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28/11/2023, 22:23 6/1958. (VII. 4.

) IM decree

6/1958. (VII. 4.) IM decree

on the probate procedure

In agreement with the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Health regarding § 1, I order the following:


Reporting the death

1. § (1) The coroner is obliged to report the death to the clerk responsible for the
place of death with a copy of the postmortem certificate.
(2) If the death did not occur at the deceased person's last domestic residence,
the notary must submit the post mortem certificate to the notary competent
according to the deceased person's last domestic residence, and if the
deceased person did not have a domestic residence, or it cannot be
determined, according to the location of the estate to be sent to the
competent clerk.
(4) The death can also be reported to the notary or to the notary by the person
who has a legal interest in starting the probate proceedings. The notifier is
obliged to prove the death with a birth certificate, a judicial decision
declaring the death to be dead, or in other credible ways, and to prove his
legal interest (hereditary, traditional, creditor, etc.). If the notary or notary is
not competent for the procedure, the notary or notary shall notify the
competent notary or notary about the notification for further proceedings.
Inventory of the estate

2. § (1) For the inventory of a domestic estate, the deceased person's last domestic
residence, and if the deceased person did not have a residence in the
country or cannot be determined, the competent notary takes action
according to the location of the estate.
3. § (1) The inventory is carried out - as the inventory presenter - by the presenter
commissioned by the notary.
4. § (1) Real estate assets left in the country after a Hungarian citizen must be
(2) Movables left in the country must only be inventoried if their value exceeds
HUF three hundred thousand, and
a) the estate is a minor not under parental supervision, a person placed
under guardianship excluding legal capacity or absent in an unknown
place, and these circumstances can be ascertained from the post-mortem
certificate, or
b) no known heirs, or
d) the inventory is requested by the person interested as an heir, the
executor of the will, the creditor of the estate or the guardianship
authority, and also if the declared burden of the estate is expected to
exceed the value of the estate.
5. § (1) The inventory - with the exceptions set out in paragraph (2) - must be
prepared in the official premises of the inventory presenter on the basis of
obtaining the necessary data and listening to the interested parties,
(2) The inventory of movable property must be prepared at the place where the 2/25
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6/1958. (VII. 4.) IM decree
property is located (on site), if

a) the minor's heir's (traditional) interests are at risk;

b) no known heirs;
c) the on-site inventory is requested by the notary or clerk.
(3) If the inventory is taken on site, a witness should be used if possible. The
witness is not entitled to remuneration or reimbursement of expenses.
6. § (1) If there is room for an inventory, the inventory taker must prepare the
inventory within thirty days of the notification of the death (postmortem
certificate, decision declaring the person dead, etc.) or the inquiry to the
clerk. If it later turns out that the deceased person is subject to a mandatory
inventory [4. § (1)-(2)], but previously uninventorized property remains, the
inventory must be prepared within thirty days from the day the clerk became
aware of this property.
(2) The inventor shall notify the interested parties known to him of the time and
place of the inventory (inherited heirs, traditional heirs, the executor of the
will and, if the inventory was requested by the creditor of the estate, also the
creditor) in writing with the warning that they may be present at the
inventory, but also in their absence are conceived. Failure to notify does not
prevent the inventory. The date of the inventory can also be communicated
verbally to the party who appeared in person at the inventory presenter.
7. § (1) If the inventory is not prepared on the spot, the data necessary for the
preparation of the inventory is determined by the inventory presenter by
interviewing the relatives of the deceased person and based on the data
available at the notary.
(2) If a person who is a minor, under guardianship, absent in an unknown place,
or a fetus is interested in the estate, the legal representative must be heard.
(3) The interviewed person must be warned that concealing assets subject to
inventory is a punishable act.
8. § For the purposes of the estate inventory, the standardized form must be used
(sample no. 1). All sections of the form must be filled in accurately, and those
sections for which there is no data must be crossed out. The inventory must
always contain data on the person and property of the testator, as well as all
the data necessary for the transfer of the inheritance, the imposition of the
inheritance tax and the possible notarial procedure.
9. § (1) In the inventory, the estate properties and chattels must be listed separately
- according to the real estate register map number and the actual branch of
cultivation - and must be valued separately. If there is not enough space on
the form for listing, the listing must be continued on a separate sheet.
(2) If the estate includes assets of which the testator was the owner only in a
specified proportion, these assets must be listed in their entirety, but the
proportion that belongs to the testator must be indicated and only the value
of this proportion must be indicated.
(3) If the testator was the owner of the property outside of the real estate
register, this circumstance must be indicated in detail in the inventory.
According to the real estate register, the property in the name of the testator
must be included in the inventory - with the appropriate note - even if,
according to the claim of the interested parties, it no longer belonged to the
(4) In the cases specified in Section 4, Paragraph (2), all movable property that
was owned or possessed by the deceased person at the time of death must
be included in the inventory, unless it can be established beyond doubt that
it is the property of someone else. In other cases of inventorying, only those
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movables that are requested by the interested parties must be included in
the inventory. If there is a dispute between the interested parties regarding
this, the disputed item must be included in the inventory with a note of who
claims it and under what legal title.
(5) If the heirs declare inheritance charges, the value of the movables left by the
decedent must be determined even if the movables have not been
10. § (1) The value of the assets must be determined based on the negotiation with
the heirs or their representative, preferably in agreement with them.
(2) If there is a difference of opinion between the inventor and the heirs or their
representatives regarding the valuation, the turnover value established by
the inventor must be indicated in the inventory. It must also be indicated if
the heirs accept the established valuation as the basis for levying fees, and
in case of disagreement, what value they accept.
(3) The heirs must be informed that the sales value on which the inheritance tax
is based is determined by the tax office. The occurrence of the
communication must be indicated in the inventory of the estate.
11. § (1) If an inventory of movable property is mandatory, the testator's existing
claims for employee benefits and other periodic benefits, as well as other
claims, must be listed in the inventory, with the exception of the testator's
claim for the savings deposit if, when the savings deposit was placed - in the
event of his death - he nominated a beneficiary for the deposit yes. The
name of the debtor, the basis of the claim, and, if there is a deed, its date
and expiration date must be indicated. As the value of the claim, the
combined sum of the sum existing on the date of the testator's death and
the contributions calculated up to that date must be taken into account.
(2) If a claim is secured by a pledge or mortgage, this circumstance must be
indicated by describing the pledge or mortgage.
(3) Claims that are disputed or, according to the interested parties, uncollectible
must also be included in the inventory, but the reason for the dispute or the
obstacles to collection must be recorded.
(4) When listing the burdens of the estate (public debts), the creditor's name
and apartment, the amount of the debt, the legal basis, the time it was
incurred, the date of the document relating to the debt and the time of
maturity must be indicated.
12. § (1) If the inventory taker took security measures during the inventory, this must
be indicated in the inventory.
(2) The declarations of the interested parties regarding the inheritance
procedure must also be listed in the inventory.
(3) At the end of the inventory, the inventory is signed by the person taking the
inventory, the stakeholders and witnesses present. If someone refuses to
sign, the inventory presenter indicates this circumstance by indicating the
reason for the refusal.
13. § During the inventory, the will handed over to the inventory representative and
other documents relevant to the probate procedure must be attached to the
probate inventory. If during the inventory it was declared that the will is in the
custody of an authority or person, this must be indicated in the inventory.
14. § (1) Within five days of the completion of the inventory, the estate inventory
together with the attached will and other documents must be sent in two
copies to the notary who is competent for the estate procedure. If there is
real estate in the estate, the inventor sends one copy of the estate inventory
together with the tax and value certificate and other documents to the
competent notary, and another copy to the land office responsible for the
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location of the property (hereinafter: land office). At the same time, he
contacts the land office to attach a copy of the authentic title deed for the
property to the estate inventory and to forward it together with the inventory
to the competent notary public. In the case of properties belonging to the
area of ​jurisdiction of several land offices, the inheritance inventory must be
prepared in so many copies that one copy can be sent to all land offices.
(2) If, during the inventory of the estate, the inventory presenter determines
that the estate has an interest in a minor child, a person placed under
guardianship that restricts or excludes the ability to act, or a person absent
in an unknown place, the movables must also be inventoried, and a copy of
the estate inventory must be sent to the guardianship office.
15. § (1) If, during the inventory, the inventory taker determines that
a) a minor or an heir placed under guardianship does not have a legal
b) the deceased person was a guardian or guardian and as a result of his
death, a guardian or guardian must be appointed for the person under his
guardianship or guardianship,
c) the legal representative of a minor or a person under guardianship may
not act in the case either due to the exclusionary provision of the law or
due to an actual obstacle,
d) one of the heirs is away in an unknown place, or is in a known place, but it
is not possible to serve the summons on him,
e) a fetus has an interest in the estate and in the event that the fetus is born
alive, it would not be under parental supervision or the parent in the case
cannot act either due to a prohibitive provision of the law or an actual
obstacle, in order to take the necessary measures, the guardianship office
must be notified at the same time as sending a copy of the inventory ,
in order to take the necessary measures, he notifies the clerk of this at the
same time as sending a copy of the inventory.
(2) In the inventory sent to the notary public, the inventory provider is obliged
to indicate whether he has complied with the notification obligation described
in the previous paragraph and in § 14 (2).
(3) In the cases specified in points a) , c) , d) and e) of paragraph (1), the
notary appoints a guardian or custodian for the heir and notifies the notary
competent for the inheritance procedure.
16. § In cases where no assets subject to mandatory inventory were left after the
deceased person, the clerk files the post mortem certificate received, as well as
the order declaring the person dead (court decision establishing the fact of
death), indicating the reason for the non-inventory, without taking any
substantive action. If the inventory was omitted based on the testimony of the
interviewed relative, the record must be signed by the interviewed relative.
17. § The competent notary can request information from the notary on whether the
inventory was carried out in a timely manner in all cases where it is mandatory.
For this purpose, you can view the relevant books (registries), documents,
records and statements in person. If the notary detects a deficiency or an
omission, he informs the notary in order to eliminate the deficiency or remedy
the omission, and if necessary, he notifies the prosecutor.
18. § (1) If the death was reported to the notary [1. § (4)], or if the need for
inventorying arose during the proceedings before the notary public, the
notary public may prepare the inventory himself. If the necessary data is not
available, the notary will contact the competent notary in order to prepare
the inventory.
(2) If the inventory is prepared by the notary himself and the estate negotiation
can be held at the same time as the inventory the notary can include the 5/25
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can be held at the same time as the inventory, the notary can include the

