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PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 21, 051901 共2009兲

Wave propagation and induced steady streaming in viscous fluid

contained in a prestressed viscoelastic tube
Ye Ma and Chiu-On Nga兲
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
共Received 15 October 2008; accepted 29 April 2009; published online 22 May 2009兲
The oscillatory and time-mean motions induced by a propagating wave of small amplitude through
a viscous incompressible fluid contained in a prestressed and viscoelastic 共modeled as a Voigt
material兲 tube are studied by a perturbation analysis based on equations of motion in the Lagrangian
system. The classical problem of oscillatory viscous flow in a flexible tube is re-examined in the
contexts of blood flow in arteries or pulmonary gas flow in airways. The wave kinematics and
dynamics, including wavenumber, wave attenuation, velocity, and stress fields, are found as
analytical functions of the wall and fluid properties, prestress, and the Womersley number for the
cases of a free or tethered tube. On extending the analysis to the second order in terms of the small
wave steepness, it is shown that the time-mean motion of the viscoelastic tube with sufficient
strength is short lived and dies out quickly as a limit of finite deformation is approached. Once the
tube has attained its steady deformation, the steady streaming in the fluid can be solved analytically.
Results are generated to illustrate the combined effects on the first-order oscillatory flow and the
second-order steady streaming due to elasticity, viscosity, and initial stresses of the wall. The present
model as applied to blood flow in arteries and gas flow in pulmonary airways during high-frequency
ventilation is examined in detail through comparison with models in the literature.
© 2009 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.3139250兴

I. INTRODUCTION cardiac functions.2 HFV, which mimics a panting mode, i.e.,

pumping a smaller tidal volume of air at a high frequency by
The problem of oscillatory flow and mass transport a smaller pressure gradient, is safer to use especially for a
through a viscous fluid contained in an initially stressed flex- vulnerable patient such as an infant. An understanding of the
ible tube has long been, and continues to be, of interest to flow and transport that are associated with the mechanical
investigators who are concerned with, inter alia, biofluid me- ventilation may help guide the development of the technique.
chanics. In cardiovascular fluid flows, an important consid- For blood flow in large arteries3,4 or gas flow in the
eration is the shear stress. Blood is a living fluid, and if the upper airways,5 a tube of lumen radius of O共1兲 cm and lon-
forces applied to the fluid are excessively large, the resulting gitudinal length of O共10兲 cm is normally considered. The
shear stress can cause harm such as in vivo hemolysis,1 a ratio of wall thickness to lumen radius is approximately 15%
condition corresponding to the destruction or dissolution of in the case of blood vessels and 5% in the case of pulmonary
red blood cells with subsequent release of hemoglobin into airways. As commonly found in the literature, a basic model
the surrounding fluid. Also, there are studies indicating that for pulsatile blood flow in arteries or oscillatory gas flow in
fluid shear stress may play a direct role in the initiation and
a pulmonary airway is to examine a viscous incompressible
localization of atherosclerosis and influences other aspects of
fluid flowing in a straight, flexible, and initially stressed tube
the disease process as well. Arterial damage consequent to
as driven by a periodic pressure loading. Although omitting
atherosclerosis is responsible for the largest number of
some important effects such as pipe curvature and branching,
deaths in the world. One major aspect of modeling the blood
such a basic model has been extensively applied to the study
flow is therefore to determine the shear stress distribution in
of many biofluid phenomena. Our work here is to look into
both the fluid and the blood vessel, so as to help the basic
understanding or diagnosis of problems in the system, the propagation of waves and the induced steady streaming
thereby guiding the treatment of the disease. in such a system, where the fluid-tube interaction is con-
Gas transport in pulmonary airways during high- trolled by the viscoelastic properties, initial stresses, and the
frequency ventilation 共HFV兲 is another biophysical applica- outer wall condition 共free or constrained兲 of the tube.
tion of oscillatory flow through a flexible tube. In many clini- Since Womersley,6–8 who pioneered a linearized theory
cal situations, the breathing of a patient is assisted by a of oscillatory flow in a straight, uniform, isotropic, thin-
mechanical ventilator. Mechanical ventilation that mimics a walled, and elastic tube, the problem has been advanced
normal breathing mode would require large air pressures, through numerous developments. In view of the nature of
which may result in pulmonary barotraumas and impaired human tissues, the model has been extended to tubes which
are thick walled,3,4,9,10 viscoelastic,4,11–13 orthotropic,14,15
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: tethered by the surrounding tissues,14,16,17 or with initial stresses.18,19 Conventionally, a tube is modeled to be a thin-

1070-6631/2009/21共5兲/051901/25/$25.00 21, 051901-1 © 2009 American Institute of Physics

051901-2 Y. Ma and C.-O. Ng Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

walled structure 共like a shell or membrane兲 when its wall however, limit the validity of their results to waves of ex-
thickness is supposed to be infinitesimally small compared tremely small amplitude when the oscillation frequency, as
with the tube radius. This has been a classical model based indicated by the Womersley number, ␣ = a共␴ / ␯ f 兲1/2 共where a
on some simplifying assumptions, e.g., a constant wall thick- is the tube radius, ␴ is the angular frequency of oscillation,
ness, uniform normal stress, and zero shear stress across the and ␯ f is the kinematic viscosity of fluid兲, is high. One way
wall under deformation. In contrast, a tube is so-called thick to interpret the Womersley number is that it is a ratio of two
walled when its wall thickness is comparable to, or a finite length scales: the tube radius a and the Stokes layer thick-
fraction of, the tube radius 共specifically, when the fraction ness ␦ = 共2␯ f / ␴兲1/2. The Stokes layer is a viscous boundary
ⱖ0.1兲.1 In fact, a thick-wall model does not necessarily im- layer formed near the boundary of the fluid domain when
ply that the tube under consideration must have a thick wall. subjected to wavy motion; the layer is thinner for lower fluid
The term is used only to mean that the model is not subject viscosity or higher frequency. Mathematically, one can easily
to those simplifying conditions normally assumed in a thin- show that the Taylor expansion of the instantaneous wall
wall model. In this more general model, the radial gradients position about the mean position is applicable only when the
of the wall deformations and other effects are not ignored a wall displacement is much smaller than the Stokes layer
priori as in a thin-wall model. It is therefore a more compre- thickness, which is already small when the Womersley num-
hensive and exact model that is valid even down to the limit ber is large. To circumvent this problem, one may resort to
of a thin wall.20 As was pointed out by Chandran et al.,1 for the use of either the moving curvilinear coordinates or the
many cardiovascular applications of interest, the wall Lagrangian coordinates. The latter is adopted in the present
thickness-to-radius ratio of arteries will generally require one work.
to use a thick-wall model. Some recent examples are as fol- Soft biological tissues are complex in structure, and
lows. A three-dimensional thick-wall model was introduced hence exhibit complex mechanical behaviors in general. As a
by Tang et al.,21 who studied steady flow and wall compres- first approximation, they can be modeled as simple as a lin-
sion in stenotic arteries. A thick-walled flexible tube was ear isotropic elastic material, in which the stress is linearly
considered by Marzo et al.22 for three-dimensional collapse proportional to the strain. A more sophisticated model is to
and steady flow in physiological conduits. Holzapfel and consider the tissues to behave like a viscoelastic material, in
Gasser23 analyzed stress deformation for a coronary artery by which the stress is related not only to the strain but also to
a two-layer, thick-walled tube model, and more recently Tsa- the strain rate. As the incorporation of both elasticity and
mis and Stergiopulos24 proposed a thick-walled tube model viscosity, through different fashions of combination, can lead
for arterial remodeling. to results that better agree with clinical observations, vis-
Based on the assumptions of small-amplitude waves coelastic models of various kinds have been put forward to
and/or low Reynolds number, most of the analytical works describe the mechanical properties of physiological tissues.
mentioned above are essentially leading-order analyses, in A viscoelastic material may exhibit some distinct behaviors,
which the nonlinear fluid inertia is ignored. Steady such as relaxation, creep, hysteresis 共a phase lag兲 under cy-
streaming,25 which is a steady current induced in oscillatory clic loading, wave attenuation, and imperfect rebound on the
flows when the velocity components are not ␲ / 2 out of termination of loading, which are phenomena often observed
phase, is an important phenomenon in processes such as the in the mechanical response of many biomaterials. When
vascular disease26 and the gas transport during HFV.5 The studying resonance in the terminal aortic circulation, Burat-
streaming owes its existence to the convection and viscous tini et al.28 found that viscosity was responsible for the
diffusion of momentum, which gives rise to a net drift of damping that inhibited sharp peaks from occurring in the
particles even though the forcing is purely oscillatory. To pressure and flow pulses in their experiments, and hence
find the streaming, one has to extend the analysis to the concluded that viscoelasticity, rather than pure elasticity, was
second order in the wave steepness. influential in the aortic impedance. Morgan and Kiely11 were
Ling and Atabek27 numerically solved the fully nonlinear among the first to investigate wave propagation in a viscous
Navier–Stokes equations for the velocity profiles in arteries fluid contained in a viscoelastic tube with thin walls. With a
modeled as an elastic tube based on the assumption of zero focus only on the leading-order simple harmonic motion,
longitudinal wall motion owing to the strong perivascular they derived that the viscoelastic stress-strain relations are
tethering by the surrounding tissues. The same model was the same as those for a purely elastic material provided the
later applied by Wang and Tarbell26 to finding streaming in elastic constants are replaced by complex parameters, where
weakly nonlinear flows by the method of perturbation. The the imaginary parts represent the viscous dissipating effects.
elastic model of Atabek and Lew18 was followed by Dragon In the context of blood flow, Cox4 studied propagation of
and Grotberg,5 who studied oscillatory flow and mass trans- harmonic pressure waves in fluid contained in a viscoelastic
port through a thin-walled viscoelastic tube in the context of tube of finite wall thickness, where the wall properties would
HFV. They investigated the effects of steady streaming on depend on the frequency through a three-parameter
the time-averaged mass transfer rate, from which an optimal relaxation-type model. Again, based on the linearized mo-
frequency of oscillation depending on the airway flexibility mentum equations ignoring the convective acceleration, Cox
was determined for HFV. As in any Eulerian formulation, showed that the wave characteristics are very sensitive to
Dragon and Grotberg had to expand by Taylor’s theorem the changes in the degree of wall viscoelasticity. Nonlinear vis-
moving wall position about the mean position, where they coelastic models, where the nonlinearity is essentially for the
imposed the boundary conditions. Such an approach would, elastic part, have been adopted in some recent works. A non-
051901-3 Wave propagation and induced steady streaming Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

linear elastic constitutive relation in terms of the Green strain ences of the initial stresses on the two distinct waves and the
tensor was introduced by Kyriacou and Humphrey12 for a second-order steady current, which will be analyzed in the
numerical study on the mechanics of a saccular aneurysm, present work in detail.
while a Kelvin–Voigt type of viscoelastic model in terms of A specific aim of the present work is to develop a model
the Finger deformation tensor was used by Demiray13 for for small-amplitude oscillatory flow and steady streaming,
arteries subjected to large initial static deformations and induced by periodic pressure forcing, of a Newtonian viscous
small dynamic displacements. fluid through a prestressed, viscoelastic tube that can be a
Although viscoelasticity is increasingly recognized as an thin-walled or thick-walled structure. In order not to exces-
important property of soft biological tissues and has been sively complicate the problem, a linear Voigt type of vis-
extensively studied for its first-order effects on the oscilla- coelastic model is adopted in this work. By this model, the
tory flow, its effects on the second-order steady streaming in stress is a sum of two parts: the viscous part, which is lin-
waves are much less studied. Wang and Tarbell26 studied early proportional to the rate of deformation tensor, and the
steady streaming in blood flow but only for flow in a purely elastic part, which is linearly proportional to the Finger de-
elastic tube. Dragon and Grotberg5 presented an analytical formation tensor. When the viscous part vanishes, the model
study on HFV oscillatory flow and steady streaming in a will reduce to the neo-Hookean model, which extends
thin-walled viscoelastic tube. Their modeling of the wall vis- Hooke’s law to fairly large deformations 共e.g., Ref. 30兲. For
coelasticity is, however, rather heuristic: simply by adding a generality, we place no restriction on the tube wall thickness,
linear damping term to the inertia in the stress balance equa- which can be much smaller or comparable to the tube radius;
tions for the tube wall. While the use of a constant damping the condition of a thin wall is a limiting case of the present
coefficient may be acceptable as far as the first-order oscil- problem. In addition, the tube is assumed to be long, straight,
latory flow is concerned, it may not properly reflect the vis- prestressed, and with a uniform cross section initially. The
coelastic effects on the second-order streaming. A more sys- tube wall material is further assumed to be isotropic, homo-
tematic approach should have the viscoelastic stress-strain geneous, and incompressible. Two alternative boundary con-
relationships be expressed by a tensorial constitutive law that ditions are considered on the outer surface of the tube: it can
can account for the finite deformation effects. Apparently, no be either stress-free 共i.e., a free tube without constraint by the
work in the literature has examined the viscoelastic effects surrounding tissues兲 or zero displacement axially 共i.e., a teth-
on the steady streaming following such an approach. This ered tube constrained by the surrounding tissues兲. Other ef-
has motivated the present study. fects, such as tapering, curvature, torsion waves, and gravity,
On the other hand, the in vivo state of a blood vessel is are neglected. Fully developed flow is considered here, so
inflated with a mean pressure of approximately 100 mm Hg that the end effects can also be neglected.
and is also under longitudinal tension with a stretch ratio The present analysis is limited to small but finite defor-
approximately equal to 1.5. These create relatively high ini- mations. The wave amplitude, or the wall radial displace-
tial circumferential and axial stresses in the tube. The prob- ment, is assumed to be much smaller than the tube radius so
lem of the influences of the initial stress on the blood flow is that their ratio, which is much less than unity, can be used as
of great interest and has been the focus of many studies in an ordering parameter for a perturbation analysis. The small
the literature. Atabek and Lew18 first studied the wave propa- parameter also reflects a sharp contrast in length scales in the
gation in an initially stressed elastic tube. They pointed out radial and axial directions. As in Refs. 31 and 32, a pertur-
that the circumferential and longitudinal initial stresses play bation analysis based on Lagrangian coordinates is per-
different roles in the two possible distinct waves that may formed here to the second order in the small parameter: the
propagate along the tube. Later, Atabek14 extended their iso- first order for the purely oscillatory motions and the second
tropic model to an orthotropic tube while making a sign cor- order for the time-mean motions. For the present problem
rection to their original dispersion equation.18 Kuiken19 also involving a moving wall that is initially stressed, the La-
investigated the effects of the initial stresses on the wave grangian approach, by which boundary conditions are ap-
speeds but with a formulation that was different from that of plied exactly on the moving boundaries, has three major ad-
Atabek and Lew. However, Kuiken’s theory was questioned vantages over the Eulerian approach. First, as remarked
by Hart and Shi29 for its inconsistency in the use of stress above, this will avoid the problem encountered by Taylor
terms in the equations of motion. Apparently, although many expanding a wavy surface about its mean position, which is
works have been done on the problem of wave propagation applicable only when the wave amplitude is much smaller
along a prestressed tube, some basic relations between the than the Stokes layer thickness. Second, the initial static de-
waves and the initial stress remain unclear and need to be formations and stresses can be handled more conveniently
studied further. Also, the works mentioned above have all and naturally by a Lagrangian description. Third, the stream-
modeled the tube to be a linear thin-walled elastic shell ing velocity, which depicts the velocity of a particle, is La-
where the circumferential and longitudinal initial stresses can grangian in nature. Therefore, it is more direct to solve for
be represented by two constants. For a thick-walled tube the steady streaming in the Lagrangian system.
model with a nonlinear constitutive law, the initial stresses in
the tube can no longer be constants but functions of the II. MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION
radial coordinate. Demiray13 carried out an analysis on a
Kelvin–Voigt viscoelastic tube subjected to a large initial Let us consider the propagation of small-amplitude
static deformation. However, he did not consider the influ- waves traveling along a long flexible tube of circular section.
051901-4 Y. Ma and C.-O. Ng Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

