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Is boarding school a bad choice? What are the pros and cons.

Many believe that it is a great opportunity for young people. However, boarding
school has its advantages and disadvantages.
One of the pros is that it may contribute to independence and better social skills.
For instance, you will have an amazing relationship with peers. As a student
living on campus you will be able to receive help with homework from friends.
If you have strict parents ,then living without them should give you a break. In
addition to this, it might be easier to set off into adulthood after an experience
with boarding school. On the plus side, the school is really near so there’s no
time wasted on commuting . Last but not least ,it can be fun and easy to live in
boarding school.
One disadvantage is that you will be away from home and family, which may
result in weakening your bond. In my opinion, it may lead to having a harder
time finding friends outside the school. It can also blur the lines between school
and life. Depending on the place the pressure on studying may be high.
To sum up, despite the number of advantages, boarding school is not for
everybody. Kids can also experience bullying ,if the atmosphere isn’t nice.
However some can be able to find lifelong friends as well as a supporting
community. Sometimes you can get lucky and enjoy freedom, but sometimes it
is not the case. I believe that it should be a personal decision based on the child’s
behavior and maturity.

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