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Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (2016) 18, 712–722


Feline CalCium Oxalate

Risk factors and rational
treatment approaches
Joseph W Bartges

Practical relevance: Uroliths occur Diagnosis of urolithiasis

commonly in the bladder and/or
urethra of cats and can be life-
Imaging is the most definitive diagnostic tool for detection of uroliths.
threatening if urethral obstruction
occurs. Calcium oxalate accounts Abdominal radiography, for detection of radiopaque uroliths, is
for 40–50% of urocystoliths and these generally the first diagnostic
stones are not amenable to medical dissolution; imaging modality used
therefore, removal by surgery or minimally invasive (Figure 1). Ultrasonography Factors involved in urolith formation
techniques is required if uroliths must be treated. (Figure 2) or double contrast and dissolution
Medical protocols for prevention involve decreasing cystography can be used to
detect uroliths (including
Urolith formation, dissolution and prevention
urine saturation for minerals that form uroliths. involves complex physical processes.1 Major
Etiopathogenesis: Formation of uroliths is those that are radiolucent).2
As well as detecting the
factors include:
not a disease, but rather a complication of several <
presence of uroliths, abdom-
Supersaturation resulting in crystal formation
disorders. Some disorders can be identified and <
inal imaging is used to veri-
Effects of inhibitors of crystallization and
corrected (such as infection-induced struvite
fy their location, number,
inhibitors of crystal aggregation and growth
urolith formation); others can be identified but < Crystalloid complexors
not corrected (such as idiopathic hypercalcemia). size, shape and density. < Effects of promoters of crystal aggregation
In most cats with calcium oxalate urolith formation and growth
the underlying etiopathogenesis is not known. < Effects of non-crystalline matrix
In patients with suspected
A common denominator of all these disorders
is that they can from time to time create urinary tract disorders,
oversaturation of urine with one or more crystal urinalysis is a valuable part of the diagnostic evaluation. Crystalluria
precursors, resulting in formation of crystals. can be an important finding (Figure 3). Crystals do not confirm the
Basic concepts: In order to develop rational and presence of uroliths but they do suggest crystalline oversaturation;
effective approaches to treatment, abnormalities some patients may have active urocystoliths present but not have crys-
that promote urolith formation must be identified, talluria.3 Temperature changes with time elapsed between urine collec-
with the goal of eliminating or modifying them. It is tion and urinalysis can cause crystals to form in urine, resulting in a
important, therefore, to understand several basic false positive crystalluria.4 Therefore, in patients with suspected
concepts associated with urolithiasis and the urolithiasis, freshly collected urine should always be evaluated.5
factors that promote urolith formation that may Urine specific gravity and urine pH can help assess the chemical
be modified with medical treatment; for example, environment of the urine and, in turn, give an indication of which type
the state of urinary saturation, modifiers of crystal of urolith is present. A high urine specific gravity suggests an increase
formation, potential for multiple crystal types, in concentration of urolithic precursors.6 Calcium oxalate uroliths form
and presence of bacterial infection or urinary typically in urine with a pH less than 6.8.5
obstruction. Urine culture and sensitivity testing is indicated because urinary
tract infections may occur secondarily in patients with calcium oxalate
urolithiasis.7–9 Factors contributing to this include mucosal damage
induced by the stones, incomplete urine voiding or microorganism
entrapment in the stones.