outer wall surface
deformation gradient tensor given in Eq. 共9兲 and B = F · FT is
inner wall surface
viscoelastic wall the Finger or left Cauchy–Green tensor.30,33 In its two limits,
particle displacements
the constitutive relation 共4兲 represents a Newtonian viscous
viscous fluid subjected to
r - R = r’(R,Z,t) fluid when G = 0 and represents a neo-Hookean elastic solid
pf = p cos(σt) oscillatory pressure forcing

when ␮ = 0. In a sense, the neo-Hookean law generalizes

at Z = 0 z - Z = z’(R,Z,t)

R .
(r,z) Hooke’s law. While the latter involves only linear strains and
(R,Z) deformation is good for infinitesimally small deformations, the former
Z tube axis
R=0 contains quadratic strains and may describe fairly large de-
formations of an isotropic material. Note that F is not sym-
FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of the problem, where description is based on
Lagrangian axial and radial coordinates, Z and R. Viscous fluid contained in metric, but D, E, and B are symmetric tensors, and for a
a viscoelastic tube is subjected to time-periodic oscillatory pressure forcing basic constitutive equation that is frame indifferent, it is ac-
at Z = 0. As a result, a traveling wave is induced in the fluid and the wall. A ceptable to express the Cauchy stress to be a linear function
fluid element initially centered at 共R , Z兲, on undergoing deformation, moves
of E or B.34 By including a term that is proportional to B−1,
to a new center 共r , z兲 at time t.
the neo-Hookean model can be further generalized into the
Mooney–Rivlin model that can handle even larger deforma-
tions. Such a nonlinear model is, however, not considered in
The core of the tube, which has an initially inflated radius a, this work.
is filled with an incompressible Newtonian viscous fluid. The Based on the constitutive equation 共4兲, the deviatoric
wall of the tube, whose outer radius is initially stressed at b, stress components can be expressed as follows:
is supposed to be made up of a Voigt type of material. By
Lagrangian description, the instantaneous radial and axial
coordinates of a particle of fixed identity, 共r , z兲, and the pres-
sure p are functions of the initial coordinates of the particle,
␶rr = 2␮
⳵ ṙ
+G 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
−1 , 共5兲

共R , Z兲, and time t. Axisymmetry is assumed, and hence any

dependence on the azimuthal position ␪ is eliminated
共Fig. 1兲. As a result of an oscillatory pressure gradient of
angular frequency ␴, a progressive wave of wavenumber k is

␶␪␪ = 2␮ + G
冋冉 冊 册
−1 , 共6兲

induced in the system, where k and ␴ are related by a dis-

persion equation, as will be deduced later.

A. Eulerian governing equations

␶zz = 2␮
⳵ ż
+G 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
−1 , 共7兲

冋 册 冋冉 冊冉 冊 冉 冊冉 冊册
Let us first recall the conventional continuity and mo-
mentum equations expressed in terms of Eulerian cylindrical ⳵ ṙ ⳵ ż ⳵r ⳵z ⳵r ⳵z
␶rz = ␶zr = ␮ + +G + ,
coordinates: ⳵z ⳵r ⳵R ⳵R ⳵Z ⳵Z
⳵ ṙ ṙ ⳵ ż 共8兲
+ + = 0, 共1兲
⳵r r ⳵z
and other components being identically zero by axisym-
=− +
␳ ⳵r ␳ r ⳵ r
+ 冋
1 ⳵ p 1 ⳵ 共r␶rr兲 ⳵ ␶rz ␶␪␪

, 册 共2兲

B. Lagrangian governing equations

=− +
␳ ⳵z ␳ r ⳵ r
+ 冋
1 ⳵ p 1 ⳵ 共r␶zr兲 ⳵ ␶zz
, 册 共3兲
One may refer to Monin and Yaglom35 for a derivation
of the Lagrangian form of the Navier–Stokes equations in
Cartesian coordinates. This Lagrangian approach, which con-
where an overdot denotes time derivative, d / dt stands for the veniently handles the free-surface boundary conditions for
total derivative, ␳ represents the density, p is the pressure, ocean waves, as was first adopted by Pierson,36 has been
and ␶ij are the deviatoric stress components 共i.e., the isotro- followed by Ünlüata and Mei,37 and more recently by Ng38
pic normal stress being subtracted from the total stress com- and Ng and Zhang.32
ponents兲. Here, we need to introduce a constitutive equation In the present Lagrangian description, cylindrical coor-
to relate the stress and the deformation in order to close the dinates are to be used, and the equations do not seem to have
problem. A linear Voigt viscoelastic model is proposed: the been explicitly deduced in the literature. The dynamic prob-
Cauchy stress T is a linear combination of viscous and elas- lem here is to be expressed in terms of the instantaneous
tic parts:31–33 coordinates 共r , z兲 and pressure p as functions of the initial
T = − pI + 2␮D + GE, 共4兲 coordinates 共R , Z兲 and time t. In the following, let us provide
some details outlining how the governing equations of mo-
where I is the identity tensor, ␮ is the classical Newtonian tion and boundary conditions in terms of Lagrangian cylin-
viscosity, D = 21 共L + LT兲 is the rate of deformation tensor, drical coordinates are developed.
L = Ḟ · F−1 is the velocity gradient tensor, G is the shear The deformation gradient tensor F in cylindrical coordi-
modulus, and E = B − I is the strain tensor, in which F is the nates is given by30
051901-5 Wave propagation and induced steady streaming Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

ជ ជ
F = ⳵ x/⳵ X = 0

⳵ r/⳵ R 0 ⳵ r/⳵ Z
r/R 0 ,
冣 共9兲
␶lzz = 2␮l
rl ⳵ 共rl,żl兲
R ⳵ 共R,Z兲
+ Gl 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
⳵ zl
⳵ zl
−1 , 共19兲

⳵ z/⳵ R 0 ⳵ z/⳵ Z and

where X ជ and xជ are the position vectors of a particle in the
initial and instantaneous states, respectively. The third invari- ␶lrz = ␶lzr = ␮l 冋 册
rl ⳵ 共rl,ṙl兲 ⳵ 共żl,zl兲
R ⳵ 共R,Z兲 ⳵ 共R,Z兲

冋冉 冊冉 冊 冉 冊冉 冊册
ant of the deformation gradient tensor, or the determinant of
F, physically represents a ratio of the volume of a material ⳵ rl ⳵ zl ⳵ rl ⳵ zl
+ Gl + . 共20兲
element in its present 共deformed兲 state to that in its past ⳵R ⳵R ⳵Z ⳵Z
共undeformed兲 state.34 By mass conservation, the volume ra-
tio is equal to the inverse of the density ratio. If further the In these equations, G f = 0 for the fluid is purely viscous.
material is assumed to be incompressible so that its density is
invariant with time and the volume ratio is equal to unity, C. Boundary conditions
then the conservation of mass is mathematically given by To complete the formulation, we need the following
det F = 兩F兩 = 1, or boundary conditions. By symmetry about the tube axis at R
rl ⳵ 共rl,zl兲 = 0:
= 1, 共10兲
R ⳵ 共R,Z兲 ⳵zf
r f = 0, =0 on R = 0. 共21兲
where the Jacobian35 ⳵R

⳵ 共rl,zl兲
⳵ 共R,Z兲
= 冏
⳵ r l/ ⳵ R ⳵ r l/ ⳵ Z
⳵ z l/ ⳵ R ⳵ z l/ ⳵ Z
, 冏 共11兲
By the continuity of particle displacements and stress com-
ponents on the fluid-wall interface at R = a and zero stresses
on the outer wall at R = b for a free tube:
and the subindex l is used to distinguish between the fluid r f = r w, z f = z w, T f = T w, N f = Nw on R = a, 共22兲
and wall domains,

l= 再 f for fluid in a ⬎ R ⬎ 0
w for wall in b ⬎ R ⬎ a,
冎 共12兲
Tw = 0, Nw = 0 on R = b,
where T and N are, respectively, the tangential and normal

in which a and b are the initial inner and outer radii of the stress components on a material surface as seen in an 共R , Z兲
tube wall, respectively. Using Cramer’s rule,36,39 for any plane. We may derive that to a material curve S
variable f, the Eulerian derivatives can be transformed into = 共r共R , Z , t兲 , z共R , Z , t兲兲, the unit tangential and normal vectors
the Lagrangian ones through the following relations: are t = 共⳵r / ⳵Z , ⳵z / ⳵Z兲 / 兩n兩 and n = 共⳵z / ⳵Z , −⳵r / ⳵Z兲 / 兩n兩, where

兩n兩 = 关共⳵r / ⳵Z兲2 + 共⳵z / ⳵Z兲2兴1/2. Hence, the tangential and nor-
⳵ f ⳵ 共f,z兲 ⳵ 共r,z兲 r ⳵ 共f,z兲 mal stress components, T = 共T · n兲 · t and N = 共T · n兲 · n, can be
= = , 共13兲
⳵ r ⳵ 共R,Z兲 ⳵ 共R,Z兲 R ⳵ 共R,Z兲 expressed by

⳵ f ⳵ 共r, f兲
⳵ z ⳵ 共R,Z兲
冒 ⳵ 共r,z兲 r ⳵ 共r, f兲
⳵ 共R,Z兲 R ⳵ 共R,Z兲
. 共14兲
Tl兩n兩2 = 共␶lrr − ␶lzz兲
⳵ rl ⳵ zl
⳵Z ⳵Z
+ ␶lzr 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
⳵ zl

⳵ rl
, 共24兲

By virtue of these relationships, the Eulerian radial and axial

momentum equations 共2兲 and 共3兲 and the stress components
Nl兩n兩2 = 共− pl + ␶lrr兲 冉 冊
⳵ zl
+ 共− pl + ␶lzz兲 冉 冊 ⳵ rl
− 2␶lrz
⳵ rl ⳵ zl
⳵Z ⳵Z
共5兲–共8兲 can be transformed into the Lagrangian form as fol-
⳵ 2r l
⳵t 2 =− + 冋
rl ⳵ 共pl,zl兲 1 1 ⳵ 共rl␶lrr,zl兲 rl ⳵ 共rl, ␶lrz兲 ␶l␪␪
␳lR ⳵ 共R,Z兲 ␳l R ⳵ 共R,Z兲
R ⳵ 共R,Z兲

, 册 For a tethered tube, the longitudinal motion of the wall is
strongly constrained, and hence the axial displacement of the
outer surface of the wall can be assumed to be zero. Such a
共15兲 boundary condition will be presented in the following first-
order dynamic problem.
⳵ 2z l
⳵t 2 =− + 冋
rl ⳵ 共rl,pl兲 1 1 ⳵ 共rl␶lzr,zl兲 rl ⳵ 共rl, ␶lzz兲
␳lR ⳵ 共R,Z兲 ␳l R ⳵ 共R,Z兲
R ⳵ 共R,Z兲
, 共16兲 册 We suppose that the tube radius and the wall thickness
are comparable to each other, both of them being much
smaller than the wavelength, which is of the order of the tube
where length L. Based on this assumption of sharp contrast in

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
length scales, the following parameter:
rl ⳵ 共ṙl,zl兲 ⳵ rl 2
⳵ rl 2
␶lrr = 2␮l + Gl + −1 , 共17兲 ⑀ ⬅ a/L Ⰶ 1, 共26兲
R ⳵ 共R,Z兲 ⳵R ⳵Z

冋冉 冊 册
will be used as an ordering parameter for the perturbation
ṙl rl analysis below. This condition is commonly met in biofluid
␶l␪␪ = 2␮l + Gl −1 , 共18兲
rl R flows.3,5
051901-6 Y. Ma and C.-O. Ng Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

D. Normalization
Let us now introduce the following normalized vari-
ables, which are distinguished by a caret:
⳵2ẑ f
⳵ t̂ 2
r̂ f ⳵ 共r̂ f ,p̂ f 兲
R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲
+ 冋
1 1 ⳵ 共r̂ f ␶ˆ fzr,ẑ f 兲
␣ R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲
2 + ⑀2
r̂ f ⳵ 共r̂ f , ␶ˆ fzz兲
R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲
, 册
共rl,R,b兲 = a共r̂l,R̂,b̂兲, 共zl,Z兲 = L共ẑl,Ẑ兲, k = L−1k̂, t = ␴−1t̂,
⳵2r̂w ␤ r̂w ⳵ 共p̂w,ẑw兲
⑀2 =−
⳵ t̂ 2 ␣4 R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲
p f = 共␳ f ␴2L2兲p̂ f , pw = Gw p̂w, N f = ⑀−2␮ f ␴N̂ f , Nw = GwN̂w ,

共␶ frz,T f 兲 = ⑀−1␮ f ␴共␶ˆ frz,T̂ f 兲,

+ 冋
␤ 1 ⳵ 共r̂w␶ˆ wrr,ẑw兲 2 r̂w ⳵ 共r̂w, ␶ˆ wrz兲 ␶ˆ w␪␪
␣4 R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲
R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲

, 册
共27兲 共32兲
共␶ frr, ␶ f ␪␪, ␶ fzz兲 = ␮ f ␴共␶ˆ frr, ␶ˆ f ␪␪, ␶ˆ fzz兲,
⳵2ẑw ␤ r̂w ⳵ 共r̂w,p̂w兲
共␶wrz,Tw兲 = ⑀Gw共␶ˆ wrz,T̂w兲, ⳵ t̂ 2 ␣4 R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲

共␶wrr, ␶w␪␪, ␶wzz兲 = Gw共␶ˆ wrr, ␶ˆ w␪␪, ␶ˆ wzz兲.

