate protection existed at the rim of the tardq the floor fbrther in was just not protected. The
problem was frequently due to improperly located anodes or anodes placed at too shallow a depth to
distribute current all the way to the center of the tank.

Release detection for existing tanks can easily be accomplished through permanent monitoring tubes
directionally drilled beneath the tanks. These tubes can be combmed with cathodic protection monitoring
electrodes in order to serve a dual purpose.

The application of cathodic protection to an existing tank can be done in several conventional ways with
surface or deep anodes. When only a shallow space exists under a tti as when there is a secondary
containment membrane or the tank rests close to a rock layer or on sand over a concrete pad,
directionally drilled anode systems represent the best way to protect the bottom. Very accurate and
dependable drilling and installation is essential for successful completion of these systems.

Another aspect to consider is the interpretation of inspections made under API Standard 653. Even if no
thinning of the tank floor has been found, installation of cathodic protection is good practice to prevent
fbture problems. If thinning has been found, and the floor is still within thickness limits, cathodic
protection can save appreciable money over simply pefiorrning fiture inspections and perhaps facing the
possibility of floor replacement. Combining cathodic protection with release detection permits floors to
be kept in service down to a minimum thickness of 50 roils (1.3 mm).


Cathodic Protection Utilization

Cathodic protection has be used to provide corrosion control for the underside of above ground storage
tank bottoms for over 50 years. Over this period, a variety of designs have evolved. Probably the oldest
of these, and still widely in use, is the peripheral anode array, consisting of shallow anodes located in a
ring around the rim of the tank as shown in Figure 2 and described by Kroon and Urbasl. In a tank f-
this type of system could entail several thousand feet of header cable running horn anode to anode and
from tank to tank and thence to various rectifiers. Consequently, the peripheral system is easily
susceptible to damage from excavation and other underground work in the tank area.

To minimize the problem of damage, many owners have used semi-deep or true deep anode beds, ranging
in depth from perhaps 35 to 200 feet (10 to 61 M) or more; see Figure 3. Several such beds could be
used to protect a group of tanks without the extensive header cable arrangement required for the
peripheral array.

A concept used extensively today is to place the anode array under the tank bottom before the tank
bottom is laid. This is essential when there is secondary containment under theta& since anodes placed
outside the secondary containment will not provide current through to the tank bottom. Several early
systems were installed in the 1970’s and consisted usually of high silicon iron or graphite rods laid
horizontally under the tank bottom. The concept has evolved into the sophisticated mixed metal oxide
ribbon array that can be easily fitted between the tank bottom and the secondary containment membrane
as shown in Figure 4. A variety of galvanic anode systems for under-tank use have also been developed.

When retrofitting cathodic protection to an existing t~ the peripheral or deep anode systems have
usually been used since it has been dd%cult to place new anodes under the tank bottoms themselves.
Some early attempts to place anodes completely under the tank bottoms were made back in the 1970’s,
but it has remained until the advent of directional drilling techniques for this method to become really
practicable. This is discussed further under APPLICATION OF CATHODIC PROTECTION TO

The Problem

The methods of monitoring cathodic protection beneath above ground storage tanks and the criteria used
to evaluate data have long varied among owners and consultants. Some have used an “on” potential such
as -1.000 volts a copper-copper sulfate electrode (CSE) at the rim of the tank. Others have preferred an
“instant off potential of-0.850 volts to CSE, and yet others a 100 mv polarization shiil, again at the rim
of the tank. Consequently, a variety of opinions have developed over how to measure effkctive cathodic
protection beneath the bottom of an above ground storage tank.

Due to misunderstandings regarding the installation and maintenancdmonitoring of cathodic protectio~

effkctive protection has not always been achieved. In many cases, company cathode protection programs
have gone on for years without true documentation that corrosion was actually being controlled.

III recent years, most tank owners have initiated inspections in accordance with American Petroleum
Institute (API) Standard 653. As a result, many owners have found that tanks under cathodic protection
have been experiencing active corrosion of the underside of the tank bottoms. As a result, costs of
repairs and inspections have increased appreciably for many owners.