Joseph W Bartges
Department of Small Animal Medicine
and Surgery,
College of Veterinary Medicine,
The University of Georgia,
501 D. W. Brooks Drive, Athens, GA 30602, USA

doi: 10.1177/1098612X16660442
712 JFMS CLINICAL PRACTICE © The Author(s) 2016
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R E V I E W / Feline calcium oxalate urolithiasis

Figure 1 Lateral abdominal radiograph of an 8-year-old, castrated male domestic shorthair cat Figure 2 Ultrasonographic image of the urinary bladder
showing one calcium oxalate dihydrate urocystolith (arrow). Renal mineralization is also of a 14-year-old, castrated male domestic shorthair cat with
present (asterisk) urolithiasis. Urocystoliths appear as shadowing hyperechoic

When uroliths are found, it is important to

Clinical biochemistry
obtain a blood biochemical profile, as results
can sometimes suggest the presence of under-
lying disorders such as hypercalcemia that
can predispose patients to calcium oxalate
urolith formation.10–13 Because uroliths is present in
occasionally cause obstruction, electrolyte,
mineral, creatinine and blood urea nitrogen
fewer than
concentrations should be monitored as
50% of cats
at the time
Risk factors for calcium oxalate of diagnosis
crystal and urolith formation
of urolithiasis.
Determining the composition of uroliths is
essential to prevent recurrence (see box
Figure 3 Crystalluria: struvite (double arrow) and calcium

oxalate (single arrow) crystals in a urine sample collected
from a 6-year-old, castrated male domestic shorthair cat

Calcium oxalate accounts for 40–50% of all

uroliths in cats. Risk factors for calcium longhaired cats (Burmese, Persian and
oxalate formation include increased urinary Himalayan breeds).17–19 Calcium oxalate
calcium and/or oxalate excretion and aciduria. urolith formation occurs when urine is over-
Certain breeds of cats are predisposed to saturated with calcium and oxalate.1 In addi-
calcium oxalate urolith formation including tion to these alterations in activities of ions,

Description of uroliths
A urolith is composed primarily of one or more min- stone if there are different mineral layers. Guessing
erals in combination with small quantities of organic Although many types of uroliths have a character-
matrix. Typically, there are several component layers: istic appearance, guessing composition based on
nidus, stone, shell and surface crystals. The nidus is appearance is unreliable and subject to error.16 composition
the area of obvious initiation of stone growth. The All removed or voided uroliths should be analyzed
stone refers to the major portion of the urolith. The to determine their mineral composition, and assist based on
shell is the material that surrounds the body of the in developing a successful treatment and preven-
stone and the surface crystals are an incomplete tion plan. Analysis results report the chemical
coating of the outer surface of the stone.7 make-up of the different components of the urolith. is unreliable.
A urolith may be defined by a single mineral type, In cases of recurrence, uroliths should be resubmit-
or is described as mixed if the composition consists ted because mineral composition can change from
of more than one mineral type, or as a compound one episode to another.16


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R E V I E W / Feline calcium oxalate urolithiasis

large molecular weight proteins occurring in

urine, such as nephrocalcin, uropontin and
Compared with humans, urinary oxalate appears
Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein, influence calci-
um oxalate formation.20 We have limited
to play a lesser role in calcium oxalate formation
understanding of the role of these macro- in cats, and urinary calcium a greater role.
molecular and ionic inhibitors of calcium
oxalate formation in cats.
Certain metabolic factors are known to
increase the risk of calcium oxalate urolith Oxalic acid is a metabolic end product of
Oxalic acid

formation in several species, including cats, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and several amino
as discussed below. Medical and nutritional acids, such as glycine and serine, derived
strategies for stone prevention have focused from dietary sources. Oxalic acid forms solu-
on amelioration of these factors (see later). ble salts with sodium and potassium ions, but
a relatively insoluble salt with calcium ions.
Therefore, any increase in urinary concentra-
Calcium homeostasis is achieved through the tion of oxalic acid may promote calcium