Most of the normalization scales are easily identifiable by the

+ 冋
␤ 1 ⳵ 共r̂w␶ˆ wzr,ẑw兲 r̂w ⳵ 共r̂w, ␶ˆ wzz兲
␣4 R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲
R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲
. 册 共33兲

balance of dominant terms in the equations above. The scal- The dimensionless stress components are given as below:
ing for the shear and tangential stresses in the wall needs
r̂ f ⳵ 共ṙˆ f ,ẑ f 兲 ṙˆ f r̂ f ⳵ 共r̂ f ,żˆ f 兲
some explanation, however. The normal stress in the fluid is ␶ˆ frr = 2 , ␶ˆ f ␪␪ = 2 , ␶ˆ fzz = 2 , 共34兲
dominated by the pressure, and hence N f ⬃ ␳ f ␴2L2 R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲 r̂ f R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲
⬃ ␮ f ␴共L / ␦兲2, where ␦ = 共2␯ f / ␴兲1/2 is the Stokes layer thick-
ness. For the problems under consideration, the oscillation
frequency may vary over a range such that ␦ ⱕ O共a兲, and
therefore a proper scaling for N f is ⑀−2␮ f ␴. On the other
␶ˆ frz = ␶ˆ fzr =
r̂ f

冋 ⑀2
⳵ 共r̂ f ,ṙˆ f 兲
⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲
⳵ 共żˆ f ,ẑ f 兲
⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲
册 , 共35兲

hand, the normal stress in the wall is scaled by Nw ⬃ pw

⬃ Gw. Assuming that the normal stress in the wall is at least
comparable to that in the fluid, Nw ⱖ O共N f 兲, we get a scaling
relationship for the wall elasticity,
␶ˆ wrr = 2
␣2␥ r̂w ⳵ 共ṙˆw,ẑw兲
␤ R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲
+ 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册 ⳵ r̂w
⳵ R̂
+ ⑀2
⳵ r̂w
⳵ Ẑ
−1 , 共36兲

Gw ⱖ O共⑀−2␮ f ␴兲.

By shallowness, the shear stress in the fluid is an order of

␶ˆ w␪␪ = 2
␣2␥ ṙˆw
␤ r̂w
+ 冋冉 冊 册 r̂w

−1 , 共37兲

magnitude larger than the normal stress in the fluid, ␶ frz

⬃ ⑀−1␶ fzz ⬃ ⑀−1␮ f ␴. It follows that, by continuity of shear
stress on the interface and relation 共28兲, the shear stress in
the wall is scaled by ␶wrz ⬃ ⑀Gw, which is an order of mag-
␶ˆ wzz = 2
␣2␥ r̂w ⳵ 共r̂w,żˆw兲
␤ R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲
+ ⑀−2 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
⳵ ẑw
⳵ R̂
⳵ ẑw
⳵ Ẑ
− 1 , 共38兲

nitude smaller than the scaling for the normal stress in the and

冋 册
wall. Despite the difference in the scalings, the wall shear
stress cannot be neglected as its radial gradient is comparable ␣2␥ r̂w ⳵ 共r̂w,ṙˆw兲 −2 ⳵ 共żˆw,ẑw兲
␶ˆ wrz = ␶ˆ wzr = +⑀
to the axial gradient of the normal stress by virtue of the ␤ R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲 ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲

冋 冉 冊冉 冊 冉 冊冉 冊册
shallowness condition 共26兲, as will be seen when the first-
order problem is formulated in Sec. IV. ⳵ r̂w ⳵ ẑw ⳵ r̂w ⳵ ẑw
Substituting the normalized variables, the problem can + ⑀−2 + . 共39兲
⳵ R̂ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ Ẑ
be cast into a dimensionless form as follows. The continuity
equation is In these equations, three dimensionless parameters show up:

⳵ 共r̂l,ẑl兲
⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲

. 共29兲 ␣=a 冉冊 ␴
, ␤=
⑀ 2a 2G w
, ␥=
⑀ 2␯ w
, 共40兲

where ␯l = ␮l / ␳l is the kinematic viscosity. Here, ␣ is the

The momentum equations become Womersley number, which is equal to the square root of the
ratio of the wave frequency to the rate of radial diffusion of
⳵2r̂ f r̂ f ⳵ 共p̂ f ,ẑ f 兲
⑀2 =− momentum across the tube. As remarked earlier, the Womer-
⳵ t̂ 2
R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲 sley number is also related to the ratio of the tube radius to

+ 冋
␣2 R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲
R̂ ⳵ 共R̂,Ẑ兲
− 册
⑀2 1 ⳵ 共r̂ f ␶ˆ frr,ẑ f 兲 r̂ f ⳵ 共r̂ f , ␶ˆ frz兲 ␶ˆ f ␪␪
r̂ f
, 共30兲
the Stokes layer thickness ␣ ⬃ a / ␦, which in biological sys-
tems typically lies in the range O共1兲 – O共10兲. The second
parameter, ␤, represents the significance of the tube elastic-
051901-7 Wave propagation and induced steady streaming Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

ity. Using Eq. 共28兲, one may show that ␤ ⬃ ␳ f a2 / 共␳w␦2兲 共␶ˆ frr, ␶ˆ f ␪␪, ␶ˆ fzz, ␶ˆ lrz兲 = ⑀共␶ˆ frr1, ␶ˆ f ␪␪1, ␶ˆ fzz1, ␶ˆ lrz1兲
ⱖ O共1兲. In the limit of ␤ → ⬁, the wall becomes perfectly
rigid. The third parameter, ␥, is a ratio of the tube viscosity + ⑀2共␶ˆ frr2, ␶ˆ f ␪␪2, ␶ˆ fzz2, ␶ˆ lrz2兲 + ¯ , 共51兲
to the fluid viscosity. Here, the tube viscosity is allowed to and
vary from as small as zero for pure elastic wall to as large as
two orders of magnitude larger than the fluid viscosity. 共␶ˆ wrr, ␶ˆ w␪␪, ␶ˆ wzz兲 = 共␶ˆ wrr0, ␶ˆ w␪␪0, ␶ˆ wzz0兲 + ⑀共␶ˆ wrr1, ␶ˆ w␪␪1, ␶ˆ wzz1兲
Therefore, we may suppose ␥ ⱕ O共1兲. + ⑀2共␶ˆ wrr2, ␶ˆ w␪␪2, ␶ˆ wzz2兲 + ¯ , 共52兲
The normalized boundary conditions become
where the O共⑀兲 terms are the leading-order displacements
⳵ ẑ f consisting of purely first harmonic components, while the
r̂ f = 0, =0 on R̂ = 0, 共41兲
⳵ R̂ higher-order terms consist of higher harmonics as well as
steady components. The O共1兲 normal stress components rep-
␣2 ␣2 resent the initial stresses of the tube as it is subjected to static
r̂ f = r̂w, ẑ f = ẑw, T̂ f = T̂w, N̂ f = N̂w on R̂ = 1, fluid pressure Q = ␳ f ␴2L2 p̂ f0 = ␳ f L2␯2f ␣4 p̂ f0 / a4 and axial elon-
M␤ M␤
gation given by the stretch ratio S. To suppress the ⑀−2 terms
共42兲 in the wall stress components given by Eqs. 共38兲 and 共39兲,
the axial displacement of the wall can only have a very weak
T̂w = 0, N̂w = 0 on R̂ = b̂, 共43兲 dependence on R̂ such that ⳵ẑw1 / ⳵R̂ = O共⑀2兲, ⳵ẑw2 / ⳵R̂ = O共⑀2兲,
where and so on. In view of this, we should further expand ẑw1 and
ẑw2 into
M= = O共1兲, 共44兲 ẑw1共R̂,Ẑ,t̂兲 = ẑw11共Ẑ,t̂兲 + ⑀2ẑw12共R̂,Ẑ,t̂兲, 共53兲
which represents the ratio of wall density to fluid density.
ẑw2共R̂,Ẑ,t̂兲 = ẑw21共Ẑ,t̂兲 + ⑀2ẑw22共R̂,Ẑ,t̂兲, 共54兲
The dimensionless expressions for T̂l and N̂l are

T̂ f 兩n兩 = ⑀ 共␶ˆ frr − ␶ˆ fzz兲

2 2 ⳵ r̂ f ⳵ ẑ f
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ Ẑ
+ ␶ˆ fzr 冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
⳵ ẑ f
⳵ Ẑ
−⑀ 2 ⳵ r̂ f
⳵ Ẑ
where the leading terms ẑw11 and ẑw21 are independent of R̂.
The axial displacement of the wall will have a nearly uni-
form profile across a section or the wall will undergo motion
共45兲 with very little shear deformation: ⳵zw / ⳵R ⬃ ⳵rw / ⳵Z = O共⑀2兲.
Despite its small magnitude, the shear strain of the wall is,

N̂ f 兩n兩2 = 共− ␣2 p̂ f + ⑀2␶ˆ frr兲 冉 冊 ⳵ ẑ f

⳵ Ẑ
+ ⑀2共− ␣2 p̂ f + ⑀2␶ˆ fzz兲 冉 冊 ⳵ r̂ f
⳵ Ẑ
2 however, required to be taken into account and will show up
even in the leading-order problem.
Substitution of the above expansions into the governing
⳵ r̂ f ⳵ ẑ f equations 共29兲–共33兲, the stress components 共34兲–共39兲, and
− 2⑀2␶ˆ frz , 共46兲 the boundary conditions 共41兲–共43兲 and collecting terms of
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ Ẑ equal power of ⑀, we may obtain the zeroth- 共initial stress兲,

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 册
first-, and second-order problems as detailed in the following
⳵ r̂w ⳵ ẑw ⳵ ẑw 2
⳵ r̂w 2
T̂w兩n兩2 = 共␶ˆ wrr − ␶ˆ wzz兲 + ␶ˆ wzr − ⑀2 ,
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ Ẑ

冉 冊 冉 冊
It is assumed that, in the initial static state, the tube is
⳵ ẑw 2
⳵ r̂w 2
under a steady uniaxial extension and also subjected to
N̂w兩n兩 = 共− p̂w + ␶ˆ wrr兲
+ ⑀ 共− p̂w + ␶ˆ wzz兲

⳵ Ẑ ⳵ Ẑ steady fluid pressure Q on the inner wall in the absence of

any shear stresses. The continuity equation, which relates the
⳵ r̂w ⳵ ẑw stress-free state to the prestressed state of the tube, is
− 2⑀2␶ˆ wrz . 共48兲
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ Ẑ
⳵ ĉ ⳵ d̂ R̂
= , 共55兲
E. Asymptotic expansions ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ ĉ

On assuming that the induced radial and axial displace- where 共ĉ , d̂兲 are the coordinates of a particle when un-
ments in both the fluid and the wall are one order of magni- stressed. The uniaxial extension amounts to
tude smaller than the corresponding scalings, we may follow
Pierson36 in expanding the variables into powers of ⑀: ⳵ d̂ 1
= , 共56兲
⳵ Ẑ S
共r̂l,ẑl兲 = 共R̂,Ẑ兲 + ⑀共r̂l1,ẑl1兲 + ⑀ 共r̂l2,ẑl2兲 + ¯ ,
where S ⬎ 1 is the longitudinal stretch ratio. Following
共p̂ f ,p̂w兲 = 共p̂ f0,p̂w0兲 + ⑀共p̂ f1,p̂w1兲 + ⑀2共p̂ f2,p̂w2兲 + ¯ , 共50兲 Demiray,13 the solution to the equations above is simply
051901-8 Y. Ma and C.-O. Ng Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

ĉ2 = 共R̂2 − j1兲S,

where j1 is an integration constant. By Eq. 共57兲, the initial
共57兲 2b̂2 − j1

ln 冉 冊
b̂2 − j1
− j2 = 1. 共66兲

stress components read as follows:

冉 冊
Hence, the initial static stresses of the tube can be found for
⳵ R̂ R̂2 − j1 given values of the loading parameters S and Q̂ and the outer
␶ˆ wrr0 = −1= − 1, 共58兲
⳵ ĉ R̂2S wall radius b̂.

