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Sirens will sound throughout the building.

The front entrance and first floor fire escape doors will be opened as exits during the evacuation of
the building. All other access points will be closed for security reasons.

The Assembly point is the car park in front in front of the chemical Engineering Building.

1. Do not panic when you hear the sirens, or are asked to evacuate the building by an Evacuation

2. Gather up your personal effects and valuables as quickly as possible. Close, but do not lock, the
rooms and windows when leaving (except in the case of a drill). Open access is required in the
event of fire and bomb-scare evacuations.

3. DO NOT USE THE LIFT whilst evacuating the building. ALWAYS use the stairway.

4. Unless directed otherwise by an Evacuation Marshall, walk briskly to the designated assembly
point using the nearest exit as follows:

4.1 People in the Workshop and Laboratories must exit via the main front entrance. Everyone
operating the machinery and equipment in the laboratories and workshops should carry
out emergency shut-down procedures and switch off, or make safe, the equipment and then
proceed immediately to the assembly point.

4.2 All staff, students and visitors in the Lecture Theatres, Computer LAN, Lecture Theatre
Foyer and Post grad offices behind the Lecture Theatres, must exit via the fire escape into
the car park area.

4.3 People in remaining areas of the building must exit via the main front entrance.

4.4 People in the New Extension must evacuate via fire escapes onto the road alongside the
Chemical Engineering Building to the parking lot

5. Stay at assembly point until further instructions are given. Do not attempt to re-enter the
building until the “all clear” signal has been given by the Evacuation Office.

University of KwaZulu Natal – Howard College - Chemical Engineering

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