actions of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and oxalate formation. Dietary increases of oxalate
1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25-vitamin and vitamin B6 deficiency are known factors
D) on bones, intestines and kidneys, as dis- increasing urinary oxalate. Hyperoxaluria has
cussed in a recent review.21 Briefly, when been observed experimentally in kittens con-
serum ionized calcium concentration decreas- suming vitamin B6 deficient diets,11 but has
es, PTH and 1,25-vitamin D activities increase, not been associated with naturally occurring
resulting in mobilization of calcium from calcium oxalate urolith formation in adults.
bone, increased absorption of calcium from Genetic anomalies may also increase uri-
the intestine, and increased reabsorption of nary oxalic acid concentration. Hyperoxaluria
calcium by renal tubules. Conversely, high has been recognized in a group of related cats
serum ionized calcium concentration sup- with reduced quantities of hepatic D-glycer-
presses release of PTH and production of 1,25- ate dehydrogenase, an enzyme involved in
vitamin D, resulting in decreased bone mobi- metabolism of oxalic acid precursors (primary
lization, decreased intestinal absorption of hyperoxaluria type 2).24 In humans, hyperox-
calcium, and increased urinary excretion of aluria has also been associated with defective
calcium. Therefore, hypercalciuria can result peroxisomal alanine:glyoxylate aminotrans-
from hypercalcemia, excessive intestinal ferase activity (primary hyperoxaluria type 1)
absorption of calcium (gastrointestinal hyper- and intestinal disease (enteric hyperoxaluria).
absorption), impaired renal reabsorption of It has not been evaluated whether similar
calcium (renal leak) and/or excessive skeletal occurs in cats (or dogs).
mobilization of calcium (resorptive). Oxalobacter formigenes is an enteric bacteri-
Hypercalcemia is associated with increased um that metabolizes oxalic acid in the gas-
risk of calcium oxalate urolith formation. In trointestinal tract. It has been shown that dogs
cats with calcium oxalate uroliths, hypercal- which have less enteric colonization with
cemia was observed in 35% of cases.22 O formigenes have a higher risk of calcium
Conversely, uroliths developed in 35% of cats oxalate urolith formation than dogs that are
with idiopathic hypercalcemia.12 Hyper- more highly colonized.25
calcemia results in increased calcium fraction- Compared with humans, urinary oxalate
al excretion and hypercalciuria when severe. appears to play a lesser role in calcium oxalate
In humans and dogs, as well as in cats, formation in cats (and dogs), and urinary cal-
hypercalciuria is a significant risk factor, but cium appears to play a greater role.26,27
not necessarily the cause of calcium oxalate
urolith formation.23 Hypercalciuria has not
been well defined in normocalcemic cats with Metabolic acidosis promotes hypercalciuria
Urine pH

calcium oxalate uroliths, but is thought to by promoting bone turnover (release of calci-
occur. Although excessive dietary intake of cal- um with buffers from bone), increasing serum
cium may theoretically result in hypercalciuria ionized calcium concentration and resulting in
in cats, studies in humans refute this. increased urinary calcium excretion and
Apparently, dietary calcium may bind to decreased renal tubular reabsorption of calci-
dietary oxalic acid, resulting in calcium oxalate um. Consumption of diets supplemented with
formation in the lumen of the gastrointestinal the urinary acidifier ammonium chloride has
tract and thereby preventing absorption of cal- been associated with increased urinary calcium
cium and oxalate. Hypercalciuria may also be excretion in cats.28 Additionally, in people,
a sequela to administration of loop diuretics, consumption of diets containing high amounts
glucocorticoids, urinary acidifiers, and vita- of animal protein results in metabolic acidosis
min D and/or C. and increased urinary calcium excretion.


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R E V I E W / Feline calcium oxalate urolithiasis

