Body Language

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[9/27, 01:08] Sahil Kothari Training: Mirroring body language is a way to bond and to build

understanding. It is a powerful tool that we use instinctively without even being aware of it.
The most obvious forms of mirroring are yawning and smiling. When you see someone
yawn, or even if you just read the word “yawn”, you are likely to yawn immediately, or during
next 30 seconds. Smiling is also pretty contagious – seeing a smiling person makes you
want to smile too, and as a result you will feel better, even if you were not feeling particularly
happy in the beginning.

According to some scientists, there is a neuron that affects part of the brain that is
responsible for recognition of faces and facial expressions. This neuron causes the
‘mirroring’ reaction when you see smiling or frowning faces. In other words, it causes you to
copy facial expression that you see on others.

Mirroring body language is a non-verbal way to say ‘I am like you, I feel the same’. The
synchronicity of the crowd at the rock concerts and parades gives a secure feeling of
belonging to each and every participant. The research shows that people who experience
the same emotions are likely to experience mutual trust, connection and understanding.
They will also begin to match facial expressions and body language. In other words, they will
subconsciously mirror each other.
[9/27, 01:08] Sahil Kothari Training: When people say that the vibes are right around a
particular person, they refer to mirroring and synchronous behavior that they are not
consciously aware of. This is why playing background music during a romantic date is such
an effective tool – it brings the two people to the same wave-length.

It is worthy to mention that if you intentionally assume a certain body position that is
characteristic to a certain emotional state, you will start to experience the feelings connected
with this state. A good example of this is feeling happy after forcing one’s self to smile. Also,
if you assume a body language position that displays confidence, you will start feeling
confident, even if you didn’t feel so initially. One example of confident body language is the
Steeple gesture – a gesture commonly used by a seated person during a conversation,
where finger tips of both hands are connected together and pressed against each other. If
you do this, you will notice that you start feeling more confident about what you say. This is
the reason why mirroring body language makes people feel understood. When people see
you mirroring them, they get a message that you feel what they feel

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