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By : Kinh Quốc Bảo

School-year : 2017 - 2018



1. Setting the matter……………………………………………… page 3

1.1. Basis of argument ………………………………………… page 3

1.2. Basis of reality…………………………………………….. page 3

2. Aim of study ……………………………………………..... page 4

3. Object of study……………………………………………… page 5

4. Object of survey…………………………………………….. page 5

5. Methodology ……...………………………………………... page 5

6. Scope and time of the research ………………………………..… page 8


1. Theoretical basis ……………………………………………. page 8

2. Status of problem……………………………………………. page 11

2.1. Problems of student……………………………………….. page 11

2.2. Problems of teacher ………………………………………. page 13

3. Solutions of study…………………………………………… page 15

4. Results of study…………………………………………....... page 40


1. Significance and effect of study ……………………………..…. page 42

2. Some suggestions.......................................................................... page 43

Reference…………………………………………………............ page 45

1. Setting the matter

1.1. Basis of argument

Along with the change of society, teaching methods of foreign language also
change to respond to the using of communicative English skills ever- increasing
needs. Because of this demand, it has created a high demand about teaching quality
as well as teaching methods of foreign language. In addition, a suitable teaching
method also develops more others. Therefore, teaching language has moved from
the direction taken teaching-centered into learner-direction center nowadays.
Learners can be communicated in a real communication. They can work in pairs or
small groups to carry out specific tasks.

They have more opportunities to express their opinions or their feelings.

And they can ask questions, if they don’t understand any matter. And being must
operate in an environment which English is a main role. Since that, the students
can apply their ability and practise English the best to improve the English
student’s skills. Teaching methods according to the project is the most suitable
methods today in order to help the students set up their language worldview, their
enthusiasm to practice foreign language and their explore through combining with
theory and practice, and create some products with high self-reliance, especially
for elementary and secondary school, when the students are starting to learn
language knowledge powerfully about language knowledge , and begin to take a
form basic concepts of sciences. This is the reason why I choose this topic:“Some
Activities to Promote the Students’ Competence for Practising English in
Project-Based Learning”.

1.2. Basis of reality

Every year, there are about one million of students leaving school and
millions learning in the school. However, the number of students communicating
English fluently is really limited even though they are trained from the primary

school on the curriculumn approved by Educational Ministery. The question is that
why many students can’t use and communicate in English after 10 years in the
school? According to me, there are some reasons to explain this. First, we have
little environment to practise. A lesson to the class can not be taught that we have
to be vegetarian. This all leads to boredom. Second, students only focus on marks,
not to have a long-term plan for learning English. In addition, we can see for many
places, especially in some countryside areas, including Binhduong upper-
secondary school, students are not adapted with active teaching methods adopting
new methods inadequately.

With the situations above, I always concern how to help the students enjoy
studying English, and how to help them self-confidence in using English to
communicate flexibly. Moreover, I find the way to inculcate their knowledge. Of
course, there are many teaching methods to enhance the quality of teaching and
learning foreign language. Fortunately, I realize that “Project-Based Learning”
(PBL) is the most favorite because this approach helps students develop their
creativity, stimulate their interest in learning ability, promote collaboration, forge
practical skills of students actively.

To accomplish this study, I had relied on the favorable conditions to promote,

during the study and I have been helped by some teachers in Binhduong upper-
secondary school to improve for applying and experiencing into the efficiency of
learning English for students. The result is available: Students use English to
exchange the lesson each other, practise it confidently. This makes the class
become more effective in the English class.

2. Aim of study

- The study is made to change in English learning for farther aim of students,
not for marks.

- The objectives of this study is to create the confidence in speaking English

among students in rural areas.

- This study encourages students to maintain their studying and their
excitement in learning English. In addition, they also help teachers create some
contexts in which practical language is useful and easy to understand for students.

- In addition, this study also used to develop all 4 skills for students:
Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

- And this study also helps students to have fun to learn English without
feeling bored. From there, learning procedure is used to make students become to
be fond of learning English.

3. Object of study

The object that I carry out in this study is the process of Project – Based
Learning (PBL). Students will learn and know much useful knowledge with this
approach in the class.

4. Object of survey

In this study, I decide to choose students in grade 10 and in grade 11 of the

main research in my experience initiative because the students of grades 10 and 11
have more opportunity to approach English, and they have accumulated their own
English. They will be premise for development of ability to use English later.

5. Methodology

5.1. Research methodology and survey

While guiding my students, I always observe and pay attention to the

students speaking English. What it is, what it is not to find measure and suitable
methods to help them have more abilities to communicate well. For students in
grade 10, most of them are obedient , hard working. Having more students realize
very fast and the sense of responsibility is good. In addition, their family also care
them very kindly. They also create more favorable conditions for their students to
can study English well. It’s too convenient for me to carry out my project.
However , there are many students who are lazy in grade 11. Others are not lazy

but their ability is rather limited. They don’t have skills to learn English, so they
understand more slowly than others and have more difficulties in pronouncing.
This is the reason why their results are not high.

Through the initial survey with questions which I set up by myself to test
communicative competence and using English of students in grade 10 and grade
11. I noticed that their ability to understand and answer these questions was very
difficult . Many students want to express their intention but they don’t have enough
vocabulary to answer. I surveyed the using of English of 100 students with the
following questions:

1. How many people are there in your family?

2. What sports do you like best? Why?
3. Can you tell me about the story of your personal experience?
4. Why do we have to share the volunteer work?
5. What activities do you usually do after school?
6. How do you learn English well?
7. How far is it from your house to school?
8. Who do you share your secrets with?
9. What do you do to help your mom at home?
10. What can you do to save the environment?
- The results were:

+ Reply up to 100%: no student

+ Reply up to 80 %: 2 students

+ Reply up to 60%: 6 students

+ Reply up to 40%: 11 students

+ Reply up to 20%: 34 students

+ No answers: 47 students

5.2. Analytical synthesis method

Their vocabulary is rather limited in the first year, but I still improve to speak
English in class. Normally I speak some imperative sentences or some questions
according to unit as well as movements, gestures. Both of students can understand
and do following the right order of teacher. This proves that their listening is
nothing to complain of. But most of the dialogue is one-way ( teacher asks-
students answer), they are less active to ask again and are not confident to
communicate in English.