Most owners who have reviewed their API-653 reports have an idea of the effectiveness of their cathodic
protection systems. Aside Iiom reviewing the reports as they are generated, it is important to stay ahead
of the problem. This can be accomplished by implementing an accurate cathodic protection monitoring
program. Wkh an effective monitoring program. the owner will know with confidence that the cathodic
protection systems are controlling comosion. This will lead to reduced costs in tank repairs and maximize
the intervals between required out-of-semice inspections.


Several criteria for cathodic protection have been used for above ground tank bottoms. A voltage of-
1.000 volts, CSE “on” at the rim of the tank has been used by some companies. The concept is not new
and may have evolved from some tests made by a large oil company in the 1970’s. The company had an
abandoned tank farm with several tanks that had been provided with cathodic protection from peripheral
anodes. Holes were cut in the floors of the tanks from the rim to the center and “on” measurements
taken at the rim and in each hole. It was found that when the potential at the center of the tank was -
0.850 volts, CSE, the potential at the rim was about -1.000 volts, CSE. Unfortunately, the -1.000 volt,
CSE criterion cannot be applied to all tanks because of different diameters, soil conditions and anode
location and depth.
Our experience indicates that an “off potential of at least -0.850 volts, CSE should be used for the
underside of above grade tank bottoms. It is our opinion that this criterion assures the greatest
confidence that effective cathcdc protection has been achieved. Evaluation of a shift criterion can be
subjective and “on” potentials can be totally misleading.


As is noted in the case histories that follow, the achievement of a -0.850, CSE “instant off potential at
the rim of the tank does not necessarily indicate the entire floor is protected. Consequently, one needs to
be cuncerned with the placement of the reference electrode and the anode location in evaluating tank
bottom protection. In recent years, most tanks have been constructed with permanent reference
electrodes placed under the tank bottom. This procedure aids greatly in accurately evaluating tank
bottom protection.

For tanks without under-floor electrodes, electrode placement is critical. When considering electrode
placement, the contlguration of the cathodic protection anodes must be considered also. Where deep or
semi-deep anode systems are used, the lowest potential is often found at some point along the rim of the
tank. At such facilities, sufficient data maybe gathered by taking potentials at at least eight points around
the rim of the tank. If all points meet the -0.850 volt CSE instant off criterion, one can have a great
degree of contldence that the tank floors are protected.

At facilities having shallow anodes, or a combination of anode configurations, it is necessary to install

under-tank monitoring tubes. It is not necessary to install monitoring tubes under every tank at a facility,
howeve~ representative tanks can be selected based on floor diameter, type of foundation, piping
arrangement and anode bed locations.

When installing a monitoring tube, it is important that Mormation on the slope of the floor and the
locations of sumps is available. The tube should then be directionally drilled to a depth of between 24
and 36 inches (60 to 90 cm) below the floor. Placing tubes at unspecified depths can give false
indications of the level of protection. The installer must keep a computer generated log of each bore so
as to achieve an “as-built” documentation of the tube location.

The temperature beneath the tank must be considered in selecting tube material. Most monitoring tubes
are made of slotted PVC having a service temperature of 150F (66C). For higher operating
temperatures, materials such as fiberglass reitiorced plastic or Kynar must be considered.

Cathodic protection monitoring tubes are usually 3-inch (76 mm) diameter slotted PVC having a 5%
exposure, that is, 5% of the pipe surface is exposed through the slots. The tube is pulled through a
bentonite lined bore. Permanent copper-copper sulfate reference cells can be installed within the tubes or
the tube can be used as a conduit through which to pull a portable cell. Permanent cells can also be
placed at the center of the tank and part way out in one half of the tube and the other half of the tube left
open for insertion of a portable cell or for release detection.. See Figure S. This usage is dkcussed
Case Histories

Eastern United States. The owner of a large storage terminal had experienced several tank
bottom failures. Examinat ion of the floor plates revealed extensive external corrosion. No cathodic
protection was in use. It was decided to install cathodic protection. Impressed current anodes were
placed in rings around the tanks with the anodes less than ten feet deep. The system was energized and
adjusted to provide an “on” potential of -1.000 volts to CSE at the rim. Within six months, the bottom of
one of the newly protected tanks failed. About two months later, a second tank bottom failure occurred.
An initial investigation by the owner placed the blame on poor subgrade materials since the rim potentials
indicated adequate protection.