inventory in the estate negotiation protocol without using a separate form. In

this case, the protocol must contain the necessary (Section 8) data.
Insurance measures

19. § (1) The heir, the guardian's office, or the executor of the will may request the
insurance of assets belonging to the estate or a part of them, if there is a
serious fear that the assets will be appropriated, hidden, squandered,
damaged or otherwise endangered.
(2) An insurance measure is also appropriate if there is a serious fear that the
assets belonging to the estate will lose their value due to natural
deterioration, or if the assets of the estate could only be preserved at a cost
disproportionate to their value. At the request of other interested parties in
the inheritance (legacy creditor, business association, cooperative), an
insurance measure can be ordered even if the exercise of membership rights
and obligations in the business association (cooperative) belonging to the
decedent's estate - thus, in particular, the protection of corporate assets -
justifies this.
(3) If it can be established that the inheritance or the assets belonging to the
inheritance are at risk as defined in the previous provisions, insurance
measures are ex officio in the following cases:
a) where the assets are located, the deceased person does not have a
relative, representative, or testamentary heir to whom the assets of the
estate could be entrusted with peace of mind,
b) among the heirs are minors or persons placed under guardianship and
they do not have a legal representative, or due to the absence of their
legal representative, they cannot adequately protect their interests,
c) the heirs are in an unknown place or there is no domestic self-righteous
person among the heirs and in neither case do they have a representative
authorized to manage their affairs.
20. § (1) An insurance measure can be taken by the inventory preparer and the notary
public responsible for probate proceedings.
(2) If the inventory taker deems it necessary to take an insurance measure with
respect to an estate asset located in another location, he will contact the
notary competent for the location of the asset in order to implement it. The
clerk is obliged to fulfill the request immediately.
21. § The inventory presenter during the period from the date of death to the
submission of the estate inventory
a) deposits cash, securities and other valuables belonging to the estate into
judicial custody,
b) the rooms, other premises, or storage cabinets, chests and other containers
in which the endangered assets are kept, may be temporarily sealed in case
of urgent need until the assets are locked up,
c) can seize the movables belonging to the estate,
d) Assets that are not suitable for foreclosure can be entrusted to the care of a
reliable person after an approximate determination of their value,
e) in an urgent case, he can order the sale of assets that are exposed to the
risk of deterioration by their nature.
22. § The notary is from the date of death until the end of the probate process
a) can order the insurance measures listed in § 21, if the inventory presenter
omitted it,
b) can order an estate foreclosure, 6/25
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c) can appoint a trustee to collect estate claims,

d) the estate, which according to the available data is transferred to the state,
can be entrusted to the notary to manage,
e) may also order the sale of those movables belonging to the estate which
could only be preserved at a cost disproportionate to their value, or which
hinder the use of the testator's apartment, provided that the movables
cannot be preserved in any other way,
f) may also take other measures that appear to be unavoidably necessary
under the given circumstances in order to secure the estate.
23. § (1) Before ordering the security measure, the interested parties must be heard
as much as possible. If an interested party provides security corresponding
to the value at risk and the ordering of a security measure is not otherwise
necessary, it should be omitted. Cash, savings accounts or valuables can be
accepted as collateral. The security offered must be deposited with a judge.
(2) Cash, savings accounts and valuables are taken by the inventory taker or the
notary against a receipt for judicial deposit, and until the judicial deposit can
take place, they keep it in their office premises. The judicial deposit must be
carried out immediately, but at the latest on the working day following
(3) Movables belonging to the estate are taken under lock and key when the
inventory taker or the notary places them in a sealed cabinet, chest or other
container, in a sealed room that is not required for the normal use of the
residents, and the cabinet, chest or other container, or the room is secured
by a trusted person entrusted to his supervision.
(4) When sealing rooms and other premises, care must be taken to ensure that
the sealing does not prevent those entitled to use the apartment to the
extent necessary. During the sealing, the inventory taker or the notary public
places a piece of paper on the door of the room or the opening of the
container and applies his official seal to both ends of it in such a way that the
room or the container cannot be opened without violating the seal or the
piece of paper.
(5) Inheritance foreclosure can be ordered for real estate and movables that
need treatment or are at risk of being lost or damaged. Probate foreclosure
consists in the fact that the notary entrusts the real estate or movable
property subject to foreclosure to the guardian appointed by him and
provides the guardian with appropriate management instructions. The rules
of the foreclosure entered into during the execution procedure must be
properly applied to the foreclosure of the estate.
(6) An heir can also be appointed as trustee to collect estate claims. The trustee
is obliged to deposit the collected amount into a judicial deposit.
(7) The provisions on the sale of assets seized or confiscated during criminal
proceedings [ 14/1957. (XII. 5.) IM Decree ] shall be applied. The amount
received during the sale must be placed in a judicial deposit.
24. § The notary either implements the security measure he orders himself, or seeks
a notary competent to implement it according to the location of the asset.
25. § If the insurance measure is not implemented simultaneously with the inventory,
a protocol must be prepared on the implementation of the insurance measure.
The name and address of the witness who may be employed must also be
stated in the minutes. The inventory and minutes are signed by the interested
parties present and the witnesses. The witness is not entitled to remuneration
or reimbursement of expenses.
26. § (1) The competent notary must be notified of the security measures taken by
the inventory presenter to whom the interested parties can request the 7/25
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the inventory presenter, to whom the interested parties can request the
repeal of the measure in whole or in part.

