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Tender Amount

1 Post Graduate class room birr 4,003,873.60 2,371.12
2 Electric Work shope birr 1,332,020.53
3 Management birr 1,901,110.93
Post graduate Liberary birr 951,995.61
staff resource center G+1 birr 831,939.36
Staff resource Gust birr 524,288.89
Staff resource class room birr 783,124.28
Student Resource birr 886,619.39

4 SITE WORK birr

service sum birr 11,214,972.59

VAT birr 1,682,245.89
Project amount birr 12,897,218.48
10% contingency birr 1,289,721.85

Post Graduate class room

2 Excavation and earth work birr 870,488.45
3 Concrete work birr 3,133,385.15
4 Masonry work birr -

Total to Grand summary birr 4,003,873.60

Electric Work shope

1 Excavation and earth work birr 284,047.65
2 Concrete work birr 937,548.28
3 Masonry work birr 110,424.60

Total to Grand summary birr 1,332,020.53

9 Management
1 demolishing work birr
2 Excavation and earth work birr 511,869.29
3 Concrete work birr 1,260,921.77
4 Masonry work birr 128,319.87
Total to Grand summary birr 1,901,110.93
9 Post Graduate libarary
1 demolishing work birr
2 Excavation and earth work birr 204,720.32
3 Concrete work birr 726,947.29
4 Masonry work birr 20,328.00

Total to Grand summary birr 951,995.61

3 Staff resource center G+1
1 demolishing work birr
2 Excavation and earth work birr 145,751.57
3 Concrete work birr 609,638.35
4 Masonry work birr 76,549.44

Total to Grand summary birr 831,939.36

4 Staff resource Gust House

1 demolishing work birr
2 Excavation and earth work birr 123,702.67
3 Concrete work birr 306,198.96
4 Masonry work birr 94,387.26

Total to Grand summary birr 524,288.89

5 Staff resource Class room

1 demolishing work birr
2 Excavation and earth work birr 135,596.53
3 Concrete work birr 543,458.47
4 Masonry work birr 104,069.28
5 Roof water proofing and damp proofing birr -
6 Roofing birr -
7 Carpentry and Joinery birr -
9 Structural steel works birr
10Aluminum work birr -
11.1 Plastering and Pointing birr -
11.2 Floor and wall finishing birr -
12Painting birr -
13Glazing birr -
14Sanitary installation birr -
Mechanical works birr
15 Electrical installation birr -

Total to Grand summary birr 783,124.28

5 Student resource
1 demolishing work birr
2 Excavation and earth work birr 174,049.51
3 Concrete work birr 603,605.08
4 Masonry work birr 108,964.80
5 Roof water proofing and damp proofing birr -
6 Roofing birr -
7 Carpentry and Joinery birr -
9 Structural steel works birr
10Aluminum work birr -
11.1 Plastering and Pointing birr -
11.2 Floor and wall finishing birr -
12Painting birr -
13Glazing birr -
14Sanitary installation birr -
Mechanical works birr
15 Electrical installation birr -

Total to Grand summary birr 886,619.39

5 Rigestrar
1 demolishing work birr 88,584.00
2 Excavation and earth work birr 228,292.21
3 Concrete work birr 645,541.80
4 Masonry work birr 78,093.42
5 Roof water proofing and damp proofing birr -
6 Roofing birr -
7 Carpentry and Joinery birr -
9 Structural steel works birr
10Aluminum work birr -
11.1 Plastering and Pointing birr -
11.2 Floor and wall finishing birr -
12Painting birr -
13Glazing birr -
14Sanitary installation birr -
Mechanical works birr
15 Electrical installation birr -

Total to Grand summary birr 1,040,511.43

Total to Grand summary birr 951,995.61

1 Walk way , compound leveling retaining birr -
2 Electrical work birr -
Total to Grand summary birr -
Direct Amount
- #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Material #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
2,656,836.35 150.70% 7.07% Labor 792,913.82 10.62%
890,143.23 149.64% 11.86% Equipment 1,329,549.21 17.80%
1,256,342.69 151.32%
634,175.93 150.12%
560,004.94 148.56%
353,056.01 148.50%
525,544.42 149.01%
591,733.61 149.83%

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!


7,467,837.19 150.18%

586,192.78 148.50%
78.26 2,070,643.57 151.32%

2,656,836.35 150.70%

189,398.37 149.97%
623,472.81 150.38%
77,272.06 142.90%

890,143.23 149.64%

327,577.44 156.26%
839,025.28 150.28%
89,739.97 142.99%
1,256,342.69 151.32%

136,224.04 150.28%
483,726.92 150.28%
14,224.97 142.90%

634,175.93 150.12%

100,234.53 145.41%
406,203.24 150.08%
53,567.16 142.90%


83,124.50 148.82%
203,881.94 150.18%
66,049.57 142.90%


93,056.59 145.71%
359,707.41 151.08%
72,780.42 142.99%


- #DIV/0!
- #DIV/0!


117,218.26 148.48%
398,311.28 151.54%
76,204.08 142.99%
- #DIV/0!


- #DIV/0!



148,340.56 153.90%
429,134.52 150.43%
54,657.35 142.88%
- #DIV/0!
- #DIV/0!





634,175.93 150.12%

0.00 #DIV/0!
- #DIV/0!

Labor Material Equipment

. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour

Post graduate Class room

2 02 Excavation & Earthwork 870,488.45 - 586,192.78
Bulk excavation
B Ex 01 Bulk not exceeding 1.5m m3 3,552.00 25.45 90,398.40 0.32 1,120.85 1.59 5,647.68 61,952.80 19.35 68,721.33
Daily laborer 473.60 2.37 1,120.85 Fuel 0.200 710.40 7.95 5,647.68 Excavator 118.40 61,952.80
02 Bulk Over 1.5 but not exceeding 3.0m m3 0.00 0.00 -
B Ex #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Fuel 0.200 0.00 7.95 - Excavator 0.00 -
03 Bulk Over 3.0m but not exceeding 4.0m m3 0.00 0.00 -
B Ex #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Fuel 0.200 0.00 7.95 - Excavator 0.00 -
Pit excavation
P Ex 04 Pit not exceeding 1.5m m3 1,467.95 28.00 41,102.51 0.00 0.35 514.69 1.59 2,334.04 28,448.27 21.32 31,296.99
Daily laborer 217.47 2.37 514.69 Fuel 0.200 293.59 7.95 2,334.04 Excavator 54.37 28,448.27
P Ex 05 Pit Over 1.5 but not exceeding 3.0m m3 1,467.95 30.00 44,038.41 0.00 0.38 555.86 1.59 2,334.04 30,724.13 22.90 33,614.03
Daily laborer 234.87 2.37 555.86 Fuel 0.200 293.59 7.95 2,334.04 Excavator 58.72 30,724.13
Pit not exceeding 1.5m for shear wall m3 0.00 0.00 -
P Ex 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Fuel 0.200 0.00 7.95 - Excavator 0.00 -
P Ex Pit Over 1.5 but not exceeding 3.0m m3 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Fuel 0.200 0.00 7.95 - Excavator 0.00 -
Trench Excavation
T Ex 06 Trench not exceeding 1.5m m3 218.87 28.00 6,128.36 0.00 0.35 76.74 1.59 348.00 4,241.62 21.32 4,666.36
Daily laborer 32.43 2.37 76.74 Fuel 0.200 43.77 7.95 348.00 Excavator 8.11 4,241.62
07 Trench Over 1.5 but not exceeding 3.0m m3 0.00 0.00 -
T Ex 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Fuel 0.200 0.00 7.95 - Excavator 0.00 -
08 Trench Over 3.0m but not exceeding 4.0m m3 0.00 0.00 -
T Ex 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Fuel 0.200 0.00 7.95 - Excavator 0.00 -

Fill Work
Fill 09 Sellected borrowed fill m3 2,741.41 101.00 276,882.37 16.62 45,553.09 8.59 23,537.74 96,017.87 60.23 165,108.70
Daily laborer 10,965.64 2.37 25,952.01 Benzene 0.200 548.28 - - Tamper 1,096.56 16,448.46
Gang leader 1,096.56 4.54 4,980.23 Fuel 1.080 2,960.72 7.95 23,537.74 D. Truck (10m3) 222.05 55,513.54
Sub contractor 14,620.85 1.00 14,620.85 - - Wheel loader CAT 93 37.01 24,055.87
10 Disposal m3 6,706.76 37.00 248,150.26 23.65 158,588.81
Dispo 0.17 1,127.41 6.68 44,787.77 112,673.63
Daily laborer 321.92 2.37 761.89 0.00 - - Wheel loader CAT 93 80.48 52,312.76
Gang leader 80.48 4.54 365.52 Fuel 0.840 5,633.68 7.95 44,787.77 D. Truck (10m3) 241.44 60,360.87
Hard 11 25cm thick hardcore m2 1,688.54 97.00 163,788.14 73.55 124,196.56
core 5.16 8,718.48 24.10 40,699.99 74,778.09
Mason 675.42 8.18 5,521.52 Basaltic stone (m3) 0.310 523.45 77.75 40,699.99 D. Truck (10m3) 299.11 74,778.09
Daily laborer 1,350.83 2.37 3,196.96 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.00 200.00 - -

Page 9 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour

3 02 Concrete Work 3,133,385.15 0.00 - 2,070,643.57

1 Insitu concrete 0.00
01 C-5 lean concrete, under footing m3 43.48 1,008.00 43,824.51 725.73 31,552.39
Con 5 34.86 1,515.74 670.87 29,167.11 869.53
Daily laborer 486.94 2.37 1,152.42 Cement (Qtl) 1.500 65.22 248.74 16,221.53 Mixer-500lit 17.39 869.53
mason 34.78 8.18 284.34 Sand (m3) 0.480 20.87 320.00 6,678.02 -
Gang leader 17.39 4.54 78.98 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.720 31.30 200.00 6,260.64 -
- 0.00 Fuel 0.020 0.87 7.95 6.91 -

2 C-25 Reinforced concrete, sub structure

02 C-25 in Footing m3 383.88 2,059.00 790,400.17 1,345.01 516,316.23
Con 25 76.25 29,271.90 1,223.04 469,495.73 17,548.61
Daily laborer 7,019.44 2.37 16,612.68 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 1,381.95 248.74 343,745.71 Mixer-500lit 219.36 10,967.88
Mason 438.72 8.18 3,586.50 Sand (m3) 0.520 199.62 320.00 63,876.92 Vibrator 438.72 6,580.73
Gang leader 219.36 4.54 996.25 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 303.26 200.00 60,652.37 -
Carpenter 219.36 9.08 1,992.50 Fuel 0.400 153.55 7.95 1,220.72 -
Bar bender 219.36 7.27 1,594.00 Benzene 0.400 153.55 - - -
Forman 219.36 20.47 4,489.98 0.00 - - -
03 C-25 in foundation column m3 29.48 2,059.00 60,696.03 1,345.01 39,648.71
Con 25 76.25 2,247.83 1,223.04 36,053.29 1,347.58
Daily laborer 539.03 2.37 1,275.71 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 106.12 248.74 26,396.75 Mixer-500lit 16.84 842.24
Mason 33.69 8.18 275.41 Sand (m3) 0.520 15.33 320.00 4,905.21 Vibrator 33.69 505.34
Gang leader 16.84 4.54 76.50 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 23.29 200.00 4,657.59 -
Carpenter 16.84 9.08 153.01 Fuel 0.400 11.79 7.95 93.74 -
Bar bender 16.84 7.27 122.41 Benzene 0.400 11.79 - - -
Forman 16.84 20.47 344.79 0.00 - - -
04 C-25 in Grade beam m3 114.90 2,059.00 236,581.67 1,345.01 154,543.18
Con 25 76.25 8,761.63 1,223.04 140,528.92 5,252.63
Daily laborer 2,101.05 2.37 4,972.49 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 413.64 248.74 102,889.57 Mixer-500lit 65.66 3,282.89
Mason 131.32 8.18 1,073.51 Sand (m3) 0.520 59.75 320.00 19,119.57 Vibrator 131.32 1,969.74
Gang leader 65.66 4.54 298.20 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 90.77 200.00 18,154.40 -
Carpenter 65.66 9.08 596.39 Fuel 0.400 45.96 7.95 365.39 -
Bar bender 65.66 7.27 477.11 Benzene 0.400 45.96 - - -
Forman 65.66 20.47 1,343.93 0.00 - - -
05 C-20 in ground floor slab & steps m3 168.86 1,890.00 319,145.40 1,247.63 210,674.08
Con 25 85.60 14,453.81 1,116.32 188,500.95 7,719.31
Daily laborer 3,087.73 2.37 7,307.62 Cement (Qtl) 3.200 540.35 248.74 134,406.69 Mixer-500lit 96.49 4,824.57
Mason 385.97 8.18 3,155.27 Sand (m3) 0.500 84.43 320.00 27,017.60 Vibrator 192.98 2,894.74
Gang leader 96.49 4.54 438.23 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.800 135.09 200.00 27,017.60 -
Carpenter 96.49 9.08 876.46 Fuel 0.044 7.43 7.95 59.07 -
Bar bender 96.49 7.27 701.17 Benzene 0.044 7.43 - - -
Forman 96.49 20.47 1,975.06 0.00 - - -

4 Form work, sub structure 0.00

FW 14 To Footing m2 533.91 84.00 44,848.42 28.63 15,283.17 22.60 12,066.36 - 51.23 27,349.53
Carpenter 1,334.77 9.08 12,124.20 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 280.30 20.00 5,606.05 -
Daily laborer 1,334.77 2.37 3,158.97 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 1,601.73 2.00 3,203.46 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 800.86 3.00 2,402.59 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 106.78 8.00 854.26 -

Page 10 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
FW 15 To Foundation column m2 294.78 84.00 24,761.86 28.62 8,438.19 22.60 6,662.12 - 51.22 15,100.31
Carpenter 736.96 9.08 6,694.05 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 154.76 20.00 3,095.23 -
Daily laborer 736.96 2.37 1,744.14 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 884.35 2.00 1,768.70 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 442.18 3.00 1,326.53 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 58.96 8.00 471.65 -
FW 16 To grade beam m2 754.35 84.00 63,365.40 28.62 21,593.27 22.60 17,048.31 - 51.23 38,641.58
Carpenter 1,885.88 9.08 17,130.03 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 396.03 20.00 7,920.68 -
Daily laborer 1,885.88 2.37 4,463.24 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 2,263.05 2.00 4,526.10 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 1,131.53 3.00 3,394.58 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 150.87 8.00 1,206.96 -

5 Rebar, sub structure 0.00

Rei 25 Diam 8mm kg 11,704.09 23.44 274,343.98 0.58 6,734.50 15.10 176,731.83 - 15.68 183,466.33
Daily laborer 278.67 2.37 659.52 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 8mm (kg) 1.050 12,289.30 14.00 172,050.20 -
Bar bender 836.01 7.27 6,074.98 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.020 234.08 20.00 4,681.64 -
Rei 26 Diam 10mm kg 995.10 23.20 23,086.26 0.58 572.58 14.92 14,846.86 - 15.50 15,419.43
Daily laborer 23.69 2.37 56.07 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 10mm (kg) 1.050 1,044.85 14.00 14,627.93 -
Bar bender 71.08 7.27 516.50 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 10.95 20.00 218.92 -
Rei 27 Diam 12mm kg 7,919.84 23.20 183,740.32 0.58 4,557.05 14.92 118,164.03 - 15.50 122,721.08
Daily laborer 188.57 2.37 446.28 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 12mm (kg) 1.050 8,315.83 14.00 116,421.67 -
Bar bender 565.70 7.27 4,110.77 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 87.12 20.00 1,742.37 -
Rei 28 Diam 14mm kg 7,919.84 23.20 183,740.32 0.58 4,557.05 14.92 118,164.03 - 15.50 122,721.08
Daily laborer 188.57 2.37 446.28 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 14mm (kg) 1.050 8,315.83 14.00 116,421.67 -
Bar bender 565.70 7.27 4,110.77 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 87.12 20.00 1,742.37 -
Rei 29 Diam 16mm kg 8,602.74 23.20 199,583.60 0.58 4,949.99 14.92 128,352.90 - 15.50 133,302.89
Daily laborer 204.83 2.37 484.76 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 16mm (kg) 1.050 9,032.88 14.00 126,460.30 -
Bar bender 614.48 7.27 4,465.23 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 94.63 20.00 1,892.60 -
Rei 30 Diam 20mm kg 17,266.90 23.20 400,592.15 0.58 9,935.32 14.92 257,622.19 - 15.50 267,557.51
Daily laborer 411.12 2.37 972.98 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 20mm (kg) 1.050 18,130.25 14.00 253,823.47 -
Bar bender 1,233.35 7.27 8,962.34 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 189.94 20.00 3,798.72 -
Rei 31 Diam 24mm kg 11,553.24 23.20 268,035.06 0.58 6,647.69 14.92 172,374.27 - 15.50 179,021.96
Daily laborer 275.08 2.37 651.02 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 24mm (kg) 1.050 12,130.90 14.00 169,832.56 -
Bar bender 825.23 7.27 5,996.68 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 127.09 20.00 2,541.71 -

Rebar, super structure 0.00

Rei Diam 6mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 6mm (kg) 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.020 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 32 Diam 8mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 8mm (kg) 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.020 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 33 Diam 10mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 10mm (kg) 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 34 Diam 12mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 12mm (kg) 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 35 Diam 14mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 14mm (kg) 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 36 Diam 16mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 16mm (kg) 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 37 Diam 20mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 20mm (kg) 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 38 Diam 24mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 24mm (kg) 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -

Concrete ancillaries 0.00

39 Chipwood expansion joint 10mm thick and lm 800.00 20.80 16,640.00 15.76 12,607.25
Con 25 depth 10cm 3.82 3,053.33 11.94 9,553.92 -
Daily laborer 266.67 2.37 631.11 Chip wood, 8mm (pcs) 0.070 56.32 126.00 7,096.32 -
Carpenter 266.67 9.08 2,422.22 Asphalt, AC 180/200 (kg) 0.384 307.20 8.00 2,457.60 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
39 Chipwood expansion joint 20mm thick and lm 10.00 32.00 320.00 15.76 157.59
Con 25 depth 40cm 3.82 38.17 11.94 119.42 -
Daily laborer 3.33 2.37 7.89 Chip wood, 8mm (pcs) 0.070 0.70 126.00 88.70 -
Carpenter 3.33 9.08 30.28 Asphalt, AC 180/200 (kg) 0.384 3.84 8.00 30.72 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 04 Masonry Work 229,416.00 0.00 160,538.92

01 Concealed from view m3 158.00 930.00 146,940.00 651.63 102,957.46

Maso 88.21 13,936.92 534.25 84,412.21 4,608.33
Mason 790.00 8.18 6,458.25 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.330 210.14 77.75 16,339.19 Mixer-350lit 131.67 4,608.33
Daily laborer 3,160.00 2.37 7,478.67 Cement (qtl) 1.323 209.03 248.74 51,994.94 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.318 50.24 320.00 16,078.08 -
2.37 0.00
Daily laborer 0.00 Cement (qtl) 1.323 0.00 248.74 - -

- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.318 0.00 320.00 - -

02 Exposed to view m3 79.00 1,044.00 82,476.00 728.88 57,581.46
Maso 88.21 6,968.46 611.50 48,308.83 2,304.17
Mason 395.00 8.18 3,229.13 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.400 110.60 77.75 8,599.58 Mixer-350lit 65.83 2,304.17
Daily laborer 1,580.00 2.37 3,739.33 Cement (qtl) 1.543 121.94 248.74 30,330.38 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.371 29.31 320.00 9,378.88 -
01 -
Maso #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.330 0.00 77.75 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 1.323 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.318 0.00 320.00 - -

4 Block work, class B 0.00

HCB 02 HCB wall 20cm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 HCB, 20cm class B (pcs) 13.000 0.00 10.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.070 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.020 0.00 320.00 - -
HCB 03 HCB wall 15cm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 HCB, 15cm (pcs) 13.000 0.00 8.50 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.060 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.020 0.00 320.00 - -
HCB 04 HCB wall 10cm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 HCB, 10cm (pcs) 13.000 0.00 8.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -

Page 11 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.020 0.00 320.00 - -

4 05 Roof works and water proofing 0.00 0.00 0.00

Roof 01 APP modified, 4mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
- 0.00 Bitumenous membrane water proofing ( 1.050 0.00 180.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 02 cementiciouse water proofing m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
- 0.00 Bitumenous membrane water proofing ( 1.050 0.00 180.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 06 Roof works 0.00 0.00 0.00

Roof EGA-500, 0.4mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 EGA-500, 0.4mm thick Galvanized (m2) 1.050 0.00 145.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Crank bolt, dia 6mm (pcs) 13.000 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 01 Pre painted EGA-400, 0.4mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 EGA-500, 0.4mm thick colored (m2) Ale 1.100 0.00 160.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Crank bolts with nuts, diam6mm (pcs) 8.000 0.00 2.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 02 0.4mm thick 33cm girth ridge cap lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 0.550 0.00 80.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.010 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 03 0.4mm thick 33cm girth flashing lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 0.550 0.00 80.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.010 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 04 0.4mm thick 55cm girth flashing lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 0.550 0.00 80.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.010 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 05 6mm thick acrylic sky light m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 Acrylic sky light, 6mm thick(m2) 1.050 0.00 2,010.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 2.000 0.00 - - -

4 Carpentry and Joinery 0.00 0.00 0.00

car 01 Eucalyptus truss dia 10cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 1.100 0.00 2.00 - 0.00 -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Iron band 0.200 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.100 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 Anti termite (lit) 0.100 0.00 110.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 02 Eucalyptus truss dia 8cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.100 0.00 3.00 - 0.00 -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Iron band 0.200 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.100 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 Anti termite (lit) 0.100 0.00 110.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 03 Purlin, 5x7cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Sawn Eucalyptus purlin 70 x 50 mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 12.00 - 0.00 -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Iron band 0.050 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.050 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 Anti termite (lit) 0.050 0.00 110.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 04 Armstrong ceiling primacasa m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Armstrong, parafon universal 1.8x60x60 1.050 0.00 240.00 - 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 05 Parquet,3CM THICK TANGUED AND m2 0.00 0.00 -
GROOVE Tid stage(ML) RHS joist #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Parquet,3CM THICK TANGUED AND GRO 1.100 0.00 2,100.00 - 0.00 -
Height 90cm Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 06 3mm tid wood parquetside clad. m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Parquet,3mm tid wood cladding 1.100 0.00 400.00 - 0.00 -
Height 90cm Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 07 Parquet,3CM THICK TANGUED AND m2 0.00 0.00 -
GROOVE Tid stage(ML) wood joist #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Parquet,3CM THICK TANGUED AND GRO 1.100 0.00 1,800.00 - 0.00 -
Height 20cm Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 08 Handrail, 10cm high lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 CHS, CT60 and t=3mm (ml) 1.500 0.00 62.15 - Welding machine 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 7x12cm Kerero hand rail (ml) 1.200 0.00 25.00 - Grinding machine 0.00 -
- 0.00 Synthetic paint (gal) 0.020 0.00 125.00 - -
- 0.00 Varnish (gal) 0.010 0.00 90.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 09 Handrail, 90cm high lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Welder 0.00 10.90 0.00 CHS, CT60 and t=3mm (ml) 6.000 0.00 62.15 - Welding machine 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 7x12cm Kerero hand rail (ml) 1.000 0.00 25.00 - Grinding machine 0.00 -
- 0.00 Synthetic paint (gal) 0.020 0.00 125.00 - -
- 0.00 Varnish (gal) 0.010 0.00 90.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

5 5 Steel structure 0.00 0.00 0.00

st 01 RHS 80x80x4mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Welder 0.00 10.90 0.00 RHS 60x60x3mm (kg) 1.050 0.00 15.33 - Welding Machine 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Electrode (kg) 0.001 0.00 29.00 - Grinding Machine 0.00 -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Anti rust (gal) 0.005 0.00 110.00 - -
Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Synthetic paint (gal) 0.010 0.00 125.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
st 02 RHS 40x40x3.5mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Welder 0.00 10.90 0.00 RHS 40x40x3mm (kg) 1.050 0.00 15.33 - Welding Machine 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Electrode (kg) 0.001 0.00 29.00 - Grinding Machine 0.00 -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Anti rust (gal) 0.005 0.00 110.00 - -
Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Synthetic paint (gal) 0.010 0.00 125.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
st 03 RHS 30x30x3 kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Welder 0.00 10.90 0.00 RHS 60x60x3mm (kg) 1.050 0.00 15.33 - Welding Machine 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Electrode (kg) 0.001 0.00 29.00 - Grinding Machine 0.00 -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Anti rust (gal) 0.005 0.00 110.00 - -

Page 12 Cost breakdown

st Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Synthetic paint (gal) 0.010 0.00 125.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
st 04 Dia 12mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Welder 0.00 10.90 0.00 RHS 60x60x3mm (kg) 1.050 0.00 15.33 - Welding Machine 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Electrode (kg) 0.001 0.00 29.00 - Grinding Machine 0.00 -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Anti rust (gal) 0.005 0.00 110.00 - -
Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Synthetic paint (gal) 0.010 0.00 125.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
st 05 8 mm thick plate kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0.00668789808917198 Welder 0.00 10.90 0.00 Sheet metal, 10mm thick (m2) 0.007 0.00 2,826.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Electrode (kg) 0.000 0.00 29.00 - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 0.00 - - -
Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
st 06 Angl tie kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Welder 0.00 10.90 0.00 Angle Iron (kg) 1.050 0.00 18.00 - Welding Machine 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Electrode (kg) 0.001 0.00 29.00 - Grinding Machine 0.00 -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Anti rust (gal) 0.005 0.00 110.00 - -
Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Synthetic paint (gal) 0.010 0.00 125.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
st 07 dia 20mm bolt Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0.7575552 Welder 0.00 10.90 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 10mm (kg) 0.758 0.00 14.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
st 08 dia 16mm bolt Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0.7575552 Welder 0.00 10.90 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 10mm (kg) 0.758 0.00 14.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

5 5 Metal work 0.00 0.00 0.00

LTZ 38mm
car 01 Type D1, Size: 700X2100 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 1.470 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 02 Type D2, Size: 900X2100 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 1.890 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 03 Type D3, Size: 1200X2100 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 2.520 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 04 Type D4, Size: 1800X2100 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 3.780 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 05 Type D5, Size: 1750X2100 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 3.675 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 06 Type D5, Size: 5400X3450 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 18.630 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 2.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 07 Type W1, Size: 1500X2500 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 3.750 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.750 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 08 Type W2, Size: 1380X2500 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 3.450 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.450 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 09 Type W3, Size: 1200X2500 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 3.000 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 10 Type W4, Size: 1850X2500 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 4.625 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 4.625 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 11 Type W5, Size: 2740X1400 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 3.836 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.836 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 12 Type W6, Size: 2720X1400 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 3.808 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.808 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 13 Type W7, Size: 3840X1700 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 6.528 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 6.528 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 14 Type W8, Size: 5700X1400 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 7.980 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 7.980 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Corner protection
car 15 Angle iron size 30x30x3mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Angle Iron (kg) 1.413 0.00 18.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

11 11 Finishing - 0.00 - - -
11.1 11.1 Plastering & pointing 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00
Plast 01 Two coats to HCB wall, Internal m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
02 Two coats to Concrete vertical surface m2 0.00 0.00 -
Plast #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00
Plast 03 Two coats to soffit m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -

Page 13 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
Plast . Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Plast 04 Two coats to HCB wall, External m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 -
05 Two coats to Concrete vertical surface, m2 0.00 0.00 -
Plast external #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 -
Plast 06 Fine coat cement plaster to vertical surface m2 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.022 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.005 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
07 Fine coat cement plaster to external surface m2 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.022 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.005 0.00 320.00 - -

Plast 07 Fine coat cement plaster to soffit m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.022 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.005 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 - -

Plast Gypsum plaster to internal wall m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 GyPsum (qtl) 0.017 0.00 400.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lime (qtl) 0.058 0.00 45.00 - -

11.1 11.1 floor finish 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

Plast 01 48mm thick cement screed m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.265 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.064 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00
ff 02 PVC Floor tile m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 PVC tile (m2) 1.050 0.00 90.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Adhesive, for tile (kg) 0.400 0.00 42.50 - -
Cement (qtl) 0.00
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
ff 03 PVC Skirting lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 PVC Skirting, 10cm high (m) 1.050 0.00 10.75 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Adhesive, for tile (kg) 0.050 0.00 42.50 - -
04 PVC roll, 3mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 PVC Roll, 3mm tile (m2) 1.050 0.00 170.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Adhesive, for tile (kg) 0.400 0.00 42.50 - -
Cement (qtl) 0.00
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.00 320.00 - -

ff 05 Marble flooring, 20mm, white m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.154 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.037 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble, 2cm thick white (m2) 1.020 0.00 392.14 - -
ff 06 Marble chips m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.154 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.037 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble chips, white (m3) 1.020 0.00 250.00 - -
ff 07 Marble skirting lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.005 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.001 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble, 2cm thick white (m2) 0.110 0.00 392.14 - -
ff 08 cramic wall tile, 6mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.011 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Ceramic wall tile, 6mm thick ( 1.020 0.00 175.00 - -
ff 09 cramic floor tile, 12mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.011 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Ceramic floor tile, 12mm thick 1.020 0.00 362.00 - -
ff 10 Marble THREAD, 30mm m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.176 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.042 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble, 3cm thick white (m2) 1.020 0.00 455.00 - -
ff 11 Marble RISER M2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.044 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.011 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble, 2cm thick white (m2) 1.020 0.00 392.14 - -
ff 12 Terrazzo copping, 3x20cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.011 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Terrazzo copping, 23x3cm thick 1.020 0.00 56.00 - -
ff 13 Terrazzo copping, 3x38cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.011 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Terrazzo copping, 38x3cm thick 1.020 0.00 68.00 - -
ff 14 Mosaic tile copping 20cm width lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.011 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Mosaic floor tile copping (m) 1.020 0.00 89.00 - -
ff 15 Marble sill, shaped & throated 3x28cm lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.176 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.042 0.00 320.00 - -

Page 14 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
- 0.00 Marble, 33x3cm thick (ml) 1.020 0.00 143.55 - -
ff 16 Dividing strip for wall & beam for grade beam lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Galvanized sheet metal 0.4mm 0.500 0.00 60.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Chipwood pre moulded, 40x2cm 1.100 0.00 110.80 - -
- 0.00 1.020 0.00 - - -
ff 17 Dividing strip for wall & beam for intermediate lm 0.00 0.00 -
beam #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Galvanized sheet metal 0.4mm 0.500 0.00 60.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Chipwood pre moulded, 40x2cm 1.10 0.00 110.80 - -
- 0.00 Polysulphide/polyurethane poly 1.020 0.00 45.00 - -
ff 18 Dividing strip for wall & beam for roof beam lm 0.00 0.00 -
beam #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Galvanized sheet metal 0.4mm 0.67 0.00 60.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Chipwood pre moulded, 33x2cm 1.100 0.00 91.41 - -
- 0.00 1.020 0.00 - - -
ff Concrete pavement, c-20 m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.256 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.040 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.064 0.00 200.00 - -
- 0.00 red ash (m3) 0.150 0.00 80.00 - -
- 0.00 Concrete pipe, 1/2 dia. 300mm 1.000 0.00 23.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