We evaluated the situation and discovered that the rim potentials also met the -0.850 volt off potential
(CSE). We found that the tank bottom failures had occurred toward the center of the tanks. It occurred
to us that the shallow anodes around the periphe~ of the tank were not throwing current all the way
under the bottom and that only the outer portion of the tank floors were protected.

To con6rm this, a two inch (5.0 cm) diameter PVC monitoring tube was directionally drilled under three
of the tanks. Subsequent testing revealed excellent protection for a distance of about 10 f- (3.0 M) in
from the rim on all three floors. From that point toward the centers, the “instant off potentials dropped
off significantly. At the center of the tanks, the “on” and “instant off’ readings were in the low -0.400
volt range (CSE) and there was virtually no difference between the two readings.

To improve the protectio~ new anodes were installed to a depth of 30 feet (9. 1 M) around the periphery
of the tank. Following energizing of the new anodes, the potentials across the tank floors all met the
criterion of-0.850 volts to CSE. The modifications were made five years ago (1993) and there have not
been any tank bottom failures since.

Southeastern Unite d States. At this coastal site, cathodic protection had been installed by the owner on
three above ground storage tanks. Here again, a peripheral system had been used, with the anodes laid
horizontally about 3 feet (1.OM) deep in a ring configuration. The very shallow depth was selected so the
installation could be made using hand tools. Atler being asked to inspect the syste~ we found that
“instant off’ potentials around the rim indicated good protection. Because of the very shallow anodes,
however, we questioned whether or not adequate protection extended across the entire bottom of the
tanks. To determine this, a monitoring tube was directionally drilled under one of the tanks. Data
showed that the inner portions of the tank floor was receiving little or no cathodic protection.
Modifications to the installations were necessary to bring the tanks under adequate protection. This was
a good example of catching the problem before any corrosion damage occurred or API-653 inspections
showed that corrective action was needed.


Atypical tube for release detection monitoring would be slotted PVC of 3-inch (76 mm) diameter with a
20% exposure. Smaller diameter tubes with less exposure may not pick up released product. Another
significant concern is the drilling fluid used in boring the hole through which the tube is pulled. A bio-
degradable gel is used for drilling as bentonite will likely form a barrier to the flow of product.

An accurate and properly installed release detection system combined with effective cathodic protection
is of special benefit where tank floors have thinned to the minimum allowed under API 653 [100 roils (2.5
mm)] This is because API 653 permits a tank floor to thin to 50 roils (1.3 mm) if effective cathodic
protection is maintained and the tank is equipped with an effkctive release detection monitoring system.

As discussed above under MONITORING OF CATHODIC PROTECTION, one of the most effective
methods to monitor cathodic protection is with a monitoring tube. The same tube that is used for
monitoring for release detection can be used to monitor cathodic protection. Directional drilling is used
to insure that the tube is accurately positioned under the tank.

Figure 5. shows an example of a tube used for both release detection and cathodic protection monitoring.
A polystyrene plug separates the two parts of the tube. A&r the permanent cells are inserted in the tube,
a conductive mud such as a good quality bentonite is pumped into that half of the tube.

Another style of leak detection tube is shown in Figure 6. This tube terminates in a sump at each end. A
plan view of this tube is shown in Figure 7.


Tank Bottom Inspection

Cathodic protection is becoming more and more important in extending the life of tank bottoms. With
the advent of API Standard 653, more owners are realizing that some tank bottoms are thinning to the
point of having to be replaced. To remain in service without additional protective measures, a tank
bottom must have a thickness of no less than 100 roils (O.1 inches, 2.5 mm). The benefit of cathodic
protection and also release detection is manifested in reducing floor loss, inspection costs and out-of-
service periods for the tank.