5.3. Research method brochure

Research method brochure is a common method and easy to carry out because
the teacher doesn’t need to prepare as much as others.

Research method brochure while learning is different from documentary

research in teaching traditional method. Here documentary research is used so that
the students find out the answers to the questions that they propose on the basic of
initial perception of students, not that they research their document to answer the
questions which the teacher asks

When the students implement research methods brochure, the teacher help
students to set out:

- Motivating to read documents (learn in general, learn in advanced, find a

definition, clear up a problem, etc.)

- What problems need to care: These are the aspects of problem that they have
been set out with questions are set up before researching, learning. These are
knowledge of lesson.

- These questions need to be found the answers.

- What types of information are required: figures, illustrations, definitions,

explain phenomena, describe phenomena, note, etc.

- Location needs reading, researches in document : items related to the issue are
looking to learn.

6. Scope and time of the research

Since 2016 – 2017, I have started researching this topic according to the
permission of school managing board to develop and improve the effective use,
and apply innovative methods in secondary school. I’ve implemented this project
on a satisfactory way at Binh Duong High School.

Through specific plan, I have clearly oriented time to organize and

implement this topic as the following:

+ Orienting and exploring what problem needs researching since the first
semester of 2016 – 2017

+ Organizing a survey and drawing out direction solved at the end of second
semester in 2016 – 2017

+ Implementing and carrying out research in the first semester in school year
of 2017 – 2018

+ Evaluating the results of achievement at the end of second semester in

school year of 2017 – 2018

+ Analyzing and completing the study in February, 2018.

1. Theoretical basis

Today, learning language is very various and diverse with any objects and
forms are still learning English are mainly trained in 4 skills: Listening, Speaking,
Reading and Writing. In each particular unit of study, the 4 skills are trained,
developed aims to help people towards good communication capabilities. So how
to help students communicate better in English? And students have the confidence
to speak English in everyday life is not? These questions are certainly teachers

who always put in the first well and always research studies suitable answers. In
summary, the final destination is to advance students' ability to communicate well
in English and the confidence to express it.

Process-based learning project based on the structure of the process method,

one can divide the process of (PBL) as many different phases:

Step 1: Setting out the topic and the aim of project

The teacher and students propose their idea together, set out the topic and the
aim of project. We need create a situation which is contained a problem or task to
be solved, in which it can contact with social practices and life. We need to pay
attention to the excitement of students as well as the meaning of society. The
teacher can introduce some topics so that the students can choose and concretize.
In suitable cases, the students can set out the title of topic with WH-question:

1.WHO? 2. WHAT?

6. HOW? WH- 3. WHERE?

5. WHY? 4. WHEN?
Step 2: Building the plan

During this period, the students with guiding of teachers will build outline as
well as plan to carry out this project. In building this plan, we need to set out what
needs to do: anticipating all time, material, funding, method to carry out and assign
work in groups.

Step 3: Gathering information

Learning how to look at the right place (interview witness, observe, internet,
library, museum, books, magazines, films, pen-pal, international relations...)
The members carry out their work according to plan which is proposed by
groups and individual. During this period, the students carry out intellectual
activities and practical activities. These activities alternate and influence with each
other. Theoretical knowledge and problem –solving are tested by practice. In this
process, the products of project and new information are created.

Step 4: Presenting the products of project

The results of project can be written as reports, articles, so on. In many

projects, the physical products are created by practical activities. The products of
project may be a non-physical action such as: acting a play, organizing an activity
to create some social activities. The products of project can be presented with the
student’s groups or are introduced in the school or outside the society.

Step 5: Evaluating the project

The teacher and students evaluate the implementation of process and the results
as well as experience. From that we can draw some experiences to carry out next
projects. The results of project can also evaluated from outside. The evaluation will
include the following items:

+ Content (criterion) – What is the evaluation of products ?

+ What lessons do you learn? (knowledge, skills, attitudes)

+ How do you work in groups?

+ Are you feel comfortable and active to participate?

+ What things do you need to change? What points do you need to improve?

2. Status of problem

2.1. Problems of student

Currently, students in secondary schools are not really aware of the
importance of learning English, but students just think learning English is to pass
the exam or get scores only, even if the we I'm a school in a rural area, so the
teaching and learning of English is even more difficult. Besides, many students shy
and do not like to learn English and I realized some problems as follows:

2.1.1. Students feel "afraid" to speak English

'I'm afraid to speak English', a student frankly admitted: 'I have learned
English in grades 4-9 for 6 years, but I could not open my mouth to speak English
although I understand the questions from teachers’. The real state as this student is
very common. A lot of students learning a foreign language at school are only to
deal with the tests, but when the need to communicate the fact they could not speak
in English even a sentence. Also, surely many students understand the grammar
well, perhaps just generally get good marks on paper in English subject, but they
feel shy to communicate in reality and so weak to read and speak English.

