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(MET 101)

Electricity and Energy

1. To understand an ATOM and the Electron Flow as Current.

2. To describe the terms Voltage, Current, Power and Energy as it

pertains to Electrical Metering

3. To be able to perform various energy calculations as it pertains to

GOALS: electrical metering

4. Understand the different types of LOAD and how it affects energy


5. Identify the different sources of Electricity generation.

6. Understand the generation, transmission and distribution of

Electricity, with emphasis on Nigeria.

7. Provide a clear understanding of Metering terms and

Are you good
with MATHS ?
B – Brackets
O – Off
D – Division
M – Multiplication
A – Addition
S – Subtraction
1. ⁴⁄₁₆ + ⁵⁄₁₆ + ¹∕₁₆

2. ⅜ + ⅝ + ⅞ - ⅛
3. Convert the following to mixed numbers.
¹³⁄₄ ²⁶⁄₃ ³⁵⁄₈

4. Convert the following mixed numbers to improper

7 ¹³⁄₄ 12 ³⁄₈ 3½
1. ¾ + ⁴⁄₁₆ - ⅛

2. ⁴⁄₉ / ⅔
3. 2⅔ / 3⅓

4. ⁴⁄₅ x ¾

5. 2½ x 4¼
This is the ratio of a number to 100 i.e. 50/100 = 50%

10% of LEA students have engineering backgrounds

means that 10 people out of 100.
Percentage If there are 530 students?

2 out of 20 LEA students loves PHCN. Then

• % = part/whole x 100
• % = 2/20 x 100 = 10%
10% of LEA students loves PHCN

Convert to Decimal
45% 11.2%
Let’s solve some real Mathematics.

Make C the subject of the formula.

(9/5)C + 32 = F

If X = 2. Find the value of Z in

X = ( 4(12² - ¹²⁰⁄₈) + Z ) / ( 3 ¹∕₅- ⁶⁰⁄₄)

Comparison of 2 numbers by division. i.e. A/B or A:B

If a Transformer is a ratio of 4:1, it means that the

transformer has 4 times the turns on the primary as the
Ratio secondary.
If primary voltage is 480. Secondary voltage is?

This is a method of showing very large or very small
Notation  1,000 = 1 x 10³
 10,000 = 1 x 10⁴
 1,000,000 = 1 x 10⁶
 0.001 = 1 x 10⁻³
 0.000001 = 1 x 10⁻⁶
 Mega (M) = million = 10⁶
 Kilo (k) = Thousand = 10³
Engineering  Milli (m) = 10⁻³
Notation  Micro(µ) = 10⁻⁶
 Nano (n) = 10⁻⁹
 Pico (p) = 10⁻¹²

So instead of saying 253,000 volts or 253 x 10³ volts, we

simply say 253kV (kilovolts).


Trigonometry b

This is simply the study of the right angle triangle

measurement and ratios.

 Sine = Opposite / hypotenuse

 Cosine = Adjacent / hypotenuse
 Tangent = Opposite / Adjacent
 Also c² = a² + b² (Pythagorean Theorem)
Lets take a
What is
Electricity is the set of
physical phenomena
What is
associated with the presence
and flow of electric charge
We get electricity, which is a secondary
energy source, from the conversion of
other sources of energy, like coal,
What is natural gas, oil, nuclear power and
ELECTRICITY other natural sources, which are called
primary sources.
How Electric Current is produced?
How Electric Current is produced?
All matter is made up of atoms, and an atom has a
center, called a nucleus.

The nucleus contains positively charged particles

called protons and uncharged particles called

The nucleus of an atom is surrounded by negatively

charged particles called electrons.

The negative charge of an electron is equal to the

positive charge of a proton, and the number of
electrons in an atom is usually equal to the number
of protons.
How Electric Current is produced?
Whenever an electron is removed from its orbit
through the action of some outside force (heat), it
becomes a free electron. This force causes electrons
of one material to move from a lower orbit to an
higher one and then from one atom to another, the
result is the flow of negative electric charges; stated
in different words, an electric current.