(2) The notary can revoke or modify the security measures taken by the
inventory presenter upon request or ex officio.
27. § (1) The costs incurred in securing the estate are determined by the notary
public. The costs must be advanced and borne by the person who requested
the insurance measure. If the inventor or the notary ordered the insurance
measure ex officio, the interested parties are obliged to advance the costs,
and they are jointly and severally borne by the heirs.
(2) The appeal used against the order ordering the insurance of the estate does
not have a suspensive effect on the execution of the insurance, however, in
justified cases, the execution of the insurance can be suspended until the
appeal is settled by the court of appeals and the notary public.


28. § (1) The notary in whose area of ​operation the testator had his last domestic
residence is responsible for the probate procedure.
(2) If the testator did not have a place of residence in Germany, the notary in
whose area of ​operation the testator died is responsible for the procedure,
and if he died abroad, the notary in whose area of ​operation the estate is
(3) If, pursuant to paragraph (2), more than one notary is competent, the notary
with whom the procedure was initiated earlier shall continue the probate
(4) If, during the probate proceeding, it is also necessary to decide on the
transfer of assets that belonged to the estate of a previously deceased
decedent, but were not the subject of probate proceedings, the probate
proceeding shall be conducted by the notary who is competent for the estate
of the predeceased decedent according to the previous paragraphs. If both
procedures have been initiated, the estate case of the testator who died later
must be transferred to the competent notary in accordance with the previous
(5) If the notary public responsible for the procedure cannot act due to a legal
obstacle, and 15/1991. (XI. 26.) According to § 3 of the IM Decree, a
competent notary cannot be established, the acting notary is appointed by
the presidency of the regional chamber of notaries competent according to
the seat of the notary. If the heir or the person interested in the inheritance
does not agree with the designation, he can apply within 15 days to the
competent county court based on the seat of the territorial chamber.
Initiation of probate proceedings

31. § The notary starts the probate proceedings immediately after the receipt of the
probate inventory or the notification made to him, if the Hungarian citizen left
real estate in the country, or only movable property, but the value of the
movable property exceeds HUF three hundred thousand, and
a) a person interested in the estate is a minor not under parental supervision,
placed under guardianship excluding legal capacity or absent in an unknown
place, and these circumstances can be determined from the estate inventory
or based on the notification, or
b) no known heirs, or
d) the initiation of the procedure is requested by the person interested as an
heir, the executor of the will, the creditor of the estate or the guardianship 8/25
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authority, and also if the declared burden of the estate is expected to exceed
the value of the estate.
32. § (1) If only movable property belongs to the estate and the circumstance, due to
the existence of which the procedure must be initiated pursuant to § 31,
ceases, the notary will terminate the procedure upon request of the
interested parties.
(2) The notary will terminate the procedure even if there is no legacy, or the
value of the movables belonging to the legacy does not reach three hundred
thousand forints, or the legacy consists only of movables and its belonging to
the legacy is disputed, provided in all cases that no one has requested the
issuance of an inheritance certificate .
Preparation of the estate trial

33. § The notary is obliged to prepare the estate negotiation in such a way that it can
be completed within a deadline; from this end, until the deadline of the trial, he
obtains the data and documents necessary for the procedure.
34. § (1) As soon as the authority or any person is reliably informed of the testator's
death, they are obliged to send the will in their possession to the notary
public responsible for probate proceedings. The will must be sent by
registered mail in the case of postal transmission. Individuals can also hand
over the will to the notary public responsible for their place of residence for
(2) If the notary public is not competent to conduct the probate proceedings, he
sends the required number of certified copies of the will he keeps as a
notarial document to the notary competent for probate proceedings, records
this fact on the original document, and sends the original of the will
deposited with him to the competent notary public.
(3) If the notary is informed that the will of a deceased person is being kept by
an authority or a specified person, he calls on that person to hand over the
35. § (1) After the death of the testator, the notary can open the sealed will in order to
prepare for the trial.
(2) The notary public usually announces the will at the probate hearing, but in
justified cases, the will can be announced before the hearing and for this
purpose, the interested parties are notified of the place and time of the
(3) The announcement must be recorded on the will or, if the original will is not
kept by the notary negotiating the estate, on the certified copy.
36. § (1) If, during the opening of the will, the notary notices a circumstance causing
concern in relation to the will, he makes an official record of it, and if he
notices the worrisome circumstance during the promulgation, it is noted in
the minutes of the promulgation or the hearing.
(2) The notary signs and seals individual pages of a multi-page will at the time
of publication.
(3) As an important document, the notary public keeps the will he promulgated
separately in a place that can be easily locked away.
37. § (1) If the notary is informed that the deceased person made an oral will, he
summons the witnesses to record their testimony and informs the interested
(2) In the case of the witness's death, it must be determined whether he made a
written record of the oral will. If there is such a record, the notary will obtain
it before the deadline set for the announcement.
(3) Promulgation of the oral will consists of questioning the witnesses and 9/25
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recording their testimony in the minutes, as well as reading out the notes

prepared by them and obtained pursuant to paragraph (2) or presented by

the witness and attaching them to the minutes.
(4) The witnesses sign the protocol containing their testimony regarding the oral
38. § The contents of the will must be notified to the interested parties (Section 40)
who were not present when the will was announced.
39. § (1) During the probate proceedings, the notary appoints a guardian if the heir
has no legal representative, is obstructed in the proceedings, or if it is
justified by the exercise of membership rights and obligations in the business
association (cooperative) belonging to the estate. In a business company
(cooperative), the guardian is governed by the provisions governing the legal
status of the heir, with the exception that he cannot take part in making
decisions resulting in a decrease in assets, and he cannot assume obligations
concerning the estate.
(2) If the notary finds that, based on the data known to him, it can be
established that an heir suffers from a mental illness that precludes or limits
his capacity to act, or suffers from another mental deficiency, the competent
prosecutor, guardian office, in addition to communicating the heir's interests
and other available data, in order to place him under guardianship informs
you in order to initiate a possible procedure. Until this happens, or in the
case of initiation of the guardianship procedure, until the legally binding
conclusion of the procedure, the notary suspends the inheritance procedure.
(3) If there is a conflict of interest between the testator's minor child and the
surviving spouse during the probate process, the notary will contact the
competent guardianship authority to appoint a case guardian.
Summons to the probate hearing