2.1.2. Students have fewer opportunities to practice speaking English

The main objective of an English class in the direction of communication is

to help students to communicate in foreign languages increasingly more confident
and effective. However, this is also something that many foreign language teachers
feel 'headache' because achieving the goal is not easy to answer. In fact, the
syllabus in the textbook has been drawn up in four separate skills, CDs for
listening – speaking, but it may be due to the layout of the class, the physical
condition of the schools, also due to the habits of teachers that the use of tapes is
almost not applied regularly in the class, both in urban areas and in rural areas.
Students just hear the instructions from the teacher, but even teachers are not
always correct. Thus, the greatest difficulty of our students learning English is
probably because there are no practical activities. So it is necessary to create an
environment in class which makes students feel confident upon using English. To
do this is not easy, especially the psychology of the students are very afraid to
speak English for fear of wrong. This is probably due to the nature of Vietnamese
shyness, anyone will mock for something wrong, and it is the best to hide the

2.1.3. Unability to remember the lesson has been learned

Every student has the own way to remember the lesson in English from
learning the materials by heart to taking note many times, for example, a student
can use memory to learn the new words by looking up the dictionary, writing their
meaning in Vietnamese into a notebook, then read them several times. The result is
that student learned so many words. Is that learning by rote? Because the students
learn in theory and for marks, not to be practiced. Therefore, they will forget what
they have learned the day before, so they can’t answer the questions that are asked
or they will not remember a piece of lesson then they forget all lesson. This kind of
remembering is passive and depended on each word and sentence.

Memorizing is the effective learning method which helps the students learn
and use English fluently and accurately, so the students must experience, get in
touch with the surrounding activities, watch and notice what they have been
witnessed and take note an effective method in mind. This asks students approach
the facts normally. The real evidences will help students increase memory and
have a chance to learn both in theory and in reality.

2.1.4. Little interest in learning English

Not only the students but also all English learners want to speak English
fluently. They will feel very happy to think they can do that, but they do not
usually care about themselves in the process of learning English. The majority of
students are learning English as something they are forced to do, but they did not
want. Learning English at this time for students is an obligation, and that's what
makes them feel uncomfortable to learn English. In short, most students want to
speak English fluently, but did not like school. This is the first challenge and so
large that the teacher of English language learners must face because a person does
not like to learn English, it certainly will not be able to learn it well. Therefore, the

responsibility of the teacher to teach English is to find the appropriate teaching
methods in order to evoke the passion of students learning English, so that they
realize that: If you want to become a learn English successfully, the need to pay
attention to the process of learning their English. Students must know the
environment that is created itself for the most effective English learning. Then they
are excited, interested and passionate in their learning.

2.2. The problems of teacher

2.2.1. Many teachers still use conventional methods

Traditionally, teaching brings the trend to spread information one way:

teachers, students take notes. Students are often heavily dependent on the teacher:
the teacher said to the class wait, recorded teachings which, on rote memorization.
Ingrained habit and this makes the teacher often to fulfill its ability to dominate
classroom time, students are also drawn back a modest way. But learning foreign
languages such as English learners was purely a practical procedures and practice
to the extent smoothly, turning what we understand to what they used to be.

2.2.2. The level of profession is still limited

As we know, the current foreign language teachers' capacity is limited

because language teachers also speak English with a Vietnamese accent, so
foreigners do not understand the sentence heard. Therefore, how our students can
learn well. Probably the fact that the Deputy Minister of Education and Training
Nguyen Vinh Hien had shared that most difficult of national language schemes is
the lack of teachers with high quality and each teacher must recognize that weak
capacity is owed to the students.

2.2.3. Teachers have not paid adequate attention to the students' self-study

Some teachers do not pay proper attention to the preparation of the students,
not to follow the progress of their attendance, less attention test to assess the
student's collection. There have been cases of students between semesters I learned

to make sure that no books, notebooks, workbooks learning tools for specific

2.2.4. Teachers are not really interested in students’ assessment test

At class, teacher isn’t at focusing checks, especially the difficult content and
tough questions while reminding them of previous lesson.

Students have the ability, positive speech several times with construction cards,
auto answer these questions raised but not teachers appreciated, promoted or
honored spirit. From that students do not have to explore, to take positive
initiatives and creativity of students.

2.2.5. Teachers are not easily flexible to manipulate new teaching methods

Because of the familiarity with the old teaching methods, using new
methods versatile, using suggestive questions are embarrassing, the system also
stereotyped questions.

In particular, some teachers have not successfully applied new teaching

methods, so as to organize activities in a school teaching English difficulties and
restrictions on certain weaknesses: It is a method of group activities, methods of
thinking. When mapping content extraction or summarizing the general content of
the lesson before, powder molding methods hands on, the teacher did not do well.
This leads to students held mechanically lesson, students will gradually longer
actively keen subjects ... leads to erosion of feelings, thoughts vibrated at their

In addition, some teachers perform poorly in fostering self-learning method,

positive, proactive learning English subjects. Teacher isn’t really focused on stitch
glossary subjects, little communication or use English requirements.

2.2.6. Not paid adequate attention to each student

The majority of the class teachers are psychologically afraid not enough
time to organize the students to make the content, simple questions still have to
select qualified students to study subjects (especially when there sitters hours) so
lazy students hoc, less investment, less energy ... students, school principal
subjects, school is not good not to be concerned, leading to prolonged passive
habits. When organized for groups of students to discuss these students no notice
to proceed or voice their thoughts. When needing to ask what students do
homework, sure that the students can not.

Teachers do not promote positive, self-discipline, initiative and creativity of

students; not really care deeply about the characteristics of each class, the
characteristics of the discipline. Therefore, the fostering of self-learning methods,
skills training to apply knowledge to practical, emotional impact, bring joy,
excitement for student learning is limited.

3. Solutions of study

3.1. The activity of practising communicative skills

3.1.1. Practising communicative skills in the classroom

Thoughts and reflections in English are one of the best methods to train
students who can speak English fluently in a short time. However, we often receive
a new language through the native language and then translate from the native
language to the new language. Therefore, many of us have trouble when thinking
in English. Sometimes, thinking in English after a trying time for routine
translating from Vietnamese to English still stubbornly clings. What is the
effective method to learn to think in English and which exercises need to practice
to have a quick ability in thinking in English ? So what secret and exercises help to
practice English reflection and shorten the students’ English ability?

