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Grade -3

Graded Project
Project: Tell me the distance
Subject: Mathematics
Chapter: Measures of length

Topic: Measures of length

Length is like a magical ruler that helps us measure
how long or short objects are. It helps us understand
and compare the sizes of objects. We use units like
centimetres, meters, inches, or feet to measure
length. Learning about length is like discovering the
magic of sizes, helping us describe and understand
the world around us!
Students will be able to
● To give an insight into reading maps.
● To understand the concept of length.
● To analyze the maps to answer the questions based on it.
● To make the new creations using different units of length.
● Addition and subtraction of standard units of length.

Four children of Gandhi school make separate journeys. How much distance does each child
travel? Look at the map and add to find the answer to the given question(For the map given
below refer to page 125 of the coursebook).
a) What is the distance travelled by Rajiv going to the Zoo via Modi Gardens?
b) What is the distance travelled by Mohan going to the Stadium via Railway Station?
c) What is the distance travelled by Reena going to the Zoo via Railway Station?
d) What is the distance travelled by Amrita going to the Stadium via Zoo via Modi
e) What is the difference in the distance travelled by Amrita and Mohan?

Which child travels the most?

Material required:
● A4 size sheets-2
● Scale
● Glue
● Scissor
● Crayons
● Pen/Pencil/Marker
● Take an A4 size sheet and draw the given map and colour as you wish.
● Read the questions given above and answer each of them.
● Also, draw a similar pattern map as shown above with different dimensions in
centimetres using a ruler on a new A4 size paper.
● Click the picture of your project and upload it in the assignment tab.

Parameters for Project Evaluation

Grades A B C
Some of the
All instructions Only a few instructions
instructions mentioned
mentioned in the project mentioned in the project
in the project are
are followed along with are followed along with
followed along with
visual representation. visual representation.
visual representation.
Complete demonstration Partial demonstration Minimal demonstration
Parameters and neat presentation and neatness in the and lack of neatness in
presentation presentation.
Submission on time. Untimely Submission. Untimely Submission.
Note: This is a Graded Assignment. Upload your project on the Assignment tab of the portal.
Submission Date: 04.01.24

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