␶ˆ w␪␪0 = 冉冊 R̂


共R̂2 − j1兲S
− 1, 共59兲
A. First-order solution

and At O共⑀兲, the governing equations for the fluid are

␶ˆ wzz0 = 冉冊 ⳵ Ẑ
⳵ d̂

− 1 = S2 − 1. 共60兲
⳵ ẑ f1
⳵ Ẑ
⳵ r̂ f1
⳵ R̂
r̂ f1

= 0, 共67兲

The leading-order stress balance equation in the radial direc- ⳵ p̂ f1

= 0, 共68兲
tion is ⳵ R̂

冋 册
⳵ p̂w0 ⳵ ␶ˆ wrr0 ␶ˆ wrr0 − ␶ˆ w␪␪0
− + + = 0, 共61兲 ⳵2ẑ f1 ⳵ p̂ f1 1 ⳵ ␶ˆ frz1 ␶ˆ frz1
⳵ R̂ ⳵ R̂ R̂ =− + + , 共69兲
⳵ t̂2 ⳵ Ẑ ␣2 ⳵ R̂ R̂
which results in

冉 冊
and those for the tube wall are
1 R̂2
p̂w0 = − + ln + j2 , 共62兲 ⳵ ẑw11 ⳵ r̂w1 r̂w1
2R̂2S 2S R̂2 − j1 + + = 0, 共70兲
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ R̂
where j2 is another integration constant. The leading-order
stress boundary conditions include ⳵ p̂w1 ⳵ p̂w0 r̂w1 ⳵ p̂w0 ⳵ ẑw11 ⳵ ␶ˆ wrr1 ⳵ ␶ˆ wrr0 ⳵ ẑw11
− − − + +
− p̂w0 + ␶ˆ wrr0 = − Q̂ on R̂ = 1, 共63兲 ⳵ R̂ ⳵ R̂ R̂ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ

where Q̂ = Q / Gw = ␣4 p̂ f0 / 共M ␤兲 and ⳵ ␶ˆ wrr0 r̂w1 ␶ˆ wrr1 − ␶ˆ w␪␪1 r̂w1共␶ˆ wrr0 − ␶ˆ w␪␪0兲

+ + − = 0,
⳵ R̂ R̂ R̂ R̂2
− p̂w0 + ␶ˆ wrr0 = 0 on R̂ = b̂. 共64兲
Substitution of the initial stress components into the above
boundary conditions, the two integration constants j1 and j2 ␣4 ⳵2ẑw11 ⳵ p̂w1 ⳵ p̂w0 ⳵ r̂w1 ⳵ ␶ˆ wrz1 ␶ˆ wrz1 ⳵ ␶ˆ wzz1
can be determined from the following equations: =− + + + + ,

冋 册
␤ ⳵ t̂ 2
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ
b̂2共1 − j1兲
ln − 共1 − b̂−2兲j1 = − 2SQ̂ 共65兲 共72兲
b̂ − j1
where the stress components ␶ˆ lij1 are given in Appendix A.
and The first-order boundary conditions are

⳵ ẑ f1
r̂ f1 = 0, =0 on R̂ = 0, 共73兲
⳵ R̂

冦 冧
r̂ f1 = r̂w1, ẑ f1 = ẑw11
␣ 2
⳵ r̂w1
␶ˆ frz1 = ␶ˆ wrz1 + 共␶ˆ wrr0 − ␶ˆ wzz0兲
M␤ ⳵ Ẑ on R̂ = 1, 共74兲


2p̂ f0
⳵ ẑ f1
⳵ Ẑ

+ p̂ f1 = − p̂w1 + ␶ˆ wrr1 + 2共− p̂w0 + ␶ˆ wrr0兲
⳵ ẑw11
⳵ Ẑ

051901-9 Wave propagation and induced steady streaming Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

冦 冧
␶ˆ wrz1 + 共␶ˆ wrr0 − ␶ˆ wzz0兲
⳵ r̂w1
⳵ Ẑ
=0 共case 1兲 冋
zowv共R̂兲 = k̂2共B4 + B5兲 −

B4 册
+ ln共R̂兲B3

ẑw11 = 0 共case 2兲

− p̂w1 + ␶ˆ wrr1 + 2共− p̂w0 + ␶ˆ wrr0兲

⳵ ẑw11
on R̂ = b̂.
␨S 冋
ik̂B2␤ 3j1 1

8R̂2 2
冕 ln共R̂2 − j1兲


冉冑 冊 册
⳵ Ẑ
共75兲 +

R̂ ln

R̂2 − j1

冉冑 冊
In the outer boundary condition above, case 1 represents a
free tube, where the stresses on the outer wall are absent,
while in case 2 the tube is tethered by the perivascular tissues +
k̂2 j1B4␤
冕 1

R̂2 − j1

dR̂, 共83兲
so that the longitudinal motion of the outer surface is
strongly constrained and the leading order of the axial dis- where ␭ = ␣i3/2, ␨ = ␣2␥i + ␤, S is the longitudinal stretch ra-
placement can be taken as zero.27 tio, j1 is a constant of initial stress as defined in Eq. 共65兲, Jn
One can now see that the wall shear stress ␶ˆ wrz1, which is the Bessel function of the first kind of order n, and the
shows up in the equation of motion 共72兲 and the boundary complex integration constants B1 – B5 as well as the complex
conditions 共74兲 and 共75兲, is indeed a quantity that plays a wavenumber k̂ are to be determined by the boundary condi-
role in the first-order problem. This quantity will not lose its tions.
importance even when the wall thickness becomes very In case 1 for a free tube, substituting the general solu-
small. tions into the boundary conditions 共74兲 and 共75兲 results in a
We suppose that the pressure forcing that is applied to homogeneous linear algebraic system of equations for the six
the fluid at the origin p̂ f1共Ẑ = 0兲 is a simple harmonic function constants po and B1 – B5:
of t̂, and as a result, a traveling wave is induced in the fluid:
AX = 0, 共84兲
o i共t̂−kˆZˆ兲
p̂ f1 = Re关p e 兴, 共76兲 where the matrix A is given in Appendix B, and

where Re stands for the real part, po is a known constant X = 共po B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 兲T . 共85兲
equal to the amplitude of the pressure forcing at Ẑ = 0, and The system will have a nontrivial solution if and only if the
i = 冑−1 is the complex unit. To seek the solution, let us now determinant of the coefficient matrix A vanishes. This condi-
express the first-order quantities in the same harmonic form tion yields the characteristic equation governing the eigen-
as p̂ f1: value, which in this case is the wavenumber k̂, as a function
of the frequency ␣ and material properties ␤ 共wall elasticity兲
共r̂ f1,ẑ f1,r̂w1,ẑw11,ẑw12,p̂w1兲 = Re关共rof ,zof ,rwo,zwc
,zowv,pwo兲ei共t̂−kZ兲兴, and ␥ 共wall viscosity兲, which are defined in Eq. 共40兲. Since it
共77兲 is a relation between wavenumber and frequency, the char-
acteristic equation is also called the dispersion equation,
where rof , zof , zof , rwo, zowv, and pwo are complex functions of R̂, which can be obtained in the following algebraic form after
and zwc is an unknown constant to be determined by the some manipulation of the matrix:
boundary conditions. On substituting these expressions into
A1k̂4 + A2k̂2 + A3 = 0, 共86兲
the governing equations, the following general solutions sat-
isfying Eq. 共73兲 can be deduced: where A1 – A3 are given in Appendix C. Equation 共86兲 is a
quadratic equation that can be readily solved for k̂2. It admits
zof 共R̂兲 = − ik̂po + ␭J0共␭R̂兲B1 , 共78兲 four complex solutions for k̂ = k̂r + ik̂i, where the real part k̂r
denotes the wavenumber, and the imaginary part k̂i is the
k̂2R̂ o attenuation constant. Our focus is on the forward traveling
rof 共R̂兲 = p + ik̂J1共␭R̂兲B1 , 共79兲 waves, so we only consider the two solutions with k̂r ⬎ 0 and
k̂i ⬍ 0. Each of these two solutions corresponds to a distinct
wave mode. The wave with a slower phase velocity C1
zwc = B4 , 共80兲 = ␴ / kr1 is called Young wave representing a pressure wave
propagating in the fluid, while the one with a higher phase
velocity C2 = ␴ / kr2 is called Lamb wave representing a wave
ik̂R̂ B2
rwo共R̂兲 = B4 + , 共81兲 traveling largely along the wall. A Young wave is generated
2 R̂ by an oscillatory pressure forcing in the fluid, while a Lamb
wave can be expected when the tube wall is excited harmoni-

pwo =

ik̂B +
␤ 5 冋 1
R̂ 2

2R̂ 4

j1 冉 冑 冊册

R̂ − j1
, 共82兲
cally in the direction of the axis.3 Most of our discussions
below will be on the Young wave mode, which is more im-
portant in the present study.
051901-10 Y. Ma and C.-O. Ng Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

The constants B1 – B5 are related to the pressure ampli-
tude po by the following relations:
po B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 12 0.8
= = = = = , 共87兲

Transmission per wavelength

⌬11 ⌬12 ⌬13 ⌬14 ⌬15 ⌬16

Phase velocity C 1 (m/s)

where ⌬kl is the cofactor obtained by eliminating the kth row 0.6

and lth column of 兩A兩. 8

In case 2 for a tethered tube, B4 = 0 and the dispersion

equation becomes much simpler, which can be expressed as 6 0.4

␣4␭J0共␭兲 Womersley model
k̂2 = − , 共88兲 Cox model 40

M共␣ ␥i + ␤兲关J1共␭兲 − ␭J0共␭兲/2兴关2共1 − 1/b̂ 兲 + ␹兴

2 2 2 Present free-tube model
Present tethered-tube model

where 0 0

冉 冊
2 4 6 8 10
␤ 1 j1 j1 2 b̂冑1 − j1
␹= 共89兲
b̂2 2 2b̂4 j1 冑b̂2 − j1
1− − + + ln . FIG. 2. Phase velocity C1 共upper four lines corresponding to the left y axis兲,
共␣ ␥i + ␤兲S
and transmission per wavelength 共lower four lines corresponding to the right
y axis兲 of the Young wave, as computed from Womersley’s elastic tube
The Lamb wave does not exist this time and only the Young model 共Ref. 6兲, Cox’s model 共Ref. 40兲, the present free-tube model, and the
wave can survive in the tethering case. present tethered-tube model, where b̂ = 1.15, M = 1.0417, ␤ = 37 237, and
Let us first study the problem of wave propagation ␥ = 0 for a pure elastic tube. The present model agrees with Cox’s model
very well.
within an initially stress-free tube 共i.e., the initially circum-
ferential pressure Q̂ = 0 and the longitudinal stretch ratio S
= 1兲. The dispersion equation 共86兲 for a free tube without The wave speed and the transmission per wavelength from
tethering 共case 1兲 can be simplified as follows: Womersley’s thin-walled tube model6 are given by
C0关Re共␰兲兴−1 and exp关2␲ Im共␰兲 / Re共␰兲兴, respectively, where
A1⬘k̂4 + A2⬘k̂2 + A3 = 0,

␺1 + 冑␺21 − 3␺2/4
where ␰= , 共93兲
A1⬘ = 3M共␣2␥i + ␤兲共1 − b̂2兲, 共91兲

␺1 =
4共1 − F10兲
␺3 1
+ ,
2 4
冉 冊 ␺2 =
1 + 2␺3
1 − F10
− 1, 共94兲
A2⬘ = ␣4关1 − M共1 − b̂2兲兴 − . 共92兲
2关J1共␭兲 − ␭J0共␭兲/2兴
共b − a兲␳w 2J1共␭兲
␺3 = , F10 = , 共95兲
For a constrained tube in case 2, ␹ in Eq. 共88兲 is zero in the a␳ f ␭J0共␭兲
absence of initial stresses.
B. Results and discussions on the first-order solution
To check our theory, we first compare results with those
C0 = 冋 E共b − a兲
2a␳ f
册 1/2

obtained by Womersley6 and Cox40 for wave propagation in is the Moens–Korteweg formula,18 in which E is Young’s
blood flow through a purely elastic tube without initial modulus, a and b are the inner and outer radii of the tube,
stresses, as shown in Fig. 2. For the case shown in this fig- and ␭ = ␣i3/2. For incompressible material, E = 3Gw. As
ure, the physical inputs are4 a = 2 ⫻ 10−3 m, b̂ = b / a = 1.15, clearly seen in the figure, the present free-tube model gener-
␳ f = 1.056⫻ 103 kg/ m3, ␳w = 1.1⫻ 103 kg/ m3 共or M ates results for the wave propagation speeds that are essen-
= 1.0417兲, ␮ f = 3.3⫻ 10−3 Pa s, ␮w = 0, and Gw = 106 Pa. Al- tially the same as those by Cox’s model in this case of a pure
though the physical problem itself does not depend on the elastic tube. Both these models are on the basis of a thick-
tube length 共or the parameter ⑀ = a / L, as long as it is much walled tube, yielding the phase velocity and the transmission
smaller than unity兲, we nevertheless need to specify this per wavelength being smaller than those of Womersley’s
quantity as required by normalization. From here onward in thin-walled tube model. The agreement here suggests that, as
this paper, a typical small value of ⑀ = 0.01 will be used. We far as the first-order oscillatory motion is concerned, our
reiterate that any value used for ⑀ will affect only the dimen- model is as good as Cox’s model when applied to small-
sionless, but not the physical, form of the solution. Substi- amplitude wave propagation through a Newtonian fluid con-
tuting the values into Eq. 共40兲, we get ␤ = 37 237. tained in an elastic tube of finite wall thickness. Cox did not
Following Cox,40 we show in Fig. 2 the phase velocity apply the long-wave approximation in his model, and his
of the Young wave C1 and the transmission per wavelength dispersion equation was so lengthy that he had to solve it by
given by exp共2␲k̂i1 / k̂r1兲 as functions of the Womersley num- an iterative approach. With the long-wave assumption, our
ber ␣, which represents the frequency as given in Eq. 共40兲. model has a much simplified dispersion equation that can be
051901-11 Wave propagation and induced steady streaming Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