Students have the conditions to strengthen the skills of listening, speaking,

reading and writing; develop communicating skills, behave in the real environment
through active exchanging information, communicating regularly with each other
in the project-based learning. Clearly students are debated, discussed with each
other, participated in regular communication activities, or given their opinion
continuously, etc. in the project-based learning, which makes students produce the
communication in English very naturally.

* Example: In the textbook English 10, Unit 1 A DAY IN THE LIFE OF...,
teacher organises students to learn in PBL as the following:

Step 1: Setting out the topic and the aim of project

Teacher helps students choose the topic referring to “A day in the life of...”

Step 2: Building the plan

This step is very important, so teacher needs to support students for building
the content closed to the topic. Teacher also helps students present some webs to
find pictures, information, etc. and starts with “ WH-questions” for groups to
present effectively such as:

+ What time does he/she get up?

+ How does he/she go to work?

+ When does he/she finish his/her work?

+ Which sports does he/she play after working ?

+ Where does he/she have lunch?

+ .....

Step 3: Implementing the projects

Students collect data from various sources and then aggregated, analyzed
and cumulative knowledge gained through the process of work. Thus, the
knowledge that learners accumulate is tested through practice.

To implement the project plan of the group, the members must be assigned
together to collect information (through the newspaper, internet, library,
observation, survey, interview, ...) information processing, data analysis, regular
discussion between members in the group and consult with instructors.

Students should gather all results and analysis into a final product. The
previous collective production can be presented by the methods: presentation
slides, articles, plays, storytelling, model or map.

Group 1: A day of the life of a FARMER

Group 2: A day of the life of a DOCTOR

Group 3: A day of the life of a TEACHER

Group 4: A day of the life of a WORKER

Step 4: Presenting the products of project

Teacher invites groups to present their product turn by turn after checking
materials and facilities.

+ Group 1: Presenting the topic: “A day of the life of a FARMER”.

“Farmers usually get up early to prepare a poor meal for the family and start
their work in the field with the buffalos. In the morning, they plough and
harrow on the plot of land. Maybe they have a short break to take a rest. Then
they go on their work until at noon and they have lunch with some fellow
peasants on the farm. In the afternoon, they repair the banks, pump water in the
field and do the transplanting. They often finish their work late and go home to
have dinner with their family. They have no time to relax, only watch TV or
sometimes see their neighbor for a cup of tea. In the crop, they are vey busy all
day long. The life of a farmer is hard and poor, but they are contented with
what they do”.

+ Group 2: Presenting the lesson in the form of talking to a famous person : “A
day in the life of DOCTOR”.

Good morning, it’s time for “Talk Vietnam” and this is the person we focus on
today. Last week he became much attractive on media for saving a child out of
an infectious disease, Ebola that can be affected on approaching with the
victims. Let’s see and talk to him now.

MC: Can you talk something about you?

Mr. Van: Yes, my name is Hoang Ngoc Van. I live in Hochiminh City with my
family. I have two children and I have worked as a doctor in Hochiminh City
for 11 years.

MC: So What is your routine of a day, Mr. Van?

Mr. Van: Oh, you know I usually get up early to help my children prepare
everything for school. I go to hospital at 7:00 and I spend 8 hours working with
the victims there. At 12:00, I have lunch at the canteen with my colleagues. I
have a short rest in my office. I finish my work at 5: 30 then I come back the
school to pick up my children home. Sometimes I have a night shift.

MC: What do you do after work?

Mr. Van: I usually play sport but on the weekend I go out with my friends or my

MC: Do you share the househhold chores with your family?

Mr. Van: Of course. I help my family cook dinner. I like cooking so much and
my childen share it with me too and I guide them to do exercise in the evening.

Then I watch TV or read book for a while. We go to bed at 10:00

+ Group 3: Presenting the lesson in the form of an interview : “A day in the life of

Interviewer: Hi Mrs. Thuy. Are you ready to share your work with us today?
Mrs Thuy: Yes, of course. I’m a teacher. I like my job so much because I work
with students who are lovely and fascitated, but it is challengeble.

Interviewer: How long have you worked with the students?

Mrs. Thuy: I have taught for 7 years.

Interviewer: What do you usually do on a day?

Mrs. Thuy: Oh, I get up early in the morning then I prepare breakfast for my
family. I ride my children to school because their school is near my work. I
finish my work at 11:00 then I go to market for the meals.

Interviewer: Do you have leisure time?

Mrs. Thuy: Yes, Yes, but just a little in the evening.

Interviewer: When do you go to bed?

Mrs. Thuy: I usually go to bed at 10:30

Interviewer: Thank you so much

+ Group 4: Presenting in the form of “ask and answer”: “A day in the life of

Step 5: Evaluating the project

Teachers and students evaluate the process of implementation and results of

the project based on the product obtained, and a logical presentation of the manner
of their presentation.

Teachers guide students how to draw experiences for the implementation of

the next projects.

Response Ideal to Time to
Group’s Accuracy of Abe to apply Value’s
Target’s present complete
Product information IT Product
Project Project Project

Exact Have Value

Ensure the Present and
information, Have good Ensure in learning
Group 1 Target’s show slides
speak fluentlyideas time and life for
Project competently
and clearly students

Ensure the Exact Have good

Have Value
Target’s information, ideas
Not good Ensure in learning
Group 2 Project pronoun not
showing time and life for
fluently and

Ensure the Exact Have good Ensure time Have Value

Present and
Target’s information, ideas in learning
Group 3 show slides
Project speak fluently and life for
and clearly students

Ensure theExact Have good Ensure time Have Value

Present and
Target’s information, ideas in learning
Group 4 show slides
Project speak fluently and life for
and clearly students

* Through examples, students practiced grammars, structures as "Passive voice

'through a speech on the topic. Furthermore, this learning project helps them
engage with reality and help them conscious of environmental protection: green-
clean- beautiful. Through the project-based learning, students will be formed a
habit of active learning, and they will form a positive learning atmosphere and
more flexibly.

