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A Visit to a Famous City A few months ago my father and | visited Singapore, one of the most famous cities in Asia. Singapore, @ small island, fies at the southem and of West Malaysia. A long and narrow piece of land joins Singapore with Johore Hahru, the southern-most town of West Malaysia. Singapore is now an independent state. The city of Singapore is extremely beautiful. It is well known for its centers of business and other activities. There ore many places of interest such as the Tiger Balm Garden, the Botanical Gerdens and Raffles Museum, There are also many important centers of learning such as the University of Singapore, Science Centre, the Nanyang University and the Polytechnic. Being a famous city, hundreds of people come everyday from various parts of the world to do business or to enjoy the sights of the city. Singapore therefore has large and beautiful airports and its harbors are full of ships, There are many night schools where people who cannot go to the day schools for some reason or other can continue their studies. And, the government of Singapore is still doing its best to make further improvements in the city for the benefit of the people. During my stay in Singapore, | went out everyday with my father to see the beautiful and interesting places and things in the city. One day we went to the Tiger Balm Garden where | saw several statues of people, animals and other strange creature beautifully made and kept. The sea near this garden makes it a pleasant place to visit. We spent almost half of the day at this place. Another day we visited the museum where | saw hundreds of curious things preserved for scholars and others, It was indeed an education to see all those things. There is so much to learn here that every visit by any person is sure to add to his knowledge. | also visited some of the harbors and saw the large ships anchored there. The sight of the ships aroused a desire in me to cross the oceans and go round the world. | was indeed deeply impressed by activities at the harbor. Then every night, | went round the town and visited some of the parks and other places of interest. The numerous lights and the constant stream of traffic kept the city alive. | visited a few of the cinemas as well. In short. | enjoyed every moment of my stay in this famous city of Singapore. A place I would like to visit When people ask me about the place I wanted to visit , I will simply say “Paris”. Then people will ask me why Paris ? this is the question that! don't know how to answer. Paris, the city of light in France ts the place where fashion, culture and music are fabricated together. Paris is usually known as city of love . Some also says that Paris is the city of light, because it has an amazing scenery at night This city has many wonderful sights. There is the place where most people dreams of going. Almost all have heard about the ‘Eiffel Tower’ .From top of this tower it is possible to see all across the city . More then seven million people visit the Eiffel tower .It ts the most wonderful place. And during travelling | will never miss any chance to capture these memories, So | will be definitely carrying my camera with me, Beside that, there is a place in Paris which is known as Canal St. Martin. Actually it is a river which is located in middle of the city. It looks amazing during both day and night. The scenery is amazing. People can go there for a boat ride. Good food and restaurant are easy to find in Paris, There are many museums in Paris. The most famous painting Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is also displayed there . So these are some amazing things in Paris , due to which the place | would like to visit is “Paris”, ‘The city of light’. Summer Vacation in Paris The imagery of all the spectacular scenery, savory smells, and surrounding sounds of Paris have been fresh in my mind for the past few days. | am unable to focus on anything else! Picture the thrill and excitement rushing through our veins as we z00m past the busy streets of Paris on the city bikes, or the cool breeze flowing past us as we sail through the Seine River, or the fright crawling through our bodies causing all the hairs to stand up straight as we explore the creepy catacombs at night These are only a few highlights of all the amazing adventure in store for us this, summer. Right now, you might be having second guesses as to whether this trip Is worth it or not, but | am confident that once you reflect over this letter and reconsider your opinion; you will be as enthusiastic as me about the wonders of Paris. | know you are hesitant to go because you are afraid to spend a lot of money Con @ trip to @ place that you may find boring, unbeneficial, and completely foreign; however I assure you that Paris will offer you plenty of excitement, a wholesome learning experience, and a safe environment In Paris, there is no end to the amount of things we can do. We can climb the 1,665 steps of the Eiffel Tower to reach the top and take seifies 984 feet high with the gorgeous view of the city behind us. But if the lines get too long we can head over to the top of the Arc De Triomphe, which some people argue is the best view of the City as it includes the Eiffel Tower, the most popular and recognizable monument of Paris. Then we can compare it to the other views we get from the top viewing deck of Montparnasse Tower or the view at Tour Saint Jacques. Once we are tired of towers, we can visit the amazing cathedrals. The Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the oldest and grandest cathedrals in the world and has an amazing gargoyle view Sainte Chapelle, short walk away has one of the world’s best displays of stained glass and it is absolutely stunning. Of course we can not forget about the delicious, mouth watering food. With over 1,700 bakeries, Paris Is world-recognized for their treats. We can take @ break from our busy day by stopping at the many cafes found ail over the city, sipping on hot chocolate or coffee, munching on exotic pastries or sampling the hundreds of type of cheeses they have, or enjoying @ picnic in one of the 450 parks and gardens connecting with nature and all its beauty. Of course, we have to make some time for shopping and decking out our wardrobe. It isn’t impossible to explore all of Paris in one visit and with so many attractions and activities to do, you will never be bored in Paris. culture Paris is home to the most famous and largest museum, the Louvre, It ‘ould take days to completely exhaust all exhibits but we definitely will stop by the Mona Lisa and pay tribute to these extremely popular portra jos Paris is in terms of leisure and kixury, more impressive is its history

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