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Ethiopia covers12 river basins with an annual run off volume of 122 billion cubic meter of water
with an estimated 2.6 billion cubic meter of ground water potential. This amounts to1743 cubic
meter of water per person per year: a relatively large volume. But due to lack of water storage
capacity and large spatial and temporal variations in rainfall, there is no enough water for most
farmers to produce more than one crop per year with frequent crop failures due to dry spells and
droughts. Moreover, there is significant erosion, reducing the productivity of farmland. In that
sense, Ethiopian farmlands do not have scientific method of effective irrigation system and rely
only on the seasonal rainfalls.
The Ethiopian government has recognized Ethiopia’s irrigation potential and has identified the
important role of irrigation development for reducing vulnerability to inconsistent rain fall
distribution and at the same time addressing poverty reduction of the people. Traditional
irrigation is very old in Ethiopia. The traditional small-scale schemes are, in general, simple
river diversions. The diversion structures are elementary and subject to frequent damage by
flood. ‘Modern' irrigation was started at the beginning of the 1960s by private investors in the
middle awash valley where big sugar estates, fruit and cotton farms are found. With the1975
rural land proclamation, the large irrigated farms were placed under the responsibility of the
Ministry of State Farms. Almost all small-scale irrigation schemes built after 1975 were made
into Producers' Cooperatives.Ethiopia has an estimated irrigation potential of 3.5 up to 4 million
hectares (Awulachew et al. 2007). During 2005/2006 the total estimated area of irrigated
agriculture in the country was 625,819 hectares, which, in total, constitutes about18% of the
potential (MoWR 2006); of which traditional irrigation accounts for 479,049 hectares while
124,569 hectares of land was developed through medium and large scale irrigation schemes
( MoFED, 2007).[1]
In Ethiopia, Agriculture plays an important role in the development of the country’s economy.
Since scorching summers threatens our planet every year, our farmers are unable to cultivate our
traditional crops at their suitable seasons. On other hand farmers are wasting water abundantly

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without proper management. This leads to the scarcity of water at the time of requirement.
Irrigation is the key to a successful agricultural investment.
The aforementioned arguments presented play a very important role in the pursuit to improve
the irrigation system of Ethiopian farmlands. The relevant facts about the irrigation status of the
country and the impact of its efficiency to the economy and the environment may have
tremendous effect to the country’s stability. Thus, the compelling evidence of the challenges
posed by this current phenomenon motivated the conduct of the study on design and simulation
of a low-cost electronic-based automatic irrigation system. The project concept provides
benchmark design to local farmers to venture into irrigated farming by using an irrigation
system that is anchored on compact electronic circuit that controls a simple and affordable
control concept.
Since proper use of water resources and environmental preservation has become key factors to
optimize farm productivity, the need to examine key factors on resource optimization are
required. The key factors relative to soil moisture and sunlight intensity availability compels the
conduct of this study where water availability to irrigate the farmlands have to be discretely
operated with utmost efficiency without compromising cost. Hence, the conduct of this study
provides better way to address cost effectiveness and environmental balance.
1.2 Statement of the problem
Irrigation system has lasted years in Ethiopia which is traditional.Farmers traditionally
accustomed to directing flood/surface/ water for supplementing their crops/spate irrigation.
These irrigation systems have many drawback like wastage of water,high labor cost, timing
problem ,uniformity of water supply ,so that each plant will not get the amount of water it needs
either too much or too little . Since the system is uncontrolled the soil is soaked too much.
Therefore, the moisture of the soil that determines the amount of water in soil must be checked
regularly to prevent the plant from wilting or in the worst case it might die. Besides, each
species of the plant have its own characteristic. So, the consumption of water is different
following their type.
These systems have low requirement for infrastructure and technical equipment but need high
labor input, so our project comes up with a remedy to solve the above problem with high
efficiency and low water wastage. In order to maintain the condition and overcome the problem,

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Automatic Plant Irrigation System is used. This system is created to reduce the time by using
automatic system rather than manual way of watering. An automatic farm irrigation system will
provide proper and moderate irrigation system for farmers in low cost and almost no man power
for farm irrigation and it will increase also productivity in agriculture.
1.3 Motivation
The motivation for this project came from the country where economy is based on agriculture
and the climatic conditions lead to lack of rains & scarcity of water .The main aim of this paper
is to provide automatic irrigation to the plants which helps in saving money and water. The
farmers working in the farm lands are solely dependent on the rains and bore wells for irrigation
of the land. Even if the farm land has a water-pump, manual intervention by farmers is required
to turn the pump on/off whenever needed.
1.4 Objectives
The general objective of the study is to design and develop an automated farm irrigation
system through electronic circuit with simulation. The pilot automated irrigation system will be
demonstrated according to its established parameters.
The specific objectives are:
To design an automated farm irrigation system that utilizes electronic, electromechanical
equipments and sensors.

To develop the pre-established design parameters and integrate circuit components
according to its technical purposes. To solve the problems on manual irrigation system.
To increase agricultural production by providing this technology to stake holders.

To reduce water wastage and human power.

1.5 Scope of project
The study outlines the design and development of an automated farm irrigation system that
employs electronic switching through electronic simulation. The circuit design and
implementation are conducted via pure electronic simulation using the Proteus software which is
preferred due to materials and financial constraints. The project inhibits the conduct of the
following in the entire scope of the study:

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Implementation of a physical control design in simulation.

Implementation of the project to real farming application.

Determination of sunlight availability index in the region.

Determination of rainfall index.

Determination of wind speed index.

Determining the moisture level of the soil in relation with resistance value.

Developing and designing of controlling and regulator circuits

Interconnecting circuits together for a single task.

1.6 Limitations
As we have seen throughout the development of this study, the system must be suffered from the
following limitations/challenges.
After the farm is irrigated, there may be a rainfall on the farm.

The higher speed of the wind will be exercised for a long period of time even when the soil
is dry and the system cannot irrigate the farm.

The sprinkler irrigation cannot irrigate the farm uniformly due to the difficulty of sprinkler
spacing and there will be wrong information to be fetched by watermark moisture sensor.

During cultivation, harvesting and weeding time the system may irrigate the farm and this
leads to human intervention to the system.

There may be high evaporation when there is high light intensity/high solar radiation after the
farm is irrigated.