88 Painting 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

Plast 01 Three coats of plastic paint to internal wall m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Stuco (kg) 0.200 0.00 4.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Glue, Animal (kg) 0.200 0.00 3.00 -
- 0.00 Plastic paint (gal) 0.077 0.00 90.00 - -

Plast 02 Quartz paint m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Quartz wall finish (m2) 1.010 0.00 75.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Plast 03 To plastered soffit m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Stuco (kg) 0.200 0.00 4.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Glue, Animal (kg) 0.200 0.00 3.00 -
- 0.00 Plastic paint (gal) 0.077 0.00 90.00 - -

99 Glazing 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

Plast 01 4mm thick clear glass m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Glazier 0.00 10.90 0.00 Glass CLEAR, 4mm (m2) 1.100 0.00 115.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Putty glass (kg) 1.000 0.00 8.00 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Plast 02 6mm thick clear glass m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Glazier 0.00 10.90 0.00 Glass clear, 6mm (m2) 1.100 0.00 208.70 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Putty glass (kg) 1.000 0.00 8.00 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

15 15 Sanitary Installation 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

Fix 3 Fixture - 0.00 - - -
fix 01 Turkish type WC BS 5503 No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 WC, turkish (pcs) 1.000 0.00 650.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.120 0.00 248.74 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.020 0.00 320.00 - -
fix 02 HWB, 500x405mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 HWB, 500x405mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 750.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 03 Urinal, BS 3402 No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Urinal BS 3402 1.000 0.00 650.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 04 6kg Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Fire extingusher 6kg (pcs) 1.000 0.00 600.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 05 Soap holder No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Soap holder, tabor complete (pc 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 06 Toilet paper holder No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Toilet paper holder, tabor (pcs) 1.000 0.00 48.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
mir 07 Crystal glass mirror No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Crystal glass mirror (pcs) 1.000 0.00 150.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

GS 1 PPR PIPE - 0.00 - - -

GS 08 PPR Pipe diam 20mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 20mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 35.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 09 PPR Pipe diam 25mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 25mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 57.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 10 PPR Pipe diam 32mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 32mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 75.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 11 PPR Pipe diam 40mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 40mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 100.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 15 Cost breakdown

GS Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 12 PPR Pipe diam 50mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 50mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 130.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 13 PPR Pipe diam 63mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 63mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 170.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 14 PPR Pipe diam 75mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 75mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 220.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -

GV 2 Gate valve - 0.00 - - -

GV 19 Bronze gate valve, diam 15mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, bronze PN16 diam. 1.050 0.00 156.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow di 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
GV 20 Bronze gate valve, diam 26mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, Bronze diam 25mm 1.050 0.00 200.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow di 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
GV 21 Bronze gate valve, diam 32mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, Bronze diam 32mm 1.050 0.00 340.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow di 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
GV 22 Bronze gate valve, diam 40mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, Bronze diam 40mm 1.050 0.00 400.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow di 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
GV 23 Bronze gate valve, diam 50mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, Bronze diam 50mm 1.050 0.00 450.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow di 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
GV 23 Bronze gate valve, diam 63mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, Bronze diam 65mm 1.050 0.00 600.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow di 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
GV 23 Bronze gate valve, diam 75mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, Bronze diam 80mm 1.050 0.00 1,050.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow di 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 24 water tank 10m3 fiber glass No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Water tank, fiberglass 10m3 an 1.000 0.00 25,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Manhole 1.000 0.00 2,000.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

PVC PVC pipe - 0.00 - - -

PVC 25 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 50mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 50mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 7.52 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 8 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 26 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 80mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 80mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 11.52 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 8 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 27 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 100mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 100mm (ml 1.050 0.00 25.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 8 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 28 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 150mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 150mm (ml 1.050 0.00 45.43 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 8 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 29 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 100mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 100mm (ml 1.050 0.00 25.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 8 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 30 uPVC vent cap diam 100mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 100mm (ml 6.000 0.00 25.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 8 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
0.250 0.00 - -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 31 uPVC down Pipe diam 80mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN4 diam 80mm (m 1.050 0.00 20.53 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 8 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
UV reflctive oil paint (gal) 0.200 0.00 160.00 -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 32 uPVC down Pipe diam 100mm, PN 16 m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC Pipe, PN 16 Ø 100mm (m 1.050 0.00 56.55 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC accessory, Diam110mm (p 1.000 0.00 35.00 - -
UV reflctive oil paint (gal) 0.20 0.00 160.00 -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 33 G-28 sheet metal gutter, dev length 66cm lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 0.750 0.00 80.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Gutter holder strip, 15x3mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 10.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

16 16 Electrical installation 0.00

- 0.00 - - - 0.00
Bord 1 Distribution board, floor mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Page 16 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
90600 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 90,600.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.405 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.058 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.088 0.00 200.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 2 Distribution board, floor mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
20000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 20,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
3 Distribution board, semi flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 -
Bord #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
12000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 12,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
4 Distribution board, semi flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 -
Bord #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
12000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 12,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
5 Distribution board, semi flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 -
Bord #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
6500 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 6,500.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
6 Distribution board, semi flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 -
Bord #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
11000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 11,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 7 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
10000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 10,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 8 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
10000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 10,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 9 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
10000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 10,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 10 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
10000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 10,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 11 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
10000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 10,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 12 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
10000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 10,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 13 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
10000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 10,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 14 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
10000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 10,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 15 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
9000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 9,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 16 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
10000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 10,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 17 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
10000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 10,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 18 Distribution board, flush mounted No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
10000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 10,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 19 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
10000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 10,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 17 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
20 Distribution board, semi flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 -
Bord #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
11000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 11,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
21 Distribution board, semi flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 -
Bord #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
9000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 9,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
22 Distribution board, semi flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 -
Bord #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
9000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 9,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
23 Distribution board, semi flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 -
Bord #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
8000 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 8,000.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 24 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
8500 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 8,500.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 25 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
8500 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 8,500.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 26 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
8500 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 8,500.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 27 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
8500 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 8,500.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 28 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
8500 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 8,500.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 29 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
8500 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 8,500.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 30 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
8500 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 8,500.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 31 Distribution board, flush mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
8500 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 8,500.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Point 32 Light point fed through 2x2.5mm2 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 6.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Connector, diam 7mm (pcs) 6.000 0.00 0.66 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 15.000 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 2.000 0.00 0.75 - -

Switches with detachable frames

Swi 33 Double pole nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Double pole switch, flush mounted 10A L 1.000 0.00 50.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 34 Two way nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Two way switch, flush mounted 10A Legr 1.000 0.00 51.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 35 Intermediate nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Intermediate switch, flush mounted 10A L 1.000 0.00 90.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 36 Two way + single pole nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Two way switch, + single pole flush moun 1.000 0.00 79.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
Single pole switch, flush mounted 10A Le 1.000 0.00 45.00
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 37 Triple nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Triple pole switch, flush mounted 10A Le 1.000 0.00 124.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 38 Double two way nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Double two way (pcs) 2.500 0.00 85.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 39 Two way, water proof nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Two way water proof switch ( pcs) 1.000 0.00 80.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Soc 40 Socket outlet 3x2.5mm2 wire nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Socket outlet, Flush mounted twin 16A, 1.000 0.00 70.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -

Page 18 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
41 Socket outlet 3x2.5mm2 wire for twin socket nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Socket outlet, twin Floor socket 16A, 2p 1.000 0.00 80.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 19mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 30.400 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Extra over sockets with detachable frame

Soc 42 16A, 1ph nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Socket with detachable frame, 16A, 1ph(p 1.000 0.00 60.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 43 16A, 1ph twin red form UPS nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Socket outlet, twin Floor socket 16A, 2p 1.000 0.00 80.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 44 16A, 1ph twin red form UPS nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Socket outlet, twin Floor socket 16A, 2p 1.000 0.00 80.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Power points
45 AC out letthrough PVC sheathed cable of nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc 5x4mm2 in pp dia 29mm #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, SIEMANS NYY-O 5x4 mm2 (m) 1.100 0.00 53.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 29mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 9.00 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
46 Lamp, fluorescent with reflector, 4x18 watts nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc (PCS) #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with reflector, 4x18 wa 1.100 0.00 805.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
47 Lamp, fluorescent with symmetrical reflector, nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc 1x36 watts ( pcs) #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with symmetrical reflec 1.000 0.00 690.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
48 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc glossy, 2x36 watts (pcs) #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high 1.000 0.00 745.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
49 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high nr 0.00 0.00 -
glossy, 2x18 watts, luminaire
polycarbonate(pcs) - #DIV/0! - -
Soc #DIV/0!
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high 1.000 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
50 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc glossy, 2x18 watts(pcs) #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high 1.000 0.00 710.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
51 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver medium nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc glossy, 4x18 watts(pcs) #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver medi 1.000 0.00 805.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
52 Lamp, fluorescent with direct light opal, 1x11 nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc watts(pcs) #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with direct light opal, 1.000 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
53 Lamp, fluorescent with fiber glass polyster, nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc 1x36 watts(pcs) #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with fiber glass polyste 1.000 0.00 690.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
54 Lamp, LED with frosted glass, 1x2 watts lum nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc fiber glass nylon(pcs) #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, LED with frosted glass, 1x2 watts l 1.000 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
55 Lamp,compact fluorescent with direct light nr 0.00 0.00 -
opal, 2x26 watts lum opal glass(pcs)
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp,compact fluorescent with direct ligh 1.000 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
56 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high nr 0.00 0.00 -
glossy, 2x18 watts, recessed(pcs)
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high 1.000 0.00 710.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
57 Lamp,compact fluorescent with direct light nr 0.00 0.00 -
opal, 1x18 watts lum polycarbonate steel sheet
base(pcs) - #DIV/0! - -
Soc #DIV/0!
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp,compact fluorescent with direct ligh 1.000 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
58 Power cable 3x4 mm2, including PVC conduit lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 CABLE, 3x4sqmm (ml) 1.100 0.00 22.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, lag (pcs) 1.000 0.00 15.00 - -

Page 19 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
- 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 29mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 9.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Power cable 5x4 mm2, including PVC conduit lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Cable, SIEMANS NYY-O 5x4 mm2 (m) 1.100 0.00 53.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, lag (pcs) 3.000 0.00 15.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 29mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 9.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
59 Power cable 5x6 mm2, including PVC conduit lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 CABLE, 5x6sqmm (ml) 1.100 0.00 50.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, lag (pcs) 1.000 0.00 15.00 - -
- 0.00 Conduit diam Ø 36 mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 10.66 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
60 Power cable 5x10 mm2, including PVC lm 0.00 0.00 -
conduit #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 CABLE, 5x10sqmm (ml) 1.100 0.00 140.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, lag (pcs) 1.000 0.00 15.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 50mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 20.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
61 Power cable 5x16 mm2, including PVC lm 0.00 0.00 -
conduit #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 CABLE, 5x16sqmm (ml) 1.100 0.00 190.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, lag (pcs) 1.000 0.00 15.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 50mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 20.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
62 3X25/16+1X16mm2, dia 80mm PVC lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! 81.47 #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 4.00 10.90 43.60 CABLE, 3x25/16+ 1x16sqmm (ml) 1.100 0.00 195.00 - -
Daily laborer 16.00 2.37 37.87 Cable, lag (pcs) 1.000 0.00 15.00 - -
- 0.00 Conduit diam Ø 80 mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
63 3X35/16+1X16mm2, dia 80mm PVC lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 CABLE, 3x35/16+ 1x16sqmm (ml) 1.100 0.00 240.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, lag (pcs) 2.000 0.00 15.00 - -
- 0.00 Conduit diam Ø 80 mm (ml) 2.000 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
64 3X95/50+1X50mm2, dia 80mm PVC lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 CABLE, 3x95+ 1x50sqmm (ml) 1.100 0.00 560.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, lag (pcs) 2.000 0.00 15.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC Pipe, Diam 110mm (ml) 2.000 0.00 50.00 - -
65 3X150/70+1X70mm2, dia 80mm PVC lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 CABLE, 3x150/70+ 1x70sqmm (ml) 1.100 0.00 848.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, lag (pcs) 4.000 0.00 15.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC Pipe, Diam110mm (ml) 2.000 0.00 50.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 66 Floor box nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Floor box, consisting of 2pcs 8 contact R 1.100 0.00 350.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 15.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 15.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 1.000 0.00 - - -
Soc 67 Data point, horizontal cabling nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 74213 category 5E (p 0.00 70.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 15.000 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 Cable, catagory 6E UPT (m) 15.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 68 Data point, back bone cabling nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 74213 category 5E (p 0.00 70.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 15.000 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 Cable, catagory 6E UPT (m) 15.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 69 48 port patch pannel nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Patch pannel. 48 port (pcs) 1.000 0.00 18,750.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 70 24 port patch pannel nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Patch pannel. 24 port (pcs) 1.000 0.00 12,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 71 48 port optical patch pannel nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Patch pannel. 48 port (pcs) 1.500 0.00 18,750.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
72 PVC Manhole, 60x60x80cm Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC manhole (pcs) 1.100 0.00 2,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 1.100 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
73 UPS no. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 UPS, APC 40KVA floor stand for 380/220V 1.000 0.00 252,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Telecom points
Soc 74 Tele point nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 74213 category 5E (p 0.00 70.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 30.000 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 Cable, catagory 5E UPT (m) 35.000 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 75 Tele outlet nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 4.000 0.00 70.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 76 Tele terminal block, 25 pair nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Terminal block, 25 pairs (pcs) 1.000 0.00 500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 77 Tele terminal block, 100 pair nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Terminal block, 100 pairs(pcs) 1.000 0.00 2,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 78 Tele terminal block, 400 pair nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Terminal block, MTTB of 400 pairs(pcs) 1.000 0.00 8,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
79 Tele distribution cable 100 pairs CAT 5 UTP lm 0.00 0.00 -
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Cable, telephone 100 pairs CAT 5 UTP 1.100 0.00 950.00 - -

Page 20 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Conduit diam Ø 50 mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 20.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
80 Tele distribution cable 25 pairs CAT 5 UTP lm 0.00 0.00 -
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Cable, telephone 25 pairs CAT 5 UTP 1.100 0.00 350.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Conduit diam Ø 29 mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 4.08 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Soc 81 Sign light EXIT Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! 25,000.00 #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 25,000.00 1.00 25,000.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 82 Sign light LADIES TOILET Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! 25,000.00 #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 25,000.00 1.00 25,000.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 83 Sign light GENTLEMEN TOILET Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! 25,000.00 #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 25,000.00 1.00 25,000.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
84 Emergency lighting system LED illuminated Pcs 0.00 0.00 -
Soc with 1hr backup battery #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Emergency lighting, LED 1.000 0.00 1,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 85 Speaker point, 2x2.5 audio cable Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Cable, TV or audio, 2x2.5(ml) 30.000 0.00 2.50 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Conduit diam Ø 13 mm (ml) 30.000 0.00 1.50 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 86 Speaker column Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Surface mounted 24w Column speaker (pc 1.000 0.00 2,375.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 87 Audio amplifier Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Amplifier, Philips 60w table top mixing am 1.000 0.00 18,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
88 Wire less microphone, cliptype, with Pcs 0.00 0.00 -
Soc transmitter and reciever #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Microphone, Philips LBB 9094/15 table s 1.000 0.00 2,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 89 Table mounted microphone Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Microphone, Philips LBB 9094/15 table s 1.000 0.00 2,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
90 Wire less hand held microphone with Pcs 0.00 0.00 -
Soc transmitter #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Microphone, Philips LBB 2900/15 hand he 1.000 0.00 2,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 91 Cabling Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Cable, TV or audio, 2x2.5(ml) 120.000 0.00 2.50 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 21 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour

Page 22 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour

Electric work Shope


3 0.00 -
2 02 Excavation & Earthwork 284,047.65 - 189,398.37
Bulk excavation
B Ex 01 Bulk not exceeding 0.4m m3 553.28 25.45 14,080.98 0.32 174.59 1.59 879.72 9,650.13 19.35 10,704.43
Daily laborer 73.77 2.37 174.59 Fuel 0.200 110.66 7.95 879.72 Excavator 18.44 9,650.13
B Ex pit not exceeding 1.5m m3 494.06 28.00 13,833.54 0.32 155.90 1.59 785.55 8,617.14 19.35 9,558.59
Daily laborer 65.87 2.37 155.90 Fuel 0.200 98.81 7.95 785.55 Excavator 16.47 8,617.14
Pit excavation
P Ex 02 Pit not exceeding 3.0m m3 336.66 30.00 10,099.80 0.00 0.35 118.04 1.59 535.29 6,524.35 21.32 7,177.67
Daily laborer 49.88 2.37 118.04 Fuel 0.200 67.33 7.95 535.29 Excavator 12.47 6,524.35
Trench Excavation
T Ex 03 Trench not exceeding 1.5m m3 113.00 28.00 3,164.00 0.00 0.35 39.62 1.59 179.67 2,189.90 21.32 2,409.19
Daily laborer 16.74 2.37 39.62 Fuel 0.200 22.60 7.95 179.67 Excavator 4.19 2,189.90

Fill Work
Fill 04 Sellected borrowed fill m3 1,101.07 101.00 111,208.20 16.62 18,296.13 8.59 9,453.80 38,565.02 60.23 66,314.95
Daily laborer 4,404.29 2.37 10,423.47 Benzene 0.200 220.21 - - Tamper 440.43 6,606.43
Gang leader 440.43 4.54 2,000.28 Fuel 1.080 1,189.16 7.95 9,453.80 D. Truck (10m3) 89.19 22,296.69
Sub contractor 5,872.38 1.00 5,872.38 - - Wheel loader CA 14.86 9,661.90
05 Disposal m3 1,497.00 37.00 55,388.82 23.65 35,398.09
Dispo 0.17 251.64 6.68 9,996.93 25,149.52
Daily laborer 71.86 2.37 170.06 0.00 - - Wheel loader CA 17.96 11,676.56
Gang leader 17.96 4.54 81.59 Fuel 0.840 1,257.48 7.95 9,996.93 D. Truck (10m3) 53.89 13,472.95
Hard 06 25cm thick hardcore m2 786.31 97.00 76,272.31 73.55 57,835.44
core 5.16 4,059.99 24.10 18,953.03 34,822.41
Mason 314.53 8.18 2,571.24 Basaltic stone (m3) 0.310 243.76 77.75 18,953.03 D. Truck (10m3) 139.29 34,822.41
Daily laborer 629.05 2.37 1,488.75 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.00 200.00 - -

3 02 Concrete Work 937,548.28 0.00 - 623,472.81

Insitu concrete 0.00
01 C-5 lean concrete, under footing m3 15.24 1,008.00 15,362.68 725.73 11,060.69
Con 5 34.86 531.34 670.87 10,224.53 304.81
Daily laborer 170.70 2.37 403.98 Cement (Qtl) 1.500 22.86 248.74 5,686.46 Mixer-500lit 6.10 304.81
mason 12.19 8.18 99.67 Sand (m3) 0.480 7.32 320.00 2,340.98 -
Gang leader 6.10 4.54 27.69 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.720 10.97 200.00 2,194.67 -
- 0.00 Fuel 0.020 0.30 7.95 2.42 -

C-25 Reinforced concrete, sub structure

02 C-25 in Footing pad m3 108.23 2,059.00 222,835.28 1,345.01 145,563.57
Con 25 76.25 8,252.54 1,223.04 132,363.60 4,947.43
Daily laborer 1,978.97 2.37 4,683.57 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 389.61 248.74 96,911.25 Mixer-500lit 61.84 3,092.14
Mason 123.69 8.18 1,011.13 Sand (m3) 0.520 56.28 320.00 18,008.64 Vibrator 123.69 1,855.29
Gang leader 61.84 4.54 280.87 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 85.50 200.00 17,099.55 -
Carpenter 61.84 9.08 561.74 Fuel 0.400 43.29 7.95 344.16 -
Bar bender 61.84 7.27 449.39 Benzene 0.400 43.29 - - -
Forman 61.84 20.47 1,265.85 0.00 - - -
03 C-25 in foundation column m3 13.50 2,059.00 27,796.50 1,345.01 18,157.62
Con 25 76.25 1,029.42 1,223.04 16,511.05 617.14
Daily laborer 246.86 2.37 584.23 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 48.60 248.74 12,088.72 Mixer-500lit 7.71 385.71
Mason 15.43 8.18 126.13 Sand (m3) 0.520 7.02 320.00 2,246.40 Vibrator 15.43 231.43
Gang leader 7.71 4.54 35.04 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 10.66 200.00 2,133.00 -
Carpenter 7.71 9.08 70.07 Fuel 0.400 5.40 7.95 42.93 -
Bar bender 7.71 7.27 56.06 Benzene 0.400 5.40 - - -

Page 23 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Forman 7.71 20.47 157.90 0.00 - - -
04 C-25 in Grade beam m3 28.64 2,059.00 58,960.49 1,345.01 38,515.00
Con 25 76.25 2,183.56 1,223.04 35,022.39 1,309.05
Daily laborer 523.62 2.37 1,239.24 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 103.09 248.74 25,641.97 Mixer-500lit 16.36 818.16
Mason 32.73 8.18 267.54 Sand (m3) 0.520 14.89 320.00 4,764.95 Vibrator 32.73 490.89
Gang leader 16.36 4.54 74.32 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 22.62 200.00 4,524.41 -
Carpenter 16.36 9.08 148.63 Fuel 0.400 11.45 7.95 91.06 -
Bar bender 16.36 7.27 118.91 Benzene 0.400 11.45 - - -
Forman 16.36 20.47 334.93 0.00 - - -
05 C-20 in ground floor slab m3 72.03 1,890.00 136,134.34 1,247.63 89,864.92
Con 25 85.60 6,165.40 1,116.32 80,406.78 3,292.74
Daily laborer 1,317.10 2.37 3,117.13 Cement (Qtl) 3.200 230.49 248.74 57,332.38 Mixer-500lit 41.16 2,057.96
Mason 164.64 8.18 1,345.91 Sand (m3) 0.500 36.01 320.00 11,524.60 Vibrator 82.32 1,234.78
Gang leader 41.16 4.54 186.93 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.800 57.62 200.00 11,524.60 -
Carpenter 41.16 9.08 373.86 Fuel 0.044 3.17 7.95 25.20 -
Bar bender 41.16 7.27 299.09 Benzene 0.044 3.17 - - -
Forman 41.16 20.47 842.48 0.00 - - -

4 Form work, sub structure 0.00

FW 11 To Footing m2 187.56 72.00 13,504.32 28.63 5,368.91 22.60 4,238.86 - 51.23 9,607.76
Carpenter 468.90 9.08 4,259.18 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 98.47 20.00 1,969.38 -
Daily laborer 468.90 2.37 1,109.73 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 562.68 2.00 1,125.36 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 281.34 3.00 844.02 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 37.51 8.00 300.10 -
FW 12 To Foundation column m2 150.00 72.00 10,800.00 28.63 4,293.75 22.60 3,390.00 - 51.23 7,683.75
Carpenter 375.00 9.08 3,406.25 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 78.75 20.00 1,575.00 -
Daily laborer 375.00 2.37 887.50 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 450.00 2.00 900.00 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 225.00 3.00 675.00 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 30.00 8.00 240.00 -
FW 13 To grade beam m2 341.20 72.00 24,566.54 28.63 9,766.91 22.60 7,711.17 - 51.23 17,478.07
Carpenter 853.01 9.08 7,748.13 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 179.13 20.00 3,582.62 -
Daily laborer 853.01 2.37 2,018.78 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 1,023.61 2.00 2,047.21 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 511.80 3.00 1,535.41 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 68.24 8.00 545.92 -

Rebar, sub structure 0.00

Rei 18 Diam 8mm kg 5,045.03 23.44 118,255.62 0.58 2,902.90 15.10 76,180.03 - 15.68 79,082.92
Daily laborer 120.12 2.37 284.28 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 8mm 1.050 5,297.29 14.00 74,162.01 -
Bar bender 360.36 7.27 2,618.61 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.020 100.90 20.00 2,018.01 -
Rei 19 Diam 12mm kg 389.37 23.20 9,033.39 0.58 224.04 14.92 5,809.40 - 15.50 6,033.45
Daily laborer 9.27 2.37 21.94 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 12m 1.050 408.84 14.00 5,723.74 -
Bar bender 27.81 7.27 202.10 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 4.28 20.00 85.66 -
Rei 20 Diam 14mm kg 3,571.57 23.20 82,860.49 0.58 2,055.07 14.92 53,287.87 - 15.50 55,342.94
Daily laborer 85.04 2.37 201.26 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 14m 1.050 3,750.15 14.00 52,502.12 -
Bar bender 255.11 7.27 1,853.82 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 39.29 20.00 785.75 -
Rei 21 Diam 16mm kg 5,704.33 23.20 132,340.41 0.58 3,282.25 14.92 85,108.57 - 15.50 88,390.83
Daily laborer 135.82 2.37 321.43 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 16m 1.050 5,989.54 14.00 83,853.62 -
Bar bender 407.45 7.27 2,960.82 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 62.75 20.00 1,254.95 -
Rei 22 Diam 20mm kg 3,133.68 23.20 72,701.42 0.58 1,803.11 14.92 46,754.54 - 15.50 48,557.65
Daily laborer 74.61 2.37 176.58 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 20m 1.050 3,290.37 14.00 46,065.13 -
Bar bender 223.83 7.27 1,626.53 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 34.47 20.00 689.41 -

Page 24 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour

Rebar, super structure 0.00

Concrete ancillaries 0.00
29 Chipwood expansion joint 10mm thick and lm 596.00 20.80 12,396.80 13.65 8,133.65
Con 25 10cm wide 3.82 2,274.73 9.83 5,858.92 -
Daily laborer 198.67 2.37 470.18 Chipwood, 10mm thick (Pcs) 0.070 41.96 96.00 4,028.01 -
Carpenter 198.67 9.08 1,804.56 Asphalt, AC 180/200 (kg) 0.384 228.86 8.00 1,830.91 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 04 Masonry Work 110,424.60 0.00 77,272.06

01 Concealed from view m3 76.05 930.00 70,726.50 651.63 49,556.42
Maso 88.21 6,708.24 534.25 40,630.05 2,218.13
Mason 380.25 8.18 3,108.54 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.330 101.15 77.75 7,864.53 Mixer-350lit 63.38 2,218.13
Daily laborer 1,521.00 2.37 3,599.70 Cement (qtl) 1.323 100.61 248.74 25,026.68 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.318 24.18 320.00 7,738.85 -
02 Exposed to view m3 38.03 1,044.00 39,698.10 728.88 27,715.63
Maso 88.21 3,354.12 611.50 23,252.45 1,109.06
Mason 190.13 8.18 1,554.27 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.400 53.24 77.75 4,139.23 Mixer-350lit 31.69 1,109.06
Daily laborer 760.50 2.37 1,799.85 Cement (qtl) 1.543 58.69 248.74 14,598.89 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.371 14.11 320.00 4,514.33 -

09 Management
2 02 Excavation & Earthwork 511,869.29 - 327,577.44
Bulk excavation
B Ex 01 Bulk not exceeding 1.5m m3 1,643.23 25.45 41,820.20 0.32 518.53 1.59 2,612.74 28,660.67 19.35 31,791.94
Daily laborer 219.10 2.37 518.53 Fuel 0.200 328.65 7.95 2,612.74 Excavator 54.77 28,660.67
Pit excavation
P Ex 02 Pit not exceeding 1.5m m3 598.26 28.00 16,751.28 0.00 0.35 209.76 1.59 951.23 11,594.06 21.32 12,755.05
Daily laborer 88.63 2.37 209.76 Fuel 0.200 119.65 7.95 951.23 Excavator 22.16 11,594.06
P Ex 02 Pit not exceeding 1.5m m3 598.26 30.00 17,947.80 0.00 0.35 209.76 1.59 951.23 11,594.06 21.32 12,755.05
Daily laborer 88.63 2.37 209.76 Fuel 0.200 119.65 7.95 951.23 Excavator 22.16 11,594.06
Trench Excavation
T Ex 03 Trench not exceeding 1.5m m3 70.20 28.00 1,965.60 0.00 0.35 24.61 1.59 111.62 1,360.45 21.32 1,496.68
Daily laborer 10.40 2.37 24.61 Fuel 0.200 14.04 7.95 111.62 Excavator 2.60 1,360.45

Fill Work
Fill 5 Sellected excavated fill m3 311.04 108.00 33,592.32 16.62 5,168.45 8.59 2,670.59 10,894.18 60.23 18,733.21
Daily laborer 1,244.16 2.37 2,944.51 Benzene 0.200 62.21 - - Tamper 124.42 1,866.24
Gang leader 124.42 4.54 565.06 Fuel 1.080 335.92 7.95 2,670.59 D. Truck (10m3) 25.19 6,298.56
Sub contractor 1,658.88 1.00 1,658.88 - - Wheel loader CA 4.20 2,729.38
Fill 6 Sellected borrowed fill m3 1,637.05 108.00 176,800.96 16.62 27,202.25 8.59 14,055.68 57,337.53 60.23 98,595.45
Daily laborer 6,548.18 2.37 15,497.37 Benzene 0.200 327.41 - - Tamper 654.82 9,822.28
Gang leader 654.82 4.54 2,973.97 Fuel 1.080 1,768.01 7.95 14,055.68 D. Truck (10m3) 132.60 33,150.18
Sub contractor 8,730.91 1.00 8,730.91 - - Wheel loader CA 22.10 14,365.08
Fill 5 fertile Soil m3 103.68 158.00 16,381.44 16.62 1,722.82 8.59 890.20 3,631.39 60.23 6,244.40
Daily laborer 414.72 2.37 981.50 Benzene 0.200 20.74 - - Tamper 41.47 622.08
Gang leader 41.47 4.54 188.35 Fuel 1.080 111.97 7.95 890.20 D. Truck (10m3) 8.40 2,099.52
Sub contractor 552.96 1.00 552.96 - - Wheel loader CA 1.40 909.79
05 Disposal m3 2,598.91 37.00 96,159.67 23.65 61,454.09
Dispo 0.17 436.88 6.68 17,355.52 43,661.69
Daily laborer 124.75 2.37 295.24 0.00 - - Wheel loader CA 31.19 20,271.50
Gang leader 31.19 4.54 141.64 Fuel 0.840 2,183.08 7.95 17,355.52 D. Truck (10m3) 93.56 23,390.19
Hard 06 25cm thick hardcore m2 1,138.66 97.00 110,450.02 73.55 83,751.56
core 5.16 5,879.28 24.10 27,445.91 50,426.37
Mason 455.46 8.18 3,723.42 Basaltic stone (m3) 0.310 352.98 77.75 27,445.91 D. Truck (10m3) 201.71 50,426.37
Daily laborer 910.93 2.37 2,155.86 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.00 200.00 - -

