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1st Edition: 2021

Twitter: @BecomeAManAgain
Texting has become important in this day and age.

I shall clarify- when you're on dating apps, using

emojis is allowed (initially) because they help make
you seem like a person, and not a serial killer. Rule of
Thumb- keep them to a minimum.

Another thing to keep in mind- lines never work

without staying congruent to whom you are in-
person and giving off a similar vibe when you are with
her. You can't be a baller on text if you are a pussy in
real life.

The rest of the course will help you become High

Value and a Sexual Man, so remember to constantly
apply the techniques discussed over there
1 | The best opening messages:-

When you match with a girl on tinder/ bumble, or

even just text on Instagram, here's a great
message to begin with:

- "You seem like the kind of girl I would have got

detention in middle school just to hang out with"

It shows that she's a naughty one, and let's be

honest- women want to be seen as "the naughty

The common responses will be like- "haha you

seem worse "or " nooo I'm a good girl", to which you
can easily build upon.
This opener gets her qualifying herself and
investing in you.
The best opening messages:-

- "You seem like my future ex-girlfriend"

Another opinion opener- The reason I like this

is because you're future pacing- that is, you're
already discussing a possible arrangement
between the two of you, yet being detached
and casual by adding the "ex". This adds the
element of humour. She will probably reply "oh
really, why's that?" to which you can follow up
with another assumption :

"because you look like trouble, and I try not to

fall for it"

Just keep it casual, you don't want to invest

too much into her, or she will get the needy
vibes from you.
2 | The points system

You will enjoy this one. You give and take away
points on the basis of what she says and does.

This gets her qualifying herself hard, which

gives you the higher position in the dynamic.

What this also does is that it gives her the

chance to "win" you over. Women want to
chase high-value men, and when you do this,
their subconscious keeps score and tries to do
things that please you. It's female psychology,

Give her points for the following:

- Sending you a good meme ( and say "that's a
minus 1" for a bad meme)
The points system

- Sending you her picture

(give her more points than usual, because

you want to reinforce this behavior. But keep
in mind to take one point away from her if she
keeps sending you her basic pictures. This
will make her send you intimate pictures after
a while of push and pull )

- Being playful
- Flirting
- Being obedient and submissive.
And you take points away when she does
something you don't like.

Even if she isn't doing anything wrong, invent

The points system

something like- "You can do better than that.

Minus 1" because you have to maintain the

Rule of Thumb: Maintain the push and pull.

You don't want to give too many points away
or she will take them for granted.

You also don't want to take away so many to

the point where she gives up.

You're a drug dealer, and your drug is points.

Keep her hooked.
3 | Dealing with Flaking through
Commitment and Consistency
I've spoken about this previously, and it applies to text
game as well.

Many girls flake, that's just a reality. What's worse is

that all that can be easily prevented by deploying this

While taking her number, or giving her yours, you have

to make her agree that she is going to respond to you

But you also want to do it in a playful way, which helps

it slide in the conversation.

Here's what you say:

“Wait a minute… you’re not, like, one of those super

flaky girls who never responds to texts, are you?”
She is put on the spot, and she will definitely
say " oh nooo I'm not".
Commitment and Consistency
The next time you are supposed to meet, and
Dealing with Flaking through

if she feels like flaking, her subconscious will

remind her that she agreed to not be "one of
those super flaky girls", and if she has an
ounce of guilt inside her, she will go. Once she
meets you, and you seduce her, she will thank
the heavens that she went.

That is on YOU.

Side note: If she says- "oh well, I might be" (

rare chance. But she will definitely say it in a
playful way. It's a good sign.)

here's how you respond:

"I'll come up with an appropriate punishment"

4 | "I'll allow it"

This is a simple way to let her know your dominance

and control over her. Women like this in Men- the
ability to indirectly state ownership.

You're playing the "I'm in charge" game.

You tell her you're allowing her to do things, even the

ones you just made up. It doesn't matter.

"Are you trying to make me like you? Fine, I'll allow it"

" Are you trying to be a bad influence on me? That's not


"Are you trying to be cute? I'll allow it, but no funny

5 | The Inside Joke

You know that feeling when you and your friend

have an inside joke?

It creates a bubble between the 2 of you.

You can do this with women as well.


By giving each other nicknames.