The irrigated farm will not be irrigated uniformly due to the structure of the irrigated area.
1.7 Significance of the study
The proposed study will offer farming irrigation solution to the local farmers providing
improvement to conventional irrigation using an electronic-based control intervention. The
application of automation technology to farm irrigation paves the way for an efficient and

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productive farming across Ethiopia thereby provides significant economic impact. Moreover, the
technology adopted also provides potent technology transfer to various academic and technical
institutions in the country through which training and livelihood of local farmers may be
1.8 Theoretical frame works
The theoretical framework of the study as shown in Table 1 is anchored on the input, process, and
output paradigm that outline the relationship of the input baseline information and devices, the
process of relevant baseline information synthesis and the control framework, and finally the
expected output of the project as well as its outcome
Table.1.1Theoretical Framework
Input Process Output

 Technical information  Synthesize information  Project simulation

 Input device Op-amp  Learning outcome

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2.1 Review of related literature
The importance of the foregoing is crucial to the content of the research project. The related
literatures and similar studies mentioned in this study substantiate the arguments that support the
theories and assumptions therein. The information gathered in this chapter helps provide
compelling motivation to pursue the conduct of the study due to the benchmark information and
baseline research that reflect meritorious works and scholarly studies conducted by experts that
are relevant to farm irrigation.
2.2 Automatic farm irrigation review
An automated irrigation system refers to the operation of the system with no or just a minimum
manual intervention apart from field surveillance which requires human critical thinking.
Almost every system (drip, sprinkler, surface) can be automated with the help of electronic
timers, sensors, controllers, and some electro-mechanical devices. It makes the irrigation process
more efficient and workers can concentrate on other important farming tasks. On the other hand,
such a system can be expensive and very complex in its design and may needs experts to plan
and implement it. There are two classes of automatic irrigation systems. They are high technology
automatic irrigation system and low technology automatic irrigation system.
2.2.1High-tech principles
1) Time-based system
Irrigation time clock controllers, or timers, are an integral part of an automated irrigation system.
A timer is an essential tool to apply water in the necessary quantity at the right time. Timers can
lead to an under- or over-irrigation if they are not correctly programmed or the water quantity is
calculated incorrectly (Cardenas and Lailhacar, 2006). Time of operation (irrigation time – hrs

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per day) is calculated according to volume of water (water requirement – liters per day) required
and the average flow rate of water (application rate – liters per hours).
2) Volume-based system
The pre-set amount of water can be applied in the field segments by using automatic volume
controlled metering valves (Rajakumar, 2008).

3) Open-loop systems
In an open loop system, the operator makes the decision on the amount of water to be applied
and the timing of the irrigation event. The controller is programmed correspondingly and the
water is applied according to the desired schedule. Open loop control systems use either the
irrigation duration or a specified applied volume for control purposes. Open loop controllers
normally come with a clock that is used to start irrigation. Termination of the irrigation can be
based on a pre-set time or may be based on a specified volume of water passing through a flow
meter (Boman, 2006).
4) Closed-loop systems
Boman (2006) describes that in closed loop systems, the operator develops a general control
strategy. Once the general strategy is defined, the control system takes over and makes detailed
decisions on when to apply water and how much water to apply. This type of system requires
feedback from one or more sensors. Irrigation decisions are made and actions are carried out
based on data from sensors. In this type of system, the feedback and control of the system are
done continuously. Closed loop controllers require data acquisition of environmental parameters
(such as soil moisture, temperature, radiation, wind-speed, etc) as well as system parameters
(pressure, flow, etc.).
5) Real time feedback system
With this application irrigation is based on actual dynamic demands of the plant itself; the plant
root zone is effectively reflecting all environmental factors acting on the plant. Operating within
controlled parameters, the plant itself determines the degree of irrigation required. Various
sensors, tensiometers, relative humidity sensors, rain sensors, temperature sensors etc. control
the irrigation scheduling. These sensors provide feedback to the controller to control its
operation (Rajakumar et al. 2008).

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6) Computer-based irrigation control systems

A computer-based control system consists of a combination of hardware and software that acts
as a supervisor with the purpose of managing irrigation and other related practices such as
fertigation and maintenance.

2.2.2Low-tech principles
1) Clay pot and porous capsule irrigation network
This old system has been modernized and reapplied in water scarce areas. The technology
consists of using clay pots and porous capsules to improve irrigation practices by increasing
storage and improving the distribution of water in the soil. This low-volume irrigation
technology is based on storing and distributing water to the soil, using clay pots and porous
capsules interconnected by plastic piping. A constant-level reservoir is used to maintain a steady
hydrostatic pressure (UNEP, 1998).
2) Automatic surge flow and gravitational tank irrigation system
This is an intermittent gravity-flow irrigation system. It has been used almost exclusively for
small-scale agriculture and domestic gardening. Prior to the development of this technology,
electronically controlled valves were used to produce intermittent water flows for irrigation.
These valves are expensive and require some technical training to operate (, 1998) [2].
2.3 Block Diagram of Power Supply for the Controlling System

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Fig.2.1 schematic diagram of power supply for control circuit

a) Power Supply

The input to the controlling circuit is applied from the regulated power supply. The ac input i.e.,
230v from the mains supply is step down by the transformer to 12v and is fed to a rectifier. The
output obtained from the rectifier is a pulsating dc voltage. So in order to get a pure dc voltage,
the output voltage from the rectifier is fed to a filter to remove any ac components present even
after rectification. Now, this voltage is given to a voltage regulator to obtain a pure constant dc

b) Transformer

Usually, DC voltages are required to operate various electronic equipment and these voltages are
5v, 9v or 12v. But these voltages cannot be obtained directly. Thus the ac input available at the

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mains supply i.e., 230 is to be brought down to the required voltage level. This is done by a
transformer. Thus, a step down transformer is employed to decrease the voltage to a required
level as shown in the figure 2.2 below.

Fig.2.2 Step down transformer

c) Rectifier
The output from the transformer is fed to the rectifier. It converts AC into pulsating DC. The
rectifier may be a half wave or a full wave rectifier. In this project, a bridge rectifier is used
because of its merits like good stability and full wave rectification.

