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Midterm Paper Name Surname 1

Ad Soyad

Doğa Çöl, Ph.D.

Professional English


Title Here

For your midterm paper, you will be writing up a project proposal. The minimum word

limit is 1500 words. Your paper should talk about your project idea, how you will implement the

idea, why such a project is marketable and what kind of budgeting you would need for it. You

need to deliver a clear thesis statement and always support the claims you provide. All assign-

ments should be uploaded on MEBIS and should be named as such:



Formatting and structure (MLA, references vb.) - 10p

Introduction - 10p
Is the idea clearly stated in one sentence? Summary of the idea given?
Implementation - 40p
How the idea will be implemented and in what ways? Are there similar works?
How is this project different from other similar works?
Argumentation - 20p
Is the idea clearly supported with proper argumentation with reasons?
Conclusion - 20p
Is the project summarized properly in the conclusion?

Works Cited

Author Name, Author Last Name. Name of Book. Name of Publisher, 1990.

Author Name, Author Last Name. “Title of the Work on the Website,” Web Site Name, 15 Octo-

ber 2023, Accessed 26 October 2023.

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