Page 25 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour

3 03 Concrete Work 1,260,921.77 0.00 - 839,025.28

1 Insitu concrete 0.00
01 C-5 lean concrete, under footing m3 16.78 1,008.00 16,913.79 725.73 12,177.44
Con 5 34.86 584.99 670.87 11,256.86 335.59
Daily laborer 187.93 2.37 444.77 Cement (Qtl) 1.500 25.17 248.74 6,260.60 Mixer-500lit 6.71 335.59
mason 13.42 8.18 109.74 Sand (m3) 0.480 8.05 320.00 2,577.34 -
Gang leader 6.71 4.54 30.48 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.720 12.08 200.00 2,416.26 -
- 0.00 Fuel 0.020 0.34 7.95 2.67 -

2 C-25 Reinforced concrete, sub structure

02 C-25 in Footing m3 99.16 2,059.00 204,162.20 1,345.01 133,365.69
Con 25 76.25 7,561.00 1,223.04 121,271.84 4,532.85
Daily laborer 1,813.14 2.37 4,291.09 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 356.96 248.74 88,790.32 Mixer-500lit 56.66 2,833.03
Mason 113.32 8.18 926.40 Sand (m3) 0.520 51.56 320.00 16,499.56 Vibrator 113.32 1,699.82
Gang leader 56.66 4.54 257.33 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 78.33 200.00 15,666.65 -
Carpenter 56.66 9.08 514.67 Fuel 0.400 39.66 7.95 315.32 -
Bar bender 56.66 7.27 411.73 Benzene 0.400 39.66 - - -
Forman 56.66 20.47 1,159.77 0.00 - - -
03 C-25 in foundation column m3 12.87 2,059.00 26,496.34 1,345.01 17,308.31
Con 25 76.25 981.27 1,223.04 15,738.76 588.28
Daily laborer 235.31 2.37 556.90 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 46.33 248.74 11,523.28 Mixer-500lit 7.35 367.67
Mason 14.71 8.18 120.23 Sand (m3) 0.520 6.69 320.00 2,141.33 Vibrator 14.71 220.60
Gang leader 7.35 4.54 33.40 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 10.17 200.00 2,033.23 -
Carpenter 7.35 9.08 66.79 Fuel 0.400 5.15 7.95 40.92 -
Bar bender 7.35 7.27 53.44 Benzene 0.400 5.15 - - -
Forman 7.35 20.47 150.52 0.00 - - -
04 C-25 in Grade beam m3 56.61 2,059.00 116,550.11 1,345.01 76,134.49
Con 25 76.25 4,316.35 1,223.04 69,230.47 2,587.67
Daily laborer 1,035.07 2.37 2,449.66 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 203.78 248.74 50,687.74 Mixer-500lit 32.35 1,617.29
Mason 64.69 8.18 528.85 Sand (m3) 0.520 29.43 320.00 9,419.11 Vibrator 64.69 970.37
Gang leader 32.35 4.54 146.90 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 44.72 200.00 8,943.62 -
Carpenter 32.35 9.08 293.81 Fuel 0.400 22.64 7.95 180.00 -
Bar bender 32.35 7.27 235.05 Benzene 0.400 22.64 - - -
Forman 32.35 20.47 662.08 0.00 - - -
05 C-20 in ground floor slab & steps m3 113.87 1,890.00 215,206.74 1,247.63 142,062.15
Con 25 85.60 9,746.52 1,116.32 127,110.33 5,205.30
Daily laborer 2,082.12 2.37 4,927.69 Cement (Qtl) 3.200 364.37 248.74 90,633.38 Mixer-500lit 65.07 3,253.31
Mason 260.27 8.18 2,127.67 Sand (m3) 0.500 56.93 320.00 18,218.56 Vibrator 130.13 1,951.99
Gang leader 65.07 4.54 295.51 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.800 91.09 200.00 18,218.56 -
Carpenter 65.07 9.08 591.02 Fuel 0.044 5.01 7.95 39.83 -
Bar bender 65.07 7.27 472.82 Benzene 0.044 5.01 - - -
Forman 65.07 20.47 1,331.83 0.00 - - -

4 Form work, sub structure 0.00

FW 10 To Footing m2 200.88 72.00 14,463.36 28.63 5,750.19 22.60 4,539.89 - 51.23 10,290.08
Carpenter 502.20 9.08 4,561.65 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 105.46 20.00 2,109.24 -
Daily laborer 502.20 2.37 1,188.54 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 602.64 2.00 1,205.28 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 301.32 3.00 903.96 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 40.18 8.00 321.41 -
FW 11 To Foundation column m2 313.20 72.00 22,550.11 28.63 8,965.24 22.60 7,078.23 - 51.22 16,043.47
Carpenter 782.99 9.08 7,112.16 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 164.43 20.00 3,288.56 -
Daily laborer 782.99 2.37 1,853.08 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 939.59 2.00 1,879.18 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 469.79 3.00 1,409.38 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 62.64 8.00 501.11 -

Page 26 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
FW 12 To grade beam m2 346.49 72.00 24,947.14 28.62 9,918.22 22.60 7,830.63 - 51.23 17,748.85
Carpenter 866.22 9.08 7,868.17 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 181.91 20.00 3,638.12 -
Daily laborer 866.22 2.37 2,050.05 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 1,039.46 2.00 2,078.93 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 519.73 3.00 1,559.20 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 69.30 8.00 554.38 -

5 Rebar, sub structure 0.00

Rei 16 Diam 8mm kg 11,033.09 23.44 258,615.69 0.58 6,348.41 15.10 166,599.70 - 15.68 172,948.10
Daily laborer 262.69 2.37 621.71 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 8mm 1.050 11,584.75 14.00 162,186.46 -
Bar bender 788.08 7.27 5,726.70 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.020 220.66 20.00 4,413.24 -
Rei 17 Diam 10mm kg 62.19 23.20 1,442.89 0.58 35.79 14.92 927.93 - 15.50 963.71
Daily laborer 1.48 2.37 3.50 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 10m 1.050 65.30 14.00 914.25 -
Bar bender 4.44 7.27 32.28 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.68 20.00 13.68 -
Rei 27 Diam 12mm kg 2,594.74 23.20 60,197.88 0.58 1,493.00 14.92 38,713.46 - 15.50 40,206.46
Daily laborer 61.78 2.37 146.21 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 12mm (kg) 1.050 2,724.47 14.00 38,142.62 -
Bar bender 185.34 7.27 1,346.79 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 28.54 20.00 570.84 -
Rei 18 Diam 14mm kg 1,921.03 23.20 44,567.99 0.58 1,105.36 14.92 28,661.83 - 15.50 29,767.19
Daily laborer 45.74 2.37 108.25 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 14m 1.050 2,017.09 14.00 28,239.20 -
Bar bender 137.22 7.27 997.11 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 21.13 20.00 422.63 -
Rei 19 Diam 16mm kg 4,175.45 23.20 96,870.47 0.58 2,402.54 14.92 62,297.73 - 15.50 64,700.27
Daily laborer 99.42 2.37 235.28 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 16m 1.050 4,384.22 14.00 61,379.13 -
Bar bender 298.25 7.27 2,167.26 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 45.93 20.00 918.60 -
Rei 22 Diam 20mm kg 6,157.63 23.20 142,857.06 0.58 3,543.08 14.92 91,871.87 - 15.50 95,414.95
Daily laborer 146.61 2.37 346.98 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 20m 1.050 6,465.51 14.00 90,517.19 -
Bar bender 439.83 7.27 3,196.10 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 67.73 20.00 1,354.68 -

Concrete ancillaries 0.00

24 Chipwood expansion joint 10mm thick and lm 725.00 20.80 15,080.00 13.65 9,894.12
Con 25 depth 10cm 3.82 2,767.08 9.83 7,127.04 -
Daily laborer 241.67 2.37 571.94 Chipwood, 10mm thick (Pcs) 0.070 51.04 96.00 4,899.84 -
Carpenter 241.67 9.08 2,195.14 Asphalt, AC 180/200 (kg) 0.384 278.40 8.00 2,227.20 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 04 Masonry Work 128,319.87 0.00 89,739.97

01 Concealed from view m3 65.01 930.00 60,454.65 651.63 42,359.17
Maso 88.21 5,733.98 534.25 34,729.21 1,895.98
Mason 325.03 8.18 2,657.08 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.330 86.46 77.75 6,722.34 Mixer-350lit 54.17 1,895.98
Daily laborer 1,300.10 2.37 3,076.90 Cement (qtl) 1.323 86.00 248.74 21,391.97 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.318 20.67 320.00 6,614.91 -
02 Exposed to view m3 65.01 1,044.00 67,865.22 728.88 47,380.79
Maso 88.21 5,733.98 611.50 39,750.83 1,895.98
Mason 325.03 8.18 2,657.08 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.400 91.01 77.75 7,076.14 Mixer-350lit 54.17 1,895.98
Daily laborer 1,300.10 2.37 3,076.90 Cement (qtl) 1.543 100.34 248.74 24,957.29 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.371 24.12 320.00 7,717.39 -

Page 27 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Post graguate libarary
2 02 Excavation & Earthwork 204,720.32 - 136,224.04
Bulk excavation
B Ex 01 Bulk not exceeding 1.5m m3 741.00 25.45 18,858.45 0.32 233.83 1.59 1,178.19 12,924.28 19.35 14,336.29
Daily laborer 98.80 2.37 233.83 Fuel 0.200 148.20 7.95 1,178.19 Excavator 24.70 12,924.28
Pit excavation
P Ex 02 Pit not exceeding 1.5m m3 305.00 28.00 8,540.00 0.00 0.35 106.94 1.59 484.95 5,910.79 21.32 6,502.68
Daily laborer 45.19 2.37 106.94 Fuel 0.200 61.00 7.95 484.95 Excavator 11.30 5,910.79
P Ex 02 Pit not exceeding 1.5m m3 305.00 30.00 9,150.00 0.00 0.35 106.94 1.59 484.95 5,910.79 21.32 6,502.68
Daily laborer 45.19 2.37 106.94 Fuel 0.200 61.00 7.95 484.95 Excavator 11.30 5,910.79
Trench Excavation
T Ex 03 Trench not exceeding 1.5m m3 104.00 28.00 2,912.00 0.00 0.35 36.46 1.59 165.36 2,015.48 21.32 2,217.31
Daily laborer 15.41 2.37 36.46 Fuel 0.200 20.80 7.95 165.36 Excavator 3.85 2,015.48

Fill Work
Fill 5 Sellected excavated fill m3 627.00 108.00 67,716.00 16.62 10,418.65 8.59 5,383.42 21,960.68 60.23 37,762.75
Daily laborer 2,508.00 2.37 5,935.60 Benzene 0.200 125.40 - - Tamper 250.80 3,762.00
Gang leader 250.80 4.54 1,139.05 Fuel 1.080 677.16 7.95 5,383.42 D. Truck (10m3) 50.79 12,696.75
Sub contractor 3,344.00 1.00 3,344.00 - - Wheel loader CA 8.46 5,501.92
05 Disposal m3 1,148.00 37.00 42,476.00 23.65 27,145.72
Dispo 0.17 192.98 6.68 7,666.34 19,286.40
Daily laborer 55.10 2.37 130.41 0.00 - - Wheel loader CA 13.78 8,954.40
Gang leader 13.78 4.54 62.57 Fuel 0.840 964.32 7.95 7,666.34 D. Truck (10m3) 41.33 10,332.00
Hard 06 25cm thick hardcore m2 567.71 97.00 55,067.87 73.55 41,756.63
core 5.16 2,931.28 24.10 13,683.91 25,141.44
Mason 227.08 8.18 1,856.41 Basaltic stone (m3) 0.310 175.99 77.75 13,683.91 D. Truck (10m3) 100.57 25,141.44
Daily laborer 454.17 2.37 1,074.86 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.00 200.00 - -

3 03 Concrete Work 726,947.29 0.00 - 483,726.92

1 Insitu concrete 0.00
01 C-5 lean concrete, under footing m3 9.94 1,008.00 10,019.52 725.73 7,213.77
Con 5 34.86 346.54 670.87 6,668.42 198.80
Daily laborer 111.33 2.37 263.48 Cement (Qtl) 1.500 14.91 248.74 3,708.70 Mixer-500lit 3.98 198.80
mason 7.95 8.18 65.01 Sand (m3) 0.480 4.77 320.00 1,526.78 -
Gang leader 3.98 4.54 18.06 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.720 7.16 200.00 1,431.36 -
- 0.00 Fuel 0.020 0.20 7.95 1.58 -

2 C-25 Reinforced concrete, sub structure

02 C-25 in Footing m3 51.15 2,059.00 105,317.85 1,345.01 68,797.20
Con 25 76.25 3,900.37 1,223.04 62,558.54 2,338.29
Daily laborer 935.31 2.37 2,213.58 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 184.14 248.74 45,802.82 Mixer-500lit 29.23 1,461.43
Mason 58.46 8.18 477.89 Sand (m3) 0.520 26.60 320.00 8,511.36 Vibrator 58.46 876.86
Gang leader 29.23 4.54 132.75 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 40.41 200.00 8,081.70 -
Carpenter 29.23 9.08 265.49 Fuel 0.400 20.46 7.95 162.66 -
Bar bender 29.23 7.27 212.39 Benzene 0.400 20.46 - - -
Forman 29.23 20.47 598.27 0.00 - - -
03 C-25 in foundation column m3 12.72 2,059.00 26,190.48 1,345.01 17,108.51
Con 25 76.25 969.95 1,223.04 15,557.08 581.49
Daily laborer 232.59 2.37 550.47 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 45.79 248.74 11,390.26 Mixer-500lit 7.27 363.43
Mason 14.54 8.18 118.84 Sand (m3) 0.520 6.61 320.00 2,116.61 Vibrator 14.54 218.06
Gang leader 7.27 4.54 33.01 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 10.05 200.00 2,009.76 -
Carpenter 7.27 9.08 66.02 Fuel 0.400 5.09 7.95 40.45 -
Bar bender 7.27 7.27 52.82 Benzene 0.400 5.09 - - -
Forman 7.27 20.47 148.78 0.00 - - -

Page 28 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
04 C-25 in Grade beam m3 39.40 2,059.00 81,124.60 1,345.01 52,993.34
Con 25 76.25 3,004.39 1,223.04 48,187.81 1,801.14
Daily laborer 720.46 2.37 1,705.08 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 141.84 248.74 35,281.16 Mixer-500lit 22.51 1,125.71
Mason 45.03 8.18 368.11 Sand (m3) 0.520 20.49 320.00 6,556.16 Vibrator 45.03 675.43
Gang leader 22.51 4.54 102.25 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 31.13 200.00 6,225.20 -
Carpenter 22.51 9.08 204.50 Fuel 0.400 15.76 7.95 125.29 -
Bar bender 22.51 7.27 163.60 Benzene 0.400 15.76 - - -
Forman 22.51 20.47 460.84 0.00 - - -
05 C-20 in ground floor slab & steps m3 67.34 1,890.00 127,272.60 1,247.63 84,015.12
Con 25 85.60 5,764.06 1,116.32 75,172.65 3,078.40
Daily laborer 1,231.36 2.37 2,914.22 Cement (Qtl) 3.200 215.49 248.74 53,600.30 Mixer-500lit 38.48 1,924.00
Mason 153.92 8.18 1,258.30 Sand (m3) 0.500 33.67 320.00 10,774.40 Vibrator 76.96 1,154.40
Gang leader 38.48 4.54 174.76 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.800 53.87 200.00 10,774.40 -
Carpenter 38.48 9.08 349.53 Fuel 0.044 2.96 7.95 23.56 -
Bar bender 38.48 7.27 279.62 Benzene 0.044 2.96 - - -
Forman 38.48 20.47 787.64 0.00 - - -

4 Form work, sub structure 0.00

FW 10 To Footing m2 113.64 72.00 8,182.08 28.62 3,252.94 22.60 2,568.26 - 51.23 5,821.21
Carpenter 284.10 9.08 2,580.58 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 59.66 20.00 1,193.22 -
Daily laborer 284.10 2.37 672.37 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 340.92 2.00 681.84 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 170.46 3.00 511.38 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 22.73 8.00 181.82 -
FW 11 To Foundation column m2 146.00 72.00 10,512.00 28.63 4,179.25 22.60 3,299.60 - 51.23 7,478.85
Carpenter 365.00 9.08 3,315.42 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 76.65 20.00 1,533.00 -
Daily laborer 365.00 2.37 863.83 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 438.00 2.00 876.00 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 219.00 3.00 657.00 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 29.20 8.00 233.60 -
FW 12 To grade beam m2 322.20 72.00 23,198.40 28.62 9,222.97 22.60 7,281.72 - 51.23 16,504.70
Carpenter 805.50 9.08 7,316.62 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 169.16 20.00 3,383.10 -
Daily laborer 805.50 2.37 1,906.35 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 966.60 2.00 1,933.20 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 483.30 3.00 1,449.90 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 64.44 8.00 515.52 -

Form work, super structure 0.00

5 Rebar, sub structure 0.00

Rei 16 Diam 8mm kg 3,915.72 23.44 91,784.43 0.58 2,253.09 15.10 59,127.34 - 15.68 61,380.43
Daily laborer 93.23 2.37 220.65 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 8mm 1.050 4,111.50 14.00 57,561.05 -
Bar bender 279.69 7.27 2,032.44 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.020 78.31 20.00 1,566.29 -
Rei 17 Diam 10mm kg 9.38 23.20 217.58 0.58 5.40 14.92 139.93 - 15.50 145.32
Daily laborer 0.22 2.37 0.53 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 10m 1.050 9.85 14.00 137.86 -
Bar bender 0.67 7.27 4.87 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.10 20.00 2.06 -
Rei 27 Diam 12mm kg 955.31 23.20 22,163.20 0.58 549.68 14.92 14,253.23 - 15.50 14,802.91
Daily laborer 22.75 2.37 53.83 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 12mm (kg) 1.050 1,003.08 14.00 14,043.06 -
Bar bender 68.24 7.27 495.85 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 10.51 20.00 210.17 -
Rei 18 Diam 14mm kg 950.94 23.20 22,061.75 0.58 547.17 14.92 14,187.99 - 15.50 14,735.16
Daily laborer 22.64 2.37 53.58 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 14m 1.050 998.48 14.00 13,978.78 -
Bar bender 67.92 7.27 493.58 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 10.46 20.00 209.21 -
Rei 19 Diam 16mm kg 3,082.74 23.20 71,519.60 0.58 1,773.80 14.92 45,994.50 - 15.50 47,768.30
Daily laborer 73.40 2.37 173.71 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 16m 1.050 3,236.88 14.00 45,316.30 -
Bar bender 220.20 7.27 1,600.09 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 33.91 20.00 678.20 -
Rei 22 Diam 20mm kg 5,060.31 23.20 117,399.20 0.58 2,911.69 14.92 75,499.83 - 15.50 78,411.52

Page 29 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Daily laborer 120.48 2.37 285.14 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 20m 1.050 5,313.33 14.00 74,386.56 -
Bar bender 361.45 7.27 2,626.54 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 55.66 20.00 1,113.27 -

Rebar, super structure 0.00

Rei 20 Diam 8mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 8mm 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.020 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 21 Diam 10mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 10m 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 22 Diam 14mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 14m 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 23 Diam 16mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 16m 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -

Concrete ancillaries 0.00

24 Chipwood expansion joint 10mm thick and lm 480.00 20.80 9,984.00 13.65 6,550.59
Con 25 depth 10cm 3.82 1,832.00 9.83 4,718.59 -
Daily laborer 160.00 2.37 378.67 Chipwood, 10mm thick (Pcs) 0.070 33.79 96.00 3,244.03 -
Carpenter 160.00 9.08 1,453.33 Asphalt, AC 180/200 (kg) 0.384 184.32 8.00 1,474.56 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 04 Masonry Work 20,328.00 0.00 14,224.97

01 Concealed from view m3 14.00 930.00 13,020.00 651.63 9,122.81
Maso 88.21 1,234.92 534.25 7,479.56 408.33
Mason 70.00 8.18 572.25 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.330 18.62 77.75 1,447.78 Mixer-350lit 11.67 408.33
Daily laborer 280.00 2.37 662.67 Cement (qtl) 1.323 18.52 248.74 4,607.15 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.318 4.45 320.00 1,424.64 -
02 Exposed to view m3 7.00 1,044.00 7,308.00 728.88 5,102.15
Maso 88.21 617.46 611.50 4,280.53 204.17
Mason 35.00 8.18 286.13 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.400 9.80 77.75 761.99 Mixer-350lit 5.83 204.17
Daily laborer 140.00 2.37 331.33 Cement (qtl) 1.543 10.80 248.74 2,687.50 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.371 2.60 320.00 831.04 -

Page 30 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour

03 Staff resource center G+1

2 02 Excavation & Earthwork 145,751.57 - 100,234.53
Bulk excavation
B Ex 01 Bulk not exceeding 1.5m m3 549.00 25.45 13,972.05 0.32 173.24 1.59 872.91 9,575.48 19.35 10,621.63
Daily laborer 73.20 2.37 173.24 Fuel 0.200 109.80 7.95 872.91 Excavator 18.30 9,575.48
Pit excavation
P Ex 02 Pit not exceeding 1.5m m3 123.84 28.00 3,467.52 0.00 0.35 43.42 1.59 196.91 2,399.97 21.32 2,640.30
Daily laborer 18.35 2.37 43.42 Fuel 0.200 24.77 7.95 196.91 Excavator 4.59 2,399.97
P Ex 02 Pit not exceeding 1.5m m3 41.28 30.00 1,238.40 0.00 0.35 14.47 1.59 65.64 799.99 21.32 880.10
Daily laborer 6.12 2.37 14.47 Fuel 0.200 8.26 7.95 65.64 Excavator 1.53 799.99
Trench Excavation
T Ex 03 Trench not exceeding 1.5m m3 73.14 28.00 2,047.92 0.00 0.35 25.64 1.59 116.29 1,417.43 21.32 1,559.36
Daily laborer 10.84 2.37 25.64 Fuel 0.200 14.63 7.95 116.29 Excavator 2.71 1,417.43

Fill Work
Fill 5 Sellected excavated fill m3 415.63 101.00 41,978.25 16.62 6,906.32 8.59 3,568.57 14,557.31 60.23 25,032.20
Daily laborer 1,662.50 2.37 3,934.59 Benzene 0.200 83.13 - - Tamper 166.25 2,493.76
Gang leader 166.25 4.54 755.05 Fuel 1.080 448.88 7.95 3,568.57 D. Truck (10m3) 33.67 8,416.43
Sub contractor 2,216.67 1.00 2,216.67 - - Wheel loader CA 5.61 3,647.12
05 Disposal m3 787.26 37.00 29,128.62 23.65 18,615.63
Dispo 0.17 132.34 6.68 5,257.32 13,225.97
Daily laborer 37.79 2.37 89.43 0.00 - - Wheel loader CA 9.45 6,140.63
Gang leader 9.45 4.54 42.91 Fuel 0.840 661.30 7.95 5,257.32 D. Truck (10m3) 28.34 7,085.34
Hard 06 25cm thick hardcore m2 555.86 97.00 53,918.81 73.55 40,885.32
core 5.16 2,870.11 24.10 13,398.37 24,616.83
Mason 222.35 8.18 1,817.68 Basaltic stone (m3) 0.310 172.32 77.75 13,398.37 D. Truck (10m3) 98.47 24,616.83
Daily laborer 444.69 2.37 1,052.44 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.00 200.00 - -

3 03 Concrete Work 609,638.35 0.00 - 406,203.24

1 Insitu concrete 0.00
01 C-5 lean concrete, under footing m3 5.24 1,008.00 5,284.41 725.73 3,804.63
Con 5 34.86 182.77 670.87 3,517.01 104.85
Daily laborer 58.72 2.37 138.96 Cement (Qtl) 1.500 7.86 248.74 1,956.01 Mixer-500lit 2.10 104.85
mason 4.19 8.18 34.29 Sand (m3) 0.480 2.52 320.00 805.24 -
Gang leader 2.10 4.54 9.52 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.720 3.77 200.00 754.92 -
- 0.00 Fuel 0.020 0.10 7.95 0.83 -

2 C-25 Reinforced concrete, sub structure

02 C-25 in Footing m3 15.88 2,059.00 32,703.71 1,345.01 21,363.18
Con 25 76.25 1,211.16 1,223.04 19,425.93 726.09
Daily laborer 290.44 2.37 687.37 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 57.18 248.74 14,222.87 Mixer-500lit 9.08 453.81
Mason 18.15 8.18 148.40 Sand (m3) 0.520 8.26 320.00 2,642.98 Vibrator 18.15 272.29
Gang leader 9.08 4.54 41.22 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 12.55 200.00 2,509.56 -
Carpenter 9.08 9.08 82.44 Fuel 0.400 6.35 7.95 50.51 -
Bar bender 9.08 7.27 65.95 Benzene 0.400 6.35 - - -
Forman 9.08 20.47 185.78 0.00 - - -
03 C-25 in foundation column m3 6.30 2,059.00 12,971.70 1,345.01 8,473.55
Con 25 76.25 480.40 1,223.04 7,705.16 288.00
Daily laborer 115.20 2.37 272.64 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 22.68 248.74 5,641.40 Mixer-500lit 3.60 180.00
Mason 7.20 8.18 58.86 Sand (m3) 0.520 3.28 320.00 1,048.32 Vibrator 7.20 108.00
Gang leader 3.60 4.54 16.35 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 4.98 200.00 995.40 -
Carpenter 3.60 9.08 32.70 Fuel 0.400 2.52 7.95 20.03 -
Bar bender 3.60 7.27 26.16 Benzene 0.400 2.52 - - -
Forman 3.60 20.47 73.69 0.00 - - -

Page 31 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
04 C-25 in Grade beam m3 21.68 2,059.00 44,641.18 1,345.01 29,161.13
Con 25 76.25 1,653.25 1,223.04 26,516.75 991.13
Daily laborer 396.45 2.37 938.27 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 78.05 248.74 19,414.49 Mixer-500lit 12.39 619.46
Mason 24.78 8.18 202.56 Sand (m3) 0.520 11.27 320.00 3,607.72 Vibrator 24.78 371.67
Gang leader 12.39 4.54 56.27 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 17.13 200.00 3,425.60 -
Carpenter 12.39 9.08 112.53 Fuel 0.400 8.67 7.95 68.95 -
Bar bender 12.39 7.27 90.03 Benzene 0.400 8.67 - - -
Forman 12.39 20.47 253.59 0.00 - - -
05 C-20 in ground floor slab & steps m3 55.59 1,890.00 105,058.30 1,247.63 69,351.02
Con 25 85.60 4,758.00 1,116.32 62,051.93 2,541.09
Daily laborer 1,016.44 2.37 2,405.57 Cement (Qtl) 3.200 177.88 248.74 44,244.84 Mixer-500lit 31.76 1,588.18
Mason 127.05 8.18 1,038.67 Sand (m3) 0.500 27.79 320.00 8,893.82 Vibrator 63.53 952.91
Gang leader 31.76 4.54 144.26 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.800 44.47 200.00 8,893.82 -
Carpenter 31.76 9.08 288.52 Fuel 0.044 2.45 7.95 19.44 -
Bar bender 31.76 7.27 230.82 Benzene 0.044 2.45 - - -
Forman 31.76 20.47 650.16 0.00 - - -

3 C-25 Reinforced concrete, super structure

4 Form work, sub structure 0.00

FW 10 To Footing m2 41.72 72.00 3,003.55 28.63 1,194.12 22.60 942.78 - 51.23 2,136.90
Carpenter 104.29 9.08 947.30 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 21.90 20.00 438.02 -
Daily laborer 104.29 2.37 246.82 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 125.15 2.00 250.30 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 62.57 3.00 187.72 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 8.34 8.00 66.75 -
FW 11 To Foundation column m2 86.40 72.00 6,220.80 28.63 2,473.20 22.60 1,952.64 - 51.23 4,425.84
Carpenter 216.00 9.08 1,962.00 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 45.36 20.00 907.20 -
Daily laborer 216.00 2.37 511.20 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 259.20 2.00 518.40 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 129.60 3.00 388.80 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 17.28 8.00 138.24 -
FW 12 To grade beam m2 167.69 72.00 12,073.54 28.63 4,800.07 22.60 3,789.75 - 51.22 8,589.82
Carpenter 419.22 9.08 3,807.92 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 88.04 20.00 1,760.72 -
Daily laborer 419.22 2.37 992.15 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 503.06 2.00 1,006.13 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 251.53 3.00 754.60 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 33.54 8.00 268.30 -

Page 32 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Form work, super structure 0.00

5 Rebar, sub structure 0.00

Rei 16 Diam 8mm kg 4,782.65 23.44 112,105.32 0.58 2,751.92 15.10 72,218.02 - 15.68 74,969.94
Daily laborer 113.87 2.37 269.50 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 8mm 1.050 5,021.78 14.00 70,304.96 -
Bar bender 341.62 7.27 2,482.42 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.020 95.65 20.00 1,913.06 -
Rei 17 Diam 10mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 10m 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 27 Diam 12mm kg 1,847.32 23.20 42,857.82 0.58 1,062.94 14.92 27,562.01 - 15.50 28,624.96
Daily laborer 43.98 2.37 104.10 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 12mm (kg) 1.050 1,939.69 14.00 27,155.60 -
Bar bender 131.95 7.27 958.85 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 20.32 20.00 406.41 -
Rei 18 Diam 14mm kg 55.89 23.20 1,296.74 0.58 32.16 14.92 833.94 - 15.50 866.10
Daily laborer 1.33 2.37 3.15 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 14m 1.050 58.69 14.00 821.64 -
Bar bender 3.99 7.27 29.01 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.61 20.00 12.30 -
Rei 19 Diam 16mm kg 594.97 23.20 13,803.30 0.58 342.34 14.92 8,876.95 - 15.50 9,219.30
Daily laborer 14.17 2.37 33.53 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 16m 1.050 624.72 14.00 8,746.06 -
Bar bender 42.50 7.27 308.82 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 6.54 20.00 130.89 -
Rei 22 Diam 20mm kg 8,900.43 23.20 206,489.98 0.58 5,121.28 14.92 132,794.42 - 15.50 137,915.69
Daily laborer 211.92 2.37 501.53 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 20m 1.050 9,345.45 14.00 130,836.32 -
Bar bender 635.75 7.27 4,619.75 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 97.90 20.00 1,958.09 -

Rebar, super structure 0.00

Concrete ancillaries 0.00
24 Chipwood expansion joint 10mm thick and lm 535.00 20.80 11,128.00 13.65 7,301.18
Con 25 depth 10cm 3.82 2,041.92 9.83 5,259.26 -
Daily laborer 178.33 2.37 422.06 Chipwood, 10mm thick (Pcs) 0.070 37.66 96.00 3,615.74 -
Carpenter 178.33 9.08 1,619.86 Asphalt, AC 180/200 (kg) 0.384 205.44 8.00 1,643.52 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 04 Masonry Work 76,549.44 0.00 53,567.16