Call her something that sticks in her brain, and

that reminds her of a moment between the two of

If she's into sweet food items, call her a Sugar

Crystal, or if she likes to misbehave, call her a
You can just make your own- the name doesn't
matter till you can have an explanation for it, and
tease her endlessly.

Save her number on your phone with that name.

At the same time, take her phone and save your

The Inside Joke

number as Chris Love of my Life or something

like that- It programs her to connect you with the
actual love of her life every time she will text you.

She will think about you all day long.

You will stand out in her brain, and she won't be

able to wait to see you.

Remember, the actual nickname does not

matter, as long as it is Ridiculous, Sexual, &
6 | Put HER in the
Whenever she does something dumb that you
want to build up and tease on, you say the
following line-

"I can't believe you just said that.. you're friend-


Tell her she reminds you of your little sister-

and convey it.

"That's so cute.. my little sister does that exact

same thing"

You won't have to say it, but you've just

conveyed your higher status, and that you have
an abundance of women in your life.
" We're gonna be best friends. Just
promise you won't fall in love with me,
Put HER in the

And the favorite one, is when you

discover something you both have in
common, say

"Did we just become best friends!?"

Keep in mind, don't overdo this or she

will really put you in the friendzone.
Remember, balance the push and
pull. This one's a push.

Use it rarely.
7 | Take her on an
Women lead monotonous, boring lives. Why do you
think Netflix is so popular?

I want you to take her on an imaginary one, in her

head, over text.

Tell her exactly what you both are going to do.

Future pace- talk about the things you both will do

in the future.

They are all exciting, naughty, criminal, and not

what she is used to in daily life.

She wants to be swept off her feet and taken on an


" I can already tell, we are going to get in so much

trouble together"
This one below is VERY POWERFUL. Use it on
call or in real life. Say this in a Midnight
Take her on an ADVENTURE.
soothing tonality.

" Imagine we run into each other on a flight 10

years down the line, and we're seated next to
each other. It's an overnight flight. Everybody is
sleeping, including the cabin crew. You whisper
in my ear "I'm going to the washroom. Don't you
dare come in" as you get off your seat and head
to the washroom at the back of the plane. I go
after you, and the naughty brat that you are,
you leave the door open. I enter, and you're on
your knees, ready for daddy. I pull you up, slide
your panties to the side and make you moan in

She'll be wet on the other side just hearing


Use future pacing. Very powerful.

8 | Statements, not
She wants to be commanded. When you ask her
questions, you're signaling that you're a beta

Beta: "Where do you want to go?

What do you want to do?
When are you free?

Alpha- We're going to XYZ place. meet me there

at 8."

or "We're going to the best place ever. I'll be free

at 8. I'll see you there.

" We should get drinks the next time we're both

free if you promise to be on your best behavior.
Let me know what your week is looking like."
Notice the challenge that I've
inserted for her.

There should always be a condition

not questions.
attached so that she doesn't feel

like you're begging for her to come.

She has to fulfill certain criteria and

ONLY then is she allowed to come.

Also, never invite her right away.

Mention the event, change the topic,
and after 2-5 minutes, bring it up
and invite her. This is powerful
because she feels more gratified, as
she was waiting to be invited ever
since you mentioned it.
9 | Make her find you a
suitable girl

Add a clever twist to what people usually say.

Most guys stick to the basic " Do you want to get

a drink with me" line to ask her out. Over text,
that signals boredom, which is enough for her
to stop texting you.

Here's what you should be doing instead-

"I'm looking for a cute girl to get drinks with...

know any?

She knows what's up, and if she's even a little

interested in you, she will play along, and give
you a great response.
The best part?

You can put this with anything.

" I want a girl for ___... know any?

Make her find you a

The blank is whatever adventurous and

suitable girl

exciting thing you want to do with her.

"About to __(venue)__ and grab a drink

but I don’t have a cute drinking buddy to
join me… know anyone who might be

You can say anything as long as you add

the "know any" in the end.

Be sure to make it fun and exciting.

I'm sure you will overuse this, and you
have my permission to do so :)
10 | How to make girls
send you nudes
This technique will get her hooked and you laid. It
is called “compliance.”

You build it up, starting with something small- like

a cute picture for her contact photo.