1 12 1

Transmission per wavelength

Transmission per wavelength

Phase velocity C1 (m/s)

C1 (m/s)
12 0.8 0.8

10 8

Phase velocity C
0.6 0.6

6 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
(a) ^b = 1.15 (b) ^b = 1.10
0 0 0 0
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
α α
1 4 1

Transmission per wavelength

Transmission per wavelength

C1 (m/s)
C1 (m/s)

0.8 0.8

Phase velocity C
Phase velocity C

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

2 0.2 0.2

(c) ^b = 1.05 (d) ^b = 1.01

0 0 0 0
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
α α
FIG. 3. Phase velocity C1 共upper two lines corresponding to the left y axis兲, and transmission per wavelength 共lower two lines corresponding to the right y
axis兲 of the Young wave, as computed from Womersley’s elastic tube model 共Ref. 6兲 共dashed lines兲 and the present free-tube model 共solid lines兲 for tube
thickness b̂ = 1.15, 1.1, 1.05, 1.01, where M = 1.0417, ␤ = 37 237, and ␥ = 0. The present thick-wall model works equally well in the limit of a thin wall.

solved directly and analytically. The present comparison be- r̂1共R̂ = 1,Ẑ = 0兲 = D cos共t̂ − ␾兲, 共97兲
tween the two models reveals that over the frequency range
␣ ⱕ O共10兲 in blood flow, the long-wave condition is indeed
where D is the amplitude and ␾ is the phase lag between the
well satisfied. When the tube is constrained, the Young wave
forcing and the wall response. Figures 4 and 5 illustrate how
speed will become faster and the wave damping will be
D and ␾ vary with the frequency parameter ␣ for several
stronger as shown in Fig. 2.
values of the wall elasticity and viscosity in the absence of
Although a thick-walled tube model is being considered
initial stresses and surrounding tissues. The results are based
here, the present model works equally well in the limit of a
on a typical value of fluid pressure amplitude equal to
thin wall, i.e., it should approach Womersley’s thin-walled
20 mm Hg,41 which corresponds to po = 20⫻ 133.322
tube model when the free-tube wall becomes very thin. This
⫻ 共␳ f ␴2L2兲−1 / ⑀ = 10 343␣−4, where po is the first-order pres-
tendency is illustrated by Fig. 3, where we show that as the
sure amplitude as defined in Eq. 共76兲. As shown in Fig. 4共a兲,
outer radius b̂ = b / a decreases toward unity 共i.e., the inner the wall displacement amplitude D can become very large
radius兲, the results of the two models are increasingly in when the elasticity parameter ␤ is small for a soft wall, as is
agreement with each other. As in Fig. 3共d兲, the two models expected. In contrast, as shown in Fig. 5共a兲, the wall dis-
give practically the same results when b̂ = 1.01. By and large, placement D tends to be not affected by the wall viscosity ␥
Womersley’s model turns out to be of good accuracy when until ␣ is large, by which D will only be modestly lowered
共b − a兲 / a ⬍ 0.05, or the wall is less than 5% as thick as the by higher ␥. By and large, Figs. 4共a兲 and 5共a兲 show that for
inner radius. Also, Fig. 3 shows that the wave velocity de- oscillation under a fixed amplitude of the pressure forcing,
creases 共or the wavenumber k̂r increases兲 dramatically in re- the wall radial displacement D is rather insensitive to change
sponse to a small decrease in the tube thickness. In the lim- in the frequency ␣. Unlike the amplitude D, the phase lag ␾
iting case when the thickness approaches zero, the wave is strongly affected by the wall viscoelasticity as well as the
speed tends to zero as well or the wavenumber goes to in- frequency; see Figs. 4共b兲 and 5共b兲. We remark that the de-
finity. The transmission per wavelength is on the contrary pendence on ␣ will qualitatively change if the oscillation is
much insensitive to change in the wall thickness. volume cycled 共i.e., under a fixed tidal volume兲.
The wall deformation, particularly in the radial direction, We further show in Fig. 6 the cross-sectional profiles of
is of practical interest. The radial displacement r̂1 of the in- the axial and radial displacements at time instants within half
terface R̂ = 1 at the origin Ẑ = 0 can be expressed as an oscillation period: t̂ = 0 , ␲ / 6 , . . . , ␲, at the origin Ẑ = 0 for
051901-12 Y. Ma and C.-O. Ng Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

(a) 15 (b) 0.5


10 0.3

D φ 0.2
5 0.1

0 -0.1
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
α α
FIG. 4. 共a兲 The amplitude of radial displacement and 共b兲 the phase lag of the Young wave on the fluid-wall interface at Ẑ = 0 as functions of the Womersley
number ␣, where b̂ = 1.15, M = 1.0417, ␥ = 10, and ␤ = 2000 共solid line兲, 5000 共dashed line兲, and 20 000 共dot-dashed line兲. D is rather insensitive to change in
the frequency ␣ but is sensitive to change in the elasticity ␤.

(a) 2 (b) 0.5


D 1 φ 0.2

0 -0.1
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
α α
FIG. 5. 共a兲 The amplitude of radial displacement and 共b兲 the phase lag of the Young wave on the fluid-wall interface at Ẑ = 0 as functions of the Womersley
number ␣, where b̂ = 1.15, M = 1.0417, ␤ = 20 000 共normal blood vessel兲, and ␥ = 0 共pure elastic兲 共solid line兲, 10 共dashed line兲, and 100 共dot-dashed line兲. D
tends to be not affected by the wall viscosity ␥ until ␣ is large.

(a) (b)
1 1
^t = π 5π/6 2π/3 π/2 π/3 π/6 0
0.8 0.8

0.4 0.4

^t = 0 π π/6 5π/6 π/3 2π/3 π/2

0.2 0.2

0 0
-2 0 2 4 6 8 -1 0 1
^z ^r
1 1
FIG. 6. Cross-sectional profiles of 共a兲 the axial and 共b兲 the radial displacements of the Young wave at time instants in half a period when the tube is free of
tethering at Ẑ = 0, where b̂ = 1.15, M = 1.0417, ␣ = 5, ␥ = 10, and ␤ = 20 000. The axial displacement amplitude is the largest at the tube center and the smallest
in the tube wall; the radial displacement is the smallest at the tube center and the largest near the tube wall.
051901-13 Wave propagation and induced steady streaming Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

(a) 10 (b) 0.8

Transmission per wavelength


Phase velocity C1 (m/s)



q =0 q =0
q = 1000 q = 1000
q = 2000 0.2 q
2 = 2000
q = 3000 q = 3000
q = 4000 q = 4000
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
α α
FIG. 7. 共a兲 Phase velocity C1 and 共b兲 transmission per wavelength of the Young wave as functions of the Womersley number ␣ for a free elastic tube, where
the initial pressure q varies from 0 to 4000, and the longitudinal stretch ratio S = 1. The phase velocity and the wave transmission of Young wave decrease with
increasing q.

moderate frequency ␣ = 5 and large elasticity ␤ = 20 000. The stresses on the wave properties according to the dispersion
axial displacement amplitude is the largest at the tube center equation 共86兲. Figures 7–10 show the influences of the initial
and the smallest in the tube wall. As discussed earlier, the mean pressure q = ␣4 p̂ f0 = 共a4 / ␳ f L2␯2f 兲Q and the longitudinal
axial displacement of the wall has only a weak dependence stretch ratio S on the wave speeds and the transmission per
on R̂, and is hence nearly uniform across the wall section. wavelength for the Young and Lamb waves along a purely
For this high value of rigidity 共␤ = 20 000兲, the axial wall elastic tube 共␥ = 0兲. The static pressure q is so defined that the
displacement is many times smaller than the maximum axial dependence on frequency is removed from the normaliza-
fluid displacement that happens along the tube axis. In sharp tion. For a normal blood vessel, Q ⯝ 150 mm Hg and
contrast, the radial displacement amplitude is the smallest S ⯝ 1.44.18 Therefore, the following ranges of values have
共equal to zero兲 at the tube center and the largest near the tube been considered in our calculations: q = 0 – 4000 and
wall. As a result, the radial wall displacement is comparable S = 1 – 1.6. While a detailed comparison of results with the
to the maximum radial fluid displacement that happens near literature is impossible owing to basic differences in the
the wall. When the tube becomes tethered, the velocity pro- modeling, a qualitative comparison of the effects is neverthe-
files are largely the same as those when the tube is free. The less possible. The qualitative effects of the two parameters q
major difference is in the axial wall displacement, which is and S on the wave properties are summarized in Table I, as
much closer to zero because of the large longitudinal con- predicted by the present model, and the models by Atabek,14
straint by the surrounding tissues outside the tube. Some pre- and Kuiken.19 One can find that the present predictions are
vious authors26,27 have assumed a priori in their problem largely in accord with those by Atabek. One difference is in
formulations that the wall would undergo deformation purely the effect of the mean pressure on the Lamb wave speed. As
in the radial direction with identically zero axial displace- in Fig. 8共a兲, the present model gives that the wave speed C2
ment across the wall. Our approach to the tethering case is, may increase or decrease with increasing q depending on the
however, different from these previous works. Here the axial frequency ␣ being small or large. Atabek’s model predicts
displacement of the wall, although much smaller than that of that the wave speed always increases with increasing q irre-
the fluid, is not exactly zero across the wall layer because of spective of the frequency. This inconsistency in prediction,
ẑw12共R̂兲 ⫽ 0 as defined in Eq. 共53兲, which in fact is important which is relatively minor, can be ascribed to the different
to the stress distribution in the wall. constitutive equations being applied in the present and
All the discussions so far have centered on an initially Atabek’s models. Kuiken’s model predicts the same effects
unstressed tube. Here, let us examine the effects of the initial of the mean pressure q but completely opposite effects due to

TABLE I. The effects of initial stresses on the wave propagation by 共a兲 the present model, 共b兲 Atabek 共Ref. 14兲, and 共c兲 Kuiken 共Ref. 19兲.

Transmission Transmission
C1 of Young wave C2 of Lamb wave

As q increases 共a兲 Decreases 共a兲 Decreases 共a兲 Increases for small ␣, decreases for large ␣ 共a兲 Increases
共b兲 Decreases 共b兲 Decreases 共b兲 Increases 共b兲 Increases
共c兲 Decreases 共c兲 Decreases 共c兲 Increases 共c兲 Increases

As S increases 共a兲 Decreases 共a兲 Increases 共a兲 Decreases 共a兲 Decreases

共b兲 Decreases 共b兲 Increases 共b兲 Decreases 共b兲 Decreases
共c兲 increases 共c兲 Decreases 共c兲 Increases 共c兲 Increases
051901-14 Y. Ma and C.-O. Ng Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

(a) 35 (b)0.8
q =0
q = 1000

Transmission per wavelength

q = 2000

Phase velocity C 22 (m/s)

q = 3000
30 q = 4000


25 q =0
q = 1000
q = 2000 0.2
q = 3000
q = 4000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
α α
FIG. 8. 共a兲 Phase velocity C2 and 共b兲 transmission per wavelength of the Lamb wave as functions of the Womersley number ␣ for a free elastic tube, where
the initial pressure q varies from 0 to 4000, and the longitudinal stretch ratio S = 1. The wave phase velocity of Lamb wave increases for small ␣ but decreases
for large ␣, and the wave transmission increases with increasing q.

(a) 10 (b)
Transmission per wavelength

Phase velocity C11 (m/s)


S =1 S =1
S = 1.2 S = 1.2
S = 1.4 0.2 S = 1.4
S = 1.6 S = 1.6

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
α α
FIG. 9. 共a兲 Phase velocity C1 and 共b兲 transmission per wavelength of the Young wave as functions of the Womersley number ␣ for a free elastic tube, where
the longitudinal stretch ratio S varies from 1 to 1.6, and the initial pressure q = 0. The phase velocity of Young wave decreases and the wave transmission
increases with increasing S.

