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Monitoring the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge: First Experiences

Satoshi Kashima, Executive Director, Yukikazu Yanaka, Director, Maintenance Department, Shuichi Suzuki, Manager,
Engineering Development Division, Long-span Bridge Engineering Centre, Kunihisa Mori, General Manager, Tarumi Operation
Office, First Operations Bureau, Honshu Shikoku Bridge Authority, Kobe, Japan

Summary effectiveness was confirmed during

strong winds, using GPS for the moni-
From monitoring and maintenance work on the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, a super
long-span suspension bridge, new information has been obtained. This paper This paper introduces some of the in-
describes some of the new technologies used. To protect the main cables from formation acquired from monitoring
corrosion, a dry-air injection system was newly developed and found capable and maintenance work on the Akashi
of keeping the relative humidity low enough in the cable bundles. To suppress Kaikyo Bridge over a period of two
unexpected wind-induced oscillation observed in hanger ropes, an aerodynamic years.
countermeasure was employed and its performance was confirmed in typhoon-
strength winds. Girder displacement records were stored by monitoring with
Global Positioning System (GPS) measuring instruments. The relationships be-
Corrosion Protection for
tween girder displacement and both wind speed and temperature were analysed the Main Cables
to compare actual bridge behaviour with design values. Results indicate the pos-
sibility of more accurately diagnosing the soundness of bridges. These technolo- To examine the corrosion protection
gies are expected to contribute towards maintaining the soundness of the Akashi system used for the Akashi Kaikyo
Kaikyo Bridge. Bridge cables, several surveys were
conducted on the condition of existing
suspension bridge cables among the
different Honshu Shikoku Bridges,
thereby verifying the reliability of
Introduction pared with conventional corrosion
conventional corrosion protection sys-
protection systems. The effectiveness
The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, which of the new system was investigated by
opened to traffic on April 5, 1998, is observing the relative humidity in the Generally, bundled cables are protect-
a 3-span, 2-hinged suspension bridge cable bundles. ed from water ingress by overlaying
with the world’s longest centre span of them with a paste, wrapping the bun-
The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge was de-
1,991 m (Fig. 1). The bridge was con- dle in steel wire, and then coating
signed to withstand winds of 60 m/s at
structed as part of the Honshu Shikoku it with paint. However, from visual
deck level, as well as earthquakes of 8.5
Bridge Project, aimed to form part of checks on cables of the Honshu Shikoku
magnitude on the Richter scale having
the trunk road network in Japan. Bridges, as well as a survey of the in-
an epicentre distance of 150 km. Thus,
ternational literature on suspension
As the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge crosses monitoring bridge behaviour in harsh
bridge cables, this method was shown
the straits between the mainland and natural conditions was considered in-
to offer inadequate protection. Corro-
Awaji Island in the Seto Inland Sea, dispensable for confirming the bridge
sion was found on wrapping wires and
protection from corrosion in a salty at- design. Records of girder displacement
the upper layer of cables in suspension
mosphere remains an important issue due to large-scale typhoons were stored
for bridge maintenance. A new anti- and analysed to confirm assumptions
corrosion system for the main cables, a in the bridge design. In addition, an The cause of the corrosion was diag-
dry-air injection system, was devel- aerodynamic stabilisation method for nosed, and tests aimed at improving
oped to achieve higher reliability com- hanger ropes was developed, and its the quality of sheathing materials and
paints were implemented. The results
of these efforts, however, demonstrat-
ed that this conventional protection
system cannot adequately protect the
cables when water is present within the
cable bundle [1, 2, 3].
Given this proven difficulty in protect-
ing a cable bundle from water ingress
over the long term, it was decided that
the corrosive environment within the
bundle should be improved. Studies of
various methods led to the adoption
of a new corrosion protection system
employing a dry-air injection system,
whereby the cable bundle is made air-
tight via a sheath and dry air is then
Fig. 1: Akashi Kaikyo Bridge blown into the bundle.