Fig.2.3 Bridge rectifier circuit

The bridge rectifier is a circuit, which converts an AC voltage to DC voltage using both half
cycles of the input AC voltage. The bridge rectifier circuit is shown in the figure. The circuit has
four diodes connected to form a bridge. The AC input voltage is applied to the diagonally

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opposite ends of the bridge. The load resistance is connected between the other two ends of the
bridge. For the positive half cycle of the input AC voltage, diodes D1 and D3 conduct, whereas
diodes D2 and D4 remain in the OFF state. The conducting diodes will be in series with the load
resistance RL and hence the load current flows through RL. For negative half cycle the input AC
voltage of the AC voltage, diode D2 and D4 conduct whereas, D1 and D3 remain OFF. The
conducting diodes D2 and D4 will be in series with the load resistance RL and hence the current
flows through RL in the same direction as in the previous half cycle. Thus a bi-directional wave
is the converted into unidirectional wave.

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Fig.2.4 Bridge rectifier output voltage/current waveforms

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d) Filter
Capacitive filter is used in this project. It removes the ripples from the output of rectifier and
smoothens the DC output received from this filter is constant until the mains voltage and load is
maintained constant. However, if either of the two is varied, DC voltage received at this point
changes. Therefore a regulator is applied at the output stage. [3]

Fig.2.5 Power supply with simple capacitor filter

e) Voltage Regulator
Voltage regulator is an electrical or electronic device that maintains the voltage of a power
source within acceptable limits. The voltage regulator is needed to keep voltages within the
prescribed range that can be tolerated by the electrical equipment using that voltage. Voltage
regulators are used in electronic equipment in which excessive variations in voltage would be
Electronic voltage regulators utilize solid-state semiconductor devices to smooth out variations
in the flow of current. In most cases, they operate as variable resistances; that is, resistance
decreases when the electrical load is heavy and increases when the load is lighter. [4]

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As the name itself implies, it regulates the input applied to it. A voltage regulator is an electrical
regulator designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level. In this project, power
supply of 12v is required. In order to obtain this voltage level, 7812 voltage regulator is to be
used. The first number 78 represents positive supply and the number 12 represents the required
output voltage levels. [3]

Fig.2.6 Voltage regulator

2.4 Electrical and Electromechanical Components

2.4.1 Sensor
A Sensor is a device, which responds to an input quantity by generating a functionally related
output usually in the form of an electrical or optical signal. A Sensor converts the physical
parameter (temperature, pressure, humidity, speed, flow, level, etc.) into a signal which can be
measured electrically.[5]. Figure 2.7 shows the sensing process in terms of energy conversion.
The form of the output signal will often be a voltage analogous to the input signal, though
sometimes it may be a wave form whose frequency is proportional to the input or a pulse train
containing the information in some other form. [6]

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The signal conversion of sensors

A) Moisture Sensor
Soil moisture sensors measure the water content in soil. A soil moisture probe is made up of
multiple soil moisture sensors. A patented watermark sensor showed in Figure 2.8is a solid-state
electrical resistance sensing device that is used to measure soil water tension. As the tension
changes with water content the resistance changes as well. That resistance can be measured
using the watermark sensor. The sensor consists of a pair of highly corrosion resistant electrodes
that are imbedded within a granular matrix. A current is applied to the watermark sensor to
obtain a resistance value. The watermark sensor meter or monitor correlates the resistance to
centibars (cb) or kilopascals (kPa) of soil water tension. The watermark sensor is designed to be
a permanent sensor, placed in the soil to be monitored and “read” as often as necessary with a
portable or stationary device. Internally installed gypsum provides some buffering for the effect
of salinity levels normally found in irrigated agricultural crops and landscapes (,

Fig.2.8Water mark moisture sensor

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B) LDR (light dependent resistor) Sensor

Photo resistors as shown in Figure 2.9 also known as light dependent resistors (LDR) are light
sensitive devices most often used to indicate the presence or absence of light, or to measure the
light intensity. In the dark, their resistance is very high, sometimes up to 1MΩ, but when the
LDR sensor is exposed to light, the resistance drops dramatically, even down to a few ohms,
depending on the light intensity. LDRs have a sensitivity that varies with the wavelength of the
light applied and are nonlinear devices. They are used in many applications but are sometimes
made obsolete by other devices such as photodiodes and phototransistors. Some countries have
banned LDRs made of lead or cadmium over environmental safety concerns (,

Fig.2.9 Light dependent resistor

2.4.2 Variable Resistor

A variable resistor shown in Figure 2.10 is a device that is used to change the resistance
according to our needs in an electronic circuit. It can be used as a three terminal as well as a two
terminal device. Mostly they are used as a three terminal device. Variable resistors are mostly
used for device calibration (, 2013)[9].

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Fig.2.10 Variable resistor

2.4.3 Resistor
A resistor as shown in Figure 2.11 is a two-terminal electric circuit component that offers
opposition to an electric current. Resistors are available in several common forms: wire wound
resistors are formed from windings of fine wire; film resistors, commonly found in consumer
electronic devices, use lengths of carbon or metal film deposited on a resistive base; and carbon-
composition resistors use a bonded mass of carbon powder with a phenolic binder. Resistors
absorb power from a circuit and convert it into heat; they are normally rated for the maximum
amount of power that they can safely handle. Special resistors are also produced for the
integrated circuit.

Fig.2.11 Resistor

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Resistor values in ohms are usually shown as an adjacent number, and if several resistors are
present in a circuit, they will be labeled with a unique identifier number such as R1, R2, R3
(, 2013) [10].
2.4.4 Op-Amp
Operational amplifiers are linear devices that have all the properties required for nearly ideal DC
amplification and are therefore used extensively in signal conditioning, filtering or to perform
mathematical operations such as add, subtract, integration and differentiation. Operational
amplifiers are available in IC packages of single, dual or quad op-amps within one single device
(, 2013) [11].Figure 2.12 shows an OP-Amp symbol.

Fig.2.12 OP-Amp
2.4.5 Transistor
Transistors as shown in Figure 2.13 are semiconductor devices used to amplify and switch
electronic signals and electrical power. It is composed of semiconductor material with at least
three terminals for connection to an external circuit. A voltage or current applied to one pair of
the transistor's terminals changes the current through another pair of terminals. Because the
controlled (output) power can be higher than the controlling (input) power, a transistor can
amplify a signal. Today, some transistors are packaged individually, but many more are found
embedded in integrated circuits (, 2013)[12].