Finally, teachers and students looked back on the process of project and had
good lesson by self-evaluation.

3.1.2. Practising communicative skills outside the class

On the trend of tourist development in Vietnam, there are many foreigners

visiting around the country. This helps students improve their English effectively.

* Example: In the textbook English 11, Unit 3 A PARTY, teacher organises

students to learn in PBL as the following:

Step 1: Setting out the topic and the aim of project

Teacher helps students choose the topic referring to “A special party”

Step 2: Building the plan

Teacher needs to support students for building the content closed to the
topic. Teacher also helps students present some webs to find pictures, information,
etc. and starts with “ WH-questions” for groups to present effectively such as:

+ What kind of party?

+ When and where to have a party?

+ Who joins in?

+ Presents or not?

+ Which activities in the party?

+ What food and drink served?

+ .....

Step 3: Implementing the projects

Students collect data from various sources and then aggregated, analyzed
and cumulative knowledge gained through the process of work. Thus, the
knowledge that learners accumulate is tested through practice.

To implement the project plan of the group, the members must be assigned
together to collect information (through the newspaper, internet, library,
observation, survey, interview, ...) information processing, data analysis, regular
discussion between members in the group and consult with instructors.

Students should gather all results and analysis into a final product. The
previous collective production can be presented by the methods: presentation
slides, articles, plays, storytelling, model or map.

Step 4: Presenting the products of project





Teacher invites groups to present their product turn by turn after checking
materials and facilities.

Step 5: Evaluating the project

Teachers and students evaluate the process of implementation and results of

the project based on the product obtained, and a logical presentation of the manner
of their presentation.

Teachers guide students how to draw experiences for the implementation of

the next projects.

3.2 The activity of presenting lesson

In the classroom, students are learned and practiced the rigid knowledge
belonging to their program. Students have a little opportunity and time to express
their creativity in learning English. From that, English ability of students becomes
limited very much. The question is that how students can develop all their capacity
of learning English and when they do that.

Through the project-based learning, students will have the opportunity and
time to prepare the full knowledge, detailed illustrations for the presentation of the
lessons. It means that students can satisfy the curiosity of knowledge and students
also specify the lessons with the unique creative products.

* Example: In the classbook of English 10, Unit 6 AN EXCURSION, teacher

organizes for the groups to learn about "The places I like to come in Vietnam".
Consequently, students can create more diversity for the lessons through
introducing the favorite destination and presentation of other groups. The creation
of the groups will bring many practical things with the introduction of the famous
tourism destinations in Vietnam.

Step 1: Setting out the topic and the aim of project: Students learn together about
the popular destinations in Vietnam.

Step 2: Building the plan

Along students, the teacher also supports students to build the initial ideas
through the following recommendations:

+ Learning and introducing the destinations are natural tourism and the variety
of ecology

+ Learning and introducing the destinations are historic tourism

+ Learning and introducing the destinations are cultural tourism

+ Learning and introducing the destination are the sea and island tourism

Step 3: Implementing the projects

From the initial ideas, the students agree with criteria of the implementation
for the project such as time of presentation, the number of members in a group,
jury , images illustration , video clips ...Teacher assigns to specify taks for each
group, provides resources of document for students, specifies the time of the
preparation for the groups implementing.
Step 4: Presenting the products of project

In turn, teacher invites each group to present their products and organizes to
assess the effectiveness of the lessons.

Group 1: Introducing to the majestic greatness of nature and the variety of ecology
in Vietnam

Group 2: Introducing to the thousand-year history in Vietnam

Group 3: Introducing to the beauty of culture in Vietnam

Group 4: Introducing to the charming of sea in Vietnam

Step 5: Evaluating the project

Teacher and students evaluate the process that was done and the results.
Then, some experiences are learned for the next plans.

3.3. The activity of proving the students’ strong point

Human’s intellectual ability including of language, math, painting, music,

diplomat, and nature is considered as a special thing. One can show the abilities,
for example painting ability infringes verbal one, or the person who is not good at
literature, art is talent in technology. How can students show their potentiality in
the English classroom ? What does teacher do when that students’ potentiality is

With the project based learning, students completely have enough time and
other elements to perform the strong point of individuals through competition such
as singing songs, reciting poems, or telling stories in English in the classroom. If
these activities are often performed, students will improve the keen ability usefully
in English. Therefore, teacher should make the useful situations for students to
attend with the aims: First, the potential of students is shown. Second, students can
improve English naturally. Final, students are timely learned with their talent.

* Example: In the textbook English 11, Unit 6 COMPETITIONS, teacher

organises students to learn in PBL as the following:

Step 1: Setting out the topic and the aim of project: Teacher helps students choose
the topic

Step 2: Building the plan

Teacher needs to support students for building the content closed to the topic
and helps students present some webs to find pictures, information, etc.

Step 3: Implementing the projects

From the initial ideas, the students agree with criteria of the implementation
for the project such as time of presentation, the number of members in a group,
jury , images illustration , video clips ...Teacher assigns to specify taks for each
group, provides resources of document for students, specifies the time of the
preparation for the groups implementing.

Group 1: Singing an English song

Group 2: Reciting an English poem

Group 3: Acting a play

Group 4: Telling an English story

Step 4: Presenting the products of project

In turn, teacher invites each group to present their products and organizes to
assess the effectiveness of the lessons.