40. § (1) The notary will set a deadline for the negotiation of the estate and, if the will
has not been announced before, for the announcement of the will and
a) the surviving spouse, furthermore
b) in the absence of a will, the legal heirs,
c) in the case of a will, the testamentary heir and those entitled to the
obligatory share,
d) the successor, the traditional, the executor and the creditors of the estate
who requested the initiation of the procedure or announced their claim.
(2) If the testator is survived by a spouse, in the absence of a descendant, the
ancestors and side relatives who are destined for inheritance must also be
summoned, unless it can be established beyond doubt that the inherited
property is acquired before the trial.
(3) If the will is questionable, or the legal heirs declare a claim to the estate
despite the will, all legal heirs must be summoned.
(4) For the interested party residing in a known place abroad - if he does not
have an authorized representative at home - the notary appoints a delivery
representative at the same time as the summons.
(5) The probate hearing must be scheduled for a deadline on which the
summoned persons can predictably appear, taking into account the distance
from their place of residence.
(6) If an heir residing abroad or in an unknown place is interested in the estate,
the cut-off date must usually be set for no less than two months.
41. § (1) In the summons, the interested party must be warned that if he does not 10/25
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appear at the hearing despite being properly summoned, this will not
prevent the holding of the estate hearing and the decision-making. The
summons must also contain a warning about the provisions of § 58,
paragraphs (2) and (3).
(2) In addition, the interested party staying in a known place abroad must be
informed that the notary has assigned a delivery representative and that the
inheritance may also be handed over under the conditions set out in § 43.
(3) If the will was not announced before the trial, the relevant contents of the
will must be communicated to the interested parties in the summons.
42. § (1) If the heir resides in an unknown location, the notary public issues a notice
at the same time as the hearing is scheduled, which must be posted for
fifteen days at the mayor's office responsible for the last known domestic
residence of the heir, or his place of residence. At the request of interested
parties and in addition to advance payment of costs, the announcement can
also be published in a national daily newspaper.
(2) In the announcement, the heir must be invited to appear at the hearing in
person or through his representative. If the heir or his representative does
not appear at the hearing, the notary will appoint a guardian for him. The
guardian acts until the heir enters into the proceedings, but at the most until
the legally binding transfer order is issued. The heir must be informed of this
in the announcement.
(3) If in the course of the procedure it turns out that a person whose personal
data is - partially or entirely - unknown appears to be interested in the
estate as an heir, the notary summons him to the hearing by means of a
notice and at the same time calls him to announce his claim within thirty
days. The notary warns the unknown heir that if he does not appear at the
hearing or does not announce his claim within the specified deadline, his
claim must be ignored in the further stages of the procedure. The provisions
of paragraph (1) shall apply to the publication of the announcement.
43. § (1) The non-appearance of the legally summoned heir or other interested party
does not prevent the holding of the estate hearing and the making of a
(2) The probate hearing must be held even if one of the interested parties who
did not appear was not properly summoned to the hearing. However, in such
a case, no substantive decision can be made at the hearing, but a new
deadline must be set for the continuation of the hearing, and the interested
party who was not duly summoned and did not appear must be summoned.
The interested parties who appeared must be summoned to the new hearing
only if necessary.
(3) If the certificate of delivery of one of the interested parties who did not
appear has not been returned by the deadline of the hearing, the substantive
decision shall be kept pending until the receipt of the certificate of delivery.
(4) If delivery to an interested party residing in a known place abroad was not
made properly, or the certificate of delivery was not received by the deadline
for the hearing, or the interested party does not make a substantive
statement by the deadline for the probate hearing, does not provide
representation, or does not appear in person, the notary will assigns a
trustee as trustee and holds the estate hearing, but does not hand over the
(5) If the certificate of delivery, the declaration, or the power of attorney for
representation arrives within thirty days of the hearing, the notary holds
another hearing if necessary and decides on the transfer of the estate.
Otherwise, the estate will be handed over without a hearing based on the
data of the previous hearing. 11/25
28/11/2023, 22:23 6/1958. (VII. 4.) IM decree
data of the previous hearing.

44. § (1) A trustee can also be a co-heir if there is no conflict of interest between him
and the represented heir.
(2) The guardian's authority covers all declarations and actions related to the
probate process, including the receipt of probate assets; he cannot receive
cash, securities or other valuables, and the permission of the guardianship
authority is required to receive them. The trustee may not enter into an
agreement, may not waive rights and may not assume obligations, unless by
doing so he protects the party he represents from obvious damage.
45. § (1) At the probate hearing, substantive decision-making must be omitted and a
new deadline must be set for the continuation of the hearing, if the testator's
will was not communicated to the legal heir who was summoned but did not
(2) At the same time as the summons for the new hearing, the content of the
will must be communicated to the heir who did not appear, with the warning
that if he does not appear at the new hearing, his claim will be judged on the
basis of the available data.
46. § A new deadline must be set even if any interested party requests the
postponement of the hearing for an important reason, and if the postponement
is necessary in order to reach an agreement or to further clarify the facts.
Probate of the estate

47. § The probate hearing must be held in the notary's office. However, if in order to
complete the procedure quickly, to save costs or for other important reasons, it
is advisable to hold the hearing in another place, the notary can hold the
hearing in this place as well.
48. § (1) During the probate proceedings, the interested parties can act in person or
through their authorized representative, who can also represent them in
court according to the rules of civil procedure.
(2) The notary is obliged to examine ex officio the authorized person's,
guardian's and guardian's rights of representation.
49. § (1) After the opening of the hearing, it must be established which of the
summoned persons appeared, whether the certificate of service of those who
did not appear has been received and whether they were properly
summoned to the hearing.
(2) An interested party who did not receive a summons may also appear at the
50. § (1) On the basis of the probate hearing, the facts regarding the transfer of the
probate must be established ex officio. In order to establish the facts, the
notary may invite the parties to make statements, to present documents, to
provide evaluation and other data, and to obtain documents and documents
from the courts and other authorities.
(2) If during the probate proceedings it is revealed that the bequest must be
handed over to a missing person and the conditions for declaring the person
dead exist, the interested parties must be called to request the declaration of
the missing person as dead, and the probate proceedings must be held in
abeyance until it is completed.
(3) If there are no obstacles, the notary registers the request to declare the
deceased dead and forwards it to the competent local court to conduct the
(4) At the probate hearing, interested parties must be given the opportunity to
comment on the testator's will. 12/25
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51. § During the substantive hearing, the notary first presents the inventory, or
prepares it himself, if necessary, corrects or supplements the submitted
inventory, or takes measures to correct or supplement it.
52. § (1) At the hearing, it must be established who and under what legal title have
claimed and can claim the inheritance.
(2) The kinship or family relationship between the claimant and the testator
under the title of legal inheritance must be established.
(3) The notary is obliged to guide the parties on the legal issues that arise and
to ensure that the parties make their statements at the hearing in full
knowledge of their legal consequences.
(4) Land used by a producer cooperative [ 7/1967. (X. 24.) MÉM Decree § 1 (1)
para.] in the case of inheritance, the notary must inform the outside heir at
the probate hearing of Article IV of 1967. of the provisions of § 4 of the Act .
If the outside heir immediately announces his intention to enter the producer
cooperative to the notary, the notary will - at the request of the party -
record the declaration and send it to the president of the interested producer
cooperative immediately.
53. § (1) At the inheritance hearing, an attempt must be made to reach an agreement
between the heirs. The IV of 1952. The provision on the judicial settlement
contained in § 87, paragraph (3) of the Act is also applicable in the case of a
settlement concluded before a notary public, in comparison, such a
settlement does not need the approval of the guardianship authority. A
unanimous statement by the interested parties, according to which there is
no dispute between them regarding the estate, must be considered such an
(2) During the probate hearing, the notary must take particular care to ensure
that the interests of minors and heirs under guardianship are not harmed. If
the parties enter into an agreement that clearly conflicts with the fair
interests of the minor or the heir under guardianship, it cannot serve as the
basis for the transfer of the estate, even if the interested parties maintain it
despite the notary's information and warning. In such a case, the approval of
the settlement must be refused, and the trial must continue as if the parties
had not entered into a settlement.
(3) If official approval, consent or confirmation is required for the validity of the
agreement, the agreement must be submitted to the competent authority
before making a decision on the transfer of the estate. If the authority does
not provide approval, consent, or confirmation, the settlement must be
considered as if it had not been reached and a new trial must be held in the
(4) An agreement between the heirs solely regarding the objects of the estate
(class agreement) - in addition to the share in the inheritance, but regardless
of its proportion - is not considered a legal transaction between the living
and the inheritance must be transferred under the legal title of inheritance
based on the agreement.
54. § If the objection that the heir is unworthy of the inheritance arises at the trial,
the heir must be given the opportunity to comment on the objection.
55. § If this decree or other legislation does not provide otherwise, there is no place
for taking evidence in probate proceedings. Interested parties may, however,
attach a document to establish the estate, to prove the quality of the heir or to
support their position.
56. § (1) A record must be made of the probate hearing. The protocol must contain
the presentations of the interested parties regarding the composition of the
estate, the identity of the heirs and other relevant circumstances related to
the inheritance as well as the transfer of the estate In addition the minutes 13/25
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the inheritance, as well as the transfer of the estate. In addition, the minutes
must also contain the requests and other significant statements of the

interested parties. In the protocol, it must be noted that the turnover value
on which the inheritance tax is based is established by the tax office.
(2) The minutes must also refer to the documents and documents attached by
the parties.
(3) The minutes must state what agreement the parties made, what contentious
issue arose, whether an agreement was reached regarding the transfer of
the estate, and if the parties could not agree, which party made what
(4) If, as a result of the agreement, the heirs terminate the joint ownership of
the inherited real estate, the sketch necessary for the division of the real
estate in the real estate register must be attached to the minutes.
Delivery of the estate