01 Concealed from view m3 52.72 930.00 49,029.60 651.63 34,353.91
Maso 88.21 4,650.34 534.25 28,165.90 1,537.67
Mason 263.60 8.18 2,154.93 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.330 70.12 77.75 5,451.91 Mixer-350lit 43.93 1,537.67
Daily laborer 1,054.40 2.37 2,495.41 Cement (qtl) 1.323 69.75 248.74 17,349.20 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.318 16.76 320.00 5,364.79 -
02 Exposed to view m3 26.36 1,044.00 27,519.84 728.88 19,213.26
Maso 88.21 2,325.17 611.50 16,119.25 768.83
Mason 131.80 8.18 1,077.47 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.400 36.90 77.75 2,869.43 Mixer-350lit 21.97 768.83
Daily laborer 527.20 2.37 1,247.71 Cement (qtl) 1.543 40.69 248.74 10,120.36 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.371 9.78 320.00 3,129.46 -

Page 33 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour

04 Staff resource Gust House

2 02 Excavation & Earthwork 123,702.67 - 83,124.50
Bulk excavation
B Ex 01 Bulk not exceeding 1.5m m3 392.07 25.45 9,978.12 0.32 123.72 1.59 623.39 6,838.31 19.35 7,585.42
Daily laborer 52.28 2.37 123.72 Fuel 0.200 78.41 7.95 623.39 Excavator 13.07 6,838.31
Pit excavation
P Ex 02 Pit not exceeding 1.5m m3 74.25 28.00 2,079.00 0.00 0.35 26.03 1.59 118.06 1,438.94 21.32 1,583.03
Daily laborer 11.00 2.37 26.03 Fuel 0.200 14.85 7.95 118.06 Excavator 2.75 1,438.94
P Ex 02 Pit not exceeding 1.5m m3 39.60 30.00 1,188.00 0.00 0.35 13.88 1.59 62.96 767.43 21.32 844.28
Daily laborer 5.87 2.37 13.88 Fuel 0.200 7.92 7.95 62.96 Excavator 1.47 767.43
Trench Excavation
T Ex 03 Trench not exceeding 1.5m m3 68.10 28.00 1,906.80 0.00 0.35 23.88 1.59 108.28 1,319.75 21.32 1,451.91
Daily laborer 10.09 2.37 23.88 Fuel 0.200 13.62 7.95 108.28 Excavator 2.52 1,319.75

Fill Work
Fill 5 Sellected excavated fill m3 374.78 108.00 40,476.38 16.62 6,227.62 8.59 3,217.87 13,126.71 60.23 22,572.20
Daily laborer 1,499.13 2.37 3,547.93 Benzene 0.200 74.96 - - Tamper 149.91 2,248.69
Gang leader 149.91 4.54 680.85 Fuel 1.080 404.76 7.95 3,217.87 D. Truck (10m3) 30.36 7,589.32
Sub contractor 1,998.83 1.00 1,998.83 - - Wheel loader CA 5.06 3,288.71
05 Disposal m3 574.02 37.00 21,238.65 23.65 13,573.28
Dispo 0.17 96.49 6.68 3,833.29 9,643.49
Daily laborer 27.55 2.37 65.21 0.00 - - Wheel loader CA 6.89 4,477.34
Gang leader 6.89 4.54 31.28 Fuel 0.840 482.17 7.95 3,833.29 D. Truck (10m3) 20.66 5,166.16
Hard 06 25cm thick hardcore m2 482.84 97.00 46,835.72 73.55 35,514.39
core 5.16 2,493.08 24.10 11,638.29 21,383.02
Mason 193.14 8.18 1,578.89 Basaltic stone (m3) 0.310 149.68 77.75 11,638.29 D. Truck (10m3) 85.53 21,383.02
Daily laborer 386.27 2.37 914.18 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.00 200.00 - -

3 03 Concrete Work 306,198.96 0.00 - 203,881.94

1 Insitu concrete 0.00
01 C-5 lean concrete, under footing m3 6.22 1,008.00 6,271.27 725.73 4,515.14
Con 5 34.86 216.90 670.87 4,173.80 124.43
Daily laborer 69.68 2.37 164.91 Cement (Qtl) 1.500 9.33 248.74 2,321.30 Mixer-500lit 2.49 124.43
mason 4.98 8.18 40.69 Sand (m3) 0.480 2.99 320.00 955.62 -
Gang leader 2.49 4.54 11.30 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.720 4.48 200.00 895.90 -
- 0.00 Fuel 0.020 0.12 7.95 0.99 -

2 C-25 Reinforced concrete, sub structure

02 C-25 in Footing m3 5.50 2,059.00 11,324.50 1,345.01 7,397.55
Con 25 76.25 419.39 1,223.04 6,726.72 251.43
Daily laborer 100.57 2.37 238.02 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 19.80 248.74 4,925.03 Mixer-500lit 3.14 157.14
Mason 6.29 8.18 51.39 Sand (m3) 0.520 2.86 320.00 915.20 Vibrator 6.29 94.29
Gang leader 3.14 4.54 14.27 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 4.35 200.00 869.00 -
Carpenter 3.14 9.08 28.55 Fuel 0.400 2.20 7.95 17.49 -
Bar bender 3.14 7.27 22.84 Benzene 0.400 2.20 - - -
Forman 3.14 20.47 64.33 0.00 - - -
03 C-25 in foundation column m3 2.82 2,059.00 5,803.81 1,345.01 3,791.24
Con 25 76.25 214.94 1,223.04 3,447.45 128.86
Daily laborer 51.54 2.37 121.98 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 10.15 248.74 2,524.08 Mixer-500lit 1.61 80.54
Mason 3.22 8.18 26.34 Sand (m3) 0.520 1.47 320.00 469.04 Vibrator 3.22 48.32
Gang leader 1.61 4.54 7.32 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 2.23 200.00 445.36 -
Carpenter 1.61 9.08 14.63 Fuel 0.400 1.13 7.95 8.96 -
Bar bender 1.61 7.27 11.70 Benzene 0.400 1.13 - - -
Forman 1.61 20.47 32.97 0.00 - - -
04 C-25 in Grade beam m3 23.60 2,059.00 48,590.34 1,345.01 31,740.86
Con 25 76.25 1,799.51 1,223.04 28,862.54 1,078.81

Page 34 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Daily laborer 431.52 2.37 1,021.27 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 84.96 248.74 21,131.98 Mixer-500lit 13.49 674.26
Mason 26.97 8.18 220.48 Sand (m3) 0.520 12.27 320.00 3,926.87 Vibrator 26.97 404.55
Gang leader 13.49 4.54 61.25 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 18.64 200.00 3,728.64 -
Carpenter 13.49 9.08 122.49 Fuel 0.400 9.44 7.95 75.04 -
Bar bender 13.49 7.27 97.99 Benzene 0.400 9.44 - - -
Forman 13.49 20.47 276.02 0.00 - - -
05 C-20 in ground floor slab & steps m3 48.28 1,890.00 91,257.23 1,247.63 60,240.67
Con 25 85.60 4,132.96 1,116.32 53,900.43 2,207.28
Daily laborer 882.91 2.37 2,089.56 Cement (Qtl) 3.200 154.51 248.74 38,432.58 Mixer-500lit 27.59 1,379.55
Mason 110.36 8.18 902.23 Sand (m3) 0.500 24.14 320.00 7,725.48 Vibrator 55.18 827.73
Gang leader 27.59 4.54 125.31 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.800 38.63 200.00 7,725.48 -
Carpenter 27.59 9.08 250.62 Fuel 0.044 2.12 7.95 16.89 -
Bar bender 27.59 7.27 200.49 Benzene 0.044 2.12 - - -
Forman 27.59 20.47 564.75 0.00 - - -

3 C-25 Reinforced concrete, super structure

4 Form work, sub structure 0.00

FW 10 To Footing m2 22.00 72.00 1,584.00 28.63 629.75 22.60 497.20 - 51.23 1,126.95
Carpenter 55.00 9.08 499.58 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 11.55 20.00 231.00 -
Daily laborer 55.00 2.37 130.17 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 66.00 2.00 132.00 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 33.00 3.00 99.00 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 4.40 8.00 35.20 -
FW 11 To Foundation column m2 45.10 72.00 3,247.20 28.63 1,290.99 22.60 1,019.26 - 51.23 2,310.25
Carpenter 112.75 9.08 1,024.15 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 23.68 20.00 473.55 -
Daily laborer 112.75 2.37 266.84 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 135.30 2.00 270.60 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 67.65 3.00 202.95 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 9.02 8.00 72.16 -
FW 12 To grade beam m2 163.95 72.00 11,804.26 28.63 4,693.01 22.60 3,705.22 - 51.23 8,398.24
Carpenter 409.87 9.08 3,722.99 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 86.07 20.00 1,721.45 -
Daily laborer 409.87 2.37 970.03 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 491.84 2.00 983.69 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 245.92 3.00 737.77 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 32.79 8.00 262.32 -

Form work, super structure 0.00

5 Rebar, sub structure 0.00

Rei 16 Diam 8mm kg 2,943.65 23.44 68,999.17 0.58 1,693.77 15.10 44,449.13 - 15.68 46,142.89
Daily laborer 70.09 2.37 165.87 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 8mm 1.050 3,090.83 14.00 43,271.66 -
Bar bender 210.26 7.27 1,527.89 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.020 58.87 20.00 1,177.46 -
Rei 17 Diam 10mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 10m 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 27 Diam 12mm kg 220.37 23.20 5,112.49 0.58 126.80 14.92 3,287.86 - 15.50 3,414.66
Daily laborer 5.25 2.37 12.42 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 12mm (kg) 1.050 231.38 14.00 3,239.38 -
Bar bender 15.74 7.27 114.38 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 2.42 20.00 48.48 -
Rei 18 Diam 14mm kg 408.21 23.20 9,470.41 0.58 234.88 14.92 6,090.45 - 15.50 6,325.34
Daily laborer 9.72 2.37 23.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 14m 1.050 428.62 14.00 6,000.65 -
Bar bender 29.16 7.27 211.88 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 4.49 20.00 89.81 -
Rei 19 Diam 16mm kg 1,607.10 23.20 37,284.68 0.58 924.72 14.92 23,977.91 - 15.50 24,902.63
Daily laborer 38.26 2.37 90.56 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 16m 1.050 1,687.45 14.00 23,624.35 -
Bar bender 114.79 7.27 834.16 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 17.68 20.00 353.56 -
Rei 22 Diam 20mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 20m 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -

Concrete ancillaries 0.00

24 Chipwood expansion joint 10mm thick and lm 262.00 20.80 5,449.60 13.65 3,575.53
Con 25 depth 10cm 3.82 999.97 9.83 2,575.56 -
Daily laborer 87.33 2.37 206.69 Chipwood, 10mm thick (Pcs) 0.070 18.44 96.00 1,770.70 -
Carpenter 87.33 9.08 793.28 Asphalt, AC 180/200 (kg) 0.384 100.61 8.00 804.86 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 04 Masonry Work 94,387.26 0.00 66,049.57

Page 35 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
01 Concealed from view m3 65.01 930.00 60,454.65 651.63 42,359.17
Maso 88.21 5,733.98 534.25 34,729.21 1,895.98
Mason 325.03 8.18 2,657.08 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.330 86.46 77.75 6,722.34 Mixer-350lit 54.17 1,895.98
Daily laborer 1,300.10 2.37 3,076.90 Cement (qtl) 1.323 86.00 248.74 21,391.97 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.318 20.67 320.00 6,614.91 -
02 Exposed to view m3 32.50 1,044.00 33,932.61 728.88 23,690.40
Maso 88.21 2,866.99 611.50 19,875.42 947.99
Mason 162.51 8.18 1,328.54 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.400 45.50 77.75 3,538.07 Mixer-350lit 27.09 947.99
Daily laborer 650.05 2.37 1,538.45 Cement (qtl) 1.543 50.17 248.74 12,478.65 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.371 12.06 320.00 3,858.70 -

4 Block work, class B 0.00

HCB 03 HCB wall 20cm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #N/A #N/A - -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 0.00 13.000 0.00 #N/A #N/A Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.070 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.020 0.00 320.00 - -
HCB 04 HCB wall 10cm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 HCB, 10cm (pcs) 13.000 0.00 8.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.020 0.00 320.00 - -

4 05 Roof works and water proofing 0.00 0.00 0.00

Roof 01 APP modified, 4mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
- 0.00 Bitumenous membrane water proofing ( 1.050 0.00 180.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 02 cementiciouse water proofing m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
- 0.00 Bitumenous membrane water proofing ( 1.050 0.00 180.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 06 Roof works 0.00 0.00 0.00

Roof 01 Pre painted EGA-500, 0.4mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #N/A #N/A - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 0.00 1.100 0.00 #N/A #N/A -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 8.000 0.00 #N/A #N/A -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 03 0.4mm thick 33cm girth ridge cap lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 0.550 0.00 80.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.010 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 04 0.4mm thick 33cm girth flashing lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 0.550 0.00 80.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.010 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 07 Carpentry and Joinery 0.00 0.00 0.00

car 01 Eucalyptus truss dia 10cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 1.100 0.00 2.00 - 0.00 -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Iron band 0.200 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.100 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 Anti termite (lit) 0.100 0.00 110.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 02 Eucalyptus truss dia 8cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.100 0.00 3.00 - 0.00 -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Iron band 0.200 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.100 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 Anti termite (lit) 0.100 0.00 110.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 03 Purlin, 5x7cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Sawn Eucalyptus purlin 70 x 50 mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 12.00 - 0.00 -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Iron band 0.050 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.050 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 Anti termite (lit) 0.050 0.00 110.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
04 8mm thick chipwood ceilling m2 0.00 0.00 -
Con 25 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 1.050 0.00 - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 0.384 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

5 10 Metal work 0.00 0.00 0.00

LTZ 38mm
car 01 Type W1, Size:1750X800mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 1.400 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 1.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 02 Type W2, Size: 3750 x800mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 3.000 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 03 Type W3, Size: 1750x1600mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 2.800 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 2.800 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 04 Type W4, Size: 1750x2550mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 4.462 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 4.462 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 05 Type W5, Size: 3800 x1900mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 7.220 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 7.220 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 06 Type W6, Size: 3750 x1600mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 6.000 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 6.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

car 07 Type WD1 Size: (2850 No 0.00 0.00 -
X1550)+(900X2550)mm #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 6.713 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 08 Type WD2, Size: 3750 x2550mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 9.563 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -

Page 36 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 09 Type D1, Size: 700X2100 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 1.470 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 10 Type D2, Size: 900X2100 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 1.890 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Corner protection
car 24 Angle iron size 30x30x3mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Angle Iron (kg) 1.413 0.00 18.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

11 11 Finishing - 0.00 - - -
11.1 11.1 Plastering & pointing 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00
Plast 01 Two coats to HCB wall, Internal m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
02 Two coats to Concrete vertical surface m2 0.00 0.00 -
Plast #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00
Plast 03 Two coats to soffit m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Plast 04 Two coats to HCB wall, External m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 -
05 Two coats to Concrete vertical surface, m2 0.00 0.00 -
Plast external #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 -
Plast 06 Fine coat cement plaster to vertical surface m2 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.022 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.005 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
07 Fine coat cement plaster to external surface m2 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.022 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.005 0.00 320.00 - -

Plast 08 Fine coat cement plaster to soffit m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.022 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.005 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Plast 09 Pointing Roughly dressed stone wall m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

11.1 11.1 floor finish 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

ff 01 Marble chips m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.154 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.037 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble chips, white (m3) 1.020 0.00 250.00 - -
ff 02 Marble skirting lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.005 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.001 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble, 2cm thick white (m2) 0.110 0.00 392.14 - -
ff 03 Non slipery ceramic floor tile m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.198 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.048 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Non slippery ceramic floor tile (m2) 1.020 0.00 172.17 - -
ff 04 ceramic wall tile, 6mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.011 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Ceramic wall tile, 6mm thick (m2) 1.020 0.00 175.00 - -
Plast 05 48mm thick cement screed m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.265 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.064 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00
ff 06 PVC Floor tile m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 PVC tile (m2) 1.050 0.00 90.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Adhesive, for tile (kg) 0.400 0.00 42.50 - -
Cement (qtl) 0.00
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
ff 07 PVC Skirting lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 PVC Skirting, 10cm high (m) 1.050 0.00 10.75 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Adhesive, for tile (kg) 0.050 0.00 42.50 - -
08 Terrazzo copping, 3x20cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.011 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Terrazzo copping, 23x3cm thick (ml) 1.020 0.00 56.00 - -
09 Marble sill, shaped & throated 3x28cm lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.176 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.042 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble, 33x3cm thick (ml) 1.020 0.00 143.55 - -
10 Concrete pavement, c-20 m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.256 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.040 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.064 0.00 200.00 - -
- 0.00 red ash (m3) 0.150 0.00 80.00 - -
- 0.00 Concrete pipe, 1/2 dia. 300mm (m) 1.000 0.00 23.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

12 12 Painting 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

Plast 01 Three coats of plastic paint to internal wall m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Stuco (kg) 0.200 0.00 4.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Glue, Animal (kg) 0.200 0.00 3.00 -

Page 37 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
- 0.00 Plastic paint (gal) 0.077 0.00 90.00 - -

Plast 02 To plastered soffit m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Stuco (kg) 0.200 0.00 4.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Glue, Animal (kg) 0.200 0.00 3.00 -
- 0.00 Plastic paint (gal) 0.077 0.00 90.00 - -

Plast 03 To Chipwood ceiling m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Stuco (kg) 0.200 0.00 4.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Glue, Animal (kg) 0.200 0.00 3.00 -
- 0.00 Plastic paint (gal) 0.077 0.00 90.00 - -

Plast 04 Quartz paint m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Quartz wall finish (m2) 1.010 0.00 75.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

13 13 Glazing 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

Plast 01 4mm thick clear glass m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Glazier 0.00 10.90 0.00 Glass CLEAR, 4mm (m2) 1.100 0.00 115.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Putty glass (kg) 1.000 0.00 8.00 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Plast 02 6mm thick clear glass m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Glazier 0.00 10.90 0.00 Glass, Figured 6mm thick (m2) 1.100 0.00 250.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Putty glass (kg) 1.000 0.00 8.00 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

15 15 Sanitary Installation 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

Fix 3 Fixture
- 0.00 - - -
fix 01 Turkish type WC BS 5503 No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 WC, turkish (pcs) 1.000 0.00 650.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.120 0.00 248.74 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.020 0.00 320.00 - -
fix 02 Shower try No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Shower try, enameled heavy gauge steel 7 1.000 0.00 365.22 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 03 HWB, 500x405mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 HWB, 500x405mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 750.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 04 Double bowl stainless steel kichen sink No. 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Kitchen sink, 1200x600mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 750.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 05 6kg Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Fire extingusher 6kg (pcs) 1.000 0.00 600.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 06 Soap holder No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Soap holder, tabor complete (pcs) 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 07 Toilet paper holder No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Toilet paper holder, tabor (pcs) 1.000 0.00 48.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 08 Towel hanger No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Towel hanger, Chrome plated steel (pcs) 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
mir 09 Crystal glass mirror No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Crystal glass mirror (pcs) 1.000 0.00 150.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

- 0.00 - - -
GS 10 PPR Pipe diam 20mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 20mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 35.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 11 PPR Pipe diam 25mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 25mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 57.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 12 PPR Pipe diam 32mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 32mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 75.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 13 PPR Pipe diam 40mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 40mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 100.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -

GV 2 Gate valve
- 0.00 - - -
GV 14 Bronze gate valve, diam 15mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, bronze PN16 diam. 25mm (pc 1.050 0.00 156.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow diam 15mm ( 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
GV 15 Bronze gate valve, diam 20mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, Bronze diam 20mm (pcs) 1.050 0.00 130.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow diam 15mm ( 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
GV 16 Bronze gate valve, diam 32mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, Bronze diam 32mm (pcs) 1.050 0.00 340.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow diam 15mm ( 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
PVC 17 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 50mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 50mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 7.52 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 18 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 80mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 80mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 11.52 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 19 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 100mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 100mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 25.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 20 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 150mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 150mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 45.43 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -

Page 38 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 21 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 300mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 300mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 45.43 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 22 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 100mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 100mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 25.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 23 uPVC vent cap diam 100mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 100mm (ml) 6.000 0.00 25.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
0.250 0.00 - -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 24 uPVC down Pipe diam 100mm, PN 16 m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC Pipe, PN 16 Ø 100mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 56.55 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC accessory, Diam110mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 35.00 - -
UV reflctive oil paint (gal) 0.02 0.00 160.00 -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 25 G-28 sheet metal gutter, dev length55cm lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 0.750 0.00 80.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Gutter holder strip, 15x3mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 10.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

16 16 Electrical installation 0.00

- 0.00 - - - 0.00
Bord 01 Distribution board, floor mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
27360 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 27,360.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.405 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.058 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.088 0.00 200.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 02 Distribution board, floor mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
4600 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 4,600.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Point 03 Light point fed through 2x2.5mm2 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 6.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Connector, diam 7mm (pcs) 6.000 0.00 0.66 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 15.000 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 2.000 0.00 0.75 - -

Switches with detachable frames

Swi 04 Single pole nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Switch, single pole 10A (pcs) 1.000 0.00 32.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 05 Double pole nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Double pole switch, flush mounted 10A L 1.000 0.00 50.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 06 Two way nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Two way switch, flush mounted 10A Legr 1.000 0.00 51.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 07 Triple nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Triple pole switch, flush mounted 10A Le 1.000 0.00 124.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Soc 08 Socket outlet 3x2.5mm2 wire nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 09 Dittobut for bed area nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 10 Ditto but for TV points nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
` Soc 11 Ditto but for Hand dryer nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
12 Socket outlet 3x2.5mm2 wire for twin socket nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 19mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 30.400 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Extra over sockets with detachable frame

Soc 13 16A, 1ph nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Socket outlet, Flush mounted twin 16A, 1.100 0.00 70.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 14 16A, 1ph twin nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Socket outlet, twin Floor socket 16A, 2p 1.100 0.00 80.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 15 16A, 1ph for hand dryer nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Socket outlet, twin Floor socket 16A, 2p 1.100 0.00 80.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
fix 16 Automatic hand dryer No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Automatic hand dryer (pcs) 1.000 0.00 3,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Power points

Page 39 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
17 Lamp Wall mounting compact flourecent nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc 1x13watts #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp,compact fluorescent 1x13 watts lum 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
18 Lamp Ceiling mounting flourecent 1x36 watts nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc Direct ligth #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent withpolycarbonate steel 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
19 Lamp Ceiling mounting compact florecent nr 0.00 0.00 -
1x18watts optical Direct ligth
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp,compact fluorescent with direct ligh 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
20 Lamp wallmounting compact florecent nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc 1x11watts #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, compact fluorescent 1x11 watts, 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
21 Lamp wallmounting florecent 2x18watts nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc closed louver high glossy #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
22 Lamp wallmounting florecent 4x18watts closed nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc louver high glossy #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver med 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
23 Lamp pole mounting compact florecent nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc 1x18watts opal direct llight #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp,compact fluorescent pole mounted 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
24 Lamp ceiling mounting flourecent 4x18watts nr 0.00 0.00 -
oclosed louver medium glossy
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver med 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
25 Power cable 2x4 mm2, including PVC conduit lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 CABLE, 2x4sqmm (ml) 1.100 0.00 12.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, lag (pcs) 1.000 0.00 15.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 29mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 9.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
26 Power cable 5x6 mm2, including PVC conduit lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 CABLE, 5x6sqmm (ml) 1.100 0.00 50.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, lag (pcs) 1.000 0.00 15.00 - -
- 0.00 Conduit diam Ø 36 mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 10.66 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 27 RJ-45 telephone outlet type CAT - 6 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 1.000 0.00 850.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Data cable, UTP cat 5e (ml) 8.000 0.00 1.90 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 28 RJ-45 telephone outlet type CAT - 6 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 1.000 0.00 70.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 29 12 port patch pannel nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Patch pannel. 12 port (pcs) 1.000 0.00 12,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
30 PVC Manhole, 50x50x80cm Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC manhole (pcs) 1.100 0.00 2,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 1.100 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

PVC Pipe
31 PVC Pipe power outlet, diam 50mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 PVC Pipe, Diam 50mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 20.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
32 PVC Pipe power outlet, diam 29mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 29mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 9.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Telephone system
Soc 33 Tele point nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 74213 category 5E (p 0.00 70.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 19mm (ml) 30.000 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Cable, catagory 5E UPT (m) 35.000 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 34 Tele outlet Twin moudule RJ11 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 RJ 11 TWIN OUTLET (PCS) 4.000 0.00 15.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 36 MATV head with amplifier nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 MATV head and amplifier (pcs) 1.000 0.00 12,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 37 TV Point nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 TV cable (ml) 50.000 0.00 4.50 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 40 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Bell System
Point 38 Bell point fed through 2x1mm2 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 13mm (ml) 6.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Connector, diam 7mm (pcs) 6.000 0.00 0.66 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor (ml) 15.000 0.00 3.32 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 2.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Swi 39 Push button nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Push butten,with bell symbols (pcs) 1.000 0.00 4,520.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Soc 40 Digital Complete Bell nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Bell with transformer of 220/12v, 25VA ( 1.000 0.00 230.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Soc 41 Sign light EXIT Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 42 Sirn light ENTERANCE Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 43 Sign light LADIES TOILET Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 44 Sign light GENTLEMEN TOILET Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
45 Emergency lighting system LED illuminated Pcs 0.00 0.00 -
Soc with 1hr backup battery #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Emergency lighting, LED 1.000 0.00 1,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
46 1 x16 bare copper m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Bare copper wire, 1x16mm2 (ml) 1.050 0.00 16.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
47 Diam 16mm and 2400mm long copper rod m 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Low voltage earthing system copper ro 1.050 0.00 1,800.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
PVC Manhole, 50x50x80cm Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC manhole (pcs) 1.100 0.00 2,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 1.100 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Wire less microphone, cliptype, with Pcs 0.00 0.00 -
Soc transmitter and reciever #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Amplifier, Philips 60w table top mixing am 1.000 0.00 18,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc Table mounted microphone Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 TABLE STAND DYNAMIC MICRAPHON 1.000 0.00 2,168.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Wire less hand held microphone with Pcs 0.00 0.00 -
Soc transmitter #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Microphone, Philips LBB 2900/15 hand he 1.000 0.00 2,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc Cabling Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 120.000 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

05 Staff resource Class room

2 02 Excavation & Earthwork 135,596.53 - 93,056.59
Bulk excavation
B Ex 01 Bulk not exceeding 1.5m m3 392.07 25.45 9,978.12 0.32 123.72 1.59 623.39 6,838.31 19.35 7,585.42
Daily laborer 52.28 2.37 123.72 Fuel 0.200 78.41 7.95 623.39 Excavator 13.07 6,838.31
Pit excavation
P Ex 02 Pit not exceeding 1.5m m3 123.84 28.00 3,467.52 0.00 0.35 43.42 1.59 196.91 2,399.97 21.32 2,640.30
Daily laborer 18.35 2.37 43.42 Fuel 0.200 24.77 7.95 196.91 Excavator 4.59 2,399.97
P Ex 02 Pit not exceeding 1.5m m3 41.28 30.00 1,238.40 0.00 0.35 14.47 1.59 65.64 799.99 21.32 880.10
Daily laborer 6.12 2.37 14.47 Fuel 0.200 8.26 7.95 65.64 Excavator 1.53 799.99
Trench Excavation
T Ex 03 Trench not exceeding 1.5m m3 36.57 28.00 1,023.96 0.00 0.35 12.82 1.59 58.15 708.71 21.32 779.68
Daily laborer 5.42 2.37 12.82 Fuel 0.200 7.31 7.95 58.15 Excavator 1.35 708.71

Fill Work
Fill 5 Sellected excavated fill m3 433.91 101.00 43,825.03 16.62 7,210.16 8.59 3,725.56 15,197.74 60.23 26,133.46
Daily laborer 1,735.64 2.37 4,107.69 Benzene 0.200 86.78 - - Tamper 173.56 2,603.47
Gang leader 173.56 4.54 788.27 Fuel 1.080 468.62 7.95 3,725.56 D. Truck (10m3) 35.15 8,786.70
Sub contractor 2,314.19 1.00 2,314.19 - - Wheel loader CA 5.86 3,807.57
Fill 6 Sellected borrowed fill m3 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Benzene 0.200 0.00 - - Tamper 0.00 -
Gang leader 0.00 4.54 0.00 Fuel #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 7.95 #DIV/0! D. Truck (10m3) 0.00 -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 - - Wheel loader CA 0.00 -
Fill 5 fertile Soil m3 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Benzene 0.200 0.00 - - Tamper 0.00 -
Gang leader 0.00 4.54 0.00 Fuel #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 7.95 #DIV/0! D. Truck (10m3) 0.00 -

Page 41 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 - - Wheel loader CA 0.00 -
05 Disposal m3 598.51 37.00 22,144.69 23.65 14,152.31
Dispo 0.17 100.61 6.68 3,996.82 10,054.88
Daily laborer 28.73 2.37 67.99 0.00 - - Wheel loader CA 7.18 4,668.34
Gang leader 7.18 4.54 32.62 Fuel 0.840 502.74 7.95 3,996.82 D. Truck (10m3) 21.55 5,386.55
Hard 06 25cm thick hardcore m2 555.86 97.00 53,918.81 73.55 40,885.32
core 5.16 2,870.11 24.10 13,398.37 24,616.83
Mason 222.35 8.18 1,817.68 Basaltic stone (m3) 0.310 172.32 77.75 13,398.37 D. Truck (10m3) 98.47 24,616.83
Daily laborer 444.69 2.37 1,052.44 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.00 200.00 - -

3 03 Concrete Work 543,458.47 0.00 - 359,707.41

1 Insitu concrete 0.00
01 C-5 lean concrete, under footing m3 5.24 1,008.00 5,284.41 725.73 3,804.63
Con 5 34.86 182.77 670.87 3,517.01 104.85
Daily laborer 58.72 2.37 138.96 Cement (Qtl) 1.500 7.86 248.74 1,956.01 Mixer-500lit 2.10 104.85
mason 4.19 8.18 34.29 Sand (m3) 0.480 2.52 320.00 805.24 -
Gang leader 2.10 4.54 9.52 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.720 3.77 200.00 754.92 -
- 0.00 Fuel 0.020 0.10 7.95 0.83 -