(a) 35 (b) 0.8

S =1
S = 1.2
Transmission per wavelength

30 S = 1.4
Phase velocity C2 (m/s)

S = 1.6



S =1 0.2
15 S = 1.2
S = 1.4
S = 1.6
10 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
α α
FIG. 10. 共a兲 Phase velocity C2 and 共b兲 transmission per wavelength of the Lamb wave as functions of the Womersley number ␣ for a free elastic tube, where
the longitudinal stretch ratio S varies from 1 to 1.6, and the initial pressure q = 0. The phase velocity and the wave transmission of Lamb wave decrease with
increasing S.
051901-15 Wave propagation and induced steady streaming Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

the longitudinal stretch ratio S. As mentioned earlier, Kuik- evance to the HFV, in which gases fill the tube. To examine
en’s theory has been questioned by others for the inconsistent the velocity and wall displacement fields in HFV, the follow-
use of stress terms. ing physical values are chosen, following Dragon and
Table I also presents a contrast in the roles played by q Grotberg:5 a = 9 ⫻ 10−3 m, b̂ = 1.056, ⑀ = 0.1, ␳f
and S. In particular, the initial pressure tends to diminish the = 1.14 kg/ m , ␳w = 9.97⫻ 102 kg/ m3 共M = 874.56兲, ␯ f = 1.5
Young wave but to enhance the Lamb wave, as can be in- ⫻ 10−5 m2 / s, ␯w = 4.5⫻ 10−4 m2 / s, and Gw = 138.5 Pa for
ferred from the wave transmission. Remarkably, opposite ef- normal tracheae 共␤ = 500, ␥ = 0.3兲. Different from the blood
fects will result from an initial extension of the tube. On circulation, HFV requires a fixed leading-order tidal volume
comparing Figs. 7共a兲 and 9共a兲, one finds that the Young wave VT at a given axial position, say, Z = 0, in one half-cycle, and
velocity changes more appreciably with respect to the initial d = VT / ␲a2 is the stroke length. The dimensionless flow rate
pressure than with respect to the stretch ratio within the can be expressed by5
ranges of values specified above. In contrast, on comparing

Figs. 8共a兲 and 10共a兲, one finds that the Lamb wave velocity is 1
more affected by the stretch ratio than by the initial pressure. żof R̂dR̂ = , 共98兲
As noted above, the Lamb wave is essentially associated 0 4
with longitudinal motion only, and is hence more responsive
to the initial axial deformation. The effects shown in these where A = d / a is a nondimensional amplitude parameter, re-
figures remain qualitatively the same for a viscoelastic tube, lating the stroke length to the undisturbed inner tube radius.
when ␥ ⬎ 0. For a constrained elastic tube, the initial stresses In this study, A is fixed at 5. Dragon and Grotberg assumed
will have no effect on the wave damping since ␹ is real and comparable length scales for the radial and axial wall dis-
the initial stress terms are canceled out on evaluating k̂i / k̂r by placements, which is a condition that holds only when the
Eq. 共88兲. The influence of the initial pressure on the Young tube is tethered. Therefore, the present constrained-tube
wave speed is quite similar to the free-tube case as shown in model 共case 2兲 will be used when we do the comparison
Fig. 7共a兲. However, in the absence of the mean pressure, below. However, different from blood flow in arteries, the
q = 0, it follows from the dispersion equation, Eq. 共88兲, that elasticity of tracheae can reach a small value, say, ␤ = 50,
the Young wave velocity in a constrained tube is independent while the oscillation frequency can be as high as ␣ = 15. Un-
of the initial stretch S, which is different from what is shown der this rather extreme condition, the radial acceleration term
in Fig. 9共a兲 for a free tube. Even when the constrained tube is ⑀2⳵2r̂w / ⳵t̂2 in Eq. 共32兲 becomes comparable to the elastic
viscoelastic 共␹ becomes a complex number兲, the wave at- stress terms, or ⑀2␣4 / ␤ = O共1兲, and the term should be taken
tenuation and the phase velocity can only be weakly affected into account in the leading-order analysis. Therefore, when
by the initial stresses and by the initial extension of the tube, the present tethered tube model 共case 2兲 is applied to the
respectively. pulmonary gas flow during HFV, the dispersion equation
As remarked earlier, the present study is also of rel- 共88兲 should be changed to

k̂2 = − . 共99兲
M共␣2␥i + ␤兲关J1共␭兲 − ␭J0共␭兲/2兴关2共1 − 1/b̂2兲 − ⑀2␣4 ln共b̂兲/共␣2␥i + ␤兲 + ␹兴

Figure 11 shows a comparison of the amplitude D and

the phase ␾, as defined in Eq. 共97兲, of the radial displace-
ment of the wall-fluid interface R̂ = 1 at Ẑ = 0 as functions of
k̂o = 冋 2J0共␭兲 R20␣4
J2共␭兲 M̃共R2␣4 − iR2共2˜␥兲␣2 − ␬/0.75兲
0 0
册 1/2

the Womersley number and the elasticity, where ␥ = 0.3, be-

tween the present model and Dragon and Grotberg’s model.
We recall that the latter model is based on the thin-wall as-
b−a ␳w共b − a兲 ␯w
sumption, by which the wall is merely represented by a solid R0 = 1 + , M̃ = , ˜␥ = ,
surface. By their model,5 D and ␾ are given by 兩␵兩 and 2a ␳fa 2␯ f
tan−1关−Im共␵兲 / Re共␵兲兴, respectively, where 共102兲
␭ = ␣i3/2, ␬= ,
␵= k̂o , 共100兲
4 where E is Young’s modulus. As was assumed by Dragon
and Grotberg,5 the initial stresses are ignored in this particu-
in which lar example.
051901-16 Y. Ma and C.-O. Ng Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

6 1.6

4.5 1.2

D 3
φ 0.8
β = 50 β = 50
1.5 0.4

0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
2 0.8

1.5 0.6

D 1 φ 0.4

β = 500 0.2 β = 500

0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

D 0.4 φ 0.4
β = 5000
0.2 0.2 β = 5000

0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
α α
FIG. 11. Radial wall displacement on the interface at Ẑ = 0 as computed from the present model 共solid line兲 and from Dragon and Grotberg’s model 共Ref. 5兲
共dashed line兲 as a function of the Womersley number ␣ for elasticities ␤ = 50, 500, 5000, where b̂ = 1.056, M = 874.56, and ␥ = 0.3. The two models agree very
well with each other in the case of strong elasticity at low frequencies but give rather different values for weak elasticity at high frequency.

It is clear from Fig. 11 that, for sufficiently strong elas- ␾ are shown as functions of the Womersley number ␣ and
ticity such that ␤ ⱖ 500, the results by the two models agree the tube wall viscosity ␥, and the elasticity ␤ = 500 for nor-
very well with each other. Some differences, however, ap- mal tracheae. For a pure elastic tube 共␥ = 0兲, the two models
pear in the case of weak elasticity, ␤ = 50, when the Womer- give results very close to each other. As ␥ increases, differ-
sley number is so high that ␣ ⱖ 6. Essentially, Dragon and ences in the results at high frequencies are growingly exhib-
Grotberg’s model predicts that D will reach a local maximum ited, especially for the phase lag ␾. The difference in the
at a certain frequency, corresponding to the occurrence of effects of the wall viscosity on the wall motion can be related
resonance. The resonance frequency is lower for smaller to the fact that the wall damping has been accounted for in
elasticity ␤. Therefore, for elasticity as weak as ␤ = 50, the different manners by the two models. This comparison shows
resonance may occur at a frequency that is within the range that the difference is intensified as the wall viscosity in-
of ␣ being considered. However, the resonance frequency creases. The effects of the viscous damping will be further
and radial displacement predicted by the present model are discussed in the second-order analysis below.
slightly different from those by Dragon and Grotberg.5 The Owing to the small displacements, the Lagrangian prob-
differences are possibly due to one basic difference between lem gives the same solution as the Eulerian problem at the
the two models. The radial displacement r̂wo in Eq. 共81兲 of the first order. This is no longer true at higher orders. At the
present model is a function of the radial coordinate R̂ whose second order, the time-averaged Lagrangian problem can be
radial gradient is responsible for the normal stress, while the solved directly for the Lagrangian streaming velocity, which
thin-wall model by Dragon and Grotberg5 can only admit differs from the Eulerian streaming velocity by the Stokes
constant radial wall deformation. The disparities will be en- drift. In biofluid problems, substances are transported in the
hanced as the wall thickness increases and further magnified fluid mainly by the Young wave mode. Hence, the Lamb
under the occurrence of resonance. On the other hand, the wave will be ignored in the following second-order analysis.
resonance could happen only when the radial wall accelera-
tion is comparable to the elastic stresses, which can be sat-
isfied for pulmonary gas flow during HFV. For blood flow in V. SECOND-ORDER PROBLEM
arteries, the elasticity is so high that the resonance frequency
A. Second-order solution
is far beyond the range of ␣ being considered. Hence, for
blood flow, it is reasonable to neglect the radial acceleration At O共⑀2兲, the governing equations for the fluid flow are
term as in previous works.6,18
⳵ ẑ f2 ⳵ r̂ f2 r̂ f2 r̂2f1 ⳵ r̂ f1 ⳵ ẑ f1 ⳵ ẑ f1 ⳵ r̂ f1
Figure 12 presents another comparison between the + + = + − , 共103兲
present and Dragon and Grotberg’s models, in which D and ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ R̂ R̂2 ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂
051901-17 Wave propagation and induced steady streaming Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

2 0.8

1.5 0.6

D 1 φ 0.4
γ=0 γ=0
0.5 0.2

0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
2 0.8

1.5 0.6

D 1 φ 0.4
γ=1 γ=1
0.5 0.2

0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
2 0.8

1.5 0.6

D 1 φ 0.4
γ = 10
0.5 0.2
γ = 10
0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
α α
FIG. 12. Radial wall displacement on the interface at Ẑ = 0 as computed from the present model 共solid line兲 and from Dragon and Grotberg’s model 共Ref. 5兲
共dashed line兲 as a function of the Womersley number ␣ for tube viscosity ␥ = 0 , 1 , 10, where b̂ = 1.056, M = 874.56, and ␤ = 500. The two models give results
very close to each other for weak wall viscosity, but the differences at high frequencies are growingly exhibited as ␥ increases.

⳵ p̂ f2 ⳵ ẑ f1 ⳵ p̂ f1 ␣4 ⳵ ẑw2 ⳵ p̂w2 ⳵ ␶ˆ wzr2 ␶ˆ wrz2 ⳵ ␶ˆ wzz2

= , 共104兲 + − − −
⳵ R̂ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ ␤ ⳵ t̂2 ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ
⳵ ẑw11 ⳵ p̂w1 ⳵ r̂w1 ⳵ p̂w1 ⳵ r̂w1 ⳵ ␶ˆ wzr1 r̂w1
= + − − ␶ˆ wrz1

冉 冊
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ R̂ R̂2
⳵ ẑ f2 ⳵ p̂ f2 ⳵ ␶ˆ fzr2 ␶ˆ fzr2
␣2 + − − ⳵ ẑw11 ⳵ ␶ˆ wzz1 ⳵ r̂w1 ␶ˆ wzz1
⳵ t̂ 2
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ R̂ − − , 共108兲
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂
⳵ ẑ f1 ⳵ p̂ f1 ⳵ r̂ f1 ⳵ ␶ˆ fzr1 ⳵ ẑ f1 ⳵ ␶ˆ fzr1 r̂ f1
= ␣2 − − − ␶ˆ frz1 . 共105兲
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ R̂2
where the stress components ␶ˆ lij2 are given in Appendix D.
Our interest here is to find the steady streaming in the
To simplify the problem, let us for the time being consider a fluid, which can be obtained by taking the time average of
tube without initial stresses, for which the governing equa- the above equations. On the substitution of Eq. 共77兲, the time
tions at O共⑀2兲 can be written as averaging of Eqs. 共103兲 and 共106兲 yields

⳵ ẑw21 ⳵ r̂w2 r̂w2 2

r̂w1 ⳵ ẑw11 ⳵ r̂w1 ⳵¯ẑl2 ⳵¯r̂l2 ¯r̂l2
+ + = − , 共106兲 ˆ ˆ
+ + = Fle2kiZ , 共109兲
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ R̂ R̂ 2
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ R̂

⳵ p̂w2 ⳵ ␶ˆ wrr2 ␶ˆ wrr2 − ␶ˆ w␪␪2 where

− −
⳵ R̂ ⳵ R̂

再 冎

= 冉 ⳵ r̂w1
⳵ R̂


冊冉 ␶ˆ wrr1 − ␶ˆ w␪␪1

冊 , 共107兲 Ff =
Re 兩rof 兩2
2 R̂2
+ ik̂ⴱroⴱ
− ik̂ ⴱ oⴱ
z f
, 共110兲
051901-18 Y. Ma and C.-O. Ng Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

Fw =
2 R̂2

Re 兩rwo兩2
− ik̂ⴱzwc
oⴱ drw

. 冎 共111兲
are functions of R̂ and t̂, and zwc is a function of t̂ only, where
time dependence here is nonperiodic. Before solving for the
steady streaming in the fluid, we first determine the steady
The overbar denotes time average over one wave period and motion of the tube.
the asterisk denotes the complex conjugate. The time- The continuity equation for the time-mean velocity is
averaged momentum equations are obtainable by first differentiating Eqs. 共103兲 and 共106兲 with
respect to time followed by time averaging over a period:
⳵ ¯p̂ f2 ˆ ˆ
= ⌫e2kiZ , 共112兲
⳵ R̂ ⳵¯ẑ˙l2 ⳵¯r̂˙l2 ¯r̂˙
+ + = 0. 共119兲
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ R̂
⳵ ¯p̂ f2 ⳵2¯ẑ˙ f2 1 ⳵¯ẑ˙ f2 ˆ ˆ Substituting Eq. 共118兲 into Eqs. 共109兲, 共114兲, 共115兲, and
␣2 − − = He2kiZ , 共113兲
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ 2
R̂ ⳵ R̂ 共119兲 yields the following equations for the axial time-mean

冋 冉 冊册
displacement at Ẑ = 0:

⳵ ¯p̂w2
⳵ R̂
␣2␥ ⳵2¯r̂˙w2 1 ⳵¯r̂˙w2 ¯r̂˙w2

⳵ R̂2 R̂ ⳵ R̂

␤ 冉
␣2␥ d2żswv 1 dżswv
dR̂ 2
R̂ dR̂
+ 4k̂2i żwc
d2zswv 1 dzswv
dR̂ 2
R̂ dR̂

+ 4k̂2i zwc

−2 冋 ⳵2¯r̂w2
⳵ R̂2

1 ⳵¯r̂w2
⳵ R̂


冊册 = Ie 2kˆiZˆ
, 共114兲
= K,

where K = K共R̂兲 is given by


and 冉 冕 冊


冉 冊
K = 2k̂i Fw + IdR̂ + M 0 − P.