Low urine pH alters function and concen-

tration of crystal inhibitors. For example, it
Management of urocystoliths
decreases urinary citrate concentration by Uroliths may result in clinical signs of lower
increasing renal proximal tubular citrate urinary tract disease including urethral
reabsorption. Acidic urine is also known to obstruction. Often urethral obstruction is
impair function of macromolecular protein associated with azotemia, hyperkalemia,
inhibitors. In dogs, hypercalciuria resulting metabolic acidosis and dehydration.32
from ammonium chloride administration was Treatment for urethral obstruction involves
decreased by bicarbonate administration.29 relieving the obstruction and correcting the
In cats, magnesium supplementation as metabolic imbalances as quickly as possible.
magnesium chloride was associated with Medical protocols that will promote disso-
increased urinary calcium excretion and lution of calcium oxalate uroliths are not cur-
aciduria, while magnesium supplementation rently available. Therefore, when intervention
as magnesium oxide was associated with is indicated (see box), uroliths must be
alkaluria and a lesser degree of urinary calci- removed physically, either surgically or using
um excretion.30 a minimally invasive technique such as void-
Urine pH has a direct effect on solubility of ing urohydropropulsion.33
calcium oxalate, albeit a relatively small influ-
ence. In a study of healthy cats fed similar
diets (differing only in their acidifying or
alkalinizing properties), urinary saturation
When to intervene?

with calcium oxalate was lower when the

Detection of urocystoliths does not necessarily warrant intervention.

urine pH was >7.2 and higher when urine pH

Indications for calculi removal are:7
< Obstruction of urine outflow
was <6.5.31 < Increase in size and/or number of calculi
< Persistent clinical signs
< Lack of response to medical dissolution (eg, struvite)
Inhibitors, such as citrate, magnesium and
Urinary inhibitors

pyrophosphate, form soluble salts with

calcium or oxalic acid, thus reducing their
availability for precipitation. Other inhibitors, Traditional open surgery remains an option

such as Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein and for treatment of urolithiasis. For example, if

nephrocalcin, interfere with the ability of cal- urethral obstructions are recurrent, perineal
cium and oxalic acid to combine, thus mini- urethrostomy in male cats (scrotal urethros-
mizing crystal formation, aggregation and tomy in male dogs) may be considered.
growth. However, these procedures are associated
with increased risk of lower urinary tract
disease and bacterial urinary tract
Decreased urine volume results in increased infections.34
Urine volume

calcium and oxalic acid saturation and a high-

er risk of urolith formation. Cats can achieve
urine specific gravities in excess of 1.065, indi- There are several minimally invasive treat-
Minimally invasive techniques

cating a marked ability to produce concentrat- ment approaches for retrieval of bladder and
ed urine. Many cats affected with calcium urethral stones. These include voiding uro-
oxalate uroliths have a urine specific gravity hydropropulsion, transurethral cystoscopic
>1.040 unless there is some impairment of stone removal, with or without use of laser
renal function or concentrating ability.23 lithotripsy, and percutaneous cystolithotomy
Detection of calcium oxalate crystals indicates (also called minilaparotomy-assisted cysto-
that urine is supersaturated with calcium scopic stone removal).
oxalate, and, if persistent, represents an < Catheter-assisted retrieval or voiding
increased risk for calcium oxalate urolith for- urohydropropulsion In catheter-assisted
mation. However, calcium oxalate crystalluria retrieval or voiding urohydropropulsion of
is present in fewer than 50% of feline (and calculi, the patient is sedated or anesthetized,
canine) cases at the time of diagnosis of a catheter is passed into the urinary bladder
urolithiasis.23 transurethrally and the bladder is filled
with sterile crystalloid solution.35 In cats, a
3.5 French or 5 French catheter is used. During
catheter retrieval, the contents of the bladder
In cases of recurrence, uroliths should be are aspirated while the bladder is agitated by
palpating and manipulating it or rotating the
patient’s body. This procedure is difficult in
resubmitted for analysis because mineral
most male cats due to the size of the urethra
limiting the size of catheter that can be used.
composition can change between episodes.