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Fig.2.13 Transistors
Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT)
A bipolar junction transistor consists of a thin piece of one type of semiconductor material
between two thicker layers of the opposite type. If the middle layer is p-type, the outside layers
must be n-type and such a transistor is an NPN transistor as shown in Figure 2.14. One of the
outside layers is called the emitter, and the other is known as the collector. The middle layer is
the base. The places where the emitter joins the base and the base joins the collector are called
junctions. The voltage of the base must be more positive than that of the emitter for NPN
transistor. The voltage of the collector, in turn, must be more positive than that of the base. The
voltages are supplied by a battery or some other source of direct current [13].

Fig.2.14 NPN transistor

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2.4.6 Relay
A relay as shown in Figure 2.15 is a switch that open and close circuits electromechanically or
electronically. Relays control one electrical circuit by opening and closing contacts in another
circuit. The relay allows the isolation of two separate sections of the system with two different
voltage sources i.e., a small amount of voltage/current on one side can handle a large amount of
voltage/current on the other side but there is no chance that these two voltages are mix up. This
is in the range of a few volts to hundreds of volts, while the current can be from a few amps to
40A or more, depends on the relay. As relay diagrams show, when a relay contact is normally
open (NO), there is an open contact when the relay is not energized. When a relay contact is
Normally Closed (NC), there is a closed contact when the relay is not energized. In either case,
applying electrical current to the contacts will change their state. Relays are generally used to
switch smaller currents in a control circuit and do not usually control power consuming devices
except for small motors and Solenoids that draw low amps (, 2013)[14].

Fig.2.15 Relay
2.4.7 AC motor
An AC motor as shown in Figure 2.16 is an electric motor driven by an alternating current
(AC). AC motors come in two types which are synchronous motors and induction motors. The
AC motors are used differently based on what type of AC motor it is. There are two types of AC
motors, depending on the type of rotor used. The first is the synchronous motor, which rotates

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exactly at the supply frequency or a sub multiple of the supply frequency. The magnetic field on
the rotor is either generated by current delivered through slip rings or by a permanent magnet.
The second type is the induction motor, which runs slightly slower than the supply frequency.
The magnetic field on the rotor of this motor is created by an induced current. The amount of
power given off by an AC motor is determined by the amount of power needed to operate the
system. An AC motor has two parts. A Stationary stator having coils supplied within current to
produce a rotating magnetic field, and rotor attached to the output shaft that is given a torque by
the rotating field.
Induction Motors
The AC induction motor is a common form of asynchronous motor whose operation depends on
three electromagnetic phenomena:
Motor Action - When an iron rod (or other magnetic material) is suspended in a magnetic
field so that it is free to rotate, it will align itself with the field. If the magnetic field is moving or
rotating, the iron rod will move with the moving field so as to maintain alignment.

Rotating Field - A rotating magnetic field can be created from fixed stator poles by driving
each pole-pair from a different phase of the alternating current supply.

Transformer Action - The current in the rotor windings is induced from the current in the
stator windings, avoiding the need for a direct connection from the power source to the rotating
Induction motors have either wound rotors or squirrel cage rotors.
Wound Rotor:-Wound rotors are constructed using the same principle as stator

Squirrel Cage Rotor: - The SCIM rotor has conducting bars embedded in grooves that are
etched in the surface of the rotor along the direction of the rotor axis. The conducting bars are
placed around an iron core. To allow current flow in the bars, the bars are shorted at either end
of the rotor by large shorting rings. Squirrel cage rotor construction is shown figure below. The
rigid construction of this type of rotor contributes significantly to the robustness of the SCIM.

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Generally, one of the major advantages of the induction motor is that it does not need a
commutation. Induction motors are therefore simple, robust, reliable, maintenance free and
relatively low cost. They are normally constant speed devices whose speed is proportional to the
mains frequency. [15].

Fig.2.16 AC motor
2.4.8 Solenoid Valve
A solenoid valve is an electromechanical device used for controlling liquid or gas flow. The
solenoid valve is controlled by electrical current, which is run through a coil. When the coil is
energized, a magnetic field is created; causing a plunger inside the coil to move. The solenoid
valve uses an electric current which moves the solenoid. This pulls a piston preventing it from
stopping the flow of air and fluid. The valve will need a constant flow of electrical current to
remain open because when there is no current flow, the electromagnetic field scatters and the
valve returns to its original position. Depending on the design of the valve, the plunger will
either open or close the valve. When electrical current is removed from the coil, the valve will
return to its de-energized state. The valve shown in Figure 2.17 is a normally-closed (NC),
direct-acting valve. This type of solenoid valve has the most simple and easy to understand
principle of operation [16].

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Fig.2.17 solenoid valve

Working principle Solenoid Valve
The media controlled by the solenoid valve enters the valve through the inlet port (Part 2 in the
illustration above). The media must flow through the orifice (9) before continuing into the outlet
port (3). The orifice is closed and opened by the plunger (7).
The valve pictured above is a normally-closed solenoid valve. Normally-closed valves use a
spring (8) which presses the plunger tip against the opening of the orifice. The sealing material
at the tip of the plunger keeps the media from entering the orifice, until the plunger is lifted up
by an electromagnetic field created by the coil.
2.4.9 Limit Switch
Limit Switches are electro-mechanical devices that consist of an actuator mechanically linked to
a set of contacts. When an object comes into contact with the actuator, the device operates the
contacts to make or break an electrical connection. Limit switches work in a variety of
applications and environments because of their ruggedness, simple visible operation, easy
installation and reliable operation.[17]

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FIg.2.18 Limit switch

2.5 Mechanical Components

2.5.1 Water Tank/Reservoir
A water tank/reservoir shown in Figure 2.19 is a container for storing water. The need for a
water tank is providing storage of water for drinking water,agricultural irrigation,
firesuppression, agricultural farming,bothforplantsandlivestock, chemical manufacturing, food
preparation as well as many other applications. Various materials are used for making a water
tank: plastics, fiber glass, concrete, stone, steel and earthen ponds function as water storage.

Fig.2.19 Water Tanker/Reservoir

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2.5.2 Water Sprinkler

In the sprinkler method of irrigation, water is sprayed into the air and allowed to fall on the
ground surface somewhat resembling rainfall. The spray is developed by the flow of water under
pressure through small orifices or nozzles. The pressure is usually obtained by pumping. With
careful selection of nozzle sizes, operating pressures and sprinkler spacing, the amount of
irrigation water required to refill the crop root zone can be applied nearly uniformly at a rate suit
to the infiltration rate of the soil, thereby obtaining efficient irrigation.Figure 2.20.shows a
water sprinkler [19].

