Module C Assesment Conflicting Perspectives

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Good evening ladies and gentlemen, at an event like this it is an honour to say something that is significant to our ambitions

to accompany our knowledge and justification about the difficulty that our society is in. Standing here I will be able give you a speech that will give us all a better understanding of the famous quote One persons truth is another ones lies as there are many people in this room have conflicting perspectives. Growing up my sister and I constantly fight and blame each other for starting it. She would blame me for something and I would do the same. Of course my parents dont know who to believe, so we both end up in trouble for fighting. Her truth from her perspective was a lie to me, hence the quote, One persons truth is another ones lie. Using different speeches that are represented in this exhibition I will be able to show you what conflicting perspective really is and how it allows the audience a complete understanding of a situation. It is seen in Ted Hughes Birthday letters as the ideas and opinion that expressed conflicts with poems of Sylvia Plath, as they discuss about their relationship and Sylvias father, Otto. Through Ted Hughes poems in Birthday letters, the poems explore and recounts what happened within his marriage with Sylvia Plath. In the poem Fulbright Scholars the open starts off with a rhetorical question, Where was it, in the Strand? it shows that he is not absolutely sure of when he had first met her and his uncertainty of the events that had taken place. He then continues by the line, For some reason... and the continuation use of the word maybe which subjugate the text with a manner of questioning and insecurity of his memories highlighting his inconsistent memory. With the dilemma of what Ted Hughes cant remember and what he can remember vaguely it shows that there is conflicting perspective. Another poem in Birthday letter that has conflicting perspective present is Your Paris. In Your Paris, Hughes accounted two perspectives as he compares his Paris to Plaths, as he puts down Plaths gratitude towards Paris this is evident when he starts off by saying, Your Paris, I thought, was American. He then contrasts that with the line, I kept my Paris away from you, disguising his intentions that his Paris was more suitable then hers showing us that his gratefulness towards Paris is much preferred and is immensely incomparable to hers, hence the conflicting perspectives. With these two poems it shows us the conflicting perspectives present between Ted and Plath showing us that it is One persons truth is another ones lie. However, throughout Sylvia Plaths poem Lady Lazarus we see that the poem is based on a pessimistic measure of death. Plath uses a persona,I have done it year in every ten. to create a impressive speech to allow her to explain her intentions and successfully expose her life pattern while she constructs a touching relationship the audience and reader. The line Then unwrap me hand and foot... confirms that her impressive dialogue also demonstrates her physical and psychological reaction to the series of events that has happened. With the impressive dialogue that Plath was able to project, display the conflicting perspective is in view. Another poem from Sylvia called Daddy, also manifest as she structures the poem on the relationship that she once had with her father Otto who had passed away when she was 8 years old revealing the conflicting perspectives Plath had in her life. She recounts her relationship with Hughes as torturous she utilises the imagery of the Nazi and allusion to exaggerate the torture that she has suffered, A man in black with a Meinkampf look. She then compares Hughes to a vampire as he had led her to her mental degradation, The vampire who said he was you...drank my blood. Blaming Ted for what he had turned her into. Together with these two poems by Sylvia Plath we see the contrast in Plaths and Hughes objectives, exposing us that it is One persons truth, is another ones lie. It is the objective of the exhibition to show that one persons truth is another ones lie. By examining the texts that are represented in the exhibition, Birthday letters by Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plaths Lady Lazarus and Daddy it allows us to develop a profound understanding of the conflicting perspectives.

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