For example, let us envision inspecting a 10 year old tank that has not had cathodic protection. The API-
653 inspection reveals the floor has thinned to 150 roils (3.8 mm). Assuming an original thickness of 250
roils (6.4 mm), this averages out to a loss of 10 roils (0.25 mm) per year. It is to be expected that in
another five years the floor will have thinned to the minimum allowable thickness of 100 roils (2.5 mm),
so another inspection would be scheduled for five years hence. The cost of an inspectio~ including tank
cleaning, can easily exceed $30,000.00. Should the next inspection reveal that the floor has reached the
minimum allowable thickness, a replacement, costing perhaps $200,000.00, maybe necessary.

In the case cited above, if the tank owner installed effective cathodic protection, no fiu-ther floor loss
would occur. The next inspection can be made in 20 years and no floor replacement will be required in
the short term following the last inspection. Properly evaluating the API report, and installing cathodic
protection at the appropriate time, can save an owner millions of dollars over the life of a facility.

Cathodic Protection

Conventional Methods. The use of a ring of anodes around the periphe~ of the tank is still an
effkctive and economical method of protecting the bottom. As noted earlier, however, the anodes must
be deep enough to throw current into the center of the bottom. Precautions must be taken to prevent
damage to the header cables; some owners have done this by installhg the cables in non-metallic conduits
encased in concrete.
Semi-deep or deep anode groundbeds may also be used. A deep system may tend to protect the center of
the tank well, but leave portions toward the rim ineffectively protected. Properly designed, this type of
anode bed works well in a tank farm. Special consideration must also be given to sealiig the anode holes
to prevent any surfkce contamination from entering the earth.
v Drdled Anode Svstems. There are times when it is necessary to place the anodes
under the tank floor itself This is particularly true where there is a secondary containment membrane
under the ta& the tank rests on sand above a concrete pad foundation the tank bottom is only a few feet
above a rock ledge or there is some other impednent to the flow of current under the tank from surface
or deep anodes. Heated tanks may require anodes under the floor to deliver adequate current all the way
to the center.

The directionally drilled system fits this need ve~ well. The drilling procedure is described under

Typically the system consists of slotted 2-in or 3 inch (51 or 76 mm) PVC tube with a 20?%exposure
directionally drilled under the tank . The anode is a small diameter wire having a titanium copper core
substrate with a heavy duty mixed metal oxide anode coating. The anode wire is attached to a copper
conductor cable having Duralar/Halar insulation to withstand gasses that might be generated by the
cathodic protection. Anode cables are connected through junction boxes to the positive conductor horn
the rectifier. The anode tubes are then filled with a slurry of calcined petroleum coke breeze. A
monitoring tube is also installed so that the effitiveness of Cathdlc protection across the tank bottom
can be veritled, as has been described previously. A slotted vent tube to remove any gasses generated by
the anode may also be installed.

Atypical layout appears in Figures 8 and 9. Figure 10 shows a typical drilling operation.


Accurate boring equipment and competent operators are required for directionally drilled anode systems
to be installed correctly. Sometimes there is ve~ little distance between the tank floor and a membrane
or whatever else lies beneath the floor. It is necessary that the anode tubes be placed accurately and at a
consistent distance from the floor. Two recent projects serve as examples. One was a 140 foot (43 M)
diameter tank with 36 inches (90 cm) of space b,etween the floor and a liner. The other was a tank placed
on 12 inches (30 cm) of sand on a concrete pad foundation. In each case, the anode tubes were bored
precisely to the owner’s specifications.

Specialized equipment is necessary for boring under a tank. Water jet type boring machines cannot be
used due to the danger of foundation degradation. The equipment is operated tlom a surface launch
position that eliminates the need for a pit. An electronic location and wire transmitter are carried in the
boring tool to provide location and guidance information.