57. § (1) The notary decides by order on the transfer of the estate to the heirs. If the
notary becomes aware during the probate procedure that the membership
application has already been submitted to the third-party heir producer
cooperative, he must indicate this in the probate order.
(2) In addition to handing over the inheritance, the notary also decides by order
on the motions and other issues presented during the inheritance procedure.
(3) By decree, the notary decides on the establishment and payment of the
costs of the trustee appointed during the probate procedure, as well as other
costs incurred during the probate procedure (insurance costs, etc.). The
costs must be paid by the person in whose interest the appointment of the
guardian was, as well as the taking of other measures involving costs,
provided that this interested party inherits in the estate, otherwise the costs
are charged to the estate.
(4) When the orders are made, they must be communicated to the parties
present by announcement, and to the parties who are not present by
delivery. The notification of the order regarding the transfer of the estate -
specifically both the temporary transfer and the final transfer - as well as the
payment of costs is done by delivery, even if the order has been announced
by the notary in front of the interested parties.
(5) If the number of interested parties is smaller and it is possible to
immediately prepare the order of inheritance during the hearing, the notary
delivers the copies of the order of inheritance to the parties present at the
hearing and acknowledges the receipt of the order of inheritance in the trial
58. § (1) After the end of the estate negotiation, the notary transfers the estate to the
heirs in full force, if
a) only one heir has declared a claim to the inheritance and according to the
available data, no one else has a claim to the inheritance,
b) during the probate procedure, there is no dispute between the heirs
regarding the transfer of the legacy property, and in both cases there is no
legal obstacle to the transfer of the legacy.
(3) If, at the trial, the heir transfers his or her inheritance to a co-heir, to an heir
not directly interested in the inheritance proceedings, or to the inheritance
creditor, the notary enters the legal declarations into an agreement and
decides on its approval. Such a settlement approved by a notary has the
same effect as a court settlement.
59. § (1) Even in the event of a dispute, the real property legacy must be handed over
in full force, if only the cash legacy is disputed, but at the same time, the
t f th di t dl tb
d b i l di t 14/25
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amount of the disputed legacy must be secured by including a mortgage on
the legacy real estate at the traditional request.
(2) If the obligation or its extent is in dispute, the legacy can be handed over in
full force only if the claimant does not demand satisfaction of the obligation
in kind and consents to the transfer of the legacy in full force. In such a
case, the required part must be secured by including a mortgage right on the
inherited properties up to the security amount determined jointly by the
interested parties. The contribution cannot be taken into account if the
interested parties do not agree on the security amount.
(3) The inheritance must be handed over to the heirs in full force, but in an
undivided whole, if an agreement was not reached between them simply
because they could not agree on the way to divide the community of
ownership, or their agreement was not approved by the authority.
(4) The inheritance must be handed over in full force, encumbered with the right
of usufruct of the surviving spouse, if only the right of usufruct of the
surviving spouse or its extent is in dispute among the interested parties. In
such a case, the interested party can assert his claim through a judicial
(5) A part of the legacy can also be transferred to the heirs, if the prerequisites
for the transfer stipulated in the previous § apply only to this part of the
60. § (1) If the inheritance cannot be handed over in full force pursuant to §§ 58 and
59, it must be handed over to the heirs with a temporary force.
(2) The heir may take possession of the inheritance temporarily handed over to
him and use it as a bona fide possessor, but he may not alienate it or
encumber it. The taking of possession does not cover cash and valuables,
these must still be kept in judicial custody or placed in judicial custody. The
heirs can also pay the burdens of the inheritance, the inheritance procedure
and inheritance tax at the expense of the estate, for this purpose, with the
permission of the notary, they can sell the assets of the inheritance, and they
can also take possession of the cash and valuables deposited in judicial
(3) In the case of the temporary transfer of the estate, the interested party may
assert his claims not taken into account by the temporary delivery order
within thirty days from the delivery of the order. The initiation of the action
must be certified by the notary no later than the eighth day after the
expiration of the deadline. If the interested party does not initiate the action
within the set deadline or does not justify the initiation of the action, or has
abandoned the action in the lawsuit, or the court has rejected the action with
final force of law, the temporary transfer of the estate becomes fully
effective. The fact that the temporary transfer of inheritance has become
fully effective must be established ex officio by order.
(4) If the court's decision differs from the transfer order with temporary effect,
the notary issues a transfer order with full effect in respect of claims not
settled by the court decision. If the court has settled all claims, the notary
states this in the order concluding the probate proceedings.
61. § (1) The disputed estate - regardless of who owns it - must be handed over to a
contractual heir with temporary effect, if there is no such heir, to the
testamentary heir, in the case of a written or oral will, to the heir named in
the written will, and in the absence of a final disposition, to the legal heir.
(2) If the inheritance contract or will on which the heir bases his claim does not
have the legal requirements, the contested estate must be temporarily
transferred to the heir named in the will with the legal requirements, or to
the legal heir. 15/25
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t e ega e

(3) All other disputes must be decided on the basis of the available data and the
estate must be transferred provisionally in relation to the decision.
63. § The parties must be warned in the order about the provisions regarding the
scope of the temporary transfer of the estate.
64. § (1) If there is a dispute between the heirs as to which movables belong to the
estate, the notary transfers the non-disputed movables to the heirs and
warns them that they can enforce their claim on the disputed movables
through the normal legal process. If the ownership of the movable property
is disputed by a person other than the heirs, the movable property can only
be left out of the inheritance if the claimant's claim is probable.
(2) Real estate registered in the real estate register as the property of the
decedent can only be left out of the inheritance if the person claiming
ownership of the real estate proves his claim with a document suitable for
registration in the real estate register, a judicial or administrative decision, or
if within the appropriate deadline allowed by the notary public through an
actual possession procedure or in another way, the ownership right is
registered in the real estate register.
(3) If the surviving spouse has a claim to the real estate registered as the
property of the decedent in the real estate register or a part of it under the
legal title of community of property and his claim is recognized by the heirs,
or the legitimacy of the claim appears probable due to other circumstances,
the claimed real estate or part of real estate must be omitted from the
inheritance. In this case, it must be established that the requested real
estate or part of real estate belongs to the surviving spouse under the legal
title of community of property, and arrangements must be made in the order
for the transfer of the inheritance in order to transfer the ownership right to
(4) If the spouse's claim is not recognized by the heirs, the notary must provide
the spouse with a way to enforce his claim by means of a lawsuit by allowing
an appropriate deadline. If the spouse's claim is asserted with a lawsuit
within the allowed time limit and this is confirmed by the notary, the
procedure must be kept pending until the legal conclusion of the lawsuit.
Otherwise, the estate must be handed over to the heirs in full force,
regardless of the declared claim. Paragraph (5) of § 59 is also applicable in
such cases.
(5) If the property included in the inventory or requested by the heirs to be
included in the real estate register is not in the name of the testator, the
notary will attempt to obtain a document or decision suitable for registering
ownership in the real estate register. If this is not possible, but the necessary
conditions for the registration of the right of ownership based on the
effective possession procedure exist, the notary records the facts and the
request for the initiation of the actual possession procedure and contacts the
competent notary for the initiation of the actual possession procedure
according to the application, this and keeps the procedure pending until its
(6) If the identity of the person listed in the real estate register as the owner of
the real estate with the testator is doubtful, the real estate can only be
included in the inheritance if the notary establishes the identity. If the
identity cannot be established from the inheritance documents or from the
document presented by the interested parties, the notary will contact the
competent notary in order to verify the identity. The notary informs the land
office of the determination of identity in the inheritance order. The 16/25
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communication replaces the identity certificate.