Group 1: Singing an English song: “THE DAY YOU WENT AWAY”

A picture of students in Grade 11A6 that are singing

Group 2: Reciting an English poem: “A BLOSSOM FELL” by Nat King Cole

A picture of students in Grade 11A5 that are reciting a poem

Group 3: Acting a play: “A CROWDED FAMILY”

A picture of students in Grade 11A5 that are acting a play

Group 4: Telling an English story

Consulting together before telling a story

Step 5: Evaluating the project

Teacher and students evaluate the process that was done and the results.
Then, some experiences are learned for the next plans.

3.4. The activity of arguing idea

In fact, evaluating the discussing ability and defending the ideas of students are
limited because of lack of the communicative skill, untrue learning with realistic
actions, and learning depending on teacher or friends passively. Many students
don’t remember that discussion helps students affirm their ability and confide in
communication in the future.

Teacher needs to consolidate the argument for students and helps them collect
the numbers and events in increasing the persuasion. Students also give the
concrete examples to illustrate for their pointview. When attaining the purpose, or
discussing becomes in vain and in ruin with the relationship, be a wiser to end the
discussion actively.

* Example: In the classbook of English 10, Unit 8 THE STORY OF MY
VILLAGE, teacher divides the class into two groups, then gives the first group the
tasks to find the advantages and disadvantages of life in the countryside and the
other to understand the advantages and disadvantages of life in the city. After the
preparation, two groups discuss each other to answer the question from teacher
with the topic “ Where you like to live.”

Step 1: Setting out the topic and the aim of project

Teacher help students sketch the picture of countryside and city.

Step 2: Building the plan

Along with students, teacher supports to build a beginning ideas such as

using pictures or real materials, how to introduce …

Step 3: Implementing the projects

Students unite each other of the criterion carrying out the plan as the amount
of time, the number of members in a group, etc. Teacher gives the detailed tasks to
each group, supplies the documentation, and sets the time to complement the plan.

Step 4: Presenting the products of project

In countryside In city

- get fresh air every day - take care better in the big hopitals with many
best doctors
- last longer age because of peace - have a special home for the old
- live in a big family with many relatives - do exercise with the modern facilities in the
- learn in the best ability - have a technological supportion in learning
- chance to collect the ideas from the best
- motivate to pick up knowledge in truth teachers in the famous schools
- practise knowledge with true situations
- no pressure in learning

- less garbage around the house - have sollutions for pollution
- no pollution of the source of water, air - promote events for environment
- no chemicals dismissed from the factory - process waste with a high technology
- go for a walk as doing exercise - use with modern transportation
- no traffic jam - go and come faster
- no terrible accidents - large and beautiful streets at night


- not hard in working - work with high technological equipments

- get the job easily
- work less to spend time on family - have suitable jobs chosen with the ability
- spend more time doing activities after work

Students of two groups will discuss and give their ideas from the items.

Step 5: Evaluating the project

Through producing evidence of each group, teacher collects and sums up the
information from groups. Specially, students can generalize the advantages and
disadvantages of life in the countryside and in the city. Then students can seize the
lesson well.

Number Content 7-10 point 5- 6 point < 5 point Result

1 Topic 10 10

2 Document and 9,5 9,5


3 Explanation 10 10

4 Presentation 10 10

5 Understanding 10 10

6 Creation 8,5 8,5

7 Positive Thinking 9 9

8 Working in group 10 10

9 General 9,5 9,5


10 Total 86,5 86,5

3.5. The activity of eloquent ability in English

Eloquence is the art speaking to the public to perform the fluence and the
elegance which are shown the strong feeling through the beauty of language. Then
people can be attracted and convinced easily. How does the teacher support the
students to get the expected eloquence?

With learning situations that are friendly and creative, and the keys in
eloquence, teacher can help students build a way of effective and suitable learning
while attending any discussion in each lesson or working in the future. Eloquence
become more practical for students to practise the true skills of communication in
the project based learning. This is very helpful to reinforce the skills of students
such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing that the traditional methods
couldn’t do. Along with the eloquence, students also practise these elements to
become a good eloquencer.

* Example: In the classbook of English 11, Unit 11 SOURCE OF ENERGY,

teacher asks groups or individuals to prepare the data for eloquence with the topic
“the source of energy in the future”.

Experiencing the fact activities, students gather much knowledge. This is the
main element to help students aware of protecting the environment better in the
future. The plan is designed by the project based learning in process:

Step 1: Setting out the topic and the aim of project

Students are planing for using a source of energy in the future.

Step 2: Building the plan

Along with students, teacher supports to build a beginning ideas such as

using pictures or real materials, how to introduce by technological devices, etc.

Step 3: Implementing the projects

Students unite each other of the criterion carrying out the plan as the amount
of time, the number of members in a group, etc. Teacher gives the detailed tasks to
each group, supplies the documentation, and sets the time to complement the plan.

Step 4: Presenting the products of project

Teacher organises the competition of eloquence for groups to perform their

products in the project based learning. I collect many results:

+ Group 1: Eloquence for ability to use wind energy in the future with the topic
“Wind Power for Home”

+ Group 2: Eloquence for ability to use solar energy in the future with the topic
“ Unlimited Source of Solar Energy”

+ Group 3: Eloquence for ability to use nuclear energy in the future with the
topic “Benefits of Nuclear”

+ Group 4: Eloquence for ability to use water energy in the future with the
topic “Water around us”

+ Group 5: Eloquence for ability to use the power of industial waste in the
future with the topic “Our Biogas”

+ Group 6: Eloquence for ability to use plant energy in the future with the topic
“Harmless Energy to Environment”

+ Group 7: Eloquence for ability to use geothermal heat in the future with the
topic “Valuable Heat”
Eloquence of students with the tpic “Unlimited source of solar energy”
Step 5: Evaluating the project

Teacher and students evaluate the process that was done and the results.
Then, some experiences are learned for the next plans.