Fig.2.20 Water sprinklers

2.5.3 Water Pipe
Water pipes are pipes or tubes, frequently made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC/up), ductile iron,
steel, cast iron, polypropylene, polyethylene, copper, or (formerly) lead, that carry pressurized
and treated fresh water to buildings (as part of a municipal water system), as well as inside the
building. Figure 2.21depicts a PVC pipe used in low-cost irrigation system [20].

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Fig.2.21 PVC Water Pipes

2.5.4 Intake Water Screening System
Intake screens are designed to remove floating or suspended debris in a channel of flowing
water. They protect pumps and other downstream equipment from debris in surface water
intakes and other applications.
Initially wood chips, leaves, aquatic plants and floating impurities are removed by the screening
process. After the screening, a more compact suspended material will be removed to allow water
to flow through the chamber in which it will settle to the bottom. Restrict the entry of suspended
solids such as garbage in the water treatment plant. Prevent pump, pipe and equipment from
clogging or damage. It launched a water course for the next process. [21].

Fig.2.22 Intake water screening system

2.6 Soil Water Measurement

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Soil water can be measured or estimated in a variety of ways ranging from the simple, low cost
hand-feel method to more accurate and expensive neutron probe units. For most irrigation water
management applications, even a low cost, economical method is better than entirely foregoing
soil water measurement.
Electrical resistance blocks
A meter is used to read the electrical resistance blocks installed in the ground. The blocks come
in a variety of configurations with two electrodes imbedded in a porous material. Water moves
in and out of the block in equilibrium with the soil water content. Meter resistance readings
change as water in the block changes which, in turn, is an indication of changes in the amount of
water in the soil. Resistance methods are suitable for most soils, and the readings cover most of
the soil water ranges of concern to irrigation management (, 2012) [22].
2.7 Types of Sprinkler Systems
1. Rotating head system: Nozzles placed on riser pipes and fixed at uniform interval. The most
common device to rotate the sprinkler heads is with a small hammer activated by the thrust of
water striking against the vane.
2. Perforated pipe system: Consists of holes perforated in the lateral irrigation pipes in a
specially designed pattern to distribute water fairly uniform.
 Classification of sprinkler irrigation systems
1. Permanent systems: Are those having the pipes permanently located. Usually they are built
and not interfere with tillage operations. Installation costs are much higher, but labor and
maintenance costs are less.
2. Semi-permanent: Usually have the main lines buried and the laterals portable. The water
supply is from fixed point. Installation costs are somewhat less than the permanent system, but
lab our and maintenance costs are more.
3. Portable system: Have both main lines and laterals portable Installation costs are less, but lab
our and maintenance costs are higher. These systems are designed to be moved around the farm
from field or even from farm to farm.

Components of sprinkler system

A. Pumping unit

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The pumping unit is required to lift the water from the water source drawn from either open
wells or bore wells and distribute the water through the network of pipe line.
B. Main pipe line
Main pipe line may be permanent or portable. Permanent pipeline are used on the farms where
boundaries are fixed and crops require full-season irrigation.
C. Lateral pipe lines
The lateral pipe lines are usually portable. A quick coupled aluminum pipe is the Best for most
portable laterals. The lateral pipes are available in lengths of5, 6 0r 12 m.
D. Risers
Risers are small GI pipes fixed to the lateral pipes at sprinkler spacing. On top of the riser, the
sprinkler heads are fixed. The size and length of riser will be decided based on pressure
consideration and discharge.
E. Sprinkler head
Sprinkler head is the critical component of a sprinkler irrigation system. The suitability and
efficiency of sprinkler system depends on the operating characteristics of sprinkler head. The
operating characteristics of sprinkler head are affected by varying pressure and wind velocities

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3.1 Materials
The materials we have used in our project are websites; which we go through different books,
journals, and thesis and ongoing projects in automatic farm irrigation system. From this we are
going to select appropriate rating of op amp, transistor, solenoid valve, resistors, relays, sensors
and limit switch based on their application in automatic farm irrigation system and analyzed
values.The other material we have been using for our simulation is proteus software.
3.2 Methodology
Data Collection: In this part data used for this project are discussed .The moisture level versus
equivalent resistance measurement, lux levels versus the light intensity, specification of
component, resources taken from website, etc, are collected and discussed.
Literature review: In this section we have discussed, automatic irrigation review, methods of
automatic farm irrigation, explanation of component commonly used in automatic farm
irrigation system.
Data Analysis: the data collected in data collection are carefully analyzed and discussed
Design work: in this section design works for automatic farm irrigation system are discussed i.e.
calculating setting value. Also simulations works of the calculated setting values, cost and loses
in the system are discussed.
Methodology we have followed in this project is summarized in the following flow chart.

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Fig.3.1Methodology followed in the project

3.3 Basic Block Diagram of the System
The hard ware development described in this section depicts the electronic control circuit
necessary for the automatic farm irrigation system to function in accordance to some important
parameters. As shown in Figure3.2 below, the automatic irrigation system follows the stipulated
block diagram which has closed similarity to the benchmarked system.

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Fig.3.2The Automatic Irrigation System Block Diagram

In the above block diagram, there are four input devices/sensors that plays very significant role
in the systems’ operation. The most is the soil moisture sensor that measures resistance through
a watermark moisture sensor and subject the signal conversion through an OP-Amp for proper
processing and switching. The second input device is the light sensor (light dependent resistor)
where the switching of the irrigation system depends upon the intensity of light. This is
represented by the photo sensor which sends signal through proper conditioning prior to passing
the OP-amp for switching and processing. The third input device utilizes the wind sensor which
measures the appropriate wind speed that is used to trigger the relay via the OP-Amp.
The last but not the least is the rain sensor provides appropriate switching via the OP-Amp.
3.4 Hard Ware Design and Development of the System
3.4.1 Light Intensity Detection Sensor Using LDR (light dependent resistor)

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Fig.3.3 Light Intensity Detection Circuit

The resistance of the Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) varies according to the amount of light
that falls on it. The aim of using this circuit is to stop irrigation in day time or to reduce water
wastage if irrigation is in day time since there is high water evaporation and it is not
recommended to irrigate in day time for plants. Using LDR to sense the existence of light which
implies that when there is light in the irrigation farm, the resistance of the LDR gets decreased in
accordance with the light intensity (lux).So, the variable resistor (VR1) with 2000 ohm capacity
is used to set the light intensity on which irrigation must stop.By using voltage divider formula,
the value of VR1 is set to stop irrigation by taking R1 and R2 any values arbitrarily and 1000
ohm resistance is taken for this project. This project uses 2000 Ohm potentiometer to set the
light intensity and setting it at 1.47k ohm in order to stop irrigation in day time above 400 lux.