⳵ ¯p̂w2 ␣2␥ ⳵2¯r̂˙w2 ⳵2¯ẑ˙w22 1 ⳵¯r̂˙w2 ⳵¯ẑ˙w22 Equation 共120兲 can be readily solved to give the general
− + + +
⳵ Ẑ ␤ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂2 R̂ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ solutions of the steady axial velocity profile:

册冋 冉 冊
zwc = M 1关1 − e−␤t̂/␣ ␥兴 共122兲
⳵2¯ẑ˙w21 ⳵2¯r̂w2 ⳵2¯ẑw22 1 ⳵¯r̂w2 ⳵¯ẑw22
+2 − + + + and
⳵ Ẑ2 ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂2 R̂ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂

zswv = N关1 − e−␤t̂/␣ ␥兴, 共123兲
⳵ ẑw21

+2 = Pe , 共115兲
⳵ Ẑ2 where N = N共R̂兲 is given by


再 冎
where N = 共K − 4k̂2i M 1兲 + M 2 ln共R̂兲 + M 3 , 共124兲
Re dzof
⌫= ik̂ⴱ Poⴱ
f , 共116兲 where M 0 – M 3 are the constants of integration. Equations
2 dR̂
共122兲 and 共123兲 show that the time-mean axial velocity ¯ẑw21

冉 冊

dzof and ¯ẑw22 will die out exponentially and tend to the limits M 1

冏 冏
d R̂zoⴱ
f and N, respectively, over a timescale ␣2␥ / 共␤␴兲, or ␮w / Gw.
Re 2 2 oⴱ o 2k̂ⴱ dR̂ dzof 2
The time-mean radial velocity rws has similar exponential de-
H= ␣ 兩k̂兩 p f z f − − k̂
2 R̂ dR̂ dR̂ cay with time. The timescale ␮w / Gw is the so-called relax-
ation time, which characterizes the rate of creep of a Voigt

body in response to a unit-step force. For a viscoelastic ma-

+i 冉 droⴱ



冊冉 1 dzof
R̂ dR̂

, 共117兲
terial with sufficient strength such that Gw / ␮w ⱖ O共␴兲, which
implies that the time for the transient motion is much shorter
than the wave period, the time-mean motion of the tube is
short lived, as the ultimate mean deformation can be readily
and I and P are two complicated functions of R̂ containing
attained within several wave periods or so.31 Under this con-
terms of products of first-order quantities.
dition, the transient motion is of no practical significance,
According to the forcing terms on the right-hand side of
and we may consider an instant of time that is long enough
the time-averaged equations 共109兲–共115兲, the second-order
for the steady motion of the wall to have already stopped. In
solutions of the steady motion in both the fluid and wall can
biofluid systems, the elasticity of the tissue is typically
be expressed as follows:
strong enough so that the assumption Gw / ␮w ⱖ O共␴兲 can be
¯˙ ,ẑ
¯˙ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ satisfied in general. One may check that this condition is
共r̂ f2 f2,p̂ f2,r̂w2,ẑw21,ẑw22,p̂w2兲
indeed satisfied using the physical input values that have
ˆ ˆ
= 共URs,ULs,psf ,rws,zwc
,zswv,pws兲e2kiZ , 共118兲 been earlier introduced for the blood flow and HFV systems.
For an initially stressed tube, the above argument remains
where URs, ULs, and psf are functions of R̂ only, rws, zswv, and pws valid. Based on this assumption, the boundary conditions for
051901-19 Wave propagation and induced steady streaming Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

the steady streaming of the fluid can be written as Substitution of Eq. 共118兲 into Eqs. 共109兲–共113兲 and the
boundary conditions 共125兲 and 共126兲, the time-mean pressure
dẑ and axial steady streaming velocity at Ẑ = 0 can be readily
¯r̂˙ = 0, f2
=0 on R̂ = 0 共125兲
f2 obtained as


and psf = ⌫dR̂ + M 4 , 共128兲

¯r̂˙ = 0,
¯ẑ˙ = 0
f2 on R̂ = 1. 共126兲
ULs = 冕 冕Rˆ

R̂ 0

共2k̂i␣2 psf − H兲R̂dR̂dR̂, 共129兲
Integrating Eq. 共119兲 over the cross section while making use
of the boundary condition 共126兲 gives where the integration constant M 4 can be determined from
URs by substituting Eq. 共129兲 into Eq. 共119兲 which is then
¯˙ 共1兲 integrated with respect to R̂ with the boundary conditions
¯˙ 典 = − r̂ f2 = 0,
具ẑ 共127兲
f2 共125兲 and 共126兲:

where the angular brackets denote the cross-sectional aver- URs兩Rˆ=1 =


冕 0
共− 2k̂iULs兲R̂dR̂ = 0. 共130兲
age. This result shows that the net Lagrangian time-mean
flux across a section will be identically equal to zero when Substituting F, ⌫, and H into Eq. 共129兲 results in an expres-
the time-mean motion of the wall dies out. sion for ULs as follows:

ULs = Re ␭B1 poⴱ 冉 1 2

兩k̂兩 i + k̂ⴱ2i + k̂ik̂ⴱ 关J0共␭R̂兲 − J0共␭兲兴 + ␣2兩B1兩2k̂ⴱ 冕1

⳵ J0共␭R̂兲
⳵ R̂
dR̂ 冎 1
+ k̂r␣4兩B1兩2

冕 冕 冕 冕冏 冏 2
Rˆ 1 Rˆ 1 Rˆ 1 Rˆ 2J1共␭R̂兲 1
⫻ 兩J1共␭R̂兲兩2R̂dR̂dR̂ + k̂i␣2兩B1兩2 ␭J0共␭R̂兲 − R̂dR̂dR̂ + k̂i␣2共R̂2 − 1兲共4M 4 − 兩k̂兩2兩po兩2兲, 共131兲
1 R̂ 0 2 1 R̂ 0 R̂ 8

where ␭ = ␣i3/2. The steady Lagrangian drift, which is domi- and Grotberg’s model.5 The dimensionless Eulerian steady
nantly in the axial direction, is now determined. This steady axial velocity w1 in Dragon and Grotberg’s model is given by
current is affected through the parameter B1 by the viscoelas- ˆ ˆ
w1 = 关W共0兲 共0兲ⴱ
1 共R̂兲 + W1 共R̂兲兴e
, 共132兲
ticity and initial stresses of the tube, as given in Eq. 共87兲. Our
second-order analysis and the resulting expression for the where the expression for W共0兲1 共R̂兲 is given in Appendix E and
Lagrangian drift appear not to have been reported in the ex- k̂oi is the imaginary part of k̂o as defined in Eq. 共101兲. The
isting literature. By virtue of the Lagrangian approach, the dimensional Eulerian steady axial velocity ue in Dragon and
boundary conditions are prescribed exactly on the interfaces, Grotberg’s model can be obtained by multiplying w1 with the
and hence the expressions deduced above are good irrespec- velocity scale:
tive of the displacement amplitude of the boundaries. This
⑀␯ f
renders the present model to be superior to an Eulerian ue = w1 . 共133兲
model, which is limited by the condition that the amplitude
of the interfacial displacement must be much smaller than To enable the comparison, the Stokes drift is added to the
the Stokes layer thickness; otherwise the Taylor expansion of Eulerian drift42,43 to get the Lagrangian drift uL:
the boundary conditions about the mean position will not uL = ue + us , 共134兲
where the dimensional Stokes drift us can be calculated by

B. Results and discussions

on the second-order solution us =
⑀␯ f
␣ 2a 冋冉冕 t̂
w0dt 冊 冉冕 冊


Numerical results are presented below to help us look
into the effects of viscoelasticity on the steady streaming.
First, let us compare in the context of HFV the steady axial
= 2 Re 再 冋⑀␯ f
2 k̂o兩W0共r̂兲兩2 + iUo共r̂兲ⴱ
册冎 ˆ ˆ
e2koiZ , 共135兲

velocity profiles as given by the present model and Dragon in which u0 and w0 are, respectively, the dimensionless first-
051901-20 Y. Ma and C.-O. Ng Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

1 1 1
β = 500 β = 500 β = 500
0.8 α=2 0.8 α=6 0.8 α = 10
0.6 0.6 0.6
R^ R^ R^
0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
-2 -1 0s 1 2 -4 -2 0 2 4 -10 -5 0 5 10
uL usL usL
1 1 1
β = 50 β = 50 β = 50
0.8 α=2 0.8 α=6 0.8 α = 10
0.6 0.6 0.6
R^ R R^
0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
-2 -1 0 1 2 -4 -2 0 2 4 -10 -5 0 5 10
usL usL usL
1 1 1
β=5 β=5 β=5
0.8 α=2 0.8 α=6 0.8 α = 10
0.6 0.6 0.6
^ ^ ^
0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
-2 -1 0 1 2 -4 -2 0s 2 4 -10 -5 0 5 10
usL uL usL
FIG. 13. Cross-sectional profiles of steady axial velocity at Ẑ = 0, resulting from the Young wave in the context of HFV, for elasticities ␤ = 5 , 50, 500 and
Womersley numbers ␣ = 2 , 6 , 10, as computed from the present model 共solid lines兲 and from Dragon and Grotberg’s model 共Ref. 5兲 共dashed lines兲, where
b̂ = 1.056, M = 874.56, and ␥ = 0.3. Differences between the two models are similar to those in Fig. 11. The streaming velocity increases in magnitude as ␤
decreases. The velocity profile changes qualitatively when the frequency is varied.

order radial and axial velocities in Dragon and Grotberg’s larger amplitude under the same forcing. More remarkably,
model: the velocity profile will change qualitatively when the fre-
ˆ ˆ quency is varied. At a low frequency 共␣ ⬇ 1兲, the steady
共u0,w0兲 = 2 Re兵关U0共R̂兲,W0共R̂兲兴ei共t̂−koZ兲其, 共136兲 streaming can be in the forward direction near the center of
where the expressions for U0共R̂兲 and W0共R̂兲 are also given in the tube and is in the backward direction near the wall. The
Appendix E. The final step is to normalize uL by the velocity pattern will be reversed, however, when the frequency be-
scale: comes large enough 共␣ ⬎ 5兲.
ˆ ˆ
The effect of the wall viscosity ␥ on the steady stream-
uL = 共⑀2L␴兲UL⬘se2koiZ . 共137兲 ing velocity is shown in Fig. 14. Again, some differences in
the results of the two models are exhibited when both the
Now, UL⬘s given above by Dragon and Grotberg’s model can
be compared with ULs given by Eq. 共131兲 of the present wall viscosity ␥ and the frequency ␣ are large. When this is
model. As in Sec. IV, the case of volume-cycled oscillation examined in conjunction with Fig. 12, one can see that the
共i.e., the tidal volume is fixed when the frequency is varied兲 wall viscosity has a stronger diminishing effect on the veloc-
in a tethered tube without initial stresses is considered for ity profile in the present model than in Dragon and Grot-
this comparison in the context of HFV. berg’s model. This difference can be ascribed to the fact that
different constitutive equations have been used in the two
Figure 13 shows the steady axial velocity profiles at Ẑ = 0
models. In the present work, a Voigt type of constitutive law
for different values of the elasticity ␤ and the Womersley
number ␣, which represents frequency as given in Eq. 共40兲. for the viscoelastic tube as given in Eq. 共4兲 is part of the
Again, it can be seen that the present results agree well with problem formulation. In this constitutive equation, the wall
those by Dragon and Grotberg’s model except when ␤ is viscosity is a term contributing to the deviatoric stress com-
small and ␣ is large. As reasoned earlier when discussing ponents. On examining the steady streaming velocity given
Fig. 11, the difference in the results can be ascribed to the by Eq. 共131兲, one may find that the time-mean velocity is
basic difference in handling the wall shear deformation and controlled by several parameters 共e.g., B1 , po , k̂兲 which are
stress between the two models. From this figure, one may see all functions of the term ␣2␥i + ␤ as a result of the Voigt
that in general the streaming velocity will increase in mag- model. The wall viscosity is hence introduced into the
nitude as ␤ 共or the stiffness of the tube兲 decreases. This is present model through the formal stress-strain rate relations.
associated with the fact that a softer tube will move with a Of course, the wall shear stress is one of the components
051901-21 Wave propagation and induced steady streaming Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

1 1 1
γ=0 γ=0 γ=0
0.8 α=2 0.8 α=6 0.8 α = 10
0.6 0.6 0.6
R^ R^ R^
0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
-0.2 -0.1 0s 0.1 0.2 -0.4 -0.2 0s 0.2 0.4 -3 -2 -1 0s 1 2 3
uL uL uL
1 1 1
γ=1 γ=1 γ=1
0.8 α=2 0.8 α=6 0.8 α = 10
0.6 0.6 0.6
R^ R R^
0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 -0.4 -0.2 0s 0.2 0.4 -3 -2 -1 0s 1 2 3
usL uL uL
1 1 1
γ = 10 γ = 10 γ = 10
0.8 α=2 0.8 α=6 0.8 α = 10
0.6 0.6 0.6
^ ^ ^
0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
usL usL usL
FIG. 14. Cross-sectional profiles of steady axial velocity at Ẑ = 0, resulting from the Young wave in the context of HFV, for tube viscosities ␥ = 0 , 1 , 10 and
Womersley numbers ␣ = 2 , 6 , 10, as computed from the present model 共solid lines兲 and from Dragon and Grotberg’s model 共Ref. 5兲 共dashed lines兲, where
b̂ = 1.056, M = 874.56, and ␤ = 500. The wall viscosity has a stronger diminishing effect on the velocity profile in the present model than in Dragon and
Grotberg’s model.

