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Yassir Ahmed Osman

Plot 14 Lwansunu Close

Jinja Uganda
26 February 2024

Embassy of Finland
Eden Square, Greenway Lane
off Westlands Road,
Nairobi, Kenya

Subject: Letter of Explanation for Visa Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to provide a detailed explanation regarding my upcoming visit to Finland, as per the
invitation extended to me by Habib Ahmed Mohamed. I trust this letter will assist in clarifying
the purpose and circumstances of my trip, and I kindly request your favorable consideration of
my visa application.

As stated in the invitation letter from Mr. Habib Ahmed Mohamed, I have been invited to visit
him in Rovaniemi, Finland, from June 20, 2024, to July 7, 2024. The primary purpose of my visit
is to reunite with a dear friend and explore the beautiful city of Rovaniemi, as well as the
surrounding region of Lapland.

During my stay, Mr. Mohamed has graciously planned various activities and excursions to
showcase the unique attractions of the area. These include experiencing the mesmerizing
Northern Lights, exploring the breathtaking landscapes of Lapland, visiting attractions such as
the Santa Claus Village and Ranua Wildlife Park, and participating in outdoor adventures such as
husky safaris and canyon hikes. Additionally, Mr. Mohamed has arranged cultural experiences to
immerse me in Finnish traditions and cuisine, providing me with a comprehensive understanding
of the local culture.

Furthermore, I wish to provide additional context regarding my personal and professional ties to
Uganda. I am employed as a contract businessman with Maxol Limited, where I receive a
monthly income of 10,000 USD. This stable source of income demonstrates my financial
stability and ability to support myself during my visit to Finland. Additionally, I would like to
highlight that I am leaving behind my wife and three children, who will be cared for by my
parents, trusted friends, and our established properties in Uganda. These familial and property
ties further reinforce my strong intention to return to Uganda after the completion of my visit to
Finland. Furthermore, I am deeply committed to fulfilling my responsibilities to my family and
maintaining our bonds, which serve as the cornerstone of my life in Uganda.

Additionally, I have an extensive travel history, having visited the UK, Dubai, Rwanda,and
Kenya on multiple occasions. These travels have broadened my cultural understanding and
enriched my global perspective, further underscoring my commitment to returning to Uganda
after I visit Finland. It's important to note that throughout my travels, I have always abided by
visa rules and regulations, ensuring compliance with the requirements of each country I have
In support of my visa application, I have enclosed all required documentation, including the
invitation letter from Mr. Mohamed, my passport details, proof of financial means to cover my
expenses during the trip, and any additional documents requested by the embassy.

I sincerely hope that this letter provides the necessary assurances regarding the purpose and
circumstances of my visit to Finland. I appreciate your attention to my application and look
forward to the opportunity to visit your beautiful country. Thank you for your time and

Yours faithfully,

Yassir Ahmed Osman

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