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Our typical light sensor has the resistance value of 2.263 k ohm at 400 lux as stated in appendix
B and the input voltage of non-inverting terminal of the op-amp can be calculated as:

This implies that when V+>V-, the comparator bias the transistor to be closed switch mode to
energize the relay (RL1) to start irrigation since its NO contact point is connected in series with
RL5 that makes the motor ON for the value of intensity starting from 400 lux to the lower values
as shown in fig.3.3a.This is done if there is no rainfall, high wind and the dryness of the soil gets
increased.When the intensity of light become increased the resistance of the LDR become
decreased and this leads the non-inverting input voltage of the op-amp become lowered which is
less than the inverting input voltage .Therefore, the relay retain ideal and there is no any
irrigation at all and it can be calculated as follow at a light intensity of 4000 lux as shown in

3.4.2 Moisture Level Detection Using Moisture Sensor (water mark)

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Fig.3.4 Moisture level detection circuit

In the comparator circuit as shown above, we use the voltage divider (R4 & R5) on the inverting
input to set the threshold voltage of the specified soil moisture. The soil moisture sensor and the
variable resistor are connected to the non-inverting input to the circuit, of the Op-Amp. If the
voltage value of the inverting terminal is high, the output of the Op-Amp is low, and vice

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versa.As stated in appendix A, the recommended moisture level of different types of soils is
taken in to account when irrigation takes place. For this project, the recommended moisture
level of loam soil is 50 to 80 centibars and it has an average resistance value of 1.1675 ohm
measured by watermark soil moisture sensor and it can be denoted by Rs. For this specific soil
resistance the system irrigate the farm. To set the irrigation moisture level, potentiometer with
2000 ohm capacity is used to set the non-inverting input voltage of the comparator for biasing
the transistor in forward mode in order to energize the relay (RL2) and it is set at 1ohm.The
values of R4and R5 in the voltage divider circuit can be any arbitrary values and for this project
the values of R4 and R5 is 1000 ohm to divide the source voltage equally.By using voltage
divider formula, the non-inverting input terminal voltage can be calculated and set to start
irrigation as:

Since V+>V-, the transistor become forward biased and the relay gets energized at the same
time to start irrigation since its NO contact point is connected in series with RL5 that makes the
motor ON for the value of moisture resistance 1.2 ohm and higher values as shown in
fig.3.4a.This is occurred if only if there is a value of rainfall, wind speed and light intensity are
in the range of the normal value.When the moisture level of the soil gets increased the respective
resistance value becomes decreased as result irrigation can be stopped and it can be calculated as
follow by taking the resistance of 0.4 ohm to stop irrigation as shown in fig.3.4b.

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3.4.3 Development of Overall Control Circuit of the System

Fig.3.5 Overall Controlling Circuit of Automatic Irrigation System

This controlling circuit integrates all the factors stated and described above for effective
irrigation system. This system controls all the factors which influence the irrigation and it can
provide proper irrigation. The system is designed to block or stop irrigation if one of the two
factors (moisture and light) are present in the set forms or magnitudes. This system can irrigate
the farm when there is no light based on the set values and if the dryness of the soil gets
increased until the recommended moisture level is reached. The motor used in the above control
circuit is only for simulation purpose.

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3.4.4 Water Level Control Circuit for Water Reservoir

Fig.3.6 Water Level Control Circuit

This circuit controls the level of the water in the water reservoir (water tanker) by placing the
NC limit switch only on the above part of the tank since the water comes in to the reservoir
through open channel with the help of gravitational force. The LED represents the solenoid
valve in this circuit.

3.4.5 Power Circuit for Water Pumping Motor

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Fig.3.7 Power Circuit of the Irrigating Pump

The irrigation system is driven by an AC motor-based centrifugal pump which pumps water
from the water reservoir to pressurize the water sprinklers distributed in the farmland irrigated
areas. The irrigation system does not use gravitational force to irrigate the farmland, instead
utilizes the pump to provide pressure into the water sprinklers. Each water sprinklers are
properly spaced so as to cover consistent irrigated areas.Figure 3.7.Shows the power circuit of
the motor-driven pump connected with proper safety measures to protect the prime movers from
untoward situation. The contactor relay RL5 serves as the external relay that switches once
desired according to the systems operation requirements.
3.4.6 Basic Components of the System and Their Specifications
1. Comparator

The LM7171A operational amplifier is used as a comparator for this study. This comparator is
used to compare the moisture level of the soil, the presence of rainfall, the presence of light
intensity and the speed of local wind to the set voltages based on the set value of the electrical
variables from field sensors by which information are gathered.

Properties of Comparator:

If the non-inverting input is greater than the inverting input (V+ >V-), then VO=Vcc and the
output is high (Digital High 1output).

On the other hand If the inverting input is greater than the non-inverting input (V+ <V-), then
VO=0 and the output is low (Digital Low 0 output).
A comparator compares two ANALOGUE input voltages.

These are usually a reference voltage and a signal from a sensor.

A comparator is a one bit Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC).

2. Transistor

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The 2N1711 transistor is intended for use in high performance amplifier, oscillator and
switching circuits. This model of transistor is used as a switch to integrate the factors that affect
the irrigation system directly or indirectly such as light intensity and moisture level of the soil to
determine the irrigation by triggering the pumping motor.
3. Relay
Electromechanical relay of modelG3PB is used for this study to connect and disconnect the
pumping motor according to the signals received from sensors and it is used to integrate the
sensors used in this study. It is energized when it receives voltage signal and it de energized
when the voltage signal is not reached to it.
Rated operating voltage………… …….12 to 24 VDC

Operating voltage range…………. ……9.6 to 30 VDC

Rated input current (Impedance)………10 mA max. (At 24 VDC)

Must operate voltage…………………...9.6 VDC max.