2 C-25 Reinforced concrete, sub structure

02 C-25 in Footing m3 15.88 2,056.00 32,656.06 1,345.01 21,363.18
Con 25 76.25 1,211.16 1,223.04 19,425.93 726.09
Daily laborer 290.44 2.37 687.37 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 57.18 248.74 14,222.87 Mixer-500lit 9.08 453.81
Mason 18.15 8.18 148.40 Sand (m3) 0.520 8.26 320.00 2,642.98 Vibrator 18.15 272.29
Gang leader 9.08 4.54 41.22 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 12.55 200.00 2,509.56 -
Carpenter 9.08 9.08 82.44 Fuel 0.400 6.35 7.95 50.51 -
Bar bender 9.08 7.27 65.95 Benzene 0.400 6.35 - - -
Forman 9.08 20.47 185.78 0.00 - - -
03 C-25 in foundation column m3 6.30 2,059.00 12,971.70 1,345.01 8,473.55
Con 25 76.25 480.40 1,223.04 7,705.16 288.00
Daily laborer 115.20 2.37 272.64 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 22.68 248.74 5,641.40 Mixer-500lit 3.60 180.00
Mason 7.20 8.18 58.86 Sand (m3) 0.520 3.28 320.00 1,048.32 Vibrator 7.20 108.00
Gang leader 3.60 4.54 16.35 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 4.98 200.00 995.40 -
Carpenter 3.60 9.08 32.70 Fuel 0.400 2.52 7.95 20.03 -
Bar bender 3.60 7.27 26.16 Benzene 0.400 2.52 - - -
Forman 3.60 20.47 73.69 0.00 - - -
04 C-25 in Grade beam m3 21.68 2,059.00 44,641.18 1,345.01 29,161.13
Con 25 76.25 1,653.25 1,223.04 26,516.75 991.13
Daily laborer 396.45 2.37 938.27 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 78.05 248.74 19,414.49 Mixer-500lit 12.39 619.46
Mason 24.78 8.18 202.56 Sand (m3) 0.520 11.27 320.00 3,607.72 Vibrator 24.78 371.67
Gang leader 12.39 4.54 56.27 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 17.13 200.00 3,425.60 -
Carpenter 12.39 9.08 112.53 Fuel 0.400 8.67 7.95 68.95 -
Bar bender 12.39 7.27 90.03 Benzene 0.400 8.67 - - -
Forman 12.39 20.47 253.59 0.00 - - -
05 C-20 in ground floor slab & steps m3 55.59 1,890.00 105,058.30 1,247.63 69,351.02
Con 25 85.60 4,758.00 1,116.32 62,051.93 2,541.09
Daily laborer 1,016.44 2.37 2,405.57 Cement (Qtl) 3.200 177.88 248.74 44,244.84 Mixer-500lit 31.76 1,588.18
Mason 127.05 8.18 1,038.67 Sand (m3) 0.500 27.79 320.00 8,893.82 Vibrator 63.53 952.91
Gang leader 31.76 4.54 144.26 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.800 44.47 200.00 8,893.82 -
Carpenter 31.76 9.08 288.52 Fuel 0.044 2.45 7.95 19.44 -
Bar bender 31.76 7.27 230.82 Benzene 0.044 2.45 - - -
Forman 31.76 20.47 650.16 0.00 - - -

3 C-25 Reinforced concrete, super structure

06 C-25 in elevation column m3 0.00 0.00 -
Con 30 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-500lit 0.00 -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.520 0.00 320.00 - Vibrator 0.00 -
Gang leader 0.00 4.54 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 0.00 200.00 - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Fuel 0.400 0.00 7.95 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Benzene 0.400 0.00 - - -
Forman 0.00 20.47 0.00 0.00 - - -
07 C-25 in beams & lintels m3 0.00 0.00 -
Con 25 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-500lit 0.00 -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.520 0.00 320.00 - Vibrator 0.00 -
Gang leader 0.00 4.54 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 0.00 200.00 - Electrical winch 0.00 -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Fuel 0.400 0.00 7.95 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Benzene 0.400 0.00 - - -
Forman 0.00 20.47 0.00 0.00 - - -
08 C-25 in suspended slabs m3 0.00 0.00 -
Con 25 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-500lit 0.00 -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.520 0.00 320.00 - Vibrator 0.00 -
Gang leader 0.00 4.54 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 0.00 200.00 - Electrical winch 0.00 -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Fuel 0.400 0.00 7.95 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Benzene 0.400 0.00 - - -
Forman 0.00 20.47 0.00 0.00 - - -
09 Water tight concrete including diam 4mm m2 0.00 0.00 -
Con 25 rebar #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
0.15 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (Qtl) 0.576 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-500lit 0.00 -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.083 0.00 320.00 - Vibrator 0.00 -
Gang leader 0.00 4.54 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.126 0.00 200.00 - Electrical winch 0.00 -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 4mm 1.381 0.00 20.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.028 0.00 20.00 - -
Forman 0.00 20.47 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 Form work, sub structure 0.00

FW 10 To Footing m2 41.72 84.00 3,504.14 28.63 1,194.12 22.60 942.78 - 51.23 2,136.90
Carpenter 104.29 9.08 947.30 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 21.90 20.00 438.02 -
Daily laborer 104.29 2.37 246.82 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 125.15 2.00 250.30 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 62.57 3.00 187.72 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 8.34 8.00 66.75 -
FW 11 To Foundation column m2 86.40 84.00 7,257.60 28.63 2,473.20 22.60 1,952.64 - 51.23 4,425.84
Carpenter 216.00 9.08 1,962.00 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 45.36 20.00 907.20 -
Daily laborer 216.00 2.37 511.20 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 259.20 2.00 518.40 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 129.60 3.00 388.80 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 17.28 8.00 138.24 -
FW 12 To grade beam m2 167.69 84.00 14,085.79 28.63 4,800.07 22.60 3,789.75 - 51.22 8,589.82
Carpenter 419.22 9.08 3,807.92 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 88.04 20.00 1,760.72 -
Daily laborer 419.22 2.37 992.15 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -

Page 42 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 503.06 2.00 1,006.13 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 251.53 3.00 754.60 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 33.54 8.00 268.30 -

Form work, super structure 0.00

13 13 To elevation column m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 0.00 20.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 0.00 2.00 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 0.00 8.00 - -
FW 14 to beams & lintels m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Steel formwork (m2) 1.050 0.00 20.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 2.500 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 1.500 0.00 2.00 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.000 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 0.00 8.00 - -
FW 15 Suspended slabs m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Steel formwork (m2) 1.050 0.00 20.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 2.500 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 1.500 0.00 2.00 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.000 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 0.00 8.00 - -

5 Rebar, sub structure 0.00

Rei 16 Diam 8mm kg 4,490.93 23.44 105,267.33 0.58 2,584.07 15.10 67,813.00 - 15.68 70,397.07
Daily laborer 106.93 2.37 253.06 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 8mm 1.050 4,715.47 14.00 66,016.63 -
Bar bender 320.78 7.27 2,331.01 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.020 89.82 20.00 1,796.37 -
Rei 17 Diam 10mm kg 385.01 23.20 8,932.19 0.58 221.53 14.92 5,744.32 - 15.50 5,965.85
Daily laborer 9.17 2.37 21.69 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 10m 1.050 404.26 14.00 5,659.62 -
Bar bender 27.50 7.27 199.84 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 4.24 20.00 84.70 -
Rei 27 Diam 12mm kg 1,628.40 23.20 37,778.80 0.58 936.97 14.92 24,295.68 - 15.50 25,232.65
Daily laborer 38.77 2.37 91.76 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 12mm (kg) 1.050 1,709.82 14.00 23,937.43 -
Bar bender 116.31 7.27 845.22 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 17.91 20.00 358.25 -
Rei 18 Diam 14mm kg 4,124.05 23.20 95,678.00 0.58 2,372.97 14.92 61,530.85 - 15.50 63,903.82
Daily laborer 98.19 2.37 232.39 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 14m 1.050 4,330.25 14.00 60,623.56 -
Bar bender 294.58 7.27 2,140.58 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 45.36 20.00 907.29 -
Rei 19 Diam 16mm kg 2,392.08 23.20 55,496.31 0.58 1,376.40 14.92 35,689.87 - 15.50 37,066.26
Daily laborer 56.95 2.37 134.79 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 16m 1.050 2,511.69 14.00 35,163.61 -
Bar bender 170.86 7.27 1,241.60 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 26.31 20.00 526.26 -
Rei 22 Diam 20mm kg 345.87 23.20 8,024.26 0.58 199.01 14.92 5,160.43 - 15.50 5,359.45
Daily laborer 8.24 2.37 19.49 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 20m 1.050 363.17 14.00 5,084.34 -
Bar bender 24.71 7.27 179.52 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 3.80 20.00 76.09 -

Rebar, super structure 0.00

Rei 20 Diam 8mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 8mm 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.020 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 21 Diam 10mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 10m 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 22 Diam 14mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 14m 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 23 Diam 16mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 16m 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -

Concrete ancillaries 0.00

24 Chipwood expansion joint 10mm thick and lm 328.00 20.80 6,822.40 13.65 4,476.24
Con 25 depth 10cm 3.82 1,251.87 9.83 3,224.37 -
Daily laborer 109.33 2.37 258.76 Chipwood, 10mm thick (Pcs) 0.070 23.09 96.00 2,216.76 -
Carpenter 109.33 9.08 993.11 Asphalt, AC 180/200 (kg) 0.384 125.95 8.00 1,007.62 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 04 Masonry Work 104,069.28 0.00 72,780.42

01 Concealed from view m3 52.72 930.00 49,029.60 651.63 34,353.91
Maso 88.21 4,650.34 534.25 28,165.90 1,537.67
Mason 263.60 8.18 2,154.93 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.330 70.12 77.75 5,451.91 Mixer-350lit 43.93 1,537.67
Daily laborer 1,054.40 2.37 2,495.41 Cement (qtl) 1.323 69.75 248.74 17,349.20 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.318 16.76 320.00 5,364.79 -
02 Exposed to view m3 52.72 1,044.00 55,039.68 728.88 38,426.51
Maso 88.21 4,650.34 611.50 32,238.50 1,537.67
Mason 263.60 8.18 2,154.93 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.400 73.81 77.75 5,738.86 Mixer-350lit 43.93 1,537.67
Daily laborer 1,054.40 2.37 2,495.41 Cement (qtl) 1.543 81.37 248.74 20,240.73 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.371 19.56 320.00 6,258.92 -

4 Block work, class B 0.00

HCB 03 HCB wall 20cm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #N/A #N/A - -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 0.00 13.000 0.00 #N/A #N/A Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.070 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.020 0.00 320.00 - -
HCB 04 HCB wall 10cm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 HCB, 10cm (pcs) 13.000 0.00 8.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.020 0.00 320.00 - -

4 05 Roof works and water proofing 0.00 0.00 0.00

Roof 01 APP modified, 4mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
- 0.00 Bitumenous membrane water proofing ( 1.050 0.00 180.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 02 cementiciouse water proofing m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
- 0.00 Bitumenous membrane water proofing ( 1.050 0.00 180.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 43 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour

4 06 Roof works 0.00 0.00 0.00

Roof 01 Pre painted EGA-500, 0.4mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #N/A #N/A - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 0.00 1.100 0.00 #N/A #N/A -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 8.000 0.00 #N/A #N/A -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 03 0.4mm thick 33cm girth ridge cap lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 0.550 0.00 80.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.010 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 04 0.4mm thick 33cm girth flashing lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 0.550 0.00 80.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.010 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 07 Carpentry and Joinery 0.00 0.00 0.00

car 01 Eucalyptus truss dia 10cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 1.100 0.00 2.00 - 0.00 -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Iron band 0.200 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.100 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 Anti termite (lit) 0.100 0.00 110.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 02 Eucalyptus truss dia 8cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.100 0.00 3.00 - 0.00 -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Iron band 0.200 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.100 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 Anti termite (lit) 0.100 0.00 110.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 03 Purlin, 5x7cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Sawn Eucalyptus purlin 70 x 50 mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 12.00 - 0.00 -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Iron band 0.050 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.050 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 Anti termite (lit) 0.050 0.00 110.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
04 8mm thick chipwood ceilling m2 0.00 0.00 -
Con 25 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 1.050 0.00 - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 0.384 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

5 10 Metal work 0.00 0.00 0.00

LTZ 38mm
car 01 Type W1, Size:1750X800mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 1.400 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 1.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 02 Type W2, Size: 3750 x800mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 3.000 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 03 Type W3, Size: 1750x1600mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 2.800 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 2.800 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 04 Type W4, Size: 1750x2550mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 4.462 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 4.462 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 05 Type W5, Size: 3800 x1900mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 7.220 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 7.220 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 06 Type W6, Size: 3750 x1600mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 6.000 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 6.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

car 07 Type WD1 Size: (2850 No 0.00 0.00 -
X1550)+(900X2550)mm #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 6.713 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 08 Type WD2, Size: 3750 x2550mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 9.563 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 09 Type D1, Size: 700X2100 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 1.470 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 10 Type D2, Size: 900X2100 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 1.890 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Corner protection
car 24 Angle iron size 30x30x3mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Angle Iron (kg) 1.413 0.00 18.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

11 11 Finishing - 0.00 - - -
11.1 11.1 Plastering & pointing 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00
Plast 01 Two coats to HCB wall, Internal m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
02 Two coats to Concrete vertical surface m2 0.00 0.00 -
Plast #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00
Plast 03 Two coats to soffit m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Plast 04 Two coats to HCB wall, External m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -

Page 44 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
- 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 -
05 Two coats to Concrete vertical surface, m2 0.00 0.00 -
Plast external #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 -
Plast 06 Fine coat cement plaster to vertical surface m2 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.022 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.005 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
07 Fine coat cement plaster to external surface m2 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.022 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.005 0.00 320.00 - -

Plast 08 Fine coat cement plaster to soffit m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.022 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.005 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Plast 09 Pointing Roughly dressed stone wall m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

11.1 11.1 floor finish 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

ff 01 Marble chips m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.154 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.037 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble chips, white (m3) 1.020 0.00 250.00 - -
ff 02 Marble skirting lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.005 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.001 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble, 2cm thick white (m2) 0.110 0.00 392.14 - -
ff 03 Non slipery ceramic floor tile m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.198 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.048 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Non slippery ceramic floor tile (m2) 1.020 0.00 172.17 - -
ff 04 ceramic wall tile, 6mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.011 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Ceramic wall tile, 6mm thick (m2) 1.020 0.00 175.00 - -
Plast 05 48mm thick cement screed m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.265 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.064 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00
ff 06 PVC Floor tile m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 PVC tile (m2) 1.050 0.00 90.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Adhesive, for tile (kg) 0.400 0.00 42.50 - -
Cement (qtl) 0.00
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
ff 07 PVC Skirting lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 PVC Skirting, 10cm high (m) 1.050 0.00 10.75 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Adhesive, for tile (kg) 0.050 0.00 42.50 - -
08 Terrazzo copping, 3x20cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.011 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Terrazzo copping, 23x3cm thick (ml) 1.020 0.00 56.00 - -
09 Marble sill, shaped & throated 3x28cm lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.176 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.042 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble, 33x3cm thick (ml) 1.020 0.00 143.55 - -
10 Concrete pavement, c-20 m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.256 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.040 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.064 0.00 200.00 - -
- 0.00 red ash (m3) 0.150 0.00 80.00 - -
- 0.00 Concrete pipe, 1/2 dia. 300mm (m) 1.000 0.00 23.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

12 12 Painting 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

Plast 01 Three coats of plastic paint to internal wall m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Stuco (kg) 0.200 0.00 4.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Glue, Animal (kg) 0.200 0.00 3.00 -
- 0.00 Plastic paint (gal) 0.077 0.00 90.00 - -

Plast 02 To plastered soffit m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Stuco (kg) 0.200 0.00 4.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Glue, Animal (kg) 0.200 0.00 3.00 -
- 0.00 Plastic paint (gal) 0.077 0.00 90.00 - -

Plast 03 To Chipwood ceiling m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Stuco (kg) 0.200 0.00 4.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Glue, Animal (kg) 0.200 0.00 3.00 -
- 0.00 Plastic paint (gal) 0.077 0.00 90.00 - -

Plast 04 Quartz paint m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Quartz wall finish (m2) 1.010 0.00 75.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

13 13 Glazing 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

Plast 01 4mm thick clear glass m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Glazier 0.00 10.90 0.00 Glass CLEAR, 4mm (m2) 1.100 0.00 115.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Putty glass (kg) 1.000 0.00 8.00 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Plast 02 6mm thick clear glass m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Glazier 0.00 10.90 0.00 Glass, Figured 6mm thick (m2) 1.100 0.00 250.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Putty glass (kg) 1.000 0.00 8.00 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

15 15 Sanitary Installation 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

Fix 3 Fixture
- 0.00 - - -
fix 01 Turkish type WC BS 5503 No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 WC, turkish (pcs) 1.000 0.00 650.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.120 0.00 248.74 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.020 0.00 320.00 - -
fix 02 Shower try No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Shower try, enameled heavy gauge steel 7 1.000 0.00 365.22 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 45 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
fix 03 HWB, 500x405mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 HWB, 500x405mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 750.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 04 Double bowl stainless steel kichen sink No. 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Kitchen sink, 1200x600mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 750.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 05 6kg Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Fire extingusher 6kg (pcs) 1.000 0.00 600.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 06 Soap holder No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Soap holder, tabor complete (pcs) 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 07 Toilet paper holder No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Toilet paper holder, tabor (pcs) 1.000 0.00 48.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 08 Towel hanger No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Towel hanger, Chrome plated steel (pcs) 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
mir 09 Crystal glass mirror No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Crystal glass mirror (pcs) 1.000 0.00 150.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

- 0.00 - - -
GS 10 PPR Pipe diam 20mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 20mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 35.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 11 PPR Pipe diam 25mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 25mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 57.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 12 PPR Pipe diam 32mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 32mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 75.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 13 PPR Pipe diam 40mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 40mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 100.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -

GV 2 Gate valve
- 0.00 - - -
GV 14 Bronze gate valve, diam 15mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, bronze PN16 diam. 25mm (pc 1.050 0.00 156.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow diam 15mm ( 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
GV 15 Bronze gate valve, diam 20mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, Bronze diam 20mm (pcs) 1.050 0.00 130.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow diam 15mm ( 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
GV 16 Bronze gate valve, diam 32mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, Bronze diam 32mm (pcs) 1.050 0.00 340.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow diam 15mm ( 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
PVC 17 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 50mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 50mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 7.52 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 18 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 80mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 80mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 11.52 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 19 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 100mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 100mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 25.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 20 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 150mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 150mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 45.43 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 21 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 300mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 300mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 45.43 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 22 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 100mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 100mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 25.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 23 uPVC vent cap diam 100mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 100mm (ml) 6.000 0.00 25.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
0.250 0.00 - -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 24 uPVC down Pipe diam 100mm, PN 16 m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC Pipe, PN 16 Ø 100mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 56.55 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC accessory, Diam110mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 35.00 - -
UV reflctive oil paint (gal) 0.02 0.00 160.00 -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 25 G-28 sheet metal gutter, dev length55cm lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 0.750 0.00 80.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Gutter holder strip, 15x3mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 10.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

16 16 Electrical installation 0.00

- 0.00 - - - 0.00
Bord 01 Distribution board, floor mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
27360 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 27,360.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.405 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.058 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.088 0.00 200.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 46 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Bord 02 Distribution board, floor mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
4600 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 4,600.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Point 03 Light point fed through 2x2.5mm2 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 6.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Connector, diam 7mm (pcs) 6.000 0.00 0.66 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 15.000 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 2.000 0.00 0.75 - -

Switches with detachable frames

Swi 04 Single pole nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Switch, single pole 10A (pcs) 1.000 0.00 32.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 05 Double pole nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Double pole switch, flush mounted 10A L 1.000 0.00 50.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 06 Two way nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Two way switch, flush mounted 10A Legr 1.000 0.00 51.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 07 Triple nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Triple pole switch, flush mounted 10A Le 1.000 0.00 124.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Soc 08 Socket outlet 3x2.5mm2 wire nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 09 Dittobut for bed area nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 10 Ditto but for TV points nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
` Soc 11 Ditto but for Hand dryer nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
12 Socket outlet 3x2.5mm2 wire for twin socket nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 19mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 30.400 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Extra over sockets with detachable frame

Soc 13 16A, 1ph nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Socket outlet, Flush mounted twin 16A, 1.100 0.00 70.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 14 16A, 1ph twin nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Socket outlet, twin Floor socket 16A, 2p 1.100 0.00 80.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 15 16A, 1ph for hand dryer nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Socket outlet, twin Floor socket 16A, 2p 1.100 0.00 80.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
fix 16 Automatic hand dryer No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Automatic hand dryer (pcs) 1.000 0.00 3,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Power points
17 Lamp Wall mounting compact flourecent nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc 1x13watts #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp,compact fluorescent 1x13 watts lum 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
18 Lamp Ceiling mounting flourecent 1x36 watts nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc Direct ligth #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent withpolycarbonate steel 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
19 Lamp Ceiling mounting compact florecent nr 0.00 0.00 -
1x18watts optical Direct ligth
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp,compact fluorescent with direct ligh 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
20 Lamp wallmounting compact florecent nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc 1x11watts #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, compact fluorescent 1x11 watts, 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
21 Lamp wallmounting florecent 2x18watts nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc closed louver high glossy #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
22 Lamp wallmounting florecent 4x18watts closed nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc louver high glossy #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 47 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver med 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
23 Lamp pole mounting compact florecent nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc 1x18watts opal direct llight #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp,compact fluorescent pole mounted 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
24 Lamp ceiling mounting flourecent 4x18watts nr 0.00 0.00 -
oclosed louver medium glossy
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver med 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
25 Power cable 2x4 mm2, including PVC conduit lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 CABLE, 2x4sqmm (ml) 1.100 0.00 12.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, lag (pcs) 1.000 0.00 15.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 29mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 9.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
26 Power cable 5x6 mm2, including PVC conduit lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 CABLE, 5x6sqmm (ml) 1.100 0.00 50.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, lag (pcs) 1.000 0.00 15.00 - -
- 0.00 Conduit diam Ø 36 mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 10.66 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 27 RJ-45 telephone outlet type CAT - 6 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 1.000 0.00 850.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Data cable, UTP cat 5e (ml) 8.000 0.00 1.90 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 28 RJ-45 telephone outlet type CAT - 6 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 1.000 0.00 70.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 29 12 port patch pannel nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Patch pannel. 12 port (pcs) 1.000 0.00 12,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
30 PVC Manhole, 50x50x80cm Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC manhole (pcs) 1.100 0.00 2,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 1.100 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

PVC Pipe
31 PVC Pipe power outlet, diam 50mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 PVC Pipe, Diam 50mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 20.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
32 PVC Pipe power outlet, diam 29mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 29mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 9.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Telephone system
Soc 33 Tele point nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 74213 category 5E (p 0.00 70.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 19mm (ml) 30.000 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Cable, catagory 5E UPT (m) 35.000 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 34 Tele outlet Twin moudule RJ11 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 RJ 11 TWIN OUTLET (PCS) 4.000 0.00 15.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 36 MATV head with amplifier nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 MATV head and amplifier (pcs) 1.000 0.00 12,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 37 TV Point nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 TV cable (ml) 50.000 0.00 4.50 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Bell System
Point 38 Bell point fed through 2x1mm2 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 13mm (ml) 6.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Connector, diam 7mm (pcs) 6.000 0.00 0.66 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor (ml) 15.000 0.00 3.32 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 2.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Swi 39 Push button nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Push butten,with bell symbols (pcs) 1.000 0.00 4,520.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Soc 40 Digital Complete Bell nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Bell with transformer of 220/12v, 25VA ( 1.000 0.00 230.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Soc 41 Sign light EXIT Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 42 Sirn light ENTERANCE Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 43 Sign light LADIES TOILET Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 44 Sign light GENTLEMEN TOILET Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 48 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
45 Emergency lighting system LED illuminated Pcs 0.00 0.00 -
Soc with 1hr backup battery #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Emergency lighting, LED 1.000 0.00 1,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
46 1 x16 bare copper m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Bare copper wire, 1x16mm2 (ml) 1.050 0.00 16.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
47 Diam 16mm and 2400mm long copper rod m 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Low voltage earthing system copper ro 1.050 0.00 1,800.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
PVC Manhole, 50x50x80cm Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC manhole (pcs) 1.100 0.00 2,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 1.100 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Wire less microphone, cliptype, with Pcs 0.00 0.00 -
Soc transmitter and reciever #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Amplifier, Philips 60w table top mixing am 1.000 0.00 18,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc Table mounted microphone Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 TABLE STAND DYNAMIC MICRAPHON 1.000 0.00 2,168.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Wire less hand held microphone with Pcs 0.00 0.00 -
Soc transmitter #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Microphone, Philips LBB 2900/15 hand he 1.000 0.00 2,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc Cabling Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 120.000 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

06 Student resource room

2 02 Excavation & Earthwork 174,049.51 - 117,218.26
Bulk excavation
B Ex 01 Bulk not exceeding 1.5m m3 459.66 25.45 11,698.35 0.32 145.05 1.59 730.86 8,017.24 19.35 8,893.14
Daily laborer 61.29 2.37 145.05 Fuel 0.200 91.93 7.95 730.86 Excavator 15.32 8,017.24
Pit excavation
P Ex 02 Pit not exceeding 1.5m m3 272.64 28.00 7,633.82 0.00 0.35 95.59 1.59 433.49 5,283.59 21.32 5,812.67
Daily laborer 40.39 2.37 95.59 Fuel 0.200 54.53 7.95 433.49 Excavator 10.10 5,283.59
P Ex 02 Pit not exceeding 1.5m m3 127.23 30.00 3,816.91 0.00 0.35 44.61 1.59 202.30 2,465.68 21.32 2,712.58
Daily laborer 18.85 2.37 44.61 Fuel 0.200 25.45 7.95 202.30 Excavator 4.71 2,465.68
Trench Excavation
T Ex 03 Trench not exceeding 1.5m m3 43.92 28.00 1,229.76 0.00 0.35 15.40 1.59 69.83 851.15 21.32 936.39
Daily laborer 6.51 2.37 15.40 Fuel 0.200 8.78 7.95 69.83 Excavator 1.63 851.15

Fill Work
Fill 5 Sellected excavated fill m3 662.52 101.00 66,914.14 16.62 11,008.81 8.59 5,688.36 23,204.63 60.23 39,901.81
Daily laborer 2,650.07 2.37 6,271.82 Benzene 0.200 132.50 - - Tamper 265.01 3,975.10
Gang leader 265.01 4.54 1,203.57 Fuel 1.080 715.52 7.95 5,688.36 D. Truck (10m3) 53.66 13,415.95
Sub contractor 3,533.42 1.00 3,533.42 - - Wheel loader CA 8.94 5,813.58
Fill 6 Sellected borrowed fill m3 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Benzene 0.200 0.00 - - Tamper 0.00 -
Gang leader 0.00 4.54 0.00 Fuel #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 7.95 #DIV/0! D. Truck (10m3) 0.00 -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 - - Wheel loader CA 0.00 -
Fill 5 fertile Soil m3 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Benzene 0.200 0.00 - - Tamper 0.00 -
Gang leader 0.00 4.54 0.00 Fuel #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 7.95 #DIV/0! D. Truck (10m3) 0.00 -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 - - Wheel loader CA 0.00 -
05 Disposal m3 859.53 37.00 31,802.48 23.65 20,324.45
Dispo 0.17 144.49 6.68 5,739.92 14,440.05
Daily laborer 41.26 2.37 97.64 0.00 - - Wheel loader CA 10.31 6,704.31
Gang leader 10.31 4.54 46.84 Fuel 0.840 722.00 7.95 5,739.92 D. Truck (10m3) 30.94 7,735.74
Hard 06 25cm thick hardcore m2 525.30 97.00 50,954.05 73.55 38,637.22
core 5.16 2,712.30 24.10 12,661.66 23,263.26
Mason 210.12 8.18 1,717.73 Basaltic stone (m3) 0.310 162.84 77.75 12,661.66 D. Truck (10m3) 93.05 23,263.26
Daily laborer 420.24 2.37 994.57 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.00 200.00 - -

3 03 Concrete Work 603,605.08 0.00 - 398,311.28

1 Insitu concrete 0.00
01 C-5 lean concrete, under footing m3 9.42 1,008.00 9,493.22 725.73 6,834.84
Con 5 34.86 328.34 670.87 6,318.15 188.36
Daily laborer 105.48 2.37 249.64 Cement (Qtl) 1.500 14.13 248.74 3,513.89 Mixer-500lit 3.77 188.36
mason 7.53 8.18 61.59 Sand (m3) 0.480 4.52 320.00 1,446.59 -
Gang leader 3.77 4.54 17.11 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.720 6.78 200.00 1,356.17 -
- 0.00 Fuel 0.020 0.19 7.95 1.50 -

2 C-25 Reinforced concrete, sub structure

02 C-25 in Footing m3 46.48 2,059.00 95,696.40 1,345.01 62,512.14
Con 25 76.25 3,544.05 1,223.04 56,843.42 2,124.67
Daily laborer 849.87 2.37 2,011.35 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 167.32 248.74 41,618.45 Mixer-500lit 26.56 1,327.92
Mason 53.12 8.18 434.23 Sand (m3) 0.520 24.17 320.00 7,733.79 Vibrator 53.12 796.75
Gang leader 26.56 4.54 120.62 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 36.72 200.00 7,343.39 -
Carpenter 26.56 9.08 241.24 Fuel 0.400 18.59 7.95 147.80 -
Bar bender 26.56 7.27 192.99 Benzene 0.400 18.59 - - -
Forman 26.56 20.47 543.62 0.00 - - -
03 C-25 in foundation column m3 5.98 2,059.00 12,312.82 1,345.01 8,043.15
Con 25 76.25 456.00 1,223.04 7,313.78 273.37
Daily laborer 109.35 2.37 258.79 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 21.53 248.74 5,354.86 Mixer-500lit 3.42 170.86
Mason 6.83 8.18 55.87 Sand (m3) 0.520 3.11 320.00 995.07 Vibrator 6.83 102.51
Gang leader 3.42 4.54 15.52 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 4.72 200.00 944.84 -

Page 49 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Carpenter 3.42 9.08 31.04 Fuel 0.400 2.39 7.95 19.02 -
Bar bender 3.42 7.27 24.83 Benzene 0.400 2.39 - - -
Forman 3.42 20.47 69.94 0.00 - - -
04 C-25 in Grade beam m3 38.44 2,059.00 79,141.78 1,345.01 51,698.10
Con 25 76.25 2,930.96 1,223.04 47,010.02 1,757.12
Daily laborer 702.85 2.37 1,663.41 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 138.37 248.74 34,418.83 Mixer-500lit 21.96 1,098.20
Mason 43.93 8.18 359.11 Sand (m3) 0.520 19.99 320.00 6,395.92 Vibrator 43.93 658.92
Gang leader 21.96 4.54 99.75 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 30.37 200.00 6,073.05 -
Carpenter 21.96 9.08 199.51 Fuel 0.400 15.37 7.95 122.23 -
Bar bender 21.96 7.27 159.61 Benzene 0.400 15.37 - - -
Forman 21.96 20.47 449.58 0.00 - - -
05 C-20 in ground floor slab & steps m3 52.53 1,890.00 99,281.61 1,247.63 65,537.72
Con 25 85.60 4,496.38 1,116.32 58,639.97 2,401.37
Daily laborer 960.55 2.37 2,273.30 Cement (Qtl) 3.200 168.10 248.74 41,812.01 Mixer-500lit 30.02 1,500.86
Mason 120.07 8.18 981.56 Sand (m3) 0.500 26.26 320.00 8,404.79 Vibrator 60.03 900.51
Gang leader 30.02 4.54 136.33 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.800 42.02 200.00 8,404.79 -
Carpenter 30.02 9.08 272.66 Fuel 0.044 2.31 7.95 18.37 -
Bar bender 30.02 7.27 218.12 Benzene 0.044 2.31 - - -
Forman 30.02 20.47 614.41 0.00 - - -