Then you rewarded her for complying - you tell her

she looked super cute. Remember, what gets
rewarded, gets repeated.

From then on, you keep asking for more - a little bit
at a time… like dropping a path of delicious little
breadcrumbs that lead straight to your bedroom.

Women want your validation, and as long as you

keep validating her for sending you a photo, she
will keep on sending her.
Especially later on in the evening, or
when she’s bored at home, and she’s
getting kinda horny thinking about
How to make girls
send you nudes

Don’t make the mistake of “trying too

hard” to impress her or make her want
you. There's a fine line between
pedestalizing and validating.
Remember that.

That always backfires, because you

fall out of the “Alpha” role (the one
being chased) and fall into the “Beta”
role (the one doing the chasing). You
always want to keep her chasing you -
that’s when everything happens nice
and smooth.
All you have to do is keep teasing her,
flirting with her, and rewarding her for
chasing you (all while you’re moving
things towards a date or a hookup, of
How to make girls

send you nudes

She’s sending it because she wants that

reaction from you.

It turns her on to know that she is

turning YOU on.

She wants to feel DESIRABLE.

Do this right, and by the time she meets

up with you… she’s already decided that
she wants to sleep with you.
So you don’t have to do much, or “try”
very hard to get her into bed… just
show up and be your charming self.
How to make girls

Pretty cool, right?

send you nudes

Instead of stressing out over a date, or

worrying about rejection… just send
her the right texts and 90% of the
work is already done-for-you.

Yep, hooking up with hot girls just got

a whole lot easier for you, and a LOT
more fun.

especially when you use the next

technique ;)
11 | Give her a false
A girl isn't going to send you nudes out of the
blue unless you've been banging her or if she
has been sending them to you for a while.

You have to turn her on.

Since you've invested in this course, and

taking action, you will be able to.

And this technique is the most rejection-

proof way of doing it. It makes you look
innocent and leaves her with little choice.

Here's how this goes:

You give her 2 choices- and most girls
choose both 2, because you've framed it
as a challenge.
Give her a false choice

Mid conversation, when the tension is

building up, tell her:

"Right now, I want you to either- send me a

really sexy pic- or tell me a secret"

It also makes her more and more

comfortable with the idea of sleeping with

This works only after you've built a good

amount of rapport with the girl.

Rapport = trust + comfort.

You do that, and she will happily send you
her pictures because she has already
been fucking you for hours inside her
Give her a false choice


you can also begin with something like-

"I have a challenge for you" and then when

she says yes, follow up with the false
choice line.

Be sure to hype her up, because she felt

through her gallery to find the best one to
impress you. She's chasing you, and you
rightfully can give her your validation.
and in the rare event where she does not
send you her picture, tease her for being a
pussy and say "that's it, I'm friendzoning
you" (playfully)
You have to give your high IQ brain a break when
texting, seriously. You see, texting women is a lot
about getting emotional responses from her. You
have to get down on her level, usually a kindergarden
mind. Anyway. Here's how this goes:

Tell her: Hey, are you up for a fun challenge? Let's play
the word association game. I text a word, and you text
me the first one that comes to mind. I'll go first."

And then text her your first word.

What you’re going to do here is slowly but surely

escalate your word choice so within 5-7 words, she’s
dripping wet with anticipation
and imagination on the other end of the phone.
Try starting with “Lips”. Let her respond, and keep
going from there

Some words to include:

Ravished Relaxed Panting

Spank Choke Scratch
Oral Tongued Nibble
Hard Lick Bite
Doggy Teasing

Refer to "Words that make her Wet" & "69 Words to

Master your Bedroom Sexual Talk" for more similar
words & statements.

You're welcome

Damn! That was a lot to take in, I'm sure.

What you just went through are tried and

tested lines that work brilliantly, BUT with
the right offline game and personality (which
the rest of the course covers)

You have to be a High-Value Man so that

when she looks over these lines, she thinks

"wow he's so fucking amazing AND he also

really knows how to text a girl"
These Lines are like Whey Protein.

It cannot replace actual value, but if you put

in the hours on yourself, this will

exponentially improve your results.

You'll be surprised how bad guys are at

texting girls. It's horrible.

I want you to set a daily reminder on your

phone to go over these.

This will come with time, practice, and


Enjoy, and keep fucking dominating.

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