Reset voltage …………………………….1 VDC min.

Main circuit voltage…………………….200 to 480 V AC

4. Solenoid Valve
Solenoid valve L177 V07V08Normally closed direct acting solenoid valve is Suitable to shut
OFF/ON water from/to the water reservoir/water tank to the irrigating sprinklers for this project.
Technical features
Maximum allowable pressure …………...30bar
Opening time ………………………from 10ms to 20ms.

Closing time ……………………….from 10ms to 20ms.

Fluid temperature ……………………….10°C +90°C (NBR0°C +130°C (FPM)-10°C

+140°C (EPDM)

Max viscosity ………………………….5°E (37 cStokes or mm2/s)

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Voltages DC…………………………… 12-24V (+10% -5%)

5. Water Mark Moisture Sensor

Watermark sensor is a resistive device that responds to changes in soil moisture. It is planted in
the soil and it exchanges water with the surrounding soil and hence the Soil water is an electrical
conductor thereby providing a relative indication of the soil moisture status. As the soil dries,
water is removed from the sensor and the resistance measurement increases. Conversely, when
the soil is rewetted, the resistance lowers. The relationship of ohm of resistance to centibars (cb)
or kilopascals (kPa) of soil water tension is constant and built into the reading devices that are
used to interrogate the sensor.
Proven stable calibration
Range of measurement from 0 to 239 cb (kPa)

Fully solid-state

Will not dissolve in soil

Not affected by freezing temperatures

Internally compensated for commonly found salinity levels

Inexpensive, easy to install and use

Compatible with AC or DC reading devices (specialized circuit required)

NO maintenance required

Materials: ABS plastic caps with stainless steel body over a hydrophilic fabric covered
granular matrix.

Dimensions – diameter: .875 in. (22 mm)

Length: 3.25 in. (83 mm)

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Weight: .147 lb. (.067 kg) – with 5 ft. lead

Wire leads: AWG 20, 2 leads

6. LDR (Light Dependant Resistor)

This sensor is used to detect the intensity of light of the irrigated farm that is if the intensity of
light is greater than 400lux it disconnect the irrigating pump motor since its resistance gets
decreased when the intensity of light is increased.
The Resource Data Management light level sensor consists of a light dependant resistor (LDR)
housed in a clear water resistant enclosure with two spring loaded connections on the underside.
Robust Water Resistant Housing

No Power Supply Required

Simple 2 Wire Connection

Reliable and Secure Push Terminals

Low Cost

Single Mounting Point

Resistance Range: 36 Ohm (very bright light) to 350kOhm (darkness)

Measurement Range: 0.8 lux to 60,000 lux

Storage Temperature: -40ºC to + 75ºC

Operating Temperature: -40ºC to + 75ºC

Protection Rating: IP64

Dimensions: 56mm (H) x 24mm (D) x21mm (W)

Mounting Hole: 4mm diameter

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Maximum Cable Size: 2.5mm (14awg)

9. Limit Switch
The 5586 model of limit switch is used for this project to control the level of the reservoir/water
tanker and it is placed on the top of the reservoir or water tanker.

Circuitry …………………………….SPDT

Voltage rating ………………………..6-36V

Electrical rating ……………………...25A at 12V DC

Contacts ………………………………Silver

Housing ………………………………plastic with plated steel cap

Up position …………………………..ON

Down position ……………………… OFF

Terminals …………………………….2 Screw

3.5 Placement of Sensors
Sensors should be placed at the right place for efficient data transfer to the controlling circuit.
The moisture sensor is placed in the depth of the soil at the 3/4 length of root of the plant
according to the length of the plant root and the life time of crop plantation for suitable and adequate
distribution of water throughout the irrigated area or farm.

The LDR is placed on a clear place on the ground or on top of water tanker or water reservoir
for easy exposure to sun light at any time without any obstacle. This is important to irrigate the farm
at the right time that is if there is light intensity beyond the pre set value the farm should not be
irrigated and the evaporation of water can be reduced.

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The objective of an automatic farm irrigation system is to irrigate the farm on its given
recommended moisture level which is obtained from experimental data and by sensing the
presence of light intensity and moisture in normal range of values. The two variables which are
moisture level of the soil and the surrounding light intensity are controlled by an overall
controlling circuit of automatic irrigation system controlling circuit. The watermark moisture
sensor senses the moisture level of the soil, the LDR senses the local light intensity. These
sensing variables are interconnected to one common output device of which the functional truth
table shown below.

Table.4.1 Different Results of the System

Watermark moisture sensor LDR (light Sensor) Output of the pumping motor
and solenoid valve

0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0

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0 for moisture level sensor less moisture level (greater resistance of the soil)

1 for moisture level sensor greater moisture level (less resistance of the soil)

0 for other sensors absence of moisture and high light intensity

1 for other sensors presence of moisture and high light intensity
0 for motor and solenoid valve the motor is in OFF state and the solenoid valve is in closed
1 for motor and solenoid valve the motor is in ON state and the solenoid valve is in Open state

The truth table above described the relationships between the input devices (sensors) and the
output devices (Motor-driven pump & solenoid valve) with respect to the status of the sensing
devices mentioned. Based on the truth table, the motor-driven pump and solenoid valve shall be
operated (On state) only when all of the sensing devices (sensors) are in (0) state which means
that if any of the sensors used makes a detection, the output device should not operate. The
actual simulation results shall be explained in the next sections in this chapter.

4.1 Simulation Result

The aforementioned control design illustrated by the system’s truth table was simulated using
the design parameters described in the previous Chapter (The Methodology). The control
parameters were integrated into one common electronic circuit design to function as one whole
controlling circuit for the entire control parameter.

4.1.1 For Irrigating the Farm

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Fig.4.1Irrigating System Result When Irrigation is Carried ON

As we observed from the above circuit diagram when the watermark moisture sensor and the
light sensor sensed the dryness of the soil, the minimum intensity of light in the recommended
set values respectively, the system start to irrigate the farm by opening the solenoid valve and by
turning ON the pumping motor. The Green LED indicates the pumping motor and the yellow
LED indicates the opened solenoid valve when the system is irrigating the farm as shown above.