Conventional Current assumes that current flows out of the

positive terminal, through the circuit and into the negative
terminal of the source. This was the convention chosen
during the discovery of electricity.

Electron Flow is what actually happens and electrons flow

out of the negative terminal, through the circuit and into the
positive terminal of the source.

In fact, it makes no difference which way current is flowing

as long as it is used consistently. The direction of current
flow does not affect what the current does.
This is the potential difference between points of a conductor.
Measured in Volts(V).

Also known as electrical potential difference, electric

tension or electric pressure.
Voltage is equal to the work done per unit charge against a
static electric field to move the charge between two points. It is
VOLTAGE the difference in electric potential energy of a unit charge
transported between two points.
Voltage can be caused by static electric fields, by electric
current through a magnetic field, by time-varying magnetic
fields, or some combination of these three

A voltmeter can be used to measure the voltage (or potential

difference) between two points in a system
Ohm's law states that the current flowing through conductor
between two points is directly proportional to the Potential
difference across the two points

VαI V = RI
The electrical resistance (R) of an electrical
conductor is the opposition to the passage of
an electric current through that conductor.
The resistance (R) of an object is defined as
the ratio of voltage across it (V)
to current through it (I).
Voltage (v): This is the potential difference between points
of a conductor. Measured in Volts(V).

Current (i): This is the flow Electric Charges through the

conductor. Measured in Ampere(A).

Electric charges only flows (current)when there is voltage

Summary present across a conductor.

Resistance (R) on the other hand is the property of the

conductor that opposes the flow of Electric current. V=IR
Measures in Ohms (Ω).

If E is 16V and R is 8Ω, what is the current I?

Series Circuit

Current (I) is the same through every resistor.

Voltage (E) drop across each resistor will be different

RT = R1 + R2 + R3 + ………

E= E1 + E2 + E3 + …….
Parallel Circuit

I1 I2 I3

Current (I) flowing through each resistor is different.

Voltage (E) drop across each resistor will be same.

1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + ………

I = I1 + I2 + I3 + …….
Kirchhoff’s Law
Kirchhoff’s Current Law : The sum of the current at a junction point
equals ZERO. Which means that what goes in must come out when
talking about a current Loop.
I1 = I2 + I3


I1 + (-I2) + (-I3) = 0

Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law : The sum of all the voltage drops and
voltage rises around a closed loop is equals ZERO.
Es = E1 + E2

E1 + (-E2) + (-E3) = 0
Power (P): This is the rate of doing work; an instantaneous quantity.
Measured in Watts.

The Purpose of Power in as electric circuit is to supply electric

energy to a load. They use this energy to perform some useful
POWER function. The load uses this energy from the source to do work.
& Power simply describes how fast a load can do work.
1 watts of power is used when 1 ampere flow through a potential
difference of 1 volts.

P = I x V (W)
Energy (E): This is the integral of the real or active power wrt
to time. The capacity to do work. Measure in Watts Hour (Wh).
It answers the question : How long?
E = ∫ I * V (Wh)

Lets us look at a practical Example.

The happy MAN  : Less Energy (Kwh)

More energy is
required here by 1
Back to Ohms Law




P = I x I x R = I²R.

P = V² / R
The Incandescent Lamp
An incandescent lamp is made by enclosing a resistance element
called a filament. When the lamp is connected to a circuit, current
flows through this filament and I²R heat is generated.

This Heat is so severe that the filament becomes white-hot and

gives off light, and the more the filament is heated, the more light
the lamp gives off.

When you buy a lamp according to the power rating, you are simply
buying according to the light output.

Therefore, for you to have more power and brighter light, either
the voltage or current has to increase.
But the power company does not vary the voltage supplies. Always
220 V . Which means its your current that has to increase to give
more brightness on a higher wattage bulb.

