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A morning walk

It was only a day that my parents went away and I alredy messed up. Thus, it was only one
mistake that cost two weeks of my life, I would do it again. It was an ordinary week, nothing
I had to commute to school, because of my parents absence. The sun was shining brightly so
I just took my hoodie and set off. While walking I decided to take the longer route, because I
still had time. I encountered a small bird that has probably fallen out of its nest, it chirped like
it was trying to talk softly ,but also clearly at the same time. I behaved bravely and wrapped it
in my hoodie, then it started to rain heavily. Just as I was about to go home ,b ecause of the
bird I looked at the time and started to breathe heavily , my bus already left. I thought of how
I didn’t dress smartly, I was all soaked in water. So I left suddenly with the bird, my best
option was the house. In the end the hatchling was healthy .
The biggest lesson that I learned is to always check the weather, otherwise you might end up
with a cold.

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