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R E V I E W / Feline calcium oxalate urolithiasis

Voiding urohydropropulsion


c Uroliths
that are
1 mm in male
cats and up
to 5 mm in
female cats
may be
retrieved by
Figure 4 (a) In voiding propulsion.
e urohydropropulsion, the urinary
bladder is distended with sterile
fluid. (b) The cat is held in a vertical
position after the urinary bladder is
distended. (c) The transurethral
catheter is removed and the urinary
bladder is gently agitated by
grasping it through the abdominal
wall. (d) The urinary bladder is gently
compressed inducing micturition
and voiding of the urocystoliths into
the cup (arrowheads). (e) Most cats
experience hematuria after voiding

With voiding urohydropropulsion, the patient fastened to the incised linea and allows for
is held vertically while the distended bladder cystoscopic stone removal through a stab
is manually expressed after removing the incision or a laparoscopic port placed in the
catheter (Figure 4).35 Sizes of uroliths that urinary bladder (Figure 5).36 This method is an
may be retrieved with this technique are effective, safe and efficient means of managing
approximately 1 mm in male cats and up to urocystoliths. Cystoscopy produces magnified
5 mm in female cats. images of the fluid-distended urinary bladder,
Thus, these methods are used to eliminate allowing identification of abnormalities such
small calculi and to collect them for analysis to as strictures, masses and calculi.37 This is the
plan further treatment. These techniques will minimally invasive procedure of choice for
not be successful, however, if a patient presents male cats because the diameter of the urethra
with urethral obstruction as this situation limits insertion of a cystoscope with an
indicates that there is at least one urolith that is operating channel. Cystoscopic techniques are
too large to pass through the urethra. more efficient than surgical procedures,
< Percutaneous cystolithotomy This is a decreasing the risk of trauma and abdominal
procedure where the bladder is temporarily contamination.37


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R E V I E W / Feline calcium oxalate urolithiasis

Percutaneous cystolithotomy

a Percutaneous
is an effective,
safe and
efficient means
of managing

b c

Figure 5 (a) Lateral abdominal radiograph of an 8-year-old,

castrated male domestic shorthair cat with a single
urocystolith (white arrow). (b) A small incision (usually less
than 2–3 cm) is made on the ventral midline over the apex
of the urinary bladder. (c) The urinary bladder is grasped
through a small incision and tacked to the body wall.
A stab incision is made through the bladder wall and a rigid
cystoscope is inserted. The urocystolith, being grasped with
four-prong Nitinol graspers, is projected on the endoscopic
monitor. (d) Cystoscopy provides magnification and better
visualization of small uroliths (asterisks). (e) Urocystolith
following retrieval. (f) The body is closed in routine fashion
with an intradermal pattern used for skin closure


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R E V I E W / Feline calcium oxalate urolithiasis

Transurethral cystoscopy and laser lithotripsy

Figure 6 (a) Cystoscopic

a b appearance of the
urethral orifice (top) in a
10-year-old, spayed female
domestic shorthair cat.
Cystoscopy is performed
in dorsal recumbency.
(b) Calcium oxalate
urocystolith located
at the trigone. (c) Laser
lithotripsy is performed
using a Ho:YAG laser by
passing a fiber through
the operating port of the
cystoscope. The green
light is the aiming beam
as Ho:YAG laser energy
is outside of the visible
spectrum. (d) Urocystolith
fragments are retrieved
using retrieval devices
c d and/or voiding

Transurethral cytoscopy is the preferred

procedure for use in female cats when possible.

< Transurethral cystoscopy In this technique

a cystoscope is inserted into the urethra and
Risk of recurrence Preventive therapy –

passed into the urinary bladder (Figure 6). This

Calcium oxalate uroliths are recurrent; dietary strategies

is the preferred procedure for use in females

therefore, preventive measures are

because it is less invasive than cystotomy; Epidemiologic studies consis-

warranted. A significant number of Acidification

however, in some female cats percutaneous tently identify acidifying diets

cats will have recurrence within 2

cystolithotomy may be required due to as being among the most

years of stone removal if such meas-

inability to insert a cystoscope transurethrally. prominent risk factors for

ures are not undertaken.44 Because

If calculi are small enough, they can be calcium oxalate urolithia-

the cause(s) of calcium oxalate urolith

removed using stone retrieval devices such as sis.17,18,45 Solubility of calcium

formation is/are not completely

stone baskets and graspers. For larger calculi, oxalate in urine is minimally
known, no treatment has been shown