3 C-25 Reinforced concrete, super structure

06 C-25 in elevation column m3 0.00 0.00 -
Con 30 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-500lit 0.00 -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.520 0.00 320.00 - Vibrator 0.00 -
Gang leader 0.00 4.54 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 0.00 200.00 - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Fuel 0.400 0.00 7.95 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Benzene 0.400 0.00 - - -
Forman 0.00 20.47 0.00 0.00 - - -
07 C-25 in beams & lintels m3 0.00 0.00 -
Con 25 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-500lit 0.00 -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.520 0.00 320.00 - Vibrator 0.00 -
Gang leader 0.00 4.54 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 0.00 200.00 - Electrical winch 0.00 -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Fuel 0.400 0.00 7.95 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Benzene 0.400 0.00 - - -
Forman 0.00 20.47 0.00 0.00 - - -
08 C-25 in suspended slabs m3 0.00 0.00 -
Con 25 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-500lit 0.00 -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.520 0.00 320.00 - Vibrator 0.00 -
Gang leader 0.00 4.54 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 0.00 200.00 - Electrical winch 0.00 -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Fuel 0.400 0.00 7.95 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Benzene 0.400 0.00 - - -
Forman 0.00 20.47 0.00 0.00 - - -
09 Water tight concrete including diam 4mm m2 0.00 0.00 -
Con 25 rebar #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
0.15 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (Qtl) 0.576 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-500lit 0.00 -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.083 0.00 320.00 - Vibrator 0.00 -
Gang leader 0.00 4.54 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.126 0.00 200.00 - Electrical winch 0.00 -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 4mm 1.381 0.00 20.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.028 0.00 20.00 - -
Forman 0.00 20.47 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 Form work, sub structure 0.00

FW 10 To Footing m2 68.79 84.00 5,778.36 28.62 1,969.11 22.60 1,554.65 - 51.22 3,523.77
Carpenter 171.98 9.08 1,562.11 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 36.11 20.00 722.30 -
Daily laborer 171.98 2.37 407.01 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 206.37 2.00 412.74 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 103.19 3.00 309.56 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 13.76 8.00 110.06 -
FW 11 To Foundation column m2 85.32 84.00 7,166.88 28.63 2,442.29 22.60 1,928.23 - 51.23 4,370.52
Carpenter 213.30 9.08 1,937.48 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 44.79 20.00 895.86 -
Daily laborer 213.30 2.37 504.81 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 255.96 2.00 511.92 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 127.98 3.00 383.94 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 17.06 8.00 136.51 -
FW 12 To grade beam m2 217.31 84.00 18,254.21 28.62 6,220.56 22.60 4,911.25 - 51.22 11,131.81
Carpenter 543.28 9.08 4,934.79 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 114.09 20.00 2,281.78 -
Daily laborer 543.28 2.37 1,285.76 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 651.94 2.00 1,303.87 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 325.97 3.00 977.90 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 43.46 8.00 347.70 -

5 Rebar, sub structure 0.00

Rei 16 Diam 8mm kg 3,931.27 23.44 92,148.95 0.58 2,262.04 15.10 59,362.16 - 15.68 61,624.20
Daily laborer 93.60 2.37 221.52 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 8mm 1.050 4,127.83 14.00 57,789.66 -
Bar bender 280.80 7.27 2,040.52 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.020 78.63 20.00 1,572.51 -
Rei 17 Diam 10mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 10m 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 27 Diam 12mm kg 708.06 23.20 16,426.89 0.58 407.41 14.92 10,564.19 - 15.50 10,971.60
Daily laborer 16.86 2.37 39.90 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 12mm (kg) 1.050 743.46 14.00 10,408.42 -
Bar bender 50.58 7.27 367.51 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 7.79 20.00 155.77 -
Rei 18 Diam 14mm kg 546.44 23.20 12,677.38 0.58 314.42 14.92 8,152.87 - 15.50 8,467.29
Daily laborer 13.01 2.37 30.79 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 14m 1.050 573.76 14.00 8,032.65 -
Bar bender 39.03 7.27 283.63 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 6.01 20.00 120.22 -
Rei 19 Diam 16mm kg 1,733.56 23.20 40,218.57 0.58 997.48 14.92 25,864.70 - 15.50 26,862.19
Daily laborer 41.28 2.37 97.68 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 16m 1.050 1,820.24 14.00 25,483.32 -
Bar bender 123.83 7.27 899.80 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 19.07 20.00 381.38 -
Rei 22 Diam 20mm kg 4,663.17 23.20 108,185.61 0.58 2,683.17 14.92 69,574.54 - 15.50 72,257.71
Daily laborer 111.03 2.37 262.77 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 20m 1.050 4,896.33 14.00 68,548.64 -
Bar bender 333.08 7.27 2,420.41 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 51.29 20.00 1,025.90 -

Concrete ancillaries 0.00

24 Chipwood expansion joint 10mm thick and lm 328.00 20.80 6,822.40 13.65 4,476.24
Con 25 depth 10cm 3.82 1,251.87 9.83 3,224.37 -
Daily laborer 109.33 2.37 258.76 Chipwood, 10mm thick (Pcs) 0.070 23.09 96.00 2,216.76 -
Carpenter 109.33 9.08 993.11 Asphalt, AC 180/200 (kg) 0.384 125.95 8.00 1,007.62 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 50 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour

4 04 Masonry Work 108,964.80 0.00 76,204.08

01 Concealed from view m3 55.20 930.00 51,336.00 651.63 35,969.95
Maso 88.21 4,869.10 534.25 29,490.85 1,610.00
Mason 276.00 8.18 2,256.30 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.330 73.42 77.75 5,708.38 Mixer-350lit 46.00 1,610.00
Daily laborer 1,104.00 2.37 2,612.80 Cement (qtl) 1.323 73.03 248.74 18,165.32 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.318 17.55 320.00 5,617.15 -
02 Exposed to view m3 55.20 1,044.00 57,628.80 728.88 40,234.13
Maso 88.21 4,869.10 611.50 33,755.03 1,610.00
Mason 276.00 8.18 2,256.30 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.400 77.28 77.75 6,008.82 Mixer-350lit 46.00 1,610.00
Daily laborer 1,104.00 2.37 2,612.80 Cement (qtl) 1.543 85.20 248.74 21,192.87 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.371 20.48 320.00 6,553.34 -

4 Block work, class B 0.00

HCB 03 HCB wall 20cm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #N/A #N/A - -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 0.00 13.000 0.00 #N/A #N/A Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.070 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.020 0.00 320.00 - -
HCB 04 HCB wall 10cm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 HCB, 10cm (pcs) 13.000 0.00 8.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.020 0.00 320.00 - -

4 05 Roof works and water proofing 0.00 0.00 0.00

Roof 01 APP modified, 4mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
- 0.00 Bitumenous membrane water proofing ( 1.050 0.00 180.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 02 cementiciouse water proofing m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
- 0.00 Bitumenous membrane water proofing ( 1.050 0.00 180.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 06 Roof works 0.00 0.00 0.00

Roof 01 Pre painted EGA-500, 0.4mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #N/A #N/A - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 0.00 1.100 0.00 #N/A #N/A -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 8.000 0.00 #N/A #N/A -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 03 0.4mm thick 33cm girth ridge cap lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 0.550 0.00 80.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.010 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 04 0.4mm thick 33cm girth flashing lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Page 51 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 0.550 0.00 80.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.010 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 07 Carpentry and Joinery 0.00 0.00 0.00

car 01 Eucalyptus truss dia 10cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 1.100 0.00 2.00 - 0.00 -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Iron band 0.200 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.100 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 Anti termite (lit) 0.100 0.00 110.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 02 Eucalyptus truss dia 8cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.100 0.00 3.00 - 0.00 -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Iron band 0.200 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.100 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 Anti termite (lit) 0.100 0.00 110.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 03 Purlin, 5x7cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Sawn Eucalyptus purlin 70 x 50 mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 12.00 - 0.00 -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Iron band 0.050 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.050 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 Anti termite (lit) 0.050 0.00 110.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
04 8mm thick chipwood ceilling m2 0.00 0.00 -
Con 25 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 1.050 0.00 - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 0.384 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

5 10 Metal work 0.00 0.00 0.00

LTZ 38mm
car 01 Type W1, Size:1750X800mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 1.400 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 1.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 02 Type W2, Size: 3750 x800mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 3.000 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 03 Type W3, Size: 1750x1600mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 2.800 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 2.800 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 04 Type W4, Size: 1750x2550mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 4.462 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 4.462 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 05 Type W5, Size: 3800 x1900mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 7.220 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 7.220 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 06 Type W6, Size: 3750 x1600mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 6.000 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 6.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

car 07 Type WD1 Size: (2850 No 0.00 0.00 -
X1550)+(900X2550)mm #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 6.713 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 08 Type WD2, Size: 3750 x2550mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 9.563 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 09 Type D1, Size: 700X2100 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 1.470 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 10 Type D2, Size: 900X2100 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 1.890 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Corner protection
car 24 Angle iron size 30x30x3mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Angle Iron (kg) 1.413 0.00 18.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

11 11 Finishing - 0.00 - - -
11.1 11.1 Plastering & pointing 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00
Plast 01 Two coats to HCB wall, Internal m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
02 Two coats to Concrete vertical surface m2 0.00 0.00 -
Plast #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00
Plast 03 Two coats to soffit m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Plast 04 Two coats to HCB wall, External m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 -
05 Two coats to Concrete vertical surface, m2 0.00 0.00 -
Plast external #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 -
Plast 06 Fine coat cement plaster to vertical surface m2 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.022 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.005 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 52 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
07 Fine coat cement plaster to external surface m2 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.022 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.005 0.00 320.00 - -

Plast 08 Fine coat cement plaster to soffit m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.022 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.005 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Plast 09 Pointing Roughly dressed stone wall m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

11.1 11.1 floor finish 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

ff 01 Marble chips m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.154 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.037 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble chips, white (m3) 1.020 0.00 250.00 - -
ff 02 Marble skirting lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.005 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.001 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble, 2cm thick white (m2) 0.110 0.00 392.14 - -
ff 03 Non slipery ceramic floor tile m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.198 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.048 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Non slippery ceramic floor tile (m2) 1.020 0.00 172.17 - -
ff 04 ceramic wall tile, 6mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.011 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Ceramic wall tile, 6mm thick (m2) 1.020 0.00 175.00 - -
Plast 05 48mm thick cement screed m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.265 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.064 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00
ff 06 PVC Floor tile m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 PVC tile (m2) 1.050 0.00 90.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Adhesive, for tile (kg) 0.400 0.00 42.50 - -
Cement (qtl) 0.00
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
ff 07 PVC Skirting lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 PVC Skirting, 10cm high (m) 1.050 0.00 10.75 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Adhesive, for tile (kg) 0.050 0.00 42.50 - -
08 Terrazzo copping, 3x20cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.011 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Terrazzo copping, 23x3cm thick (ml) 1.020 0.00 56.00 - -
09 Marble sill, shaped & throated 3x28cm lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.176 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.042 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble, 33x3cm thick (ml) 1.020 0.00 143.55 - -
10 Concrete pavement, c-20 m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.256 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.040 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.064 0.00 200.00 - -
- 0.00 red ash (m3) 0.150 0.00 80.00 - -
- 0.00 Concrete pipe, 1/2 dia. 300mm (m) 1.000 0.00 23.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

12 12 Painting 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

Plast 01 Three coats of plastic paint to internal wall m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Stuco (kg) 0.200 0.00 4.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Glue, Animal (kg) 0.200 0.00 3.00 -
- 0.00 Plastic paint (gal) 0.077 0.00 90.00 - -

Plast 02 To plastered soffit m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Stuco (kg) 0.200 0.00 4.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Glue, Animal (kg) 0.200 0.00 3.00 -
- 0.00 Plastic paint (gal) 0.077 0.00 90.00 - -

Plast 03 To Chipwood ceiling m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Stuco (kg) 0.200 0.00 4.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Glue, Animal (kg) 0.200 0.00 3.00 -
- 0.00 Plastic paint (gal) 0.077 0.00 90.00 - -

Plast 04 Quartz paint m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Quartz wall finish (m2) 1.010 0.00 75.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

13 13 Glazing 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

Plast 01 4mm thick clear glass m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Glazier 0.00 10.90 0.00 Glass CLEAR, 4mm (m2) 1.100 0.00 115.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Putty glass (kg) 1.000 0.00 8.00 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Plast 02 6mm thick clear glass m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Glazier 0.00 10.90 0.00 Glass, Figured 6mm thick (m2) 1.100 0.00 250.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Putty glass (kg) 1.000 0.00 8.00 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

15 15 Sanitary Installation 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

Fix 3 Fixture
- 0.00 - - -
fix 01 Turkish type WC BS 5503 No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 WC, turkish (pcs) 1.000 0.00 650.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.120 0.00 248.74 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.020 0.00 320.00 - -
fix 02 Shower try No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Shower try, enameled heavy gauge steel 7 1.000 0.00 365.22 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 03 HWB, 500x405mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 HWB, 500x405mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 750.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 04 Double bowl stainless steel kichen sink No. 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Kitchen sink, 1200x600mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 750.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 05 6kg Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Fire extingusher 6kg (pcs) 1.000 0.00 600.00 - -

Page 53 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
fix . Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 06 Soap holder No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Soap holder, tabor complete (pcs) 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 07 Toilet paper holder No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Toilet paper holder, tabor (pcs) 1.000 0.00 48.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 08 Towel hanger No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Towel hanger, Chrome plated steel (pcs) 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
mir 09 Crystal glass mirror No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Crystal glass mirror (pcs) 1.000 0.00 150.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

- 0.00 - - -
GS 10 PPR Pipe diam 20mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 20mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 35.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 11 PPR Pipe diam 25mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 25mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 57.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 12 PPR Pipe diam 32mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 32mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 75.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 13 PPR Pipe diam 40mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 40mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 100.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -

GV 2 Gate valve
- 0.00 - - -
GV 14 Bronze gate valve, diam 15mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, bronze PN16 diam. 25mm (pc 1.050 0.00 156.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow diam 15mm ( 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
GV 15 Bronze gate valve, diam 20mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, Bronze diam 20mm (pcs) 1.050 0.00 130.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow diam 15mm ( 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
GV 16 Bronze gate valve, diam 32mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, Bronze diam 32mm (pcs) 1.050 0.00 340.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow diam 15mm ( 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
PVC 17 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 50mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 50mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 7.52 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 18 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 80mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 80mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 11.52 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 19 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 100mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 100mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 25.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 20 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 150mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 150mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 45.43 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 21 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 300mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 300mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 45.43 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 22 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 100mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 100mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 25.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 23 uPVC vent cap diam 100mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 100mm (ml) 6.000 0.00 25.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
0.250 0.00 - -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 24 uPVC down Pipe diam 100mm, PN 16 m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC Pipe, PN 16 Ø 100mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 56.55 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC accessory, Diam110mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 35.00 - -
UV reflctive oil paint (gal) 0.02 0.00 160.00 -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 25 G-28 sheet metal gutter, dev length55cm lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 0.750 0.00 80.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Gutter holder strip, 15x3mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 10.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

16 16 Electrical installation 0.00

- 0.00 - - - 0.00
Bord 01 Distribution board, floor mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
27360 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 27,360.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.405 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.058 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.088 0.00 200.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 02 Distribution board, floor mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
4600 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 4,600.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Point 03 Light point fed through 2x2.5mm2 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 6.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Connector, diam 7mm (pcs) 6.000 0.00 0.66 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 15.000 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 2.000 0.00 0.75 - -

Page 54 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Switches with detachable frames

Swi 04 Single pole nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Switch, single pole 10A (pcs) 1.000 0.00 32.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 05 Double pole nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Double pole switch, flush mounted 10A L 1.000 0.00 50.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 06 Two way nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Two way switch, flush mounted 10A Legr 1.000 0.00 51.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 07 Triple nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Triple pole switch, flush mounted 10A Le 1.000 0.00 124.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Soc 08 Socket outlet 3x2.5mm2 wire nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 09 Dittobut for bed area nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 10 Ditto but for TV points nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
` Soc 11 Ditto but for Hand dryer nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
12 Socket outlet 3x2.5mm2 wire for twin socket nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 19mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 30.400 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Extra over sockets with detachable frame

Soc 13 16A, 1ph nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Socket outlet, Flush mounted twin 16A, 1.100 0.00 70.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 14 16A, 1ph twin nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Socket outlet, twin Floor socket 16A, 2p 1.100 0.00 80.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 15 16A, 1ph for hand dryer nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Socket outlet, twin Floor socket 16A, 2p 1.100 0.00 80.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
fix 16 Automatic hand dryer No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Automatic hand dryer (pcs) 1.000 0.00 3,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Power points
17 Lamp Wall mounting compact flourecent nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc 1x13watts #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp,compact fluorescent 1x13 watts lum 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
18 Lamp Ceiling mounting flourecent 1x36 watts nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc Direct ligth #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent withpolycarbonate steel 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
19 Lamp Ceiling mounting compact florecent nr 0.00 0.00 -
1x18watts optical Direct ligth
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp,compact fluorescent with direct ligh 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
20 Lamp wallmounting compact florecent nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc 1x11watts #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, compact fluorescent 1x11 watts, 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
21 Lamp wallmounting florecent 2x18watts nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc closed louver high glossy #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
22 Lamp wallmounting florecent 4x18watts closed nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc louver high glossy #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver med 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
23 Lamp pole mounting compact florecent nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc 1x18watts opal direct llight #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp,compact fluorescent pole mounted 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -

Page 55 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
24 Lamp ceiling mounting flourecent 4x18watts nr 0.00 0.00 -
oclosed louver medium glossy
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver med 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
25 Power cable 2x4 mm2, including PVC conduit lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 CABLE, 2x4sqmm (ml) 1.100 0.00 12.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, lag (pcs) 1.000 0.00 15.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 29mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 9.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
26 Power cable 5x6 mm2, including PVC conduit lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 CABLE, 5x6sqmm (ml) 1.100 0.00 50.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, lag (pcs) 1.000 0.00 15.00 - -
- 0.00 Conduit diam Ø 36 mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 10.66 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 27 RJ-45 telephone outlet type CAT - 6 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 1.000 0.00 850.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Data cable, UTP cat 5e (ml) 8.000 0.00 1.90 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 28 RJ-45 telephone outlet type CAT - 6 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 1.000 0.00 70.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 29 12 port patch pannel nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Patch pannel. 12 port (pcs) 1.000 0.00 12,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
30 PVC Manhole, 50x50x80cm Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC manhole (pcs) 1.100 0.00 2,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 1.100 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

PVC Pipe
31 PVC Pipe power outlet, diam 50mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 PVC Pipe, Diam 50mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 20.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
32 PVC Pipe power outlet, diam 29mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 29mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 9.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Telephone system
Soc 33 Tele point nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 74213 category 5E (p 0.00 70.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 19mm (ml) 30.000 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Cable, catagory 5E UPT (m) 35.000 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 34 Tele outlet Twin moudule RJ11 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 RJ 11 TWIN OUTLET (PCS) 4.000 0.00 15.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 36 MATV head with amplifier nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 MATV head and amplifier (pcs) 1.000 0.00 12,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 37 TV Point nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 TV cable (ml) 50.000 0.00 4.50 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Bell System
Point 38 Bell point fed through 2x1mm2 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 13mm (ml) 6.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Connector, diam 7mm (pcs) 6.000 0.00 0.66 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor (ml) 15.000 0.00 3.32 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 2.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Swi 39 Push button nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Push butten,with bell symbols (pcs) 1.000 0.00 4,520.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Soc 40 Digital Complete Bell nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Bell with transformer of 220/12v, 25VA ( 1.000 0.00 230.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Soc 41 Sign light EXIT Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 42 Sirn light ENTERANCE Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 43 Sign light LADIES TOILET Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 44 Sign light GENTLEMEN TOILET Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
45 Emergency lighting system LED illuminated Pcs 0.00 0.00 -
Soc with 1hr backup battery #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Emergency lighting, LED 1.000 0.00 1,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 56 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
46 1 x16 bare copper m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Bare copper wire, 1x16mm2 (ml) 1.050 0.00 16.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
47 Diam 16mm and 2400mm long copper rod m 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Low voltage earthing system copper ro 1.050 0.00 1,800.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
PVC Manhole, 50x50x80cm Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC manhole (pcs) 1.100 0.00 2,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 1.100 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Wire less microphone, cliptype, with Pcs 0.00 0.00 -
Soc transmitter and reciever #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Amplifier, Philips 60w table top mixing am 1.000 0.00 18,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc Table mounted microphone Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 TABLE STAND DYNAMIC MICRAPHON 1.000 0.00 2,168.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Wire less hand held microphone with Pcs 0.00 0.00 -
Soc transmitter #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Microphone, Philips LBB 2900/15 hand he 1.000 0.00 2,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc Cabling Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 120.000 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 57 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour

06 Registrar
2 02 Excavation & Earthwork 228,292.21 - 148,340.56
Bulk excavation
B Ex 01 Bulk not exceeding 1.5m m3 1,117.20 25.45 28,432.74 0.32 352.54 1.59 1,776.35 19,485.83 19.35 21,614.72
Daily laborer 148.96 2.37 352.54 Fuel 0.200 223.44 7.95 1,776.35 Excavator 37.24 19,485.83
Pit excavation
P Ex 02 Pit not exceeding 1.5m m3 335.85 28.00 9,403.87 0.00 0.35 117.76 1.59 534.01 6,508.70 21.32 7,160.46
Daily laborer 49.76 2.37 117.76 Fuel 0.200 67.17 7.95 534.01 Excavator 12.44 6,508.70
P Ex 02 Pit not exceeding 1.5m m3 224.90 30.00 6,747.05 0.00 0.35 78.85 1.59 357.59 4,358.51 21.32 4,794.96
Daily laborer 33.32 2.37 78.85 Fuel 0.200 44.98 7.95 357.59 Excavator 8.33 4,358.51
Trench Excavation
T Ex 03 Trench not exceeding 1.5m m3 115.90 28.00 3,245.20 0.00 0.35 40.64 1.59 184.28 2,246.10 21.32 2,471.02
Daily laborer 17.17 2.37 40.64 Fuel 0.200 23.18 7.95 184.28 Excavator 4.29 2,246.10

Fill Work
Fill 5 Sellected borrowed fill m3 767.58 108.00 82,898.70 16.62 12,754.63 8.59 6,590.45 26,884.51 60.23 46,229.59
Daily laborer 3,070.32 2.37 7,266.43 Benzene 0.200 153.52 - - Tamper 307.03 4,605.48
Gang leader 307.03 4.54 1,394.44 Fuel 1.080 828.99 7.95 6,590.45 D. Truck (10m3) 62.17 15,543.51
Sub contractor 4,093.76 1.00 4,093.76 - - Wheel loader CA 10.36 6,735.52
05 Disposal m3 1,793.85 37.00 66,372.60 23.65 42,417.66
Dispo 0.17 301.55 6.68 11,979.36 30,136.75
Daily laborer 86.10 2.37 203.78 0.00 - - Wheel loader CA 21.53 13,992.06
Gang leader 21.53 4.54 97.77 Fuel 0.840 1,506.84 7.95 11,979.36 D. Truck (10m3) 64.58 16,144.69
Hard 06 25cm thick hardcore m2 321.57 97.00 31,192.05 73.55 23,652.17
core 5.16 1,660.36 24.10 7,750.96 14,240.85
Mason 128.63 8.18 1,051.53 Basaltic stone (m3) 0.310 99.69 77.75 7,750.96 D. Truck (10m3) 56.96 14,240.85
Daily laborer 257.25 2.37 608.83 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.00 200.00 - -

3 03 Concrete Work 645,541.80 0.00 - 429,134.52

1 Insitu concrete 0.00
01 C-5 lean concrete, under footing m3 10.73 1,008.00 10,815.21 725.73 7,786.64
Con 5 34.86 374.06 670.87 7,197.99 214.59
Daily laborer 120.17 2.37 284.40 Cement (Qtl) 1.500 16.09 248.74 4,003.22 Mixer-500lit 4.29 214.59
mason 8.58 8.18 70.17 Sand (m3) 0.480 5.15 320.00 1,648.03 -
Gang leader 4.29 4.54 19.49 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.720 7.73 200.00 1,545.03 -
- 0.00 Fuel 0.020 0.21 7.95 1.71 -

2 C-25 Reinforced concrete, sub structure

02 C-25 in Footing m3 73.80 2,059.00 151,959.35 1,345.01 99,265.01
Con 25 76.25 5,627.70 1,223.04 90,263.47 3,373.83
Daily laborer 1,349.53 2.37 3,193.89 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 265.69 248.74 66,087.25 Mixer-500lit 42.17 2,108.64
Mason 84.35 8.18 689.53 Sand (m3) 0.520 38.38 320.00 12,280.74 Vibrator 84.35 1,265.19
Gang leader 42.17 4.54 191.54 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 58.30 200.00 11,660.80 -
Carpenter 42.17 9.08 383.07 Fuel 0.400 29.52 7.95 234.69 -
Bar bender 42.17 7.27 306.46 Benzene 0.400 29.52 - - -
Forman 42.17 20.47 863.23 0.00 - - -
03 C-25 in foundation column m3 9.85 2,059.00 20,287.33 1,345.01 13,252.37
Con 25 76.25 751.33 1,223.04 12,050.62 450.42
Daily laborer 180.17 2.37 426.40 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 35.47 248.74 8,822.98 Mixer-500lit 5.63 281.51
Mason 11.26 8.18 92.06 Sand (m3) 0.520 5.12 320.00 1,639.54 Vibrator 11.26 168.91
Gang leader 5.63 4.54 25.57 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 7.78 200.00 1,556.77 -
Carpenter 5.63 9.08 51.14 Fuel 0.400 3.94 7.95 31.33 -
Bar bender 5.63 7.27 40.91 Benzene 0.400 3.94 - - -
Forman 5.63 20.47 115.24 0.00 - - -

Page 58 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
04 C-25 in Grade beam m3 33.04 2,059.00 68,029.36 1,345.01 44,439.09
Con 25 76.25 2,519.42 1,223.04 40,409.27 1,510.40
Daily laborer 604.16 2.37 1,429.85 Cement (Qtl) 3.600 118.94 248.74 29,586.03 Mixer-500lit 18.88 944.00
Mason 37.76 8.18 308.69 Sand (m3) 0.520 17.18 320.00 5,497.86 Vibrator 37.76 566.40
Gang leader 18.88 4.54 85.75 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.790 26.10 200.00 5,220.32 -
Carpenter 18.88 9.08 171.49 Fuel 0.400 13.22 7.95 105.07 -
Bar bender 18.88 7.27 137.19 Benzene 0.400 13.22 - - -
Forman 18.88 20.47 386.45 0.00 - - -
05 C-20 in ground floor slab & steps m3 32.16 1,890.00 60,776.26 1,247.63 40,119.59
Con 25 85.60 2,752.50 1,116.32 35,897.06 1,470.02
Daily laborer 588.01 2.37 1,391.62 Cement (Qtl) 3.200 102.90 248.74 25,595.65 Mixer-500lit 18.38 918.76
Mason 73.50 8.18 600.87 Sand (m3) 0.500 16.08 320.00 5,145.08 Vibrator 36.75 551.26
Gang leader 18.38 4.54 83.45 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.800 25.73 200.00 5,145.08 -
Carpenter 18.38 9.08 166.91 Fuel 0.044 1.41 7.95 11.25 -
Bar bender 18.38 7.27 133.53 Benzene 0.044 1.41 - - -
Forman 18.38 20.47 376.12 0.00 - - -

4 Form work, sub structure 0.00

FW 10 To Footing m2 124.88 72.00 8,991.36 28.63 3,574.69 22.60 2,822.29 - 51.23 6,396.98
Carpenter 312.20 9.08 2,835.82 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 65.56 20.00 1,311.24 -
Daily laborer 312.20 2.37 738.87 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 374.64 2.00 749.28 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 187.32 3.00 561.96 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 24.98 8.00 199.81 -
FW 11 To Foundation column m2 108.15 72.00 7,786.44 28.62 3,095.65 22.60 2,444.08 - 51.22 5,539.73
Carpenter 270.36 9.08 2,455.79 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 56.78 20.00 1,135.52 -
Daily laborer 270.36 2.37 639.86 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 324.44 2.00 648.87 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 162.22 3.00 486.65 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 21.63 8.00 173.03 -
FW 12 To grade beam m2 264.00 72.00 19,008.00 28.63 7,557.00 22.60 5,966.40 - 51.23 13,523.40
Carpenter 660.00 9.08 5,995.00 Steel formwork (m2) 0.525 138.60 20.00 2,772.00 -
Daily laborer 660.00 2.37 1,562.00 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 3.000 792.00 2.00 1,584.00 -
- 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.500 396.00 3.00 1,188.00 -
- 0.00 Nail (kg) 0.200 52.80 8.00 422.40 -

5 Rebar, sub structure 0.00

Rei 16 Diam 8mm kg 2,623.95 23.44 61,505.31 0.58 1,509.81 15.10 39,621.59 - 15.68 41,131.40
Daily laborer 62.47 2.37 147.86 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 8mm 1.050 2,755.14 14.00 38,572.02 -
Bar bender 187.42 7.27 1,361.95 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.020 52.48 20.00 1,049.58 -

Page 59 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Rei 17 Diam 10mm kg 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 10m 1.050 0.00 14.00 - -
Bar bender 0.00 7.27 0.00 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 0.00 20.00 - -
Rei 27 Diam 12mm kg 172.06 23.20 3,991.77 0.58 99.00 14.92 2,567.12 - 15.50 2,666.12
Daily laborer 4.10 2.37 9.70 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 12mm (kg) 1.050 180.66 14.00 2,529.27 -
Bar bender 12.29 7.27 89.31 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 1.89 20.00 37.85 -
Rei 18 Diam 14mm kg 1,914.90 23.20 44,425.62 0.58 1,101.83 14.92 28,570.27 - 15.50 29,672.10
Daily laborer 45.59 2.37 107.90 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 14m 1.050 2,010.64 14.00 28,148.99 -
Bar bender 136.78 7.27 993.92 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 21.06 20.00 421.28 -
Rei 19 Diam 16mm kg 2,710.12 23.20 62,874.79 0.58 1,559.39 14.92 40,435.00 - 15.50 41,994.39
Daily laborer 64.53 2.37 152.71 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 16m 1.050 2,845.63 14.00 39,838.77 -
Bar bender 193.58 7.27 1,406.68 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 29.81 20.00 596.23 -
Rei 22 Diam 20mm kg 3,344.71 23.20 77,597.37 0.58 1,924.54 14.92 49,903.14 - 15.50 51,827.67
Daily laborer 79.64 2.37 188.47 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 20m 1.050 3,511.95 14.00 49,167.30 -
Bar bender 238.91 7.27 1,736.07 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 36.79 20.00 735.84 -
Rei 22 Diam 24mm kg 1,311.97 23.20 30,437.63 0.58 754.90 14.92 19,574.54 - 15.50 20,329.44
Daily laborer 31.24 2.37 73.93 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 20m 1.050 1,377.57 14.00 19,285.91 -
Bar bender 93.71 7.27 680.97 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) 0.011 14.43 20.00 288.63 -