65. § (1) The inheritance order must be delivered to the heirs, traditional heirs, the
executor and other interested parties, and, if a minor, a person under
guardianship, absent in an unknown place or an unborn child is interested, to
the notary.
(2) The inheritance transfer order must also be delivered to the legal heirs
whose summons to the inheritance hearing was waived by the notary on the
basis of § 40, subsection (1), point c) and subsection (2).
(3) In the case of inheritance of land used by a producer cooperative, the
inheritance order must be delivered to the producer cooperative using the
land, as well as to the competent land office, after it has become legally
66. § (1) The notary establishes the legal force of the inheritance transfer order. At the
party's request, the clause certifying the increase in legal force must be
added to the presented publications of the inheritance order.
(2) If an entry in the real estate register or the company register is required for
the execution of the order transferring the inheritance in full force, the
competent land registry, company court, or company representative must be
contacted for its execution.
(3) In the event of a temporary transfer of the estate, the registration of the
transfer in the real estate register must be omitted.
(4) At the same time as establishing the entry into force of the probate order,
measures must be taken in relation to the provisions of the probate order for
the distribution of cash, savings accounts and valuables in judicial custody,
as well as the release of probate assets held by other authorities or private
67. § (1) In the case of real estate bequests, and in the case of movable bequests, if
there is an inheritance tax to be levied, the bequest transfer order - with the
exception of the order temporarily transferring the bequest - must be sent to
the tax office in order to levy the tax after it becomes final.
68. § If the order handing over the estate with temporary effect becomes fully
effective, the notary takes steps to implement the handover of the estate in
accordance with the rules related to the entry into force of the order handing
over the estate with full effect.
Transfer of the estate without negotiation
69. § (1) If the testator did not leave a disposition, the notary hands over the estate
without a hearing
a) if there is only one legal heir;
b) if the legal heirs prove that they are the exclusive legal heirs of the
testator and that they have entered into an agreement covering all issues
other than the procedure before the notary in relation to the legacy, on
the basis of which the legacy can be transferred;
c) in the supplementary inheritance procedure;
d) if the decedent has only movable assets not exceeding HUF five hundred
(3) A unanimous declaration of the heirs, according to which there are no
disputed questions regarding the inheritance, shall also be considered as an
agreement referred to in paragraph (1) point b) .
(4) After delivery of the inheritance order - before the order enters into force -
the heir may request the appointment of a probate hearing if he refuses the
inheritance, wishes to enter into an agreement with another heir, or wishes
to deviate from the agreement according to paragraph (1) b) or his 17/25
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inheritance or its wants to transfer part of it to the creditor of the estate or

to an heir not directly interested in the estate proceedings in exchange for
the satisfaction of the creditor's claim. The heir must be warned of this right
in the inheritance order.
Transfer of the estate to the state
70. § (1) If there is no known heir after the testator, the notary issues a notice in
which he calls on everyone who claims the estate as an heir to report it to
him within thirty days.
(2) The announcement must be posted for 15 days at the mayor's office
competent according to the testator's last domestic residence or, in the
absence of such, the last domestic residence. At the request of interested
parties, in addition to advance payment of costs, the announcement must
also be published in a national daily newspaper. By sending the
announcement, the notary informs the Treasury Management Organization of
the initiation of the inheritance procedure.
(3) If no one claims the estate as an heir within the deadline set for the
announcement, the notary will make a decision on the transfer of the estate,
otherwise the procedure will continue based on the notification of the heirs
who have applied.
(4) In the absence of known heirs, the notary can, if absolutely necessary to
cover funeral costs, order the sale of certain movables belonging to the
estate. In order to execute the sale, you will find a notary who is competent
according to the location of the movables. The sale is governed by Paragraph
(7) of Section 23, with the exception that the amount received must be used
to settle the funeral costs and only the remainder must be placed in a judicial
71. § If, during the procedure regulated in the previous §, a claim is filed not under
inheritance but under another civil law title and it is recognized by the state,
the notary makes a corresponding decision. Otherwise, in order to clarify the
reported claim, it will conduct the necessary proof.
72. § (1) If the estate includes a property subject to inheritance restrictions and there
are no relatives entitled to inherit according to the governing legislation
(spouse and heir entitled to an obligatory share), the notary will contact the
notary competent for the location of the property to inform them that the
prohibition of alienation and encumbrance, as well as the whether an
inheritance restriction still exists (whether the redemption price of the
property has been paid, whether the interested parties are not exempt from
paying the redemption price, or whether the building of the house has taken
place, etc.) and, if it does not exist, also regarding whether the deletion of
the prohibition of alienation and encumbrance, as well as the restriction of
inheritance from the real estate register [ 22/1957. (VI. 16.) PM Decree § 7]
take action.
(2) If the prohibition of alienation and encumbrance, as well as the limitation of
inheritance, does not exist, the notary sets a deadline for the negotiation of
the estate and summons the interested parties to it, while otherwise the
estate consisting of the benefited property is handed over to the state
without a notification procedure.
Procedure in the event of an application for the redemption of the beneficiary right of the surviving spouse

72/A. (1) The surviving spouse or the legal heirs can request the redemption of the
§ usufructuary right at the notary competent for inheritance proceedings.
(2) The request for redemption can be submitted for a specified portion of the
estate with usufructuary rights, as well as for specified assets.
(3) The provisions on redemption must also be properly applied in the event that 18/25
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(3) The provisions on redemption must also be properly applied in the event that
the beneficiary of the insurance contract is the heir (Section 560 of the Civil

72/B. (1) The notary is obliged to inform the surviving spouse and the legal heirs
§ about the possibility of redemption in the summons.
(2) During the probate proceedings, the request for redemption must be
submitted no later than the adjournment of the probate hearing.
(3) If probate proceedings were not otherwise initiated, or the notary handed
over the estate without a hearing, the surviving spouse or any heir may
request redemption of the usufruct right within one year from the opening of
the inheritance. If the court later determines that the person who did not
participate in the proceedings is an heir, redemption of the right to usufruct
in respect of his or her share of the inheritance may be requested within one
year from the date of entry into force of the decision. In the mentioned
cases, based on the application, the notary will schedule a probate hearing,
to which the surviving spouse and all legal heirs will be summoned.
(4) If redemption has not been requested by all the beneficiaries, the notary
warns the other interested parties in the summons that they can submit their
request for redemption no later than the end of the probate hearing. If the
interested party does not request the redemption of the usufructuary right
until the end of the probate hearing or does not make a statement on the
merits, he may no longer assert his claim for redemption.
72/C. (1) If an agreement is reached between the surviving spouse and the legal heirs
§ regarding the redemption of the usufruct, the notary's procedure is governed
by the provisions of Section 53. A settlement approved by a notary has the
same effect as a court settlement. The notary transfers the estate according
to the general rules, subject to the agreement.
(2) In the absence of an agreement, if there is no inheritance legal dispute
between the heirs and there is room for full transfer of the inheritance, the
notary will decide on the issue of redemption with a separate order. To this
end, if necessary, it conducts evidence and takes into account the
beneficiary's rights and fair interests during its decision. Each party bears its
own costs. The notary transfers the estate in full force after the special order
becomes final - subject to the provisions of the special order. If none of the
interested parties in the matter of redemption asserts their claim before the
court within thirty days from the entry into force of the special order, the
notary's special order becomes enforceable, and the rights related to the
redemption diminish.
(3) In the absence of an agreement, if there is a legal dispute between the heirs,
the notary transfers the inheritance to the heirs with a temporary effect in
accordance with the general rules of legal inheritance, encumbered by the
right of usufruct of the surviving spouse. The interested party may enforce
his rights related to the redemption with a lawsuit in accordance with the
provisions of § 60. However, if you do not assert your claim within thirty
days, your rights to redemption will wane.
(4) If the court later decides on an inheritance law dispute, and this may result
in a change in the division of the inheritance on which the redemption is
based, the interested party may assert his right to redemption before the
court at the latest until the hearing before the first-instance decision is
72/D. In the case of supplementary inheritance proceedings (Section 92), redemption
§ of the usufruct right is also possible within the framework of the proceedings.
Remedies 19/25
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73. § (1) There is room for appeal against an order made during the probate
proceedings that contains a substantive provision or against which this
decree specifically allows it.
(2) Anyone who considers a provision of the order to be harmful can appeal.
(3) In the interest of a minor, a person under guardianship, or a person who is
absent in an unknown place, the notary can challenge the order of
inheritance by appeal.
(4) The appeal deadline is fifteen days.
74. § (1) The right to appeal can be waived after the announcement of the order,
before delivery and after delivery. The parties present at the announcement
of the order must be warned of this.
(2) A minor, an absentee, or an heir under guardianship cannot waive their right
to appeal.
75. § (1) The appeal must be submitted orally or in writing to the competent notary
(2) An appeal submitted in due time has a suspensory effect.
76. § (1) The appeal falls under the jurisdiction of the county court.
(2) There is no further appeal against the order of the county court.
Repetition of the probate procedure

