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Chapter 1: Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

E. PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION 4. Anticipate objections.

-Ideas presented to the listeners are
According to Em Griffin, a scholar,
not always accepted, so, during the
communication is a relational process of
open forum, be prepared to answer
creating and interpreting messages that
challenging questions.
elicits a response. In this definition,
-Try to ask possible queries before
communication is highlighted as a means of
presenting your speech to an
building relationships. Thus, a speaker needs
audience and frame credible answers
to know and apply the following principles of
to the list of questions.
communication to successfully put across
the intended message to a receiver to
5. Achieve credibility to your audience.
prevent misunderstanding and to bridge
-Share first-hand and authentic
communication gaps.
1. Know your audience. -Share personal inspiring stories that
- It is necessary to know whom you will motivate the listeners and
are talking to because your therefore provide a lasting
speech has to match the interest impression among themselves.
of the listeners.
- By gauging what they need, your 6. Present information in several ways.
speech is tailored perfect to the -This is the best technique in
discussion. storytelling.
-You must be very creative and must
2. Know your purpose. not follow a linear way of telling your
- It is a need to know the reason tale.
why you are placed in such a -Anything that is not predictable
speaking engagement. catches attention of the listeners.
- Knowing your purpose is
essential since it will help you
outline on what you are going to

3. Know your topic.

-It is the key and the heart of the Reference:
-The topics knits all the information SyGaco, S. (2018). Principles and
into a cohesive whole so that your competencies in purposive
speech will have significance to the communication – writing, speaking,
listeners. and presenting to different audiences
-Enables you not to go off tangent and for various purposes. Quezon
from the theme. City: Great Books Trading.

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