affected by the viscosity. The approach adopted by Dragon elasticity and viscosity of the wall in a manner similar to that
and Grotberg is dramatically different, where the viscous found in Figs. 13 and 14. The streaming velocity will also
damping is accounted for by terms added directly to the in- change in direction as the frequency is varied. The effects
ertia alongside the acceleration terms in the momentum remain qualitatively the same even when the tube is con-
equations deduced previously by Atabek and Lew.18 For ex- strained.
ample, the viscous damping in their radial momentum equa- We show in Figs. 15 and 16 the influences of the initial
tion is a term that is proportional to the radial velocity of the stresses on the steady streaming for a free tube in the context
wall: 2˜␥ ⳵ rw / ⳵t, where the frictional coefficient ˜␥ is given in of blood flow. The initial mean pressure q will in general
Eq. 共102兲. In other words, the wall viscosity is introduced enhance the magnitude of the velocity profiles as shown in
into their model through a damping effect acting directly on Fig. 15. As has been shown in Fig. 7共a兲, the initial mean
the wall inertia, which is essentially not the same as through pressure q is to decrease the Young wave speed or to increase
the stress-strain rate relations. With wall shear stresses ig-
the wavenumber k̂. A larger wavenumber corresponds to a
nored, Dragon and Grotberg’s model falls short in fully de-
larger amplitude of the first-order axial oscillatory velocity,
scribing the wall viscosity effects on the first-order as well as
the second-order fluid flows. This should explain the differ- thereby leading to a larger value of the second-order time-
ence in the results we have seen thus far between the two mean velocity, as these two velocities can be found from
models when the wall is soft and viscous and the oscillation Eqs. 共78兲 and 共131兲, respectively. The initial longitudinal
frequency is high. stretch ratio S also enhances the steady streaming when the
The results being not shown here, we have also evalu- frequency is large but tends to have little effect on the
ated the steady axial streaming velocity using input values streaming at a low frequency, as shown in Fig. 16. By and
that are relevant to blood flow for a free tube. In this case, large, the streaming is affected to a greater extent by the
the oscillation is based on a fixed pressure gradient when the initial mean pressure than by the initial stretch. When the
frequency is varied. Under this condition, increasing the fre- tube becomes constrained 共results not shown here兲, we have
quency will actually decrease the stroke length or the tidal found that the effects of the mean pressure on the steady
volume. As a result, the streaming velocity will decrease in streaming are similar to those shown in Fig. 15 for a free
magnitude as the frequency increases. Other than this aspect, tube. However, when q = 0, the initial stretch ratio S will have
the streaming velocity profile is essentially affected by the no effect on the steady streaming.
051901-22 Y. Ma and C.-O. Ng Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

1 1
(a) α=2 (a) α=2
0.8 0.8
q =0 S =1
q = 1000 S = 1.2
0.6 q 0.6
= 2000 S = 1.4
^ q = 3000 S = 1.6
R 0.4 q = 4000 R 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
-100 0 100 200 300 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
uL usL
1 1
(b) α=6 (b)
0.8 q =0 =1
q 0.8 S
= 1000 = 1.2
q = 2000 S = 1.4
0.6 0.6 S
q = 3000 = 1.6
^ q = 4000
R 0.4 ^
R 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2
usL usL
(c) α = 10 (c)
α = 10
0.8 q =0 S =1
q 0.8 S = 1.2
= 1000
q = 2000 S = 1.4
0.6 0.6
q = 3000 S = 1.6
^ q = 4000
R 0.4 ^
R 0.4


-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 0
s -4 -2 0 2
uL s
FIG. 15. Cross-sectional profiles of steady axial velocity at Ẑ = 0, resulting FIG. 16. Cross-sectional profiles of steady axial velocity at Ẑ = 0, resulting
from the Young wave in the context of blood circulation for a free tube for from the Young wave in the context of blood circulation for a free tube for
various values of the initial mean pressure q, where ␣ = 2 , 6 , 10, ␤ = 20 000, various values of the longitudinal stretch ratio S, where ␣ = 2 , 6 , 10, ␤
␥ = 10, and S = 1. The initial mean pressure can considerably enhance the = 20 000, ␥ = 10, and q = 0. The initial stretch enhances the steady streaming
magnitude of the steady velocity profiles. when the frequency is large but tends to have little effect at low frequency.

two models in handling the radial wall displacement and in

VI. CONCLUDING REMARKS the basic constitutive equation for the viscoelastic tube.
The present work is limited by the condition of small
We have performed a Lagrangian perturbation analysis displacements of the solid and fluid particles in order to en-
to the second order for the oscillatory flow and the steady able the problem to be solved by an asymptotic analytical
streaming of a fluid as induced by a wave propagating in a approach. For finite deformations, where the displacements
prestressed viscoelastic tube modeled as a Voigt material. of the wall are comparable to the tube radius, the problem
The cases of a free tube, which is free of stresses on the outer will still be formulated in terms of a Lagrangian description,
wall surface, and a constrained tube, which is strongly teth- but the strongly nonlinear problem has then to be solved
ered by the surrounding tissues longitudinally, have been ex- numerically. This may happen when the forcing is very
amined. The classical oscillatory viscous flow in a flexible strong, or when the tube is very soft, or when the frequency
tube has been revisited. The present model has been checked is very high, e.g., the Womersley number ␣ ⱖ 15. Our prob-
to be capable of yielding results that are in agreement with lem presented here can then be used as a benchmark to test
those by the thin-walled tube model of Womersley6 and by the accuracy of a computational scheme that is to be devel-
the thick-walled tube model of Cox.40 The influences of the oped to solve the Lagrangian problem numerically.
initial stresses on the propagation of Young and Lamb waves Our next problem is to look into the associated mass
have been studied and compared with other prestressed tube transport. An important application is the dispersion due to
models. The first-order results derived from the present HFV of a vaporous substance in the respiratory system. With
tethered-tube model in the context of HFV have also been the oscillatory flow field given by the present model, we may
compared with those from Dragon and Grotberg’s model.5 proceed to find the concentration field using an effective
Differences in the results of the two models are appreciable transport equation. Dragon and Grotberg5 examined the
for small elasticity and large viscosity of the tube at high steady rate of axial mass transport and determined an optimal
frequencies. We have also advanced to the second-order frequency of the steady mass transport as a function of the
problem to find the time-mean streaming velocity of the fluid Womersley number. It is worth finding out how the vis-
for an instant of time that is long enough for the mean mo- coelastic properties of an airway may influence this optimal
tion of the wall to have already died out. Again, a compari- frequency based on the present flow model.
son with Dragon and Grotberg’s model for the streaming
velocity shows similar differences in the results when the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
tube is soft and the frequency and the damping are high. On The work was supported by the Research Grants Council
reviewing the two models, we have pointed out that the dis- of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China
parities can stem from fundamental differences between the through Project No. HKU 7192/04E and also by the Univer-
051901-23 Wave propagation and induced steady streaming Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

sity of Hong Kong through the Seed Funding Programme for ␣2␥ ⳵ ṙˆw1 ⳵ r̂w1
Basic Research under Project Code 200611159078. This ␶ˆ wrr1 = 2 +2 , 共A3兲
␤ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ R̂
study constitutes part of the work performed by the first au-
thor for his Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of the second
author at the University of Hong Kong. ␣2␥ ṙˆw1 r̂w1
␶ˆ w␪␪1 = 2 +2 , 共A4兲
␤ R̂ R̂
AS IN EQS. „69…, „71…, and „72…
␣2␥ ⳵ żˆw11 ⳵ ẑw11
⳵ ṙˆ f1 ṙˆ f1
␶ˆ wzz1 = 2 +2 , 共A5兲
␶ˆ frr1 = 2 , ␶ˆ f ␪␪1 = 2 , 共A1兲
␤ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ Ẑ
⳵ R̂ R̂

␶ˆ fzz1 = 2
⳵ żˆ f1
⳵ Ẑ
, ␶ˆ frz1 =
⳵ żˆ f1
⳵ R̂
, 共A2兲 ␶ˆ wrz1 =

␣2␥ ⳵ ṙˆw1 ⳵ żˆw12
⳵ Ẑ
⳵ R̂
+ 冊
⳵ r̂w1 ⳵ ẑw12
⳵ Ẑ
⳵ R̂
. 共A6兲


k̂2/2 ik̂J1共␭兲
− ik̂ ␭J0共␭兲
0 ␣4J1共␭兲/共M ␨兲
␣4共1 − 2p̂ f0k̂2兲/共␨ M兲 − 2p̂ f0i5/2k̂␣5J0共␭兲/共␨ M兲
0 0
0 0

−1 0

冋 册
0 0

− ik̂ +

ln共1 − j1兲 2

R̂ ln 冉冑 冊 R̂
R̂2 − j1
dR̂ +
+ S3 − 1 1



j1 2
1 − − ln
2 j1 冑1 − j1
冊 0

− ik̂ +
− 冋
ln共b̂2 − j1兲 2
冕 bˆ
R̂ ln 冉冑 冊 R̂
R̂ − j1
dR̂ +
+ S3 − 1 册 1

b̂ 2

␤ 1
− 冉
j1 2
− ln
␨S b̂2 2b̂4 j1

b̂ − j1 冑 冊 0

− ik̂/2 0
−1 0

k̂2 −
␣ ik̂␤

2␨ ␨S


ln冑1 − j1 +
ik̂共j1 + S − 1兲
册 k̂2/2

2ik̂␣4 p̂ f0 . 共B1兲
ik̂ + − ik̂

k̂2b̂2 −
␣4b̂2 ik̂␤ ik̂j1
␨S 2
ln 冋 冉冑 冊 冉 b̂
b̂2 − j1
ik̂b̂2 j1
2 b̂2
+ S3 − 1 冊册 k̂2b̂2/2

ik̂ − ik̂
051901-24 Y. Ma and C.-O. Ng Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

再 册冎

A1 = M共␣2␥i + ␤兲 3共1 − b̂2兲 +

共␣ ␥i + ␤兲S
2 j1ln
b̂冑1 − j1

冑b̂2 − j + 共S − 1兲共b̂ − 1兲
3 2

冋 冉 冊册

␤b̂2 1 j1 j1 2 b̂冑1 − j1
⫻ 1+ 共C1兲
2␨共b̂2 − 1兲S
− + + ln
2 2b̂4 j1 b̂2 − j1 冑 ,

A2 = ␣4 1 + 冋 冉 ␤
2b̂ 2

j 1

冑b̂ − j
冊册 −
2关J1共␭兲 − ␭J0共␭兲/2兴

冋 冉 冊册

␤b̂2 1 j1 j1 2 b̂冑1 − j1
− ␣4M共1 − b̂2兲 1 + 1− − + + ln
2␨共b̂2 − 1兲S b̂2 2 2b̂4 j1 b̂2 − j

冋 册−
冋 冉 冊册
bˆ冑1−j 1
冑b̂2 − j1
␤␣4␭J0共␭兲b̂2 j1 ln b̂2−j1

2␨共b̂ − 1兲S关J1共␭兲 − ␭J0共␭兲/2兴

+ 共S3 − 1兲共b̂2 − 1兲 ␣4b̂2␤
␨共b̂ − 1兲S

冕 1

R̂ ln
冑R̂2 − j1

dR̂ + ln
1 − j1


A3 = 冋 共␣2␥i + ␤兲共b̂2 − 1兲关J1共␭兲 − ␭J0共␭兲/2兴

册冋 J1共␭兲 ␭J0共␭兲共1 − b̂2兲

. 册 共C3兲


COMPONENTS, AS IN EQS. „105…, „107…,
AND „108…
␶ˆ wzz2 = 2

␣2␥ ⳵ ẑ˙w2 ⳵ r̂w1 ⳵ ẑ˙w11 r̂w1 ⳵ ẑ˙w11
⳵ Ẑ
⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ
R̂ ⳵ Ẑ
⳵ ẑw21
⳵ Ẑ

␶ˆ frr2 = 2 冉 ⳵ r̂˙ f2
⳵ ẑ f1 ⳵ r̂˙ f1

⳵ ẑ f1 ⳵ r̂˙ f1
r̂ f1 ⳵ r̂˙ f1
冊 , 共D1兲
+ 冉 冊 ⳵ ẑw11
⳵ Ẑ
, 共D7兲
⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ R̂ ⳵ R̂

␶ˆ f ␪␪2 = 2 冉 r̂˙ f2

r̂˙ f1r̂ f1
冊 , 共D2兲
␶ˆ wrz2 = ␶ˆ wzr2

= 冉
␣2␥ ⳵ ẑ˙w22 ⳵ r̂˙w2 ⳵ r̂w1 ⳵ r̂˙w1 r̂w1 ⳵ r̂˙w1
+ + +
␤ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ

␶ˆ fzz2 = 2 冉 ⳵ ẑ˙ f2
⳵ Ẑ
⳵ r̂ f1 ⳵ ẑ˙ f1
⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ

⳵ r̂ f1 ⳵ ẑ˙ f1
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂
r̂ f1 ⳵ ẑ˙ f1
R̂ ⳵ Ẑ
冊 , 共D3兲 −
⳵ r̂w1 ⳵ r̂˙w1
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂
⳵ ẑw11 ⳵ ẑ˙w12
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂
r̂w1 ⳵ ẑ˙w12
R̂ ⳵ R̂

⳵ ẑw12 ⳵ ẑ˙w11
⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ

⳵ ẑw22 ⳵ r̂w2 ⳵ r̂w1 ⳵ ẑw12 ⳵ r̂w1 ⳵ ẑw11
+ + + + . 共D8兲
⳵ ẑ˙ f2 ⳵ ẑ f1 ⳵ ẑ˙ f1 ⳵ ẑ f1 ⳵ ẑ˙ f1 r̂ f1 ⳵ ẑ˙ f1 ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ Ẑ
␶ˆ frz2 = ␶ˆ fzr2 = + − + , 共D4兲
⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ R̂ ⳵ Ẑ R̂ ⳵ R̂

␶ˆ wrr2 = 2
␤ ⳵ R̂

␣2␥ ⳵ r̂˙w2 ⳵ ẑw11 ⳵ r̂˙w1 r̂w1 ⳵ r̂˙w1
⳵ Ẑ ⳵ R̂
R̂ ⳵ R̂
⳵ r̂w2
⳵ R̂

+ 冉 冊 ⳵ r̂w1
⳵ R̂
, 共D5兲
W共0兲 1 共0兲 2
1 共R̂兲 = 2 k̂oi P1 R̂ + ␸共R̂兲 + l1 , 共E1兲

␶ˆ w␪␪2 = 2
␤ R̂
− 冉
␣2␥ r̂˙w2 r̂˙w1r̂w1


冊 冉 冊 2
, 共D6兲 ␸共R̂兲 = 冕 冕冋0
Rˆ 1
q̂ 0


− ik̂oWⴱ0W0 ŝdŝdq̂, 共E2兲
051901-25 Wave propagation and induced steady streaming Phys. Fluids 21, 051901 共2009兲

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