76/A. (1) A request for a repeat of the procedure may be submitted against the legally
§ binding decision effectively ending the probate proceedings, if the heir refers
to a fact that was not adjudicated in the probate proceedings, provided that -
in the event of an adjudication - the order of inheritance or the legal title of
the inheritance, and in connection with these could have resulted in a change
in the proportion of the share in the estate.
(2) The request can be submitted orally or in writing to the notary who made the
decision on the merits within one year from the entry into force of the
inheritance order; due to the failure of this deadline, there is no place for a
(3) In the case according to § 73, paragraph (3), the notary may submit a
request for the repetition of the procedure within the deadline open to the
76/B. (1) In the request to repeat the procedure, the probate order against which the
§ request is directed must be indicated, as well as the facts on which the
request is based and their evidence.
(2) The notary examines ex officio whether the prerequisites for repeating the
procedure exist. If he finds it permissible to repeat the procedure, he will
schedule a probate hearing; otherwise, the request will be rejected by order.
There is an appeal against the order.
(3) If the application proves to be well-founded, the notary can suspend the
execution of the inheritance transfer order ex officio.
(4) In the case of a repetition of the procedure, the inheritance case must be
discussed again, taking into account the request. Based on the outcome of
the hearing, the notary maintains the probate order in force or annuls the
final probate order - in whole or in part - and makes a new order, or if the
conditions are met - issues an inheritance certificate.
(5) In other respects, the provisions of this regulation shall be applied
accordingly to the repeated procedure.
76/C. If the conditions for the repetition of the procedure and the conduct of the
§ supplementary probate procedure are met the claims belonging to the 20/25
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§ supplementary probate procedure are met, the claims belonging to the

supplementary probate procedure must be validated during the repeated

probate procedure.
The legal status of the executor

77. § If the testator appoints an executor in his will, the notary notifies the
appointment of the executor after the opening of the will and informs him that
if he does not accept the assignment, he must report it within eight days from
the delivery of the notice.
78. § (1) The executor in relation to the measure contained in the will
a) manages the estate until the heirs withdraw the management mandate or
the inheritance procedure is completed,
b) verifies the fulfillment of testamentary orders.
(2) In the absence of a testamentary measure to the contrary, the power to
manage the estate also extends to the fulfillment of urgent payments and
the collection of estate claims.
(3) The executor may be present at the inventory of the estate, at the hearing of
the heirs regarding the provision of the estate and at the probate hearing;
the executor must be notified of the deadline for the inventory, hearing and
79. § (1) The executor of the will shall be considered the agent of the heirs with
regard to the management of the estate.
(2) The heirs can withdraw the asset management from the executor with a joint
declaration for all of them or separately with the effect of the declaration.
80. § The heirs are obliged to reimburse the executor's expenses. If the executor was
awarded the inheritance by the testator, the value of the award must be
included in the fee for fulfilling the assignment.

81. § (1) If a foreign citizen has either movable or immovable property left in the
country, it must be inventoried according to the general provisions of this
regulation. The inventory must be sent to the notary public responsible for
probate proceedings.
(2) The notary and the inventor must carefully examine the citizenship of the
testator. If there is information that the testator had Hungarian citizenship at
the time of his death in addition to his possible foreign citizenship, the notary
will contact the Immigration and Citizenship Office to clarify this.
(3) If the testator was exclusively a foreign citizen or had foreign citizenship in
addition to Hungarian citizenship, the inventory preparer or notary directly
informs the consular representation of the foreign state concerned, or - if the
state concerned does not have a consular representation in the Republic of
Hungary - the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
(4) The obligation to notify falls on the notary if the procedure was started
immediately before him, or if he notices in the course of the procedure that
the inventory provider did not comply with his obligation to notify.
82. § If the Minister of Justice and Law Enforcement learns from foreign authorities or
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the death of a Hungarian citizen who died
abroad and left behind property in the country, he shall notify the notary public
responsible for probate proceedings in addition to providing the available data.
Inheritance certificate

87. § (1) At the request of the person interested as an heir, the executor of the will or 21/25
( )
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q p 6/1958. (VII. 4.) IM decree
the creditor of the estate, the notary issues a certificate of inheritance

without conducting the inheritance procedure or handing over the

inheritance, if there is no inheritance dispute between the heirs, and
a) the value of the movable property belonging to the estate does not reach
HUF three hundred thousand;
b) the value of the estate cannot be determined, or there is no estate, but
the heir or other interested party demonstrates a legal interest in the
conduct of the procedure;
c) only the social security benefit (pension, aid, annuity, etc.) due to the
testator is the subject of the inheritance.
(2) At the request of the heir, the notary issues an inheritance certificate for
foreign use even in the event that a Hungarian citizen has left movable or
immovable property abroad.
(3) The notary can also schedule a hearing if it becomes necessary to hear the
party or take other evidence. And if a circumstance has arisen that
necessitates the transfer of the inheritance, the notary will decide according
to the general rules, and the inheritance certificate that may have already
been issued will be revoked.
88. § (1) The inheritance certificate certifies the legal title and proportion of the
inheritance, as well as - if known - the composition and value of the
inheritance, and finally the declared burden of inheritance.
(2) The inheritance certificate for foreign use does not certify the composition of
the inheritance or its value, it does not certify the acquisition of the property
belonging to the inheritance as an heir, and it does not entitle the person
designated as heir in the certificate to manage the inheritance.
(3) The inheritance certificate must be issued if the applicant proves that the
person designated by him is the heir or, in the case of multiple heirs, that
there is no dispute between the heirs regarding inheritance-related issues.
(4) If the inheritance is subject to a condition, this must be stated in the
inheritance certificate. If the suspensive condition has already occurred, the
reference to the condition must be omitted.
(5) The issuance of the inheritance certificate must be refused if the interested
parties have not obtained the official confirmation, approval or consent
necessary for the conclusion of the agreement.
(6) An inheritance certificate issued by a notary public or an order refusing to
issue it is subject to appeal. In other respects, the provisions of this
regulation shall be applied in the procedure related to the issuance of the
inheritance certificate.

89. § (1) If this regulation does not contain a different provision or if the non-litigation
nature of the procedure does not indicate otherwise, the rules of the civil
procedure shall be applied accordingly in the probate procedure. The local
court shall mean the city and district court, and the county court shall also
mean the capital court.
(2) The term "residence" included in this decree is defined in Art. 1/1954. (I. 9)
corresponds to the term "permanent apartment" contained in § 18 of the BM
decree, and the term "place of residence" corresponds to the term
"temporary dwelling" contained in § 19 of the said decree.
(3) The provisions of this decree concerning the heir must also be applied
appropriately to the traditional heir, in the absence of a different provision.
90. § A separate law provides for the remuneration of the notary public for the 22/25
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execution of the probate procedure.