120 Reports Structural Engineering International 2/2001

Injection mouth
Air Injection Pipe
Exhaust opening
Dehumidifier and Main Cable
Air Exhaust
Tower Air Injection

Dry-Air Injection Stiffening Girder


Fig. 2: Arrangement of Dry-air Injection System Fig. 3: Schematic Diagram of Dry-air Injec-
tion System

After studying the results of several

tests for the dry-air injection system, a
new corrosion protection system was
adopted for the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge Pressure control valve
cables. To enhance air tightness and
protection against water permeation, Air-injection pipe
the conventional wire wrap is enhan-
ced by wrapping with rubber. Figs. 2, 3
and 4 show the dry-air injection system
adopted for the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge. Inspection window

Moreover, it was decided to introduce

the same corrosion protection system
on the existing Honshu Shikoku Brid-
ges and other bridges in Japan.
Inspection window
After installation of the corrosion pro-
tection system onto the main cable of
the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, changes in
relative humidity within the cable bun-
dles have been recorded over a period
Air-Injection Cover
of two years as shown in Fig. 5. This
figure illustrates that the relative hu-
Fig. 4: Air-Injection Cover on the Cable
midity has been kept below nearly 40%,
the management target at the sites, im-
pressing vortex-induced oscillation,
plying that this corrosion protection because their centre spacing is only
some were broken by large-amplitude
system is considered to be effective. 9 times the diameter, smaller than that
oscillation in typhoon winds as shown
of power-transmission wires.
Because it is still important to clarify in Fig. 6.
long-term performance and rationalise After several wind tunnel tests to ex-
This oscillation was considered to be a
operation of the system, observing the amine the cause of the oscillation, it
kind of wake-induced flutter, which is
relative humidity and inspecting the was found that the wake from wind-
often observed in power-transmission
surface of the main cable through in- ward rope excited oscillation of leeward
wires whose spacing is 10 or more
spection windows continues. rope as shown in Fig. 7 even though
times the diameter. In the construction
their centre spacing is less than 10
stage of the bridge, it had been antici-
times their diameter [4]. From the re-
pated that wake-induced flutter would
Aerodynamic Stabilisation hardly ever occur in the hanger ropes
sults of wind tunnel tests for suitable
for Hanger Ropes
Prefabricated parallel wire strands with Interruption Interruption
polyethylene covering were employed Atmospheric Humidity
Relative Humidity (%)

for the hanger ropes of the Akashi Average Humidity

Kaikyo Bridge, which situated two
strands for each panel.
Originally, a connecting type damper 40
using high damping rubber was in-
stalled amid a pair of ropes to suppress 20
vortex-induced oscillation, which had
limited amplitude and was generated 0
at relatively low wind speed. Though Nov-97 Mar-98 Jul-98 Nov-98 Mar-99 Jul-99 Nov-99 Mar-00 Jul-00
the dampers were effective for sup- Fig. 5: Changes in Relative Humidity within the Cable Bundles

Structural Engineering International 2/2001 Reports 121

Kobe 960 1.991 960 Awaji
Side Side

1A 2P 3P 4A

Symbol Measuring Instruments

Fig. 9: Arrangement of GPS and Temperature Measuring Thermometer (Cable)
Fig. 6: Broken Mechanical Damper instal- Instruments Thermometer (Air)
led in Hanger Ropes
behind its design, as well as relevant Kaikyo Bridge, a mean value of 5.41 m
Windward Rope
constants, during strong winds and and a vibration amplitude of 2.56 m
(D = 85 mm) earthquakes. Another subject among were obtained [5]. Though there was
basic structural characteristics is the generally good agreement with regard
Leeward behaviour of the bridge under chang- to the mean value of horizontal dis-
Rope ing temperatures and other conditions placement, the measured vibration
in its normal state. A monitoring amplitude was only about one-third of
system was installed to investigate these the calculated value.
matters. During the observations, Glob-
The reason for this difference between
Center Spacing = 9 D al Positioning System (GPS) measuring
calculated and measured value was
instruments were employed to mea-
studied by using gust response analysis
Fig. 7: Cause of Wake-induced Flutter sure deformation of both the girder
and field observation data of natural
and tower. As shown in Fig. 9, GPS
winds. From these studies, it was found
measuring instruments are located in
that the actual value for spatial corre-
the following three locations:
lation in the natural wind was lower, in
– upper surface of the 1A anchorage the low frequency region, than the spa-
– upper surface of the saddle cover on tial correlation assumed in the wind-
the west side of the top of the 2P resistant design standard.
Fig. 12 shows the relationship between
– east side of a stiffening girder near
the cable temperature at the top of
the middle of the centre span.
the 2P tower and the central vertical
Fig. 10 shows the GPS sensor installed displacement of the girder, measured
on the girder near the centre span. using GPS over six months of monitor-
Fig. 11 shows the time history data for ing. Here, with regard to the atmos-
ten minutes before and ten minutes pheric temperature and the cable
after the time that the maximum hori- temperature at the top of the 2P tower,
Fig. 8: Spiral Ropes wound up the Hanger
zontal displacement of the girder in the the graph shows the combination of
centre span was recorded. (a) daily records at 4:00 a.m., and (b)
records at 10-minute intervals.
The measured horizontal displacement
aerodynamic countermeasures to sup-
showed a mean value of 5.17 m and a The main characteristics are as follows
press wake-induced flutter, 10 mm-
vibration amplitude of 0.78 m at the [6]:
diameter spiral ropes wound up the
maximum recorded wind speed. From – The relationship of the central verti-
hanger ropes were employed. This
the calculations, using the wind-resis- cal displacement of the girder to the
countermeasure was developed to with-
tant design standard of the Akashi cable temperature at the top of the
stand both wake-induced flutter and
vortex-induced oscillation. Newly de-
veloped robots simultaneously wound
two spiral ropes up a pair of hanger
ropes as shown in Fig. 8.
After introducing the countermeasure,
neither wake-induced flutter nor vor-
tex-induced oscillation have been ob-
served, even though two typhoons at-
tacked the bridge.