That is, more current need flow through the filament to give more

Now think about a 100W bulb and a 40W bulb. You can conclude
now that the 100W has to conduct more current, which is simply
because the resistance of the filament of the 100W is LESS than the
resistance of the 40W bulb, and so more current flows. This means:


The Kilowatt-Hour
This is simply ENERGY.

The distribution company uses this to tells how much electricity is

used by the consumer.

Your meter measures your KWH.

Remember that the rate at which work is done is measure in watts.

So to find the total work done, which the same as the power
consumed, you multiply the rate of doing work (watts) by the total
time during which the work is done.

Thus, for a 100W lamp which is ON for 1 hour, the total work done
is 100W times in 1 Hour. i.e. 100wh or 0.1Kwh.
Sources of electricity

2012 World Electricity



Nuclear Power


Wind power

Alternating current
We know that electric current is the movement of free electrons in
conductor from one end to the other (negative to positive). This
current flows as long as a difference of potential is present.

If the polarity of the potential never changes, the current always

flows in ONE direction and its called Direct Current or DC current.

Alternating current
There is a type of current that do not flow in one direction. Instead
it alternates, flowing first in one direction and then reversing and
flowing in the other direction. This type of current is called
Alternating Current or AC current.

A simple AC Generator
A-C generators combine physical motion and magnetism to
produce an AC voltage.

When a conductor moves through a magnetic field in a way that it

passes through a lines of flux, a force is applied to the free
electrons in the conductor causing them to move. Since this force
cause current to move, it is then considered to be a Voltage.
A simple AC Generator
A simple AC Generator consists
of a single loop of wire, which
is placed between the poles of
permanent magnets and made
to rotate. As the loop rotates,
it passes through and cuts the
magnetic lines of flux, and
voltage is produces.

This voltage produces exists

between the two ends of the
loop, which is then connected
or applied to an external
Alternating current
From the description above, you can see that something
must turn the loop for the generator to work. This
“something” could be flowing water, a gasoline engine,
steam created by burning coal or even steam produce
by a nuclear reactor.
A simple tea kettle power plant
Transmission & Distribution
•Automatic Meter Reading is a metering system capable of
supporting through a separate two-way communications these set of
functionalities remote readings, tamper information, auto connection
and disconnection, prepayment, post-payment, tariff changes, and
consumer information.

TERMS •Calibration Tests means a series of tests and checks performed by

AND an authorised Meter Test Station to determine that the accuracy of
DEFINITIONS an existing Metering Installation is within the specifications of this
MC. NERC will issue directives and procedures regarding the
Calibration Tests to be performed.

•Check Meter means the Meter which is used to cross-check the

measurements of the Main Meter.

•Check Metering means the metering and/or calculation process to

determine metering data utilizing the Check Metering System
•Check Metering System means the Commercial Metering System
which will be used by the Market Operator, in Market Settlement
process, for the purpose of checking and validating the
measurements provided by the Main Metering Systems, or to
replace measured data in case of failure or malfunction of the Main
Metering System.
•Commercial Meter means the Meter which measures the energy
injected or withdrawn from the grid by a Participant, which will be
used by the Market Operator in the Market Settlement process

•Commercial Metering System means the system to measure and

send to the Market Operator the energy injected or withdrawn from
the grid by a Participant. This metering will be used for the Market
Settlement process of the Market Operator.

•CT is an acronym for current transformer

•Current Limiter is a metering device that stores in its register a
prepaid energy value which decreases with consumption over a
specific period. It cuts off supply whenever the rate of depletion is
higher than replenishment for the specific period thereby requiring
load adjustment.

TERMS •Data Collection System means the data collection system operated
AND by the Market Operator, for use in the Market Settlement
•Data Registers means the equipment which receives, registers and
stores the information received from the Meter, and serves as a link
to the remote reading. Data registers could be incorporated into the
Meter itself or constitute a separated piece of equipment.