lithotripsy may be used if available.38 influenced by pH; however,

to be completely effective. If possible,

Lithotripsy involves passing a laser fiber there is a linear relationship

metabolic factors known to increase

through the operating channel of the cysto- between increasing calcium

calcium oxalate risk (discussed earli-

scope. The fiber emits light at an infrared oxalate solubility and urine pH
er) should be corrected or minimized.

wavelength causing calculi to fragment;38–43 in healthy cats, with alkaluria

the resulting fragments are removed inducing a lower relative supersaturation for
transurethrally. calcium oxalate in comparison with aciduria.31
Transurethral cystoscopy is not possible in Persistent aciduria may be associated with
male cats due to the limiting size of the male cat low-grade metabolic acidosis, which pro-
urethra and inability to insert a large enough motes bone mobilization and increases uri-
scope with an operating channel. nary calcium excretion; however, this effect


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R E V I E W / Feline calcium oxalate urolithiasis

has not been demon-

strated in studies of Goals of dietary prevention Dietary phosphorus should not be restricted

cats followed for up to < Reduce urine calcium and oxalate in cats (or dogs) with calcium oxalate urolithi-
1 year.31 asis. Low dietary phosphorus is a risk factor
In a case series of for calcium oxalate urolith formation in cats.47
five cats with hyper- Reduction in dietary phosphorus may be
Promote high concentrations and activity

calcemia and calcium < Reduce urine acidity associated with activation of vitamin D, which
of urolith inhibitors

oxalate uroliths, dis- < Maintain dilute urine in turn promotes intestinal calcium absorp-
continuation of acidi- tion and hypercalciuria. Additionally, phos-
fying diets or urinary acidifiers was associat- phate status determines pyrophosphate uri-
ed with normalization of serum calcium con- nary concentrations, an inhibitor of calcium
centration.18 Furthermore, aciduria promotes oxalate urolith formation in humans and
hypocitraturia and functional impairment of rodents. If calcium oxalate urolithiasis is asso-
endogenous urolith inhibitors. Thus, feeding ciated with hypophosphatemia and normal
an acidifying diet or administering urinary calcium concentration, oral phosphorus sup-
acidifiers to cats at risk of calcium oxalate plementation may be considered. Caution is
uroliths is contraindicated. required, however, because excessive dietary
A target urine pH of 6.6–7.5 is suggested in phosphorus may predispose to formation
cats at risk of recurrence of calcium oxalate of calcium phosphate uroliths in people.
uroliths.46 Whether this occurs in cats is unknown.

Potassium citrate is often included in diets Urinary magnesium forms complexes with
Citrate Magnesium

designed for calcium oxalate prevention. In oxalic acid, reducing the amount of oxalic acid
urine, citric acid combines with calcium to available to form calcium oxalate. Studies in
form soluble complexes, thereby reducing cats associate low dietary magnesium with
ionized calcium concentration. When oxi- calcium oxalate risk.18,45,47–50 In humans, sup-
dized within the tricarboxylic acid cycle, plemental magnesium has been used to mini-
supplemental citrate results in urine alkalin- mize recurrence of calcium oxalate uroliths;
ization due to production of bicarbonate. however, supplemental magnesium may
The metabolic alkalinization increases increase the risk of struvite formation in cats.
endogenous renal citrate excretion and At this time, the risks and benefits of mag-
reduces renal calcium absorption and urinary nesium supplementation in cats with calcium
excretion.46 oxalate urolithiasis have not been evaluated
Commercial products that add citrate but and this strategy is not advised. At the same
Specific goal

continue to acidify the urine (pH <6.5) negate time, it would seem logical that magnesium
Urine pH of 6.6–7.5

