IV DV Worksheet 2

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Of 100 individuals with moderate depression, 50 receive 8 weeks of a new cognitive-

behavioral therapy, while the other 50 are placed on a waiting list for 8 weeks. At the end of
the 8 weeks all 100 are given psychological tests to assess their level of depression.
2. An industrial psychologist is interested in whether lowering the temperature in a packing
room will increase productivity (number of products packed). Workers in two equivalent
packing rooms participate in the study. One room is maintained at 65 degrees, the other
room is left at the usual company temperature of 76 degrees.
3. Developmental psychologists want to know if exposing children to public television
improves their reading skills.
4. A clinical psychologist wants to know whether people who have had psychotherapy are
more or less likely to have problems in the future.
5. A study was conducted on sleep deprivation and cognitive performance on a problem-
solving test. One group of subjects was deprived of 1 hour of sleep, the other group of
subjects was deprived of 4 hours of sleep. Then they were given the problem solving test.
6. Workers at a company were assigned to one of two conditions: One group completed a
stress management training program; another group of workers did not participate in the
training. The number of sick days taken by these workers was examined for the two
subsequent months.
7. Students at a University were split into two groups and each received a different text for a
philosophy course. Once group received a traditional text book, while the other received an
interactive textbook on a tablet computer. After the course, the final exam marks between
the two groups of students was compared.
8. A social psychologist is interested in whether people will enjoy a video game more if they are
paid for playing it.
9. A researcher is assessing the relationship between income level and lifestyle.
10. You are observing the level of social aggression in response to various media violence.
11. You are analyzing the impact of new packaging on the sales volume of the product.
12. You are examining consumer perception in response to the change in price of the product.
13. You want to determine the effect of exposure to classical music on the test scores on math.
14. You run an experiment to learn how playing video games impacts a teenager’s memory as
well as their mood.

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