The locating equipment must be a magnetometerfaccelerometer guidance wireline type system. A radio
beacadreceiver “walk over” guidance system cannot be used for obvious reasons. The locating system
must be able to be monitored by the directional drill operator at a display console at the operator work
Data from the locating tool are fd into a computer tracking system. The computer monitors the depth of
the tool, length of bre and time of day and also provides a real time dkplay of the recorded data.. This
provides the operator and eventually the owner with an accurate trace of the bore and then generates an
as-built layout of the tube.

The boring operation is done in such a manner as to insure that no voids are created in the tank soil
foundation. Mkr the bore is completed, the monitoring tube is attached to the drill stem and pulled back
through the bore hole. A backreamer is used ahead of the tube if it is necessary to enlarge the hole for
the tube. The operator must continually monitor the pullback thrust to insure the that tube is not
damaged during the installation.

Electrical safety is always of cuncern in directional drilling operations. The boring equipment flame must
be equipped with an electrical strike system capable of indicating an electrical strike through both current
and voltage sensing. This system includes warning strobes on drill frame and power unit and grounding
mats for both operator and helpers. The system is also connected to the trailer so all units are at the same
electrical potential in case of an electrical strike. !%fktygloves and boots of 201w rating are provided for
operating personnel.

Figure 10 shows a typical unit in operation,


Cathcdc protection of the external surfaces of above ground tank floors has a long and successful
history. Too ofte~ however, there have been times where tanks that were thought to have been under
effkctive cathdc protection developed leaks in the floors or were found to have excessively thinned
floors. These problems can most always be traced to insufficient monitoring practices.

Potentials taken at the tank rim may not be at all indicative of conditions under the t~ especially in
toward the center of the tank floor. Directionally drilled monitoring tubes make it possible to ascertain
the effectiveness of protection across the tank bottom. These tubes may also be used for release
detectioq thus serving a dual purpose.

Directionally drilled impressed current anode systems represent an excellent way of protecting tank floors
when surface or deep anodes would be ineffective, such as when there is a secondtuy containment
membrane or concrete pad under the tank. Very accurate and carefidly controlled equipment is required,
and with it, anodes, release detection and monitoring tubes can be placed within spaces as narrow as 12
inches (28 cm) under a tank.

It is apparent that through properly installed and monitored cathodic protection, combined with release
detectio~ owners of above ground storage tanks can make a significant contribution to protecting the
environment, preserving product and controlling costs.


1. D. H. Kroo~ M. Urbas, Cathodic Protection of Above Ground Storage Tank Bottoms,

CORROSION/87, paper no. 320, (Houston TX: NACE International)


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FIGURE1- Obtain@ tadctosuil @eatids~tiof FIGURE 2- Typical peripheral anode ~stem. Unless
tank. Thismethodis not ~ iadidvc of protection properly design4 this array may not distribute current to
levels aeromsthe bottaiofthe tank. the cxmter of the tank.







FIGURE 3- Semideep or deep anode lx+. Bed depth FIGURE 4- Grid anode system. Frequently used in new
may vaq from 35 to 200 feet (10 to 61 M) or more Wk.h construct.iom especially when there is a membrane under
this type anode systew protection levels maybe lowest at the tank bottom. May be used between bottoms in a
the rim of the tank double bottom tank. also.
2-’‘omo %!,,i



FIGURE 5- Monitoring tube with dual ~, 1A side for

cathodic protection and right side for release deteetion.



— 1- ““---”-+
&——— SOLID3“ PVC

FIGURE 6- Release detection tube beneath a 150 foot

(46 M) diameter tank. Cross seetional view.

FIGURE 7- Plan view of release detection tubes shown

in Figure 6.





FIGURE 8- Typical layout of directionally drilled anode

system, plan view.




FIGURX 9- Cross sectional view of directionally drilled

anode system for a tank resting on a shallow rmk bed.

FIGURE 10- Direetionid drilling machine at work

instiling an anode system under an above ~ound
storage tank.

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