the benefit of citrate therapy. should not be highly restricted in diets that
for cats at risk of

are consumed by cats with calcium oxalate

recurrence of calci-

um oxalate uroliths.45

Although reduction of urine calcium and


oxalic acid concentrations by restriction of

dietary calcium and oxalic acid appears logi- Consumption of high amounts of animal pro-

cal, it is not without risk. Reducing consump- tein is associated with an increased risk of
tion of only one of these constituents may calcium oxalate formation in people. Dietary
increase availability and intestinal absorption protein of animal origin may increase urinary
of the other, resulting in increased urinary calcium and oxalic acid excretion, decrease
excretion. Conversely, increasing dietary calci- urinary citrate excretion, and promote bone
um levels in normal cats contributes directly mobilization in order to buffer the acid
to increased urine calcium concentration. intake from metabolism of animal proteins.
Because epidemiologic data in cats suggest Increasing dietary protein from 35–57%
that marked dietary calcium restriction (dry matter [DM] basis) increased urine calci-
increases urolith risk, moderate levels of um by 35% and decreased urine citrate by 45%
dietary calcium are advised in non-hypercal- in cats.51 However, a case control study
cemic cats.46 showed that higher protein content in cat
foods appeared protective against calcium
oxalate uroliths.47 While several co-associa-
tions (eg, higher protein in canned foods)
might explain this finding, cats are obligatory
carnivores and dietary protein restriction in
A significant number of cats will suffer recurrence
of calcium oxalate uroliths within 2 years the management of calcium oxalate urolithia-
sis is controversial and should be undertaken
if preventive measures are not undertaken.


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R E V I E W / Feline calcium oxalate urolithiasis

Excessive intake of vitamin C, a metabolic

Increasing the urine volume is a mainstay of
oxalate precursor, should be avoided.46 While
normal dietary vitamin C levels are not con-
preventive therapy for calcium oxalate urolithiasis.
sidered a risk in humans, very small increases
in urinary oxalate are a concern in urolith for-
mers. Because cats (and dogs) do not have a
dietary vitamin C requirement, supplementa-
tion should be avoided in foods fed to those
Preventive therapy – measures
at risk of calcium oxalate uroliths. Cranberry
to increase urine volume
concentrate tablets are also contraindicated; Increasing the urine volume is a mainstay of
they provide mild acidification and are high preventive therapy for calcium oxalate
in oxalate as well as vitamin C.52 urolithiasis. By increasing water intake, uri-
The diet should be adequately fortified with nary concentrations of calculogenic minerals
vitamin B6 because vitamin B6 deficiency pro- are reduced. In addition, larger urine volumes
motes endogenous production and subsequent typically hasten urine transit time and voiding
urinary excretion of oxalic acid.53 There is no frequency, thereby reducing retention time for
evidence that providing increased vitamin B6 crystal formation and growth.
beyond meeting the nutritional requirement Feeding a canned food containing at least
provides a benefit in cats. Because most com- 70% moisture54,55 is the most practical means
mercial diets designed for cats are well fortified of increasing water intake and lowering
with vitamin B6 it is unlikely that additional Specific goal calcium oxalate urine saturation in cats. The
supplementation will be beneficial, except in Urine specific gravity
goal is to dilute urine to a specific gravity of
homemade diets. Regardless, vitamin B6 is <1.040.
<1.040.7,46 Flavoring water, enhancing water
reasonably safe and sometimes provided to access and adding water to dry foods are
cats with persistent calcium oxalate crystalluria strategies that may be used in patients that
or frequent recurrences (see later). refuse to eat canned foods. Sodium chloride
may be used to increase water intake and sev-
eral ‘calcium oxalate preventive’ diets contain
Increased intake of dietary fiber is associated >1% sodium chloride (DM basis).56,57