3.6. The ability of gathering and exchanging information

Requiring to give correct decision, it is necessary to have enough much

information. Only when there is sufficient information accurately, objectively and
necessarily, can lessons be resolved suitably and effectively. Information can be
obtained in many ways such as: exchanging of ideas, observing, taking survey,
ballot, interviewing ... So, how does the teacher orient to help students collect and
process information thoroughly for the lessons ?

Training skills such as searching, gathering and processing information,

planning, setting goals for the lessons, self-studying and collaborating in the
activities; enhancing the skills of teamwork, writing the presentation, reporting,
presenting in front of the crowd ... are not easy for students. However, the teacher
should encourage, encourage, and encourage students a lot in refering and reading
materials related to the lessons to gather much valuable information for the
presentation in the project based learning method.

* Example: In the classbook of English 11, Unit 8 CELEBRATIONS, the
teacher specifies the lessons by collecting information of famous festivals in
Vietnam and the world by steps of the project-based learning following:

Step 1: Setting out the topic and the aim of project

Students will learn about the meaning and the beauty of each festival in
Vietnam and in the world.

Step 2: Building the plan

Along students, the teacher supports to build the initial idea for the students
such as taking pictures or real objects, using information technology to introduce,
etc. Teacher provides a lot of valuable information about the festival in Vietnam
and in the world such as "Spraying for rain", "Tet", "Mid - Autumn Festival", etc.
in Vietnam , "Thansgiving" "Valentine's Day", "Halloween", etc. in Europe and
America, "Having a bath in Hang River", "Holi", etc. in India, "Carnival
Mombasa", "Panafest" ... in Africa, "Monkey Buffet Festival", "Songkran
Festival", "Vegetarian Festival", etc. in Thailand, "Bunpimay" in Laos, etc.

Step 3: Implementing the projects

From the initial ideas, the students agree with criteria such as time of
presentation, the number of members in a group, jury, etc. The teacher assigns
specific tasks for each student, providing resources of materials for students, gives
them the time to prepare.

Step 4: Presenting the products of project

The teacher invites groups in turn to present and organize to assess the
practicality of the lessons.

+ Group 1: Presenting the festival of TẾT in Vietnam

+ Group 2: Presenting the festival of HALLOWEEN in Europe

+ Group 3: Presenting the festival of HOLI in India

+ Group 4: Presenting the festival of BUNPIMAY in Laos

Step 5: Evaluating the project

Teacher and students evaluate the process that was done and the results.
Then, some experiences are learned for the next plans.

3.7. The activity of working in groups

We can not deny working in groups bringing very huge benefits for students’
learning. However, in the class the implementation of group only solves small
problems that teacher asks. It does not promote the optimal of lessons in a certain
order. How can students build a lesson by themselves positively and effectively in
their lessons?

Through the project-based learning, group discussion is used effectively to

help all students to participate actively in the learning process, creating
opportunities for them to share knowledge, experience, ideas to solve problems
related to the content of the lesson; providing opportunities for children to interact
and learn each other; and working together to solve common tasks.

Students are outlined their views and heard the views of others in the group
and in class; are exchanged and discussed the different opinions and give an
optimal solution for the tasks assigned for the group. Through that way, the
knowledge of the students will be less optimistic and one-sided, increasing the
objectivity of science, and critical thinking of students is trained and developed.

The members in group share thoughts, concerns, experiences, understanding of

themselves, working together to build awareness and attitudes, and learning from
each other. Knowledge becomes profound, sustainable, easy to remember and
remember faster due to being exchanged, learned among members in group, taken
part in exchanging and presented the issues raised. Students are excited as having
their contribution in the success of their class.

Thanks to the interest of discussing openly, students who are especially shy
become bolder; the children are presented their opinions, critically listened to their
friends’ opinion; thereby, students are helped easily integrate into community
groups, give them the confidence, and interest in learning.

Knowledge and social experiences of students are more abundant; their

communication collaboration skills are developed.

Discussing in group of student

* Example: In the textbook English 11, Unit 4 VOLUNTEER WORK, students
are divided into many groups to prepare for presenting their topics.

Step 1: Setting out the topic and the aim of project

Students will discuss around the topics "Volunteer work" and determine the
role of volunteer work. Each group formates by itself a presentation topic.

Step 2: Building the plan

Along with students, teacher also helps students build the initial ideas
through the multi-channel information, books, newspaper and through the
examples of real people and things.

Step 3: Implementing the projects

From the initial ideas, the students agree on criteria of the project such as
time of presentation, the number of members in a group, jury and ect... Teacher
assigns to specific taks for each group, provides resources of document for
students, gives the time of preparation for each group.

Dividing groups with following topics:

Group 1: Raising fund for poor Group 2: The ways to keep the ocean
children in mountainous areas environment beautiful and clean


Group 3: Work for illiteracy Group 5: Taking part in protecting

eradication in remote areas the source of water

Group 4: Affection of waste and air

pollution to the environment
Step 4: Presenting the products of project

Teacher invites each group in turn to present products and organizes to

assess the effectiveness of the lessons. After a short time of preparing and
exchanging in group, the teacher creates the lessons through the presentation of the
students in groups. Presenting among groups is formed: “ Ask and Answer”

Group 1: Raising fund for poor children in mountianous areas

Group 2: The ways to keep the ocean environment beautiful and clean

Group 3: Work for illiteracy eradication in remote areas

Group 4: Affection of waste and air pollution to the environment

Group 5: Taking part in protecting the source of water

Step 5: Evaluating the project

Teacher and students evaluate the process that was done and the results.
Then, some experiences are learned for the next plans.