92. § If any property belonging to the estate is discovered after the end of the
probate procedure, a supplementary probate procedure is required. The
provisions of this regulation must be applied accordingly to the supplementary
inheritance procedure.
93. § (1) This decree enters into force on the 1st of September 1958, at the same
time the council bodies take over the task of inventorying the estate [ Article
26 (2) of Legislative Decree 5 of 1958 ].
(2) The form regularized for the purpose of the estate inventory and used when
this decree entered into force must be used - if necessary, with the addition
of the appropriate columns - until further notice.
A jogszabály 1958. július 4-én jelent meg a Magyar Közlöny 59. számában.
hatályba lépett 1958. szeptember 1-jén.
A jogszabály hatályát vesztette 2011. január 1-jén.

A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés
1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1960.
május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992.
február 6-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-
án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1982. január 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett
hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1982. január 1-jén lett hatályon
kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1963. március 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1963. március 17-én lépett
hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1963. március 17-én lett hatályon kívül
helyezve. 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.
1963. március 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés
1987. április 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1987. április 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1987. április 1-jén lett
hatályon kívül helyezve. 1987. április 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1987. április 1-jén lett hatályon kívül
helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.
1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1992. február 6-án
lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lépett
hatályba. 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba. 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba. 2003. március 29-én lett hatályon
kívül helyezve. 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1963. március 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A
bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1963. március 17-én lett hatályon kívül
helyezve.A bekezdés 1963. március 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1963. március 17-én lett hatályon kívül
helyezve. 1963. március 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1963. március 17-én lépett hatályba.A
bekezdés 1963. március 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1963. március 17-én lépett hatályba. 1963.
március 17-én lépett hatályba. 1963. március 17-én lépett hatályba. 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül
helyezve. 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1987. április
1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992.
február 6-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-
án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1972. február 3-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1972. február 3-án lett
hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz 1992. február 6-án lépett
hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett
hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett
hatályba.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba.A
bekezdés 1972. február 3-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1984. április 15-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A
bekezdés 2005. november 25-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2005. november 25-én lépett hatályba.A
bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül
helyezve.A bekezdés 1997. november 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1997. november 1-jén lépett
hatályba.A bekezdés 2003. március 29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon
kívül helyezve. 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1992.
február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1992. február 6-án lett
hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba. 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba. 1992.
február 6-án lépett hatályba. 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba. 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba. 1997. november
1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1997. november 1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon
kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül
helyezve.A szakasz 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A
szakasz 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés
1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1997. november 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1997.
november 1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május
1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án
lépett hatályba. 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1992.
február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1992. január 1-jén
lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lett
hatályon kívül helyezve A bekezdés 1978 március 16 án lépett hatályba A bekezdés 1992 január 1 jén lett hatályon 23/25
28/11/2023, 22:23 6/1958. (VII. 4.) IM decree
hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1992. január 1-jén lett hatályon
kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1979. július 1-jén lett hatályon kívül
helyezve.A bekezdés 1979. július 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1979. július 1-jén lett hatályon kívül
helyezve.A bekezdés 1979. július 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1979. július 1-jén lett hatályon kívül
helyezve.A szakasz 1992. január 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon
kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1963. március 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1963. március 17-én lett hatályon kívül
helyezve. 1963. március 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1963. március 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1963.
március 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1975.
szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1975.
szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1963.
március 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz
1987. április 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1987. április 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1987. április 1-jén lett
hatályon kívül helyezve. 1987. április 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1987. április 1-jén lett hatályon kívül
helyezve.A szakasz 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.
1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1992. február 6-án
lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz 1995. május 1-jén lépett
hatályba. 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba. 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba. 2003. március 29-én lett hatályon
kívül helyezve. 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A
szakasz 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés
1987. április 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés
1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995.
május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1997. november
1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1997. november 1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1997. november 1-
jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember
17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember
17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett
hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án
lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én
lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1984. április 15-én lett
hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lett
hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett
hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1984. április 15-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett
hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén
lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül
helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül
helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lett hatályon kívül
helyezve.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1984. április 15-én lett hatályon kívül
helyezve.A bekezdés 1984. április 15-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1968. január 1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés
1978. március 16-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995.
május 1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975.
szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1968.
január 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1968. január 1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember
17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1975. szeptember
17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1975. szeptember 17-én lett
hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett
hatályba. 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba. 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1978.
március 16-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1988. június 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés
1989. július 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975.
szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1978.
március 16-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975.
szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975.
szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975.
szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz 1975.
szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A
bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A
bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A
bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés
1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A
bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés
2003. március 29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2003. március 29-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1984.
április 15-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1984. április 15-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember
17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május
1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember
17-én lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1972. február 3-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz 1972. február 3-án lépett
hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon
kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1987. szeptember 1-jén lett hatályon kívül
helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon
kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba. 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba. 1975.
szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba. 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba. 1987. április 1-jén lett hatályon kívül
helyezve. 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975.
b é l h ál kí l h l b k dé á é l h ál kí l h l 24/25
28/11/2023, 22:23 6/1958. (VII. 4.) IM decree
szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2003. március 29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A
bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A

bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A
bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1984. április 15-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A
bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A
bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés
1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1978. március 16-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz 1978.
március 16-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február
6-án lépett hatályba.A szövegrész 1978. március 16-án lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1978. március 16-án lépett
hatályba.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett hatályba.A
bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1978. március 16-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1978.
március 16-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án
lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1978. március 16-án lépett hatályba.A
bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1978.
március 16-án lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1978. március 16-án lépett
hatályba.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba.A
szövegrész 1984. április 15-én lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1984. április 15-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1984. április
15-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1984. április 15-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lett hatályon
kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február 6-án lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1984. április 15-én lépett hatályba.A
bekezdés 1984. április 15-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1984. április 15-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1984. április
15-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1984. április 15-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1984. április 15-én lépett hatályba.A
szakasz 1984. április 15-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 2003. március 29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés
2003. március 29-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 2003. március 29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2007.
március 11-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2007. március 11-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 2003. március
29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2003. március 29-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 2003. március 29-én
lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2003. március 29-én lépett hatályba.A szakasz 2003. március 29-én lett
hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2003. március 29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2003. március 29-én
lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2003. március 29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2003. március
29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz 2008. április 30-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz 2008. április
30-án lépett hatályba.A szakasz 2003. március 29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-
én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1984. április 15-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1992. február
6-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2003. március 29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2003.
március 29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz 2003. március 29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés
2003. március 29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2003. március 29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A
szakasz 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz 2003. március 29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A
szakasz 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül
helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett
hatályon kívül helyezve. 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon
kívül helyezve. 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon
kívül helyezve.A szakasz 2003. március 29-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A szövegrész 1975. szeptember 17-én
lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz 1975. szeptember 17-én
lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1987. április 1-jén lett hatályon kívül
helyezve. 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve. 1995. május
1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba. 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba.
1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba. 1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett
hatályba.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett
hatályba.A szakasz 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett
hatályba.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett
hatályba.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett
hatályba.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett
hatályba.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett
hatályba.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 1978. március 16-án lépett
hatályba.A bekezdés 2003. július 3-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2003. július 3-án lépett hatályba.A
szövegrész 1975. szeptember 17-én lépett hatályba.A bekezdés 1984. április 15-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A
bekezdés 1984. április 15-én lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1995. május 1-jén lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A szakasz
1995. május 1-jén lépett hatályba.A szakasz 1975. szeptember 17-én lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2008.
május 16-án lett hatályon kívül helyezve.A bekezdés 2008. május 16-án lépett hatályba. 25/25

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