with a decreased risk of calcium oxalate recur- Increased dietary sodium may increase uri-
rence in some people, but not in cats unless nary calcium excretion, however, and can
they are hypercalcemic. Certain types of fiber contribute to ongoing renal damage in cats
(soy or rice bran) reduce calcium absorption with marginal renal function,46 although this
from the gastrointestinal tract, which may has not been a consistent finding.58,59
decrease urinary calcium excretion. Also, high- In cats, several diets are available that are
er fiber diets tend to be less acidifying. In five formulated to reduce calcium and oxalic acid
cats with idiopathic hypercalcemia and calci- concentrations in urine, promote high concen-
um oxalate uroliths, feeding a high fiber diet tration and activity of inhibitors of calcium
with supplemental potassium citrate resulted oxalate crystal growth and aggregation in
in normalization of serum calcium concentra- urine, and maintain dilute urine. Con-
tions.11 However, efficacy of increased fiber sumption of these diets by healthy cats results
intake in cats is unproven at this time. in production of urine that is undersaturated
with calcium oxalate.50,60 In one study of cats
with naturally occurring calcium oxalate
uroliths, consumption of one such ‘preventive
diet’ resulted in a decrease in urine saturation
Monitoring Monitoring
from the oversaturated state to a metastable
state; uroliths did not recur in the cats.44
Serial monitoring of a cat with a history of should be
In cats with hypercalcemia and calcium
calcium oxalate urolithiasis should be part of the part of the
oxalate uroliths, prevention of recurrence
preventive protocol. Periodically, a complete

appears to be more successful when feeding

urinalysis should be performed to monitor urine preventive
a higher fiber diet and administering
specific gravity, pH and presence of calcium

potassium citrate (initial dose: 75 mg/kg PO

oxalate crystalluria. Ideally, urine should be
for a cat with q12h; adjust to induce a urine pH of 7.0–7.5).11
dilute, urine pH in the neutral to alkaline range,

Other treatments that have been proposed

and calcium oxalate crystalluria should not be

include vitamin B6 (2 mg/kg PO q24h)

present. Survey abdominal radiography should a history of
and hydrochlorothiazide (1–2 mg/kg PO
be performed approximately every 6 months to
q12h). A 65% decrease in urinary calcium
evaluate for recurrence. If calcium oxalate uro-

and oxalate was reported in healthy cats

cystoliths are detected while small in size, they

receiving 1 mg/kg PO q12h of hydrochloro-

may be retrieved non-surgically and the preven-

tive protocol adjusted accordingly.


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R E V I E W / Feline calcium oxalate urolithiasis

KEY pOints
< Urolithiasis occurs commonly in cats, with the majority of uroliths developing in the
lower urinary tract.
< More than 80–90% of lower urinary tract uroliths are calcium oxalate or struvite.
< Calcium oxalate uroliths are not amenable to medical dissolution; therefore, removal by
surgery or minimally invasive techniques must be performed, where required.
< Preventive measures aim to decrease urinary calcium and oxalate excretion, increase
urine volume, and induce a neutral to alkaline urinary pH.

Funding and calcium oxalate urolithiasis in cats: a report of five

The author received no financial support for the research,

cases. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1999; 35: 297–301.

authorship and/or publication of this article.

12 Midkiff AM, Chew dJ, Randolph JF, et al. Idiopathic hyper-
calcemia in cats. J Vet Intern Med 2000; 14: 619–626.
13 Savary KC, Price GS and Vaden SL. Hypercalcemia in cats:
Conflict of interest a retrospective study of 71 cases (1991–1997). J Vet Intern Med

The author declared no potential conflicts of interest with

2000; 14: 184–189.

respect to the research, authorship and/or publication of

14 EH GC, Phillips H, Underwood L, et al. Risk factors for

this article.
urolithiasis in dogs with congenital extrahepatic portosys-
temic shunts: 95 cases (1999–2013). J Am Vet Med Assoc 2015;
246: 530–536.
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