4. Results of study

Statistics show the result of learners in PBL in the first semester of 2016-

Class Number Activeness in PBL

of Co-operation of
Exchanging idea No
students members
with teacher and enthusiasm

10A 6 37 27 students 23 students 4 students

10A 7
34 22 students 25 students 5 students
11A 5
35 24 students 21 students 2 students
36 21 students 20 students 4 students
Statistics show the result of groups’ product in PBL in the second semester
of 2016- 2017:

Class Group Creativeness of Work in Presenting

students group

10A 6 1 Not creative Not effective Not fine

2 Creative Effective Good

3 Not creative Effective Good

4 Creative Not effective Good

10A 7
1 Not creative Not effective Fine

2 Creative Effective Good

3 Creative Effective Good

4 Creative Not effective Good

11A 5 1 Creative Not effective Not fine

2 Creative Not effective Fine

3 Creative Effective Good

4 Creative Effective Good

11A 6 1 Creative Not effective Good

2 Not creative Not effective Fine

3 Creative Effective Not fine

4 Creative Effective Good

Statistics show the result of learners in PBL in the first semester of 2017- 2018:

Class Number Activeness in PBL

of Co-operation of
Exchanging idea No
students members
with teacher and enthusiasm

11A5 39 25 students 31 students

32 21 students 19 students 2 students

34 23 students 25 students 1 students
Statistics show the result of groups’ product in PBL in the first semester of
2017- 2018:

Class Group Creativeness of Work in Presenting

students group

11A 5 1 Creative Effective Good

2 Creative Effective Good

3 Not creative Effective Good

4 Creative Effective Good

11A 6
1 Not creative Effective Good

2 Creative Effective Good

3 Creative Effective Good

4 Creative Effective Good

11A 7 1 Creative Effective Good

2 Creative Effective Good

3 Not creative Effective Good

4 Creative Effective Good


1. Significance and effect of study

The Project Based Learning is a form of learning in which learners make a
complex learning task, with a combination of theory and practice, to create
products that can introduce. This task is carried out by students with their high
self-reliance in the whole process of learning. Teamwork is the basic form of work
in The Project Based Learning. The benefits of Project-Based Learning can be
specified as follows:

+ Orientation Practice: The theme of the project starts from situations of

practical society, practical job and practical life. The tasks of project should
contain the problem in accordance with the qualifications and abilities of learners.

+ Significant social practice: The project contributes to link academic learning

in school to the real social life. In the ideal case, the duties of the project can bring
positive social impact.

+ Orientation for people interested in learning: students are participated in

selecting topics, learning content being suitable for their ability and personal
interest. In addition, the interest of the learners should be further developed during

+ Compound: The content of the project that combines the knowledge of

many areas or different subjects to solve a complex issues.

+ Orientation action: In carrying the process of the project, thre is a combining

between theoretical research and application in practical activities and practice.
Through that, we can test, improve and expand the theoretical knowledge as well
as training action skills, and practical experience of the learners.

+ The high self- reliance: In The Project Based Learning, students need to
participate actively and be self-reliance on the stage of the teaching process. It also
requires and encourages responsibility, and creativity of students. In this case,
teachers plays mainly role for advising guiding and helping.

+ Collaboration in work: The project study is usually done in groups,
including collaboration in work and the division of labor among members in a
group. The Project Based Learning requires trains the willing and collaborative
skill between the participants and between the students and teachers as well as with
other social forces participating in the project. This feature is also known as social

+ Orientation products: During carrying the project, the product is created.

Above all, with fluent English at a basic level in secondary school, it will
also contribute for the students learn in the high school better and can get a good
job after graduating. Therefore, the teacher continues to learn, innovate methods
and apply suitably for each unit in each class; and every teacher should study to
improve the qualifications and save experience for themselves with the only
purpose to improve the quality of teaching and learning.

2. Some suggestions

2.1. For students

- Actively watching TV, video, radio, reading newspapers or speaking English

with native speakers whenever you get the chance. Use English in many places,
not only in the classroom

- When speaking English, express in any ways if possible, including gestures.

- Never be afraid of making mistakes when speaking writing English, and

asking people who have just talked to you if you do not understand. Self-correct
before your friends or teachers correct.

- Applying words and grammatical structures which learned in many different

situations, trying to guess the meaning of the words and sentences by basing on
reading content, listening or communication situations should not be too dependent
on dictionary. Standard drill through the ice, plates.

- The most important thing of all is that every student must identify themselves
motivated clearly, positive attitudes toward learning, suitable learning strategies to
get high achievement in learning. Learning in groups or in pairs is the best.

2.2. For Teachers

- Increasingly designing many different types of activities from the easy level to
the difficult one and appropriating for each group of students. Using a variety of
different visual aids in the games, and increasing the attractiveness.

- There is a fine and reward ratio for student to remark their trying level.

- Encouraging the students to use English actively in each activity, creating the
confidence in communication for the students.


1. Bransford, Brown, & Conking. (2000). Applying to the Project Based Learing in
Language Classroom.

2. Bùi Hiền. (1999). Phương pháp hiện đại dạy - học ngoại ngữ. Nxb. ĐHQG Hà
3. Brown, H.D. (1994). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to
Language Pedagogy. Englewood Cliff, NJ: Prentice Hall.

4. Byrne, D. (1978). Teaching Oral English. Longman, London.

5. Hoàng Văn Vân (tổng chủ biên). Tiếng Anh 10. Nhà xuất bản giáo dục

6. Hoàng Văn Vân (tổng chủ biên). Tiếng Anh 11. Nhà xuất bản giáo dục

7. Karlin, R & Karlin, A. R. (1987). Teaching Elementary Reading: Principle and

strategies (4th Ed.). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers.

8. Rivers, W.M. & Temperley, M.S. (1978). A practical Guide to the Teaching.
Cambridge University Press.



Phù Mỹ, ngày … tháng … năm 2018



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