•Distribution Company (Disco) means a successor Distribution

Company created in the restructuring of the PHCN, provided that
until such companies are created it will refer to a distribution zone,
or a person holding a Distribution Licence
•Distribution Network means any connection of cables, service lines
and overhead lines, meters, electrical apparatus / equipment and
having design voltage of 33 kV and below used to transport electric
power on a Distribution System

•Distribution System means any system consisting mainly of cables,

TERMS service lines and overhead lines, meters, electrical apparatus /
equipment having design voltage of 33 KV and below, plus related
system used in the safe operation of an Electricity Network.

•Distributor has the same meaning as Distribution Company

•Electricity Network means any connection of cables, service lines

and overhead lines, meters, electrical apparatus / equipment use to
transport electric power on a Transmission or Distribution Network
or both
•Electromechanical Meter means a meter that carries out an
analogue measurement of the consumption of electricity using a
rotating disc in an electromagnetic field.

•Electronic Meter means a meter that carries out digital

measurement of the consumption of electricity without moving
TERMS parts.
•Generation Station means a facility with one or more Generation

•Generation Substation means a substation in the Transmission

Network or the Distribution Network, as corresponds, where
Generators are connected.
•Generator means a Successor Generation Company, or an
Independent Power Producer (IPP).

•Generator Unit or Generation Unit means any equipment that

produces Energy

TERMS •High Voltage (HV) means a voltage, used for the supply of
AND electricity, whose lower limit of nominal root-mean-square value is
DEFINITIONS greater than 33 kV

•IEC means International Electro-technical Commission;

•Load Facility means a Distribution Company or a customer which is

connected to the Transmission System

•Low Voltage (LV) means a voltage, used for the supply of electricity,
whose upper limit of nominal root-mean-square value is less than
•Meter Test Station means a certified test laboratory which has the
technical and infrastructure capability to perform accuracy tests for
Meters and Metering Equipment.

•Meter Type means a specific and unique model of Meter of a

specific manufacturer, identified by a definite trademark and type.
TERMS Manufacturer’s variants of a specific Meter model or trademark, or
AND different options of a model as voltage or current ratings, storage
DEFINITIONS capacity, etc., shall be considered, for purposes of this MC as
different Meter Types.

•Metering Equipment means current transformers, voltage

transformers, metering protection equipment including alarms and
LV electrical circuitry, associated with a Meter, but shall be deemed
to exclude the Meter itself.

•Point of Sale(POS) means a device for the remote purchase of

electricity units for credit to a consumer.
•Power Transformer means the transformers which interconnect the
Transmission Network with the Distribution Networks, or the
Transmission Network with the equipments or apparatus of an
Eligible Customer.

•Prepaid Meter means a Meter that requires the Customer to pay its
TERMS consumption in advance in order to allow a connection to the
AND network.
•Smart Metering means a metering system consisting of smart
meters, home area network, two way communication systems, a set
of functionalities and metering data management system.

•Static Meter means the same as Electronic Meter.

•Step Up Transformer means the transformer that connects the

stator windings of a Generation Unit with the Transmission or
Distribution Network, as corresponds.
•Transmission Network means any connection of High Voltage
apparatus, equipment, lines, and stations, having design voltage of
132 KV and above used in transporting electric power on a
Transmission System

TERMS •Transmission System means the System consisting of High Voltage

AND apparatus, equipment, lines, and stations, having design voltage of
132 KV and above used in the safe operation of transmitting
electrical power from the generating station bus bars up to the
interconnection point with the Distribution System.

•Type Test means a series of tests and checks performed by an

authorised Meter Test Station to determine that a new Meter Type
complies with the provisions of this MC. NERC will issue directives
and procedures regarding the Type Tests to be performed to each
Meter Type.

•VT Is an acronym for voltage transformer


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