4.1.2 For Stop Irrigating the Farm

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Fig.4.2 Simulation Result When the System Stops Irrigation

The system stopped irrigating the farm. We have observed that the system cannot irrigate the
farm if one of the two of the factors which are the , light intensity are beyond the recommended
set values even if the dryness of the soil gets increased. We observed that the LEDs are not
giving light when the values of factor or factors are out of the recommended values. The black
diodes/LEDs represented the OFF state of the pumping motor and the solenoid valve.

4.1.3 For Filling the Water Tanker /Reservoir

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Fig.4.3 Simulation Result for Water Filling of the Reservoir/Tanker

The water reservoir filling was also simulated using the Proteus software in which the
researchers observed that when the reservoir is not full this system opened the solenoid valve to
be filled with the water from the river through open channel by gravitational force. The
greenness of the LED is representing the energizing of the solenoid valve and it is in open state
due to its working principle to allow the water to pass through to fill the reservoir. It must be
emphasized that this solenoid valve is not the valve described in the irrigation system circuit.
This valve is exclusively used only in filling the reservoir tank.

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4.1.4 For Stop Filling the Water Tank/ Reservoir

Fig.4.4 Simulation Result for Stop Filling of the Reservoir

As we observed on the above simulation result, when the water reached at the top of the
reservoir the floating material opened the NC limit switch to close the solenoid valve to stop
filling the reservoir. The black LED represented the phenomenon of stop filling the reservoir.
However, as soon as the water level disengaged the NC limit switch, which means that the water
level is below the maximum level then the valve status has to be On to allow water from the
river streams to fill-up the reservoir so as to maintain full-tank status.

4.2 Cost Analysis

Table 4.2 Cost Analysis

No. Materials Model Quantity Price($)

1 Transformer Atmel 89c51 1 2.1

2 Rectifier L293D 1 15.15

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3 Filter crystal 1 0.15

4 Resistor ASIMMDLS and 13 7.8
5 Voltage regulator LM020L 1 10.52
6 Relay G3PB 5 6
7 LED Diode -LED 2 1.8
8 Quad Operational amplifier LM7171A 3 8.64
9 Transistor 2N1711 3 1.5
10 Solenoid valve L177 V07V08 2 0.33
11 Switches Active |(single 2 2.8
12 Watermark sensor 6440 1 39
13 LDR sensor Active 1 10
14 Limit Switch 5586 1 8.25
Total 114.04

This cost estimation can be for the controlling circuit of the automatic farm irrigation only. The cost
of the pumping motor, sprinklers, water pipes and the cost to build the tanker can be estimated
according to the size of the irrigated area in the interest of the customer.

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5.1 Conclusion
We conclude that in this project we have studied and simulated an automatic farm irrigation
system using electronic circuit. The integration of different factors for efficient irrigation has
been mastered during the design and simulation. The objective is to use sensors such as
watermark moisture sensor, Light dependent resistor sensor as signal receivers in farm for
automatic farm irrigation system. Based on our project, op-amp is reliable to use as a voltage
comparator because the cost and operation is better compared to PLC and Microcontroller.
The results show that the sensors are able to receive the required signals from the irrigated farm
and it can operate its operation as it is required. The results show that the system can detect
moisture level of the soil and light intensity in different electrical values.
This project can have many uses in practical fields, from saving time to saving money and in
increasing of crop production. It can be further improved to have more decision taking capabilities
by employing varied types of sensors and thus could be used in industries for different applications
such as in prevention of fire.
5.2 Recommendation
The automatic farm irrigation system still can be improved for future development. Some
modification and renovation on the system have to be made in order to acquire powerful system
of automatic farm irrigation. Therefore a list of recommendations is given as below:

1. The system should be tested to be practical in agricultural sectors to assist the economic
activities of the country and therefore stakeholders such as our university and ministry of
agriculture must cooperate to see the fruit of this project.

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2. The system can be used to spray the fertilizers on the farm in scientific way for proper growth
of the plants to increase agricultural production as a whole and the system can be improved by
PLC systems and Microcontrollers.

3. The system should be installed by skillful and knowledgeable persons in the field which have
different types of soil to set the system at the recommended values of moisture level of the soil
and local light intensity it should be also repaired by these persons when problems occurred on
the system.

5.3 Future Work

We announce to the interested researchers who will work on this project to do their best on the
following concepts.
 This automatic irrigation system more accurate if rain sensor and wind sensors are included.
The sprinkler spacing on the irrigated farm and the type of the sprinklers and the rating and
type of pumping motor, the capacity of the water pipes and the capacity of solenoid valves can be
specified and determined based on the need of the farmers who will use this technology/system.

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[1].Awulachew, Merrey, Kamara, VanKoppen, Penning deVriesand Boelee (2005), Experiences and
Opportunities for Promoting Small-Scale/Micro Irrigation and Rainwater Harvesting for food
Security in Ethiopia, IWMI.
[2].ZELLA, L.; KETTAB, A.; CHASSERIAUX, G. (2006): Design of a Micro-Irrigation System
Based on the Control Volume Method. In: Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment 10,
163 – 171. [ Accessed: 17.10.2011]. PDF use/hardware/optimisation-water-use-
AVADH UNIVERSITY, FAIZABAD Batch- 2009-2013 Project
[7]. Optimizing Irrigation . . . Maximizing Conservation . . . Worldwide Since
[8].Adriano ldr, cadmium sulfide photo resistor, LDR, ldr circuit, ldr sensor, ldr datasheet since

DBU, College of engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Page 52


[14].How Relays Work - relay diagrams and relay definitions.
[15].J.G. Ciezki and R.W. Ashton, “A Survey of AC Drive Propulsion Options,” presented at the
3rdNaval Symposium on Electric Machines, December 4-7, 2000

DBU, College of engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Page 53



Hypothetical Data for Moisture level Of Each Soil Type and their equivalent resistance

The following table shows the experimental result of Electrical resistance meter readings as
related to soil water tension for different soil type and available water inch/ft.

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*Permanent wilting point

Readings above the shaded area indicate optimum soil water range for typical soils. Begin
irrigation when readings are within the shaded area, depending on the soil texture, crop, and
irrigation system capacity.



Hypothetical Data for Lux Levels with their equivalent resistances the table shown below can
show the resistance measure for a typical resistor at different light intensity.

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Note: due to the nature of LDR technology, resistance values from one sensor to another can
vary, including sensors from the same manufacturing batch, even when exposed to similar
lighting conditions. For this reason calibration may be required during the commissioning
process on a site by site basis.


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