Concrete ancillaries 0.00

24 Chipwood expansion joint 10mm thick and lm 820.00 20.80 17,056.00 13.65 11,190.59
Con 25 depth 10cm 3.82 3,129.67 9.83 8,060.93 -
Daily laborer 273.33 2.37 646.89 Chipwood, 10mm thick (Pcs) 0.070 57.73 96.00 5,541.89 -
Carpenter 273.33 9.08 2,482.78 Asphalt, AC 180/200 (kg) 0.384 314.88 8.00 2,519.04 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 04 Masonry Work 78,093.42 0.00 54,657.35

01 Concealed from view m3 57.95 930.00 53,893.50 651.63 37,761.93
Maso 88.21 5,111.67 534.25 30,960.05 1,690.21
Mason 289.75 8.18 2,368.71 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.330 77.07 77.75 5,992.76 Mixer-350lit 48.29 1,690.21
Daily laborer 1,159.00 2.37 2,742.97 Cement (qtl) 1.323 76.67 248.74 19,070.29 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.318 18.43 320.00 5,896.99 -
02 Exposed to view m3 23.18 1,044.00 24,199.92 728.88 16,895.42
Maso 88.21 2,044.67 611.50 14,174.67 676.08
Mason 115.90 8.18 947.48 Trachytic stone (m3) 1.400 32.45 77.75 2,523.27 Mixer-350lit 19.32 676.08
Daily laborer 463.60 2.37 1,097.19 Cement (qtl) 1.543 35.78 248.74 8,899.47 -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.371 8.60 320.00 2,751.93 -

4 Block work, class B 0.00

HCB 03 HCB wall 20cm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #N/A #N/A - -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 0.00 13.000 0.00 #N/A #N/A Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.070 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.020 0.00 320.00 - -
HCB 04 HCB wall 10cm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Mason 0.00 8.18 0.00 HCB, 10cm (pcs) 13.000 0.00 8.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.020 0.00 320.00 - -

4 05 Roof works and water proofing 0.00 0.00 0.00

Roof 01 APP modified, 4mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
- 0.00 Bitumenous membrane water proofing ( 1.050 0.00 180.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 02 cementiciouse water proofing m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
- 0.00 Bitumenous membrane water proofing ( 1.050 0.00 180.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 06 Roof works 0.00 0.00 0.00

Roof 01 Pre painted EGA-500, 0.4mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #N/A #N/A - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 0.00 1.100 0.00 #N/A #N/A -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 8.000 0.00 #N/A #N/A -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 03 0.4mm thick 33cm girth ridge cap lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 0.550 0.00 80.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.010 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Roof 04 0.4mm thick 33cm girth flashing lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 0.550 0.00 80.00 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.010 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

4 07 Carpentry and Joinery 0.00 0.00 0.00

car 01 Eucalyptus truss dia 10cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) 1.100 0.00 2.00 - 0.00 -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Iron band 0.200 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.100 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 Anti termite (lit) 0.100 0.00 110.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 02 Eucalyptus truss dia 8cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) 1.100 0.00 3.00 - 0.00 -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Iron band 0.200 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.100 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 Anti termite (lit) 0.100 0.00 110.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 03 Purlin, 5x7cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Sawn Eucalyptus purlin 70 x 50 mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 12.00 - 0.00 -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Iron band 0.050 0.00 30.00 - -
- 0.00 Nails (kg) 0.050 0.00 23.20 - -
- 0.00 Anti termite (lit) 0.050 0.00 110.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
04 8mm thick chipwood ceilling m2 0.00 0.00 -
Con 25 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 1.050 0.00 - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 0.384 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

5 10 Metal work 0.00 0.00 0.00

LTZ 38mm
car 01 Type W1, Size:1750X800mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 1.400 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 1.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 60 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
car 02 Type W2, Size: 3750 x800mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 3.000 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 03 Type W3, Size: 1750x1600mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 2.800 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 2.800 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 04 Type W4, Size: 1750x2550mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 4.462 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 4.462 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 05 Type W5, Size: 3800 x1900mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 7.220 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 7.220 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 06 Type W6, Size: 3750 x1600mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equi 6.000 0.00 500.00 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 6.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

car 07 Type WD1 Size: (2850 No 0.00 0.00 -
X1550)+(900X2550)mm #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 6.713 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 08 Type WD2, Size: 3750 x2550mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 9.563 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 09 Type D1, Size: 700X2100 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 1.470 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
car 10 Type D2, Size: 900X2100 mm No 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
0 Welder 2 0.00 24.56 0.00 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equiva 1.890 0.00 979.10 - -
0 Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lock, ASSA (pcs) 1.000 0.00 1,250.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Corner protection
car 24 Angle iron size 30x30x3mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Carpenter 0.00 9.08 0.00 Angle Iron (kg) 1.413 0.00 18.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

11 11 Finishing - 0.00 - - -
11.1 11.1 Plastering & pointing 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00
Plast 01 Two coats to HCB wall, Internal m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
02 Two coats to Concrete vertical surface m2 0.00 0.00 -
Plast #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00
Plast 03 Two coats to soffit m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Plast 04 Two coats to HCB wall, External m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 -
05 Two coats to Concrete vertical surface, m2 0.00 0.00 -
Plast external #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 -
Plast 06 Fine coat cement plaster to vertical surface m2 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.022 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.005 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
07 Fine coat cement plaster to external surface m2 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.022 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.005 0.00 320.00 - -

Plast 08 Fine coat cement plaster to soffit m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.022 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.005 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Scaffolding (m2) 0.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Plast 09 Pointing Roughly dressed stone wall m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.110 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.027 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

11.1 11.1 floor finish 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

ff 01 Marble chips m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.154 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.037 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble chips, white (m3) 1.020 0.00 250.00 - -
ff 02 Marble skirting lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.005 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.001 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble, 2cm thick white (m2) 0.110 0.00 392.14 - -
ff 03 Non slipery ceramic floor tile m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.198 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.048 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Non slippery ceramic floor tile (m2) 1.020 0.00 172.17 - -
ff 04 ceramic wall tile, 6mm thick m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.011 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Ceramic wall tile, 6mm thick (m2) 1.020 0.00 175.00 - -
Plast 05 48mm thick cement screed m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.265 0.00 248.74 - Mixer-350lit 0.00 -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.064 0.00 320.00 - -

Page 61 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00
ff 06 PVC Floor tile m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 PVC tile (m2) 1.050 0.00 90.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Adhesive, for tile (kg) 0.400 0.00 42.50 - -
Cement (qtl) 0.00
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
ff 07 PVC Skirting lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 PVC Skirting, 10cm high (m) 1.050 0.00 10.75 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Adhesive, for tile (kg) 0.050 0.00 42.50 - -
08 Terrazzo copping, 3x20cm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.050 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.011 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Terrazzo copping, 23x3cm thick (ml) 1.020 0.00 56.00 - -
09 Marble sill, shaped & throated 3x28cm lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Tiler 0.00 11.81 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.176 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.042 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Marble, 33x3cm thick (ml) 1.020 0.00 143.55 - -
10 Concrete pavement, c-20 m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plasterer 0.00 6.36 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.256 0.00 248.74 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.040 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.064 0.00 200.00 - -
- 0.00 red ash (m3) 0.150 0.00 80.00 - -
- 0.00 Concrete pipe, 1/2 dia. 300mm (m) 1.000 0.00 23.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

12 12 Painting 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

Plast 01 Three coats of plastic paint to internal wall m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Stuco (kg) 0.200 0.00 4.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Glue, Animal (kg) 0.200 0.00 3.00 -
- 0.00 Plastic paint (gal) 0.077 0.00 90.00 - -

Plast 02 To plastered soffit m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Stuco (kg) 0.200 0.00 4.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Glue, Animal (kg) 0.200 0.00 3.00 -
- 0.00 Plastic paint (gal) 0.077 0.00 90.00 - -

Plast 03 To Chipwood ceiling m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Stuco (kg) 0.200 0.00 4.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Glue, Animal (kg) 0.200 0.00 3.00 -
- 0.00 Plastic paint (gal) 0.077 0.00 90.00 - -

Plast 04 Quartz paint m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Painter 0.00 5.45 0.00 Quartz wall finish (m2) 1.010 0.00 75.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

13 13 Glazing 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

Plast 01 4mm thick clear glass m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Glazier 0.00 10.90 0.00 Glass CLEAR, 4mm (m2) 1.100 0.00 115.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Putty glass (kg) 1.000 0.00 8.00 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Plast 02 6mm thick clear glass m2 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Glazier 0.00 10.90 0.00 Glass, Figured 6mm thick (m2) 1.100 0.00 250.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Putty glass (kg) 1.000 0.00 8.00 -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

15 15 Sanitary Installation 0.00 - 0.00 - - - 0.00

Fix 3 Fixture
- 0.00 - - -
fix 01 Turkish type WC BS 5503 No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 WC, turkish (pcs) 1.000 0.00 650.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.120 0.00 248.74 - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.020 0.00 320.00 - -
fix 02 Shower try No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Shower try, enameled heavy gauge steel 7 1.000 0.00 365.22 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 03 HWB, 500x405mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 HWB, 500x405mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 750.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 04 Double bowl stainless steel kichen sink No. 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Kitchen sink, 1200x600mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 750.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 05 6kg Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Fire extingusher 6kg (pcs) 1.000 0.00 600.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 06 Soap holder No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Soap holder, tabor complete (pcs) 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 07 Toilet paper holder No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Toilet paper holder, tabor (pcs) 1.000 0.00 48.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
fix 08 Towel hanger No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Towel hanger, Chrome plated steel (pcs) 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
mir 09 Crystal glass mirror No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Crystal glass mirror (pcs) 1.000 0.00 150.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

- 0.00 - - -
GS 10 PPR Pipe diam 20mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 20mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 35.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 11 PPR Pipe diam 25mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 25mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 57.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 12 PPR Pipe diam 32mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 32mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 75.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -
GS 13 PPR Pipe diam 40mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 40mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 100.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 62 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
GV 2 Gate valve
- 0.00 - - -
GV 14 Bronze gate valve, diam 15mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, bronze PN16 diam. 25mm (pc 1.050 0.00 156.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow diam 15mm ( 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
GV 15 Bronze gate valve, diam 20mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, Bronze diam 20mm (pcs) 1.050 0.00 130.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow diam 15mm ( 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
GV 16 Bronze gate valve, diam 32mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 Gate valve, Bronze diam 32mm (pcs) 1.050 0.00 340.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow diam 15mm ( 3.000 0.00 5.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
PVC 17 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 50mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 50mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 7.52 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 18 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 80mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 80mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 11.52 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 19 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 100mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 100mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 25.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 20 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 150mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 150mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 45.43 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 21 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 300mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 300mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 45.43 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 22 uPVC sewerage Pipe diam 100mm m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 100mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 25.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
Red ash (m3) 0.250 0.00 80.00 -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 23 uPVC vent cap diam 100mm No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 100mm (ml) 6.000 0.00 25.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs 1.000 0.00 40.00 - -
0.250 0.00 - -
0.00 - 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 24 uPVC down Pipe diam 100mm, PN 16 m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Plumber 0.00 9.08 0.00 uPVC Pipe, PN 16 Ø 100mm (ml) 1.050 0.00 56.55 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC accessory, Diam110mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 35.00 - -
UV reflctive oil paint (gal) 0.02 0.00 160.00 -
Chiseler 0.00 4.54 0.00 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) 0.150 0.00 40.00 - -
PVC 25 G-28 sheet metal gutter, dev length55cm lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 0.750 0.00 80.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Gutter holder strip, 15x3mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 10.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

16 16 Electrical installation 0.00

- 0.00 - - - 0.00
Bord 01 Distribution board, floor mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
27360 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 27,360.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.405 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.058 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 Crushed aggregate (m3) 0.088 0.00 200.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Bord 02 Distribution board, floor mounted nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
4600 Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Distribution board (birr) 4,600.000 0.00 1.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cement (qtl) 0.132 0.00 248.74 - -
- 0.00 Sand (m3) 0.032 0.00 320.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Point 03 Light point fed through 2x2.5mm2 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 6.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Connector, diam 7mm (pcs) 6.000 0.00 0.66 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 15.000 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 2.000 0.00 0.75 - -

Switches with detachable frames

Swi 04 Single pole nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Switch, single pole 10A (pcs) 1.000 0.00 32.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 05 Double pole nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Double pole switch, flush mounted 10A L 1.000 0.00 50.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 06 Two way nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Two way switch, flush mounted 10A Legr 1.000 0.00 51.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Swi 07 Triple nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Triple pole switch, flush mounted 10A Le 1.000 0.00 124.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Soc 08 Socket outlet 3x2.5mm2 wire nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 09 Dittobut for bed area nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 10 Ditto but for TV points nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
` Soc 11 Ditto but for Hand dryer nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 3.00 - -

Page 63 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 22.800 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
12 Socket outlet 3x2.5mm2 wire for twin socket nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 19mm (ml) 7.500 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 30.400 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Extra over sockets with detachable frame

Soc 13 16A, 1ph nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -

Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Socket outlet, Flush mounted twin 16A, 1.100 0.00 70.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 14 16A, 1ph twin nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Socket outlet, twin Floor socket 16A, 2p 1.100 0.00 80.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 15 16A, 1ph for hand dryer nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Socket outlet, twin Floor socket 16A, 2p 1.100 0.00 80.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
fix 16 Automatic hand dryer No. 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Automatic hand dryer (pcs) 1.000 0.00 3,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Power points
17 Lamp Wall mounting compact flourecent nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc 1x13watts #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp,compact fluorescent 1x13 watts lum 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
18 Lamp Ceiling mounting flourecent 1x36 watts nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc Direct ligth #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent withpolycarbonate steel 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
19 Lamp Ceiling mounting compact florecent nr 0.00 0.00 -
1x18watts optical Direct ligth
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp,compact fluorescent with direct ligh 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
20 Lamp wallmounting compact florecent nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc 1x11watts #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, compact fluorescent 1x11 watts, 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
21 Lamp wallmounting florecent 2x18watts nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc closed louver high glossy #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
22 Lamp wallmounting florecent 4x18watts closed nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc louver high glossy #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver med 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
23 Lamp pole mounting compact florecent nr 0.00 0.00 -
Soc 1x18watts opal direct llight #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp,compact fluorescent pole mounted 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
24 Lamp ceiling mounting flourecent 4x18watts nr 0.00 0.00 -
oclosed louver medium glossy
Soc #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver med 1.100 0.00 1,000.00 - -
- 0.00 30.400 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
25 Power cable 2x4 mm2, including PVC conduit lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 CABLE, 2x4sqmm (ml) 1.100 0.00 12.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, lag (pcs) 1.000 0.00 15.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 29mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 9.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
26 Power cable 5x6 mm2, including PVC conduit lm 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 CABLE, 5x6sqmm (ml) 1.100 0.00 50.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Cable, lag (pcs) 1.000 0.00 15.00 - -
- 0.00 Conduit diam Ø 36 mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 10.66 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 27 RJ-45 telephone outlet type CAT - 6 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 1.000 0.00 850.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Data cable, UTP cat 5e (ml) 8.000 0.00 1.90 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 28 RJ-45 telephone outlet type CAT - 6 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 1.000 0.00 70.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 29 12 port patch pannel nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Patch pannel. 12 port (pcs) 1.000 0.00 12,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
30 PVC Manhole, 50x50x80cm Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC manhole (pcs) 1.100 0.00 2,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 1.100 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 64 Cost breakdown

Labor Material Equipment
. Labor type workhrs wage per Total cost Material type Cons. Rate qty Uniy rate Total cost Equipment hrs Total cost Direct unit cost Direct amount
Code 1.18
1.25 Unit Quantity Tender Unut rate Tender Amount Hour
PVC Pipe
31 PVC Pipe power outlet, diam 50mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 PVC Pipe, Diam 50mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 20.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
32 PVC Pipe power outlet, diam 29mm lm 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 29mm (ml) 1.100 0.00 9.00 - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Telephone system
Soc 33 Tele point nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 74213 category 5E (p 0.00 70.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 19mm (ml) 30.000 0.00 4.50 - -
- 0.00 Cable, catagory 5E UPT (m) 35.000 0.00 2.50 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 1.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Soc 34 Tele outlet Twin moudule RJ11 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 RJ 11 TWIN OUTLET (PCS) 4.000 0.00 15.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 36 MATV head with amplifier nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 MATV head and amplifier (pcs) 1.000 0.00 12,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 37 TV Point nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 TV cable (ml) 50.000 0.00 4.50 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Bell System
Point 38 Bell point fed through 2x1mm2 nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 13mm (ml) 6.500 0.00 3.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 Connector, diam 7mm (pcs) 6.000 0.00 0.66 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor (ml) 15.000 0.00 3.32 - -
- 0.00 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) 2.000 0.00 0.75 - -
Swi 39 Push button nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Push butten,with bell symbols (pcs) 1.000 0.00 4,520.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) 0.00 3.00 - -
- 0.00 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) 0.00 4.50 - -
Soc 40 Digital Complete Bell nr 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Bell with transformer of 220/12v, 25VA ( 1.000 0.00 230.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Soc 41 Sign light EXIT Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 42 Sirn light ENTERANCE Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 43 Sign light LADIES TOILET Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc 44 Sign light GENTLEMEN TOILET Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Sub contractor 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
45 Emergency lighting system LED illuminated Pcs 0.00 0.00 -
Soc with 1hr backup battery #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Emergency lighting, LED 1.000 0.00 1,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
46 1 x16 bare copper m 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Bare copper wire, 1x16mm2 (ml) 1.050 0.00 16.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
47 Diam 16mm and 2400mm long copper rod m 0.00 0.00 -
#DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Low voltage earthing system copper ro 1.050 0.00 1,800.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
PVC Manhole, 50x50x80cm Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 PVC manhole (pcs) 1.100 0.00 2,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 3.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 1.100 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Wire less microphone, cliptype, with Pcs 0.00 0.00 -
Soc transmitter and reciever #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Amplifier, Philips 60w table top mixing am 1.000 0.00 18,000.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc Table mounted microphone Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 TABLE STAND DYNAMIC MICRAPHON 1.000 0.00 2,168.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Wire less hand held microphone with Pcs 0.00 0.00 -
Soc transmitter #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 Microphone, Philips LBB 2900/15 hand he 1.000 0.00 2,500.00 - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -
Soc Cabling Pcs 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! - #DIV/0! - - -
Electrician 0.00 10.90 0.00 120.000 0.00 - - -
Daily laborer 0.00 2.37 0.00 30.000 0.00 - - -
- 0.00 0.00 - - -

Page 65 Cost breakdown

Labor sallary breakbown

Expected labour DISP/ HARDSHIP
Labor by trade hour ALLOWANCE

hrs Birr/day Birr/day Birr/day 3%

1 Bar bender 14,118.81 40.00 10.80 1.20
2 Carpenter 16,227.13 50.00 13.50 1.50
3 Chiseler - 25.00 6.75 0.75
4 Daily laborer 121,115.95 16.00 0.48
5 Electrician 4.00 60.00 16.20 1.80
6 Gang leader 5,028.80 25.00 6.75 0.75
7 Garden worker - 40.00 10.80 1.20
8 Glazier - 60.00 16.20 1.80
9 Helper - 25.00 6.75 0.75
10 Mason 10,608.23 45.00 12.15 1.35
11 Painter - 30.00 8.10 0.90
12 Plasterer - 35.00 9.45 1.05
13 Plumber - 50.00 13.50 1.50
14 Polishing man - 50.00 13.50 1.50
15 Solder - 50.00 13.50 1.50
16 Sprayer - 50.00 13.50 1.50
17 Tiler - 65.00 17.55 1.95
18 Welder - 60.00 16.20 1.80
19 Sub contractor 123,936.87 8.00 - - -
20 Forman 1,110.85 75.00 75.00 2.25
20 Surveyor - 75.00 75.00 2.25
21 Welder 2 90.00 90.00 2.70
breakbown 792,913.82

Qty of resource Amount

5% 2% 8% Birr/day

2.00 0.80 3.33 58.13 1.45 14,118.81 102,596.68

2.50 1.00 4.17 72.67 1.45 16,227.13 147,396.46
1.25 0.50 2.08 36.33 1.45 - -
0.80 0.32 1.33 18.93 1.18 121,115.95 286,641.09
3.00 1.20 5.00 87.20 1.45 4.00 43.60
1.25 0.50 2.08 36.33 1.45 5,028.80 22,839.13
2.00 0.80 3.33 58.13 1.45 - -
3.00 1.20 5.00 87.20 1.45 - -
1.25 0.50 2.08 36.33 1.45 - -
2.25 0.90 3.75 65.40 1.45 10,608.23 86,722.25
1.50 0.60 2.50 43.60 1.45 - -
1.75 0.70 2.92 50.87 1.45 - -
2.50 1.00 4.17 72.67 1.45 - -
2.50 1.00 4.17 72.67 1.45 - -
2.50 1.00 4.17 72.67 1.45 - -
2.50 1.00 4.17 72.67 1.45 - -
3.25 1.30 5.42 94.47 1.45 - -
3.00 1.20 5.00 87.20 1.45 - -
- - - 8.00 1.00 123,936.87 123,936.87
3.75 1.50 6.25 163.75 2.18 1,110.85 22,737.74
3.75 1.50 6.25 163.75 2.18 - -
4.50 1.80 7.50 196.50 2.18 - -
ETB Total Labore price



#DIV/0! ETB Total material price
#DIV/0! ETB Total material price

Material group
(1) Abrv.

Materials to be purchased from Addis Ababa (AA) AA

Materials to be purchased from Muger (MG) MG
Materials to be purchased from Mekele (MS) MS

Distance from
NO. project (AT AA)

(6) (7) (9) (10)

car 1 7x12cm Kerero hand rail (ml) - 25.00

Acrylic sky light, 6mm thick(m2) 2,000.00
fin 2 Addhesive, pvc cement (kg) - 40.00