A Monitoring System
using GPS

Since the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge was

constructed using a newly developed
wind-resistant and seismic design, it is
necessary to confirm the assumptions Fig. 10: GPS Sensor installed on the Girder

122 Reports Structural Engineering International 2/2001

Vertical displacement (cm)
180 180

Vertical displacement (cm)

2P tower is –6.87 cm/degree. This is y = –6.3907× + 170.01 y = –6.3945× + 173.88
R = 0.9725 R = 0.9717
close to the calculated value of –6.7 130 130
cm/degree based on the most recent 80 80
30 30
– Plotting the temperature against the
central vertical displacement, the cor- –20 –20
–10 0 10 20 30 40 –10 0 10 20 30 40
relation coefficient is 0.996, showing
Atmospheric temperature in the center (°C) Atmospheric temperature in the center (°C)
good correlation.
The diagnosis of suspension bridges

Vertical displacement (cm)

Vertical displacement (cm)
180 180
for the presence of abnormalities is y = –6.8713× + 192.04 y = –6.9049× + 190.37
R = 0.9951
considered possible by measuring ca- 130 R = 0.9956
ble temperatures and GPS values of
80 80
the central vertical displacements, and
then verifying the deviation from the 30 30
regression line. It is also considered –20 –20
that verification of these values would –10 0 10 20 30 40 –10 0 10 20 30 40
be one means to evaluate suspension Cable temperature at 2P tower top (°C) Cable temperature at 2P tower top (°C)
bridges for the presence of abnormali- a) Data measured daily at 4:00 a.m. b) Data measured every 10 minutes
ties after strong winds or earthquakes.
Fig. 12: Relationship between Temperature and Vertical Displacement of the
Girder [6]
Wind Direction (deg)

–30 Conclusion References
400 0 600200 800 1000 1200
time (second) [1] FURUYA, K. et al. Corrosion Protection for
a) Wind Direction (Transverse Direction = 0 deg.) The following information has been the Main Cables of Suspension Bridges. IABSE
drawn from experiences of monitoring Symposium, Kobe, Vol. 79, september 1998,
45 and maintenance on the Akashi Kaikyo pp. 341–346.
Wind Speed (m/s)

35 Bridge: [2] FUJIKAWA, H. et al. Corrosion Protection

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– From observation of relative humidi-
20 national Suspension Bridge Operator’s Confer-
15 ty in the main cables over a period of ence, West Point, April 2000.
10 more than one year, it was confirmed
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time (second) fective in keeping relative humidity
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700 – During typhoons and strong winds it [4] TAKEGUCHI, M. Aerodynamic Stabiliza-
600 was found that spiral ropes wound tion for Hanger Ropes on the Akashi Kaikyo

500 up the hanger ropes functioned well Bridge. HSBA Technical Report, No. 93, April
400 as a countermeasure for both wake- 2000 (in Japanese), pp. 18–25.
induced flutter and vortex-induced [5] KASHIMA, S. et al. Monitoring System for
100 oscillation. the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, Proc. of Workshop on
0 Research and Monitoring of Long-Span Bridges,
400 0 600200 800 1000 1200 – It was demonstrated that a monitor- Hong Kong, April 2000, pp. 119–126.
time (second) ing system using GPS could be a
c) Lateral Displacement of Girder at the Center [6] MURATA, M. et al. Monitoring Configura-
feasible method for diagnosing the tion of the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge using GPS,
Fig. 11: Time History fo Wind Direction, configuration of suspension bridges First International Conference of Advances in
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