fin 3 Adhesive, for tile (kg) - 42.50

Amplifier, Philips 60w table top mixing amplifier with 4 inputs and priority switch,
ele 11 100V, wire less input, CD player, FM tuner (pcs) - 18,000.00
13 Anti rust (gal) - 110.00
14 Anti termite (lit) - 110.00
17 Armstrong, parafon universal 1.8x60x60cm (m2) - 240.00
18 Armstrong, prema cirrus 2x60x60cm (m2) - 290.00
18 Armstrong,ORCAL 2x60x60cm (m2) - 290.00
19 Asphalt, AC 180/200 (kg) - 8.00
21 Automatic hand dryer (pcs) - 3,500.00
31 Basaltic stone (m3) - 77.75
36 Bell with transformer of 220/12v, 25VA (pcs) - 230.00
Benzene -
37 Bitumenous membrane water proofing (4mm) (m2) - 180.00
39 Black wire, diam. 1.5mm (kg) - 20.00
52 Cable, catagory 5E UPT (m) - 2.50
52 Cable, catagory 6E UPT (m) - 5.00
64 Cable, SIEMANS NYY-O 3x6 mm2 (m) - 34.00
75 Cable, SIEMANS NYY-O 5x4 mm2 (m) - 53.00
76 Cable, SIEMANS NYY-O 5x6 mm2 (m) - 65.00
76 Cable, lag (pcs) - 15.00
79 Cement (qtl) - 196.74
80 Cement tille skirting, 10x2cm thick (m) - 7.26
81 Ceramic wall tile, 6mm thick (m2) - 160.00
Ceramic floor tile, 12mm thick (m2) 350.00
83 Chip wood, 8mm (pcs) - 126.00
84 Chipwood, 10mm thick (Pcs) - 96.00
Chipwood pre moulded, 40x2cm (lm) 110.80
Chipwood pre moulded, 33x2cm (lm) 91.41
85 CHS, CT40 and t=2.5mm (ml) - 34.53
87 CHS, CT60 and t=3mm (ml) - 62.15
88 CHS, CT80 and t=2.5mm (ml) - 54.81
95 Concrete pipe, 1/2 dia. 300mm (m) - 23.00
98 Connector, diam 7mm (pcs) - 0.66
107 Crank bolts with nuts, diam6mm (pcs) - 2.00
108 Crushed aggregate (m3) - 200.00
109 Crystal glass mirror, 15 years warranty damp proofing back, thickness 5mm (pcs) - 250.00
109 Crystal glass mirror (pcs) - 150.00
111 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 74213 category 5E with 8 contacts complete wi - 850.00
111 Data outlet, RJ45 outlet type LEGGRAND 74213 category 5E (pcs) - 70.00
114 Distribution board (birr) - 1.00
115 Double pole switch, flush mounted 10A Legrand décor (pcs) - 50.00
Double two way (pcs) 85.00
116 Dressed stone (pcs) - 25.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 500x125mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 948.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 500x225mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 1,104.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 500x275mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 1,176.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 500x350mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 1,296.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 500x400mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 1,728.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 900x400mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 1,980.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 900x525mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 2,172.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 900x650mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 2,358.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 1075x650mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 2,628.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 1250x650mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 2,892.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 1250x725mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 3,120.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 1250x800mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 3,210.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 1250x875mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 3,234.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 1250x925mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 3,312.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 1350x925mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 3,462.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 1400x925mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 3,540.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 925x400mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 2,016.00
Duct, Galvanized steel metal size 925x1150mm 0.8mm wall thickness (m) 3,540.00
Kitchen hood island type, 7600x1300x750mm (No) 80,925.00
Plenium box, 1mm thick , 3000x2000x1000mm 15,281.50
Plenium box, 1mm thick , 2000x1200x1000mm 9,789.00
137 EGA-500, 0.4mm thick colored (m2) Alem genet - 160.00
144 Eucalyptus dia10cm (m) - 2.00
145 Eucalyptus dia12cm (m) - 2.50
146 Eucalyptus, diam 8cm (ml) - 3.00
Fire extingusher 6kg (pcs) 600.00
169 Floor drain, white enameled cast Iron diam 100mm (pcs) - 95.65
Fuel - 7.95
180 Galvanized sheet metal 0.4mm thick (m2) - 60.00
188 Gate valve, bronze PN16 diam. 25mm (pcs) - 156.00
197 Glass clear, 4mm (m2) - 115.00
198 Glass clear, 6mm (m2) - 208.70
200 Glue, Animal (kg) - 3.00
202 GS pipe Accessories, Elbow diam 15mm (pcs) - 5.00
210 HCB, 10cm (pcs) - 8.00
211 HCB, 15cm (pcs) - 8.50
212 HCB, 20cm class B (pcs) - 10.00
216 HWB, 500x405mm with pedistal (pcs) - 1,100.00
216 HWB, 500x405mm (pcs) - 750.00
218 Intermediate switch, flush mounted 10A Legrand décor (pcs) - 90.00
218 Iron band 30.00
221 Junction box, dia. 65mm (pcs) - 0.75
226 Kitchen sink, 1200x600mm (pcs) - 750.00
239 Lamp, Philips TCS 398/136 IC + 1x36w lamp (pcs) - 900.00
a Lamp, fluorescent with reflector, 4x18 watts (PCS) 805.00
b Lamp, fluorescent with symmetrical reflector, 1x36 watts ( pcs) 690.00
c Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high glossy, 2x36 watts (pcs) 745.00
Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high glossy, 2x18 watts, luminaire
d polycarbonate(pcs) 1,000.00
e Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high glossy, 2x18 watts(pcs) 710.00
e Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver medium glossy, with steel sheet 4x18 watts(pcs) 805.00
e Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high glossy, with emergency kit for 3hrs 4x18 watts(pcs) 1,000.00
e Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high glossy,kit for 3hrs 4x18 watts(pcs) 690.00
e Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high glossy, 4x18 watts(pcs) 1,000.00
f Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver medium glossy, 4x18 watts(pcs) 1,000.00
g Lamp, fluorescent with direct light opal, 1x11 watts(pcs) 1,000.00
g Lamp, compact fluorescent 1x11 watts, luminar polycarbonate(pcs) 1,000.00
h Lamp, fluorescent with fiber glass polyster, 1x36 watts(pcs) 690.00
h Lamp, fluorescent with fiber glass polyster, 2x36 watts(pcs) 1,000.00
h Lamp, fluorescent withpolycarbonate steel sheet, 1x36 watts(pcs) 1,000.00
i Lamp, LED with frosted glass, 1x2 watts lum fiber glass nylon(pcs) 1,000.00
Lamp,compact fluorescent with direct light opal, 2x26 watts lum opal glass(pcs)
j 1,000.00
Lamp, fluorescent with closed louver high glossy, 2x18 watts, recessed(pcs)
k 710.00
Lamp,compact fluorescent with direct light opal, 1x18 watts lum polycarbonate steel
l sheet base(pcs) 1,000.00
Lamp,compact fluorescent with Fiber glass,2x18 watts lum Fiber glass(pcs)
l 1,000.00
l Lamp,compact fluorescent 1x13 watts lum glass sheet base(pcs) 1,000.00
Lamp,compact fluorescent pole mounted 1x18 watts lum polycarbonate steel sheet base
l (pcs) 1,000.00
267 Lock, ASSA (pcs) - 1,250.00
271 Low voltage earthing system copper rod2400x16mm - 1,800.00
273 LTZ 38mm, Door ASSA, TESA or equivalent (m2) 979.10
273 LTZ 38mm, Window ASSA, TESA or equivalent (m2) 500.00
289 Marble chips, white (m3) - 250.00
296 Marble, 20x2cm thick (ml) - 80.00
299 Marble, 2cm thick white (m2) - 392.14
300 Marble, 3cm thick white (m2) - 435.00
301 Marble, 33x3cm thick (ml) - 143.55
316 Microphone, Philips LBB 2900/15 hand held microphone with LBC 1226/01 adjustable bo - 2,500.00
317 Microphone, Philips LBB 9094/15 table standdynamic microphone with switch and 12m au - 2,500.00
318 Mosaic floor tile copping (m) - 84.00
319 Nail (kg) - 8.00
333 Non slippery ceramic floor tile (m2) - 172.17
334 Non slippery ceramic skirting, 10cm high (m) - 25.83
337 Patch pannel. 24 port (pcs) - 12,500.00
337 Patch pannel. 12 port (pcs) - 12,500.00
337 Patch pannel. 48 port (pcs) - 18,750.00
337 Plastic paint (gal) - 90.00
340 Polysulphide/polyurethane polymers sealant, depth 450mm (ml) - 45.00
349 Push butten,with bell symbols (pcs) - 4,520.00
350 Putty glass (kg) - 8.00
353 PVC conductor, dia. 2.5mm2 (m) - 4.50
354 PVC conductor, dia. 4mm2 (m) - 8.00
356 PVC Conduite, dia. 13mm (ml) - 3.00
356 PVC Conduite, dia. 16mm (ml) - 3.00
357 PVC Conduite, dia. 19mm (ml) - 4.50
358 PVC Conduite, dia. 21mm (ml) - 5.25
359 PVC Conduite, dia. 29mm (ml) - 9.00
360 PVC Conduite, dia. 32mm (ml) - 11.00
361 PVC Conduite, dia. 50mm (ml) - 20.00
362 PVC Pipe, Diam 110mm (ml) - 50.00
362 PVC Pipe, Diam200mm (ml) - 50.00
367 PVC accessory, Diam110mm (pcs) - 35.00
363 PVC manhole (pcs) - 2,500.00
364 PVC Pipe, Diam 50mm (ml) - 20.00
367 PVC Pipe, Diam110mm (ml) - 50.00
368 PVC Skirting, 10cm high (m) - 10.75
369 PVC tile (m2) - 90.00
369 PVC Roll, 3mm tile (m2) - 170.00
370 Quartz wall finish (m2) - 75.00
370 Red ash (m3) - 80.00
376 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 10mm (kg) - 14.00
379 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 12mm (kg) - 14.00
380 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 14mm (kg) - 14.00
381 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 16mm (kg) - 14.00
382 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 20mm (kg) - 14.00
383 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 24mm (kg) - 14.00
387 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 4mm (kg) - 20.00
388 Reinforcement bar, diam. 6mm (kg) - 14.00
389 Reinforcement bar, Diam. 8mm (kg) - 14.00
390 RHS 100x100x4.5mm (kg) - 18.00
397 RHS 30x30x3mm (kg) - 15.33
399 RHS 40x40x3mm (kg) - 15.33
403 RHS 60x60x3mm (kg) - 15.33
405 Sand (m3) - 320.00
406 Scaffolding (m2) - 3.00
414 Sheet metal, 10mm thick (m2) - 2,826.00
419 Shower try, enameled heavy gauge steel 700x700mm with all accessories (pcs) - 365.22
420 Single pole switch, flush mounted 10A Legrand décor (pcs) - 45.00
421 Soap holder, tabor complete (pcs) - 40.00
427 Socket outlet, Flush mounted 20A, 1p+E, 240V and with switch Legrand décor (pcs) - 80.00
429 Socket outlet, Flush mounted twin 16A, 2p+E, 240V Legrand décor (pcs) - 70.00
434 Socket outlet, twin Floor socket 16A, 2p+E, 240V Legrand décor (pcs) - 80.00
Socket with detachable frame, 16A, 1ph(pcs) 60.00
438 Steel formwork (m2) - 20.00
440 Stuco (kg) - 4.00
444 Synthetic paint (gal) - 125.00
451 Terrazzo copping, 23x3cm thick (ml) - 56.00
453 Terrazzo copping, 38x3cm thick (ml) - 68.00
454 Terrazzo skirting, 10x2cm thick (m2) - 20.00
455 Terrazzo tile, 20x20x2cm thick (m2) - 180.00
Toilet paper holder, tabor (pcs) 48.00
465 Towel hanger, Chrome plated steel (pcs) - 40.00
465 Towel hanger, Chrome plated steel, high quality (pcs) - 120.00
467 Trachytic stone (m3) - 77.75
468 Triple pole switch, flush mounted 10A Legrand décor (pcs) - 124.00
479 TV cable (ml) - 4.50
479 MATV head and amplifier (pcs) - 12,000.00
479 Two way switch, flush mounted 10A Legrand décor (pcs) - 51.00
Two way switch, + single pole flush mounted 10A Legrand , water proof (pcs) 79.00
Two way water proof switch ( pcs) 80.00
480 UPS, APC 40KVA floor stand for 380/220V, 50hz. Manual bypass switch for 10min. (pcs - 250,000.00
503 uPVC Accessories, PN4 diam 80mm (pcs) - 40.00
528 uPVC pipe, PN4 diam 80mm (ml) - 20.53
Urinal BS 3402 650.00
532 Varnish (gal) - 90.00
541 Water heater, 80lit (pcs) - 1,450.00
541 Water heater, 100lit (pcs) - 2,500.00
544 WC, low flush luxury type (pcs) - 2,100.00
WC, turkish (pcs) 650.00
Box type exhaust fan for circulation room 381,620.00
Box type exhaust fan for kitchen hood 301,425.00
553 Xypex water proofing material (m2) - 195.00
car 23 Nails (kg) 23.20
car 26 Parquet,3CM THICK TANGUED AND GROOVE Tid stage(ML) RHS joist 2,100.00
car 26 Parquet,3mm tid wood cladding 400.00
car 26 Parquet,3CM THICK TANGUED AND GROOVE Tid stage(ML) wood joist 1,800.00
car 29 Sawn Eucalyptus purlin 70 x 50 mm (ml) 12.00
ele 9 Bare copper wire, 1x16mm2 (ml) 16.00
ele 14 CABLE,2x10sqmm (ml) 60.00
ele 14 CABLE,2x4sqmm (ml) 60.00
ele 14 CABLE,2x2.5sqmm (ml) 60.00
ele 14 CABLE, 3x10sqmm (ml) 60.00
ele 17 CABLE, 3x240/120sqmm (ml) 850.00
ele 19 CABLE, 2x4sqmm (ml) 12.00
ele 21 CABLE, 3x185/95sqmm (ml) 1,590.00
ele 24 CABLE, 3x25/16+ 1x16sqmm (ml) 195.00
ele 24 CABLE, 3x35/16+ 1x16sqmm (ml) 240.00
ele 26 CABLE, 3x4sqmm (ml) 22.00
ele 28 CABLE, 3x70/35+ 1x35sqmm (ml) 980.00
ele 31 CABLE, 3x95+ 1x50sqmm (ml) 560.00
ele 31 CABLE, 3x150/70+ 1x70sqmm (ml) 848.00
ele 33 CABLE, 4x10sqmm (ml) 80.00
ele 38 Cable, (ml) 40.00
ele 41 CABLE, 5x10sqmm (ml) 140.00
ele 42 CABLE, 5x16sqmm (ml) 190.00
ele 45 CABLE, 5x6sqmm (ml) 50.00
ele 47 Cable, TV or audio, 2x2.5(ml) 2.50
Cable, telephone 100 pairs CAT 5 UTP 950.00
Cable, telephone 25 pairs CAT 5 UTP 350.00
ele 51 Conduit diam Ø 13 mm (ml) 1.50
ele 54 Conduit diam Ø 29 mm (ml) 4.08
ele 56 Conduit diam Ø 36 mm (ml) 10.66
ele 56 Conduit diam Ø 50 mm (ml) 20.00
ele 57 Conduit diam Ø 80 mm (ml) 30.00
ele 68 Data cable, UTP cat 5e (ml) 1.90
Emergency lighting, LED 950.00
Floor box, consisting of 2pcs 8 contact RJ45(pcs) 350.00
ele 135 PVC conductor (ml) 3.32
ele 138 RJ 11 TWIN OUTLET (PCS) 15.00
ele 155 Surface mounted 10w ceiling speaker (pcs) 2,500.00
ele 156 Surface mounted 24w Column speaker (pcs) 2,375.00
ele 166 Switch, single pole 10A (pcs) 32.00
ele 174 Tele terminal box, 10x10x20cm (pcs) 600.00
Terminal block, 25 pairs (pcs) 500.00
Terminal block, 100 pairs(pcs) 2,000.00
Terminal block, MTTB of 400 pairs(pcs) 8,000.00
gla 7 Glass, Figured 6mm thick (m2) 250.00
pro 16 Plain Concrete pipe, dia 200mm (ml) 45.78
roof 20 G-28 sheet metal (m2) 80.00
san 61 Gate valve, Bronze diam 15mm (pcs) 66.97
san 62 Gate valve, Bronze diam 20mm (pcs) 130.00
san 63 Gate valve, Bronze diam 25mm (pcs) 200.00
san 64 Gate valve, Bronze diam 32mm (pcs) 340.00
san 65 Gate valve, Bronze diam 40mm (pcs) 400.00
san 66 Gate valve, Bronze diam 50mm (pcs) 450.00
san 67 Gate valve, Bronze diam 65mm (pcs) 600.00
san 68 Gate valve, Bronze diam 80mm (pcs) 1,050.00
san 116 Gutter holder strip, 15x3mm (pcs) 10.00
san 128 Kitchen sink: double bowl stainless steel, 1500mm x 500 mmx150 (pcs) 1,200.00
san 168 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 20mm (ml) 35.00
san 169 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 25mm (ml) 57.00
san 170 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 32mm (ml) 75.00
san 171 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 40mm (ml) 100.00
san 172 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 50mm (ml) 130.00
san 173 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 63mm (ml) 170.00
san 174 PP Pipe, PN 10 Ø 75mm (ml) 220.00
san 264 uPVC Pipe, PN 16 Ø 100mm (ml) 56.55
san 266 uPVC Pipe, PN 16 Ø 150mm (ml) 118.57
san 278 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 300mm (ml) 45.43
san 278 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 150mm (ml) 45.43
san 280 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 50mm (ml) 7.52
san 283 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 80mm (ml) 11.52
san 283 uPVC pipe, PN 4 Ø 100mm (ml) 25.00
UV reflctive oil paint (gal) 160.00
san 301 Water tank, fiberglass 10m3 and 7mm thick wall thickness (pcs) 25,000.00
steel 1 Angle Iron (kg) 18.00
steel 3 Electrode (kg) 29.00

Rate Distance
Birr/km/qtl (km) (Birr/qtl)
(2) (3) (4) (5)

0.065 550.00 35.75 Normal freight

0.100 120.00 12.00 Special freight
0.065 783.00 66.50

Required qty Amount
(11=4) (12) (13) (14=910+11+12+13) (10)

- 25.00 - -
10.00 2,010.00 - -
- 40.00 - -

- 42.50 - -

- 18,000.00 - -
- 110.00 - -
- 110.00 - -
- 240.00 - -
- 290.00 - -
- 290.00 - -
- 8.00 1,875.46 15,003.65
- 3,500.00 - -
- 77.75 2,053.02 159,630.50
- 230.00 - -
- - 2,375.55 -
- 180.00 - -
- 20.00 2,457.46 49,149.18
- 2.50 - -
- 5.00 - -
- 34.00 - -
- 53.00 - -
- 65.00 - -
- 15.00 - -
- 2.00 50.00 248.74 8,289.65 2,061,959.83
- 7.26 - -
12.00 3.00 175.00 - -
10.00 2.00 362.00 - -
- 126.00 57.02 7,185.02
- 96.00 286.81 27,533.72
110.80 - -
91.41 - -
- 34.53 - -
- 62.15 - -
- 54.81 - -
- 23.00 - -
- 0.66 - -
- 2.00 - -
- 200.00 1,630.46 326,092.78
- 250.00 - -
- 150.00 - -
- 850.00 - -
- 70.00 - -
- 1.00 - -
- 50.00 - -
85.00 - -
- 25.00 - -
948.00 - -
1,104.00 - -
1,176.00 - -
1,296.00 - -
1,728.00 - -
1,980.00 - -
2,172.00 - -
2,358.00 - -
2,628.00 - -
2,892.00 - -
3,120.00 - -
3,210.00 - -
3,234.00 - -
3,312.00 - -
3,462.00 - -
3,540.00 - -
2,016.00 - -
3,540.00 - -
80,925.00 - -
15,281.50 - -
9,789.00 - -
- 160.00 - -
- 2.00 16,185.94 32,371.88
- 2.50 - -
- 3.00 8,092.97 24,278.91
600.00 - -
- 95.65 - -
- 7.95 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
- 60.00 - -
- 156.00 - -
- 115.00 - -
- 208.70 - -
- 3.00 - -
- 5.00 - -
- 8.00 - -
- 8.50 - -
- 10.00 - -
- 1,100.00 - -
- 750.00 - -
- 90.00 - -
30.00 - -
- 0.75 - -
- 750.00 - -
- 900.00 - -
805.00 - -
690.00 - -
745.00 - -

1,000.00 - -
710.00 - -
805.00 - -
1,000.00 - -
690.00 - -
1,000.00 - -
1,000.00 - -
1,000.00 - -
1,000.00 - -
690.00 - -
1,000.00 - -
1,000.00 - -
1,000.00 - -

1,000.00 - -

710.00 - -

1,000.00 - -

1,000.00 - -
1,000.00 - -

1,000.00 - -
- 1,250.00 - -
- 1,800.00 - -
979.10 - -
500.00 - -
- 250.00 - -
- 80.00 - -
- 392.14 - -
20.00 455.00 - -
- 143.55 - -
- 2,500.00 - -
- 2,500.00 - -
- 5.00 89.00 - -
- 8.00 1,079.06 8,632.50
- 172.17 - -
- 25.83 - -
- 12,500.00 - -
- 12,500.00 - -
- 18,750.00 - -
- 90.00 - -
- 45.00 - -
- 4,520.00 - -
- 8.00 - -
- 4.50 - -
- 8.00 - -
- 3.00 - -
- 3.00 - -
- 4.50 - -
- 5.25 - -
- 9.00 - -
- 11.00 - -
- 20.00 - -
- 50.00 - -
- 50.00 - -
- 35.00 - -
- 2,500.00 - -
- 20.00 - -
- 50.00 - -
- 10.75 - -
- 90.00 - -
- 170.00 - -
- 75.00 - -
- 80.00 - -
- 14.00 1,524.26 21,339.66
- 14.00 17,257.23 241,601.19
- 14.00 22,483.52 314,769.26
- 14.00 32,133.25 449,865.46
- 14.00 52,693.92 737,714.86
- 14.00 12,130.90 169,832.56
- 20.00 - -
- 14.00 - -
- 14.00 52,993.90 741,914.64
- 18.00 - -
- 15.33 - -
- 15.33 - -
- 15.33 - -
- 320.00 1,386.59 443,708.98
- 3.00 - -
- 2,826.00 - -
- 365.22 - -
- 45.00 - -
- 40.00 - -
- 80.00 - -
- 70.00 - -
- 80.00 - -
60.00 - -
- 20.00 2,832.54 56,650.78
- 4.00 - -
- 125.00 - -
- 56.00 - -
- 68.00 - -
- 20.00 - -
- 180.00 - -
48.00 - -
- 40.00 - -
- 120.00 - -
- 77.75 1,324.13 102,956.51
- 124.00 - -
- 4.50 - -
- 12,000.00 - -
- 51.00 - -
79.00 - -
80.00 - -
2,500.00 252,500.00 - -
- 40.00 - -
- 20.53 - -
650.00 - -
- 90.00 - -
- 1,450.00 - -
- 2,500.00 - -
- 2,100.00 - -
650.00 - -
381,620.00 - -
301,425.00 - -
- 1.10 196.10 - -
23.20 - -
2,100.00 - -
400.00 - -
1,800.00 - -
12.00 - -
16.00 - -
60.00 - -
60.00 - -
60.00 - -
60.00 - -
850.00 - -
12.00 - -
1,590.00 - -
195.00 - -
240.00 - -
22.00 - -
980.00 - -
560.00 - -
848.00 - -
80.00 - -
40.00 - -
140.00 - -
190.00 - -
50.00 - -
2.50 - -
950.00 - -
350.00 - -
1.50 - -
4.08 - -
10.66 - -
20.00 - -
30.00 - -
1.90 - -
50.00 1,000.00 - -
350.00 - -
3.32 - -
15.00 - -
2,500.00 - -
2,375.00 - -
32.00 - -
2,168.00 - -
600.00 - -
500.00 - -
2,000.00 - -
8,000.00 - -
250.00 - -
45.78 - -
80.00 - -
66.97 - -
130.00 - -
200.00 - -
340.00 - -
400.00 - -
450.00 - -
600.00 - -
1,050.00 - -
10.00 - -
1,200.00 - -
35.00 - -
57.00 - -
75.00 - -
100.00 - -
130.00 - -
170.00 - -
220.00 - -
56.55 - -
118.57 - -
45.43 - -
45.43 - -
7.52 - -
11.52 - -
25.00 - -
160.00 - -
25,000.00 - -
18.00 - -
29.00 - -
Total Amoun #DIV/0!


1,329,549.21 ETB Total material price
1,329,549.21 ETB Total material price


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (5/4) (7) (8)

1 Asphalt heater
2 D. Truck (10m3)
3 Asphalt dstributer
4 Electrical drilling machine
5 Excavator 12 1 1600 1600.00 1,200,000.00
6 Grinding machine
7 Lifting hoist
8 Mixer-350lit
9 Mixer-500lit
10 Polishing machine
11 Power broom
12 Rendering machine
13 Roller
14 Tamper
15 Vibrator
16 Welding machine
17 Wheel loader CAT 938
18 Bull dozer (D8R)
19 Electrical winch
20 Motor grader
21 Water truck
Polishing machine


3% 2%
(9) (11) (12) (15)
(7-8) (10) (9-10) (11/5) (13) (14) (12+13+14)

1200000.00 120000.00 1080000.00 675.00 20.25 0.405 695.66

9.62 10%
(20) (21) (23)
(16) (17) (18) (19) (16+17+18+19) (15+20) (22) (21+22)

0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

0.00 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
192.4 19.24 211.64 907.30 16.826923077 924.12
0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE!
0 0.00 #VALUE!



50.00 - -
250.00 2,512.68 628,170.77
280.00 - -
5.00 - -
523.25 605.52 316,839.97
5.00 - -
25.00 - -
35.00 813.04 28,456.24
50.00 1,159.77 57,988.39
15.00 - -
300.00 - -
1.00 - -
300.00 - -
15.00 3,670.26 55,053.97
15.00 2,221.70 33,325.55
50.00 - -
650.00 322.64 209,714.33
1,000.00 - -
15.00 - -
750.00 - -
180.00 - -
- -
Total site indirect cost




2 PROJECT CAMPS 1,813,380.00
4 PROJECT STAFF COSTS 1,972,575.32
5 SMALL VEHICLE EXPENSES 262,800.00 600 birr per day


PROFFIT 10.00% 1,302,865.65

TOTAL PROJECT COST - BIRR 191.91% 14,331,522.17


FROM _______________ TO _________________

Location Category A/C CODE EXPENDITURE

Staff Salary
Allowance & benefits
Wedges and salaries for temporary works
Head office depreciation (office bldg, furnitures,
computers, etc)
Head office utilities (stationaries, telephone,
internet, rereshment etc)
Head office equipments (vehicles,generators, etc)
Head office equipments fuel
Head office eqts repair & maintenace

Other costs



1 PM's Residence M2
2 Guest house M2
3 Single bed room M2
4 Double bed room M2
5 Triple bed room M2
6 Service yard M2
7 Labor house M2
8 Dinning hall M2
9 Clinic M2
10 Lounge M2
11 Septic tank M2
12 Generator house M2
13 Project Office M2 120.00
14 Laboratory M 2
15 Ware house M2 200.00
16 Satellite store M 2
17 Garage M2
18 Pipe production M2
19 Bar bending yard M2 64.00
20 Shuttering yard M 2

21 Radio room M2
22 Fuel clerk M2
23 Guard house M2 9.00
24 watch tower M 2
25 Dry latrine M2 6.00
26 Site work: Clearing and grubbing M 2

27 Fencing ml 6,000.00
28 Compound light ls


1 Heavy Equipment
1.01 Bull dozer
1.01.1 D8R 79,200.00
1.02 Motor grader
1.03 Wheel loader
1.03.1 Cat 950F 59,400.00
1.03.2 Back hoe loader 19,440.00
1.04 Chain loader
1.05 Excavator, truck mounted
1.05.1 Cat 255 59,400.00
1.06 Excavator, wheel mounted
1.07 Roller
1.07.1 10 tone 19,440.00
1.08 Pneumatic roller
1.09 Crane
1.09.1 Mobile crane, 40 tone 19,440.00
1.09.2 Tower crane 59,400.00
1.1 Crusher
1.10.1 120 tone per hour 79,200.00
1.11 Asphalt distributor
1.12 Pavers
1.13 Dump truck
1.12.1 10m3
1.14 Water truck
1.14.1 10,000lt
1.15 Fuel truck
1.15.1 15m3
1.16 Currier truck
1.16.1 15ton
1.17 Water tanker
1.17.1 10,000lt 19,440.00
1.18 Fuel tanker
1.18.1 15,000lt
1.18.2 20,000lt

2 Light equipment
2.01 Dumper
2.02 Hand driven roller
2.03 Plate compactor
2.04 Concrete mixer, 500lt
2.05 Vibrator, poker type
2.06 Vibrator hose
2.07 Water pump, diesel
2.08 Theodolite with tripod
2.09 Leveling instrument with tripod
2.10 Total station, complete set
2.11 Compressor
2.12 Jack hammer
2.13 Blasting machine
2.14 Wagon drill
2.15 Air compressor
2.16 Welding machine
2.17 Electrical generator, 25-60KVA
2.18 Electrical generator, 85-240KVA
2.19 Submersible water pump
2.20 Power broom
2.21 Pipe mould with ring
2.21.1 Internal diameter 1220mm
2.21.2 Internal diameter 1060mm
2.21.3 Internal diameter 800mm
2.21.4 Internal diameter 600mm
2.21.5 Internal diameter 400mm
2.22 Rebar cutter
2.22.1 Manual cutter
2.22.2 Electrical cutter
2.23 Steel panel, m2
2.24 Circular wood saw machine
2.23 Small tools purchase
2.23.1 Shovel 100 50.00
2.23.2 Pick axe 100 50.00
2.23.3 Straight axe 50 20.00
2.23.4 Hoe 20 30.00
2.23.5 Wheel barrow 20 950.00
2.23.6 Hammer, 2kg 20 30.00
2.23.7 Hammer, 5kg 5 150.00
2.23.8 Claw hammer 20 30.00
2.23.9 Lever 15 80.00
2.23.10 Hack saw 20 25.00
2.23.11 Bow saw 10 30.00
2.23.12 Hack saw blade 250 10.00
2.23.13 Bow saw blade 100 30.00
2.23.14 Steel Grinding disc 100 30.00
2.23.15 Steel Cutting disc 100 30.00
2.23.16 Stone Cutting disc 20 180.00




1 Project managers office

1.1 Project manager 1.00 15,000.00
1.2 Secretary 1.00 1,000.00
2 Office Engineering
2.01 Office engineering head 1.00 7,500.00
2.02 Material engineer 7,500.00
2.03 Office Engineers 2.00 5,000.00
2.04 Quantity surveyor 1.00 2,500.00
2.05 Chief surveyor 1.00 4,500.00
2.06 Surveyor III 1.00 2,000.00
2.07 Surveyor II
2.08 Surveyor I
2.09 Chain man 2.00 600.00
2.10 Laboratory technician 1.00 3,500.00
2.11 Data collector 4.00 600.00
3 Construction section
3.01 Construction head 1.00 7,500.00
3.02 Site engineers 2.00 3,500.00
3.03 Superintendent 1.00 3,000.00
3.04 Earth work foreman
3.05 Structure foreman 1.00 2,000.00
3.06 Asphalt foreman
3.07 Quarry foreman
3.08 Asphalt batching plant foreman
3.09 Concrete batching plant foreman
3.10 Blasting foreman
4 Human resource section
4.01 Project administrator 1.00 2,500.00
4.02 Camp administrator
4.03 Chief cook
4.04 Cook
4.05 Assistant cook
4.06 Assistant cook helper
4.07 Nurse 1.00 1,500.00
4.08 Health assistant
4.09 Radio operator 300.00
4.10 Administration clerk 500.00
4.11 Secretary 1.00 500.00
4.12 Small vehicle driver 1,200.00
4.13 Plumber 1.00 1,500.00
4.14 Electrician 1.00 1,500.00
4.15 Time keeper 2.00 660.00
4.16 Chief guard 1.00 660.00
4.17 Guards 12.00 360.00
5 Supply section
5.01 Supply head 1.00 2,500.00
5.02 Store keeper 1.00 750.00
5.03 Supply clerk 500.00
5.04 Purchaser 1.00 750.00
5.05 Satellite store keeper 3.00 300.00
6 Finance section
6.01 Finance head 1.00 2,500.00
6.02 Accountant 1.00 1,000.00
6.03 Accounts clerk 1.00 500.00
6.04 Casher 1.00 750.00



1 Office furniture 1
2 Computers and printers 5 156.25
3 Consumable stationary 1 1,500.00
4 Cafeteria facilities
5 Telephone installation and bills 1 2,000.00
6 Stationed and mobile radios
7 Total station surveying equipment
8 Level surveying equipment 1 2,500.00
9 Tower crane 360,000.00
10 Scaffolding 1 10,000.00
11 Dumper




1 Electric generator, 50KVA Nr

2 Electric generator, 20KVA Nr 1.00
3 Stationary water tank 15,000 lit Nr 1.00
4 Water truck, 10,000lt
5 Centrifugal water pump Nr 1.00
6 Water well investigation, drilling and testing
7 Submersible water pump
8 Electric line from EPPCO Nr 1.00
9 Water line from water supply Nr 1.00



1 Performance bond 15.00
2 Advance repayment bond 15.00
3 Insurance of works
4 Third party insurance



B Engineers' facility
Engineers' staff and facility

1 Resident Engineer
1.1 Secretary 1.00 750.00

Engineers' facility
1 Office furniture 1
2 Computers and printers 3 1,250.00
3 Consumable stationary 1 500.00
5 Telephone installation and bills 1 1,000.00
6 Vehicle 1 27,000.00








1.00 550 66,000.00

1.00 10000 1,200,000.00
1.00 400 80,000.00
1.00 350 8,750.00

1.00 250 16,000.00

2.00 350 6,300.00

4.00 250 2,250.00
1.00 680 4,080.00

1.00 70 420,000.00
10000 10,000.00





1,500.00 416.67 961.54 5,000.00 5,000.00

27.78 64.10

750.00 208.33 480.77 1,500.00

750.00 208.33 480.77 1,500.00
500.00 138.89 320.51 1,000.00
250.00 69.44 160.26
450.00 125.00 288.46
200.00 55.56 128.21
- - -
- - -
16.67 38.46
350.00 97.22 224.36
16.67 38.46

750.00 208.33 480.77 1,500.00

350.00 97.22 224.36 1,000.00
300.00 83.33 192.31
- - -
200.00 55.56 128.21
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
250.00 69.44 160.26 1,500.00
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
150.00 41.67 96.15
- - -
30.00 8.33 19.23
13.89 32.05
13.89 32.05
120.00 33.33 76.92
41.67 96.15
41.67 96.15
18.33 42.31
18.33 42.31
10.00 23.08

250.00 69.44 160.26 1,500.00

20.83 48.08
13.89 32.05
20.83 48.08
8.33 19.23

250.00 69.44 160.26 1,500.00

27.78 64.10
13.89 32.05
75.00 20.83 48.08


781.25 15.00 11,718.75
1,500.00 15.00 22,500.00
2,000.00 15.00 30,000.00
2,500.00 15.00 37,500.00
- -
10,000.00 15.00 150,000.00
- -




8,125.00 8,125.00 15.00 121,875.00

250.00 250.00 15.00 3,750.00

1,715.03 1,715.03 15.00 25,725.50


27.00 9.00 0.00 -
12.00 4.00 0.00 -





20.83 48.08
rs' facility
3,750.00 15.00 56,250.00
500.00 15.00 7,500.00
1,000.00 15.00 15,000.00
27,000.00 15.00 405,000.00

MEDICAL Number of

750.00 28,628.21 28,628.21 15.00 429,423.08

50.00 1,141.88 1,141.88 15.00 17,128.21

375.00 10,814.10 10,814.10 15.00 162,211.54

375.00 10,814.10 - 15.00 -
250.00 7,209.40 14,418.80 15.00 216,282.05
2,979.70 2,979.70 15.00 44,695.51
5,363.46 5,363.46 15.00 80,451.92
2,383.76 2,383.76 15.00 35,756.41
- - -
- - -
655.13 1,310.26 15.00 19,653.85
4,171.58 4,171.58 15.00 62,573.72
655.13 2,620.51 15.00 39,307.69

375.00 10,814.10 10,814.10 15.00 162,211.54

175.00 5,346.58 10,693.16 15.00 160,397.44
3,575.64 3,575.64 15.00 53,634.62
- - -
2,383.76 2,383.76 15.00 35,756.41
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
4,479.70 4,479.70 15.00 67,195.51
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
1,787.82 1,787.82 15.00 26,817.31
- - -
357.56 - 15.00 -
545.94 - 15.00 -
545.94 545.94 15.00 8,189.10
1,430.26 - 15.00 -
1,637.82 1,637.82 11.00 18,016.03
1,637.82 1,637.82 11.00 18,016.03
720.64 1,441.28 15.00 21,619.23
720.64 720.64 15.00 10,809.62
393.08 4,716.92 15.00 70,753.85

4,479.70 4,479.70 15.00 67,195.51

818.91 818.91 15.00 12,283.65
545.94 - 15.00 -
818.91 818.91 15.00 12,283.65
327.56 982.69 15.00 14,740.38

4,479.70 4,479.70 15.00 67,195.51

1,091.88 1,091.88 15.00 16,378.21
545.94 545.94 15.00 8,189.10
893.91 893.91 15.00 13,408.65

MEDICAL Number of

37.50 856.41 856.41 15.00 12,846.15

Project kito furdessa

Client jimma university

Location jimma
Region Wereda

Distance from Addis Ababa 325.00 KM

Weather condition Temperate

Date of tender opening

Contract period 438.00 Calendar Cays

Performance factor 1.00 of moderate temperature

Data revised on 28-Jul-09


As Per clause 47 of the General Condition of Contract provided in the tender document the constants and weightings to be utilized in the
formula given below are as listed in the table.

Ln Mn En
pn  A  b c d
Lo Mo Eo

Total Project Amount = Birr 63,672,411.62 Project amount excluding
VAT and contingency
Fixed amount Birr #DIV/0!
Weighting #DIV/0! of total project amount

Material amount for price escalation Birr #DIV/0!

Material Weighting #DIV/0! of total project amount

I- Basic Material Price and weightings of each material

1 Cement, OPC Mugger Qtl 169.57 6,631.72 1,124,508.77 1.77% c1
2 Cement, PPC Mugger Qtl 143.48 5,802.75 832,568.99 1.31% c2
3 Cement, OPC Mesobo Qtl 169.57 6,631.72 1,124,508.77 1.77% c3
4 Cement, PPC Mesobo Qtl 143.48 5,802.75 832,568.99 1.31% c4
5 Asphalt Ton 12,173.91 1.88 22,831.64 0.04% c5
6 Fuel (Nafta) Lit 7.30 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! c6
7 Fuel (Benzene) Lit 7.80 2,375.55 18,529.27 0.03% c7
8 Reinforcement bar diam 8 - 32mm (Kality metal products) kg 11.50 191,216.97 2,198,995.20 3.45% c8
7 RHS (Kality metal products) kg 14.00 - - 0.00% c9
8 SHS (Kality metal products) kg 14.00 - - 0.00% c10
9 LTZ (Kality metal products) kg 15.00 - - 0.00% c11

#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
1 MOBILIZATION - - - - - -

2 MATERIAL - - - - - -
CEMENT QTL - - - - -

AGGREGATE M3 - - - - -
SAND M3 - - - - -

3 EQUIPMENT - - - - - -

4 SALARIES AND WAGES - - - - - -

OTHERS - - - -

TOTAL - - - - - -

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